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Pandora Project Metal Fest
Message Board > Show Reviews > Pandora Project Metal Fest
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Holy fuck! Words just can't describe this show. Well... maybe I can try. Desensitized open up the show with a wicked tight sound. Brandon has a voice for metal and with him for vocals the band ripped shit up. Then Enchanted Fairies took the stage. I've wanted to see them again for a long time and it was worth the wait. Don't even know what else to say about them so I'll just move on to Pariah. I don't know why the fuck they arn't signed yet! But I'm hoping to see their names on huge tours in Europe soon. Quite an exceptional group of musicians put together. The crowd engulfed them and the mosh was one that almost made brentwood look weak. Seasons of Sorrows set was cut sort (something to do with the power?) but their melodic sound was just amazing. I love seeing them everytime and never get bored. I agree 100% that all ages kick bar shows butt and this one was one of those shows that kicked major. Adrian, Congrats on putting on amazing show and thanks to everyone who came out to support the scene. \m/ metal! - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 12:39am
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Well good holy fuck!!! This show absolutetly slayed.

Desenstitized- I had no idea what to expect and I was pleased!! Fucking Slayer cover ruled! Bo I think you've found your band.

Enchanted Faeries- Most brutal, intense, fucking crazy band in this town. I am blown away at why THIS band is not signed!!! These guys are on-par if not better and more interesting than most of the brutal death grind out there. It is a privaledge to have seen them again.

Pariah- I think Cheeky covered the general consensus about them. Great guys too!!!!!

Seasons of Sorrow- Solidified my opinion that these guys are my favourite local band!!! When they played "Coming of Decay" I slipped into another form of consciousness. Such phenomenal musicianship and ecletic styles that fuse into one distinct, superb sound. The SOS and the Allfather releases are my two most anticipated local releases!!!!! CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!!

This is by far the best all ager I have been to ALL FRIGGING year!!! Hails and thanks to all the bands!! - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 1:39am
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Holy shit; I thought I was gonna be the first one to throw a post on but you guys got on before me!!!
This show was even better than our February one man; every band kicked ass and the crowd response was nuts!!! I couldn't help but comment on it man, the crowd at this show was one of the best!! The all-ages shows have the best crowds; we haven't played a bar show since last summer, and we're not planning on playing any more bar shows, that's for sure!!!
I'm sure our sound guys succeeded in changing the 'shitty sound reputation' of the Pandora Projects, they did a wicked job!!!
In all honesty I don't have too much else to say; other than I'm so fucking glad the Enchanted Faeries played!! 'Storming the Castle' is such a fucking wicked tune!!!
I still can't get over how fucking metal the crowd was, man!!! Again, special thanks to all the band's fans and all who came and all who paid to support the show!!! I have a strong feeling after this show that there'll be many more!!
BTW, the show was actually supposed to stop at 11 (sound by-laws)...but we went a little over (11:30!) that's why we got cut off...but we actually only had a minute left in that song (our last) so it's no biggie. Now I just gotta suck up and talk my way into having more shows there *lol*
Again, metal hails!!! - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 3:42am
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OK, fuck, I hate to be repetetive, but it's 5 in the morning and I can't sleep because I have "KILL FOR SATAN" stuck in my fucking good!!! - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 5:05am
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Hee hee, look at bo!

