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Tolmie Hell House - Pure Canadian Metal
Message Board > Show Reviews > Tolmie Hell House - Pure Canadian Metal
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Well, Canada day is just around the corner... and being a patriot, since I happen to like my country... Time for another Hell House party

So come on down, Friday July 1/2005 to the Tolmie Hell House and check it out

Self Inflicted


Sooke Skids

Show your patriotism by drinking your face off to to pPure Canadian Metal

1075 Tolmie Ave [back door]
Doors @8 Bands @9
No Minors

'ere - Tue, 31 May 2005 5:28pm
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canada fucking sucks and so does patriotism. - Tue, 31 May 2005 5:46pm
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Would you rather be American?

'ere - Tue, 31 May 2005 8:17pm
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Canada day is curmudgeon's b-day so we can party for him seein' as I like my friends and I don't like my country.
So get Peruke on the bill chilli dawg!! - Tue, 31 May 2005 9:02pm
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Yeah we have it so bad here don't we?

.... - Wed, 1 Jun 2005 6:05am
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Peruke are already playing July 8th at Logan's.

Get Trouble Iz to play.


Cheers - Wed, 1 Jun 2005 8:09am
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You should have mitochondrion play again they distroyed the easter show! - Wed, 1 Jun 2005 3:01pm
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Canada aids US shenanigans. We're both fucked. I don't exactly cherish the fact that we live in privilege here by fucking other people over. Nothing to celebrate there. - Wed, 1 Jun 2005 5:01pm
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Wow, am I the only one on here who actually thinks Canada is a pretty good place to live... it's not like I'm a raving, flag waving jackass... I just happen to think we have things pretty good here, compared to other possible places... I'd rather be here than pretty much anywhere...

But I do see you're point about how our Government supports alot of American bullshit... but really, I've never been too involved in politics... I'm just using the fact that it's a national holiday as a good reason to throw a party, cuz thats when it's easiest to get away with inviting a couple of hundred people to my house and blasting out metal until the wee hours of the morning... and not catching shit from the cops, etc

But really, all I'm gonna do as a show of patriotism is put a Canadian flag up in my front window... beyond that, it's all about the metal... thats really the only reason we throw these parties, is to promote local metal... I don't care why people are partying on Canada day... I just wanna get drunk and play some metal...

'ere - Wed, 1 Jun 2005 6:32pm
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Try living somewhere else for a change. We have it pretty bad here on our nice little island don't we. Its a shame when people complain about living in Victoria so much when most of the time they haven't even left North America.

Canada is a great place to live... especially Victoria. Yeah it has its ups and downs just like alot of places would. To say it fucking sucks, thats too bad.

I have some friends that live in the states and hate it so much there and I can see why. They'd live here anyday, I think they have more to say if they come from somewhere that truely has its disadvantages and the government there these days.

Instead of saying it fucking sucks try make the better out of it and appreciate what you have here because its alot more than what some other people have. Nice little downtown, beautiful scenery, you can play shows and talk about your political views and no one minds.

I don't mean to be harsh, I just don't understand when people can be so negative sometimes and put a downer to a show someone is putting on. - Thu, 2 Jun 2005 5:39am
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I know where canon is coming from.

not only has Canada supported the States in almost ALL of its bullshit. But also Canada has an extremely fucked up past when it comes to brutal imperialism. I'm not going to go into it, read up on Canada's awful racist past - just as bad as the states, and I will defend that comment with empirical evidence if need be.

However, personally I wouldn't want to live anywhere else right now. I know people who travel through Europe and abroad, and as soon as it is known that you are Canadian and NOT American you are welcome with open arms. I'm just not going to celebrate this country's tainted past. - Thu, 2 Jun 2005 7:15am
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If you know where he came from, then why don’t you both go the fuck back. If you think the only good thing about living here is that people in Europe like Canadians better than Americans, you need to cut back on the paint huffin bud.

George DubbleYa is an idiot, no one is disputing that. And it’s not like Cretien pulled a Tony Blair & jumped in bed with Bush. Even now we’re doing relatively little in the scope of things. And if he wants to nuke the fuck out of those Dirka Dirka Gihad suicide bombing mother fuckers (even if oil is all the cock was really after) then the world would be a better place. And as fucked as the US is, we get most of our shit from & sell most of our products to the US. With out them, Canada wouldn’t be doing as well.

And Canada has a bad history…. Unlike Rwanda, Africa, Germany, Australia, Italy, Afghanistan, Norway? In the not so distant past, it didn’t matter where you went, the world was just fucked up. In humanitarian terms, the past in general sucked period. Why don’t you move up to the Artic, I don’t think they had a troubled past. Why don’t you take a trip to Vancouver & ask 65% of the population if they think the same as you about Canada & if they would rather go back their country of origin.

One thing this country has no shortage of is thieves & whiney bitches. Suck it up princess, Canada ain’t that bad. - Thu, 2 Jun 2005 7:09pm
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Great post ShredMetalHead. Instead of saying how bad it is why don't they say something like: I think it sucks but this is how I want to make it better.

Just fucking move somewhere else if it sucks so much. I don't think you can move anywhere else without frowning upon their "tainted past"

Indeed Canada ain't that bad.

Cheers - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 5:57am
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Clearly I'm not suggesting that a Utopia exists somewhere, but blind patriotism is a bit silly especially when Canada has a not so innocent past. That's all I'm saying. Sorry to rain on your parade.

I never said that Canada is awful right now as a place to live, so suggesting that I move is just a stupid comment. This country does offer a lot to people in need I agree fully.

And yes it sucks, but my comments were never made maliciously, so aggravated retaliations are a bit uncalled for. Get informed/demystified - that's how I suggest you make things better.

PS. Sorry Flee to take the focus off of the show. I have nothing more to say. - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 6:52am
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My posts were directed at canon.docre's posts.

cheers - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 9:22am
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Racism isn't strictly a part of Canada's past. If you lose your job and apply for EI or are charged with a criminal offence and have to go to court the first thing they will ask while deciding how to take care of you is "are you a visible minority?". It seems our country has it in their heads that minorities are not smart enough to keep their jobs or know right from wrong and are in need of special consideration within the system. It almost seems sometimes like they're trying to inspire rasism through unfair treatment. If they could just smarten up a bit and treat EVERYONE equally for a change I'd be a little more patriotic. - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 11:54am
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my cats' breath smells like cat dink. - Fri, 3 Jun 2005 12:26pm
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Why does everything cool have to be strangled all to hell with politics? Flee thanks for putting my boys on the bill, can NOT fucking wait for this show. - Sat, 4 Jun 2005 7:38am
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Well, in an effort to bring this thread back to the bands... I guess I have an announcement to make...

