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Hoosegow/Jak-Uzi/Death Sentence
Message Board > Show Reviews > Hoosegow/Jak-Uzi/Death Sentence
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drinkdrankdrunk So how was the kiddie show? Who's going to the piss-up? - Sat, 1 Mar 2003 5:10pm
... How much is the show tonight? 5 Bucks? - Sat, 1 Mar 2003 6:31pm
Ty Stranglehold
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The kiddie show was a bust. No one showed up so the show did not go on.
The bar show, on the other hand, is going to go off!!! - Sat, 1 Mar 2003 8:54pm
jay brown
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there was a foul up with the posters they said the all ages was on sunday, hence the lack of attendance. - Sat, 1 Mar 2003 10:48pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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NIght show was an old school fest. When else do you see puking blind marc gettting let back in, Dayglos Cretin doing backups for the headliners, Reese JAK sportin a longboard, Hung JAK getting into music instead of.... , Jay Brown heckling the bands, Lettuce giving stock tips, Lisa W actually being out, Dave D's gee representing, Bonehead telling tall tales, Mike talking shit (remember GOON SQUAD),Willie JAK smoothin the ladies, Chris and Monk JAK keepin it real yo, DreadKnot Jake's flailing hair, and more fuckin shit you young folk just dont understand. Dont worry you never will........ - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 3:57am
Ty Stranglehold
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Don't forget Jason Flower selling records and Rick Long just being a cool muthfucka! - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 5:26am
Anonymous wreaker- you're a fucking retard - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 12:00pm
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I'm still fucking hammered. Bitches. Oh yeah AC muthafuka......donut rules e;jkdFBWEKlasdhc - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 12:01pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Retard??!?!?!? Yes, yes this is true..... - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 12:45pm
jay brown
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o.k. it's 1985 again........ a lot of faces I havent seen in a long time. That was a damn fun show, and Death Sentence played a killer show I was totally impressed. Had a blast my head hurts, time for some crappy sunday morning t.v. - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 1:21pm
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700 club
100 huntley street
maury - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 1:36pm
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Rick got me totally baked. - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 3:30pm
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fucken eh that was a rad show.

everyone played killer sets and i even managed to overcome my alchohol alergy enough to get drunk off of swigs of Robb Bay's beer. thanks buddy!

i wish there were more shows like that here. - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 3:32pm
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What an awesome freakin' night!
All of the bands kicked ass.
Highlight- blind Mark doing full on air guitar action with his walking stick. Danger on the dance floor, too funny. - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 4:13pm
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mark's blind? - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 4:36pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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BM hands me a mittful of cash. "Clark can you go get me a beer" Idiot me "Sure no problem" Get to the bar and find out that, as incredible as it may sound, a beer costs more than the $1.75 he gave me........ - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 5:04pm
Anonymous death sentence sucks hairy bums!!!!! they stunk it up!! - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 5:55pm
Anonymous no, thats just donut, he's all about his farts these days... sigh - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 6:00pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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I was stoked. DS were pure old school. Not try to sound old school they just were! I kept expecting Dustin to be doing donuts in the parking lot in the Bronco, Ray the Ree to walk in with his skate, Hanner to be doin grafeed in the can, Freestyle ollieing over the fire hydrant out front, Ratcliffe doing a boneless off the roof, jamer doing some sick shit on his board, Little Dave decievingly luring some poor sap into a fight, Eli rolling some rocker, Jake W getting IDed constantly (still looks 16), Mike Syn exposing himself....ah shit you get the point! - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 7:20pm
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I'd say this show and Bob Log III have been my fav shows so far this year...Hoosegow keep gettin better and better...Jak Uzi were fun...and that was by far the best set I've seen Death Sentence play...The sound was fucking perfect...The Devo interlude was kinda wierd...And is Dannyboy Scum pregnant? Where the hell did that belly come from? Really enjoyed hearing the classics, I'm glad they saved Live to Die for the end...All 4 people I went with ended up barfing, and I didn't for once...Good crowd, good times - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 7:53pm
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what a bunch of cocksuckaZ, fuck off from vic. - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 10:32pm
Anonymous heh?? - Mon, 3 Mar 2003 11:20am
S.V. Sounds like I missed a killer show. A little reunion of the 80's misfits and I missed it...figures. Ah well maybe next time. - Mon, 3 Mar 2003 1:03pm
Anonymous gabe, are you feeling a little hostile towards the bands from Van, or what? - Mon, 3 Mar 2003 9:27pm
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wow you old fuckers keep pretty tight, that's encouraging. I didn't even know who death sentence were when i got there.. fuck they sure kicked my ass though. fucking hoosegow get better everytime i see them, and jak-uzi.. well what can i say? the force is strong in that one. best show i've seen in a while. sorry to people who slipped in beer that i spilt on the floor. spilling beer became a trend for the rest of the night for me a la beer karma.

