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27th at Gary Oak
Message Board > Show Reviews > 27th at Gary Oak
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The Cause
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I'd like to thanks everyone who came out to the show, it was a great time. All the bands were great. Big thanks to the Redscare and Mongoose from Vancouver. All the bands were great. - Sun, 28 Nov 2004 2:00am
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Great show. Great bands. Thanks for comming out there was an excellent turn out. Come see Vin Cat and the Cause at big fernwood on the 4th of december. - Sun, 28 Nov 2004 11:02am
The Cause
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If anyone has any pictures from the show I'd like to see them. Or if you have any pictures of bunnies, id also like to see those. - Sun, 28 Nov 2004 11:44am
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If you liked vin cat then check them out at the Parkland Global Awareness Group presents: Keep the Beat benefeit Concert with One Drop, Jacob's Fall, Vin Cat, The Laura Smith Band, Fatal Error, Suburbia, All Riot, Suburbia @ Parkland Secondary (All Ages) $5 Doors at 5:30

It'll be a rockin good time - Sun, 28 Nov 2004 11:59am
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Great show! Thanks to everyone who came out and thanks to the Cause for putting us on the bill, it was a blast. Vin Cat should rule the earth and employ me as their janitor. 'Nuff said... - Sun, 28 Nov 2004 2:04pm
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november the 27.

the all ages show has drastically evolved (or devolved, depending on what the viewpoint is); the audience has become shorter, and the acts are against the idea of being associated with pop (music/culture/etc.).

i, again, missed pushing up daisies. i have seen vin cat, and have yet to understand what the huge fuss is about. i like, just not that much. perhaps a properly tuned guitar and a set that doesn't sound like the unicorns?

lagoons. again, the guitar tuning.. although dave lagoon's guitar really cannot be tuned. difficult to hear the cute lyrics over the clanging SG and the rumbling bass, but they are doing their own thing. which is fine for them.

the cause are... unexpected. not in a good way. the vocalist/bass player relying on cheap punk rock "smashy-smashy" gimmicks and fashion, really failed to deliver a vocal performance. the last song just killed me.
the bass and the left handed guitar player were playing a SEMITONE off.

redscare. communism? menstruation? a little of both evils?
tight instrumentation, lack of mids, distorted bass and a drummer that sings. they were a piece of what old shows used to be about, they had an energy that leads me to believe that they've been into the local music thing for awhile. fast songs and some alright riffs got the crowd digging in to the redscare.

mongoose is, on first view of their large banner logo, a radiohead tribute idea. on second viewing of their matching slick black-on-black look, they are obviously hitting us with interpol new york city shoegazey rock. the guitar player is proficient in jazz ideas. they can really play.
they then, are unexpected. and underimpressive. great presence (not in the aforementioned gimmicky way) and really tight. but, a certain something was missing. that's all.

the drunks are still out in full force. at least something remains constant.
keep supporting young, local music in all forms! - Sun, 28 Nov 2004 9:24pm
User Info... must know everything about music...the good and the bad
but i'll tell you what.... next black tie gayfest orgy... i'll be there.. and the next day .... i'll go to my computer and pick apart your fucking shitty band!! - Sun, 28 Nov 2004 11:51pm
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"against the idea of being associated with pop (music/culture/etc.)" ?????
funny because i was just thinking, at that show, just the opposite, and how the all ages show has evolved (or as you say, devolved) into a teen dance like atmosphere, wherein all the bands aren't totally political fuckin punk fuckin rock. which isn't a bad thing, because bands shouldn't be afraid to be poppy. but i do kind of miss it.
and i agree about the tuning thing with the cause, but come on, lay off, you sound like a guitar tech tight ass. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 12:46am
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thats not positive - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 8:52am
lauren a
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aidan: i couldn't have said it better myself. i'm glad i didn't pay for that. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 11:29am
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Dick - "Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels?"
Barry - "NO! The Righteous Brothers."
Dick - "Oh, never mind..."
Barry - "No, not never mind, you tell me, what's wrong with the Righteous Brothers?"
Dick - "Nothing I just prefer..."
Barry - "BULL-SHIT!"
Rob - "How can it be bullshit to state a preference?"

