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who's whose friend anymore? Article Details
Article Date 01/15/2003

United Press Int'l | Health News

Israel to kill on U.S., allies'' soil
By RICHARD SALE, UPI Intelligence Correspondent

Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other friendly countries, former Israeli intelligence officials told United Press International.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has forbidden the practice until now, these sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The Israeli statements were confirmed by more than a half dozen U.S. foreign policy and intelligence officials in interviews with UPI.

With the appointment of Meir Dagan, the new director Israel's Mossad secret intelligence service, Sharon is also preparing "a huge budget" increase for the spy agency as part of "a tougher stance in fighting global jihad (or holy war)," one Israeli official said.

Since Sharon became Israeli prime minister, Tel Aviv has mainly limited its practice of targeted killings to the West Bank and Gaza because "no one wanted such operations on their territory," a former Israeli intelligence official said.

Another former Israeli government official said that under Sharon, "diplomatic constraints have prevented the Mossad from carrying out 'preventive operations' (targeted killings) on the soil of friendly countries until now."

He said Sharon is "reversing that policy, even if it risks complications to Israel's bilateral relations."

A former Israeli military intelligence source agreed: "What Sharon wants is a much more extensive and tough approach to global terrorism, and this includes greater operational maneuverability."

Does this mean assassinations on the soil of allies?

"It does," he said.

"Mossad is definitely being beefed up," a U.S. government official said of the Israeli agency's budget increase. He declined to comment on the Tel Aviv's geographic expansion of targeted killings.

An FBI spokesman also declined to comment, saying: "This is a policy matter. We only enforce federal laws."

A congressional staff member with deep knowledge of intelligence matters said, "I don't know on what basis we would be able to protest Israel's actions." He referred to the recent killing of Qaed Salim Sinan al Harethi, a top al Qaida leader, in Yemen by a remotely controlled CIA drone.

"That was done on the soil of a friendly ally," the staffer said.

But the complications posed by Israel's new policy are real.

"Israel does not have a good record at doing this sort of thing," said former CIA counter-terrorism official Larry Johnson.

He cited the 1997 fiasco where two Mossad agents were captured after they tried to assassinate Khaled Mashaal, a Hamas political leader, by injecting him with poison.

According to Johnson, the attempt, made in Amman, Jordan, caused a political crisis in Israeli-Jordan relations. In addition, because the Israeli agents carried Canadian passports, Canada withdrew its ambassador in protest, he said. Jordan is one of two Arab nations to recognize Israel. The other is Egypt.

At the time, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said, "I have no intention of stopping the activities of this government against terror," according to a CNN report.

Former CIA officials say Israel was forced to free jailed Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmad Yassin and 70 other Jordanian and Palestinian prisoner being held in Israeli jails to secure the release of the two would-be Mossad assassins.

Phil Stoddard, former director of the Middle East Institute, cited a botched plot to kill Ali Hassan Salemeh, the mastermind of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre. The 1974 attempt severely embarrassed Mossad when the Israeli hit team mistakenly assassinated a Moroccan waiter in Lillehammer, Norway.

Salemeh, later a CIA asset, was killed in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1976 by a car bomb placed by an Israeli assassination team, former U.S. intelligence officials said.

"Israel knew Salemeh was providing us with preventive intelligence on the Palestinians and his being killed pissed off a lot of people," said a former senior CIA official.

But some Israeli operations have been successful.

Gerald Bull, an Ontario-born U.S. citizen and designer of the Iraqi supergun -- a massive artillery system capable of launching satellites into orbit, and of delivering nuclear chemical or biological payloads from Baghdad to Israel -- was killed in Belgium in March 1990. The killing is still unsolved, but former CIA officials said a Mossad hit team is the most likely suspect.

Bull worked on the supergun design -- codenamed Project Babylon -- for 10 years, and helped the Iraqis develop many smaller artillery systems. He was found with five bullets in his head outside his Brussels apartment.

Israeli hit teams, which consist of units or squadrons of the Kidon, a sub-unit for Mossad's highly secret Metsada department, would stage the operations, former Israeli intelligence sources said. Kidon is a Hebrew word meaning "bayonet," one former Israeli intelligence source said.

This Israeli government source explained that in the past Israel has not staged targeted killings in friendly countries because "no one wanted such operations on their territory."

This has become irrelevant, he said.

Dagan, the new hard-driving director of Mossad, will implement the new changes, former Israeli government officials said.

Dagan, nicknamed "the gun," was Sharon's adviser on counter-terrorism during the government of Netanyahu in 1996, former Israeli government officials say. A former military man, Dagan has also undertaken extremely sensitive diplomatic missions for several of Israel's prime ministers, former Israeli government sources said.