Soundgarden rules and i hope it never dies! - Tue, 4 Mar 2003 8:18pm
Anonymous some dumb dumb blew up a bottle outside at the end of the show, sprayed glass everywhere. not so smart, me thinks. - Tue, 4 Mar 2003 9:33pm
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ohwell. - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 1:24am
balls deep Jones is a bitch. - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 2:27am
Anonymous "gabe, are you feeling a little hostile towards the bands from Van, or what"

maybe cus she got thrown on her ass for knocking over gear???

just a possibility. - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 1:31pm
Anonymous hey gabe, were you taking pics on stage and got knocked over? - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 1:33pm
kyla hehe "balls deep" *snicker* - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 1:38pm
Anonymous no she was taking pictures and knocked their (jak uzi) fuckin amp over so she was pulled off the stage and she fell on her ass. fucking annoying cunt. got what she deserved. - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 5:21pm
Anonymous hahaaa, i wanted to say that first!! stop shoving that fuckin camera in everyone's faces!!! - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 5:36pm
Anonymous i mean, seriously. gabe you're fucking annoying. take a note from the other photographers and don't be a fucking wench. at least the other people taking pictures weren't dinks about it and getting in the fucking way ON STAGE. have a little respect. - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 6:11pm
Anonymous Yay!! I'm not the only one who feels this way!! What does she do with all these pictures anyway? She's shoved that camera in my face many times..I guess cause I look wierd or something...I HATE THAT!! She invites herself to parties and flirts with anyone who's in a band, regardless of whether or not they have girlfriends...But is a total bitch to girls, or anyone who isn't wierd enough looking or in a band...But really, she's at so many shows...WTF does she do with all these pictures?? - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 7:27pm
Anonymous p.s. DEATH SENTENCE KICKED ASS!! - Wed, 5 Mar 2003 7:32pm
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k, i'm sure she feels like shit already. let up a bit. i didn't see that shit go down but everyone fucks up real bad now and then and hopefully we learn from it. no need for name calling, you fucks. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 12:10am
Anonymous shut up, virge. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 12:23am
Anonymous i guess virge hasn't felt the wrath of gabe, yet. but honestly, buddy.. she's fucking annoying. she treats everyone like shit unless you're in a band, she's got no respect for those whom are very unavailable for a one nighter with her. i seriously think she is where std's come from. never ONCE have i ever witnessed her being nice to anyone other than those she wants to go home with, and if they turn her down.....she turns into Supreme Bitch Gabe.

and yeah, what DOES she do with those pictures? is there even film in her camera? does she have a computer to download the images from her digital? or.. is it all just for show? - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 2:42pm
Anonymous What is a Jak? (are the Jaks?) - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:15pm
Anonymous you know, it's those little star like metal things you try and pick up while bouncing a little ball. fun stuff!!!! - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 7:56pm
Anonymous she'd better think twice before tries that on my guy. trust me, i am not a confrontational person, but that is pushing it too far. what's the matter with her ?

hey gabe, find your own man, and leave everyone else's alone. and no i did't post my name because i never post on here, but if she needs to know who i am, that can be arranged. - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 8:23pm
Anonymous Hahaa too funny...Once I was living with a friend in a local band (who shall remain nameless) and his girlfriend...They (the couple) had a fight at the bar and the girlfriend went home...Gabe pushed her way into a cab with us, saying she lived close to where we were going...After attempting to make-out with said-boyfriend, she said she lived in the other direction and stupid us, having just met her, decided we'd let her stay at the house. After seeing the girlfriend sleeping on the couch, she crawled (hands and knees) all coy-like into the boyfriend's room only to be kicked out....She passed out in the bathroom and was gone in the morning, leaving a note saying 'Thanks for being soo nice and letting me stay, "said-boyfriend"'....What a clueless twat - Thu, 6 Mar 2003 8:50pm
Anonymous "Like sands in the hourglass, so are the days....." - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 1:51am
Anonymous wow, this is quite some show review!! i would hate to be that chick right now! yikes. seems she has stepped on a few toes around here. - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 1:30pm
Anonymous I think a stoning is in order. - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 5:28pm
Anonymous gabe's a slut. bottome line. she's a fucking psycho who's gonna get her ass beat one day soon. epitome of groupie. - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 5:45pm
Anonymous well, you guys got me convinced. I don't know her, but lets get together and kick her ass - who's in?! - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 7:53pm
Anonymous ha! i think we all are. but are too chicken to actually start anything. BUT.. as soon as someone lays the first punch into her face, we'll all be in there like white on rice...... oh wait.. should i have said that? - Fri, 7 Mar 2003 11:07pm
Anonymous who the fuck is this gabe chick? excuse me for my ignorence, but i don't think i've ever seen her at any of the shows i've been at, unless she just blends in THAT well with all the other typical girly girls. - Sat, 8 Mar 2003 1:10am
Anonymous I kind of feel sorry for whoever this girl is. It almost seems like she killed someone's mom with how brutal people are being. Is she really thaaat bad?

