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Message Board > General Chitchat > Drivers that Drive you CRAZY |
nicola User Info... | I just have to vent... I parked my car today on the street... and when I parked, there was plenty of room around my car. By the time I got back to my car, there wasn't enough room for me to get out of my spot. I'm talking less than 6 inches on either side. I ended up layin on the horn until someone came out of their house to move their car and let me out. I would've just done an 80 point turn but their car was nicer than mine, I don't have power steering and I didn't want a hit and run charge... idiot What drivers drive you crazy? - Thu, 19 Jan 2006 11:46pm | ||
cooper User Info... | The near-elderly woman who double-parked her minivan in Cadboro Bay Village yesterday before I squeezed in next to her. Turns out she waited a good half hour for me to move my car because she was afraid she was going to hit it. This is after she gets staff from Pepper's grocery store to guide her out of her spot. She then proceeds to tell me about Victoria's crazy drivers and all the rich folk in this part of town with their brand new fancy cars. I pointed out that my car, though recently washed, is 14 years old and bought on a student budget. A scoff and a humph later, she took off and I had a good chuckle with the Village staff. Exciting times, I tell ya... - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 12:07am | ||
SickFuk User Info... | I wa standing on my front porch a couple of years ago.... admiring my car of yore, which was a brand new Chevy Cavalier.... This is a sunday morning around noon or so, and the church next door is letting out.... the minivan parked in front of me, with ample room to get out, backed into the front end of my car... I figured, well, these are supposed to be nice, responsible people... so I went walking out to my car... the guy was trying to drive off on me.... so I stood in front of his van and told him to get out... we looked at the front end of my car, and all he'd done was bend the license plate... really no big deal, but would have been ncie if he'd at least got out to look and see if he'd just damaged my $20,000 piece of equipment that I'd spent the last couple of years paying off... I thought regular church-goers were supposed to be honest... guess not 'ere - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 12:54am | ||
lonemonk User Info... | William Seward Burroughs Quote: (From Words of Advice for young people) "If you're doin' business with a religious son-of-a-bitch... GET IT IN WRITING, 'Cause his word isn't worth shit. Not with the Good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal...." . . - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:00am | ||
ML7Mike User Info... | Vic drivers are like Sunday drivers on a daily basis. And what is with the fear of pulling up to the vehicle in front of you when at stop lights? So many people leave a 12 foot space between them and the car in front, its no wonder there is gridlock and nobody can get into the turning lanes as a result. Which brings me to another peeve,, people who let the car before them get all the way through the left turn before they go.. meanwhile all of us at the back of the line gotta wait for the next light. It also seem to me alot of drivers are just not in tune with their surroundings here.. I live on a very busy street that allows parking anytime except rush hour. Yet people will constantly yell and honk at my guests or me when parking on the street, legally. Maybe they cant see the 15 signs on every pole that state the time parking is allowed. I also rode a bike in this city for about 10 years. Thats a great way to dislike Victoria drivers alot. - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:45am | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | AHHHHHH , I totally agree with the not pulling up at a light, cause sometimes people need to make a right turn but can't get into the lane because of the massive spacing.....burn in hell you bastards!!!! - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 11:30am | ||
Soap Dodger User Info... | My favorite are the ones that pull out in front of you, going 40, and just happen to taking the same route that you are. - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 12:33pm | ||
RollingRocks User Info... | No doubt. Every time I drive on Richmond that happens to me. I mean, don't these people realize that I'm always late for work as it is without them riding the break doing 40 downhill? - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 12:44pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | ...probably the stuff of rantings, but drunk drivers CHAP MY ASS! Particularly the dumb fuck one that rear ended me in Victoria a few months ago! This guy was so pissed the cop said it was the drunkest he had ever seen someone behind a wheel, not to mention it was his 5TH FUCKING OFFENCE for being pissed behind the wheel. He had NO insurance, No licence and it wasn't even his truck! He smashed into me and then almost fucking ran me over as he fled the scence....luckily he was too fuckin pissed to get anywhere else and a whole bunch of witnesses took his waste of skin ass down a few blocks away.... If that wasn't bad enought it was a brand new fucking car! - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 3:33pm | ||
