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Allfather. Repulverisor @ The Cobalt
Message Board > Show Reviews > Allfather. Repulverisor @ The Cobalt
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Masturbating The War God
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Minus the fact that Teen Chuthulu(sp?) and Goat's Blood cancelled, the show was wicked. Allfather played one of their best sets that I have seen, a great way to kick-off their tour. Repulverisor fucking rocked, I enjoyed them quite a bit, it was fun to see the contrast between them and Allfather.

Always good drunken times when going to Van, and oh yes, got to love getting drunk off of 7.50 pitchers. Yum!

I have nothing else to say at this point. - Sun, 25 May 2003 1:06am
ML7Mike Wicked! - Sun, 25 May 2003 4:57am
Anonymous What kind of metalhead doesn't know how to spell CTHULU?!
SHEEESH.... - Mon, 26 May 2003 12:17am
unattained I heard Allfather didn't make it across the border.
Always sad when someone's tour is messed up because of crap like that.

I just heard from a guy on the street though, doesn't mean its true. - Mon, 26 May 2003 12:44am
Anonymous Allfather are fags. - Mon, 26 May 2003 12:56am
Anonymous you're a fag. - Mon, 26 May 2003 1:12am
Masturbating The War God
User Info...
That is weird, I can't see them not making it across. We ran into them just as they were about to leave, in Afro Canadian,! Mmmmmmm, leftovers for lunch tomorrow. - Mon, 26 May 2003 1:27am
Anonymous Chad was held at the border 'cuz he had T-Shirts in his car (illegal to sell without license in the US). So they went back to Van, dropped off the shirts and made it over the border Sunday night. - Tue, 27 May 2003 2:37am
Deep Dragon ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....thats hilarious...silly Allfather, tricks are for kids! **eats cereal**...ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - Tue, 27 May 2003 9:00am
Anonymous goatsblood=fuckin AAAAA!!!
repulverizer=fuckin aaahhheeerrrggg yaaayaa
allfather= fuckin yaaa bblleeeaaaaa - Fri, 30 May 2003 2:19am
Jerking off the Battlebot Man, is my nickname ever lame! - Fri, 30 May 2003 6:01pm
Anonymous Allfather's tour is over. Chad says they got screwed by their tour manager and are coming home - Sat, 31 May 2003 1:06pm
Anonymous Wow, six days! Looks like those metal homo's dony have a clue. - Sat, 31 May 2003 3:06pm
Anonymous well no shit... what kind of band tries to go on tour when they have shit all for a following, its hilarious, you'll waste so much money going on tour, when your bands name means nothing to the rest of the country let alone the rest of the continent.. its just utterly pointless...
Oh well it was probly a learning experience for the bullet belt, leather clad band - Sat, 31 May 2003 6:31pm
Holy fuckin' moly! YOU are the one who is hilarious. If bands didn't tour, then nobody would ever hear them. How do you think you get a fucking touring. Fucking rock star in your own mind....blah,blah. - Sun, 1 Jun 2003 12:27am
ML7Mike Thats funny, I seem to recall seeing Allfathers name mentioned on pretty much every metal board I have been to, at least a few times. They especially seem to have a following in the US. - Sun, 1 Jun 2003 4:57am
Anonymous Allfather's following was not a problem- the shows that they did play were packed, and they have a huge followign in the states. Like I said before, it was just that the tour manager was full of shit and didn't book half of the shows. - Sun, 1 Jun 2003 9:30am
Anonymous is this for real? whee are you getting your information from? - Sun, 1 Jun 2003 8:18pm
Masturbating The War God
User Info...
yes, they called from Hollywood a few days ago, that sucks, and who claims this? - Sun, 1 Jun 2003 10:09pm
Anonymous All Father are the most ridiculous band ever. Nice fuckin bullet belts you halford lookin, cock smoking, homos. Whats with that growling in between songs. Am I supposed to be scared? They are so boring to watch. The tour just simply fell asleep. End of story - Sun, 1 Jun 2003 10:31pm
Anonymous I agree, but before we close this sad fucking chapter, let me say also, NICE FUCKING NAME,GEEKS. - Sun, 1 Jun 2003 11:33pm
Anonymous and what is a "cool" fucking name? gallow's end? - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 1:32am
Anonymous yup - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 2:16am
- Some of you assholes need to shut up. Do you not have anything fucking better to do? I check this site out once and a while to see what's going around in Victoria, not to hear you fucking losers bitch about people making their own kind of music, their own way. Atleast they're out there doing something with their lives, not sitting on their fat asses infront of the computer all day long scratching their nuts and bitching on a message board. Now be sure to bitch about me as soon as this is posted too, we're all dying to hear your reply - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 2:45am
ALLFATHER defined in history The Allfather being the living God that saved humanity from itself and certain annihilation at the hands of the foul chaos gods. A towering eternal pillar of strength, the Allfather has walked the lands of man since the beginning of time. A watcher and guardian of the true of heart, he was to strive to unite and save all humanity. For this he did for over 30,000 millennia. Alas it was at his pinnacle of success, at a time when the humans were untied that tragedy struck.

