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drinking at all ages shows.
Message Board > General Chitchat > drinking at all ages shows.
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lauren a
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What's everyone's opinion on this subject? I think it's pretty stupid considering it's just going to end badly if any of the community centres refuse to let us put shows on at their centres. It's one thing if you drink before hand and keep in control while at the show. It's another when you drink outside the show on the community centre's property and make a ruckus and in the end forcing us to call the police to make you leave. Please try to keep the drinking to a minimum, guys. It's getting harder and harder every time to put on all ages shows. - Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:16pm
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just a question . . . why don't bars have the hand-stamp option if you are underage? cause elsewhere I've only been to shows in Seattle and everyone wins. wouldn't that greatly increase ticket sales? also it would alleviate the amount of anguished minors. - Mon, 8 Nov 2004 2:39pm
Livevic Scott
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Shawn, they don't do that because in BC its illegal. Our liquor laws are differnt from thoes in the US (or even other parts of Canada). You can't even have minors in a bar outside of operating hours here (as far as i'm aware), unless you have a specified type of licence under certain conditions (how Legends did their AA shows thoes few times)

but yeah thats why they don't do it, blame the BC government =)

As far as kids drinking at shows, yeah you kids have to get a bit more discrete, learn to handle your booze a bit better, or just drink after the show because if you keep this up your going to loose all your venues and you will have no one to blame but yourselves. - Mon, 8 Nov 2004 3:18pm
Masturbating The War God
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Back in the days of the Exit Cafe we would go drink across the bridge in the bushes and then go to the show, and yes, handle what you're drinking!

BC should definately change their ways like WA and the likes, everyone does win. Though I've seen some crazy huge drunk guys at Gracelands go a little crazy on the wee ones. - Mon, 8 Nov 2004 3:45pm
jay brown
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Actually they did try that here in that one club upstairs on broad st. across from the new v.i. they had a section for 19 and overs where you could drink and then the rest of the bar was all ages.. I am not sure what kind of permit they had to get for that but I dont think it flew very well. Too bad they should have marketed it more to the punks and metalheads cause it would of been packed for quite a few shows. - Mon, 8 Nov 2004 4:16pm
Fred the Dragon
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The Victoria Event Centre (across from the New VI) was getting a "special event" liquor license, much like one you would get for a wedding at a hall or something (I believe). They would give 19+ people a stamp which enabled them to drink. The problem with those kind of licenses is that you are restricted as to how much you can sell your booze for. In fact, you can't exceed LCB prices... meaning around $2.00/beer. Therefore, the bar doesn't actually make any money and ultimately can't cover it's expenses. Especially if they're turning the door over to the bands and/or promoters. That's why they're not doing shows anymore. Plus, the guy who was bringing bands in there had no idea what he was doing and didn't promote properly, so no one came. - Mon, 8 Nov 2004 4:40pm
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Scott and Lauren are right, if you're going to drink, save it for after the gig. Or if you insist on drinking during the show (not on the venue's property) know your limit and don't cause any trouble. Otherwise, you're endangering not only yourself but the all ages scene as a whole. I think we all remember what happened at the Garry Oak Room back in June, and then there's the recent incident at the JBCC. If we keep having incidents like this, pretty soon the promoters won't have anywhere left to hold shows, and that would be pretty tragic in my opinion.

Actually, I went to a show a couple of weeks ago (moneen at Babylon in Ottawa) which had the same policy as Seattle does, and it seemed to work out really well. The underage kids could get in and the older crowd could have their drinks... seems like a win-win situation to me. - Mon, 8 Nov 2004 6:04pm
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OK, I'm going to come across as a total nerd/old fart, but why is there the necessity to drink at shows? I've heard so many comments here from people complaining the price of shows, saying that they need that money for beer. Well, to those individuals I must ask what's more important - the music or the beer? I mean, if a show is $5 and you have one beer, that's a whopping $10 for the night. No one is saying you HAVE to drink.

As for drinking at all ages shows, it's the same as the above. It really comes down to music vs. booze. If you feel the need to down a mickey before a show, you're either a sad, sad individual, or the band REALLY sucks!

I for one prefer to let the music intoxicate me ;) [/nerd] - Mon, 8 Nov 2004 6:44pm
Lucky Bar
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At the risk of sounding like a greedy bar manager, I have to respond to Cooper. If people didn't drink at shows, I wouldn't put them on. That is not because I don't love live music, I do. It is the financial reality of this business. Most, if not all of the money you pay at the door goes to the band or towards the expenses of putting on a show which are considerable. Even if it is only buying a bottle of water, the bar needs to be supported or I may as well have a DJ and collect door money and bar sales. People have a misconception out there that bars print money, it is really not true. So if an establishment is supporting your scene, support them as well.
As for all ages shows, you guys are lucky people work their ass off to bring them to you. It's a shame if some drunk idiot fucks it up for everyone. Police your own scene people and weed these losers out.
Thank you for your support. Ben. - Tue, 9 Nov 2004 12:37am
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Yeah, this is a tough issue. People that drink at bars are exactly what keep the bar running. That's the reality of the situation unless bars start to specialize in selling other things that could make the same profit margin that people would buy. That should actually be explored more in depth because it may take the pressure of the traditional revenue source for bars which is liquor.