Robnoxious User Info... | The people who wanna play beat the tractor-trailer that has it's 4ways on in the middle of a difficult manoveur because they're either too stupid or impatient to give a guy 60 seconds to finish and clear out of the way. Guess what, someday your gonna lose and lose bigtime. Big Riggs don't make just a little damage. - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 3:36pm | ||
mudflap User Info... | I'm with Mofo.. Drunk drivers suck ass. I've been hit enough times to seriously question my own karma. But for sure, chumps yakking on their cell phones, or drunken fools behind the wheel have a serious ass-kicking karma coming their way.. - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 5:59pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | SMRT Car drivers who think that just because their car is small they can barge into small gaps in traffic. I have always wanted to see one of these supposed "safe" cars in a game of head-on with a large truck. Fucking tools. - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 6:09pm | ||
Johnny Grass User Info... | It's the fucking pedestrians that get me. I swear animals are more intelligent and cautious when it comes to crossing the street. These people would all be dead in a big city. Get out of the fucking street!! Yeah, pedestrians have the right of way, but that doesn't make a fuck of difference when 4000lbs. of steel slams into your skull!! When it says "don't walk" it fucking means it you illiterate bastards!! Sidewalks are for people, streets are for cars. I don't drive on your sidewalk. Don't walk on my street. Look, I made up a bumper sticker!! - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 6:25pm | ||
Red User Info... | Doesn't it seem as though BMW's,Volvo's,Lexus and Mecedes never have functional signal lights, It couldn't be that the supposed "white collars" are dysfunctional could it ? - Fri, 20 Jan 2006 7:15pm | ||
SickFuk User Info... | I drive for a living... so I have a million of these.... How about the jackasses who don't realize that blocking an intersection while waiting for a light is illegal?... I can't count how many times I've ended up sitting on Dauglas, trying to turn onto Tolmie during the daytime... and the intersection is blocked with cars trying to cross Cloverdale... Sometimes I wish I was a cop so I could just get out of my car and give them a fucking ticket... Another of my little idiosyncrasies... those lowered trucks that take forever to go over a damned speed bump... for one thing, I think they look stupid... for another, I'm sitting behind them, waiting each time for the 4 or 5 speed humps on all sorts of roads... makes me wish I could do my job with a motorcycle... k, enough ranting 'ere - Sat, 21 Jan 2006 1:09am | ||
DR.Vee User Info... | Tailgaters pick my ass. When there`s someone in front of me and i`m giving the 2 second but ass-face behind me is right on me, like where do you expect me to go and are you really going to get there quicker? And what is really odd is you would expect the worse would be young male drivers but it seems that most are young female drivers, go figure. - Sat, 21 Jan 2006 10:17am | ||
Inhalien User Info... | A few things: 1) Tail gaters: Let me explain to all drivers that riding my bumper will not make me go faster. See its like this - you need to understand physics. If I go faster, I will most likely hit the car in front of me. Do you understand now? I can only go as fast as the car in front of me 2) Impatience: I understand that you're in a big hurry so that is why you pulled out in front of me and I almost hit you. So now that you've cut me off and almost caused an accident, is there any chance your can accellerate over 40kph? 3) Bling cars: I think it's great that you decided to buy a $20,000 dollar car and have now added another $10,000 in extras to it. It looks and sounds like a ufo, but you don't have to drive it like one. I'll bet those signals still work so use them. I'll be you that 3rd gear works as well so gear down, you look and sound like an idiot. - Sat, 21 Jan 2006 11:47am | ||
kayleigh User Info... | Quote: AHHHHHH , I totally agree with the not pulling up at a light, cause sometimes people need to make a right turn but can't get into the lane because of the massive spacing.....burn in hell you bastards!!!! - Fri, 20 Jan 11:30am --- They actually teach in YD that you have to do that. It's supposedly safe. All those jackasses went to YD for overpriced driving tips so that they can piss everyone off, cause more car accidents and prompt ICBC to raise auto insurance fees. Great thinking on the part of ICBC. The more you know. - Sat, 21 Jan 2006 8:04pm | ||