-high fidelity.

i'll keep saying what i want tristan, and then the next time we play a show you can pick us apart. it's called criticism. not sarcasm. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 12:04pm
Wide Range Stereo
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You forgot the riviting performance by Mr.Aiden Knight himself inbetween sets. It's a great day when the messiah himself can save the doomed show with his sweet sweet monotone love songs. Thank the sweet lord (Aiden) for setting everyone straight on the ways of music and also brining us SOME good music at the show. Oh how I love thee and how I worship thee. PS: No sarcasm at all there. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 2:33pm
James Watson
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This is a reply to the [+} post. First off cool little symbol for a name: real classy. Secondly all good points, you must have really put some solid critical thought into your reply, I’m proud of you. So allow me to critically evaluate your response. The all age show has devolved? Perhaps it has; but devolved from what? The golden age of all agers? When the all age show encompassed what? Over production; or maybe, tighter security so no drunks can enter? What has the all age show devolved from? Explain.
"The audience has become shorter", should they eat more? I don’t quite understand.
And the bands are against being associated with pop culture and music. Perhaps the bands understand that it is “popular” culture that promotes the idea that the music should be in tune. Perhaps it is “popular” culture that programs you to believe that communism is an evil, calling anything an evil quickly creates a dualism, if communism is evil, what then is just? I guess you might say, Consumerism? Perhaps it is “popular” culture that allows someone to write that, “a certain thing was missing” and never elaborate what that thing is. Or perhaps it is “popular” culture that allows you to hear that the bass and guitar is a SEMITONE off, but not see what is really is going on. You critically evaluate all the music well, yet you miss the entire point. It is not about the music. All age shows have never been about the music, and never will be about the music. The all age show is about the people who attend and the time they have. “Popular” culture cannot understand this. Popular culture cannot promote pleasure, because pleasure cannot be neatly packaged and sold. Therefore, “pop” music doesn’t fit into the all age show. Do you think the “short” audience cares how the music sounds? Or perhaps they care that they have a place to go, get dressed up in "cheap punk rock "smashy-smashy" gimmicks and fashion", and forget that “popular” culture creates an unachievable image for them to live up to. I cannot speak for the other bands; however, you are right, our band does not want to be associated with “popular” culture. Perhaps you do, and that is perfectly fine. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 2:54pm
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anyone like the show that wasnt in a band? - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 2:56pm
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good show altogether, i had a great time.

vin cat: I thought that they we're chalk full of poppy goodness. A bit loud and locals were less than clear but some great ideas and i'll see then again.

pushing up diasies: my favorite band of the night! they were tight and rocked my socks off off! good show and well dressed ta boot.

lagoons: good stuff, vocals needed a boost in volume but otherwise the music was good. A little light for some of the kids but i enjoyed them.

the cause: again picking on the vocals, just needed to be clearer. It was punk music, so if that's you thing, good.

last two bands i missed but have heard great things about mongoose and their live show. i'm sure both bands rocked. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 3:27pm
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Yeah.... but guess what "Aidan" nobody wants criticism for a 18 year old piece of shit who doesn't know what he's talking about. Get older, gain some experience, get better at guitar, learn how to hit some notes and stop being a fag - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 3:55pm
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any publicity is good publicity... and just because 'he' said something about 'your' band doesn't mean there has to be a revolt against this persons point of view. Its better to just leave it be and move on... otherwise you'll end up being 'that guy', all washed up and nowhere to go; working a dead end job and still fuming about what was said about your band back in the day... seems pretty petty to take this so seriously but i guess when he said the audience is getting shorter by that he meant personality wise(shorter tempers and shorter lines of thought) sorry for the diatribe but this is a show review section and not a show praise section. I wish i was actually at this show to make a critisism myself but it seems that ANY criticism is not allowed here... this will be the first and last post on this thread... any response to this will not be read by me, so i don't care what you have to say.. bye - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 4:14pm
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Yeah nothing wrong with him posting his honest opinion. This is a show review on a music site is it not? I'm sure Aiden isnt losing sleep over this anyways. I'm probably one of the few to read Mr Watsons rant. My fav line was definitally:

"All age shows have never been about the music, and never will be about the music"

This is coming from someone who plays in a band? sooo its about being a soundtrack to kids socializing? Err must have missed the point if there was one to begin with. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 4:26pm
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Yeah I'm not really sure why everyone is getting all uptight about Aiden reviewing this show. Just because one boy says something not necessarily sugar coated doesn't mean that everyone hates your band. If people didn't give some negative responses I suppose this would be called "Band Praise" not "Show Review". Thank you for comparing us to the unicorns aiden, one of my favorite bands. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 5:57pm
1st prize
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missed vin cat unfortunately, but any comparison to the unicorns is good, in my opinion. lagoons were pleasant, nice falsetto vocals, not too enthralling though. the cause, despite their rejection of proper pitch, had some good spirit to them and were pretty fun. aidan knight was okay, but nothing too exciting or inventive there. the red scare was poppy and pretty tight, but not really my thing. mongoose was totally obnoxious and annoying in a real music-industry-band-tapping-into-punk-scene kind of way, billy talent-like. but have to say, that restaurant song-pretty awesome. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 8:06pm
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I would have paid to go to the show even though I know our band isn't all that solid yet, we have quite a ways to go before Aidan says "Meh..they're tolerable but they could be better"..hahaha. The other bands were great and I think for the most part everyone had a good time..even the girl who drank way too much *shakes fist*!

