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Message Board > General Chitchat > Fairway Market on Quadra street |
_Griphin_ User Info... | Opened today. Now I don't have to travel 20 minutes to get my groceries, I just walk across the street. TOO COOL!!! - Fri, 17 Nov 2006 4:21pm | ||
Name / Alias User Info... | Yeah, just avoid their meat, produce, dairy, deli & bakery products & you should be just fine. - Fri, 17 Nov 2006 6:09pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | Wow, you serious? I mean Sammy's was bad for their meat. I bought chicken at Fairways just now, looks fine to me. - Fri, 17 Nov 2006 7:14pm Edited: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 7:15pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Ya that's cuz they just opened. Give it a week or two, or wait for the rats to move in. - Fri, 17 Nov 2006 9:20pm | ||
Swingin' Joe User Info... | Haha, that too...And their D grade vegetables...Rad - Fri, 17 Nov 2006 9:44pm | ||
alcoholly User Info... | I believe those are called "seconds" - Sat, 18 Nov 2006 9:07am | ||
endelos User Info... | I dropped by there last night just out of curiousity. It's a dump, which is more than suitable for that neighbourhood. - Sat, 18 Nov 2006 1:37pm | ||
420 User Info... | Love it. better than that sammys grocery store. what does 'that neighborhood' imply... it's not oakbay ave thats for dam sure. - Sat, 18 Nov 2006 4:38pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | Actually, I wouldn't call it a dump, but it sure beats The Brick being there. As far as their meats go, as long as their chicken is OK, I'm happy. I don't purchase meats that much, and I doubt there frozen vegetables go bad. You people are too over critical, that Fairways looks a lot better then the one in Town and Country, and it's a lot better then Safeway. - Sat, 18 Nov 2006 8:25pm | ||
Mullet Merkin User Info... | If you call not buying their red meat because allegedly, they re-dye it red after it turns grey & not buying their chicken because they allegedly, douse it in vinegar after it reaches the expiry date "too over critical", than guilty as charged!!! These are some of the many stories I've heard from friends that were former employees. So let me know if I can pass you a bucket, or the number for 911, after you get severe food poisoning. Enjoy the salmonella!!! - Sun, 19 Nov 2006 1:00am Edited: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 1:01am | ||
Begbie User Info... | "If you call not buying their red meat because allegedly, they re-dye it red after it turns grey & not buying their chicken because they allegedly, douse it in vinegar after it reaches the expiry date "too over critical", than guilty as charged!!! These are some of the many stories I've heard from friends that were former employees." Wouldn't the chicken smell like vinegar if it was douse? Greying meat stinks and there is no way red dye can cover up rancid meat smell. Their meat may be sub-par but their produce is superior than Safeway or SOF. If you see non-white people buy the produce then it is a good sign because they like their produce fresh rather than canned or frozen. - Sun, 19 Nov 2006 1:18am | ||
Spinvis User Info... | So many complainers! Its a good thing Fairway opened up there, its about time there is a decent grocery store in that neighborhood!! I'm not too fond of Fairway myself, but at least there's something for those people to shop at instead of that small store by the Roxy or driving elsewhere. Let them enjoy their Fairways. Red die on the meat, haha what a story that is. - Sun, 19 Nov 2006 10:15am | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | "If you call not buying their red meat because allegedly, they re-dye it red after it turns grey & not buying their chicken because they allegedly, douse it in vinegar after it reaches the expiry date "too over critical", than guilty as charged!!! These are some of the many stories I've heard from friends that were former employees." That's rather funny, I kinda have to agree with Begbie though. If I buy product and it smells, it gets returned. Working in numerous kitchens kinda teaches you what's good and what's bad or rotten. You honestly don't think they'll pull that again do you? - Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:05pm | ||
J. Rab User Info... | What a load of ridiculous nonsense. - Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:26pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | I just had there chicken, that was some tasty fowl!!! - Sun, 19 Nov 2006 5:41pm | ||
mark User Info... | Here's a sampling of what they've actually been caught on: mostly labeling errors. But, those horror stories above shouldn't be completely discredited; i too have heard all of them from ex-employees. I've also heard of a maggot outbreak in the meat storage at the Canwest mall location. Other than that i've heard that the Chinese employees (usually managerial types) can be racist and sexist; but you can't get mad at the Chinese, they're just so cute and cuddly. Personally, I would far rather continue walking to the market on Yates than go there. - Sun, 19 Nov 2006 8:21pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Well as an ex-employee I know of which I speak. I worked at the Canwest location as a teenager as a cashier of course. There was (and probably still is) a huge rat problem. Once one of the critters died under the bulk peanut butter bin and it wasn't discovered until the smell was overwhelming. It, of course, was covered in maggots. My biggest problem with them was over the time I passed out while on till. My bitch/cunt manager kept pushing my break farther away and I needed to eat. I'm hypoglycemic. I called her several times to inform her that I was getting too hungry, then I passed out - twice. I stood back up too fast and went down again. They called an ambulance and I was embarassingly wheeled out and taken to the hospital. Upon arrival I was given a sandwich and sent on my way. When I went back to work my manager had started a rumor that I passed out because I was high. I quit after that. - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 2:14am Edited: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 2:16am | ||