nicola User Info... | Man, I think I can agree with everyone here. I used to commute to school (1 hr each way every day for a year) so you tend to find these things a pain in the ass... 1) Tailgaters: If I am in the passing lane and am trying to pass the vehicle next to me, and you pull up behind me in a hurry asking me to pull over- I will in fact slow down to get behind the car beside me. I will not speed even faster than I'm already speeding for your convenience. 2) Red Lights: When lights are red, it's for a reason. How many times have I seen people who are in the left turn lane at an intersection, where the advance green arrow has already turned to red and they are STILL entering the intersection, causing oncoming traffic (who should have the right of way) to yeild because you decided to run a red. 3) Not pulling up at a light: This one I notice quite frequently but doesn't really piss me off too much. Remember, it's good to leave room- but leaving too much room can be a hazard too because some asshole is going to try to squeeze in between you and the car in front of you. You only need enough room to see the tires of the car in front of you. That's it. 4) People who wait until the last second to stop at lights. How many times have you sat at a red light and see the car behind you pulling up at full speed only to stop really quickly in the last 10 feet? I hate this. You know, you waste less gass by gearing down (or slowing down) and giving yourself lots of room to stop. If you do this, you may not need to come to a complete stop at the light, because by the time you get there, it's already green. 5) Large vehicles in "small car" spots. I admit I once had a truck and every now and then parked in the small car spots... but I drove a small truck and I didn't leave my ass end hanging out in traffic. If you choose to drive a big vehicle, you're choosing to not park in small car spots. You brought it on yourself. I'm sure I could go on... - Sat, 21 Jan 2006 10:03pm | ||
Haden User Info... | Leaving room inbetween you and the car in front of you is a good idea. You can swear at me all you want. I will always leave room. I'll move up closer as soon as there are a few cars behind me, but if I get rear ended while waiting at a light, at least I won't be taking out the person in front of me. And do realize that some of us drive little cars that we can't see passed the car in front of us that's turning left. I watched a guy do just that, turn left after another car and smuck the guy who was behind us coming through the light. Better to be cautious than to nail other cars. There's a difference between over cautious driving and cautious driving. Taking care to make sure that you aren't going to hit someone else is never a bad idea. - Sun, 22 Jan 2006 12:59am | ||
SickFuk User Info... | I remember a few months ago, some guy on a motorcycle deeked in front of a dump truck at a light while it was red.... when the light turned green, the bike stalled... the dumptruck didn't even know he was there and just proceeded forward... 'ere - Sun, 22 Jan 2006 2:40am | ||
Haden User Info... | The version I heard (here we go) is that the motorcycle was going up beside the right side of the truck to turn right on the red and slipped and fell under the truck...or a variation of that. - Sun, 22 Jan 2006 7:31am | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | I'd say that both of those have probably happened, maybe even more than once. When I used to drive for Dine In I saw loads of bad driving. Driving that much in a small city can make some people (including myself) get careless. I was in the left turn lane to get on Burnside off Douglas and I had the funny feeling that the guy in front of me didn't want to be in this lane. Then I saw the reverse lights. How could he not even have looked backwarks or in a mirror still mystifies me. My car wasn't damaged and I was on a delivery so I just let him go. But I totally agree with SickFuk, sometimes I wish I was a cop so I could hand out the "you're a very bad driver" ticket. - Sun, 22 Jan 2006 2:40pm | ||
Ward Ensemble User Info... | what about the cops who suddenly have an 'emergency' just long enough to get through the yellow-red light illegally. - Tue, 24 Jan 2006 9:41pm | ||
alain User Info... | Here's a variation of the big car in small spot: the small car that parks way up at the front of the spot so that you can't see it when looking for parking. Nothing horrible, just annoying. You think you've found a spot and go to park there, and see the tiny car further in. Anyone who doesn't have enough confidence in their driving to do at least 50 in a 50 zone should not be driving. People who go through yellows when there's someone waiting to turn left... I hate being past the stop line waiting to turn left, seeing the light turn, and just watching people keep going; meanwhile, I end up turning on a red. That's enough for now. - Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:40am | ||
Gabri~hell User Info... | I particularly love it when motoring citizens don't move over for emergency vehicles. Or when drivers speed up and try to get just a little further on their journey, AND THEN pull over for the ambulance. Or drivers ignoring all rules of order and conduct after the emergency vehicle has passed, and use the brief lull to cut off other drivers and follow in the wake of the emergency vehicle. And the scuzzy douchebag on the bicycle this morning by the Parliament Building who made a left turn right in front of me, and then confrontationally held up his "turn signal" arm, shaking it at me, as though I didn't have the right of way. I hope you happen to read this. The only reason I didn't acknowledge you was because you were about 30 seconds away from having me revolutionize the way you ride a bicycle. Ok, I know this wasn't about cyclists, per se, but he was about to get driven... - Wed, 25 Jan 2006 10:32am | ||
