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Anarchy Is Bologne
Message Board > General Chitchat > Anarchy Is Bologne
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Just thought I'd throw that out there. Seems that half the posts on this site are the same two people who are so preachy it's retarded. - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 12:25pm
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Do you even know what anarchism is?

Handy hip. When it means sausage, it's "bologna", when it means bullshit, it's "baloney". - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 3:07pm
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malarkey....... - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 4:15pm
Nik Olaz
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any form of government (or lack thereof) is bologne when not applied properly. - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 10:56pm Edited: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 10:56pm
Ward Ensemble
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look into Chaos theory... it's all a lot deeper than you might think. - Fri, 21 Jul 2006 11:11pm
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my oppinion, chaos is stupid, I have looked into it, look into anarchist theory specifically anarcho-communism, anarcho-syndicalism, and anarcho-feminism...
happy now, I responded to the post that was targeted at me.
and now a plug...

Tuesday July 25 @ the sunset room
Blood Nasty
$1 off to first 15 people starts 7:45pm
$5 with food donation (preferably vegatarian/vegan) for Food Not Bombs
$6 without

August 8 @ the sunset room
Self Rule
$1 off to first 15 people starts 7:45pm
$4 with foo donation for FNB
$5 without

September anarchist book fair september 8-10 with bands books and workshops
Joey Only
Cap N' Kops
Lee Hammer
and many more yet to come!

Hopefully I pissed off Todd by putting pollotics in to this... - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 12:41am
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Anarchy certainly isn't the problem. Drug-addled Apathy is though. - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 2:43am Edited: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 2:44am
Hang the DJ
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I...... wanna beeeeeee..... anarchy...

I love Sid Vicious, bye - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 3:54pm
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Horse puckey. - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 5:31pm
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Bull plop. - Sat, 22 Jul 2006 6:39pm
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Newfie Steak! - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 1:13pm
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Anarchy is the idiot's choice for those who have tried to expand an a-political belief system into a political ideology. It is one of the most fundamentally flawed philosophies spouted nowadays. I truly believe that the beliefs that trigger such silly notions are so intertwined with the personal biases of their own making or experiences only add a false sense of validity to their ignorance, which is basically the time-bomb of any misconceived ideology. Extremists in any form should be discouraged, especially post-literates with so little knowledge on sociological history that they spout non-sense, chase their own tails and basically preach to either those who don’t care for such nonsense or those just dumb enough to find it’s non-existent merit. No amount of Xeroxing will change this fact. - Mon, 24 Jul 2006 5:00pm
Aidan Logins
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Todd. I'd give you props for having the right idea, except you sound like an asshole by writing intellectually. Therefore, no one will read or understand what you said, making your comment null. ... and Ward Ensemble- since when does Chaos theory have anything to do with anarchy? I have seen people try to apply it to politics, but it never makes sense. Simply because chaos just doesn't exist. In fact, existence itself totally cancels out any possibility of chaos. (don't mistake that for religious bullshit; it's simply real). So- my point is: Anarchy is silly. - Mon, 24 Jul 2006 6:52pm
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"Simply because chaos just doesn't exist. "

Ain't you never heard of entropy? - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 1:08am
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so how many people hear have read anarchist theory?

Lets see a raise of hands...

Thought so...

Basically I still never met some one that will argue against anarchist theory, that has actually taken the time to study it, and to know what the fuck they are talking about before opening their mouths. maybe I could take people seriouse that try and argue against anarchism if they took the time to read instead of just basing all their reasons that anarchy wont work off some thing that a 14 year old kid said to them...
The biggest problem I find with people that argue against anarchism is almost every question they ask in a debate to try and disprove anarchism, has already been answered way back in a fairly accessable short essay written by Emma Goldman. Anarchism-what it reall stands for.
Most arguments can be dismissed because no body takes the time to look into what they are saying and so thus they sound like a fucking moron. I get tired of answering the same questions over and over when they areb both common sense as well as already answered. What emma dose not answer is mostly answered in Kropotkins short book Anarchist Morrallity. Shit if you google the Anarchist FAQ you will probably answer most of your questions right there... How fucking hard is that.
If you are not willing to do the work to know what you are talking about, then shut up... Easy enought philosophy? - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:23pm
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I've read Emma Goldman, I've read essays by dozens of anarchists, socialists, situationists, to fringe ideologies like political dadaism. I know the whole FAQ and the basic questions and beyond. Before you tell me what I know and what I don't know - How about you get yourself a bit of practice reading (and writing - learn basic writing) before you start sounding like a bigger Jackass than you already do. A little bit of analysis and critical thinking wouldn't hurt either.