Mofo User Info... | I used to work for the one on Shelbourne, never had a problem with any of the management whatsoever. They were awesome. Yes it had some pest problems, however, the same can be said of ANY estabishment that serves food. I don't care how clean it claims to be...where there is food there are pests...period. It has NOTHING to do with the owners happening to be Chinese. (not that anyone indicated that but the suggestion is there). Go into any grocery store and I am quite sure you will find evidence of rats and or other pests...its a given. Some places may be worse than others I agree but to suggest that only Fairways are guilty of this is nothing short of absurd! So go to your over priced, oh so trendy "Market on Yates" where probably the very same rats travel to nightly on their daily rounds of the city. - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 9:31am Edited: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 9:48am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | "I'm hypoglycemic"...................suuuure, whatever you say. - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:33am Edited: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:37am | ||
jackass User Info... | I'm pretty sure that people who pass out from diabetes related problems are in the rapid transport category as specified by St. John's First Aid. That means calling 911 and an ambulance ride. And, in case you are interested, the first aid response for that is to position the subject 3/4 prone (unless they fell and hit their head) and put some sugar gel, or something small and sweet under their tongue or in the downside of the cheek. Oxygen wouldn't hurt either, and a blanket. - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 1:00pm | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | I live in Fernwood and work in the Quadra Village and LOVE the new Fairways! - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 1:45pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Well I wasn't impling that the rat problem was due to the race of the owners. I've worked in many food establishments, and here's what I can honestly say about the store I worked at. THey never once tried to deal with the rat problem. They would just get the poor grocery or produce guys to clean up the dead rat mess and spray disinfectant around to kill the smell. I bet they still run around while the store is open freaking out customers. And yes I am hypoglycemic Trevor...I know I'm also a pothead but back then I never would've considered going to work high - I didn't know how much fun it was yet... THey do need a grocery store in that area though. I used to live in that hood too. Sammies (before expansion) was it, unless I felt like hiking up to Thriftys. There was a fireman in my line up at the time I passed out. While everyone else was freaking out he took control (soo sexily) and elevated my feet while waiting for the amblulance. I did crack my head but I don't think it was that bad. - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 4:17pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | "and put some sugar gel, or something small and sweet under their tongue or in the downside of the cheek" Ahhh ...she said "hypoglycemic" ,not "diabetic" . Which are two different things . You give sugar to a person who is hypoglycaemic , you're looking for trouble. Because their bodies make to much insulin to ratio of glucose in the blood the best thing, and the simplest thing is to control your diet with small meals high in protein and low in sugars and carbohydrates . So even a small bag of nuts or piece of cheese might of helped . I had hypoglycaemia years ago and haven’t eaten sugar of caffeine in 25 years and it went away . Sugar is poison to your body and it will accumulate in your cells causing damage . Getting back to Fairways , The only problem I’ve had with them was at the Tand C store ,it was at check out one time. I used my interact card to put a $220 shop on it and right when the pad says accepted to crashed . So the girl says she has to swipe my card again . I’m like .. How do you know it didn’t go through ? She says she couldn’t . “Well prove to me it didn’t go through , because I’m not shelling out ANOTHER $220 “ They said” bring back your statement when you get it” “ Ok so write me something down on paper so I have proof when I come back ! “ They refused and starting talking to us pretty shabbily , and threatened to bring the manager into this and that we wouldn’t like that . I’m like “ BRING HIM ON !” , he stands there crossed arms and refused to write down something so we could get our money back . We ended up paying again and went through crap to get the charge back . I could only imagine if I was a low income person who had limited funds in the bank account and then couldn’t feed their families for a week because these A-holes . Thrifty’s maybe more expensive, but they sure know how to treat a customer right . I’ve taken numerous things back and have NEVER been questioned or hassled . I won’t say I’ll never step into a Fairways again , but I refuse to shop at the T @ C store . - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 4:29pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | There's something I didn't can actually get rid of hypoglycemia? I'm on metformin (type 2 diabetes meds) for the next 5-6 months (not for my hypo though) and I'm not supossed to drink booze or caffine (been cheating with the earl grey though) while on it. I should use this time to get off the sugar (oh chocolate - I'll miss you) and see if I can get rid of it too. You do drink booze though don't you XY? That doesn't mess with your blood sugar? Booze has never been my friend and single malts are ok to me but everything else makes me crazy and I black out. Fairways does have a GREAT asain food section though. - Mon, 20 Nov 2006 5:51pm Edited: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 5:52pm | ||
jackass User Info... | That's interesting, good point. You don't have to be on insulin to develop hypoglycemia. People with diabetes are just that much more likely to develop hypoglycemia. I think the difference is I consider hypoglycemia to be an emergency situation rather than say, an affliction or condition. But, just for the record so nobody is misled should this happen to them; giving sugar to a hypoglycemic is not asking for trouble. Treatment for both hypo and hyperglycemia emergencies is to give sugar, and usually a fair amount, because it's quick and effective. Since she passed out twice, that's on the more serious side. People who have a "decreased level of consciousness" and are suffering from hypo or hyperglycemia are in need of medical attention, that's why you call the ambulance. It could be pretty serious, that's why I wanted to clarify. However, if you consider hypoglycemia as a condition, rather than an emergency, and are not passing out repeatedly, then yeah, controlling the diet is definitely the way to go. I guess she was leaning more to that definition and wasn't *that* serious because they gave her a sandwich, (maybe could have been nuts and cheese). There's a whole thing about hitting the head too. but about them rats? - Tue, 21 Nov 2006 6:17pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | "So go to your over priced, oh so trendy "Market on Yates" where probably the very same rats travel to nightly on their daily rounds of the city." Ahaha, couldn't agree more. Now the rats can travel to the Market on Millstream in Langford and stopp off for a beer at the Colwood. Lived in town a few blocks from that place, couldn't belive the prices on their stuff. I've been going to SOF for a long time. I am sure it isn't perfect, but the price is good, and the produce/meat has always been of great quality when I've purchased. - Tue, 21 Nov 2006 6:45pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | I Totally agree jackass ,if you're passing out because of a blood sugar drop from Hypoglycaemia, call a ambulance . But , I’m not to sure about giving sugar to a Hyperglycaemia person , being that’s a high blood sugar level ? But you seem to know more then me about this . For me I’d never control my blood level with sugar , because it’s not the sugar level for Hypoglycaemia ,it’s the crash afterwards that will get yea . So if you would of gave her a sugary drink and then sent her on her way , yea …..she’d be ok for a little while, but soon would crash again even worse . And a person with Hyperglycaemia , I would think that it wouldn’t be a great idea to giving them sugar ? But I’m not one, so I have no idea ? And if you understand that a Diabetic needs insulin to process the sugar in their blood , because they make low levels of natural insulin . Then you know that a hypoglycaemic person makes to much insulin and needs the proteins to counter act the high sugar levels . The times I’ve had to use sugar to get out of a fix , I’ve had a hella time getting my blood levels back . But that’s me and I'm sure not trying to come across as argumentative . And dumpster mesh, There’s no prob. with alcohol and Hypoglycaemia or Diabetes, as long as it’s a VERY low in sugar/carbohydrate booze . As long as the sugars been converted to alcohol it doesn’t effect your blood level . Juice or sugar pop are a no no, but a good extra dry wine or a fully converted spirit with diet are ok . BUT , you have to properly eat whilst you are drinking and then you’re cool . - Tue, 21 Nov 2006 8:20pm Edited: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 8:27pm | ||
jackass User Info... | I guess the thing about hyperglycemic is that you're not doing them any more harm by giving them some sugar because this is something that usually takes days to develop. A small amount will make an immediate improvement in a hypoglycemic, but will have no effect on the hyper. Just took my level 2 occupational first aid ticket, eh. All of a sudden this shit means more to me than it ever did. - Tue, 21 Nov 2006 9:59pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | Way awesome man to your level 2 bro ! I didn't know that about Hypergly ? Hmmm ? ;) - Tue, 21 Nov 2006 10:11pm | ||