Former Israel Defense Forces Lt. Col. Gal Luft, who served under Dagan, described him as an "extremely creative individual -- creative to the point of recklessness."

A former CIA official who knows Dagan said the new Mossad director knows "his foreign affairs inside and out," and has a "real killer instinct."

Dagan is also "an intelligence natural" who has "a superb analyst not afraid to act on gut instinct," the former CIA official said.

Dagan has already removed Mossad officials whom he regards as "being too conservative or too cautious" and is building up "a constituency of senior people of the same mentality," one former long-time Israeli operative said.

Dagan is also urging that Mossad operatives rely less on secret sources and rely more on open information that is so plentifully provided on the Internet and newspapers.

"It's a cultural thing," one former Israeli intelligence operative explained. "Mossad in the past has put its emphasis on Humint (human intelligence) and secret operations and has neglected the whole field of open media, which has become extremely important."

Regarding Mossad's new policy and budget increase, Kim Farber an Israeli Embassy official said, "There is so little information available on this, there is nothing I can add."


Copyright 2003 by United Press International.

All rights reserved. - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 2:33pm
User Info...
Israel has been assassinating people all over the world since its "inception". It's just that now that pig Sharon (who by the way, is a war criminal) knows he can get away with making it official policy.

ofcourse you could just marginalize my opinion by calling me anti-semetic. It seems to work every where else. - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 5:23pm
Anonymous the US is bad. Isreal is bad. God is bad. The world is bad. Lets all just be naughty. - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 5:27pm
Anonymous Jason makes a good point, all too often people disagreeing with the policies of Isreal are labelled anti-semetic funny thing is that the semites include arabic people.

Se�mit�ic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (s-mtk) adj.

Of or relating to the Semites or their languages or cultures.

Of, relating to, or constituting a subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic language group that includes Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic.

if you are called anti-semitic that means you are opposed to the Arabic and Hebrew peoples, one who sides with one of the two over the other cannot, by definition, be called anti-semitic, they can be called anti-hebrew or anti-arabic but not anti-semitic. I myself seperate people/culture/and religion from governments. Countries governments are rarely representitive of the people. - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 7:35pm
Anonymous 'Israel has been assassinating people'

Good. Let's hope they get a few more of those islamic extremist bomb packing chumps. I ain't shedding any tears..... - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 7:53pm
Anonymous ya and the Palestinians are innocent right? Whatever! - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 7:56pm
Anonymous I think if you were being degraded and killed, your mom kicked and spit on and your house torn down by some countries army you'd fight back with whatever you have at your disposal, you try and tell me different and I'll be calling you a liar or a chump take your pick. - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 8:40pm
Anonymous yeah right, the islamic extremists are the only ones packing bombs and killing people, go back to cnn or stick your head back up your ass. - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 8:46pm
C. How about Palestinian snipers hiding in a bunch of school kids and picking off Isrealis. They turn around a fire out of self defence and kill some kids because the snipers are out of site again. The news gets the story of "Isreali soldiers kill innocent kids" but it doesn't mention a word about what truly happened. Stop being spoonfed by your TV, it's censored and not accurite. The Isrealis are acting out of SELF DEFENCE, the real problem is Yassar and his whole bullshit agenda. - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 8:54pm
Anonymous Hey charlie, we're talking about the exclusive 'suicide bombers club'....the kind that has now put Canada on their map. Ahhhh....poor Abdullah got gunned down right before he was going to blow himself up in a school bus full of children...(tears).

Your attempt to deviate from the norm has now drifted into 'deviating from reality'. (toke) - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 8:54pm
Anonymous wow, so some of you dumb fuckers think it's okay for a foreign country to come in to our country and assasinate people "they" think are dangerous? wow you guys stupid? what's to stop them killing people that you don't think deserve to die, but they do. Don't be fucking idiots, that is not an okay thing at all. - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:33pm
User Info...
"The Isrealis are acting out of SELF DEFENCE"

you don't even have the guts to put your name behind your statement(well technically infront but whatever). If you think the Israelis are acting out of self defense your a complete moron.

