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someone has to say it!!
Message Board > Show Reviews > someone has to say it!!
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It's time It might as well be me. Scott from soundgarden has been ripping off bands almost everynight. I am outright accusing you, you son of a bitch. You don't know who I am but fuck you. Alright now I will explain. Alot of people have been talking about playing shows and not receiving more than 50-70$. Thats fine if the room is half empty but, the room is usualy half full. Pay the musicians what they deserve.I also saw you taking down posters for other shows today. Not a good way to do business. Think with your head not your wallet. - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 7:40pm
Anonymous that's a really serious accusation to make without proof. If you're not just an ignorant slanderer put your name and some proof into what you're saying - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 7:56pm
Anonymous Most of the bands I've seen there dont deserve to get paid anything at all. Half full or half empty, half of those bands should be thankful someone allows them to play at all. They should be happy it pays enough to keep a few friends in Beer for the evening eh - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 8:02pm
Anonymous BULLSHIT YOU FUCKING PIG ASSHOLE - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 8:04pm
Patrick I think that scientifically speaking, a half-empty room has the same number of people as a half-full room. i.e. optimism doesn't mean that any more people paid cover. - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 8:28pm
It's time I don't want to put my name down because the gang stars that work at sound garden will kick my ass. all I really know is that bands are talking. And if scott keeps this up, everyone will be playing at steamers again.If I'm a coward fine,but at least now everyone will know he's putting a good chunk of the door money that the bands deserve in his greedy little pocket. - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 8:32pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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I think the setup at Soundgarden is quite fair compared to other places. The door covers the sound and posters and the rest goes to the bands. Liquor sales cover the bar costs and staff. As long as there is no skimming from the door, and the soundguy is in fact getting paid what is taken from the door I dont see a problem. As for tearing down other peoples posters, that sucks but lets face it, I doubt Scott is the only one doing that. I would like to hear "Its times" idea of what IS fair for a club to put on shows...... - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 8:40pm
It's time O.K. Here goes:
1. Postering is fair game exept for tearing down other bars gigs. This is a music community not a heirarchy.
2. pay the bands the door. That's the least you can do. I don't have proof, but alot of bands feel that they drew more people than scott payed them for - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 8:43pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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We've always got the $15 from the door for the 3 people that paid to see us.........but seriously. I think paying for the sound is far better then 'booking' or 'promotion' fees or the bar taking a percentage of the door. If you dont trust the door then stand there and count the people that pay (and all your freinds that dont.....) - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 9:26pm
Anonymous ya no doubt. other bars in town take out a "promotions fee" Also doesn't soundgarden have a huge network of people who help the bar keep running? do they always have to pay at the door? - Fri, 7 Feb 2003 10:11pm
Anonymous I too saw Scott taking down other people's posters today and even when he already had like 6 posters showing on that pole. I mean I know the poster "war" is really bad right now, but taking down posters for other rock shows (that are actually good shows not some lame crap) is unnecessary. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 12:32am
Anonymous don't most the other bars pay a lot better than the soundgarden like lucky and thursdays? - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 2:22am
Livevic Scott
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All the bars pay out according to door. Unless of course you got a guarentee of some sort but thats not the issue here. As far as bands getting paid out better at other shows i'm assuming if they did it was because there was more people there that night? All bars take off a set amount from the door to cover sound. I donno if bars take off a set fee for advertizing (as I always do my own advertizing for all my shows I put on). If you think the bar's cheating you then stand at the door with the door man keeping count while they do it to. Don't post under an some fake name and then accuse someone of something you can't prove. Before ya go make an accusation like this maybe go book a gig there and sit with the door guy count heads, go over the budget with the promoter and see where the money went. Only then can you complain about anything (if there is in fact anything to complain about) - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 2:38am
jay brown
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o.k. I work at the bar so I might as well say my piece here. As far as the bands not getting their money off the door. Your on fucking crack, it costs money to put on a show, and really if you think the door is making more than your getting then have your own person sit at the door. Lots of promoters and bands do it, it's not even a big deal.The sound man costs money, the posters cost money, and the bands always seem to have a guest list as big as a fucking dictionary. After that your usually splitting up the door between three bands, so really do the math. As for Scott pulling down posters, well that part I didn't know about, but hey the guys trying to stop his bar from going bankrupt so really cut him a little slack. It's six months or so that the bars been open and it's half full most nights, he's just trying to keep the fucking doors open right now. As for the staff kicking your ass, I think I'm the only staff member that punches people in the face, and if your not being an asshole you dont get a punch in the face. I really dont think an honest bitch about getting paid for a show is a reason to go ballistic on someone. I play in a couple of bands as well, and I like getting paid when I play too. I've played Soundgarden and made fuck all as well, but I also know how much it cost to put on the show, and I am also able to count so I know that forty or fifty people in the room dont even pay for the fucking doors being open. If you want a guarantee then prove your a band that can fill a room and there you go your making the big bucks, and so is the bar. Everyone's happy then. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 4:49am
Adrenaline Animal Its time wrote:
Thats fine if the room is half empty but, the room is usualy half full

Correct me if I'm wrong but arn't those both the same thing?? - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 5:16am
Anonymous whatta conception here, its gotta be the same EH - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 7:47am
Anonymous No shit, would you rather have the only bar downtown that puts on good live shows regularly shut down? Go to the shows, support the scene, buy some drinks, bring your friends. Or if you'd rather sit at home and bitch about it behind a computer screen, well Backoff! Get yer own sandwich! Fuckwits.... - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 1:11pm
Curious George Everything that's been said is right except one thing... Scott has NO RIGHT to pull down other bands posters. I don't care if his bar is going under, if he is in fact pulling down posters (which I'll wait till there's proof to accept), then he is WRONG. He's not hurting the bars, he's hurting the bands. And it's not fair or cool. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 1:26pm
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Would it be better to cover the bill he supposedly ripped down with another poster of his own? or better to rip down the one that went on top of his pre-existing poster, thus re-exposing his bars poster? The second option saves paper and ultimately saves money on promotion so more cash from the door goes in the pocket of the band.

