Directed by Mike Downie, the film stars The Tragically Hip, Jay Baruchel, Bruce McCulloch, Will Arnett, Geddy Lee, Dan Aykroyd, Ron MacLean, Sarah Harmer, Tom Wilson, Justin Trudeau
Jim Cuddy and Blue Rodeo on Kingston
Video by Lola Parks keeps levidrome front of mind. Victoria boy's word continues to gain momentum online. Lucky Budd, father of Levi Budd, campaigns to get "levidrome" in the dictionary.
Alcheringa Gallery announces new ownership.
Alcheringa Gallery is delighted to announce the change of ownership from Founder and Director Elaine Monds, to Mark & Mary Loria. Mark is a well known local arts and culture advocate and leader...
Hamilton natives return to the Kingston on Thursday, October 24
Still Alive in Kingston starring Bill Welychka, local pop, rock and hip-hop acts to premiere at KCFF this winter
United Way fundraising at the Empress Hotel in 1978
Shanique Peart and Shenel Williams, Krista Muir, and Chantal Thompson selected for 2024 artists-in-residence.