"Stop being spoonfed by your TV"

I don't get my news from the TV. Where,Exactly do you get yours from? - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:59pm
Anonymous Wow, you're privy to some inside shit....please. (have another toke). - Wed, 22 Jan 2003 11:32pm
C. "Israel has been assasinating people since it's inception". That's a typo, people have been assasinating Israelis (Jews) for thousands of years. The Palestinians are a bloody "bastard" race and their conflict dates way back to biblical times.Israel will be a cup of suffering and it's people will be persecuted time and time true how true. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 12:11am
User Info...
thanks for posting the article, i didn't know that until now - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 12:14am
User Info...
"your a complete moron"

thats a typo, it should have read "your a complete rascist".

thanks for showing your true colours so quickly. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 1:41am
Anonymous C you're a lame racist fuck head. Isreal is a country not a religion. And critisism of the country is not critisism of the Jewish faith it is a critisism of the policies of the government of that country which like most countries is full of greedy evil men. saying Isreal equates with jews completely ignores 20% of the population which is arab. You are such a bigoted dickhead I can't believe it. I sure hope you aren't Jewish and you're just some lame whiteboy from north america lacking and education or any sense of humanity. If you are you do your faith no justice at all and should be ashamed to call yourself a Jew.

Nobody is ever impoverished through the giving of charity.
--Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Matanot Aniyim

The purpose of the laws of the Torah promote compassion, loving-kindness and peace in the world.

A generation in which human ideals do not improve must perish.
--The Koretser Rabbi (if you are a jew I see great stregth in the Rabbi's words) - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 1:51am
Anonymous Go live in a Muslim culture. And then try dating a Muslim girl...start criticizing the government, the religion..........and end up dead. By order of the court. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 3:03am
Anonymous we aren't talking about muslim culture being better, I disagree with many tennents of the muslim religion or religion in general for that matter, this is about acknowledging that there are evil men regardless of their religion. belonging to a particular faith is not a passport to be forever righteous but some certainly feel it is, and any of those who feel that be they Christian,Jew,Muslim are bigots and in my opinion the assholes that keep this world from peace and all the cool things that could be accomplished if everyone (race/culture) got along. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 11:47am
Anonymous 'I disagree with many tennents of the muslim religion'

Fine, but publically disagree and criticize the religion in many countries like Pakistan, and you will be executed. Degrees, pal...degrees of evil. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 12:19pm
Anonymous buddy have you ever been to any of these countries you are so sure would execute you for critisising Islam? I don't think so. Don't believe everything that you here on CNN or NBC. I spent three weeks in Iran and while I was there I critisised the fact that women had to wear the Hajib in such hot weather. I was not executed in fact I was told that they would not come into my country and tell me how to live, and I spent the rest of the meal apologizing for disrespecting them, they didn't execute me, or run off to find someone who would, they asked that I respect their beliefs, soooo evil. You are trying to paint all muslims with the same brush and that sucks because that is not the case, it's like saying all Isrealis are evil because of Sharon's or the Mossad's previous exploits, it simply isn't true. There are degrees of evil and every side has some of the worst. Get out of the basement and stop believeing everything the American government decides to tell you on TV. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 12:54pm
Anonymous Unlike you, I have lived in an Islamic country. They have religious officers patrolling the streets. They can and will stop you if you are dating a muslim girl.

And I guess you missed the recent case of 7 Pakistani journalists charged under that countries 'blasphemy law' for supposedly, 'insulting Mohammed'. That charge carries the death penalty. Look that one up.

Speaking of Iran, a westerner was recently sentenced to death for fucking an islamic woman out of marriage.

I'm not saying all islamic people are bad, coz' they're not. But you know next to nothing about Islam, so look into the subject before reaching conclusions. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 1:28pm
Troutbreath In case no one has noticed the U.S. is now officially back in the business of assination. They recently killed six people in Yemen with the use of a Predator Drone and a Hellfire missile. While no one knows exactly who these six people were one of them is believed to have been a U.S. citizen. The CIA had been prohibited from carrying out these kinds of operations for some thirty years. They were very clumsy at it back then, anyone heard of Patrice Lamumba? Look into that death it's an interesting study. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 1:49pm
Anonymous Tell me what country you lived in.

You are missing my point each time, the being sentenced to die/executions are carried out by the religious police not by the majority of the population, so I state again there are a minority of evil people which exercise control over the majority because they are in a position of power to do so and this can be seen in any country regardless of its major religion. You keep going back to Islam without acknowledging any failings in other countries or religions, you obviously have issues with it but that doesn't change my point. Yes there are people who are assholes that claim to be muslim, there are people who are assholes who claim to be christian, Jewish. That is my point. You want to tell the 1000 or so immigrants from islamic nations imprisioned in the states right now about right and wrong. I'm well aware of the incidences you cite so don't play it off as if because I didn't bring those up I don't know what I'm talking about because they don't even relate to what I was arguing except to help prove that, yes, there are some evil people claiming to be muslim which is something I have already stated. If you check my posts you will see that. You have issues that are clouding your ability to see what I've been saying, you have a very obvious predjudice towards muslims and I can't believe that if you truely did live in and islamic country you didn't meet a single muslim who you would call friend and respect as such, even if you don't respect every one of their beliefs. I was in such a country for only three weeks and met some awesome people. You are begining to appear like nothing more than a bigot, who, much the same as white supremists would call all Africans and Jewish people lesser beings, calls all muslims evil. My personal experience is different regardless of anything you try to say. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 2:03pm
Anonymous and don't try telling me that because you said

