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Message Board > Album Reviews > Tool's "new" album. |
Tom Thompson User Info... | Well, I bought the new Tool album on the 10th, kind of funny to say seeing as how Lateralus sucked. I got a summary for those who like the band, It's better than Lateralus. It still was horrible compared to the old progressive metal Maynard used to set. During the album of Lateralus it never once even reminded me of Tool, had no referances or signatures of what they were and was completely all psychadelic, since then; instead of normal people liking Tool, a bunch of Hippies and Street kids starting going crazy about it, talk about being fucking lame. During their first song vicarious, it was alright. The new album showed that Tool had found a line between the Two new styles, which I heard on the radio. This song was not psychadelic and was actually normal to what I knew of the I decided to be the first one to get their new album at A&B sound...but that's a differant story. The Song Vicarious had him doing his drift away sound like he did many of tongs in such as Undertow and Prison sex from their album right after their first EP album. This made me very happy to see he wasn't singing with a double voice like in Parabol/Parobla with a high background voice talking about making them feel not like an imagination. Now I heard the rest of their music, song wings for Marie and 10,000 days as horrible names as they were, their music measured to it. Their was 2 good parts of the song, during 3:53 minuites & seconds to about 4 minuites and 12 seconds, very melodic, a repited sound really came band once the rain pounded harder at 5 minuites and 30 seconds for about 30 seconds long. During the solo was great, was not Tool like but at 8 minuites and 34 seconds he did a great 15 second progressive music and then followed by a drift away from their undertow. It was this that I realized to maybe give Tool a new shot. Until I heard the next track "The pot". It was a fucking lot like A perfect Circle, what a fucking joke. But whatever. Other songs like Jambi reminded me of Lateralus, seeing as how the 5 minuites in when he did the constant pounding attack of music like from "the grudge" in the album Laterlaus. It wasn't a that bad a so song after I listened to it about 7 times. It kind of got a bit catchier after that, but still not that great. During Rossetta Stoned, man, it was something that Dax Riggs in Acid Bath would do "teen music". It was so fucking weird, especially about 2 minuites and 33 seconds, it was a lead up until he did the souble voice thing with him being in such a high voice while a voice so death metal low you can't understand it singing the same words at the same time. It shows pretty much that their running out of ideas. The rest do not matter, they really weren't much as to talk of being so songs, it was more of just a beat and singing not really as noticible as the songs I talked about. My main point is Tool is not at all like they used to be, and that from Justin leading them in a leading bass like form of progressive metal. After undertow Tool's Bassist P'Dmour left Tool, it wasn't that bad seeing as how they got Justin in their and he really led them great in bass. The album is worth checking out though if you are a fan of Tool. Those who are going to argue with this coloum, shut up. Cheers, Tom - Sun, 7 May 2006 4:03pm | ||
Tom Thompson User Info... | Left off here. PS: wings for Marie is a dedication to his mother, her middle name was marie. And 10,000 days is 27.4 years, he was known as Jimmy at age 11,and the song hence forth he ran away. his mother died when he was about turning 38. This might have something to do about the song name. Personally it being Geeky to think so, so that fucking lame. Cheers. - Sun, 7 May 2006 4:08pm | ||
jeff User Info... | stop dising Acid Bath TOMMY, I know you love them. - Sun, 7 May 2006 5:51pm | ||
Tom Thompson User Info... | Come on Jeff, I was dissing Dax Riggs and you were defending him...acid bath loather. "wanker" - Sun, 7 May 2006 6:04pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | kind of funny to say seeing as how Lateralus sucked. I disagree so much. I think they were finally on their own with that album. The new Tool album is really cool. It's a traditional properly done rock record with just enough modern edge to make it interesting. Not many bands in the mainstream "rock" division interest me nowadays, but Tool does quite a well placed job. - Sun, 7 May 2006 7:04pm | || User Info... | Tool's new album... well, wasn't what I was expecting... I still like them.. I love "vicarious" it's such a good song. - Sun, 7 May 2006 8:29pm | ||
Adam_cynic User Info... | The new album takes over where "Lateralus" left off. Self indulgent stoner-rock with drum solos under it... The production is identical, the riffs are unmemorable and I can bearely remember a single hooky vocal. Man I miss the goog old days of Tool.. Aenima, Undertow, Opiate... Actual songs.. weeeeeee!! - Mon, 8 May 2006 11:18am Edited: Mon, 8 May 2006 11:18am | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | Are we all hearing the same album? There's total hooks on "10,000 Days". I've had most of that album stuck in my head. Did you all accidentally buy the Fall Out Boy album instead? - Mon, 8 May 2006 12:44pm | ||
