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Sip Yek Nom/ AWT/ The Hoosegow
Message Board > Show Reviews > Sip Yek Nom/ AWT/ The Hoosegow
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Ty Stranglehold
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First off let me thanks everyone who came out on a Monday night to brave the punk rock mayhem.
Not a hell of a lot of people came out early enought to see The Hoosegow, but it was fun for us anyways!
AWT ripped it up for a few more people, but...
These Northern kids DESTROYED!!!!!!
The blood and baby parts, mixed with eary Misfitesque organs quickly disintegrated into brutal spazz-core with definite nods to 77 style punk rock and Oi!

These kids were so crazy they threw (normaly)mild mannered Chuck Fancy into a table throwing rage!

Great show, too bad most of you didn't bother to show up! - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 4:08am
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Good times Good times. Wicked show! Was the table thrower the same guy that kicked my car? Nobody messes with my "Betsy" and now he's gonna pay. Ya don't get to be called helonwheels for no particular reason!! "Betsy" wishes to extend a thank you to all of you who rallied to her defence. Much appreciated. - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:37pm
kyla shit! i was going to go but i'm a sickie right now. oh well i guess i'll have to venture up north one of these days... - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 3:47pm
Matt D. Shitty turnout, killer show. I like the changes in Thursdays (who wouldn't?), first time seeing the stage and the PA kicks shit. Hopefully some of those pics are good. Thanks for stumbling in and buying me a beer Chuck.

It was quite the adventure walking home to GH with Dustin................
(random path of destruction) - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 4:46pm
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WOW Dustin must have eaten his wheaties for breakfast!!
Nice air off of the PA's, crazy bastard. Can't imagine what that walk home last night/this morning must have been like. - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 4:58pm
Matt D. You have no idea. - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 5:05pm
Jo Fancy
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Good call, Matt. He "broke the bank" on that one. You might say he put a shopping cart through it. You just might say he smashed the enormous front window of the Univerity Heights Royal Bank. Under other circumstances it would have been very nice to meet you Matt. We got him most of the way home though- at least as far as the Royal Bank, with a distinct trail of cracked winshields, defication, upset Gas station clerks & private homes full of scared people.

Christ, Dustin. - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 5:28pm
FANG dear mr fancy, when people commit drunken crimes in your presence it might not be a good idea to post the details publicly. - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 5:39pm
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Ah ya. - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 5:54pm
Matt D. I hereby claim no knowledge of the preceding statements...

Hey Jo, I hope you�have Dustin's skate???? I think it was still in one piece by the end of the night.... - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 6:07pm
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What was in the air last night? I know I wasn't very well behaved either. Damn punk rock. - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 6:17pm
Jo Fancy
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Those were but the mere skivey of the worst of the details. There were a great many to speak of that I hadn't the gull to.
I too deny any affialiation to the incident.
And yes, i've his skateboard. It was an accident. He'll get it back in the same poor condition I got it in.
Jak's teeeeam!!!!Fuckn rad!!!!
Fuck you Dustiiiiiin!!!! - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 10:04pm
Chuck Yeah umm well I suck, sorry for choking people kicking the car offendeding Mike, the car owner, etc. Sorry for the people I threw the chair and table at or something like. I feel remorse for it all at las I remember very little of it. Sorry to those I bought beers for and then accidentally dropped them. I don't know but I been told. Won't see me out for a while. - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 10:25pm
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Ya well we've all done stuff before Chuck. From what I understand you're actually quite a normal nice guy. You just went a bit nutty last night. It's not like you're a full-time asshole,something must have pissed you off royally last night. My car window didn't get smashed and for that I am thankful. I'll forgive you but it's going to take some time for "Betsy" to get over it. Your apology is accepted.No worries. Hel. - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 10:59pm
Ty Stranglehold
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I don't know Chuck, I'm not sure I can look at you in the same way now. I have witnessed Bad Chuck, and I must be frank, I didn't like what I saw.

