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Whats being clean & whats being crazy?
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Whats being clean & whats being crazy?
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Lame topic, but I'm a little annoyed - just how gross are ordinary people?

I have to move soon, and a friend made a crack about warning people about my "obsessive cleanliness". Yes, there are things I do that a lot of roommates I've had don't, (but I don't force them or grouch about it). They include:

- re-washing dishes before using them if I see chunks or greasey smears
- rinsing and wringing out sponges so they're not dirty, sopping wet and growing things & refusing to touch dishrags that people never let dry (they smell!)
- washing my hands after I've been out at a bar, shaking stranger's hands or riding the bus
- washing off the tops of gnarley, crusted dishsoap tops - a little wierd but I'm washing up anyway & they look ugly
- cleaning up right after parties - there's a lot more room & it smells better with a couple hundred less beer cans & butts (both kinds) lying around

I do occasionally clean off surfaces so it looks better but I don't care too much about clutter or dust, and I use very mild cleansers or plain baking soda & don't insist on DISINFECTING everything.

I don't seem to get sick as often as most people who can't wash a dish or their hands either.
So there. Call ME crazy. - Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:12pm Edited: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:13pm
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ok, you're crazy.... but we already knew that....

But as for the whole "disinfecting" thing... it's always good to keep things clean, but to abuse cleansers like lysol, etc actually is detrimental to your health... it basically means that your body does not come into contact with possible viruses or bacterias, so it gains no immunity to such things, leaving you wide open for when you do come into contact with something along those lines... which you always do, in public places like bars, malls, restaurants...

And as for your list, nothing seems out of the ordinary to me, even though I live in my own self-proclaimed hell hole... and with the parties... I know what it's like to say "I'll clean up tomorrow"... it lingers for days, no matter what you do...

But you know what they say... "A clean house is a sign of a dirty mind"...

'ere - Sat, 10 Feb 2007 1:38pm
Masturbating The War God
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Meh, you sound like me. I've worked in the hotel business cleaning rooms and cleaning houses, so it is really built into me now. I just moved out by myself, and it is the best thing I've done when it comes to my place being clean and how I like it. I'd prefer being a little more on the clean side than to live in filth. - Sat, 10 Feb 2007 1:59pm
Swingin' Joe
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Howard Hughes would be proud of you all! - Sat, 10 Feb 2007 4:39pm
Masturbating The War God
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Hey now, I doubt Sati wears kleenex boxes as shoes! I on the other hand need to go wash myself for the rest of the day so I know I am clean. - Sun, 11 Feb 2007 9:39am
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I'm a pig. well not really. I am definitley not a neurotic clean freak, but it is good discipline to keep things clean. but when you have kids, cleaning can be draining. heh - Sun, 11 Feb 2007 10:58am
trevor corey
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I think keeping food clean is overlooked. People have "food" in their cupboards and refridgerators that dates back to the Cretien era. Seriously, if you can't remember when you bought it, throw it out.
I keep the fridge clean and purged of any old goods. No matter what your roomate says, hotdog condiments have an expiration period. Also, mice and rats can chew through cereal boxes. When I buy anything in a box, it goes directly into tupperware containers.
How long has that box of "LIFE" cereal been in the back of your cupboard atracting tiny white bugs that are so small you might not see them when you finally decide to have a bowl. - Sun, 11 Feb 2007 12:14pm
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Not touching this one. - Sun, 11 Feb 2007 5:20pm
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Note to stay far away from Doomhammer next show, and possible Swingin' piggy.

"nothing seems out of the ordinary to me"
Thank you! I will report your findings.

