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Bong show made me smile
Message Board > Show Reviews > Bong show made me smile
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Reese i did this earlier in the wrong spot so now i'm here to tell you that i really enjoyed the bong show last night. took a lot to get me to smile after the Canuck's lost but these guys had great tunes, talented musicians, and dancing girls. infectious and fun. i left before the brains but thanks to the bong gang for lifting me out of my wallowing!!! Do you have a site or something to let me know when you are playing next? - Fri, 9 May 2003 11:34am
King Bong
User Info...
Hey Reese!
The site is and if you email us we will put you on our mailing list. We are recording our full length CD this month and playing Vanouver, and up island through late May and Early June..But, back at Steamers on June 20th with a cool pothead band from TO called Green Law Avenue and a very special benifit show for Ted Smith's compassion club at the little fernwood on June 22nd with a few as yet unanounced bands and DJ's.
Thanks for the nice words and welcome to the jungle baby!
Sticky Kola - Fri, 9 May 2003 12:28pm
Anonymous I liked the Brains it was entertaining, I thought the Bong show was more like a gong show. I was pretty disappointed, I always heard great shit about them but it was nothing memorable at best. Maybe the game throughout their ability to play? - Fri, 9 May 2003 1:25pm
King Bong
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Hey anon buddy which one of the three people were you watching the Brains? Or were you one of the thirty or so dancing in front of me?
Also, it does not suprise me that you're a coward who cannot post his/her name..because you were not even there..
what a loser... - Fri, 9 May 2003 1:44pm
Anonymous ^Robin Black - Fri, 9 May 2003 3:21pm
King Bong
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Bob Jones... I can make up a name too, means nothing..tell me "Robin" what time did the Brains go on? What time did they finnish?
Still a loser.... - Fri, 9 May 2003 5:30pm
Em I would just like to say that it is totally pathetic of you Mr. Bong, to slag someone who didn't like your band. This is the show review section and guess what?...not everyone is going to think you're great! You're doing nothing but making YOURSELF look like a fucking loser by calling people losers because they didn't like you. Get over yourself! I mean fuck! how lame are you that you'd attack someone for THAT! Do you cry when someone doesn't clap at your shows? Do you beat up the drunk guy who makes dumb calls between songs? Who's the loser now?? - Fri, 9 May 2003 6:14pm
You're funny No. You sound like this glam rocker from Toronto who refers to himself as Robin "Fucking" Black. It has to do with getting all bitchy. - Fri, 9 May 2003 6:40pm
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some dudes think show reviews means tell us how good you think we were instead of tell us what you thought. too bad. - Fri, 9 May 2003 6:51pm
Troutbreath There's more going on here than just a bad review. Judging by the grammar and the spelling, this person is the one who always comes on to slag King Bong. They have threatened us and our families and they have hidden behind the anonimity of this board to do so. We can handle a bad review but this is way beyond that. Sorry, but we get a little touchy when there are threats of violence. - Fri, 9 May 2003 7:12pm
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Shit, I missed that! What happened? That's happened to me too - find out who it is and take care of it.... - Fri, 9 May 2003 7:25pm
Em Uhhhh...all I got from that was that you guys were not memorable... yup them's fightin' words! You should be fucking freaked! - Sat, 10 May 2003 10:56am
Holmes Looks like someone needs a vacation.

Either that or someone call the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulence.

H - Sat, 10 May 2003 11:27am
Fucking cry baby Funny, I didn't hear any "threats of violence" in Robin's post. I think "King Bong's" ego is like a house of cards, ya pull one out and the whole flimsey structure comes crashing to the ground. Suck it up and take it, biatch. - Sat, 10 May 2003 11:31am
Anonymous A grand total of thirty people dancing in front of you? That sounds like a real barnburner,numbnuts. I've seen more people on a streetcorner selling Jehova's witness literature than that. Get a hold of yourself, for your sake. - Sat, 10 May 2003 11:51am
SweetGrass As a member of the Bong show and a voice, I like to believe of mediation, I would like to address the past talk of this anon poster . Since November one voice identifiable by making the same spelling mistakes etc, has threatened to take we girls violently and anally, has slagged and slandered all of us... has threatened violence to members of the band and their wives, threatened to wait outside of bars and we think it's the same guy who got in the face of one of us girls after a show. ( We really are the nicest bunch of people).