Tom Thompson User Info... | No we bought the Tool album, The new one had one good song, Vicarious, it was a new edge with a blend of their old signatures with a bit of new, but their older music was much better. - Mon, 8 May 2006 5:33pm | ||
alain User Info... | I love it. Especially Rosetta Stoned. There's so much to that song. Anyone notice all the self-quoting? Like the 'clapping' during that sweet drum and bass thing from The Grudge, or the synth filter sweeps from Triad, and a bunch of riffs and such sound as if they were just edited in protools. That's great production right there if you ask me. Oh, and the lyrics fit well with previous stuff as well, including that lovely spoken stuff that goes well with Faaip De Oiad. I'll agree that I wasn't a fan of the production on Vicarious as a single, but as an entire CD, it's really growing on me. Also, self produced right? I love the different drum work, like the tabla and strange percussion, and the electronic drums sound great. A lot of experimenting with offset rhythms, having two people play the same rhythm, but both starting somewhere else. A lot more complicated than their earlier stuff. There's so much great stuff to say about this album... I have no idea what you guys are hearing. - Tue, 9 May 2006 12:30am | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | Yeah, they moved forward, instead of making the same album over and over. If they still had the same sound as "Undertow" or "Opiate" I probably wouldn't care for them. - Tue, 9 May 2006 2:07am | ||
Tom Thompson User Info... | Yes, but that doesn't mean they have to rejuvinate and change their style, such as KoRn did with their new pop reivention. True artists get new ideas, but this isn't it's just running out of ideas. Their not even the same band anymore. It used to be an awesome guy that played in concerts and pubs that progressed hard and "rocked out". Now he inspires hippies and stoners with psychadelic hollywood music. Many bands do this, New school and old school metallica, Korn as mentioned, System of a down, and so forth. Maynard I bet does this mostly because it sells best seeing as how everyone these days is actually so little minded to gloat off the fact that they are stupid "scene kids" "skaters" "hippie" stoners that base most of their minds around that, instead of being a casual person doing that shit, they all turn it into a style. Maynard is a highly educated buisness man, as shown in many interviews with him and a perfect circle. makes no matter to me though, their's many bands, so I excepted Tool to change a bit. - Tue, 9 May 2006 7:16pm | ||
Tom Thompson User Info... | There's* - Tue, 9 May 2006 7:17pm | ||
alain User Info... | *There are You know, since you were headed that way anyway. Still, the rest of that sentence is too flawed to understand. Accepted or expected? And where are the breaks? Sorry, doesn't really matter that much. I agree, they changed their sound. However, unlike Korn, who went easy-pop, Tool progressed into more complicated music. That might be what's throwing you. My first listen through, I had a hard time understanding everything that was going on, but after more listens, I know what's going on, and it's much more enjoyable. You have to learn it to let it grow on you, and that's not what some want to do. It sounds like rocking out means violently bobbing in 4/4, which isn't always the case on this album, so if you're looking for an album to 'rock out' to, this might not be it. Just put Sober on repeat. - Wed, 10 May 2006 10:54am | ||
ScottL User Info... | "It still was horrible compared to the old progressive metal Maynard used to set." - Tom Thompson I think we need to go back and listen to a little King Crimson.... I'm not sure you know exactly what you're talking about here with the comment that I quoted. I mean, tool certinaly isn't the MOST progressive band out there, but I think they have done nothing but become more progressive over their discography. Perhaps its not them becoming less progressive (false statement in my opinion) that you dislike, I think you simply mis-understand what it is to be progressive and as Tool enteres that realm more and more, you begin to dislike it more and more. I'm not saying that anything is wrong with that, because your taste is your taste, but I really don't think that your dislike for the new Tool can be blamed on any supposed shortcomings of the band. - Wed, 10 May 2006 11:53am Edited: Wed, 10 May 2006 11:54am | ||