Critism is always appreciated, though I found it pretty harshe. This is the first band we've played in and we're pretty much newbies on our instruments so of course we are gonna be rough around the edges.

We don't need some kid that sits in his basement all day going over the modes and scales with his metronome to tell us what we need to work on. I'm pretty new to the Vic music community and from what I've experience so far... there is about one dickhead and a few hundred really cool encouraging people. If anyone else has any constructive criticism we really appreciate it..we would rather have people point out the stuff we need to work on than just going along blindly with the same mistakes..but you don't have to be an asshole going about it. So ya..muchos gracias goes out to all the bands, everyone that came to the show, everyone that helped out..and even..the..critics!

A semi-tone? Shit..and here I thought I just plain sucked..there's hope yet woohoo! - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 8:11pm
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Who is this Trican guy? And why is he telling Aidan to grow up, when he is using language that a 4 year-old can learn at preschool?
Yes, Aidan's review was a little harsh, and we do have to keep in mind that this is an all-ages show, not a showcase at Carnegie Hall.
But artists have to be able to not only tolerate, but also accept & learn from criticism of any kind. If any of these bands get to the point of releasing an album, they have to prepared for the criticism, and I don't think a professional reviewer would be any kinder on them. If I was a member of one of these bands, I would either choose to ignore it, or take these points to the very next practice and say to everyone "Here is what we need to work on and this is why". Who knows, maybe they'll go buy a stage tuner or work on their balance. The next time they play a show they will have improved, and I'm sure people such as Aidan will take notice, and hopefully he will write positive things in return.
This kid Trican whining about it and calling people names won't get him anywhere around here. And the advice that you gave Aidan? Well guess what, he is getting older (aren't we all?), he is getting experience by playing shows, and he is getting better at guitar. Not that I'm defending him, these are just known facts of any musician who is passionate about music.
Despite the bad review, I'm actually interested in hearing all of these bands and would like to see them play sometime. Hopefully some of them can see this review for what it's worth and go improve their skills.

aaaaaaaaand I'm done... - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 8:51pm
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i have no "beef" (or whatever it's called) with any of the bands that played, but could not help but show a little criticism towards some new players. it's harsh, but it's part of the process. and the intentions of all who performed were at least noble.

it also seems that the cause is really pushing themselves in a similar style to.. i think they were called.. the habitants? something like that. anyways, for a first time band group you had some energy and at least you guys put together some songs and got a crowd out.. which is REALLY what it's all about. i mean.. look at the set...

***wait for the proverbial internet fireworks to explode and martin "beardy" macphail to.. well. continue growing the ol' beard*** - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 8:55pm
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mmmmm.......beef.. - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 9:15pm
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Mission Acomplished.... - Mon, 29 Nov 2004 11:00pm
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I thought all the bands were good or better than the last time I saw them...

Vin Cat had some Unicorns influence, but they definately had their own victoria-hillbilly prestige to add. Very cool set, I'll make a point to see them again.

Our set didn't seem to go so badly. It was a bit of the shock when the drum kit was knocked over.

Lagoons seemed pretty cool, although I had to leave for their set so I didn't end up seeing much of it at all.

The Cause were alot better from the last time I saw them, and although some tuning was awry here or there it seems to be part of their style. Stage performance and music as an art form doesn't neccessarily always have to encompass harmonious sound. The singer/bass player as well might want to make sure he can hear himself all the time, because there were some pitch problems there. Generally a fun energetic set.

The Redscare and Mongoose I quite enjoyed all around, although I missed the first part of both their sets. The guitarist for The Redscare especially, I thought, did a great job using innovative and "big," sounding parts to fill up the void that is usually there in a three-piece.
The big thing with Mongoose was of course their prescence on stage, but I really enjoyed the technical jazz playing being infused with punk-ier roots.