We are all a little touchy now to those who are negative, but not because we think everyone should love us ( but come on, how could you not?) but because people can be really strange. So please love us or leave us, but come on down and judge for yourself and any good criticism is always welcome. It's how we grow as a band. Thanks Ross Bay for jumping on this and understanding quickly! - Sun, 11 May 2003 1:31am
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None of that - who was it? - Sun, 11 May 2003 2:41am
SweetGrass We have our suspicians but until we know for sure we aren't going to post who he is . Thanks for the support though. We are currently doing some checking of our own.and will keep you posted. S.G. - Sun, 11 May 2003 12:25pm
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What's this I hear about the S.O.B.'s being phoned up at 10:00 AM the next day and being told by the booker for Steamer's that they were "banned for life" for smoking... GRASS on the patio? I'm guessing King Bong recieved no such phone call, although if there was in fact a hoobie going down you can bet they'd be in there like a dirty shirt. I guess no one at Steamer's had the brain power to figure out the Smoked Out Brains/King Bong/ marijuana connection. Or maybe the Bongsters are too good a draw to "ban for life". Comments anyone? - Sun, 11 May 2003 2:50pm
ML7Mike geez, Ive smoked a fair share of doobage in Steamers ( inside even ), and the worst thing that ever happened was a bouncer telling us to take it down the street.

Considering SOB's drop about a million dollars per year in Steamers on wings and beer, Id say they are making a bad decision over nothing. - Sun, 11 May 2003 2:56pm
Troutbreath I just pulled this post from General Chichat. Check out the grammar, poor spelling and dreary attitude and you may begin to understand what we're talking about:

" ME. A person who makes a living from growing and selling:
i can't stand losers like this representing our culture. spouting of about shit they know fuck all about. well the fat guy with glasses may know something. apprently he was a big time grower, should spend some that cash on singing lessons.

why is always the loosers that think they need to promote marijuanna? the rest of us normal people have no problem buying selling and enjoying pot.

get off the band wagon! you make the rest of us look bad. - Sun, 11 May 2:56pm"

call me crazy but, I'd say it's the same guy again. He's also threatened to turn us in to the police for allegedly using pot! I'm going back outside, it's just too nice a day to be worrying about this asshole. - Sun, 11 May 2003 5:09pm
SweetGrass Zippgunn...Is that true???
That sucks, usually we go into an alley or doorway to enjoy, but yikes, being banned for life is major. - Sun, 11 May 2003 10:49pm
Get some help, dude Troutbreath, I think you need to see a shrink. I dont detect any threatening tone to the post you quote. I think you're putting far too much stock into this messageboard anyways. You just sound really delusional, and quite paranoid. - Sun, 11 May 2003 11:45pm
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Must be all the pot....... - Sun, 11 May 2003 11:52pm
SweetGrass Me again...
I think delusional Troutbreath was using that as an example of how we know who it is with his distinctive written style. You are right threats in this one. Really though back to being banned from Steamers...What were those guys doing and how did I miss all that pot going around?? - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:59am
Troutbreath Hey ROSS B AY just to clear this all up. My best delusions were developed with Peyote. - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:20am
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Where can I purchase some? - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:56am
Troutbreath I haven't seen peyote for sale in years. The last time I partook, delusions of that granduer tend to last for a while, I did the Brujo power walk thing in the desert outside Tuscon. I let the little guys pick me. If you're thinking of vacation ideas for you and you might try a trip to Arizona. - Mon, 12 May 2003 11:08am
Music Fan I heard that there is some kind of narc bouncer who was just hired at Steamers. I don't think that the Smoked Out Brains or King Bong are at fault here. Do you know how much weed I have smoked on the terrece at Steamers over the years. It's only when you get some over officious nazi bouncer that shit like this happens. And Steamers will hurt their own biz if they don't watch out. Vertigo used to have asshole bouncers too and look what happend to it! I have no doubt that people were smoking weed that night, come on Smoked Out Brains and King Bong ! Duh! It's all down to how Steamers handles that kind of thing..and it seems that this time they handled it badly. Too bad for the Brains and I doubt Bong got off without a scratch but, neither band is to blame and that ban on the Brains should be lifted!I say it's that rat bouncer who should be fucked up! - Mon, 12 May 2003 11:53am
Anonymous Vertigo closed because their manager took off with $300 000. - Mon, 12 May 2003 12:31pm
Crystal Bill "SweetGrass - We have our suspicians but until we know for sure we aren't going to post who he is ." oh ya?

