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Saturday Oct.25th Black Lotus CD Release, Evil Survives, & Rotterdam @ Logan's Pub
Message Board > Show Reviews > Saturday Oct.25th Black Lotus CD Release, Evil Survives, & Rotterdam @ Logan's Pub
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Saturday Oct.25th Join us for the CD Release of Black Lotus, with guests from Winnipeg Evil Survives and locals Rotterdam formerly know as The Cambrian Explosion. Doors @ 9pm. Ticket's $10 at the door or $8 with zombie atire as it's after the zombie walk. Doors @ 9pm. Logan's Pub, 1821 Cook Street. - Fri, 3 Oct 2008 4:32pm
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The new Black Lotus album fucking rules! - Sat, 4 Oct 2008 12:32pm
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I have yet to see Black Lotus! This is going to rule. So many good shows happening, I don't even have to go to the shitty ones. - Sat, 4 Oct 2008 12:52pm
Mr. Hell
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Looking forward to hitting the stage for this one! Been a while since a live show. Can't wait to hear the Lotus disc! - Sun, 5 Oct 2008 1:04pm
J. Peatman
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Lyle's has a few copies our new album, and I'm taking some to Black Raven as soon as I don't forget.

Also check out the interview in the new AU...sadly edited for space however, but that seems inevitable.

It's going to be a great show! Has someone actually heard Evil Survives? No music on their Myspace. - Wed, 15 Oct 2008 12:53pm
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they got a youtub video up: - Wed, 15 Oct 2008 3:56pm
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wowzers, can't wait! - Wed, 15 Oct 2008 4:29pm
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Rotterdam, Black lotus.I can't wait to see this show. Y'all come down now you hear. - Wed, 15 Oct 2008 6:57pm Edited: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 6:59pm
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coo coo coo........ - Sun, 19 Oct 2008 9:32am
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i'll start the circle pit mosh.. as usual - Sun, 19 Oct 2008 10:42am
trevor corey
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This should be very great. - Sun, 19 Oct 2008 3:00pm
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my ribs can't take much more of this shit. see ya tomorrow - Fri, 24 Oct 2008 6:43pm
J. Peatman
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The return of the island's least obscure black metal band; BLACK LOTUS.

Preceded by:




Zombies will get $ 2 off at the door!


We will be selling our all new album "Harvest of Seasons" as well as all new shirts! - Sat, 25 Oct 2008 10:21am Edited: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 10:22am
Mr. Hell
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I'd like to extend an open invitation to Jeff A. Noyes of the Perish to come down to this show and hang out with us other folk just as a normal dude who is part of Victoria's music scene.
I'd invite DAJ, but we know he can't afford $8.
I'll be sporting my olive green Black Lotus shirt for this. Bring your money and buy the swag! - Sat, 25 Oct 2008 10:50am Edited: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 10:54am
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how about some outdoor so we can smoke the schwag - Sat, 25 Oct 2008 12:24pm
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the after party is gonna be at DAJ's tent y'all - Sat, 25 Oct 2008 1:13pm
Mr. Hell
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Gonna head down early to watch the Canucks and Oilers tangle. Great way to start the evening! - Sat, 25 Oct 2008 5:47pm
trevor corey
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Trevcore had to pull a big guy off of a small guy, even though the small guy appeared to be totally in the wrong.
Then I had to explain to some chick that I wasn't laughing at her for tripping and landing on her face, but that I was laughing because on the way down she punched Mr Hell in the pills, and doused Brayden in beer.

.....but seriously, very good show by all three bands. - Sun, 26 Oct 2008 4:04am Edited: Sun, 26 Oct 2008 10:49am
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hey that fight was kinda hilarious, the floor was super slippery and I ended up on top of the little instigators back, with mug of beer in left hand, right hand in the air for balance and when he tried to get up it was so slippery I got stuck and was riding the guys back like a rodeo horse. Best part was I barely spilled any of my beer!

Good night by the way, Rotterdam sounded 200x better with time to gel and practice and all that.

Evil Survives were SHREDDING dual guitar leading power metal mayhem, wonder if those guys listen to alot of Iron Maiden? haha, anyhow they were quite energetic and entertaining.