Overall, the poster game in Victoria is a joke, nobody gets exposure for more than a few hours unless a forest is sacraficed and stuborn people are involved going round covering up any and all other posters. does anyone else see what a ridiculous system this is? - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 3:17pm
Anonymous I could see ripping a poster down that had just gone up over his. Since it's the same exact thing as putting up another. He's fuckin standing right there. It saves paper and money. It's different than ripping others down not covering his just for the sake of decreasing their exposure.

Some people are so brutal with postering its so heartless. I once put up a poster and this guy comes up and starts postering the same pole at the same time. and I say hi and he says hi and I say I'll do the top row and you can do the bottom, and he says no way and covers all mine up as soon as my back is turned. What would you do? I just repostered my row (and not his, although I was tempted) but I could have ripped the ones over mine down. It would have accomplished the same thing with less money. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 4:58pm
someone HEY IM REALLY GLAD SOUNDGARDEN EXISTS!!!!! - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 6:42pm
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the next idiot who posters over one of mine in front of me gets a poke in the jaw. no fucking bullshit. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 7:06pm
Anonymous wow Ross, you are so hardcore - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 7:22pm
Anonymous Yah, let's start beating each other up in the street because of postering. Really fucking intelligent. Try communicating with words. - Sat, 8 Feb 2003 8:34pm
stickit Lucky Bar wrote:
"everyone postered for themselves. IF you found that someone was covering your or anyone else's events, you took down their poster and showed it to anyone else postering that you ran into on your run - whether you knew them or not. They in turn told the next person, etc etc, and eveyone would take the violator's posters down while they were out putting up theirs. Anyone who covered posters learned quickly that it was useless to do so. At one point, a big club covered EVERYONE's posters, taking up all the space on every pole. Their posters were delivered back to them in garbage bags"
Scott has NEVER taken down a poster for the sake of taking down a poster..I think we all know how frustrating it is to turn your back and see all your hard work covered up in this stoopid war. I don't really get the difference between taking one down or putting another one up..... As for ripping off the bands BAH! I know for a fact that anyone, any band, any promoter is allowed to take in there shows money on any night - if you don't take advantage of it that is your problem! You can't whine because you can't count. simple. - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 2:58am
Yeeeeeeeeekk Yak Bars in this town have been tearing down eachothers posters for years. Try and poster a show around Teh Cambie.. if it aint for their bar, they come down.. same goes for Thursdays, Wastelands used to do it, in fact any bar unlike say Lucky who dont have any telephone poles outside. All bars with poles outside their facility will remove competitions posters within hours., - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 3:29pm
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Communicate with words? With other people who put up posters? You obviously haven't ever put up gig posters man. The guys who are hired to put them up don't listen, don't give a shit, and don't do it in front of you (usually). Talking doesn't do the trick for this one I'm afraid. Some asshole tried to talk shit and get all pissy about it to me one day when I was postering a month and a half ago for the Sipyeknom show and it just about sent me over the edge. I never poster over something that hasn't actually happened yet, there's space on the top or bottom, or over the shit that happened already. That's the way I do it, but other guys don't seem to really care and it's irritating as hell. That's all I'm saying. - Mon, 10 Feb 2003 3:41pm
Anonymous Ross, you're a whiny bitch... shut the fuck up. You're not hardcore, you're a pussy from Victoria. Stop trying to act like you matter, because you don't. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 3:06pm
Anonymous how much money does the sound guy usually get? - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 5:36pm
Anonymous $200. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 6:11pm
Anonymous you're kidding right? - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 6:12pm
Anonymous nope. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 6:57pm
Anonymous look at the board he's running and the whole setup + his experience + his knowledge and resume. he's not some kid off the street who thinks he knows how to run a board of that calibre. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 6:57pm
Anonymous From my experience he doesnt ask the bands if they'd like anything turned up. He just kinda sets up - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 8:30pm
Anonymous maybe it's time they got a cheaper sound guy... - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 9:00pm
Anonymous $200 is fucking outrageous. Think about what he does. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 9:48pm
Anonymous Thought I should clarify my last statement--same room, same gear, maybe an hour for soundcheck. $200 is fucking outrageous. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 9:49pm