This will be the last show in Victoria for S.I.C.K.'s guitarist Brain... he's still gonna stick around and play the Asbalt in Vancouver on July 29th with Splatter, and a couple of other bands from Montreal... but he's gonna hang up his guitar after that show... so on Canada Day, It'll be the final show for us with a Brain in Victoria...So make sure it's a night for him to remember... But we're gonna continue on as a 4 piece until we find a good replacement for 2nd guitar... which means we'll all be temporarily lobotomized for a while [as if the alcohol wouldn't do that anyways]...

'ere - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 10:33am
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Brain's retiring as guitar player?!? That's harsh! And wow, punk rock at the Hell House on Canada Day (Self Inflicted)?!? That's gonna be cool to see, I'm there! - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 10:55am
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we wanna play HELL-HOUSE. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 12:56pm
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i like drdooms take on racism...

treat everyone equally.

like the pieces of shit they really are. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 12:59pm
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sounds like a good time. - Mon, 6 Jun 2005 1:25pm
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I like how everyone missed my point. I didn't say Canada is a bad place to live. I said celebrating living here is like celebrating slavery. Its nice to live here because we exploit people in the third world. Just because they're not working our cotton-farms in our backyard doesn't absolve us of responsibility. That's not politics, people; that's human rights. - Tue, 7 Jun 2005 9:03pm
Ward Ensemble
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You're either IN or you're IN THE WAY.

....sorry craig... - Wed, 8 Jun 2005 6:38pm
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Well now, Canada HAS supported the US in some cases. In many other times we have not. Take for example the war of 1812...sure it was primarily a 'British vs American' war, on our side the participants were mostly Canadians who saw the US way of doing things as a threat to our way of life here. So we helped the British burn down the White House.

Oh and remember that first gulf war...the US offered to equip us with a divisions worth of M1A1 Abrams tanks at $1(US) a piece if we'd fight with them. Do you see any of those tanks in our armed forces today?

And think about it, as much as Martin may not be the leader we'd all like, if the vote had gone an other way OUR citizens would be dying in a pointless war over there right now.

So is Canada the best place to live in the world? I happen to think it is. Are we doing all we can to make the rest of the world a better place to live? Well......we each do what we can.

So fuck anti-Canadianism on Canada day...fuck the rest of the world...this is our place and our day. If you take that for granted then fuck right off. Go live in a 3rd world country for a few years (yes I have) and then talk about what patriotism means and what Canada should mean to you!!!

BTW...I find people that retract or 'clarify' statements to be very annoying...sounds like they're wavering back and forth. Say what you mean the first time instead of just spouting out negativity and figuring it sounds 'political'.

Most of us know better. - Thu, 9 Jun 2005 5:12am
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Fuck Canada and 'The State'. Clear? Fuck patriotism. Fuck nationalism. I get it, you like living here. Its nice. No shit. Its just like celebrating Thanksgiving. You know, when we all sat down to dinner with our native brothers and shared and share alike or whatever. Yeah right. - Thu, 9 Jun 2005 7:12am
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Can't sleep... the clowns will eat me

oh yeah.... bump!

'ere - Sat, 11 Jun 2005 9:33pm
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I don't have that problem. I know they fear the dutch oven. - Sun, 12 Jun 2005 2:57pm
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Clowns?!? ICP!!! - Sun, 12 Jun 2005 3:20pm
The Wolf
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Don't sing me lullabies
I won't close my eyes
I can't close my eyes
It's true, I'm doomed
Til dawn shines through
Got too many things to do
Got friends to see
I can't miss a thing
It's true, I'm through
I'm screwed, unglued
I won't close my eyes
I can't close my eyes
I never close my eyes
You see, they're always there with funny hair
Oh, I'm so scared

It happens to me every night
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
They always want to take a bite
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
And if you think this isn't real
I'll show you wounds that never heal
To them I'm just a happy meal
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me

Make the coffee black as night
Help me through the night
I know their appetite for me
I'm meat but I'm sweet as can be
And if I do too much booze
I begin to snooze
I hear the big old floppy shoes
It's true, I'm stew, unchewed

I won't close my eyes
I can't close my eyes
I never close my eyes
See, they're always there with that funny hair
Oh, I'm so scared

It happens to me every night
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
They always want to take a bite
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
And if you think this isn't real
I'll show you wounds that never heal
To them I'm just a happy meal
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me

It happens to me every night
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
They always want to take a bite
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me
And if you think this isn't real
I'll show you wounds that never heal
To them I'm just a happy meal
Can't sleep, the clowns will eat me... - Sun, 12 Jun 2005 3:34pm
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It's funny how Canadians think that when we travel abroad different societies treat us better when they find out we're Canadians. I've travelled extensively and my opinion is that all of those countries think of us as North Americans. To most of them there is no difference between Americans and Canadians. When on the road you will meet cool people and assholes from every country, even the States. Let's just hope we are the cool ones. - Sun, 12 Jun 2005 3:46pm
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It totally depends. I've travelled alot as well and in some places people have told me if I was American and not Canadian they most likely wouldn't have talked to me and saw a huge difference between the two. - Mon, 13 Jun 2005 3:44am
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This is my roommate Jeremy. All liquored up. Oh man, he's gonna kill me... - Tue, 14 Jun 2005 7:48am
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In the 3rd world countries Ive visited, canadians were treated well, and they knew the diff between US and Canada.

But in Australia, where they actually have an education system, 9/10 people acted as though a canadian and an american were the same. Its all "America" to them.

