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Not Real
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Bruce Graham
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Send in the Trolls... - Sun, 24 Apr 2011 1:41pm
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To be honest, I clicked on the link after seeing it was Perish. I always considered them a joke/thorn in the local scene....however.....

I think this guy has some good rock vox happening. Anyone else? Forget about the songwriting, the vocals are good. Lyrics were repetitive. The solo was great for the first half, then it should have went somewhere else, but it didn't. Hey, we aren't all Sudz. The drummer was giv en er.

If Parish keep rockin like this, and laid off with all that visions of grandeur talk, they may just get a fan base here in town.

Thats my 2 cents, it ain't worth shit, cause I am a big fuckin loser.

Still, for a rock and roll band, it sounded ok.

I also think rockin it out in a living room is all rock, no lame. - Sun, 24 Apr 2011 11:26pm
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didn't the op get the boot from the band?

who's the biggest troll of them all? - Wed, 27 Apr 2011 8:17pm
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Hey I liked that. A lot.
(I'm a little askeered tho) - Wed, 27 Apr 2011 11:40pm
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I have always like his vocals. It would be fun to write a tune with those vocals. Cheers, Lucius - Mon, 9 May 2011 4:20pm
Bruce Graham
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In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.

Was the original topic posted trolling? - Fri, 13 May 2011 3:26am
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it is when you fully know that a)this band gets alot of negative feedback and b)you got the boot from them

you posted that link just so you could relish in the negative feedback; however, we are not as much of a piece of shit as you would like to think. Grow up and join a band already. - Fri, 13 May 2011 10:20am
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You know... it didn't suck. A little sophmoric, lacking in real substance, but it kept me listening until the end (and that is a feat!).

Seriously... Jeff if you're reading this... hook up with someone who knows how to record already. Your songs aren't bad, you're all perfectly competent at what you're doing, but your recordings (and mixes) are sadly letting you down. Living room drums and Line 6 guitar tones just don't cut it...

Good luck! (And Bruce, even Grimlord would recognize those sour grapes...) - Fri, 13 May 2011 10:45am
Bruce Graham
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"it is when you fully know that a)this band gets alot of negative feedback and b)you got the boot from them."

1. I didn't know I was holding a gun to your head forcing you to make any comment.

2. I was not "booted" from the band. Only your over-active imagination decided that that ever occured.

"you posted that link just so you could relish in the negative feedback; however, we are not as much of a piece of shit as you would like to think. Grow up and join a band already."

1. More over-active imagination, with a large dose of persecution complex.

2. I'm in a band. The Perish. Remember? - Fri, 13 May 2011 10:48pm Edited: Fri, 13 May 2011 10:49pm
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So could you set the record straight for us then please, Bruce? Are you in fact in the Perish? I have no idea if that was you in that video or not. If it was... Decent playing, needs way bigger tone. - Fri, 13 May 2011 11:51pm Edited: Fri, 13 May 2011 11:53pm
Bruce Graham
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I am currently playing drums for the Perish.
As for the mixing, tone etc. of this recording; it was recorded on a laptop, live in Jeff's living room. Not mixed. Those Imperialstars had awesome tone, but it doesn't come across over the condenser mic in the laptop. If you'd like to hear the properly recorded and mixed version you'll have to buy the 'Can You Hear Us Now?!' cd. - Sat, 14 May 2011 12:49am
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bruce, dont make me re-hash an old thread regarding the matter of you leaving the band/getting the boot.
It was a nasty affair between you and jeff from the sounds of it. Im glad you un-knotted your panties and made up; however, why would you post that video if you have better audio? The video sounds like poo compared to the recordings you have.

Sorry, Im not going out of my way to be a dick; but it really did seem like you put that video up there with malicious intent... that's all. - Sat, 14 May 2011 7:19am
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Yeah ..I tend to remember a fight over some drums for Xmass or something like that ...I don't know, And some money .....? I could be wrong ...But i'm not. I think Jeff posted something like "Bruce is no longer welcome in my home " kind of stuff.