Anyone ever read that short story, "The Lottery"? This kind of bullshit reminds me of that story... when the whole town kicked in to do the stoning. - Sat, 8 Mar 2003 2:32am
Anonymous welcome to victoria - Sat, 8 Mar 2003 10:49am
Anonymous I'm in vancouver, but I'll make the trek over to get in on this - who is she, whadoes she look like??? Like I said, I'm in - wooohooo! - Sat, 8 Mar 2003 5:39pm
Anonymous she's a small asian girl who's always got a beer in her hand, as well as a camera. either digital or 35mm. you'll see her hitting on the band members after the show.... perhaps she'll be out tonight at soundgarden. - Sat, 8 Mar 2003 9:31pm
Anonymous i see..... i thought she was that dumb tall girl with the dyed pink hair who hangs off of the burnside brawlers. my bad. - Sat, 8 Mar 2003 9:43pm
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I came to her aid, as a good citizen at the Death Sentence show last weekend - ya know when she got dragged of the stage by the band roadie guy...I didn't know at the time that she was such a pain in the ass.
Next time I'll be on it.
Still a good citizen though. - Sat, 8 Mar 2003 10:32pm
Anonymous "i see..... i thought she was that dumb tall girl with the dyed pink hair who hangs off of the burnside brawlers. my bad."