Granted I was down under in 1980-1982, Im sure after 9-1-1 the rednecks of the world know who we arent. - Tue, 14 Jun 2005 8:34am
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Yes, Canada is SO independant from the states. Does it suprise you that educated countries realize that since we basically have an open border when it comes to US business, that we are fueling their economy and thereby aiding their imperialist agenda? I'm not trying to use buzz-words here, but during WW2 any country that was openly trading Germany and co. weren't exactly being offered blowjobs from the rest of the world. Do you get it? Why should anyone think differently of Canada? Just because we didn't run head-long into every military conflict that US has fought doesn't absolve Canada of being intrisically linked to the US. People think that just because the general populace makes fun of Amerrican beer and average joe-shmoe Canada spits out anti-american rhetoric that we, as a nation, are not partially responsible for this super-power run amok? - Wed, 15 Jun 2005 11:27am
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uh....anyway, can't wait for this gig. - Wed, 15 Jun 2005 1:24pm
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Yeah I'm sure the gig will be good. If I do happen to go, I'm not even this annoying irl. - Wed, 15 Jun 2005 4:37pm
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canon.docre, just out of curiosity do have any advice for your average Canadian who may want to down play his/her contribution to U.S. methods? (Aside from avoiding corperations as much as possible of course. I've been minimizing that shit since I quit 7-11.) - Wed, 15 Jun 2005 5:26pm
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Gig Ross?... oh shit, thats right... thats what this thread was about

'ere - Fri, 17 Jun 2005 12:01pm
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Can't wait, R $ W hawk to sport patriotism too...

P.S. - how'd you like yer flower today? :) - Fri, 17 Jun 2005 3:10pm
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So thats where it came from hehe

'ere - Fri, 17 Jun 2005 6:16pm
J. Peatman
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First of all: I think comparing nations that currently trade/deal with the USA with (pretty much EVERY country in the world) with the ones that dealt with Nazi Germany is quite an insult to those countries. Perhaps in the populistic anti-USA circles it is quite common to compare the USA to Nazi-Germany, in the real world it really hasn't reached that point yet (though I am aware of the "Our Leader" signs seen in the US around the election period).

So why should anyone think differently of Canada? Because Canade IS FREAKING NEIGHBOURS with the USA. You and I probably have no idea how much both countries and their people depend on eachother, and have been depending on eachother long before borders were drawn between the two. So what do you expect that should be done? That all economic and diplomatic relations should be severed just because the American "defense" policy does not comply with that of Canada?

Funny, that would basically push Canada into a Cold War with the States.

Your point of view makes no reasonable sense whatsoever. If you're so anal about dealings with the US you should start to realize how much you "support" the American economy in your every day life. Buy organic food that is exclusively grown in Canada, don't drive cars (or SUV's) that are of American origin, be sure that the clothes you wear are not made in the USA, and hey, DO NOT ORDER FROM ANY AMERICAN MAILORDERS OR LABELS OR ANY INDIVIDUALS, WHATSOEVER. The money you send to those initiatives, no matter how DIY, will ultimately end up being spent on American services, retail and produce, thus supporting their economy!

You know what? You should even stay away from the States with Iskra. Do you even realize how much money you're spending there when on tour? All the gas money and income from merchandise, spread to make poor punks aware of Anerican Imperialism, which is spent on food you buy at fast food franchises, 7-11's, gas stations, it's all fattening the American Belly. You could go as far as to say that Iskra is, apparently, consciously "fueling their economy and thereby aiding their imperialist agenda"!! What an ironic feat of dualism.

Oh yeah, so don't ever release any album through an American label, either. - Fri, 17 Jun 2005 8:35pm
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Bow to your blasphemy
It is not your diety
Reclaim your humanity
And reclaim your life

Bow with indignity
Take back your authority
Become what you want to be
And Become Your Own God


'ere - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 8:30pm
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Peatman has some good points on how not to support the US economy. However, he can fuck right off with talking about iskra. I don't talk about his band. - Tue, 21 Jun 2005 11:41am
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First time I've read this thread just now. Its quite something that started out as a thread promoting a great show happening on Canada's Day. I'll check out the show forsure.

Am I wrong but didn't J.Peatman used to play in Iskra? On the LP it says so... so to me telling someone to fuck off about talking about a band they were formally in.. wouldn't they be aware of Iskra enough to say something?

There is so much negativety on this thread. Sickening. Skull and J.Peatman have definately made the best and most valid posts. - Tue, 21 Jun 2005 12:37pm
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my internet ramblings are not to be associated with my band. my persona on livevictoria is not a representation of how I conduct myself in real life, and barely a representation of my actual views. that's why I use a fucking alias. too bad for me that I get called out on it like this.

"ou could go as far as to say that Iskra is, apparently, consciously "fueling their economy and thereby aiding their imperialist agenda"!! What an ironic feat of dualism."

I've heard that about 300 fucking times in the last few months, and wouldn't expect it from someone, who as you pointed out, was IN iskra. Ultimately the result of this thread is I'm going to give jasper a noogie when I next see him (not really) and all is quiet on the western front. - Tue, 21 Jun 2005 3:23pm
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I'll drink to that!! *shot guns a moose head* (founded in the same year as canada)

-cheers - Tue, 21 Jun 2005 7:24pm
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Cracks a Hefeweizen.....

'ere - Tue, 21 Jun 2005 8:50pm
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Yep I think its' acceptable to start drinking for this gig right now. In preparation, you see...."I try to capture the spirit of the thing, Reg......." - Wed, 22 Jun 2005 4:20pm
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HEY GRIFF- I don't think S.I. are considered punk rock ;0
I work until 12am so I hope bands won't start to soon before that :) And hopefully I wont be stuck in the snow this time :) - Wed, 22 Jun 2005 4:49pm
J. Peatman
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Scott, you can't expect to elaborately kick some sensitive shins on this board and then not having to take some flak for it because it's only your mr. Hyde "internet persona".

Besides that, alot of the things you, be it alot more aggressively, say in this topic, do perfectly reflect the topics that Iskra elaborate on in their lyrics. So that does bring the band into it, yes.

But I have no interest in dissing Iskra, having created alot of good memories, some good buddies in the band and a hell of a record.

I only meant to, cynically, point out that if you feel so strongly about what you posted earlier on in this topic, then not taking part in across-the-border activities with a band would only seem to fit those convictions. Any band, not necessarily Iskra.