is the person just a bad of a speller grameriser as you, or worse.
is troutbreath and english teacher. just wondering if he studies all the post or is he a genius wordsmith.

you guys sound like a bunch of wittle cry babys
welcome to livevictoria, where know one is safe from slander.
grow up! wait till you get slagged by the guy in the Times Colonists, what will you do the go to his house and beat him up. - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:01pm
Anonymous Crystal Bill, you torture the English language pretty much the same way as "Me" in the post Troutbreath comments about. Could you be the same person? Why are you so obsessed with King Bong? What have they done? - Mon, 12 May 2003 1:18pm
David Kopp
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When are king bong and smoked out brainz playing next? They sound like a lot of fun. - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:03pm
Troutbreath For info on future shows and mp3 samples check out our website:

We are hoping to be in the studio soon. What good can come of this I ask you? - Mon, 12 May 2003 2:15pm
smoked out brainzzz Hi' y'all Here's what happened we the band walked outside to smoke one of course to find the members of King Bong (whom I thought were a good band indeed)rolling and smoking doobs and They passed us a joint so we puffed it thankfully and the bouncer told the them to put it out so he did and things seemed fine I remember the joint had some killer hash in it which almost ripped out my lung.So yes I did get a call in the morning and the guy (andrew) did say we could never play there again(boo hoo). Anyway we are boycotting Steamers and if anyone is pro-pot and anti-asshole they should consider doing the same. We enjoyed playing with King Bong and we'd do it again. We've got a show lined up at the Brickyard in Van if you guys are interested give me a call. P.s. no hard feelins to you guys and keep up the good work. - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:17pm
porkknuckles i was at the show and probably smoked 4 dubes, no one said anything to me.i think that it was a case of some kind of obscure bigotry against the brainzzz. as well ITS FUCKING VANCOUVER ISLAND!!! were not in saskatchewan here people! barstaff should be sodomized and ignored.
i challange even non smokers to go and light up in this den of morons. have a anice day - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:41pm
brainzz brainzz At the top of this page King bong say there were 3 people in front of us at that show. I was on stage and I'm sure I saw more than that, not much more unfortunatly but you can't win them all, and it also sais there was 30 in front of them dancing. I happened to be there and I definetly did not see 30 in front of them either. If you are going to pump your band with lies don't cut down others please.You seem like a nice bunch but that was uncalled for. - Mon, 12 May 2003 3:53pm
King Bong
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Whoa Whao Brain!
No disrespect intended...and no lies either..we have a group of friends and "regulars" who follow us around..they number somewhere around 25 or 30.. and as I recall you guys we not even there until our last song so...and
Lets face it was Thrusday night..the last night of the nucks series, and THEY LOST... and there were still regluar Steamers people there when we played..and by no fault of yours..they were gone home to weep over the Nucks loss by the time you got on. That's the truth and that's what I was refering to, shit this show has been announced and promoted for at least a month one even knew we were on the bill as you only asked us to play four days before the show, that's why we brought out our friends and regulars..cause we called them...on short notice and we did not even get paid!
As far a the doobie thing goes..there were a lot of people smoking weed on that patio. I was sitting at a table with one friend and three strangers who all pulled out doobies and lit up. I admit to rolling one but I never sparked it cause there were three splifs and the fucking CANNON that you guys lit up going round already. When the bouncer came I did put out the spliff I had, I don't know what happened to the others , but one of the very nice guys that sparked up got chucked out over it..I think that the bouncer was a little too uptight.
As far as playing with the Brains goes ..whatever, we all really liked your set, and the little socializing we did was nice but like you said when you asked us to open for you, " I know you guys can headline wherever you want but..",... and your right we can.
Sorry Andrew took that harsh road with you...I think it was undeserved.
As far as the rest of the are all entitled to your opinions..but if you're going to critique our show at least have the decency to go and see it..the chump who wrote that shit did not see the show..cause you can say a lot of things about Bong but nine people bouncing around on that Steamers stage, giving away pot cookies and doobies, not memorable...please!
Bong - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:10pm