Anonymous Open your own bar then. Do it yourselves you whiny bitches. And why is this under 'Show Reviews'? - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 9:53pm
Anonymous i heard that Lucky bar doesn't give it's cover to the sound guy and he's fucking amazing! - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:28pm
Anonymous why don't we go investigate all the fucking bars in town, see how they're run, who's ripping who off, we'll be vigilantes! why don't you go to bars for what you like..the booze, the music, peelers, whatever. stop the madness!! - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:39pm
jay brown
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You are the biggest idiots I think I've ever heard on here. Do you have any fucking clue whatsoever how hard it is to do his job, and do it well? The best sound I've ever had in a bar was with John, and I've played in lots of them. If you dont care about how the bands sound go somewhere else and stop acting like a bunch of fucking retards. If on the other hand you want to go or play somewhere that the bands are going to shine in, then come see exactly how good John is at his job. Fucking asshole you make it sound like he's working at mcdonalds or something. It takes fucking years of experience to get good at that job, and even then most arent that good. I went to school for sound engineering for a while, and trust me, you couldnt do what he does on his worst day, on your best. Assholes, what a bunch of dicks, go somewhere else I'd rather you werent there so we didnt have to hear more of your fucking crap. Man, first time someones pissed me off on here in a long time. - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:41pm
Anonymous i think you and the sound guy have wasted your lives... - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 11:30pm
Anonymous I think the anon's should SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW!

I will if you will.

fucking loser - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 12:25am
Flame Truly, sound makes or breaks you. If you can pull in a goodly sized crowd once, good sound helps to bring them back for seconds. Put on a great show, appreciate those whose talents help you, like John, and STOP WHINING!!! - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 1:27am
Anonymous but I don't wanna stop whining!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 1:32am
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I'm with Jay.
John is awesome at his job, professional, knows his shit, goes out of his way to accomodate the band members, and deserves every penny he gets. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 2:36am
Anonymous John is a truly AMAZING soundguy. and luck takes about the same thing off the door for "promotions" So really it doesn't matter what you call it, most bars in town take a cut of the door to cover some type of expense for the show. If you've proven yourself to the bar though, some stop taking it off because they know the night is going to be huge and they don't have to cover their asses. Which is really what they're doing to make sure they don't lose TOO much on a local music night. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 10:38am
Troutbreath Look at the set up John has and then figure out how much it would cost you to rent it for the evening! Based on the current prices at L&M it would be more than $200. You would still need to do a sound check and run the board, do you think you could do that? A good sound tech is worth his weight in gold. So what do little twits do, you piss off one of the best guys in town. That's just brilliant, I glad you don't play in my band! - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 11:26am
Troutbreath And just to be clear, John actually owns the sound equipment. It's not SoundGardens. For $200 you get his expertise and the equipment. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 11:34am
Dave John is one of the best soundguys in town. Anyone slagging him has proven they have no idea about "good sound" and what it takes to get it. If any of you are actually lucky enough to get to the point that you play on the soundgarden system you'll know what I'm talking about. A lot of the slagging people here probably never will, or if they do the fucking wanker guitarist will crank his amp to 10, blowing the rest of the bands ears, creating feedback hell, then the egocentric little fucker will spend days after talking about how the "sound" sucks at that place without realizing how much worse it would have been if John wasn't there. He's worth every penny he gets, probably more (given what some bands end up making) and I'll argue that with anyone who says otherwise. (only if it's a real argument, not the pathetic little slagfests so many of you seem to engage in, those will not be responded to). - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 1:47pm
mer whomever started this should just shut the fuck up--you should be thankful that soundgarden is there in the first place you ass.
mabye give them some time to get more popular before you start slagging them. If it pisses you off that much just don't fucking go there anymore--i doubt it they would miss you much
and i agree with jay about some of you being big fucking idiots.--chill out - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 6:07pm
Anonymous I'm not saying the guy isn't good at what he does. I'm just saying $200 a night is a little steep. He's doing the same room with the same gear every night. It's not like he has to check a different room or system every time. And it's not brain surgery.