*rides off into the sunset*

And let that be all! - Wed, 22 Jun 2005 9:27pm
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I also have no wish be argumentative for the mere sake of being confrontational...I do like participating in great dialogue that brings out the "thinking" part of peoples brains and encourages them to express it.

This thread shows that there are those kinds of people out there and thats cool. Its also about an upcoming show that is going go be 'that damn good' and I am looking forward to being at the Tolmie house once again.

As for ISKRA...I've played shows with them 3 times before, its ALWAYS been good, I fucking love that band and get along with everyone in it, no disrespect intended.

We've proven two fucking amazing things here on this thread...first that there are good shows and killer bands in this city (and country :P ) and that there are good people who see that there are many things that need to change in the world and we are sharing ideas on what the problems are, potential solutions to these problems and how to be a part of the solution.

Fucking rights! See ya at the show \nn/

"Since before I can remember, many the days, it seems forever
The storm inside that seems to define me, my dreams
Haunt my waking moments, so vivid yet mere fragments
A contrast between reality and my feelings of insanity

The struggle to decide, which identity to hide
Forces upon me hate, is this to be my fate?
Life should not be a tragedy, a grim and mocking parody
Of the ideals humanity sets, of our lessons and regrets"

SKULL - Thu, 23 Jun 2005 5:21am
Dan Barker
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stop crying canon dumbass
canada is the greatest country in the world.
who cares if fuck other people over.
those people will just have to deal with it.
fuck everyone else.
Canadian Nationalism!!! - Thu, 23 Jun 2005 2:46pm
Nik Olaz
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i have been sitting in the back reading all this and all i have to say is: One love, one heart - Thu, 23 Jun 2005 5:08pm
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ahahha i dont know about that man, hahaha - Thu, 23 Jun 2005 5:15pm
Nik Olaz
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yeah i corrected it. i was thinking of the Bob Marley song, but the meaning is still there. hehehehe!

edit: i'm not referring to the deistic aspect of that song, i play in a metal band for fucksakes. - Thu, 23 Jun 2005 5:18pm
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Hey Nik, hows' that marshall head and cab doing? Haven't hocked it for Pilsner yet, have you? Oh, by the way be at the show or I'll kick your penis in. - Fri, 24 Jun 2005 3:23pm
Nik Olaz
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thats the other nick that bought that duo, he still uses the fuck out of it. but of course i'll be there i have a self inflicted sticker on my iMac see? - Fri, 24 Jun 2005 9:34pm
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oh yeah? - Tue, 28 Jun 2005 1:35am
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I've got a Self Inflicted sticker on my sword case.... Does that count?

'ere - Tue, 28 Jun 2005 8:56pm
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Nope.... - Wed, 29 Jun 2005 1:28am
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2 more sleeps. - Wed, 29 Jun 2005 10:43am
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those who support the Canadian state are political. You support everything the Canadian state has been and is currently involved with.

To be critical is to care. To simply accept is ignorant.

To support Canada is to support genocide and racism. 15 million natives alone.

The Canadian state is not your freind. it may be a "great place to live" now but it won't be in the near future. do you have any idea what is currently happening in Canada? while you claim that this country is "the best" your rights and privileges, those that make this country supposedly great, are being stripped. If you really cared you'd arm yourself with such knowledge and make an opposition by whatever means at your disposal. But you probably don't care do you? I guess you don't need to care as long as you are in the privileged white class.

if you had any kind of historical perspective you'd know that this country is being systematically sold to the US. Remember Mulroney? Free Trade? does anyone know what NAFTA is? Deep Integration? The Continentalists? No? Well if you really care about Canada then you might want to know. Then you'd find out pretty quick that Canada as a state is not so great. In fact its fucking evil.

Here are some things to check out, even though you probably don't give a fuck: - Wed, 29 Jun 2005 11:39am
Nik Olaz
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at least we just legalized gay marriage...thats a start. - Wed, 29 Jun 2005 12:37pm
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While I appreciate the anarchodocre perspective, I do find the accusatory and downright hostile attitude a bit old.

Come on Gueverra, there's a gentler and more modern way to get your point across.

Might want to keep in mind the difference between the root meanings of the words 'evolution' and 'revolution' (thanks for the late night debate on that one Flee!).

SKULL - Wed, 29 Jun 2005 2:11pm
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Chaos AD is T minus 32 hours

'ere - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:30am
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Well.. probably about time I posted..

Looking forward to playing with Self Inflicted again and hearing Sooke Skids for the first time. Used to hang out with some of them way back in the day... though, I'm not exactly sure who all is in the band that I know! hah...

Well.. getting a little excited and a little sad, being my last show in Vic with SICK, but.. Will be a blast I'm sure.. we've come up with some new stuff since our last gig, and I can't wait to try it out infront of a crowd!!

Fuckin eh, see yas there! - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:48am
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Fuck its' getting close to go time fuckers!!!! Let's give the man a nice send off and a good welcome to the Skidz. OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH CAAAAAAANADAAAAAAAAAA..... - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 1:24pm
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*Nod* SickBrains, hope you have a good last gig. I'm gonna try to make this one. - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 3:07pm
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I'm kinda sad Brian, you suck. Not S.I.C.K., but SUCK.

That's okay, Im gonna be starting a pool at the show, (no shit) as to how soon it is before he changes his mind...
we can only hope you do. :)
Now who wants 2nd picks and get this thing rollin?! (Me first) - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 4:28pm
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we're sailin right into the eye of a shitacane Randy, so
you'd better haul in the jib before it gets covered in shit! - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 8:05pm
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Happy Cannabis day - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 6:36am
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"Tonights the's gonna be alright"

That was for you ROSS B AY. - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 6:55am
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Sigh... NO PITS FOR ME!!! :( - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 6:59am
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*sigh* Me either. I'll be the one drinkin apple juice. - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 7:21am
J. Peatman
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Anyone who lives and works in Canada and spends Canadian made money there supports the State. I have yet to see real anarchists who truly live outside the influence of government and economy. Most of the ones who claim to be anarchists just choose to spread thoughts through some flyers and music in quite a confined underground (music) scene, or sit on the street in urine drenched corners, panhandling because they refuse to work and expect people to pay from their pocket without giving them any reasonable argument to do so.

