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Most Over Rated Bands.
Message Board > General Chitchat > Most Over Rated Bands.
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Swingin' Joe
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O.K. so in your opinion who is the most over rated band, local or just in general. Mine is Incubus, fuck do I ever hate the Incubus. - Wed, 8 Nov 2006 6:02pm
Nik Olaz
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Coldplay. Mastodon. Children of Bodom. Dragonforce. Dimmu Borgir. Deicide. Alice in Chains. Necrophagist. Arch Enemy. Motley Crue. - Wed, 8 Nov 2006 6:34pm Edited: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 6:37pm
trevor corey
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Our Lady Peace.
I'll never get over the love afair Canadin industry had with these guys while at the same time the Smalls were selling thousands of c.d.s across Canada with zero radio play. - Wed, 8 Nov 2006 6:41pm
Hang the DJ
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I'm sorry Kurt! Forgive me! - Wed, 8 Nov 2006 6:43pm
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PANTERA - Wed, 8 Nov 2006 7:02pm
Hang the DJ
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R.I.P Dimebag :(

Ohhh yeah I'm gonna add Pearl Jam to the list.. - Wed, 8 Nov 2006 7:21pm Edited: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 7:21pm
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Hasn't this thread come up before? (I still have to vote for Opeth) - Wed, 8 Nov 2006 9:18pm
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bahhhh *shakes head in disguist*
good beats HORRIBLE HORRIBLE lyrics...

though agreed with the our lady peace... - Wed, 8 Nov 2006 10:26pm
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the killers
red hot chile pepper
billy talent
our lady peace
my chemical romance
foo fighters
sum 41
3 days grace

All over-rated, all complete shit. If you disagree with me, you're gay.

This list is also known as "91.3 The Zone's play list". - Wed, 8 Nov 2006 10:42pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Nik: Necrophagist? Really? I guess the guitar can get what I like to call "Draculabra" sometimes, but still.....

/yes, thank-you, Jeff - Pantera in the biggest fucking way.

/SHITLOADS more to come - I'm out the door. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 7:55am Edited: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 7:56am
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The Killers
Nirvana (I do like some of them but they are WAY overrated) - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 9:18am
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The Arcade Fire
Death Cab
The Beatles
My Chemical Romance
The Used
Led Zeppelin
sex pistols
Sigur Ros

haha, this is bound to offend someone. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 12:19pm Edited: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 12:19pm
Nik Olaz
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I just can't stand the "pro-tools" sound of that band. Kinda draws all the life out of any instrument being played. Not trying to be KVLT but christ there's a difference between decent recording and Britney Spears level digital mixing.

Also Sleep Terror is pretty much the same. Perhaps if that Luke guy actually got a social life, he'd never be able to play arpeggios like he could. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 3:30pm Edited: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 3:31pm
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Actually Tyler, you are 94% right. Every band you listed is overrated, except Metric. NOTHING bad can EVER be said about the HUGE talent and STARTLING ability of that GODLIKE band. If I got to listen to monster hospital all day every day, why I would be soooo happy I would just shit my pants and sit in it, LOVING the Metric. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 4:59pm
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I agree. Tyler's list was almost right.. but Metric?
I think Tyler hit the nail on the head with them.

I think the Arcade Fire and Led Zeppelin should be moved from the list. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 5:04pm
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Just zeplin should be removed

>k - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 6:24pm
Hang the DJ
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Anyone mention Green Day? *shudder* - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 7:03pm
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If you think The Beatles are overrated you and I can't even talk about music.

Next. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 7:10pm
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U2U2U2U2U2U2U2U2U2 - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 7:52pm
Nik Olaz
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You can still like bands and consider them overrated. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 8:43pm
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^^^Agreed. I love Pantera, but to consider them anything other than LimpBiz for the 90's is wrong.

Soz Duncan, sarcasm is so hard to type. I hate Metric, so much. so so much. I hate them worse than Nickelback. I hate them almost as much as I hate Bif Naked. God I hate Bif. Who the hell gave her a career? Fucking idiots, thats who. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 9:47pm
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It pleases me to see all of this distain towards the awful band METRIC. Why the Zone has decided to make them their little protege band is beyond me... - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 10:20pm
Peter Gardner
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Arcade Fire x 10.