BTW: Beyond Emma Goldman's standard humanitarian beliefs, when it came to the core of her theories - she was a hack. Plain and simple.

Here's a start for your writing skills:
Basically I still never met some one that will argue against anarchist theory, that has actually taken the time to study it, and to know what the fuck they are talking about before opening their mouths. maybe I could take people seriouse that (who) try and argue against anarchism if they took the time to read instead of just basing all their reasons that anarchy wont work off of some thing that a 14 year old kid said to them... The biggest problem I find with people that argue against anarchism is almost every question they ask in a debate to try and disprove anarchism, has already been answered way back in a fairly accessable short essay written by Emma Goldman. Anarchism-what it really stands for. Most arguments can be dismissed because no(no Space)body takes the time to look into what they are saying and so thus they sound like a fucking moron. I get tired of answering the same questions over and over when they areb both common sense as well as already answered. What emma dose not answer is mostly answered in Kropotkins short book Anarchist Morrallity. Shit, if you google the Anarchist FAQ you will (would - it's tense) probably answer most of your questions right there...

How fucking hard is that. If you are not willing to do the work to know what you are talking about, then shut up... Easy enought philosophy? - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 1:10pm Edited: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 1:23pm
Chris Logan
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I found anarchist "theory" extremely interesting when I was seventeen. - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 2:59pm
tired of lordpatch
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I used to work with an "ANARCHIST" who would always wear a shirt that said KILL THE RICH, so we would ask him if he won the lottery if he would kill himself. Its fine to have your views on life but don`t try and push it on others, all it does is incite and provoke. Lordpatch pissed me off when he posted his anti-Canada day post, he thinks he`s informing people but like a Jehova Witness doesn`t know when to shut the fuck up and get off your property, somebody buy him a lotto ticket - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 3:18pm
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i like how everyone gets so offensive towards each other.....don't debates work a bit better when you dont personaly attack people?...wait...that kind of polite courtesy doesn't exist around here...or anywhere for that matter. Just look at our "leaders" in parliament.

And no that doesn't exclude myself either, i am a prick too. :) - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 3:28pm
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jeez todd, I am soo sorry...
I guess because I type fast and don't use spell check, that every thing I say means nothing. No theory behind, or truth means anything at all because I cunt spell. I guess I will just go kill myself because you don't like me. I am sorryu for wasting your time with origional thought, and oppinion. I hope you correct the spelling on this post to, so every one can understand what I meant to say. Geez no one has ever called me on my spelling before, I guess I was always wrong on every thing I said. - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 4:08pm
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"I am sorryu for wasting your time with origional thought, and oppinion"

Uh, you're opinion is pretty typical actually. Quite a few apathetic and delusional teenagers share the same one. But as you can (or can't - it's your deal) read, your post was countered by my point. Don't get too distracted by the colors. If you believe you are in any way original or innovative in your thoughts, sorry to break the news - you're not. - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 4:16pm Edited: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 4:17pm
Chris Logan
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"Geez no one has ever called me on my spelling before, I guess I was always wrong on every thing I said"