Platoon User Info... | This website is so hilarious that an argument can start out over a grocery store's products. hahaha. What would I do without this place? - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 2:37am | ||
Name / Alias User Info... | So we all agree that Fairway Market causes Hypo & or Hyperglycema? Sounds like one more reason to not shop there. - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 7:21am | ||
jackass User Info... | the bottom line is Cory and Trevor fucked up...again. - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 9:12am | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | (tap tap) Smokes... smokes!!! - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:04pm Edited: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:04pm | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | Fairways sells their chinese food for half price after 7PM... which, OK, I know, chinese food sitting under hot lamps all day sold at rock bottom prices can't be like... ALL GOOD, but the price is right! - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:08pm | ||
Hang the DJ User Info... | My mom stopped shopping at Fairways because the service was terrible. The cashiers were complete idiots. There would always be issues with the whole "next person in line" deal, you know, where the cashier calls on the last person in a long lineup to come to the open till... Whenever that happened and my mom was the next person, she would be like "hey, I was next" but the cashier would just ignore her and start ringing in the other customer's groceries.... That happened wayyy too many times there so she just stopped going. This is the Oak Bay Ave Fairways so maybe that's the only one with bad service, I dunno. - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 1:20pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | I bet the service is terrible because the employees HATE their jobs. And yes Fairways causes hypoglycemia - bastards. I find that protein is the best defense against a drop in blood sugar (usually caused by eating too much sugar and crashing) but isn't as satisfying as sweet, sweet candy. - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 2:10pm | ||
XY-HYPER User Info... | You naughty naughty girl !! Don't make me come visit you with a BIG spanking paddle and a diet plan ... errm..?! I mean porn !! Hehe!! You have to eat right and cut out the sugars and carbohydrates, their going to age and kill you just like Fairways did !! Hehe! Oh speaking of naughty girlz , Brenda reminded me about another story about us buying margarine on sale once at Gorge Rd . When we got it home we found out it had gone bad , also discovering that it’s date had expired . Long story short . They wouldn’t take it back because it was being sold on sale . We say “how the F@*K can you sell expired goods that are rotting ? They say “ It was on sale , you should of known !” Meh ! They gave us a New one and we got to pay the difference , nice ……… I’ve also seen them do this with Sandwich meat … beware Fairways and check the dates ! - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 5:48pm Edited: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 5:51pm | ||
Name / Alias User Info... | What is the price that moldy pepperoni usually goes for? They charged me full price, right from the deli & I was wondering if I got ripped off or not. - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 6:04pm | ||
Indole Derivative User Info... | I eat the half priced chinese food and sushi, Jeremy. Ive never gotten sick from it, so thats good enough for me to continue buying a $2.50 dinner after work. Yeah ginger beef and rice... you can never go wrong. - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:02pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Lol...I've started checking my non-hydrogenated (trans fats will kill ya) margerine in the store. I treat it like eggs now. I don't think you can legally sell expired goods. Almost expired - yes, but afterdate it has to be pulled I beleive. Unfortunately, mold is extra. - Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:58pm | ||
chris....... User Info... | Thriftys for life suckas!!1 - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 2:09am | ||
JDL User Info... | not tryin' to be a dick here, but when you buy groceries you should always check the exp. date. ESPECIALLY on sale items from any store. Not just fairways. Slag fairways all you want, they still make millions off of other people. Personally, i've never had a problem there with anything. But like anywhere, there's bound to be a problem or 2. Tho, i have bought bad meat from both safeway and thrifty's. So it really goes to show that no body is perfect. As for the service, would you really hold that job with passion and flare? (id probly want to strangle half the people there if they complain as much as some people) - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 2:25pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | It appears to me that all your complaints about food poisoning stem from the fact that you all are meat eaters. Think about it. Meat is gross. Lifestyle Market rules all Victoria grocery stores! - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 4:05pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Hehehe...I used to work there too. I really do get around, don't I? - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 4:09pm | ||