Ugh. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 10:35pm
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I like a couple of the bands in my own list, yet still consider them very overrated. I'm sorry you disagree with me, Rawb. I do believe the Beatles put out some solid material and deserve to be considered an inspiration for following genre branches. But they've been elevated to this godlike status, that's something I don't think they deserve.

That's the point of a large portion of things on my list. Bands that end up getting considered gods of a genre, or something like that.

Then again, there are some I intentionally excluded, even though I could just as easily have thrown them on. Bright Eyes? Huge fan following, way bigger than you'd expect. But I like how personally Conor crafts his recordings and puts them out on his own label, it's a good example. Jimi Hendrix? The guy was great, I can't say he is overrated despite his own following. Nine Inch Nails? I love the majority of the releases. - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 11:14pm
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I think every band mentioned on this thread so far is over rated at the least - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 11:59pm
Jaron Evil
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The White Stripes - (most talentless band ever)
System Of A Down - (most annoying band ever)
Arch Enemy
Rolling Stones
Green Day
Marilyn Manson
Blink 182
Cradle Of Filth
Dimmu Borgir
Phoenix Mourning
Protest The Hero - Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:58am Edited: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:59am
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ALL NYDM and most modern "troo kvlt" black metal

fuck off nowadays everything - Fri, 10 Nov 2006 1:19am Edited: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 1:20am
trevor corey
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Nick Lachey's sister-in-law, whatthefuck was her name, you know, the one that got busted lip synching on SNL. - Fri, 10 Nov 2006 2:19am
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Nirvana - Fri, 10 Nov 2006 8:46am
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"The White Stripes - (most talentless band ever)" ??

uhh. Just because most of their music is very simple does not mean they lack talent. Find any recording of jack white doing blues songs?

Whether you like them or not, they have talent. - Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:11am
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I think its safe to say that any band that attains any amount of acclaim can be considered as being over-rated.
I mean shit, some of them are making millions all in the name of rock n' roll, or punk, or whatever it be.

Keep in mind that its the media, or record companies that make these people larger than life, it goes without saying.
Its the bands like the Killers that chap my ass, it goes right to their heads and they start sueing anyone and everyone for sounding even remotely like them as if they had the market on music cornered.
Not all bands that are over-rated let it go to they're heads. - Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:26am
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Mofo is 100% right, didn't know the Killers were sueing people though. Maybe the 60-70s bands they ripped off can sue them then. - Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:51pm Edited: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:51pm
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Yeh they were sueing The Bravery (who actually sound better in my opinion) for gaining success because of The killers, or so they seem to think.... - Fri, 10 Nov 2006 2:05pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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Oh, maybe a certain band with the initials.....HHH?

/no "local anvy" here, that's for shit sure - just plain'ol creeped-out disdain in an EXPONENTIAL fucking way. - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 8:53am Edited: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 8:54am
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Yes - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:45am Edited: Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:48am
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have you HEARD the old hot hot heat with matthew m as the vocalist? that stuff is SO good - Sun, 12 Nov 2006 9:06pm
Ty Stranglehold
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That article had the guy from The Killers bitching about The Bravery and then went on to discuss one of his former bandmates trying to sue him over a Killers' song.

I don't think it says that The Killers are sueing The Bravery... Wow I think that might the most I've ever written about two bands I could care less about. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 2:23am
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Behemoth is one. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 3:22am
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local locals bands are over rated...:) - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 2:21pm
trevor corey
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Even Nelly? - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 3:03pm
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I'll agree with MoFo, pretty much any band that achieves any success can be considered over rated.

and some of the bands on your lists are not or ever were "well rated " to begin with. No one writes that U2 is the second coming and their records tend to get luke warm reviews. They are popular... there is a difference. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 3:30pm Edited: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 3:31pm
Swingin' Joe
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"No one writes that U2 is the second coming and their records tend to get luke warm reviews."

Luke warm reviews? Critics put this band so high up on a pedestal, that they basically can get away with anything musically. Five of their records are on The 500 Greatest albums of all time, conducted by none other than Rolling Stone. Not so lukewarm there, I guess.

And also, I do believe, I heard James Sutton on The Zone claim that U2 and Greenday were the "greatest bands on the planet right now." Aha, yeah right. Over rated? Saying a little bit doesn't seem fair. - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 7:28pm Edited: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 7:30pm
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Mastodon? I think there nuts........probably one of the best bands out there. And WTF Alice In Chains..Gods....Layne Stayley..Legend, Bigger than Kurt Cobain in my opinion and Nirvana - Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:23pm
Nik Olaz
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Layne Stayley's voice really really annoys me. Plus they just sounded like a dime-a-dozen rock band at the time. But the cover that Richard Cheese does of their one song is pretty awesome.