Again, I'm not slagging the guy's abilities, just the money he's getting paid. Some of that should go to the bands. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 7:00pm
Anonymous have you looked at the price of brain surgery lately? you're looking at $200,000 a night.

no running sound isn't brain surgery, but neither is it flipping burgers at mcdonalds. john does a great job. if he feels his time is worth $200 a night and scott feels his skills are worth the expense then it's just good business.

as for bands not getting paid enough... with few exceptions i've seen pretty small crowds at soundgarden. i don't think scott is getting rich off this endeavor. he is providing this town with a good rock and roll venue and giving a lot bands an opportunity to play live and build up a following. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 7:31pm
Anonymous Here is a concept - if you don't want the $200 taking off of the door, don't play there. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 9:12pm
Anonymous here's an idea.... go back to Frisco you Trannies!!!!! - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 10:45pm
Anonymous I think we're talking about two different things here--Scott trying to make enough money to keep his venue open, and the soundman walking out with 2 bills every night. - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 1:53am
Wreaker of Havoc
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ya really. What a rip off! what is that place called again that rents out PA's for free AND supplies a guy who has years of experience?? Where is this place again??? - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 10:39am
Anonymous holy shit, what a bunch of ungrateful fuckups. i'm in vanc. and we don't even have a venue that puts on wkly all ages, we'd kill for that. i hear yours isn't even well supported over there. now i hear all this bitchin and complaining about your own. if anyone started on about wendy and jason (and our own John, sound guy) at the cobalt i'd feel like hunting them down... - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 10:48am
Anonymous "If you don't want $200 taken off the door, don't go there"
Ya go to Lucky...oh wait they take off about the same
or they keep some of the door too...well have fun in your basement.

You're fuckin local band! If you don't have an established BIG following (like most bands in this town don't) the bars are taking a chance just by BOOKING you. and you're whining that you don't get all the door money. If the bar was so money hungry they'd just have fri/sat night DJs. - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 11:31am
Anonymous grr this post makes me mad - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 12:36pm
Anonymous try to use your words...... - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 2:26pm
Ian McG
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Wow alot of anonymous slagging on here. John is by far the best soundman I' ve had the pleasure to work with, and does a very professional job. $200 is not much. As far as Soundgarden paying bands, well you make what you bring in, we' ve always been paid well there. - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 4:32pm
Mr. Hell
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The years John has put in alone makes him worth $200 a night...even more I'd say. Considering the excellent job he does, that is a good deal.
The sound cost will come out of the door. Like someone else said, if your band is good enough to draw enough drinking customers to make the bar the $ to cover expenses AND pay John, then you can keep that two bills.
And the old rule is as nice to the sound man and he'll be nice to you. Plus John is very easy to work with and will accomodate your needs above and beyond the call of duty. Nice gear too.
We've done shows at various other bars around town with various other sound guys and they weren't worth $5. We made sure they knew that too.
If you are in a band to make money or even break even, best be quitting now. - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 5:05pm
Anonymous wow you guys are all really sesnsitive maybe you ahould all hold hands... maybe you should all take the time to call a sound guy and remind him that you love him
fags - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 5:08pm
13 Flames
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Just for the record" flame "is not me.Even though I do agree with him.This place is a shit show of annon and was trying to not even post anymore but holy fuk.I think the only options are don't read anything or Scott and Nev should make it so you have to log in to post(can one person per IP # be done)this might not solve all the problems but it would make it so one person can't keep a conversation with themselves .You lose interest quick when you are in doubt if the post is "for real" .Example:my band playing on friday then 20 responses on how good they are and how hot .....fukin stoooooooopid.Nuff said ,dk13 - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 5:14pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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I quit! - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 5:14pm
Sticky Kola All I can say to this is that when King Bong plays Soundgarden, or any club for that matter, WE bust our asses to promote our show! We have NEVER walked out of Soundgarden with less than $500 dollars even after paying John the paltry $200 for his excellent work. In fact for the Cannibis Club bennifit we pulled in over $1000 after expenses for the two clubs. Promo, promo, promo, will put the people in the club and because of that FACT we put 200 potheads into our last Steamers show! It is up to the band to put the word out, because the band profits from it.
I know Scott and all of his staff to be excellent people of the highest calibre, all are honest, real, warm, and very suportive of the local scene. I am offended by the suggestion that they would steal from the bands that they work so hard to help, you are foolish to suggest it.