Black Lotus sounded really good, themselves, but there was some horrible feedback which after about 3-4 songs I finally went and told the soundguy (not Scott..) about it, not sure why he couldnt hear it as it was like a blanket of noise under the band, but he finally dialed it out of the mix. And Jasper, your vocals sounded fine ;)

good times. - Sun, 26 Oct 2008 12:41pm Edited: Sun, 26 Oct 2008 12:42pm
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Rotterdam seemed to dodge the soundman's idiocy last night.
Really impressed with their huge, heavy sound.
Certainly my choice for best post-ML7 project, though UTA and ALDBFT are great bands in their own right.
Great job w/ the vox, Steve. You ought be starting up an Entombed tribute band some time soon. - Sun, 26 Oct 2008 3:42pm
Mr. Hell
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We (Rotterdam) were blown away by the response to our set. We thank everyone who came down early to check it out and really appreciate all the feedback!
I managed to get through the set without using my cheat sheets, therefore I would say that was our first official show as a solidified unit. On stage it was hard to hear some things. Darryl and Jay's VHTs really do defy any thing a sad PA can do to fuck up live sound.
Evil Survives were in the vein that is popular right now of revisiting Maiden and Priest influences. Unfortunately, I was never a fan of either band, so while I could appreciate their tightness and talent, I wasn't really into their set. Nice fellows though and I hope they sold a lot of merch to fund their tour and hope they get home safe.
Black Lotus playing a show doesn't happen very often, so it is an event when they do. Great, hypnotic songs with the epic feel throughout. Jasper did really well with the clean vocals. Spot on.
My only complaints would be it was hard to hear the guitars and the drums were not loud enough in the mix. This does not reflect on the band of course. Whether it's the PA or a soundman issue, I can't be sure. Seems to happen too often at Logan's shows.
Anyway, the Black Lotus disc is most impressive! Do yourself a favour and check it out! Be sure to grab a shirt too. Pretty cool lookin'!
The one lowlight of the night was getting sacked by a girl who tripped over a gig bag. That hurt for 25 minutes.
Thanks to Heather, Logan's staff and all the wonderful people who came out to the show.
Krieg...Entombed tribute band? Let's do it.
Thanks for the props, brother. - Sun, 26 Oct 2008 5:04pm Edited: Sun, 26 Oct 2008 5:06pm
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Damn, forgot to add RLH to my list of ex ML7 bands. Though they've been rather inconspicuous these days...
I assume Mr. Cox likes to hibernate during the colder months. - Sun, 26 Oct 2008 9:35pm
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i am not hibernating ....however that doesnt seem like a bad idea except playing shows would be more fun!
sorry i couldnt make it out to the show
sounds like it was fun and eventfull
Run Like Hell is very much alive and looking to play a show soon......shall we put a show together? and with who?
so let it be written so let it be done!
MR.Cox - Mon, 27 Oct 2008 12:59am
Emperor Kuru
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Awesome show!! Rotterdam was fantastic. evil survives twin guitar fury was amazing. my only complaint was the sound guy seemed a little inexperienced and needs to hone his chops a bit ( and mic selection) but only in comparison to Scotty H. Anybody get pics? - Mon, 27 Oct 2008 9:15am
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Great show all around!

Just want to give an extra big THANKS to the Black Lotus crew for letting us load our gear back in the big U-haul.
VERY APPRECIATED!!!! - Mon, 27 Oct 2008 4:53pm
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Rotterdam went on 1st with some sonic and bluesy tasty riffs ,big drums,thick bass lines and stomping vocals. I'm a sucker for the type of music that is so uncontrived and has great flow. Three words the describe Rotterdam is Thick Thick and THICKER.

Evil survives got up next with a full set of power metal with dueling guitars and
some great vocals that reached high as the clouds. When you see Evil survives, you can tell they've been touring.

Black Lotus delivered a great set of intricate powerful tunes and have a me playing there CD everytime I'm in the car. Great cd I do recommend this for anyone into metal. - Mon, 27 Oct 2008 5:23pm
Urbain Grandier
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I'll throw in my support for Rotterdamn....Definitely will make an effort to see them if they play again! - Tue, 28 Oct 2008 4:53pm
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It was sweet to see Meatloaf fronting an underground heavy metal band ...

I couldn't hear anything of Black Lotus .. Logan's has some of the worst sound I've experienced. But drinking horns and homemade mic stands made up for it. - Tue, 28 Oct 2008 11:40pm
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I'm glad you guys liked the show, but it bugs me that many of you found the sound sub-par. Since I hear this complaint a lot, I'd really like to get to the bottom of it and fix things. Could you please let me know exactly what it is you don't like about the sound at Logan's? I'm interested in all opinions, but especially concrete suggestions from people who know their gear and the room. If you want to email me directly, my address is getchrislogan AT Thanks! - Wed, 29 Oct 2008 8:23am
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Cool for asking for feedback, Chris. I hope it ends up helping.

Lack of bottom end is probably the biggest issue. Without that it is really hard to get any sort of balance and the overcompensation kills everything else.

Any chance you can email out, or post your sound system specs?

Without that info suggestions are going to be mostly guesses.