I've been staying at a friend's, and there's a cucumber still in the crisper which I left there last time he was away. At christmas. Who knew he never looks further than the beer.
It'd be SO awesome to have my own place again... - Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:23am Edited: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:23am
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hah, I think most people would be relieved to live with you...
when I stayed at the creep house, I did the dishes a couple times, they were not mine, I didn't dirty them, but I was washing a couple I needed or had dirtied, and they were there so I cleaned them... You can not imagine the ammount of thanks I got for doing some thing simple like that...
Some of the people there are great about keeping their own stuff clean, like bret, beth and cody, but the others there are not. Those who keep their stuff clean feel they should not have to clean up after others, and rightfully so... But I look at it a little different... If there is dirt, and it bugs me, I should clean it, regardless of who is the cause, if you leave dirty dishes, and you will clean them tomor, cause they bug you then, not now, thats yer choice... but if I have a problem with yer dishes being there, I shouldn't bitch at you to clean them, I am the one with the problem, not you, I can either suck it up and wait till you do it, or suck it up and clean it myself solving my own problem right now.

I don't know why I replied... but you seam cleaner than most squat mates I have lived with. - Tue, 13 Feb 2007 4:52pm
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You know what I hate? When the toilet seat gets left down! :p

We all have our gauge of filth, but it aint unreasonable to expect things to be kept free of mould or maggots.

It’s a given, hehe! - Tue, 13 Feb 2007 8:22pm Edited: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 8:23pm
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"So there. Call ME crazy"

Talk about the little 'rusty tea pot', calling the black kettle, 'Greasy'...

Sati you probably even give your roommates shit over, leaving the tap on for the shower to warm, up complaining "Are you going to be chipping in extra for the water bill," and then you use the lame excuse, "I'M TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM GLOBAL WARMING!!"

BTW- was that you storming the stage at the 'Count down to the Olympics'?

You had this really crazy look in your eyes, and I was scared for a moment. - Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:49pm
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Yeah I know what you mean, NNB, its a wierd thread. But what you wrote made me think of some other stuff too.
I really don't mind doing dishes. Its kinda relaxing. And most people hate doing them, so I figure, why not. Like you, I always do mine & whatever's left around too, unless its left specifically FOR me to do.. I don't play that.

But in recent years I've stopped helping out as much, especially at friends' places, because people seem to have a lot of issues. Someone thought it was a shot at their crummy housekeeping. Some friends assumed it was cuz I was grossed out by their place and were hesitant to have me over after that if they hadn't already cleaned. Someone else once suggested that it was a low self-esteem thing and that I was cleaning to show that I can be useful.
????, I mean, its not like they didn't do things to help me out when I needed it, whats the big deal?

And being female, thats a whole other can of worms when it comes to guys in general, or boyfriends. Holy crap, you'd think they were raised in some foreign country where women walk 10 feet behind or something, the wierd takes I've gotten on clearing a couple of dishes! Everything from eventual anger & insistance that I help (obviously the end of those short relationships), to absolute refusal to let me even touch a dirty dish (also wierd).
So now that I think about it, thats actually why I don't offer as much anymore. I really don't appreciate the kind of b.s. assumptions more people than you'd think seem to make over such a simple gesture. - Fri, 16 Feb 2007 5:49pm Edited: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 5:52pm
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"simple gesture"

Some people see domestic activities as being somewhat intimate, so you may be crossing a line, hence the 'odd' reactions.

You can think that's weird, but when you're in other folks' houses, you do need to respect their preferences. - Fri, 16 Feb 2007 7:10pm
trevor corey
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My friend went to Prince George with his wife and their new child to visit her parents for a coupla weeks. He was so disgusted that while visiting he actually ripped up the flooring and laid down new stuff. Now that could cause some insult.
P.S.- wash your vegetables. - Sat, 17 Feb 2007 1:23am
Curmudgeon Rocker
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At my house, if a roommate does not wash each and every single fucking thing IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEY FUCKING USE IT.....or leave the counter, stovetop or sink dirty.....or leave hair or toothpaste or expectorant in the bathroom sink or tub.....then.....well, on first offence, their left baby toe is removed, and then, with each successive transgression, the next biggest toe is accordingly dealt with. - Sat, 17 Feb 2007 11:53am Edited: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 11:57am
trevor corey
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Oh used toothpaste and hair in the same sentance. - Sat, 17 Feb 2007 2:49pm
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Brittney Spears shaving her head, now that's crazy. - Sat, 17 Feb 2007 5:32pm
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