From time to time the Central Bar & Grill has all ages shows that are much like bar shows. Fortunetely we have been able to do this with the Toasters concert when they came for the first time in January of 2004 which WAS AWESOME!!! This was a dream show for me because it had a lot of older people and tons of really cool younger kats (mostly 17 & 18 that wouldn't go to just any all ages show that was advertised). Now we have suggested to Central Bar & Grill to have wrist bands like they do in other places in the US. Other groups in town also use this method when having events that are all ages with beer gardens. With wristbands the establishment/organization can differentiate who can be served drinks from who cannot.

But the bottom-line remains even Central Bar & Grill which has a restaurant license that allows them to do this is weary of it because having concerts with general admission in a restaurant/bar setting does reduce the amount of people that can legally be served liquor which seems to make them the most money.

When we did the Toasters concert we strongly encouraged the younger kats to eat and drink non-alcoholic drinks there to support the bar in lieu of not being able to buy drinks. Happily I did see quite a few youth do this and come early and enjoy a good meal. Although it's the actual liquor that really makes the cash at least they contributed and I did see some of them drink soft drinks.

I wish we had more places like Central Bar & Grill because those of age still like going to shows there even when they know it's open to those not of age. These types of all ages shows are the best in my opinion without a doubt. I support the wristband concept. It's nice to see cool youth exploring new music and mixing with older kats. In many instances there isn't that much difference in age anyway and once they get into their 20s the age thing becomes more and more irrelevant anyway.

I guess the bottom line is we need to find a way to open an establishment that hosts live music that can survive without having to rely solely on liquor sales. This is a worthwhile project to pursue! - Tue, 9 Nov 2004 1:02am
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Back in my misspent youth we (the youth of HorseShoe Bay) would organize "events" at the HorseShoe Bay Community Hall in West Vancouver. We would take turns getting the liquor licence. In those days it was quite easy to get a special event licence for a Community event. However, someones name had to be on the licence. That meant the police would come looking for you if any thing got out of hand or there were complaints from nearby residents. These days that person is also LEGALLY responsible for any thing that might occur. This is especially true of drinking and driving. It certainly stops me from wanting to put my name on a liquor licence any more. - Tue, 9 Nov 2004 12:07pm
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Lucky Bar, I understand your perspective and it totally makes sense. And considering this thread is focussed on all-ages shows, maybe my rationale doesn't necessarily apply to licensed venues. I'm just one of those nerdy guys who is always baffled when people feel the need to be drunk to have a good time (although I've been to known to have some grrrrrreat times while hammered, but let's not go there...). If you're underage and you're gonna drink, do so on your own time where you're not going to ruin it for other people. Some people are actually there to listen to music...what a concept! - Tue, 9 Nov 2004 5:04pm
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Cooper has a good attitude towards attending concerts. Keep enjoying the shows and supporting the music scene throughout the city (whatever genres you're into).

It's people like you that keep the scene vibrant in the community whether you're attending all ages concerts or bar ones.

You're right that it's not necessary to get wasted to attend concerts. It's funny because there are so many people I've asked whether or not they enjoyed a concert and they couldn't tell me because they couldn't remember it.

Bars don't like it when people go to a concert and can't control their liquor even if it gets them more cash. They stand to lose a lot more than additional drink sales from a person who is being a nuissance (being really annoying to others or threatening or causing harm) because they are overly drunk. Those people also place extra stress and strain on the bar tenders and support staff to maintain control of the space. - Wed, 10 Nov 2004 1:42am
Nik Olaz
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What i'd normally say if i felt like trolling:

yay for drinking at all ages shows. i'd rather go to one crazy show and have funny memories with drunks, than have a buncha boring pussy shows with everyone eating their trousers in non-drunken boredom.

Ok but honestly, what "opinion" do people have about drinking at all ages shows other than "it's stupid and it ruins places for all agers to be put on at". We've all seen the negative effects of drinking at all agers.
This is pretty much a thread re-stating everything we ALREADY KNOW. Whats the point to it? - Wed, 10 Nov 2004 3:33am
Livevic Scott
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I think the point is that if some of you kids need to get it though your heads that the way your conducting yourselves is damaging promoters ability to put events on for your own benifit. It's honestly becoming WAY more of a pain in the ass then it's worth for me to put on these all ages shows for you kids that can't get into bars to see good bands.