The chaos gods being as ageless as the All farther did wait and plot, determined to rid themselves of the one thing that stood between them and the total destruction of all living things. So it was when things were well and the Allfather had almost secured humanities safety did chaos strike.

Corrupting and manipulating the Allfather's son they succeeded in throwing the lands of man into civil war. The outcome of which was a ruined empire a crippled Allfather and a legion of chaos renegades that would bring death to our lands, time and time again.

So now is a time of war, death, horrors and hope, hope that Allfather will recover and rise to save us all. For now he sits upon his thrown of gold, a silent figurehead that can only act as a guiding light to all those who should wander far from his presence.


Those that follow the path of the Allfather believe that Lawfulness is the right state of being and that Chaos is the root of all evil in world.

The teachings of the the Allfather are as varied and as wide as the number of different churches and cults that follow him, but in general he espouses co-operation and community as important, rather then the gratification of the one. Society, structure, obedience these things are the structure of faith in the Allfather's eyes.

Only through devotion to law can one truly obtain spiritual enlightenment, as there is no ambiguity, no second-guessing or interpretation. As long as laws are created for the benefit of the majority then the law must be adhered to.

However, if you lie outside of the law then do not expect the laws to protect you. For example, should someone murder a being, then the perpetrator of the action has demonstrated a disregard for the law, and therefore may be punished by any means; even it the punishment and its implementation falls outside the current laws. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 10:32am
Chumps Allfather = ODIN. Since at least 1/2 of all the white people in Canada have ancestory that either worshipped Odin or were settled by people whom worshippped Odin, you guys with all the fancy insults ought to do some reading. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 10:38am
Anonymous What a long windy peice of turd. I dont care what Grade 8 history class the name comes from they stick suck gay biker leather studded wiener - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 11:02am
Fact They are also one of the only metal bands to ever come out of Victoria that actually have fans spread out across Canada, US and Europe. For a band that has never released an official album, just demos, and is unsigned, that is quite an achievment. It is understandable that some may not understand such a style of music, but that is not a reason to claim they are crap. They are doing better than YOUR band and your all your friend's bands. They are playing Hollywood while you are surfing for porn and jerking of to imaginary images of Isobellia. They gain respect in an international scene, in a metal genre that is one of the hardest metal genres by far to gain any respect in, and against a plethora of international competition, yet they still make a name, albiet a small one, for themselves.