Further, as to pulling down the posters..who the fuck cares! Get it into your head POSTERS ARE BULLSHIT! they don't bring people out to your show! This poster war is a stupid waste of time and money and while the rest of you fight each other in the street for your 2 min. of exposure, as that idot Ross Bay suggests, King Bong will explore alternatives to the poster game and we will continue to fill our rooms based on our hard promo work, our ability as musicians, and the spectical that is the Bong Show.
Take care of your own shit man cause nobody else will, after all it is the MUSIC BUSINESS!
Sticky Kola - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 5:18pm
Curious George No disrespect intended Sticky, but if you pulled 200 people to your last Steamers show, you have to admit that at LEAST 75 of them were Steamers regulars who go there no matter who is playing. I think posters do a hell of a lot of good, but you're right, it's not the only way to promote. - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 5:51pm
Mr. Hell
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Posters do in fact bring people to your show. We are proof of that.
There are other methods as well of course. Posters are the one that has happened to have the most impact in our case. Taking away one method of promotion does hurt. But I have also learned that there is always a loop hole.
The city will not win this one. - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 5:52pm
Sticky Kola First, I did not mean to suggest that BONG is so great that we pull big numbers all of the time, and yes some of those folks in that room were Steamers regulars , one of the bennifits of playing there,but we also made sure the show was listed on the Zone,CFUV, Shaw, the Q, Monday, etc but we
purposly DID NOT poster for the show..after expenses the band took home over $800 dollars...without putting up a single poster.
With all due respect gentlemen I disagree that you that two min of pole time is returing the value you think you are getting, and since you have no real way to actually know that the poles are working it seems to me that postering is not really worth the effort.. but hey I work at Monday Mag and I am biased...still I think bands of like styles should get together to advertise their shows..there is power in numbers and this poster thing just keeps us at war with each other and that is the biggest downside of the whole thing.
Victoria has a very vibrant scene no matter what type of music you play..musicians sticking together and supporting each other is the most important thing to me. I love many forms of music including Punk, Jazz, Ska, Emo, Metal, etc I consider myself lucky to be able to hear all of those styles and more here in Vic.we need to preserve that at all costs!
Just a stoner thought,
BC Weed,
Sticky Kola - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 6:06pm
Mr. Hell
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That is great for you! We spend $25 on postering when we do it. We get advertising for free in Monday, on the radio in show listings, on Live Vic. We also do hand bills and word of mouth is always a good one.
To discount posters as not being a valuable medium for advertising shows is to dismiss a crucial and traditional way of promoting yourself.
Postering should remain a big part of Victoria's music culture. There may be guidelines imposed. I will follow them if they are fair and logical. If not, I will go outside them without implicating any venues.
And we haven't had a problem with other bands ripping down our posters. We are careful to be courteous of all the other posters out there and make sure we clean off all expired ones as we put ours up. The less bands postering the better though. Ours will be see even more and less will have to be put up.
The problem isn't the postering, it's the irresponsible postering.
I'm sure someone will try to bring up the "they're BC Hydro's property/don't be ignorant/it's bad for the environment" argument. I am not arguing. I am stating. - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 6:39pm
Curious George Yah, but Sticky, I've seen King Bong posters from downtown all the way to Oak Bay! Granted, it hasn't been for your last couple shows, but don't say you didn't think it would help. Besides the fact that postering is, as Mr. Hell put it, a traditional form of promotion, it can also be viewed as an art form. Some of the posters I see out there have been done with a lot of care and an eye for design. - Thu, 13 Feb 2003 6:47pm
Anonymous i still see old meatlocker seven and other band posters up here and there. just thought i'd say. - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 12:21am
Wreaker of Havoc
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So do I. Makes me fucking sick...... - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 12:38am
Mr. Hell
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Yes you do see old ML7 posters up here and there. Sometimes we don't do the same areas as we had previously. If everyone would clean the expired ones off, it would be much cooler as far as old posters being up.
Not saying we're perfect by any measure. But we do our best within our means.
The few that stay are raped by mother nature over time and do disappear...although there was one on Hillside down from Quadra that must have set some sort of record. Also one by Town And Country near the highway intersection.
I see one or two around and leave them just to see how long they'll go.