"I'm not saying all islamic people are bad, coz' they're not."

this proves you don't have issues, it's the first time you acknowledged this may be the case and it took two or more people arguing with you to win that concession from you.

again, I'd like to know which country you lived in. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 2:24pm
Anonymous I'm sorry, you sound confused and demented, so I won't have time to read your first post in it's entirety, at least until you do some research.

Pakistan has a national blasphemy law. Here's an excerpt from an article (again, I'll let you do your own research)

re: Pakistan journalists

"Mr. Mohsin and six of his colleagues at The Frontier Post have been charged under the nation's blasphemy law, which can carry the death sentence. The wordy letter, published on Jan. 29, turned out to be a sacrilegious attack on the holy Prophet Muhammad. A furious mob was soon on its way to the newspaper's offices, with outraged policemen not far behind.

The authorities immediately shut down the paper. . .

Leaders of fundamentalist political parties urged dramatic displays of dismay. On Jan. 30, as outnumbered policemen looked on, protesters torched the Frontier Post's printing press, with piles of unsold newspapers serving as fodder for the fire.

At this juncture, the nation's military ruler, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, made public his own consternation, though it did not include any condemnation of the mob. His disapproval focused on the abuse of "press freedom" [What press freedom?] that had allowed the blasphemous letter into print."

And did you forget the fatwah (death sentence) placed on Salman Rushdie? There has been virtually no condemnation from the muslim world regarding this. Implicit support. That's because any condemnation of the koran or mohammed is deemed a direct attack on islam, and islamics 'have the right to attack' in such instances. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 2:51pm
Anonymous urg - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 4:00pm
i hate reading fuck off with all the reading. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 4:01pm
AMEN It's so sad that most war and genocide, since the beginning of civilization, has been in the name of God. And still we go on doing it! - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 6:30pm
Anonymous actually, in many cases, the fighting has been in the name of men, held us as prophets.... - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 7:20pm
Anonymous held up as prophets that should read - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 7:23pm
Anonymous "confused and deluded" " least until I do some research"?

Cop outs on your part.

you are of a singular mind and your arguments are not even adressing those points that I made. They seem to be solely geared towards making me believe the islamic faith is one of the most evil ones on the face of the planet. You just keep coming up with more instances where people who follow the islamic faith have done bad things. I think it's your turn to do a bit of research into other faiths, the people who follow them, and some of the bad things they do and then form a well-rounded opinion. You have missed my point entirely and are just assailing me with tired argument and rhetoric spawned from network television (I notice you didn't even mention the "islamic country" you lived in even though I asked twice very obviously, I knew you were full of shit on that one, and please, don't try to name one now, it'll make you look even weaker than you already appear) you seem to be pretending to know that which you don't but saw on the news, and you're actually willing to try and incite dislike, if not hatred, of another culture and creed based on the actions of a small minority of people from that culture. A small minority of the power structure that dictate and force the people to live a certain way, with laws many of the people disagree with (I actually went to an islamic country) but feel they are in no position to fight them. Much like how the patriot act and its removal of civil liberties in the US is not indicative of how the American people wish to live. The problem I have arguing with self-righteous people such as yourself is that you will not see the other side and take a balanced aproach to the arguement, thus we're are done. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 7:50pm
Anonymous no, I said you sound 'confused and demented'.

I am merely pointing out traditions and practices which are common in many islamic cultures, including the Far East where I lived.
Here's a few more....female genital mutilation, long jail terms for gays found guilty of 'buggery'...execution by stoning...women forced to wear ninja outfits. And a lack of this precious thing...we call Freedom of Speech.