Endeløs User Info... | Opinionated veggie homo. Meat is delicious. Spinach kills. Think about it. - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 4:27pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | "Opinionated veggie homo" You sound like a homophobic, hyper-agressive, miserable s.o.b. Maybe you eat to much meat? Maybe you got mad cow disease, maybe you are a mad cow? To much protien consumption causes acidic blood, which causes cancer, which is killing people on an epidemic level. THINK ABOUT IT! ...and say hello to my pet monkey. Hehe. - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 4:44pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | Hey J it's against the law to sell expired food products . Not to mention the disregard for your customers safety for trying to flog it off on sale . You go back to thrifty’s with something that’s gone bad and they give you back double your money up to $30 . There’s the difference between a good store and a bad store. Hey CoryTrever… it was margarine not meat . So go munch a granola burger ! ; ) - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 4:45pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Tough talk. How many of you proud carnivours have ever killed your own "meat"? - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 4:49pm | ||
Sedlec User Info... | Aha, and I'm sure you grow your own grains and vegetables and all the veggie food you can eat? Doesn't sound like it since you already said what markets you go to. now go cook me a steak! - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 4:57pm Edited: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 4:58pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | You miss-understand what I meant. If you had ever killed anything you might have a deeper understanding and respect for life. Would/could you kill a dog? btw- I don't grow my own food, unfortunatly I don't have the time. One day I will. I have killed before, and I don't like it, and hope I never have to do it again. - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 5:04pm Edited: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 5:13pm | ||
Endeløs User Info... | Homophobic? I phobe no homo. Hyper-agressive and miserable? Very true, however. No doubt a behavioral side effect of my eating of animal flesh. I was a total leftist, bike riding, emo listening TV killing pacifist before I started eating meat. Sedlec makes agood point. Where's your tofu come from?, trev? Curd those beans yourself?!? - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 5:20pm | ||
XY-GUY User Info... | Once ....I killed a man just to watch him FRY !! MMM MMmmm And yes I've killed my own food , skinned it , gutted it , chopped it up and cooked it up . It's called the circle of life ... and if ..I..just happen to be at the top ? So be it ,say it the lord ! :p - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 5:26pm | ||
JDL User Info... | "Hey J it's against the law to sell expired food products . Not to mention the disregard for your customers safety for trying to flog it off on sale ." - /doesn't mean you shouldn't still check the tags... you have too much faith put in the hands of teenage angst employee's that really dislike their job. and for the veggie-person... i dont have any complaints about meat i eat. And yes, i have "killed" or simply put hunted my meat. And i dont feel any different. And no i wouldn't kill a fucking dog, that's just sick... why? because i have morals and besides dogs dont have much meat on them. Live with it, there's people that like things you might not :P - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 5:26pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | You guys never let me down. I think I just trolled you. Now fuck off, I gotta go get myself a bucket o kfc - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 5:34pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | Yea you got us good KILLER !! lol ! - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 5:40pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | "Killer" I like it. JDL, there are many culters in this world that eat dog meat, especially the prized delicasy of tender puppy meat.Live with it, there's people that like things you might not Satan, It takes one to know one, ha! - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 5:50pm Edited: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 5:56pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | I've eaten dog .... When I was in Rarotonga , the native dudes pulled a prank on me and told me it was beef . It was not really like beef and tough . I knew they ate dogs there and believe it or not they ran free like scavangers . I asked who owns the dogs ? and they just laughed . But I get them back .. I smoked some Victoria oil with them and they couldn't talk kept falling down ! - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 6:04pm Edited: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 6:05pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | "there are many culters in this world".....ummmm, I meant cultures, but I bet there are many culters that eat live human entrails. I fricken can't stand tofu. - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 6:36pm Edited: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 8:00pm | ||