Tom Thompson User Info... | I am not confused if that's the message, just had to say that to make sure. alright, but I have studied Tool a hell of a a lot (if you haven't noticed to how close I have fixed in on everything, seeing as how I just seem to do that with music), and the most that I can say is that they have changed, they were underground progressive metal, and of course they weren't the greatest, my message is that they are not like their old music and my beggining topic is what I have noticed on the new Tool album and what path they have been heading. they were a bit better this album, but Lateralus (in my opinion) wasn't what Tool stood for. Personally I didn't mean to make everyone here all fussy, so hopefully the subject can drop. Tool has indeed though, changed, but as above, so do many bands. - Wed, 10 May 2006 8:52pm | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | Tom don't worry about making people fussy, you have a point and you are backing it up. No shame in that and I enjoy reading it. That said, I'll have to agree Scott here, the band has gotten far more "progressive" since Undertow. Undertow (and Opiate) to me, is fairly basic rock, frat boy stuff. Some of my favourite Tool songs are on Lateralus. As for the new record... at first I was let down (like when I first heard Lateralus) but over time, it is growing on me. - Fri, 12 May 2006 6:48pm | ||
sonic the hemp hog User Info... | "The production is identical, the riffs are unmemorable and I can bearely remember a single hooky vocal" Adam this post is about TOOL, not 604 records. - Fri, 12 May 2006 11:00pm | ||
tristan User Info... | i bought that new panic at the disco today. good shit! - Sat, 13 May 2006 1:29am | ||
tyler User Info... | panic at the disco can eat my sick shit and the new tool album fucking rules soo much and so does lateralus.. and wayne powerman also - Sat, 13 May 2006 9:56am | ||
Swingin' Joe User Info... | Haha.You fucking wish. - Sat, 13 May 2006 4:37pm | ||
tyler User Info... | what do i fucking wish? - Sat, 13 May 2006 6:43pm | ||
jeff User Info... | in short TOOL SUCKS,WAYNE POWERMAN KICKS ASS - Sat, 13 May 2006 9:25pm | || User Info... | "i bought that new panic at the disco today. good shit!" Tristan, SHIT is right... Panic! At the disco is absolute shit and is poison to my ears. Oh well if you like it you like it... I just think that's a little crazy... Ohh f*** I just remembered the music video! *screams*... NO! Panic at the disco is NOT okay! Dumb classic poser eyeliner and hair trying so hard to get that false image down. STOPPPP ITTTT YOU IDIOOTTSSSS! Jeff, saying Tool sucks and Wayne Powerman kicks ass... that's real daring.. fuckkkk my mind is blowing up HEEE stop the the the the stop it . jesusss. - Sun, 14 May 2006 12:43am | ||
Tom Thompson User Info... | Hang.the.DJ. you look really familiar. do you go to Oak Bay or something like that? Or how is it also that you know who Jeff is? Just wondering. Also about the posts eariler, yes, Tool is getting more instrumental, just it's harder to go more intense to it. - Mon, 15 May 2006 1:06pm | ||
barracuda User Info... | the new tool is a snoozer... I loved everything up to lateralus the new one is deja-vu ... move along ... go on and explore a fresh sound.... it's like they decided to play safe.... boring! - Tue, 16 May 2006 10:29pm | ||
alain User Info... | You're right, there are a few similarities between 10kDays and previous releases, though I think it was very bold of them to revisit some old ideas. Make no mistake, they're not trying to pass off old stuff as new. They made it obvious that some material is under re-examination. However, there is a lot of completely new stuff as well. To pass this album off as recycled garbage would be like saying Seinfeld stopped being fresh once they referenced past episodes. In fact, it's one of the coolest things you can do, and how many bands have ever done this? It's a stretch for most bands to ever reference themselves on the same album on different songs, let alone revisit past albums. - Wed, 17 May 2006 12:07am | ||
tristan User Info... | caitlin, tyler, your both.. really.. really dumb - Wed, 17 May 2006 9:52pm | || User Info... | Tom, yeah I do go to Oak Bay. I just know who Jeff is because I recognize people. Tristan, if you're going to call other people dumb, at least make yourself look smart. I guess you weren't listening back in second grade when they told you that people's names are capitalized. And when writing "you are", you use "you're" instead of "your". And what? We're dumb because we don't listen to Panic! At the disco? I'm sorry, I didn't know people with a good taste in music were stupid! My mistake! - Sat, 27 May 2006 3:49pm | ||
Swingin' Joe User Info... | Haven't you people ever heard of closing a god damn door? Badummmmm tsssss. - Sat, 27 May 2006 6:02pm | ||
Hang the DJ User Info... | forget what I said - Mon, 29 May 2006 4:05pm | ||
Ryborg User Info... | I like it, I wasn't sure at first cause I think it just sounds like another tool record. The Pot sounds old school. 1st tracks pretty much a ball clenching rocker, as is the 2nd. Some of it's slow but I agree that it grows on you. Anyone listen to the end? I had it on my headphones in the dark last night and it spooked me for real! Reminded me of alien's communicated through sounds and patterns like some 3rd Encounters Steven Spielberg SHiz. - Sat, 26 Aug 2006 6:39pm | ||
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