I don't really make any money off putting on AA shows and if I manage to make a few bux on a show I usually end up loosing it another night. Normally I enjoy putting on the shows (which is why I do it) but lately its just a night of cleaning up after a bunch of stupid drunk unruly bratty kids (I realize this isn't all of you but it is enough of you)

I suppose the basic point of the rant is, if things don't get better pretty quick i'm just not gonna even bother anymore. - Wed, 10 Nov 2004 8:25am
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Pretty asinine to see this same cycle over and over in Victoria. Save the drinking until after the gig and away from the venue dumbasses. - Wed, 10 Nov 2004 2:05pm
The One After Two
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why do you put on all ages shows? Sounds like hassle. Kids will drink at the shows because thats what high school kids do.

You guys complain that no one makes money, people are drunk, neighbours complain.

In Vancouver they havve all ages venues, they never last more than a couple years... why?

B/c kids don't buy lattes or coffee or pop or whatever they sell, they still get drunk outside, don't want to drop $5 for cover and leave early.

Best way to put on an all ages show. House party. Set up, invite who ever, do whatever you are comfortable with and sleep on the floor after the show. - Wed, 10 Nov 2004 2:19pm
lauren a
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What Scott is asking is simple. You basically have 4 choices: 1) drink before the show (off of the venue's property) and be able to handle your booze. 2) drink after the show (you still get to see good music and drink.) 3) Don't drink. 4) Don't come.

I just don't see how drinking at all ages shows is really worth it. It's especially annoying when you drink outside of the show and don't even come in. You'll spend 10-20$ on booze to stand outside and cause problems but won't spend 5-8$ to listen to potentially good music. It just doesn't make sense to me. Why even bother coming in the first place? There are a handful of public places where you can drink with hardly any consequences. All sges shows are becoming more about not paying and drinking outside than the music. I don't blame Scott for wanting to just stop putting on shows. It's becoming more and more of a hassel every time. You'll be 19 soon enough and you can get hammered and listen to music legally at the same time. Just wait a little while. - Thu, 11 Nov 2004 11:42pm
Livevic Scott
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One After Two: I put on all ages shows because I remember when I was 15-18 and wanted to see live music, I would see all sorts of cool bands comming to town that I wanted to see and they were always playing at bars, so when I started putting on shows I wanted to try and focus on giving kids that wanted to see music a chance to see mmusic, I wanted to expose them to what other people in other places were doing by bringing bands from other cities to town and give young bands in town a chance to play with their peers from other towns and make friends and connections.

Bascily I just remember it sucking that I only had one show every month or 2 to goto and it was alwyas the same 5 bands playing. Thats why I put on all ages shows.... - Fri, 12 Nov 2004 1:59pm
The One After Two
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Understandable Scott...its a service to the kids (and the can be rabid fans). but if the kids don't want the service... - Fri, 12 Nov 2004 2:49pm
lauren a
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....then drink somewhere else. - Fri, 12 Nov 2004 5:48pm
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"but if the kids don't want the service... "

I don't think that's a completely fair statement. While there may be a few bad apples out there that tend to ruin things, there are a whole lot of kids who really appreciate the all-ages shows that Scott and other promoters put on. I know this because I am one of those kids. It's hugely disappointing to not be able to see a band you love solely because they're playing at a bar. Going to shows was always a bit of an escape for me; it gave me something to look forward to. It's a shame that there are some people out there that are ignorant and selfish enough to risk it all by not being able to hold off drinking for one night. - Sat, 13 Nov 2004 9:30pm
The One After Two
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you are right. It wasn't/isn't a fair comment. In all honesty, I am pretty removed from the all agers.

The reason that, to me, they seem like a hassle is that I read more about problems on here than the triumphs. Maybe I need to read more show reviews and less general posts :)

Where I grew up, there was no shortage of shows, our problem was the cash to go them all! The indie all agers were always at someones house so getting liquored was part of pagentry. - Sat, 13 Nov 2004 11:22pm
Kris North
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You know I am not sure how to not sound cliche in this debate, all I am pretty sure of is that no matter what age you are it is unfair to say that all agers are a waist of time, because I feel that kids often have the most drive to go to shows. It did/does (depending on your age) really suck to not be able to see your favorite band when they come to town. That is the one thing that is for sure. All ages shows have their problems but thats what makes them all ages shows. - Sat, 13 Nov 2004 11:34pm
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In the time I've spent attending all-ages shows, I've drank at practically all of them. I've never been caught by police. I've been glared at by promoters, and asked to leave a few times, but other than that I can pretty much not get caught. Save your own ass kiddies, keep it on the down-low. You wouldn't even be allowed to drink outside if you weren't a minor, the fact that you're 13 and blind drunk doesn't add to your stealthy-ness. On the other hand, public binge-drinking transcends all musical genres and sub-cultures, so maybe whining at kids to not drink at an all-ages show is less effective than say, taking real responsibility and sending/driving kids home that are too drunk to discern right from wrong. - Mon, 15 Nov 2004 6:22pm
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just yell at the governtment thats always fun - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 4:52pm
Livevic Scott
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"taking real responsibility and sending/driving kids home that are too drunk to discern right from wrong"