And the hole point of Bruce putting this up was to steer the pot.trying to get this board back to the bad old Bruce...well I'm back for a limited time only.So give'r ... - Sat, 14 May 2011 12:02pm Edited: Sat, 14 May 2011 12:06pm
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So all those microphones on the drum kit... just for show? - Sat, 14 May 2011 12:30pm
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yeah really...??? And I didn't watch more then 30 seconds of this ...I just can't get into it...I would say Yes Jeff does have a good voice But...... I just wish he would put more effort into the music the the perseved thought of this band....Jeff, he could tear the place up if ...and it's a big if....He had the talent....sure he can play guitar anybody and there dog can do that.Don't just say it's good enough and it will do....Cuz a real studio will show all your imperfections laud a clear.Let you know you have work to do...I have not heard much of the cd but it's all the lest I think I can see what they are trying to do..make an original sound that when you hear it you go...hay, that's the perish.....Am i getting it ....If it wasn;'t for all the bullshit they spew ,this could be a great band.Oh and the dancing cheese the cheese. - Sat, 14 May 2011 12:52pm
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"Free Blowies"!!!! - Sat, 14 May 2011 6:48pm
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Shut the fuck up...!!! and it's free gay blowies....Know your history if you going to use it.....Man that was a epic thread.....Yessur sure did know how to make a flame war.Tcore you are slipping....Bruce ...? nice try ...but not.
Game on round three tomorrow ....FUCK YEAH....Tcore are we still on for the game.....I'll bring a guest.?? - Sat, 14 May 2011 11:21pm
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"a guest", you say?
Ok - Sun, 15 May 2011 1:15am
Mr. Hell
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The crowd in this is "Not Real". - Mon, 16 May 2011 11:44am
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Yeah...If this is not totally dubbed with a crowd and fake vocals and a shitty sloppy out of time solo, how can Jeff be saying : come on lets hear it for Eddy ,Eddy ,Eddy " and pick up a dropped pick on the floor as he chants this over the P.A. I will never know.Oh yeah he is an alien ..I forgot . - Mon, 16 May 2011 8:10pm
Bruce Graham
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Mics on drums were there for recording on the digital board. Not hooked to the laptop. So the drum sound picked up by the laptop was mostly buried by the guitar, bass & vox. As I recall there were a few free downloadable MP3 files posted on here a couple of years ago, and they were grabbed up very quickly by our favourite detractors. Thanx ;) - Wed, 18 May 2011 5:04am Edited: Wed, 18 May 2011 5:13am
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Yes I recall. I also recall making the exact same comments regarding the recordings and mixes. Spend the money and do it right. - Wed, 18 May 2011 12:17pm
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I bet Bruce thinks he's the man for bringing use all out of the woodwork ..?? - Wed, 18 May 2011 9:33pm
Bruce Graham
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What people on YouTube are saying about the Perish:

Well they need more f***in bands like you in the usa godamit wish you guys the best of luck, love this video.

Awsome stuff! You guys should upload more videos.


wow!!! this is ROCK!
5 stars!

F***IN A DUDES!! You are AWESOME!!

awesome dude..5 stars..keep it up

Great sound!

Hi thanks for the add!!!
your music is great...congratulations!
big hug from Chile!

Wow, you guys rock! I'll buy your album. I hope you guys make it as a succsesful band. - Thu, 19 May 2011 4:44am Edited: Thu, 19 May 2011 4:45am
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Been on the road yet? have any merch? played any shows outside the ONE in 2009? Do you know what it feels like to invest your life?
You guys have something good going; but until you get out and prove yourselves as a worth a)business entity and b)a band; nobody will pay attention*(sorry, outside the 200 hits on your video).
It requires more than just the internet to make yourself into a professional musician. I know of countless bands who are much younger but have a MUCH better mentality with their music/profession.
Like Anthony said above; invest your money into good recordings... and go from there(tour, merch, EPK, etc...)

Anyways, this is all I have to say. I work hard enough at what I do; I dont need to justify myself by posting shit video of my band :) - Thu, 19 May 2011 9:54am
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Your problem Bruce, is that you are too interested in what people say,and post then the actual music. So as far as I can say is that give your head a shake and start playing some real music. I am not trying to be a dick here at all ...just call it like i see it. And most people here are cool too,just when it come to this band....Maybe Jeff got permission from Bruce to post here ..that's why it's so wack ...or could there be two people in the bad that are crazzy....? Nooooooo...?

I know it's old and not sure if there still a band but,I've been checking this band out ...epic Quebec band.

cool vid there too - Thu, 19 May 2011 4:03pm
Bruce Graham
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"outside the 200 hits on your video"
Not Real has 919 views, She's an Animal has 935 views, Inside I Rust has 566 views, and Turpentine has 392 views. We also have Shirts, CDs and keychains for sale. I see your point though. Must be time for a road trip. - Tue, 24 May 2011 6:22am Edited: Tue, 24 May 2011 6:24am
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Simply type in "Worst Band" in YouTube and although the Perish don't show up, this video does and they have OVER 826 THOUSAND views.

I don't think I'd be bragging about my band if my video has had 919 views. Hell, I could view my own video myself that many times in a solitary evening. - Tue, 24 May 2011 7:28pm Edited: Tue, 24 May 2011 7:29pm
Bruce Graham
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"I don't think I'd be bragging about my band if my video has had 919 views."

Since when is pointing out an erroneous statement bragging?
Besides you posting your band on here and going on about your 800,000+ views is an obvious BRAG. Even considering spending your evening watching your own video 900 times is somewhat underhanded. So, I suppose since you'd be that devious, you think everyone else must be too. - Wed, 25 May 2011 5:15am
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