Begbie User Info... | "It appears to me that all your complaints about food poisoning stem from the fact that you all are meat eaters. Think about it. Meat is gross." What about the deaths from spinach and other food poisoning casses (ie. Cantaloupe)? Fresh meat is edible but rotten meat makes you sick. Fresh vegetable is edible and rotten vegetable makes you sick. "To much protien consumption causes acidic blood, which causes cancer, which is killing people on an epidemic level. THINK ABOUT IT!" Please provide reference to this fact and how come the Inuits who consume over 90% meat have survived over 10 000 years. Now the have major health problems because they have switched from their traditional diet to a modern diet. There are cases of vegetarians diagnosed with colon cancer because they carry the cancer causing gene. Food is not the sole determinant of cancer. An omnivore who eats a balance diet, exercise regularly and drinks moderately will outlive a crack smoking, sugar eating, couch potatoe vegan. - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 8:11pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 8:29pm Edited: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 8:47pm | ||
Sedlec User Info... | Great thread haha. I'd like to know more about Trevor Corey's balanced diet. - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 9:47pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | A trevor corey diet consists of a healthy balance of single malt and scissor hash. - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 9:57pm | ||
begbie User Info... | " " Still it list other determinants and not just protein consumption for the cause high blood acidity. Plus, how many people eat nothing but steaks everyday. Now that would be gross unless it's fish - I can eat sushi everyday until I grow grills. - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 10:07pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | How many people die everyday? - Thu, 23 Nov 2006 10:10pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | - "I can eat sushi everyday until I grow grills." .... careful, Endylos might call you a homo. - Fri, 24 Nov 2006 3:41pm | ||
Endeløs User Info... | I usually avoid trolls, but be it known... Eating sushi does not make you a homo! I in fact support the eating of sushi, as it is not only delicious, but a living creature had to be destroyed for my dining pleasure. Thanks for the suggestion, homo! - Fri, 24 Nov 2006 4:52pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | Feed me, feed me! - Fri, 24 Nov 2006 7:05pm | ||
Mace User Info... | "Market on Yates is cher expensif!" Au Contraire.. That the decaying percentage of those who interests were combined to explain- the co-existing blood problem of Dumpstermesh's-'Hypoglicemia'- So- Simply now, I understand her anger and 'black-out affect' combining her co-existing threatening nature to behave the way she states. 90% of 'Hypoglicemic Patients' have a tendancing at showing anger on a spontaneous reactionary level, while becoming hungry and communicating on the internet- with Macen. The other 10% are reinventing themselves as homo-erotic vegans. - Sun, 26 Nov 2006 1:13pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | "threatening nature" - oh slay me. It is true that I get angry/upset when my blood sugar drops. What's your excuse for the most poorly written post ever? - Sun, 26 Nov 2006 1:32pm | ||
Mace User Info... | prolly, cuz I mis-spelled 'Hypoglycemia', plus most of the documented knowledge about your 'health and welfare' was plagiarized? Sorry, 'bout my 'Type-0-glycemia', I guess at least you know plagiarism or not, that people care about you... - Sun, 26 Nov 2006 3:54pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Even if you want to have them beaten up... - Sun, 26 Nov 2006 3:55pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | I was actually referring to your broken english ... "have a tendancing at showing anger on a spontaneous reactionary level, while becoming hungry and communicating on the internet-" typos are forgivable sometimes... I'm beginning to think you have a crush on me. - Mon, 27 Nov 2006 1:02am | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | Fairway Market comes in DAMN handy on days like this. - Mon, 27 Nov 2006 2:29pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | usually i don't bother with this message board but FUCK, don't go using that ecoli spinach against vegetarianism, because IT IS THE FAULT OF FEEDLOT FARMING THAT CAUSED THE ECOLI. the bacteria originated from irrigation water contaminated with cattle feces... you see, usually your stomach bacteria can kill ecoli you eat, but the recent strain evolved in a grain-fed acidic factory farm cow stomach. the FDA (heavily backed by the meat/dairy industry) used the spinach example, when people die from ecoli from meat all the time, to blame organic farming. the FDA is evil. so there, say you're sorry, factory farm meat eaters. and yes, i or someone locally grow almost all my own food, jerks. - Wed, 29 Nov 2006 3:59pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | ^^ Meh ! - Wed, 29 Nov 2006 8:21pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | Haha! Nice to get some backup. - Wed, 29 Nov 2006 8:28pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | I know it's close to Christmas , but .. hey mon, There's just WAAAAaaaAAYY to much fruit cake on here ! I marvel at how these forums survives with all the trols, weirdo’s and A-holes ?! Hehe! ( ..and yea … I’m in the A-holes group.. so suck my dick ) - Wed, 29 Nov 2006 9:12pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | SATAN says: "WAAAAaaaAAYY to much fruit cake!" I thought you were a steak man. ..............careful, Endylos might call you a homo. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 1:20am Edited: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 2:09am | ||
