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Album of the Month: December, 2013

We've been gone for some time, but we're back and ready with a review of a great ska record!

Album of the Month: July, 2013

Each month we pick one record to hold the title of "Album of the Month." This month we take a look at Early Reggae by The Revivers.

Recap of Victoria's 14th Annual Ska Festival

It is with a smile that we close the book on the 14th chapter of the Victoria Ska Festival. This entry is a look back on what made this year so special, and what we hope to build on in the future.

Ska Fest 2013 Playlists

With another year of amazing shows and musicians, so too is it another year of summer playlists to play in the car, at work, and wherever you go. We've put together a list of our playlists for our 2013 festival.

Ska Fest Memories #1

We've had plenty of awesome bands come through our festival, and here are just a few memories from some of the artists we've had come by.

How did D'Arcy ska?

In the "How did blank ska?" feature, we'll get into just how our organizing team got into ska and reggae music. This first edition features our merchandise coordinator, D'Arcy Briggs

Interview with Marcus Geard and Glen Pine of THE SLACKERS

This interview also appears in issue #51 of Absolute Underground.

New York’s The Slackers have been combining ska, dub, reggae, and rock n’ roll for over 20 years. The Hellcat Re

Interview with Chris Demakes of LESS THAN JAKE

For people who don’t know much about your band, you were on a major label for a while, Capitol Records, right?&a&l

Top 10 Albums of 2012

2012 was a great year for ska and reggae music. We've produced a list of what we feel are the top 10 albums that were the best of the genre in 2012.

Interview with Rocky Mountain Rebel Music
Interview with RMRM done in October, 2012 by D'Arcy Briggs Ska Fest: So first off, RMRM have become known as one of the region's best ska, reggae, and party bands. What were some of the original ideas behind the group and how would yo...
Interview with The Delirians
Interview with The Delirians done in June, 2012 by D'Arcy Briggs Ska Fest: When and where did you guys meet? When did you decide to form the band? Delirians:  Most of us, like many other bands, grew up in the punk rock scene, ...
Interview with Dope Soda
Interview with Dope Soda was done in June, 2012 by D'Arcy Briggs Ska Fest: When and where do you guys meet? When did you decide to form the band?   Dope Soda: Well Dope Soda was a project I have been wanting to do for a v...
Interview with Heads Hang Heavy
Interview with HHH was done in June, 2012 by D'Arcy Briggs Ska Fest: When and where do you guys meet? When did you decide to form the band? HHH: We all met through playing in other projects together. For example, our drummer, Pher, and Ch...
Old Man Markley: “We’re punk rockers playing bluegrass!"
On July 2nd I had the pleasure to interview Old Man Markley on tour with NOFX, & Teenage Bottle Rocket. With their hard work ethics they deserve every opportunity that comes their way. With their high-energy stage presence they give you a t...

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Gate Theory
experimental metal from Victoria BC
Marcia Goodwin "Mar"
Impressionist, Colourist, Concept Artist from Victoria BC
Evan R. Duffy
from Victoria BC
Rachael Faith
Editorial Photography from Victoria BC
The Coda Club
Live music venue
Open / Operational
IMAX® Victoria
Experience BC’s largest IMAX screen with 4K laser projecti...
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Nova Arts Hub
Nova Arts Hub is a creative space where you can dream, heal,...
4489 Viewmont Avenue Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Glentana Village Recreation Centre
The Glentana Village Recreation Centre (GVRC) is a small com...
Open / Operational

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