But you never were interested in the facts. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 8:01pm
jay brown
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Hey Jason, Sharon is a war criminal? Yup he was a soldier and he did some pretty nasty things, but he was, and still is fighting for his home and his people. Anybody that fires a bullet at someone else is a war criminal if you look at it from the other side. Whats the beef with Isreal? From where I stand your the one thats spouting off like a racist on here. What, the fact that the jews got tired of getting slaughtered and kicked out of every country on the planet for the last few thousand years made you mad? If your people had just been hauled off to the gas chambers wouldnt you fight like hell to keep your the piece of land you'd been given. I understand that the jews have done some pretty horrific things to the palestinians but you also have to think about the fact that they've been under attack continually since Isreal was formed by at least one arab nation around them. They've never actually been in a state of peace, that would tend to make you a little tense dont you think. The palestinians havent exactly been the nicest neighbors either, it's not like they've been walking around with their arms outstretched saying," cant we all be friends?" There are two sides to every conflict and you actually seem to be the one here thats blinded. I have a bunch of jewish friends and they definitely arent the devils you seem to want to make them out to be. Two thumbs up for standing up for what you believe in, but I think your way off personally. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 9:45pm
Anonymous I dated two muslim girls...beautiful people. Both had their clits removed when they were young. It's a good thing I have a big shlong and an 'enthusiastic tongue'. ;) - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:18pm
Anonymous Oh, and the clit removal thing is done to 'quell the raging sex drive of the woman, so she will remain faithful to the husband'

Women...stand up please and FIGHT! - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:22pm
User Info...
That sounds painful. I read an article on this subject on (an EXCELLENT alternative news source, more reliable and honest than any CNN propaganda). Quite unsettling. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:40pm
Anonymous And in islamic tradition, dogs are seen as unclean animals, and are not allowed in the home, unless for guarding. It's based on something that was 'passed to Mohammed from Allah' (kinda like the clit thing). You don't want to be a dog in an islamic country. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:53pm
User Info...
well mr. brown where do I start? I guess I'll start with what bugs me the most.
I've read over my posts on this thread and tried to do a little mental overview of my posts in other threads and I really don't see how you could label my opinion as racist. I really don't. Perhaps that�s a sign of just how deep seeded my racism is(?). But hey, two thumbs up for standing up for what you believe in, but I think your way off personally.

"I have a bunch of Jewish friends and they definitely aren�t the devils you seem to want to make them out to be."

I got to be honest, this REALLY pissed me off. Listen carefully! I'm talking about the policies of the state of Israel, not Jews in general. Guess what? I have Jewish friends too and they're more disgusted with Israel than I am! Don't make it sound like I'm vilifying the Jews. Your doing exactly what I mentioned in my first post, marginalizing my opinion by calling me anti-semetic. It's a bullshit tactic and you should be smart enough to see that.

As far as Sharon goes, in hindsight I should have said "accused war criminal" regarding his role, among others, in the Sabra and Shatila massacre. And he was not just �some soldier�. He was calling the shots. If it makes you feel any better, I think Arafat should be tossed in the same can as Sharon. I'd actually argue that he has hurt the Palestinians more than Israel ever has or will. And please, realize that the most extreme elements among the Palestinians were created or built up by the Mossad and the CIA. This is common knowledge for anyone who wants to spend a couple of hours looking into it.

Let me just say that although you have definately pissed me off I appreciate your criticism and take none of it personally.

If you want to discuss things further please email me. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 11:19pm
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yay music and shit...... - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 11:24pm
Anonymous If you are so fucking smart, accept that Israel has a right to defend it's 'tiny piece of turf' from countries, outright, that would happily see the entire eradication of the Jewish race. - Thu, 23 Jan 2003 11:54pm
I'm a fucking redneck with a remington m40 .308 wow listen to all the comfy relative fucking rich little north american jerk offs (that's right even if you are on welfare) pick teams and fight over whose the most "right" middle east power, and who has the right to enforce their will on others, you all suck. You two arguing no-name fucks both sound like idiots, J brown, you have any black friends too? and if the j stands for Jason the two of you oughta go for coffee and talk about how wonderful it is to be so multi-cultural, count your jewish and palestinian friends and continue to take each other the wrong way. What's going on over there ain't none of our business, let them kill each other off if they're that stupid, do any of you really care? I don't think so as much as you may talk about it I don't think you really do, and guess what? I don't either. - Thu, 30 Jan 2003 12:47am
I'm a fucking redneck with a remington m40 .308 and fuck if isreal has too many problems over there let'em come here, all of them, we got more than enough room. They can have the praires :) and live next to people that don't want to kill them. - Thu, 30 Jan 2003 1:02am
RSBF yay, ROSS B AY and sugar and spice! - Thu, 30 Jan 2003 1:11am
Anonymous who cares. - Thu, 30 Jan 2003 12:14pm
jay brown
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Personally I could give a fuck what happens over there but it is going to be what starts world war three. If they're gonna be the reason that I die I wouldnt mind knowing why. - Thu, 30 Jan 2003 6:22pm
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