If you want to really get your point across on a large scale, then talk to the People, not the embittered self-victimized punks. - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 7:43am
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I can think of way worse ways of celebrating (whatever the hell we're supposed to celebrate - life?) than hitting a house party where a bunch of punk/metal bands are playing and everyone's invited.

I fell in LOVE with a place I visited a long time ago, because of the exact same scenario.. it involved a bonfire in the backyard too though. Throw that in (and maybe some thin lizzy) and its totally my heaven. Have an awesome night! - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 7:43am
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Happy Canada Day everyone. "To support Canada is to support genocide and racism" then leave for fucks sake. I don't know why you are bothering to sit on the internet that you probably pay for in Canadian funds to bicker about how evil Canada is.

Explain how an Anarchist State would work in your eyes. It would be a revolution 10 times more drastic than communism.

Do tell how you are living in Canada without supporting it. - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 9:35am
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This country was built on genocide and just cause I live here it doesn't mean I have to be proud.

Happy Cannabis Day Im goin to the art gallery to get baked. - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 9:52am
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Turn down the suck & turn up the titties, metal, beer & bud! You guys are giving me a headache. Flee, is too late to cancel the bands & have a group circle discussion about our feelings? I’ll bring the bongo drum. Screw you guys, I’m going to Walmart & buying me a Canadian Flag. On Canada Day. After I finish my Coors owned Molson Canadain that is….. Metal! - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 2:25pm
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This Guy is stoked on canada day - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 5:08pm
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Argh, hope you all had fun, I keep falling asleep, besides it's more funner when you can drink. - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 5:33pm
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Well, the Chaos is getting ready to begin....

Sooke Skids are set up.... Self Inflicted has all their gear here..... let the mayhem begin

'ere - Fri, 1 Jul 2005 5:41pm
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Wicked show, even though I couldn't go in the moshpit, (which is kinda good cuz I know all those crazy fucks and I woulda got my ass handed to me!!!) Flee thanks again for throwing another kickass party. Hope y'all liked the Skids, you'll see them again real soon and I hope everybody had a wicked time, I know I did and SOBER even!!

Betcha I'm the only one who isn't hungover today... - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 7:44am
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Hows the guy who hit his head on the cement outside?! - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 8:25am
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I AM SOOOOOOOOOO HUNG OVER :( Somebody help me oh and my house looks like a tornado hit!! What the hell did I do last night??????? I am never drinking again. ehheehehhe - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 10:24am
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Awesome fucking show! Great way to spend Canada Day, although it didn't have much to do with our country, just good fucking metal. All the bands totally rocked, long sets and a crazy mosh. Glad I finally got to see Sooke Skids. Despite being a Sookie myself, I was never able to see them before (damn you Buffys and your age limit). The SOD cover by Self Inflicted got me real pumped too, never thought I'd hear that at a show. All in all it was a great show, Tolmie always puts on the best parties. Oh, and as for the dude that hit his head... you must mean the same guy that vomited all over himself. I was talking to him later, he was fine, if a little smelly. - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 10:26am
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hows the guy who had the trailer come down on his head! haha.. he was passed out under it when it went up and then down on him.. then he passed out under there again.. - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 10:34am
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Where was I when this all happened? Do we know who the guy who hit his head was? No more mixing the weed and the drink for me. Good lord I was so wasted I forgot my bike in the back of a cab. My bike what a loser I am. - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 10:40am
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No Tragedy, I didn't get a hang over. Near beer can't do that to you. I think I did see you but you were always looking like you were on some mission somewhere so I didn't want to slow you down. We're you the cutie with the cool looking hair? (Braided and top notched?) I thouroughly enjoyed meeting ROSS B AY and Holly for the first time, and finally meeting KK while in a untoxicated state. The music was great too. I think my favorite part of the evening had to be hanging out in the red light district. The "one punch wonder" finally got the boot, and all I know about the poor bastard that kept smashing his head was by the end of it the S.O.B. stickers were placed in a way to hopefully buffer his next fall:) Thanks Flee. - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 10:45am
I Kissed Lucia
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So, I've got like 75 mb worth of fucking pictures
and, I don't feel like creating three free e-mail accounts, in order to create three free photobucket accounts, so that I can host the 140something pictures of those fucking drunk-ass Sooke Skids

So, I posted a few favorites on my fucking picture-whore

It might make you sign in, if so, do it?

And if it says that it's busy, it's probably lying, go back and sign in again

Anyhow, anyone who wants the other 120 something pictures of the Sooke Skids set (batteries ran out after that, and I was sick of getting kicked in the back of the head every time I tried to take a picture) can talk to me on the MSN machine

[email protected]
gigantic douches need not apply - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 11:33am
I Kissed Lucia
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Man, it took me like a good 40 seconds of smacking my head over my html to see that this board like auto-hyperlinks urls
or maybe uses BBC or some shit - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 11:43am
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it says space not available and are there other pics besides the band? - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 11:44am
I Kissed Lucia
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couple of snaps of the pit, mostly of the band though, just keep trying microsoft is a fucking painful thing to work with, but I couln't even fathom another way to get this shit online - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 11:53am
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Well I tried accessing the pics, and I got this:

The space you are trying to view may not exist or access to it may be restricted. If you are not signed in to your Microsoft .NET Passport, please sign in below so we can verify your access to this space.

And I am not hungover. - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 12:27pm
Take a bath
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You guys must have too much time on your hands to be arguing all this ideological rubbish

Maybe you should get jobs, instead of surviving by sucking off the tete of the state you're so keen on destroying... - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 2:34pm
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Ya know, I could get a job where I was supposed to start at the Irish Times, but I CAN'T WORK!!! :) So yeah, more state leeching!!! - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 3:16pm
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Well fuck... that was one hell of a Canada Day....

First off, thanx to Sooke Skids and Self Inflicted for ripping it up with us last night... and to all the crazy motherfuckers who put on one of the best mosh pits I've ever had in my basement...

But crazy shit went on.... like Mike mentioned the guy under the trailer... but what really blew me away was that the mosh actually managed to break a 1/4 steel connector piece on the chain link fence... fucking brutal....

And get this... I woke up this morning to what I thought was my drummer/roommate Shane picking up the empties from outside.... but neither he, nor I, nor our other roommate did it.... so the mystery of the empties remains unresolved...