You Enjoy Myself User Info... | Ok, here's one that I've been seeing lately that pisses me off. People driving around with their little poodle riding on their lap or hanging out the window. WTF. Are you idiotic? You're gonna drive around with fuckin' Shnookums blocking 50% or your view? I know it's called a fucking lap dog, but take it off your goddamned lap for a second. Your dog won't die, I swear. - Thu, 26 Jan 2006 6:18pm | ||
Helonwheels User Info... | This is my absolute FAV...when there's 2 lanes of traffic going in the same direction ie. Shelbourne st and 2 cars drive right the f$@K beside eachother doing the EXACT same speed limit trapping all the other cars behind them. Do they not notice the car RIGHT beside them, maybe it's just me but i don't like being RIGHT next to the other car for any length of time nevermind for 3 kms all the way down Shelbourne, how do you do that? why why do these morons do this?? Do they not sense the angry drivers behind them? Do they not hear my frustrated words? Seriously what is their purpose on the road? Then theres the parking lot at my apartment building... The dude that parks beside me in the parking lot had a very hard time navigating his fancy new little import car. He seemed to like my spot better, i guess that's why he was always in it, much to my frustration. There was this one time, ok there was more than once, but this particular time i came home and I had had it with him, i mean if he wasn't in his spot properly it meant that i messed up the guy next spot over etc etc, know what im saying? It's a messy domino effect. Sooooooo I drive a big old car and i have been driving big cars for 10 yrs, i know how to manuver them real good so i parked SO damn close to his car, his drivers side too and then i went up to my friends apartment that over looks the parking lot and we waited and watched until the driver came out...oh my, he tried repeatedly to slide himself in between the 2 cars, he kept trying but he just couldnt fit and open the door to get in, we we're loving it!!! Lapped it all up, sweet payback for his continual parking shortcomings, he eventually gave up and had to get in through the passenger side and crawl across the seats, sweet sweet payback. He's been much better ever since;) - Fri, 27 Jan 2006 2:30pm | ||
StarShip B.O.B. User Info... | To the idiot on Simcoe this morning about 7:00 - first my rig would have sqashed you like a bug and if I wasn't in official capacity I would have left you lying in the middle of the road in the rain - you stupid f*ck - nice dance in the road jackin at me goof. - Fri, 27 Jan 2006 3:48pm | ||
Ward Ensemble User Info... | now I'm all worked up. Better not drive anywhere tonight...not that I'd get injured, but those hapless weenies in front of my truck doing dumb-ass things in their wee-ass cars... - Fri, 27 Jan 2006 6:33pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | What could've been a horrible accident almost happened to the car in front of me the other night. I was driving west on Craigflower towards the Helmekin intersection and the light was green. The car ahead of me (and me thankfully) noticed that the car coming down Helmekin was not slowing down one bit. We hit our brakes and the woman driving through the red slammed on hers right in the middle of the intersection. A bit confused she put her car in reverse and backed out to let us through. It would've been soooo nasty to see two cars going about 60km smack into each other like that. - Sat, 28 Jan 2006 8:32pm | ||
Gare User Info... | my current one is people who can't turn left. In the past week I've had to break and honk in intersections because some people can't judge space and speed of moving vehicles - Sun, 29 Jan 2006 11:46am | ||
nicola User Info... | Just witnessed a completely avoidable accident today. A car stopped for a red light. Car following behind it was A) following too closely B) wasn't paying attention to the light and C) didn't give himself enough room to stop... in the rain! So car that stopped for the red, got rear ended at full speed and was shoved 25 feet into the intersection. Just stupid! - Mon, 30 Jan 2006 8:23pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | Anyone who's taken Young Drivers of Canada in the last few years the road and get them retested or better yet test the instructors . I remember taking the course 25 some odd years ago, it was given as a gift on my 16 birthday, a driving course from my Mom. It was the most over the top paranoid style of driving . Yes great idea to make me a defensive ( paranoid ) driver. But more because ICBC would give you a reduction in your insurance ( ICBC was in cahoots with YD of C) when including a young driver on the same policy . But they’ve taken it to new heights now .. … Ok here it is , if you ever notice these drivers that stop one to two car length at a stop light or more like at a turn signal ? That's them ( YDC), they will block up a turn lane because they've been taught to not enter an intersection when the light changes and give some 20 feet between them and the next car in front . You get a few of these drivers in a turn lane , you might as well quadruple the time to get through a light . And not to mention a accident waiting to happen with being so unpredictable and hesitant . They are ones who pull through the intersection so slow that you almost drive up their backend and get rammed from behind or put a turn signal