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahaahhaahahhaahaah - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 5:59am
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Something made you laugh! WOW!! - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 6:43am
Donut OK....Fuck this...Firstly, The soundgarden show was amazing...I mean for the amount of people in attendunce...The sound guy was flawless, the boss-man? Scott honored the contract, everyone got fucked up,I got a new tattoo the next day...What a great freakin' weekend...YES dan IS pregnant (part of that alien clone sect) and HOLY FUCK WOULD YA GIVE IT REST ABOUT GABE ALREADY???? She actually takes great photos, is at a shitload of gigs, is learning the "do" and "do nots" of encroaching the stage...and to put it quite fucking frank...whoever gets their pussies in a knot over a 20sumthin year old oriental art student girl who likes to drink and be around other drunks, should reasonably consider relocating to a stellar man-bar place like Campbell river...or even better, why don't ya wait til she's at a party, usually gettin dissed by elite bitches who are too afeared to even put their name on a post...walk up to her, and ASK her what she does with the photos....Oh yea, and I'm really writing this because we've had dirtystinkymonkeysex...Who the fuck cares????
Hurtful pack of fucking walking life-support systems for vaginas....sheeesh - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 8:11pm
jay brown
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Well I had a blast at the show, best set I've seen Death Sentence do since they got back together again. Dan's making it work on the vocals I must say, he had some big shoes to fill and he's pulling it off. Jak-Uzi rocked, Andy's getting the hang of the stage, great fuckin energy. Emon's drumming is getting a lot tighter, pretty fuckin sweet set. We rocked of course. From a band point of view, some of the best photos ever taken of us were done by Gabe, and as for what she does with her pics, well we got ours. As for her being a band slut. ninety percent of the chicks in the scene have been band sluts at one time or another. You can argue that one all you want, but it's true. Trust me I'd know. As for her getting in the way, ya she does do that sometimes but she gets great pics when she's getting in the way. As for her fucking peoples boyfriends, if she's so bad what about your darling angel boyfriends? - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 8:44pm
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Dan is pregnant I knew it!! Next time, he should have his abortion on stage...and Gabe can take the pictures. - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 1:56am
Ty Stranglehold
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We got some good pictures from Gabe when I was in the Staggers. On the other hand, she unplugged Glen's bass on stage last Saturday. I think Donut is right on the money with this one. - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 9:41am
Anonymous Good pictures or not, as a fan watching the band, I find it REALLY annoying and distracting when anyone else but the band is crawling around getting in the way while I'm trying to watch and get into the music - whether they're in the crowd or worse, on the stage. Musicians get thrown off as well as the crowd. Its different when its a roadie or sound guy because then its unavoidable.
I always get that nasty feeling that the problem-person is being disrespectful to all concerned and just in it for the attention: Look-at-me Look-at-me, and that getting the "shots" is just an excuse. Tell her to get her own show if she's that needy. nice person or not, she's got to learn that there's a lot of annoyed people generating a lot of anger instead of good vibes relating to the show. - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 1:11pm
Anonymous fuck, you people are losers---get a damn life - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 10:20pm
limes the soundgarden show was killer.GREAT to see your drunken faces big fanx to all concerned lets do it again soon.Were none of you ever twenty, shit falls over . Were a punk band.SOAP OPERA CITY. Online,you should try washing with it you bunch of satanists.see...ya soon..LATER SKATERS....limes..jaks high commission.... - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 2:41pm
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Hey Limes! Helen here. Cool hangin listening to Toxic Reasons with you. Small world. I should be over for the Dry Fisted show. See the cuz etc. Hope to see you. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 3:55pm
picture taker i know for a fact that a lot of bands do not mind having pics taken of them while they are playing, off or on the stage in front of your "audience" view. (usually only by people they know can take a good picture) the best pics i've seen were probably taken by obstructing someone's view of the show. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 3:59pm
Anonymous I don't know this chick, so this isn't a continuing attack on her.
The last guy that pissed me off was a kid who would walk right up the middle of the crowd, take his shot, move people outta his way on both sides, take shots, and then strut right back down the middle again. It wasn't a big deal at first, but he kept doing it over and over. It was fucking distracting, I couldn't focus on the band, couldn't get into songs, cuz he kept moving me outta the way. and his attitude sucked, unapologetic, FUCK I WANTED TO KILL. - Tue, 11 Mar 2003 10:37pm
Donut I hurted my foot and at a show I saw a guy look at a girl I liked,I don't know, but I think I don't like her anymore.she smiled at him, and they went away....This band said the "F" word..and another word I never heard before...Turddburglar, and ballgarglar,and felching fistcommando.....maybe this is a cool new way to talk, as people laughed when the man with a guitar said these words.there was a drunk person who looked angry, and I could'nt hear my mommy talking because there was a loud guitar and drum. I don't think I'll ever be safe again if I go to this kind of get together. I left when a real for real gang of guys came in with skateboards, and they were drunk and had on the same vests with mean things written on them. One of them was pretending to be blind...I did'nt understand who they were. They looked crazy, and I started to cry... I am so glad I got to my home after. I wonder why mommie has stopped feeding me from her milk sacks all of the sudden..I think it's because I went to this place where the music was loud. - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 5:02am
LxPx Stop Killing Me sure was a crappy record. - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 7:49am
piss off Yeah, we'll quote you Donut, the next time someone chucks a bottle at your head while you're playing, or while you're just standing there, and you try to say something about it. - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 11:00am
Dougdonut Stop killing me was shit.Wow, what a discerning ear you have....I promptly left the "metal" group soon thereafter. songs were good, production was painful. Ya...bottles to the head when your confined to a drumstool is always a good one. That's why shitty drummers have pexi-glass surrounding them on leno. DonutJak - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 11:16am
balls deep Next time there,s a loud agressive ,punk rock show, everyone should pay more at the door, for stage security.You could hire that proffesional, stage hand SNOTFACE...and let him live at your mums house ... - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 4:11pm
groupieslut i really like this idea. 90% Jay??? yeah i guess you would know. but who's the real slut? us or you? - Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:31pm
Anonymous well, he's not gonna deny that. He's a GUY! - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:06am
jay brown
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Why would I deny that? I dont care if people are sluts, unlike an awful lot of whiners on here I dont see what the big deal is. But, a guy cant be a slut if the girls arent willing to let him. Hence the tons of band sluts out there. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:23am
Anonymous yeah, i'm kind of surprised the way women are still hesitant to call admit that they've - got healthy appetites. I was talking to a girl the other night who kept calling herself a pig. i don't quite know what that was about. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:49am
DGA groupie slut Anyone remember Randy(Dayglos manager?) who had the house on Carey Road back in the day w/ the T-shirt screening thing in the basement? Well anyways his chick at the time Lenore(sp?) had him make her a shirt that said "eat me beat me whip me fuck me cum all over my body like the dirty pig I am..."and on the back it said "then fuck me and get the fuck outta my life" Maybe thats what the girl meant by refering to herself as a pig...just a thought. - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 6:16pm
Anonymous Randy Stubbs - Fri, 14 Mar 2003 7:02pm
S.V. What Lenore and Randy aren't together anymore? I thought they'd be together "forever". Haven't seen them in aeons. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 9:16am
jay brown
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randy owns the screen printing shop that does all the stuff for old nicks. They split up a long time ago. I saw Lenore a couple of months ago, it was the first time in years, she was the same as ever. Passed out drunk in a corner at the end of the night. - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 12:24pm
S.V. I knew that about Randrew. Lenore's not so hairdresser I ever had. Not too many people who would work for beer :) - Sat, 15 Mar 2003 10:26pm
Anonymous =) - Mon, 31 Mar 2003 12:09pm
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