All in all, it was one crazy night that I won't soon forget... I live for this shit


'ere - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 3:53pm
I Kissed Lucia
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Here, this should work

once again, not the whole set, just some fuacjalk;ej - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 3:55pm
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Nice to hear people had a fun time there. - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 4:26pm
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Red light district...bawhahaha...

Way too much to comment on, hands down, best time I have had in a long time...

Alchoholly let me take over her cam for a while, so those pix are gonna be amazing, I couldnt stop laughing each time I looked at them, and then went out and took more. SOOO much fun. If they dont post em, I will, later, if or when I get em.

Thanks Flee and everybody...I am just glowing today. - Sat, 2 Jul 2005 8:33pm
Hell's Thunder
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What a night! Sooke Skids & Self Inflicted really kicked some serious ass to a full house

a little blood,a little puke, lots of people and a shit load of crazy metal.

Another great night at the Tolmie Hell House!

BTW: If anyone has pics from this show...get'm posted - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 7:03am
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Some of those pictures look like they were taken in an all-male bath house. - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 7:42am
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well, sorry for the delay........ I have just emerged from the haze. Thanks to Kim for taking the photos. I only have S.I. set pictures but there ARE a ton of party pics. Red Light District - PERFECT!! It seemed to be the best spot to take in all the drama as well as see the show. Great company too! Anyway.......... - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 9:43am
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this is when the fence got busted - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:05am
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it was good times for sure. - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:07am
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everyone seemed to want to bust out the crotches - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:10am
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see? - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:11am
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but it was a reaaly great time - thanks to Flee for putting it on. cool people. - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:12am
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oh and Kim I obviously am conscious now so I will email you photos today!! - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 10:28am
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Fuck that shit is funny...Im still glowin from the good times, but the pix just brin it on back! (I realize now they aren't as fabulous as I thought at the time, but still alright, I think I just had too much fun takin em) I forgot about the poor stickered bastard out there, hillarious. Chris really scares me in that one pic, maybe he was gettin pissed with the constant flash in his face, but Im so glad I caught the fence cavin'...good times. Thanks for putting those up, and you can spare the email, I'll just steal em from here. :) - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 11:23am
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P.S. ~ Them some SEXY tan lines Zak-y! - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 11:28am
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Heh... the poor guy passed out on their couch with all the stickers on him, that'll teach him for passing out during a SicK party!!! BTW: Who's that in the photo above this? - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 12:43pm
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we were sitting at the bottom of the stairs and those girls asked us to take their picture. I don't know their names but I'm sure someone from that night must know. - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 1:29pm
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alcoholly send me some party pics puleeeze - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 1:35pm
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Jess I emailed you to see if you wanted all of them or just some?? - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 1:41pm
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oops I didnt see the email alcoholly
HEY SICFUK did you find a "U" bike lock around there somewhere? - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 1:48pm
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Holly, if you have more, please do send me some as well, just thought what you posted, was it...
Me likey pictures...
whenev...thanks. - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 2:40pm
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The most incredible, scary, funny, death defying, and unbelievable thing was, that chick on top of the trailer who when asked to get off moved forward to comply and not knowing someone had taken the saw horses out, and with all of us looking on launched herself into the fucking air from 10 ft landing on the backend of a station wagon, pin balling back and fourth in-between them , with a crescendoing smack ! PRICELESS !

We rushed over, people were pulling the box trailer up right and I moved closer and asked if she was alright ? I was expecting a bloody unconscious slump on the ground but to my amazement she was standing and said " I'm ok "

Now if that ain’t fucking METAL I'll cut my hair !..... nooooo I wont do that ...

Great Party SICK boyz , unforgettable , someone went missing at your bash ! I haven’t heard whether they made it back alive or at least become one of the sick house walking dead . I was stepping over a lot of train wrecks by the end man and claimed by glow in the dark stickers guiding us over the poor youngins and stop that inadvertent boot to the head, thank you brotherhood of S.O.D ! Oh, thanks for the sticker for my lady's titties I'll always cherish it for the brotherhood. Glad to see lots of freaky good friends and see some boo bees ! Only two sets , I must be off my game !

Skids were fucking killer and that old school AC/DC tune at the end brought a fucking tear to my eye ! Missed a little of the start , but holy fuck energy to burn bro's after the show they where like Tasmanian devils at the party , ya do Sooke proud boyz !

Self Inflicted where their usual driving selves, I enjoyed it immensely and my lady says you guys are fucking ROCK a licious ! Gettin the ladies going ! Fuckin A !

SICK was the sheat mang ! You guys blasted !….or were you blasted ? LOL ! Need I ask ? Couldn’t get close to the pit and was a human barricade for my lady and some girl friends of ours ! Had a great time and my lady didn’t chuck a bottle at my head ( of course lovingly) like the last hell house shindig, so it was a good night !

Let me know when or if you're scoping the new axe swinger , I’d like to talk .

XY-SATAN - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 3:10pm
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Hey Lance that sticker on her boobs got put on right in front of us immediately following the removal of the chick trying to beat the snot out of the little tiny chick. We were definitely in a prime viewing spot! For inside stuff anyway!! - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 3:20pm
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(Lancey)And who you calling freaky?! I know you not talkin bout me punk!
We have many Red Light District memories...they keep floodin back... - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 3:23pm
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Chicks fighting !! LOL !! What a great party !!

Yep, it was better then Jerry Springer at our vantage spot ! I did miss the guy doing the end o into the cement and puking everywhere before getting sticker abused ! He be hurting bad the next day I expect ! LOL !

Hey Kimmy my lips are sealed and did you kim nap someone that night ?! lol
I know a great place to dump the body parts and his family needs closer ! - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 3:24pm
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Hey Alcoholly, I'd be interested in getting my hands on those pics too, pretty please? I'm building a website for the skids and shit like that comes in handy. My email/msn is [email protected]. - Sun, 3 Jul 2005 3:44pm
User Info... that,

Of course I did, I never go home alone on the holidays...or the Mondays, or the Tuesdays...etc :) - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 7:49am
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Ouch! I feel bad for the guy after hearing his melon hit the concrete. Head injuries tend to freak me out now. - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 8:54am
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"How long do you think it will take for my mullet to grow back?"

"Do you want me to one punch her?"