All in all a good show, with, as previsouly pointed out, and new audience. Hey I was 13 once too. I didn't know what emo meant, or that Ska really shouldn't be moshed to. But everyone matures, at least a little, there's just a new audience emerging, that's all. - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 11:29am
lauren a
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aidan! people are starting to hate both of us now. this is grand. - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 11:51am
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Oh god...YOU hang out in this forums? - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 12:00pm
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dave, i love you man.

lauren, yes this is grand.

and tristan! i want beard o' martin photos. NOW.
..preferably with kyle darks naked ass OUT of the picture. thanks! - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 3:42pm
rusted hub cap
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aiden, you said you don't understand what the huge fuss about vincat is, i did not know there was a huge fuss about us, that's aswome!
but, i think you may have read that ONE comment by jack, and blown things out of proportion,
because if your idea of a huge fuss is one person saying they liked us, then you don't really know much about fusses? um. yes.

atleast we have a common ground on eachothers bands though, i said the exact same thing about black tie social when i first heard them.

and as for the unicorns,
i aswell take that as a compliment, because that was not an intention, and i think they are amazing.
but! i dont really agree, i guess it's just the closest comparison. is that how it works?
i think if you are a true music lover, you understand the difference in every band. - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 7:08pm
Madd Hatter
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Vincat is amazing. I remember my first Vincat show. i felt things i've never felt before. - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 8:29pm
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I'll keep it short and sweet: Some of the bands were more my style than others, but that definitely doesnt mean the others are necissarily bad. All in all, an enjoyable evening. - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:43pm
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ms. crystal dorval,
i would classify someone proclaiming;
"Vincat is amazing. I remember my first Vincat show. i felt things i've never felt before." as a fuss. wouldn't you? um. yes.
that being said.. i can see where your music is coming from; the pixies, weezer, and the unicorns (and others, etc, etc, amen.) and i can also see why kids would be stoked on your music. i am still yet to be stoked on the music.
hell, i am still yet to be stoked on my own music, so that's not saying much.
there's no rhyme or reason here.

i will actually go to hear your next performance (shameless plug) on: DECEMBER 4th! with Immaculate Machine! - Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:52pm
David M.U.S.I.C.
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I had a great time, And I saw a bunch of people who had a good time, And maybe everything wasnt on par, but who cares? Dudes like to party! Love Dave. - Wed, 1 Dec 2004 12:26am
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and there's another one on december 3rd... - Wed, 1 Dec 2004 9:58am
rusted hub cap
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ok ok, a fuss, yes i suppose.
most of thoes people are friends of ours, who we ask to say good things about us to make us look somewhat appreciated amongst all the bad reviews.
no....but, i see where you are coming from i think, a band that is not really that amazing, and isn't really doing much out of the ordinary gets a "big" response, makes people like you a little confused, you do not understand what the "stoking" is for?
i think people like us, because we bring a happy upbeat kick in the ass for the most part. and even though we are usually out of tune, and aren't even really that tight, we have fun, and people like having fun.
so i don't know, you can keep reviewing us, saying we sound like this, or are out of tune, but you really don't have to, we are and already were aware of most of the things you say. but man, whatever rocks your socks.
see you at the show. - Wed, 1 Dec 2004 12:19pm
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I liked the show. I hurt my ear standing in front of the speaker for too long.

Vin Cat - They are rad, energetic, & yeah, seem to have a lot of fun on stage. I like their sound, even if it is similar to The Unicorns I see no problem in that.

Pushing Up Daisies - Another band that seems to have fun on stage. The whole falling into the drum set thing was priceless. They didn't seem as tight as usual but were still great.

Lagoons - The guitar pitch was a bit hard on the ears, I don't know if it was meant to be that way or technical problems. They were alright, although not really my thing.

The Cause - Put on an awesome show, I like them quite a bit & am looking forward to seeing them on Saturday.

The Redscare - Were a lot of fun. I love singing drummers & he was also pretty funny. I'd go see them play again.

Mongoose - Totally lived up to the hype. They have a very cool stage presence, an excellent guitarist, & some rad songs.

Aidan's little surprise solo set was also cool.

To the bands who wanted photos, you can send me an email at [email protected] - Wed, 1 Dec 2004 1:23pm
rusted rub cap
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[email protected]
can you send me some photos please K8.
preferably of vincat. thanks. have a nice day.
peace on earth and lots of care with animal fur and babie puke. - Wed, 1 Dec 2004 5:17pm
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who the fuck is "vin cat"

this is for you aiden - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 1:36am
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They are 1/3^∞ comprised of the nice young rub cab that posted before you. - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 1:42am
Jay Watts
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With the exception of Lagoons, who are all the members of the other bands? I want names! - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 3:27am
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Sexxxiest picture of martin EVER - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 7:26am
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oh beardy.

jay watts has spoken and he wants names! - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 1:53pm
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What?!??!?! Jay Watts back on the livevictoria message boards? ahh shit. I got board of reading posts after #18. Last time I checked, arguing over the internet was just as bad as Debating emo?. I am not going to try to show mr knight or the rest of you dumb fucks that i am smarter then you with scene knoledge, because i'm not and it doesnt matter anyways. All i do know is music has a great deal to do with the scene, always will and always has and if you dont think so... why the fuck are you playing it.