Troutbreath Yeah, we're obviously going to have to increase Sticky Kola's medication. Sorry about that. - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:25pm
brains I'm sure he didn't mean harm and there was none did Stemers call you? - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:31pm
King Bong
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Keep you hands off my! I said before it was a shot at the asshole anaon not the Brains and yes we got roasted by Andrew big time!
Kola - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:35pm
mad hadder yo I was at that show and what the fuck was the big deal??? I've been at Smoked out Brainzzz shows before where theres so much weed you couldn't even see the band onstage. This show was tame, it was a good show but banned for life?. The other band gave away pot cookies off the stage. Pot is Pot it's illegal and that sucks but the bar as far as i know didn't mind that type of illegal conduct going on. One question did King bong get banned ? if they didn't it's an obvious conspiracy.By the way that fukin meat head bouncer tried to stick his finger in my bum as i walked by. - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:39pm
brains I agree that who ever slagged you up top is out of line, but what was up with that bouncer and that doobie scene what's this world coming to? I'm gonna go sit in the room and drink a bottle of home made hooch maybe eat some shrooms, smoke a really big joint, and play some music. Bye-Bye - Mon, 12 May 2003 4:46pm
King Bong
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On the eve on enlightenment it is an outrage that anyone should have to suffer any discrimination based on the fact that they enjoy weed!
That bouncer should be ashamed of himself, and all I can say to him is... karma dude karma!
Bong - Mon, 12 May 2003 5:09pm
Reese This is a really interesting board and apparently i shpuld have stayed for the whole show. Looking forward to the next one Bong gang. - Tue, 13 May 2003 7:10pm
Lousy burnouts They should round all you fucking reefer addicts up and send you off to fight some war in a far away land..... - Tue, 13 May 2003 10:53pm
Brains O.k.,O.k. I was referring to the amount of people watching us which was more than three and even if it was three thems the brakes sometimes and I know you didn't mean it as an insult to us but with being banned and all I was a bit choked and when I read that It made me overreact It was a dud of a show for us I admit but there is no hard feelings to youz and we'd still play with King Bong I think you guys are a hillarious band(when I saw you before)....
Anyway when we walked outside there was allready joints going around whether it was yours or not doesn't matter what matters is that WE got banned I can't help but think it was a personal vendetta and I do take it personally. It was our first (and last) show at Steamers and I guess we might be a bit to out of the norm for them or something you Know hammer and I'm sure he's told you about our two foot joints we usually hand out at our shows and we were trying to keep tame about it all including eventaking out some of our really freaky heavier songs but we still got flack from the man I guess we learned a lesson in gigging and life. We are not much different in what we represent in our music and we should definetly stand together cuz this isn't the first time we've had trouble for what we stand for I tell you when Andrew called me the next morning I was insulted and pissed off at first but now I can look back and honestly laugh There are lots of bars out there and we are unmoved by this incident..... p.s. sorry for rambling - Tue, 13 May 2003 11:46pm
brains By the way I emailed your flute player and told him we do have some cash for you it's not much but it's for you how 'bout I just Email you? - Wed, 14 May 2003 12:20am
Anonymous Flute player? Really now..... - Wed, 14 May 2003 9:56am
Troutbreath Yeah, Flute Player! Wanna make somethin' of it? - Wed, 14 May 2003 12:07pm
King Bong
User Info...
It is all good as far as you Brains go!
We have no bad feelings for them or anything but contempt for that rat bouncer! While we agree that it is stupid to put Andrews licence in jepoardy, I think it could have been handled in a better way..and the ban for life is a little extreem...
Us potheads are really taking a beating these days...
and for the anti pot military would not want to send us to one of your wars..we would just order pizza , make friends with the "ememy" and get high, sleep with their sisters, and war, sorry, I guess only booze gives you that kind of aggression that feeds war...
Kola - Wed, 14 May 2003 12:08pm
Anonymous Kola? - Wed, 14 May 2003 9:37pm
Anonymous Sticky - Thu, 15 May 2003 1:47am
Anonymous is kola a greeting, or a flower? - Thu, 15 May 2003 3:56am
King Bong
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Both - Thu, 15 May 2003 11:18am
King Bong
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It's like Hawaian..Akola..... - Thu, 15 May 2003 11:27am
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