Wreaker gets reminded how he got the boot everytime he sees one of them posters up. Boohoo, boy. - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 2:20am
mr .hell knows who Use lots ..I mean lots of staples.. the more the better. did you get my email. If so I will talk to you soon - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 2:56am
jay brown
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We put up posters for a fuckpig show about six years ago, and there are still a couple of them up in fernwood. I love flour and water. Personally I like seeing all the old posters up there, but then again I like east van too. - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 3:22am
Wreaker of Havoc
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I was sick of being in the same jam space as you ML7 losers anyway........wait a minute!!! - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 10:00am
Sticky Kola Yes , your are right George, prior to our last couple of shows we were doing 1000 posters a show in hope of letting people know. We are a big band( eight) and so are blessed with the talents of the various band members, one of which is amazing artisic ability. All of our Bong posters are a work of art,(in my humble opinion), and I love to see them evverywhere but that does not change the fact that when this poster debate started the members of Bong began to talk about how effective our postering efforts actually were. We relised that with out some sort of survey done at the door of our shows we would never really know how many people had seen the poster vs how many saw the monday listing or heard the radio stuff etc. I don't mean to go all scientific on you ass but how do you all know that your not wasting your $25 bucks, and a lot of leg work?
Perhaps all the clubs should get the door people to do an impromtu survey to assess the real value of the street poster. I believe that it's effectiveness is far less than you imagine..but that is just my guess.
Lets stick together and we will solve this problem to every ones bennifit.
Good luck to all!
BC Weed
Sticky Kola - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 11:27am
how? $25 for 1000 poster where do get your printing done...usally around $100 for that many . - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 12:19pm
Troutbreath Only the Monkey knows!!! - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 1:51pm
Sticky Kola I never said 1000 posters for $25 bucks that was someone else..1000 posters usually cost us around $40 bucks to do. - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 2:11pm
Anonymous where nowhere i have found is that cheap. not harping on you just want to know for my own printing ...Usally 50 ot 60 bucks for a inside line on a friends copier. - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 3:43pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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a 1000 posters?!?!?!!? Are you insane. We put up about 100 a show and we always have at least 23 people at our shows! - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 3:47pm
Sticky Kola 1. Yes I'm insane I go around calling myself Sticky Kola!
2. Yes 1000 posters, big band remember, at least one of us lives in every section and burb of the city!
3. We use the copier at the zoo. - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 4:41pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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sorry that was a typo. I meant 10 posters for each show - Fri, 14 Feb 2003 6:34pm
Mr. Hell
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There are many ways to get lots of posters at a discount. Be creative. - Sat, 15 Feb 2003 3:15am
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Since the PA in SG is the same as the one that was in Vertigo I would have to respectfully submit that it and John (a good guy if ever there was one) are worth $200. But is it worth $200 to a tiny local band just starting out? For my $ it is a bit rich but I'm just a cheapskate punk rocker; I can put on just as good a show at Thursday's (with ever vigilant Dan Wise at the board), pay $50 for the sound and, even on a slowish night, make enough to make it happen. I also find that the more a band whines about the door money, the bigger their guest list. They seem to have difficulty accepting the fact that people on the guestlist not only don't pay to get in, they take up space from people who would. I don't think any of the clubs in town blatantly rip off bands at the door; it's way too small a town and once busted the club's name is mud. I also agree with the Bongsters; postering is way overrated ( and time consuming). - Thu, 20 Feb 2003 1:50pm
The Lone Poster (baby) Boy Somebody covered my poster once. It was the one and only poster I had for the show. I was saving it for the day of the show, and I was going to put it up at Douglas & Yates.It was 9am (in the morning), and I had hoped it was going to stay up all day and into the evening. But as soon as I put it up (it was windy, so it took me 15 minutes), someone came along and put their posters right over top of it. I secretly envied the fact that they had 3 posters for one pole. Then I realized that he had a whole sackful of posters for other poles as well. I complained to him about my poster being covered over. He said some mean words to me, so I started crying. Please don't make me cry you guys. I get very sad when I cry. And nobody came to my show, except for my mommy. - Thu, 20 Feb 2003 3:55pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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well obviously your mom was lost.... - Thu, 20 Feb 2003 4:41pm
Anonymous ive played in bands with john borys behind the sound and let me tell ya he deserves more like 500-1000 depending on the show.
he works hard and has very expensive gear
perhaps we could hook up some crap old traynor PA and have some hack run it and see how many gigs you enjoy then!