For shame
For shame - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 11:25pm
RSBF this Chuck guy makes me look like an ANGEL Hel ....... well not totally but i feel better now..... well not really but i'm alright, sorta ; ) hi Hel!! - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 11:43pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Ty made him do those things......he always makes people do bad things. Look at his name "TYLER" It spells "SATAN" backwards....ok maybe it doesnt but it should!!!!! - Tue, 14 Jan 2003 11:47pm
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it does in arabic. I been goin to flight school in Baghdad. as in "what you got in the bag, dad?". and i say "why, 46 pounds of c4 and a car battery, my good man! now please step aside, i've a plane to catch." - Wed, 15 Jan 2003 12:59am
kyla HA HA HARDY HAR HAR!!!!!!!!! - Wed, 15 Jan 2003 1:44am
Trailer Park Boy Julian Watched Heavy Metal Parking Lot earlier in the evening and it put me in the mood to suck back brews and catch some aggresive assed punk rock. Yeah SIP YEK NOM were killer. There must be something about being inside for months on end, 'cause it's colder than fuck, with nothing really to do but play music that brings out such an interesting and original sound. AWT were sweet too... only the second time I've seen them but I will be definitely checkin' them out again in the future. Unfortunately missed the Hoosegow.... - Wed, 15 Jan 2003 2:45am
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Holy fuckin shit what a show! SIP YEK NOM! yea they must influence hysterics somehow for I aswell felt the need to fuck shit up on the way home. Props (yea, props, what up?) to that Dustin guy for eating shit on his skateboard during most of the AWT set, yea going off the PA speaker during 'i can't skate' was a nice touch. Does that guy tattoo people?? holy shit. anyway thank you sip yek nom for coming all the way down here, you fucking rocked. - Wed, 15 Jan 2003 8:59pm
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aww dont worry chuck, we all have our bad nights. common just thinking of me at soundgarden falling FLAT on my face has got to make you smile. i THINK that you were there for that one...then i proceeded to insult pretty much everyone in sight. aww chuck, it will be OK :) - Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:01pm
Anonymous i wanna know who fought and who won so i can laugh. damn. i need to laugh at something other than my penis. its funny lookin. - Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:22pm
Chris Logan
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Just want to make sure everyone knows it was a great show, all the bands ripped, and 99.9% of the crowd was just digging the music and letting off steam...

That said, some of the shit that went down was way off base. The fight was bad enough, but what the fuck, bar fights happen--usually the participants are barred, but that's the way it goes. Bar fights are just stupid, but a lot of us here have probably been in at least one.

The other stuff--throwing of the table, for instance--was just completely out of line. There were three people, completely uninvolved in the scene that went down, in line of that flying chunk of wood. Somebody could've gotten killed there, no fucking around.The glasses getting smashed on the patio (and inside), well, there you go--a case of glasses, about fifty bucks, added onto our expenses for the night. Add on the noise complaints from the squares across the street, unwanted police attention, and it makes it that much more difficult for us to put on a punk show at our bar.

People talk a lot about supporting the scene--this is exactly the kind of shit that leads to one less venue for putting on punk shows--one less place to see killer music, one less place for bands who work their asses off to play. - Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:27pm
Anonymous thanks chris for continuing to promoteour bands even though this shit sometimes happens. geez chuck, wanna lose another venue?? at least keep it outside. - Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:46pm
Anonymous well?? who fought?? - Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:48pm
Anonymous lets hear the gossip dammit!! - Thu, 16 Jan 2003 2:00am
Ty Stranglehold
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Maybe it was a clever plot on Chuck's part to eliminate all the competition for his all ages shows!