"Does anyone have any acid?"

"Everytime I see you either an arm or a leg is broken, man."
"It's called rough neck" responded the guy with a broken arm and leg.

"What happened?"
"I got drunk and got on a motorcycle"

Ahhh...Sooke. - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 12:16pm
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you forgot:

"I don't even remember getting shit-faced last night"


"I'm gonna piss my pants - again!"


"I got so wasted last night I don't even understand what happened" - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 12:50pm
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BAHAHAAAA!!!!I know ALL those people! - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 2:34pm
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the chicks were fisty indeed
too bad i got there after all the bands finished
great party and cheers to the chick that spared with me, you rock,
ahh canada day....foggy memories in my head - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 3:55pm
J. Peatman
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Is this a love seat that was recently acquired from the Salvation Army thrift store? If so, me and my roommate snatched the couch version not too long before you took this piece hehe. - Mon, 4 Jul 2005 11:32pm
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I thought so, that's the couch that is outside just past the basement door. It's been there for years. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 6:13am
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That show kicked ass! The whiskey and beer kicked MY ass! Thanks for letting us fuk shit up there Flee!

Sooke skidZ - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 8:55am
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Is his hat covered in vomit?
Yay I got my bike back :) - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 8:57am
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I had to post this pic cause I fuckin like it - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:02am
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Yes his hat, his chest, his lap, etc. Covered in his vomit. Bet he didn't go home alone - Rarrr - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:10am
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Sooke skidZ - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:15am
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thaught id put a few pics of our pit on here just fuckin cause - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:17am
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Make sure you show Blair this one. I couldnt stop laughing! - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:19am
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Doesnt have a fuckin clue - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:20am
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Is it just me or are the pics not there? - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:21am
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Our rockin bassist - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:23am
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Nick tryin - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:25am
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What a fukin blast EH! - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:26am
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The Thomas bros. Ugly fuckers arnt they! - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:28am
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Bogart - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:30am
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Jerms - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:31am
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The one and only - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:33am
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More pit - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:35am
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ahhh now I see them - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 9:36am
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That wasn't your man passed out was it Dumpstermesh? - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 10:14am
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Good times.. cool pics.. but Sooke kids gotta learn that coming to parties in Victoria doesnt mean act tough with all the regulars..

The one drunk guy tryin to 'scare' Drock, Rob ( future chief of Esq reserve ) and Graeme was funny though.. The boy trying to out-metal the old men. "Im 18 years old, I know everything about metal, you wanna go outside?"

pretty damn comical.. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 10:52am
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Ack...oh no! I was just kidding jess. I'm a little too "mature" for that little rascal. My man was there but he can drink anyone under the bridge in your hometown. He did however make his presence known with his glow in the dark stickers:) Let the wheels turn. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 10:57am
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Sooke kids? You better not be talking about us you little fuck! It's been awile since the last outrage and Ive been looking for a reason to hospitalize somone like yourself whoever the fuck you are. Hope to see you at the next show, I'll even fuck you up after I burn my energy on our set!

From Rob
Sooke skidZ - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 11:02am
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uhh yah ok, my name is Mike and I play guitar in Meatlocker Seven, Im not exactly hard to find and yah one of the guys with your crew pulled that exact stunt on 3 dudes minding their own business, all of whom were in their mid 30's and very knowledgable about their metal and who have been attending parties at that house for 11 years. Sorry dude, but to these old fogies, 18 is a kid, who was a mere 7 years old when the Hellhouse parties first started happening. And there he is trying to pick a fight with them over how knowledgable he is about metal, like I say,, its about as comical as your little internet tirade here. Its also lame, and a good indication of maturity level.

Now.. you wanna discuss more on a public forum about how you want to hospitalize me? - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 11:12am
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Wow lose the 'tude dude. Everyone there was trying to have a good time, and I think we all like that. I wouldn't go around picking fights.

I do however think it's funny that you just called Mike a "little fuck" good luck ever playing a show with them. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 11:18am
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I'm staying out of this one...

Bogart actually puked on the kid passed out on the couch.

I don't have parties at my house anymore.

Peace out. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 11:27am
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actually, I talked to a few of the Sooke band members that night and suggested we set up a trade off, with ML7 playing Sooke.. nothing we like better than a feisty out of control moshpit, and thats one thing that was goin down strong at the Hellhouse.

meh, I dont care about fights, Im into music for the music. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 11:28am
J. Peatman
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Hey give 'em a break...their first time in the big city! - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 11:31am
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Guess I lost my head on that one. some guy was gettn in my face that night so I thaught you were talkin about me. My bad.

Rob - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 11:51am
User Info... that guy had not only his puke but someone else on him too. *shudders* That's vile. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 12:07pm
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no worries Rob.. it wasnt a band member, and it was the young guy who was gettin into their faces, but they more or less laughed it off. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 12:12pm
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Wow I seriously need help making sense. I just read the following I had posted earlier: Ya know, I could get a job where I was supposed to start at the Irish Times, but I CAN'T WORK!!! :)

It should read: Ya know, I was supposed to start work at the Irish Times, but I CAN'T WORK!!! :) So yeah, MORE STATE LEECHING!! The new photos are awesome, it didn't look too crowded there either. - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 12:18pm
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I WANNA SEE A RUMBLE!!!! - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 3:18pm
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Awesome night! too bad for the couple of idiots there to start fights..

Wasn't expecting the fence to attack me like that tho! heh..