Btw, was an awesome show! - Wed, 29 Oct 2008 9:42am
Mr. Hell
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I thoroughly enjoyed Evil Survives' cover of 'Objects In The Read View Mirror May Be Closer Than They Appear'...gotta love songs that are titled after everyday instructions.
As far as the sound goes, definitely the bottom end as BBJ stated, as well as the lack of consistency in the operation of the gear. Guitars are usually buried for no good reason.
The stage monitors have been known to not work and even blow up at times. I understand that certain bands like to spill beer all over them and stand on them, but it is too bad because the rest of us who are not acting retarded on stage do like to hear ourselves so we can remain tight.
Ultimately: more bass bins, more volume (actual wattage as opposed to just bumping the faders up...POWER!!), more stage sound, more guitar and drums. - Wed, 29 Oct 2008 2:38pm Edited: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 5:19pm
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Thanks to everyone who came out to the show and all the bands for playing! Thank you to Logan's as well for holding so many great shows! Cheers! - Thu, 30 Oct 2008 10:19pm
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I don't even think Logan's sound is so bad, I think the guitars wouldn't end up buried if the sound guy quit trying to mic them bug the bands to turn down, and just let the guitar cabs carry the guitar sound and use the PA for drums and vocals. Most of the louder bands have good enough guitar gear to fill out that venue, anyways. - Fri, 31 Oct 2008 7:21am
Mr. Hell
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Or get a good, powerful PA with some bins and put everything through it. Really, who wouldn't love that? - Fri, 31 Oct 2008 4:25pm
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Leave it to the metalheads to whine about the sound. Some things to consider. The sound at Logan's varies RADICALLY from place to place; if it doesn't sound right then move over a bit and see what happens. When I do sound there I obviously do it so it sounds good at the board then I wander around and listen to it at a variety of locations (this is when the ignorami say that I "wander around chatting with people"). Most metal bands are stupid loud so I usually concentrate on the kick drum and vocals and let the off stage volume work FOR the mix; if you want to see a metalhead get cranky fast tell him (or her) to turn down their brand new triple rectifier Boogie stack. Want some more golden rules of metal at Logan's? Here goes:

If all the bands are sharing a backline then one of the important parts of it (usually the bass amp) will not work properly.

The opening band will ALWAYS show up late and then take forever to get going causing the whole gig to fall behind. This is, naturally, the soundman's fault.

If the singer eschews a mic stand then you can't put hardly any of them into the monitors because they will constantly point the mic into them causing ridiculous feedback.

If the drummer uses triggers there is about a 40% chance that they won't work. Almost every time it's because they brought the wrong cable ( a RTS 1/4" instead of a regular guitar cord). If they have a sampler it's morelike 75% they won't work. SORT YOUR GEAR OUT IN PRACTICE YOU TWITS! Also most vocal effect units (especially ones with distortion in them) will feed back uncontrollably. Always the soundman's fault it seems.

The crowd will mosh like demons, destroying and unplugging the monitor system almost immediately. Then there will be whining about the lack of monitors. I'll fight my way to the stage to fix them whereupon they will immediately be unplugged again.I think it's sort of a merry game that the moshers like to play with me. And, no, there is no way to "mosh proof" the monitors. After a bit of this bullshit I usually give up.

Most bands bring about a hundred beers onstage with them, most of which they put at the front and most of which get knocked over immediately causing the biggest fucking mess imaginable. Usually a bunch of glasses or bottles get broken for good measure resulting in cords with bits of glass glued on to them the next day. I have to sometimes wear gloves just to set up the PA the next day!

Every metal band takes up to 40 minutes to set up. I remember Fauna, a TWO PIECE band (2 guitars and a CD player) taking over a half hour to set up, play WAAAAY past our license and then call me an asshole because I had to shut the gig down at 1:35. To people who think that the laws of this stupid town don't apply to them I say WRONG. WE CLOSE AT 1:00AM. Don't like it, don't play Logan's.

Sure it would be nice to have a PA like, say, Sugar but those things cost a LOT of money, money that we simply don't have. Putting on a metal show probably costs us between $50 to $100 A SHOW just in broken stuff (mic stands, mics, busted cables, blown monitors, cooked monitor amps etc. etc.). No sensible bar would EVER put on a metal show if the object was simply making money At some point we will tire of the bullshit that goes along with trying to nurture this scene and the metal crowd will be forced into renting halls, laying down massive damage deposits (which they will NEVER get back) renting huge PA systems, bouncers etc. etc. Believe me, it's a huge hassle so quit yer whinin'. And don't waste your time calling me a crumpy old fart; my day still beats your week.