Nah, pretty sure it was just the booze! - Thu, 16 Jan 2003 4:51am
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Hey I'm fucking glad everyone had a great time at this show. Chris Logan and I worked our asses off to bring these guys to town, I worked on that personally for 2 months. Too bad nobody showed up, but I did the best I could for a monday night. I'll get 'em back for an all ager this summer if you want 'em. Cheers for the feedback. Bag, I meant to say feedbag. - Thu, 16 Jan 2003 5:39am
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Bring 'em back Ross, they were killer!! Thanks for getting them here. Way cool. - Thu, 16 Jan 2003 3:22pm
FANG "too bad nobody showed up" ... ROSS!!! you put on the show and YOU didnt show up...b-i-t-c-h ...i spelled it for ya. - Thu, 16 Jan 2003 4:16pm
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yeah dink breath I have to work at 5 fucking am everyday and I still put the damn thing on and organized it for you. You're welcome a-s-s-h-o-l-e. I spelled it for you son. - Thu, 16 Jan 2003 6:51pm
jay brown
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The show ruled. Chuck you made an ass out of yourself, but hey I've done it a million times. The table was a bit much, I thought you were gonna get rocked for that one but you didn't. Then the car outside, when everyone piled out of it I thought that was it for sure, but you should be thanking Mike Walker for your life right now cause Helen's boy was gonna kill ya and he's a big motherfucker. Hoosegow and A.W.T., well I play in both bands so I'm not gonna review my own bands. Sipyeknom fucking blew me away, I'll play a show with those guys any fucking time they were brilliant. I actually thought it was an all right turn out for a monday. The headliners got their money and we had a blast playing with them. Thanks to thursdays for letting us play yet again. As for the rest of ya, I dont know where the fuck you were but you missed a phenomenal band. - Thu, 16 Jan 2003 7:41pm
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Ahem............... - Fri, 17 Jan 2003 12:16am
chuck i woke up beside some naked hairy biker guy who kept calling me "toots".too much booze dude. - Fri, 17 Jan 2003 4:53pm
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that was tyler i was wondering where he went that night. - Fri, 17 Jan 2003 5:39pm
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ahha hahaha aah whooo hoooo that's funny. - Fri, 17 Jan 2003 5:49pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Less talkin', more tootsin' - Sat, 18 Jan 2003 4:04am
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are you talkin to meh? are you talkin to meh? - Sat, 18 Jan 2003 12:20pm
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i had to mix the show from in front of the board to stop it from getting knocked off the table...if sik yek nom (and the other bands too) were not so wicked i would have been choked but i woke up with a smile on my face chanting "hutterite menonite hutterite menonite , why do you dress like it's 1857!!!!!!"how many of you turds sit here laughing at the shit posted here and wish you had seen it ? turn off your p.c. and get out to the shows, i see too many great bands with too few people. as far as fights, it was just a case of people not knowing how to get a good pit going.... it's a frickin punk show not a rugby game you clowns.... "hutterite menonite, huttterite menonite.... which came first? the chicken or the egg? i think it was the rooster!" - Sun, 19 Jan 2003 12:00am
Anonymous oh, how dustins wife and family must be proud!! - Sun, 19 Jan 2003 12:57pm
dustinjak mention my wife and kids on this board again and next time I have a few (too many) drinks I'll show up at your pad, you stupid fuck - Sun, 19 Jan 2003 4:08pm
Anonymous and do what? Roll a shopping cart thru my front door? - Mon, 20 Jan 2003 10:10pm
Matt D. If you post your name, maybe you'll find out.... - Tue, 21 Jan 2003 12:11am
bad news RAZOR bubbles be gettin gnar shopcartin on yo azz - Tue, 21 Jan 2003 4:25am
Anonymous Hey Matt, better get Schwams dick out of your mouth before ya get canker sores. - Tue, 21 Jan 2003 1:21pm
Anonymous I'm betting it's Knight................. - Tue, 21 Jan 2003 6:30pm
Hey Fuck-o You'd lose that bet you fucking cowardly twerp. - Fri, 31 Jan 2003 9:56pm
Anonymous I was watching a footage i made of them during the show the other day and I felt pretty cool about having bands like them played in Victoria. Fucken inuit punk rock. Seeing out-of-town bands is always rad and I'll always try to check them out(I just missed the Removal yesterday)when I possibly can. - Fri, 31 Jan 2003 11:45pm
helonwheels Footage eh? Cool. Like to see that. That was one kick ass wicked night. To those you like to rock we salute you. - Sat, 1 Feb 2003 1:15am
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I'll get SIP back this summer if I have to suck their tiny peeny's. Again....... - Sat, 1 Feb 2003 6:16am
Dr. Fuse
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Drummer needed for Canadian summer tour 2003
Veronica Tangent is holding auditions for talented drummers. Must have own gear, and be flexible in styles (garage, funk, pop, etc). Drug-friendly attitude and an open mind and open business acumen a must! - Sat, 1 Feb 2003 8:31pm
Anonymous you also have to put up with one of victoria's biggest jack asses. The victoria symphonys very own warren betenko wannabe

KENJI FUSE - Mon, 3 Feb 2003 1:15am
User Info...
hi "fuse".. I play drumkit and percussion... specs..:

Age: 27
Been playing: 10 years
Styles decent at: Funk, reggae, jazz, rock, blues, "world", jungle/dub/etc.
Availability: Free many hours/wk, in school and done for good in the summer.
Drugs of choice: Ganja, beer, groupie chix...
Sign: Pisces
Email: [email protected]

Email if interested!! Pro gear avail.

J. "Cool Joe" King - Tue, 4 Feb 2003 5:11pm
masterbatingthewargod yeah kenji tried to get me to suck his dick, and i am a man. I also find it funny that kenji rhymes with benji. But seeing that i am out of the closet now i guess its alright - Wed, 5 Feb 2003 11:48am
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