john rules and we are lucky to have him for cheap
i cant wait to get my new thing happening so i can do a gig with him tweakin the sound
cheers CC - Sat, 22 Feb 2003 2:06am
Anonymous This is retarded. How much would you have to charge at the door to give this guy anything like what everyone says he's supposed to get? Aren't people there to see the bands? Or maybe you should just advertise the sound guy. - Sun, 23 Feb 2003 3:35am
Anonymous You're retarded then cause people are there to HEAR the bands too so a soundguy kinda helps with that don'tcha think? - Sun, 23 Feb 2003 12:16pm
Anonymous These people play in metal bands, they have no hearing left. - Sun, 23 Feb 2003 2:49pm
Anonymous What? What did he say????? - Sun, 23 Feb 2003 2:50pm
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Pay the man.And to make it a bit more worthwhile for not getting paid much, rent/borrow an ADAT and record your show. The sound quality through that system is killer on tape. - Sun, 23 Feb 2003 2:58pm
Anonymous Why does the sound guy get paid from money from the door? Why doesn't the bar pay him out of booze sales? I'm sure they make way more in booze than in cover. John rules, that's not the issue but c'mon... - Sun, 23 Feb 2003 7:15pm
Anonymous Most music venues don't make enough money to pay their bar staff and suppliers, let alone shell out $200 a night to the sound guy. - Sun, 23 Feb 2003 10:19pm
Jesse Shortfall Anynight of anyday, that any music playin muthafucker can go to Soundgarden, play a show with rad sound, good enviroment, cheap booze and get paid any money at all is a LUCKY BASTARD. You want better treatment? Get the fuck outta town and try to find it. Soundgarden is the best venue in Victoria. - Mon, 24 Feb 2003 1:57am
BRett I AM NUMBER 100 HAHAHA - Tue, 25 Feb 2003 12:28am
sweet grace Soundgarden is a great venue! John deserves every cent he makes! Clearly his gear and talent are amazing. Try mixing the chaos that is King Bong..3 voices, congas, flute, bass, guitar, drums, sax! THEN at the PJ party...Nelson came out with his trombone. You never know who's gonna show up.....but John can handle anything. I totally appreciate Soundgarden; Scott, John, & all the staff. Perhaps the person who is slandering should look into getting a band together that can draw a crowd to make some $$...oh and while your at it GROW SOME BALLS. - Tue, 25 Feb 2003 12:54pm
ML7Mike Having dealt with many soundpersons over the years I have to agree, John Borys is one of the best. And most all clubs pay the soundguy out of the door. We've been charged anywhere from $75-300 for a soundguy. Some clubs make you pay the extra bouncers they have to hire to beat back your rabid fans too.. You guys that complain are typical island people.. too sheltered.. go out into the real world where gigs cost more than $5, crack smoking soundmen are not to be found, and promoters that know you are leaving town right away feel its easy to hand you $75 and lie that everyone you saw was on the clubs guestlist. - Tue, 25 Feb 2003 1:37pm
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Actually Mike, you're half right; in North America the soundguy is usually "paid out of the door" (although I was once told that by the promoter and when I asked the nice soundguy he told me that the promoter just said that so he could skim an extra $200 off of our take). In Europe the band is almost always given a guarentee and the soundguy is just another bar staff member. That way there is no questioning a promoter's honesty. Funnily enough venues in Euro pay aprox 3 times as much even though their overhead is WAY higher than anything here and their door charges are about the same. - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 2:07pm
Anonymous when is the soundgarden going to go under... i don't think it will last another 6 months... less soap opera more bar! - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 2:31pm
Chris Logan
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>> Funnily enough venues in Euro pay aprox 3 times as much even though their overhead is WAY higher than anything here and their door charges are about the same.

That's because the venues over there are all subsidized by the New World Order government in Brussels. - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 3:22pm
Chris Logan
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Joking. - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 3:22pm
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Actually you're pretty close. A lot of the venues in Euro are subsidized by local government, how much I don't know. But even in places like Poland or Slovenia (whose money is all but worthless outside their borders) seem to be able to come up with serious dough for bands. Maybe it's the mob or something. - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 3:53pm
Chris Logan
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I'd be more than willing to pay people with Slovenian money. - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 5:07pm
Livevic Scott
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Has anyone ever heard that Henry Rollins spoken word bit when he's talking about the couple times The Rollins Band played in Russia. The Mob sponsored the gigs both times they played there, and i've heard from other sources that the mafia does sponsor ALOT of the bands that head though there... so you might not be that far off there Zipgunn - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 5:38pm
Ty Stranglehold
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There's always the story about Nomeansno having to pay a ransom to the Polish mafia to ge ttheir gear back. - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 7:19pm
Soundgarden sucks Ok, my band played there a couple months ago..not going to mention who, but at the end of the show, the Soundgarden people gave us $40. We were told before our show that over 20 people were doesn't take an idiot to figure that out....At the end of the night, over one hundred people had come and paid. After some hasselling of Scott or whoever was in charge, we finally got the other $100 owed to us. Don't play at Soundgarden and I hope it actually got shut down today, because they'll fucking rip you off. I know music is supposed to be for fun, but it's not fun when someone's stealing something that's rightfully yours. - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 7:27pm
jay brown
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oh ya I love these imaginary bands that have all gotten ripped off at the bar. I know of one instance where a band didnt get their money and it was because an outside promoter fucked up and he doesnt work there anymore now. Weirdest thing I'm there all the time and all I ever hear from the bands is how much they love playing there. You idiots have your little bitch fest, I guess it makes you feel cool. - Thu, 27 Feb 2003 10:07pm
fuck face soundperson gear or club gear?what the fooey we all suck .we play how hard is that?wanna get paid?