" The all age show is about the people who attend and the time they have. " - what the fuck does this mean?

The show: It was fun. Some bands I liked listening too more then others, but all was fun. - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 4:23pm
blanket baby
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fuck all these other bands, aiden should rule the world!
he knows so much about music, and has such a way with words, he's just overall really artistic and creative.
rock on dude, you're going to make it! black tie social have my babies! - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 4:28pm
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hari has spoken and he wants names! - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 6:32pm
Jay Watts
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"Beardy?" - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 6:58pm
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martin macphail (lythic blue, the set) = beardy.
i think we are all shocked that you are back amongst these boards...
hows montreal? - Thu, 2 Dec 2004 9:53pm
Jay Watts
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It's a swell city, old buildings and nutty ethnic groups and all that. Shows are frequent and there are some decent record stores. I'm enjoying it.

Me posting again is on account of two things: 1) procrastination - I'm taking my precious time finishing term papers and 2) I might hop over to Victoria during the holidays and I'm curious as to what's going on their musically.

So, that said, how's Victoria? - Fri, 3 Dec 2004 3:14am
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i don't think much has changed; still has old buildings, staying white (mostly), and there are a couple good shows here and there. there was that wolf parade show.. and the arcade fire is supposed to be good. - Fri, 3 Dec 2004 10:22am
rusted hub cap
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they are good. ehem. - Fri, 3 Dec 2004 2:30pm
The Cause
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if anyone wants to get me a christmas present... arcade fire tickets would be nice - Fri, 3 Dec 2004 7:37pm
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We lost a band member last night indefinitely to genital herpes so The Cause is now a 3-piece. :(

Should be interesting still! - Fri, 3 Dec 2004 8:23pm
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"redscare. communism? menstruation? a little of both evils?
tight instrumentation, lack of mids, distorted bass and a drummer that sings. they were a piece of what old shows used to be about"

all in all your critique was more than likely honest and to the point.. but
born in 86? how can you say "what old shows used to be about" i'm from 81 and i can't even say what shows used to be about because i wasn't around for the good stuff. all i can remember is the special olympics and truth about angels, and hell that doesn't even get you street credit. ;) - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 2:15am
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i love you Al

from, your goth chick - Sun, 5 Dec 2004 3:42am
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i'm from when UNDERGO used to be around. know what i mean al. darryls grocery bag, hudson mack, blah blah blah... there was a different energy going on with bands when i first started going to shows. maybe i'm getting old. maybe. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 10:07pm
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Haven't seen you at L&M for awhile ;) - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:08pm
Mystery Geust
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lets go even farther back to hmmmm......
Black Krondstat at the langford youth center. Thats a little farther back. - Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:09pm
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Yeah actually, even I remember a different sort of scene and I'm quite young. There was definatly something different back at those shows 3 years ago even... - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 7:07am
Livevic Scott
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The Special Olympics @ Inner City, Fuckpig @ Little Fernwood, TRIAL or BOTCH or The Blood Brothers @ Little Fernwood, Submission Hold & Manner Farm @ Pandora, any of the DBS gigs were a hoot, Gob @ The Scout Hall w/ Micky Christ, Hudson Mack w/ The Buckshot Allstars EVERY WEEKEND

And thoes arn't even THAT long ago =)

.... I think that difference you guys are talking about is the fact your just a bit older now and more jaded =) either that or you like Pop punk better then emo.

My favourite was telling kids about a show and they woudl be like "I hate pop punk it sucks", "But your wearing a Glasshead t-shirt, they're as poppy as it gets" ...."NO they're different" ... I miss glasshead!

OH and Al, The Red Scare are that band you played with @ The Pic in Vancouver if you remember that show! - Tue, 7 Dec 2004 8:59am
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totally remember them. they seem to play the pic in vancouver fairly often. i just got home from jimmy eat world. now that was an amazing show. all ages bands need aim to be more like jimmy eat world. - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 12:21am
anginas tough.
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yeah.. just what we need. another jimmy eat world. - Wed, 8 Dec 2004 10:27am
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