Better yet, I just won't put on anymore shows for your drunk little un-appriciative ass! - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 6:12pm
Abbie Hoffman
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Anyone who puts on all ages shows is doing a huge favour to the music community, precisely because of the reason it sucks to put them on: no one really makes money on it. Which makes an all ages show more about the concert/community gathering than sitting in a bar could. (As an aside, I would way rather go to an all ages show because it's more of an event than going to the same bar I've been to 500 times.)

As for drinking: well, people gotta have fun. The real problem with these drunkards is that they can't handle their booze. So kids, spend some time practice-drinking before you bother to go to a show. I bet if you spent Sunday to Thursday drinking at home, learning your limits, you could really pull off the social skills required for going out Friday and Saturday. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 6:58pm
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I have played a few bars in town. I played my first all ages show last week it was pretty good for the most part. We picked up alot of emptys one girl got sick but she was ok. I found it better than the bars where there is usually at least one shit disturber at all times. Unless you have a kickass lineup, to half the people there you are basically background music to drinking. If there weren't bands there it would be the P.A hooked up to a CD player.

The kids were awesome. Pretty much everyone was dancing/moshing/ect. I would rather play an all ages show the atmosphere is alot more energetic. Sadly I don't see the booze flow stopping anytime soon. Maybe just use some common sense. Don't make a mess with containers. Please please PLEASE don't drink until you're sick. And last but not least, don't cause problems for anyone else, we're all here for a good time...not a long time! heh.. - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 2:11am
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Abbie Hoffman I'm sure some bands do indeed practice drunk or eer used to.

"If there weren't bands there it would be the P.A hooked up to a CD player"
So do I hear that you'll be the first to attempt one of those "youth dances" that the venues seem to want so much? I dont think many people would touch that with a ten foot pole (your just asking for fights and way more drinking) unless you put an age cap on it maybe?

The thruth of the matter is that allages shows are not too different to bar shows, well for me. Now I know I'm not the only poor ass who can get access to the internet. How many people bring booze to a bar show so they can go out and drink it? I know I do (parkade baby) and I know I go out at least a couple times a show for a smoke or even fresh air on the odd occasion. I know this isnt everyones normal show evening and its not always mine. Only difference is downtown you'll get a fine and all ages shows you'll lose a venue, shut down the show, get kicked out..... So just be smart you wouldn't sit in an open area near the bar so don't sit out in the open near the venue. - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 8:57am
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if you know how to carry your drunkeness, then i say go to town. but some kids fucking ruin the oppurtunity to use venues. like breaking windows for example. - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 11:38pm
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>So kids, spend some time practice-drinking before you >bother to go to a show

Hahahah that's brilliant.

>Better yet, I just won't put on anymore shows for your >drunk little un-appriciative ass!

What makes you think I don't appreciate the shows you put on? I take good care to not get caught drinking. What are you, the fucking morals police? What's the harm in my drinking at a show if I don't break anything or get caught? - Sat, 4 Dec 2004 1:05pm
The One After Two
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"What's the harm in my drinking at a show if I don't break anything or get caught?"

That is exactly the point. but remember kids, don't do drugs, stay in school. - Sat, 4 Dec 2004 1:32pm
Livevic Scott
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>I've been glared at by promoters, and asked to leave a few times

You even said you've been caught... - Sat, 4 Dec 2004 2:13pm
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i haven't even read all the replies yet, but it holds true that if the bar doesn't make money on shows, the owners are very likely to pull the plug on things, like what almost happened to us (pub 340, van). all the door goes to the band and we rely on bar sales to keep us open. owners don't necessarily have anything to do with what goes on except depositing money. shows can cost a lot what with promotion, sound, etc. as for underage drinking, keep it cool, not like we did back in the day. there's a lot less tolerance and venues available. - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 6:25am
drinky mcdrinkerson
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all you fucking lushes out there breaking shit cause your too drunk to know otherwise or just don't have the balls to keep your composure in check... its funny seeing assholes breakin' shit cause while they're doin' that i'll be busy mackin' their bitches! make love not war(once your balls drop and realize you enter yourself into "that guy" club you'll notice how much people laugh at you instead of with you...) - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 5:19pm
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>You even said you've been caught...

Not by anyone that matters. Hahaha. - Sun, 12 Dec 2004 10:52pm
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