on a mile before even getting to where to turn. Young Drivers of Canada breeds bad drivers , I don’t remember anywhere in the driving code where you don’t enter a intersection when the lights green for a left turn or stopping 2 car lengths behind the car in front of you . The original idea was to stop from being pushed through a intersection if hit from behind . Not to put a bubble between you and the every other vehicle around you . The worst are the older drivers who haven’t learned to drive till a late age . Driving like scared rabbit ,under the speed limit, too worried about cars in front to realize what’s going on behind or taking everything they’ve learned from YD of C to such an extreme ( because that’s the way they teach them ) you become this paranoid, unpredictable driver . OFFENCE is what should be taught , that would lessen are already over crowded roads and highways ! Just because you stop behind someone two car length, doesn’t mean you’re going to stop someone else from piling into your backend . - Tue, 31 Jan 2006 3:05am | ||
BBJones User Info... | I used to drive in from the Colwood exit on the highway to about the Red Lion during morning/evening rush hour. Nothing pissed me off more than the people who did every little thing to gain every foot ahead of the next guy they could. Never mind there are 100's of cars all locked together, but these people still think if they rush, cut-off, tailgate and burn up the shoulder they will make it to work faster. I watched many of these people and in the 10 minutes it took me in the heaviest of traffic to make the distance, they may have made 1-5 car lengths ahead of where I was. Way to go dipshit, you pisssed everyone off around you and make life more dangerous to save yourself 18 seconds of travel time. Idiot. Then there's the people that think they can burn past you on the right side (on the shoulder/bike lane or getting a jump start on the right turn lane). Thankfully I rode a motorbike for a few years so I'm much more aware of the idiots around me and have avoided many accidents from these morons in a hurray. I think everyone that goes for their driver's license should also take a mandatory motorcycle course. Once you're out there driving with no steel saftey cage around you, you quickly learn to not be an idiot on the road and it becomes a much safer and courteous place. Well... apart from those speed freak-pop a wheely tards. - Tue, 31 Jan 2006 9:13am | ||
420 User Info... | Hey Nicola! Was the car that rear ended the other a older blue ford taurus? and the car was hit a sprint or something like that? Whether or not. Yesterday this girl i know lent her ford taurus to her boy friend and he rear ended someone. his excuse was the people who have new cars and better brakes shouldn't brake so late for red lights cause people with old cars that don't have good brakes could be following them. He thinks it's not his falt at all, and was saying something about fighting it hahaha nice defence, you were driving a car with bad brakes and it's not your fault. If he says that to icbc they will not cover her cars repairs. F'ing idiot. - Tue, 31 Jan 2006 7:42pm | ||
420 User Info... | On another note... CAB DRIVERS! Need i say more? - Tue, 31 Jan 2006 7:54pm | ||
nicola User Info... | All I know was that the car that got hit was a new(er) Mazda Protige 5 (silver) and the one that hit him was blue. I didn't see whether or not the light was already red... but I looked up to see a stopped car get nailed. (with no screeching or stopping sound- other than the CRACK! when the 2 hit) If you're driving in rain or snow... slow down, don't be an idiot... and give yourself lots of room to stop... Sometimes, people have to stop suddenly - and it's your fault if you rear end them. - Wed, 1 Feb 2006 12:47am | ||
kay User Info... | "Young Drivers of Canada breeds bad drivers , I don’t remember anywhere in the driving code where you don’t enter a intersection when the lights green for a left turn " XY Satan I was failed on my N test for doing just that amongst other things I was taught by YD. I thouroughly DO NOT reccommend it to anyone, even if they're taking it to get the 3 months off waiting for their N test, it doesn't work. ICBC is so backed up that you pretty much have to wait that long for a test anyway. When I'm driving, if I see anyone being given a lesson with YD I try to change my route to avoid them, they're so unpredictable and are the REAL unsafe ones on the road...grumble grrr YD...idiots... - Thu, 2 Feb 2006 1:47pm | ||
YERMOMSMOM User Info... | I was biking up fernwood, got at johnson+fernwood, It was about a couple weeks ago so at about 6 it was getting pretty dark out. the light goes green for me a good couple seconds, so it was red for johnson for a good 4-6 seconds. I was about a 1/3rd through the intersection and some dumb fucking blond in her nice new import car comes screaming through at least 80, not only was she using her cell phone, but I could see she was wearing sun glasses, when it was dark out... WTF!!!! I was about 10 feet from becoming the new 18 year old graduate killed from a dumb fucking driver. If I had had a rocket launcher with lock-on capabilities, she would've payed. On a side not Neil Peart's Anatomy of a drum solo fucking destroys! - Thu, 9 Feb 2006 1:50am | ||
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