Sent SickFuk some pics of us to post.. batteries died, so didnt get alot :/ - Tue, 5 Jul 2005 6:31pm
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Nail on head when saying it's their first time in the "big city". Sadly, I used to reside in the depths of Sooke. I made it out though. Funny to see some familiars that didn't and not suprisingly either. Tragedy, you haven't changed much. Sticking up for your skids. Are you still on welfare? Knocked up by another Sooke skid? Being supported by whatever dude. Drive yet? I mean, get out of Sooke once in awhile but don't go into shock while doing it. Hilarious. I guess if you're 16 it's tolerable but when you've been stuck with that mentality since you've been 16 and it's not getting any clearer to you...? - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 11:00am
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I lived in Sooke for 20 years, but I escaped. I used to live on Beaton road. :( - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 12:18pm
jay brown
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you know what Tragedy aparently has on you Anon? She isnt a blowhard hiding behind a screen. - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 12:34pm
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Learn how to spell there jay brown. And whatever, I don't really care to be directly involved with certain people and that's my choice. I also chose to state my opionion and experience with Sooke. Tragedy knows the truth anyway. Besides, I wouldn't want to get my "head smashed in" by some Sooke hick. - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 1:36pm
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and ya, I meant "hick" not chick - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 1:40pm
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And yeah, I would, you fucking pussy. I have NEVER in my life been supported by any guy, my daughter's father isn't even from Sooke, you fucking tool, and welfare??? I was on welfare for a few months when my kid was a baby, long fucking time ago, Do you even fucking know who I am? Let's play fair, bitch!! Who the fuck are you? You think it's tough to try and drag out some dirt on me (that isn't even fucking true) on the internet? Say it to my fucking face, you cunt!! You know so much about me? Then you know where to find me. Fucking shithead. - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 3:10pm
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"Tragedy knows the truth anyway."

Yes, I'm sure she does you spineless loser. - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 3:40pm
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And it's OPINION, fuckface. - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 3:43pm
jay brown
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Oh my goodness I just caught that, he...or she, corrects me on a spelling error then makes a spelling mistake in the same paragraph, now that's pure genius I must say. Thank you for pointing out the comedy Tragedy..... - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 8:32pm
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Where's fucking Rod Stewart when you need'em ? LOL ! - Thu, 7 Jul 2005 8:38pm
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That's what I'm saying man, Rod don't bother with none of this hating boooooshit. Its' all about peace and love brother...... - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 1:28am
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Rod says, "Don't be hatin'." - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 7:04am
User Info... participatin' - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 8:11am
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DON'T HATE - CONGRATULATE!!!!! - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 12:17pm
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....jesus. Just don't lump me in there with those "Sooke kids". I'm all clear of that place now, back in Vic where I belong. Wasn't even aware there were any fights or problems there, but then again I was only about a beer short of ending up like couch/sticker/vomit boy. Too bad conflict found its way there, but hey... I'm with the others on this one. Don't fight, just enjoy the music. - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 2:57pm
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Pfftt. There's conflict everywhere, not just Sooke. How can you not be aware that there's fights and problems anywhere? Especially small towns. And for the record the couch sticker vomit boy wasn't from Sooke either. - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 3:12pm
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Hey ,there's always a couch sticker boy at every party bro !

He's a mystery ? And he comes in many forums and names .

* Excese me whillst I slip into my sweat lodge to sumin the spirits of the ancient ones

Hey yea yea yea, hey yea yea yea

Some give him the name of " Chief Dumbfuck "

or " He who lay down with teabag "

or " raver who pisses self"

But in the White mans tribe we call him

" Big Dick Drawn Face " - Fri, 8 Jul 2005 5:20pm
jay brown
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bwahahahahahah, I thik Tragedy needs a hug......... - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 6:11am
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You just wanna cheap feel at my pregnant boobs! - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 6:59am
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...I just meant I wasn't aware there were any fights at the Tolmie show specifically. - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 8:00am
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Wow... just re-read the whole review... holy fuck...

But to catch up on a couple of things...
Mr XY... we haven't noticed the smell of a corpse coming from the backyard yet... so one of three things is true... either you found yer missing person... this person is decomposing slowly for some reason.... or the same person who cleaned up the bottles in the yard also stole the corpse.... which of these is true, I'll never know...

and Mr ML7Mike... I can't believe someone was stuping enough to get into D-Rocks face... man, thats one motherfucker I wouldn't wanna have pissed off at me

As for the scraps around the house that night... in 11 years of parties in this house, I've never seen so much blood and violence going on around here... a week later, I'm still seeing mangled people recovering.... although, I'd love to get a pic of the guy who did the header face first into the floor of the pit....

Future reference for future Tolmie Hell House gigs.... we have a mosh pit for a reason... thats where the violence should go, and stay... I don't like having to break up fights in my house, but if need be... I will

Oh yeah, and I finally got a bunch of S.I.C.K. pics to throw up onto everyones screen

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 9:59am
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Looks like Shanes drums caught on fire here

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:06am
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Brain... seemingly getting head

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:07am
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I won't mention what was in those jars in the back yard, but that's what you probably smell (eVil grin). - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:07am
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Brain 'n' Shane

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:08am
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Justin Sanity

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:09am
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K.E.N. - Kill Everyone Now

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:09am
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more Ken

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:10am
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The Sick Fuck himself... Flee

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:11am
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and one more S.I.C.K. pic for good measure

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:12am
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a shot of the craziest pit I can remember in this basement... hell it broke the fucking 1/4 inch steel bracket on the chain link fence

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:12am
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Couch boy before the stickering

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:13am
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compared to after

Once I get all the pics from Sooke Skids and Self Inflicted, I'll be putting up a gallery for it on our website

'ere - Sat, 9 Jul 2005 10:14am
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Well, got a gallery done for it... it can be found at


Under the pics section

'ere - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 7:38pm
User Info...
Hey Flee maybe something is wrong with me, or maybe it is the pinot gris, but when I click on yer site it doesn't have a pics section. It only allows me to see the poster for the gig coming up in van. Don't you dare blame the wine, cuz it's just fine. - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:12pm
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Well, that would be cuz your graphics mode is set to 640x480 mode... you need 800x600 to view it properly...

otherwise, you can just use this link to go directly to the Canada Day gallery

'ere - Wed, 13 Jul 2005 11:36pm
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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Pinot Gris :-P~~~~~~~~~ - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 10:06am
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Thanks the hell do I know what my graphics mode is set to. What a nerd! I'm going to go get drunk now and it's all someone elses fault. - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:53am
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Right click on yer desktop.... hit Properties.... Hit the tab for Settings on the top... near the bottom you'll have a slider bar that says screen area... just move the slider bar over a notch or 2 then hit apply [depending on how good yer graphics card is... luckily it won't let you go too far without a backup]

'ere - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 12:22pm
User Info...
Thanks again Flee, I just did that and my settings were at 800x600. That seems to be as low as it would go. Go figure. I checked out the pics on the other link though. They were the same right? - Thu, 14 Jul 2005 12:31pm
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