Mastodon are an "ok" band. I don't really hate them at all. In fact "Remission" is kinda good. But with their newer material they got all this hype, which I just don't understand. There's just nothing that "stands out" to me that would equal them being as amazing as everyone chalks them up to be. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:33am Edited: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:35am
Jeremy Baker
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U2 and at the time it was said, Greenday ARE the biggest bands on the planet.

Please argue that... but it is the truth.

I wasn't aware that U2 had so many on the RS's top 500 (so I got pwned there), but I do know some of the recent albums were ho-hum. Didn't stop them from being massive hits. I blame the fact that they put a good consistant product out for close to 30 years as the reason.

I love Alice in Chains.

I'll agree with Nik, Mastadon is good... but when I read all the hype, I expected better, so maybe that is a good example of an over rated band.

New Decemberists record... I expected that one to blow my mind b/c of all the scenester chatter... it is pleasant, but I don't have playing heavy on my iPod. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:52am Edited: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:59am
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a double initial punk hero. ~hides under coffee table from shit storm of flames~ lol. sorry its just way too trendy around here. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:31pm Edited: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:50pm
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U2 And Greenday are Probably two of the biggest bands of the year but, there fuckin annoying, how many times a day do i have to listen to "the saints are coming"!! same with boulavard of broken dreams. i dookie and always will but the new shit sucks ass...annoying. I cant stand bono either.

thats my say.....they suck - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 1:38pm
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"I expected that one to blow my mind b/c of all the scenester chatter..."

That's your first mistake. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 1:59pm
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It all comes down to taste, if you don't like U2 of course they will seem over-rated. I don't like the shit they did with Green day at all, it REALLY sucks, in which case I find it "over-rated". It just left a shitty taste in my mouth....

Taste is the enemy of art

If you don't like the taste of shit, why would you eat it? - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 3:23pm Edited: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 3:23pm
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I think art is the enemy of creativity.. people who make music to get recognized or to create something that other people will like are missing the point.. in my opinion at least.

just play whatever you want. I think I would be hardpressed to find someone who thinks that GreenDay is making music for any other reason than the capital involved. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 4:03pm
Swingin' Joe
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"U2 and at the time it was said, Greenday ARE the biggest bands on the planet.
Please argue that... but it is the truth."

Haha, to my dismay you maybe right Jeremy Baker....But let's not forget Evanescence....Ugh. Next time I see you at a show, I'll buy you a beer.Werd. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 4:30pm
Hang the DJ
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Ha, Evanescence... forgot about them... thankfully - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 4:33pm
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"I think I would be hardpressed to find someone who thinks that GreenDay is making music for any other reason than the capital involved."

I don't agree at all.
Green Day seem (and have always seemed since the moment I met them at the Big Fernwood in 1990) very genuine.

I think they love the music they make and would do it if no one ever bought another record.

Everyone brings their own bias to other artists' output.
Doesn't mean it's true. Doesn't mean it's false either, but maybe the world is a lot more gray than you think and the people who inhabit it are a lot more complex. - Tue, 14 Nov 2006 5:16pm
Jeremy Baker
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"I expected that one to blow my mind b/c of all the scenester chatter..."

That's your first mistake


Oh, I'd agree with that.. but the chatter is what makes a band "over-rated." and hey, sometimes the chatter swings the other way. People said some nice things about the Hold Steady's new record. I bought it, and I love it! - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 1:30am
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Speaking of overrated/underrated bands, it seems like a good time to mention that I think the Tragically Hip are simultaneously the most overrated and underrated band in Canadian history. The people who like 'em love them beyond all reasonable proportions, and the people who don't hate them far more than deserved.

Lately I'm leaning in favour of them -- In View is a damn good song. - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 1:04pm
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Oh, and the fucking Killers. I've heard half a dozen of their songs, hated every one.

Then they release When We Were Young, and I like it. What the fuck? (Of course, that's partly what I call the Radio effect. When you're stuck at work with the Zone/the Q/Rock 101 for 8 hours, some okay songs start to sound really really good.) - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 1:05pm
You Enjoy Myself
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R.E.M. seem to be ridiculously overrated to me, their music is very meh. - Wed, 15 Nov 2006 6:25pm
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