I loved last night's show! I couldn't ask for a better lineup of bands. It was my first time seeing Desensitized and Enchanted Faeries and both bands blew me away - I'm definately looking forward to seeing Desensitized again at Logans on the 17th. Pariah and Seasons of Sorrow ripped shit up (as usual); It looks like Pariah has quite the legion of fans... I could almost see the energy radiating from the crowd during their set.
Overall, I have to say that was the best all-ager show this year. Good job Adrian! - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 12:20pm
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fucking wicked awsome show im so mad i missed desensitized..they were who i wanted to see but still killer show ..i got wailed in the nose pretty hurts. i cant say i rmember much of the evening but i definetly have bruises.
rad. - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 1:11pm
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FUCK YEA First of all i just want to say i am very so i missed desensitized I had to work! i hear they SLAYED!
but i say the faeries i was very impreased they are awsome!
The most pit for pariah WAS Killer one of the best pits i have been to in a very long time! the best part was i wasint even drun i was ripped on adrenalin! SOS KICked ass too! i love that drummer! i think this show realy was the best all ages show of the year!! Adrian Good FUCKING SHOW
always great to see you sing! and CHEERS to ira HUNTER CHAMPIONS OF FUCKING HELL! FUCK YEA - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 2:41pm
SOS Jesse
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Haha, yeah after checking out your pic I recognize you, you were pretty much in my face during our whole set going shit crazy, good on ya. What a fuckin slayin show... every band laid waste. Desensitized- I knew these guys would kick ass cause we've played with em twice before and I was not dissapointed. Excellent work lads. Enchanted Faeries- Excellent band. Adrian raved about them and he was right, they slayed in fine form. Pariah- Awesome... excellent leadwork, great songs, nice guys... what more could you ask for? I felt that we played our best set ever, too bad our sound got cut at the end but what can ya do? I've never seen a crowd go so nuts during our set so much thanks to all you fuckin maniacs. We'll do this again soon, mark my words... - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 3:00pm
Nik Olaz
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this was a pleasent show. but whats with not having the bible study session? i really need some of that good sweet book along with the gentle sounds of enchanted faeries or seasons of sorrow. - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 4:48pm
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nick is in denial, its ok nick, we understand. - Sun, 4 Jul 2004 8:05pm
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The Champions of Hell had a blast spreading their twisted gospel to the metal masses. All the bands shredded and the crowd was insane. Way better than a bar show! I made a video tape of the show. Killer effects. EVIL! If any fans or members of the bands want a copy, they're $7.00.
Everyone come check out HORRORFEAST Thurs, July 15th @ LUCKY BAR. ZOMBIEFEAST DVD release pary and special FX's and Metal!!!
Praise Hail Satan! - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 1:45am
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Ripper show as useual guys!!!

Though I was a little choked Desensitized had to start so early, I was expecting the Avg. 1 hour buffer zone so I ended up missing you guys to get hosed, pretty weak as I still havn't caught you guys with the new line up yet.
Sure I'll se ya soon enough though, I did however hear good things about the set!

Enchanted Faeries:
Not what I was expecting at all!
Fucking ripper set, brutal ass musicians in all aspects!
I look forward to catching these guys in the near future!

Ripper as always guys!
Darryl's back up Vox definately add a new, and good element to the sound!
The new tunes are prime, keep it up mofos!!

Seasons Of Sorrow:
Adrian, man I don't know where you got that bastard sword, but that made my night right there!!
*Reminds me of a certain Stormlord show where the vocalist got BM rage and raised his sword only to find it then halfway stuck in the celing and it took quite some time to pull it out, so watch out with that thing the next time you play logans!!!*
S.O.S. Was pure dark and epic vein candy!
I can't wait to see you bastards again!
*Mabye at the next show the youngins can grasp the concept of "stage rushing" and why its disrespectful, dangerous and can potentially damage expensive equipment, though hell, can't blame them for going nuts, just people need to learn that when there's a show without a guard rail, you cant take running slams into the front row without sending people flying into musicians and their equipment!!!*

Whole show was rippin', I await to see any of these bands in the bar shows that are no doubt not too far up the road!