On a side note I find it both sad and (darkly) amusing to see the number of metal types (at least they sure appear to be metal types) casting aspersions at the homeless folks in this town in several other threads on this board. Not only do I work knee deep in these people every day I myself was homeless for awhile (with two jobs!). Some are assholes, some are junkies but almost every one of them is mentally ill enough to make "just going out and getting a job" pretty damn near impossible. Even though these people often make life difficult for us at Logan's we manage to find some compassion for the majority of them. So should you. Chopper et al may think that it's swell to go and tear down the tent city; I would find it hysterical if he did that and the denizens of said city followed him home and burned his place to the ground, after flaying him in his front yard, of course. It might do you some good to walk in their shoes, if only briefly. - Sun, 2 Nov 2008 1:31pm Edited: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 1:37pm
Mr. Hell
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No need to get bent out of shape, Scott. Chris asked everyone what they thought Logan's could use as far as sound improvements, which tells me he is possibly thinking about investing in gear. How is that a bad thing?
Anytime I've played at Logan's, the bands the night before have literally destroyed the stage. Everything is covered in beer and blood. Garbage is piled up and I have found various pairs of soiled underwear around the stage. 90% of the time I need to sweep the stage and even clear the previous night's band's gear off it too. One common factor I find is the previous night's bill was always a punk band.
I can say that any band I've played in at Logan's has treated the equipment with respect. We've always had a fine time with Scott at the controls. What we are saying is there are limitations to the gear (which you have said yourself, Scotty). The monitors are what they are. Polishing a turd is a phrase that comes to mind.
Not sure why you wouldn't be excited to maybe get some new gear, Scott. Isn't that something to be embraced?
As far as Fauna and bands with that attitude, I think they should be banned from the venue if they are going to behave in the manner.
Mentally fit, capable, unemployed people who cause problems and abuse the system are the target of our wrath in the homeless hate-on. Don't be like Hearse and read into something it is not. - Sun, 2 Nov 2008 5:14pm
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The Sound issue at Logans that I pointed out to the soundguy was NOT the fault of the band. The feedback was almost nonstop for about 3-4 songs, not sure where his ears were at but even the band were asking eachother what it was between songs and within seconds of me pointing out the feedback, he dialed it out.

You talk shit about the metal bands who you work with, yet you are such a bad to the bone old school punk rocker type, your going to tell me that punk bands are all roses and champagne with an over the top respectful crowd that doesnt smash shit and make a mess??

And cmon, labeling everyone in the homeless threads as 'metalheads' in reality there are about as many 'metalheads' standing up for them on those threads as are 'non metalheads' bitching about them. You obviously dont know who most of the posters are so why assume that its all metalheads. Non metallers have opinions you dont agree with too. Talk about mis-directed whining. Take a look at the people in the media bitching about the homeless.. so far from 'metal' in their rooftop condos its not even funny.

To say personal musical preference has anything to do with opinions on the homeless is also misdirected.. am I a metal head to you? What if you see me jamming in a gypsy jazz trio down in Chinatown? How about the old punk rock sideprojects of my youth.. does that make me punk? I speak out about the homeless then crank up some prog rock, followed by some ska. Sometimes Scott, you read into things waaay too deep.

ps; Todd Bertuzzi is your favorite hockey player of all time. - Sun, 2 Nov 2008 7:57pm Edited: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 8:06pm
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My apologies if my comments were deemed "anti-metal"; I didn't mean to imply that all metalhead types were like Chopper and co. And you are right; the punk bands are just about equally bad both for the disorganised-ness of their shows and the mess that gets made etc. Bear in mind that to a regular sound dude (which I am most asurredly NOT) metal bands and punk bands are the same thing; a headache that requires considerable cleanup, maintenanc etc. afterwards. People here know thatI'm pretty committed to both the metal and punk scenes in this town and cut bands a lot of slack during gigs because I really want the gigs to work the way they should. Thanks to Heather and her bunch working in tandem with the venues most of these shows have worked a lot better than previously; the stuff I bitch about in the pevious post are actually happening less now than before which is great but they still happenwith maddening frequency. P.S. Bertuzzi is a punk. - Sun, 2 Nov 2008 8:58pm
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Anyhow, I think the majority of the 'we hate homeless' posts on the C & Q section are actually directed more so at DAJ and his statements and accusations rather than attacks on the homeless in general.. Im sure the average Livevic poster, victoria resident, or metal punk type knows well that there are legit reasons for some people to be homeless.. DAJ On the other hand is knowingly abusing the system and using his political views as his excuse for not getting a job like the rest of us, all the while eating the free food and using the free utilities and services (ie: internet.. ) that we the tax payer provide for people to try and hopefully get back on their feet if they are capable. - Thu, 6 Nov 2008 7:49pm
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