Not necessarily, but the spelling sure doesn't help. - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 4:23pm
build more prisons
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Not having any sort of rebuttal for the ass raping that was served on NNB in this "debate" doesn't help either... - Tue, 25 Jul 2006 9:02pm Edited: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 9:03pm
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what rebutal do you want? I didn't say any one didn't know anything, I said I have yet to meet a person that will argue that anarchy could not work that had taken the time to actually studdy anarchist theory and know what they were talking about. Other than that the only shit said was that I cunt spell (which I admit and has nothing to do with wether my point is correct or not) and that Todd thinks I am unorigonal... - Wed, 26 Jul 2006 1:54pm
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So, ever manage to turn Canada into a Government free anarchist utopia yet champ? Let me know. I'll even sign the petition to get the ball rolling. - Wed, 26 Jul 2006 4:01pm Edited: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 4:01pm
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Im rich - Wed, 26 Jul 2006 4:55pm
Ward Ensemble
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NNB, chaos theory is not political, it's physics; mathematical theoretical physics, like quantum theory or string theory. Its' basic premise is that chaos is more structured and ordered than you think. Every pattern we know is intricatley woven into chaos as a whole, making chaos and order inseparable. Just another perspective of the madness, thats all. - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 1:22am
Nik Olaz
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i like how everyone gets so offensive towards each other.....don't debates work a bit better when you dont personaly attack people?...wait...that kind of polite courtesy doesn't exist around here...or anywhere for that matter. Just look at our "leaders" in parliament.

Welcome to the interweb. Where everyone is can be a jackoff withour reprisal!! - Fri, 28 Jul 2006 12:11pm
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yeah I figured that way after I posted when I was re reading this thread. I origionally thought of shit like chaos punk, then I later realized it was the actual chaos theory that was meant. - Sat, 29 Jul 2006 2:40am
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Aw shit look what boredome does to people... hey Todd in my eyes you ain't much better than those "post-literates with so little knowledge on sociological history" who, in your words are ignorant, biased, and chase their own tails. In fact, it's obvious you set this thread up to draw out some poor idealist so you could slam him with your self-righteous diatribe. That's pretty sad man. In the end it's not who's right or wrong, just who you can make a fool out of, and you sure did pounce on his lack of spelling. Good job. I've seen this guy out and about before, postering and doing his thing, and hey, he's tackling *REAL* issues like homelessness and addiction by trying to get kids off the street (as well as setting an example)... if you don't like perhaps naïve, anarchist idealism, why don't you swallow your cynicism and realpolitick (or whatever) and do something else, if it gets to you that badly why don't you actually BRING SOMETHING TO DISCUSS instead of trying to cut someone down who's passionate about what they do? OK, I'm done. - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 2:03pm
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Actually my idea was not to slam him with my self-righteous diatribe, it was to bring up HIS "self-righteous diatribe". It bothers me that this board is flooded with this lame rhetoric, so I converse on an open messageboard expressing an opinion. I don't care if it's some poor soul in a bad suit coming to my door to give me pamphlets or some run-of-the-mill pseudo punk in their own little uniform trying to do the same thing. I believe that social change lives within the actions and ethics of oneself. I don't push n' preach. It's not my style. I have to wonder why these folks can post countless messages I express a little bit of opinion, and now I'm a bully? Fuck that. I don't have any personal vendetta against anybody on this board. I don't know the noise not bombs kid, nor am I interested in doing so. I think when you have an opinion, it should be expressed. Apparently that is frowned upon around here. Vive La Revolultion you cry babies. - Sat, 12 Aug 2006 9:28pm
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Aryan Anarchist Skins! - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 6:38am Edited: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 6:38am
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That is some of the funniest shit ever. - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 6:52am
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i knew you'd get it - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 7:14am Edited: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 7:14am
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Well, at least they don't allow faggots anymore, eh? That's cool. Bulldykes are apparently good to go though. Think I'll enlist and fight the good fight. Hard to believe that something like this can come from America, geez..... - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 7:22am
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thick braces - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 7:48am
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elbows and knuckles, budweisers and buckles...... - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 7:51am
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Lordpatch, are you going to marry a carrot? - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 3:53pm
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And we are back to typical livevictoria. That was quick. I guess I should go back to making fun of shitty bands. Where are jell & Jay Dunphy when you need them? - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 9:49pm
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Haha! I just read the thread for the first time.
My favorite line:
"Vive La Revolultion you cry babies."

Well said. - Sun, 13 Aug 2006 11:54pm
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