\m/ - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 11:31am
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Well, speaking of disrespectful...
I didn't even find out about this until yesterday; some dickhead jumped on a table where the comics were displayed and split it right in two. Of course I didn't know because it was during our set. Ran me $40 off my damage deposit. So if anyone knows who this cocksucker is, e-mail his name and description at [email protected]. I'm not fucking kidding, either.
Fortunately one of the monitor cages didn't get kicked in enough to pop the speaker, that really would've sucked, but it's still undergoing repairs and it'll cost us more $$$ to fix. We also have to replace a microphone cap that got dented in (yet more $$.) People were sure fucking loaded though, it sounds cheesy but I think I'm gonna have to build some kind of barricade/ramp for the front or something.
Oddly enough the venue liked me though, they told me that we had the more "respectful" venues going on so I guess that's OK, but until we get this shit sorted out I'm a little hesitant to have another show...
So whoever knows who that dickhead is let me know soon!!!
Other than that, great show! - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 1:31pm
SOS Jesse
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Yes! That's fucking hilarious, someone jumped through a table during our set. It does suck Aids but we'll all pitch in a 10er to make up for your loss. I wish I had seen that, I would have been laughing quite hardily. - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 4:09pm
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Yeah, I saw it, but wasn't really paying attention. Though I did notice the guys taking the table out. If things brake, you know it was a good show.
P.S I don't think I've ever seen people wear fangs in Vic before. - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 5:13pm
SOS Jesse
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Haha.. Yeah, a group of people were actually playing some live-action role playing game called Vampire at the show. They basically walk around and pretend to be vampires. Metal attract all sorts of freaks I suppose... - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 5:16pm
Nik Olaz
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did they get the power up and win the game? - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 5:43pm
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No, but we all got 2xp...

And I, Stuart Cashavanas, Seneschal of the Waxing Crescent, Primogen of the Clan Of The Moon, as a result of this show's performance, has proven once again that I reign victorious over the dominion of Vancouver Island...

I am such a geek...(look at my avatar for crying out loud!) - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 8:49pm
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I concure! You are a geek! j/k It was cool seeing them there. Havn't seen anything like that in Vic before and was the first time for me at the Pandora Project. First time for everything! - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 9:45pm
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Did that sword you were sporting have any damage or to hit modifiers?

Perhaps coupled with your wrist cuff of blood curdling +4 you can finally compete against me with my astounding AC-6 Satryicon garbe and death metal gauntlet of ogre power! :o

As some cockrock band said once upon a time:

"Cheese was made for METAL! - Metal that is true!"
(And yes I do own a copy of Baldur's Gate, how nekkkrooo of me!) - Mon, 5 Jul 2004 11:40pm
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*LOL* :P
That's just fucking priceless... - Tue, 6 Jul 2004 12:36am
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I feel i have to the head vampire for this island (guy working the door with the stringy pants and the fangs) This is my fucking domain and i have the reciept to prove it Aids you rectum the way...yeah guy that busted the table....young guy...powder blue v-neck t shit, short curly hair jeans...drunk as fuck and stealthin people from behind in the pit...very uncool....other than that the show slayed man...found myself affecting Halford-esque power poses in the hallway.....sick show all the bands were fucking awesome - Tue, 6 Jul 2004 1:05am
Danny Silverfish
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MY God, Best show ever for us, the audience was so very wicked.The line up was diverse and a strong one at that.I too belive seasons played an intense and elaborate set.Desensitized....well god damn, we need to see these guys play more!As for the Fairies..I shat in me pantaloons(for satan)why aren't you world famous yet you talented bastards!! - Tue, 6 Jul 2004 6:24pm
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Just grabbed a video off of's pretty sweet! The sound was actually a lot better than I would've expected for a handheld camera. It probably has the best (only?) footage for Desensitized that I've witnessed, they fucking tear shit up man, glad to play with them again since last Halloween! Brandon's a wicked singer with good prescence too! Chunky catchy old-school thrash riffs, can't go wrong!!
But I must admit I am SO GLAD to have the footage for Enchanted Faeries: "KILL, KILL, KILL FOR SATAN" That made my fuckin' viewing!! The rest of the band footage was decent but the crowd response footage was defninitely the keeper...not to mention all the hilarious gong-show behaviour of all my friends and the metalheadz there; this vid is definitely a jem!! - Tue, 6 Jul 2004 8:01pm
Danny Silverfish
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Gimme Gimme!!!! - Wed, 7 Jul 2004 9:28am
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This show fucking SLAYED, in my pro. oppinion. Nice to belt out T.A.F for some eight yr-olds. Thanks to Adrian for putting it all together. What's up with Ira making money off our shit? It's call "ROY-AL-TIES" mutha fucka! ..I still want a copy - Wed, 7 Jul 2004 4:22pm
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See you all at Logan's on the 17th then w/ Gross Misconduct & Pariah for another fun-filled epic metal adventure pissed-to-tha-gills straight in yo face tr00 KvlT death ensemble to your dome on your mother's grave onslaught!
\m/ - Wed, 7 Jul 2004 6:56pm
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Since when did B transform into a wannabe gansta? - Wed, 7 Jul 2004 7:36pm
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I spin more rhymes than a lazy suzan, and I'm innocent until my guilt is proven..peaace - Wed, 7 Jul 2004 8:40pm
Danny Silverfish
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Wurd Yo don't be all hatin up in his grill Cheeky