DR.V User Info... | I've been a vegetarian for almost 20 years and i've found that my farts don't stink, as much as you carnivores may like to stew in your own juices, I can crack one in an elevator without anyone the wiser. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 6:23am | ||
MURDALIZER User Info... | Really? even after ingesting copious ammounts of broccoli, or mushrooms? - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 8:52am | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Humans are omnivores, not carnivores. And DR.V is no different than anyone else. Nobodies 'shit stinks' as bad as someone elses. Lets not forget flatulence passes through the same system as feces, so yes it's going to stink regardless of how fruitily fragrant one considers their own natural processes. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 9:05am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | 75,000 head pig farms(owned by Taiwanese multi national corps) do funky things to air/water quality. Not to mention property values and cruelty issues. All so you can have cheap bacon. If you hunt it,thats differant, the rest of you should think about where your Happy Meals come from. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 2:30pm Edited: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 2:34pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Let us not forget the organic/free range options. I'm not going to get into the to be a vegetarian or not to be arguement. I was Veggie for years and Vegan for 1 of those years. I was not at my healthiest. Turns out that I don't absorb protein from beans. So for Trevor and all the other other healthy veg-heads; congrats!! But I fully agree that the mass production of animal protien has had a horrible effect. I kinda stopped shopping organically (when I was broke) but now I think I'll go back. The more who buy organic the cheaper it will get. Prices have already started to drop for many fruits/veggies. LOL - My gas was absolutely deadly when I was a vegetarian, but like I said I don't absorb bean protein. Those who could back me up on that are all on respirators now. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 3:11pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | yeah...and millions and millions of vegetarians who drive automobiles do FUNKIER things to the air/water quality. Whats you f'in point? It's great that people have found alternatives to meat, I just personally happen to like the taste of a nice juicy steak. Humans have sharp teeth and a brain (however useful or useless as the case may be) for a reason... Does a predator in the wild contemplate if its cruel that he sink his teeth into Bambi when his stomach growls? Fuck no! - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 3:15pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | WOO! Veggy hotdogs rock! - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 3:26pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | MOFO says; "Does a predator in the wild contemplate if its cruel that he sink his teeth into Bambi when his stomach growls?" A predator in the wild doesnt keep Bambi locked up with no sunlight, no proper nutrition, wallowing in feces, and a constant supply of anti-biotics because these conditions are sooooo unhealthy. .........and yes, veggie hotdogs rock, meat hotdogs give T.C. nightmares. MOFO says; "It's great that people have found alternatives to meat, I just personally happen to like the taste of a nice juicy steak." Animal fat is physically addictive to humans. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 4:14pm Edited: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 4:17pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 4:56pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | ^^^^^ Ah .. no thank you KILLA!! I think I'll pass on that ! :p But Yeah Dumpster , I can not absorb it also , I need a good source of protein to keep my body running good , with a proper diet of all vegetables and grains ( Fuk, I sound like a after school special! ) . But I’ve done it for many years now , don’t even care about sugars and shit …. I do like my beer though , but that’s a cross I’ll have to bare !! Hehe!! Or just smoke the bud I say ! I will say if Armageddon happens , I’d need the protein ..sooo you all’s be on my dinner plate ! Sleep light ! - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 7:01pm Edited: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 7:02pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | heehee I just had a fun idea Lance. Lets both eat some garlicy humous at a show and see how fast we can clear a room. Since I can't drink booze this seems like a fun alternative. I bet mine is worse than yours.... - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 8:01pm | ||
KILLER User Info... | waaaaay 2 much g info! Why is it, I wonder, why is it that everyone enjoys the aromatic scent of their own flatulence(admit it, you know you do), and yet absolutly no one, and I mean NO ONE, enjoys the scent of another's flatch. - Thu, 30 Nov 2006 9:29pm Edited: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 5:26pm | ||
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