So take your petty small minded comments that you are to gutless to post under a name, and get an opinion that matters. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 11:08am
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
What are you talking about???? We have fans in Duncan too! - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:49pm
Indeed Yep you bet they are recognized internationally. Destroyer 666 has worn ALLFATHER shirts in pictures for professional European Maganizes. They are on a label. Not many metal bands here are on any label. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 7:18pm
Anonymous And who might "Destroyer 666" be???? - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 9:40pm
Anonymous Professional European Magazines? Oh My! I love how you metal fags go beserk over ANYTHING from Europe, even though 99 percent of it is crap. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 11:38pm
Anonymous All Father are still a bunch of little sissy fags trying to be scarey with those Village people biker outfits. What are you gonna do? blow us until we beg for mercy. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 1:42am
Anonymous hmmm why do i have the feeling that it is their fired bassist dennys writing these hostile remarks? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 2:06am
Anonymous nope. you obviously havent seen them. Its halford on vocals. Gay Biker metal. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:47am
ML7Mike I think the reason why us North Americans appreciate the European scene is that metal is alot stronger there than in North America. Just look at the annual metal festivals in Europe. If a metal band can make it in Europe, they are pretty much set. Bands from North America barely need the scene here. Look at a few bands as example.. Nevrmore. They draw 10's of thousands in Greece and 350 in Victoria maybe a 1000 in LA. Annihilator, havent toured North America in 10 years even though their leader lives in Maple Ridge. They do tour Europe few times per year, and it has earned Waters enough money to own a few houses and a very nice recording studio. Sheavy, a canadian band from the East Coast can sell out every show they play in Europe and come home with a bundle of cash.. In the US or Canada they lose money.

Alot of bands can sustain their careers by toruing in Europe, and those same bands would go broke touring in America. The Europeans take their metal very seriosuly. So for a band like Allfather to be making a noticeable impression there, it is indeed a good sign for them.

We North American metalheads have to drive for days to get to the Milwaukee, Maryland, New England area where all the annual metal festivals are held here, but in Europe they have so many of these festivals, one barely has to travel anywhere to see their favorite bands.

Talk not of which you dont know anonyloser. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 12:34pm
Anonymous It's only because Europeans take longer to ditch stuff that's either just plain silly or stupid. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 2:43pm
Sick of all you children! I find all of the useless banter about allfather amazing!How is it that all of you people minus a few of you, you have so much to say about a band and you dont know know shit about them or what there about. the ones who talk shit disgust me,all be it, the only reason you do is because you have nothing better to do!Get off the computer and and get a fuckin life,oh wait your moms calling! Time to go to bed....

In short,get a life,yeah,you know who im talking about! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 3:57pm
Wreaker of Havoc
User Info...
You talkin to me???? YOU TALKIN TO ME?!?!?!?! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 4:56pm
ML7Mike "It's only because Europeans take longer to ditch stuff that's either just plain silly or stupid"

Wrong. Some of the best metal bands in the world are coming out of Europe now, although the US scene is finally starting to catch up. But hey, if you dont know, thats ok. Personally I think all hip hop is rap and that anyone who listens to it is a wannabe gangbanger. Just my ignorant opinion and completely untrue. As is yours. :) - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:00pm
Anonymous European metal sucks. Bunch of Odin worshipping Viking fag wannabes.Ya that's right, Odin worshipping Viking fag wannabes. I agree about the rap though, you're not as ignorant as you think (or sound). - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:18pm
ML7Mike Well.. There is a huge variety of european metal though. I mean, you have the mainstream In Flames, Soilwork type stuff, then the thrashing old school with a new sound The Haunted, Arch Enemy, Children Of Bodom ( who went Gold in Finland their home country ) to the nu-black like Dimmu Borgir, Cradle Of Filth, newer Emporer, then there is the uber-melodic Pink Floyds of metal like Opeth, Dark Tranquility, Ulver, Older Ebony Tears, then the death/hardcore crosses like newer Ebony Tears, Meshuggah, Dog Faced Gods, then the NS black like Immortal, Marduk, Burzum, then the melodic black like Borknager, Bathory etc. then the morose crying dark melodic like Nightwish, Lullacry ( gads I hate chicks that sing metal hehe ) and then you have the old school like Entombed, Dismember, Kreator, Destruction etc. and that is all just the northern European type stuff, Im not even going to get into the shite the greeks and italians and portuguese are getting up to.

Anyhow, my point is, you dont know much about modern european metal I guess. No worries. Maybe you once bought a Manowar record. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:46pm
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