Na mEan ....Peace Iam out - Thu, 8 Jul 2004 12:48am
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word-straight the fuck up.. bo-to-the-dom - Thu, 8 Jul 2004 11:44am
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Well I just found out I was a wee bit hypocritical with the stage rushing line.
Turns out one of the worst culprits in the crowd was aaron on rye fuel!

Bugger told me he took a running start and then thought "Oh shit" as he saw I was right infront of him but it was too late to stop, so he sent me flying into a monitor and into darryl's mic stand!

Horns to piss drunk drummers, and the nasty rib bruses they create in mosh pits! - Thu, 8 Jul 2004 2:49pm
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BWAAAHAHAHA!!!!!!! - Thu, 8 Jul 2004 11:29pm
SOS Jesse
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Yeah I thought I saw Aaron stage rushing during our set. It put a smile on me face to see that lad enjoying himself so and causing so much havoc... but if he was responsible for causing Mutilashawn to fly into me while I was playing guitar, so help me God I'll wait till he has children and then wait till they grow up a bit and then lure them into prostitution and profit off of their suffering. You hear that Aaron? You hear that? It's the devil laughing... he laughs at thee. - Fri, 9 Jul 2004 1:44am
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Yeah yeah . . . what he said!!! yeah that really wasn't fun. - Fri, 9 Jul 2004 1:02pm
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Did anyone else see that dude with the long beerd making out with that little girl? I swear she couldn't have been a day older than 10.
On a lighter note I must say there's nothing cuter than a 12 year old too drunk to walk. - Fri, 9 Jul 2004 5:48pm
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that was ME!! er wait, that was you - Sat, 10 Jul 2004 12:22am
Ben Prole
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I haven't been to a metal show like that all year, it beat Metal Mayhem in Brentwood, that's for sure.

If you guys are so worried about the $$$ then why didn't you spend a little extra and build a friggin' stage to protect your shit... you can't expect people to not 'stage rush' if they're on the same level as the band. - Sun, 11 Jul 2004 5:06pm
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Ya you can..
As long as people dont take running starts and slam into the front its fine, regular moshing is fine but when people take running starts in a gym and splash the front then shit happens, and if a guard rail was there, people still get hurt, stage rushing = never a good thing - Sun, 11 Jul 2004 7:58pm
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Yeah, definitely hear that...the James Bay show in February wasn't anywhere near as harsh, but we just didn't expect it this time...but people were really shit faced...
Not to mention that merely renting a riser is actually a lot of $$$, we'd probably have to save a shitload of money over lots of shows...just to buy a stage? Fuck that...I'd rather get our CD released first...
Speaking of which...just about to visit my tattooist and see how our cover artwork is coming along....stay tuned!!! - Mon, 12 Jul 2004 4:02pm
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