spend some time on fashion(like the other silly buzz bands)and have silly little sheep come to your show cause you look like you could be a star someday.studs anyone? - Fri, 28 Feb 2003 3:13pm
Troutbreath I grew up in Vancouver. In the fifties and sixties it was taken for granted that most of the clubs; Isy's, Oil Can Harry's, the Cave.were some sort of front for Mob activity. One of the owners of Isy's was murdered, a mob style hit. The guy that was convicted spent years trying to say he was framed for the crime. He actually won an appeal after about 16 years in Prison. They still don't know who did it. I used to spend time at Oil Can Harry's, I think I was the only guy in there that wasn't wearing a pinky ring. - Fri, 28 Feb 2003 6:28pm
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I can think of one show (in Slovenia) where I am pretty sure it was a mob owned club. In a country that has totally worthless money, they had a club with red tuck and roll leather on the walls and giant recessed chrome propellors, and chrome portholes everywhere. Acouple million CDN easy, and a bouncer with a crewcut that everyone was EXTREMELY polite to, probably because he was packing heat. We got paid in deutchemarks which then was the currency of choice for the Eastern European mobsters (Nomeansno had to buy their van back in Poland with DM's) and it was a small fortune by Slovenian standards. Also they sold American Budweiser (which, in the heartland of the best beers in the world struck me as a travesty) - Sun, 2 Mar 2003 1:19pm
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I did't fuck up Jay I was hit by a truck and was unable to fill my responsibilities as the promoter that night .The fact that the headlining act cancelled 2 days before the show didn't help either.I am obligating my outstanding debt with that band even though there was no written contract .(I hope to be square with them soon)I aslo absorbed a $250 bill for a broken mike that seems to a ongoing expense. And for the record I am not working anywhere nor did I "work "for the bar. I was merely trying to help Soundgarden to have a little bit better size to there room and save them some money in the process .A better bar usally means better bands and bigger shows . p.s. one band not getting paid is soooo unrealistic as any bar ALWAYS has those little differences with the pay-outs ,not saying that money isn't paid to bands just maybe not all the money all the time,not just Soundgarden but ALL venues that is just the way this buisness is I have played(not promoted) a number of shows myself where I was told we would make...much and never saw the whole door or amount that was promised.The day that any bar dosen't skim the door will be a better day for all bands.And the day peolple trust each other is even further off. - Mon, 3 Mar 2003 9:33pm
pissedoffwithpeopleonlivevictoria You guys are retards,is that all you do all day,sit on your ass and bad mouth other bands,well you don't have a band so go fuck yourselves,and if you do have a band,no one would come to your show even if your mommies did supply the milk and cookies. - Sat, 8 Mar 2003 2:07am
Anonymous We played at Soundgarden and yeah it sounded good thanks to the sound guy and his equipment, BUT this is also a soundguy who was rude to us didn't listen to us and didn't even bother to show up until 8:30 when the bar opened at 9. There were 4 bands playing that night, we were all showing up to do our soundcheck and the fucking bar is locked! I swear the place is run by the monkeys who were rejected from the circus and to give you an example of how I can say somthing like that, here's a quote from Soundgarden...
"it's not our fault the band blew our monitors and they didn't get paid."
HELLO!!!! Anyone who has the faintest idea about playing gigs knows that the band has absolutly no control over the levels in the monitors, it's the sound guy that everyone is raving on about here. I guess he's not as hot as everyone thinks. - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 2:58pm
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hey turdnuts. Soundcheck is at 5 30. figure it out before you talk stupid shit son. - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 3:36pm
Anonymous yeah we knew that, but did he??? I think not!! - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 4:36pm
DEATH SENTENCE Scott, and Soundgarden kept his word, paid us what we agreed, gave us lots o beer,the sound was great, and we'll be back.
All this after a substantial closure rumor.
It's a pretty big job bringing in bands, and why don't some of these accusers put on some shows? - Sun, 9 Mar 2003 8:34pm
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I'd think any local band should be grateful to play in this city anywhere. Get paid? Who gives a shit! You get to play on a stage and at Soundgarden with a REAL system!

Gimme a couple free beers and I'm happy... Now I'm no working musician and the local ones that are don't play at Soundgargen (as far as I know).

Soundgarden keeps brining good bands over from Van. I'm more than happy to see all the money go to them to cover their costs of travelling over here. What does it cost me? $5 in gas and a couple sticks. Big deal...

But, I have a day job and make my own money so I guess its less of a big deal to me. To each his own... - Mon, 10 Mar 2003 2:01pm
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