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HARDCOREFEST at Fernwood in Victoria (happy bday hunter!)
Message Board > Show Reviews > HARDCOREFEST at Fernwood in Victoria (happy bday hunter!)
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Best Victoria show of 2005. - Sat, 23 Jul 2005 9:23pm
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Agreed. this was hands down the most hardcore show in victoria since at least the last time in stride came with miracle mile and step it up. i know there will probably be some people complaining about the roughness of those jersey sportin' vancouver madmen. but let's face it, hardcore wouldn't be called hardcore if the dancing, the music and the attitudes weren't totally radical and extreme. all the bands were killer. but at the end of the day i'd say that tough as nails was by far the heaviest. not the fastest, of moshiest, or raddest (c'mon....IN FUCKING STRIDE!) but they were definately the most hardcore act on the bill. wow, how long do you think we'll have too wait for the next show this good? - Sat, 23 Jul 2005 10:44pm
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Shit, work totally sucks. I wish I could have been there. - Sat, 23 Jul 2005 10:52pm
Nik Olaz
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it was really cool i think. i only saw A Crows Glory (i think?) and Temper who were both good IMO. it was a bit different seeing the two-stepping and all, but it's better than a bunch of drunk idiots fucking up people and our venues. the amount of crowd participation was outstanding! i guess the chugga-chugga stylings really reach to the kids of today, hell i'm glad to see people in Vic embracing more "out there" music.

oh and before Trican enters this couldn't play anything other than 4/4 to save your life. - Sat, 23 Jul 2005 11:32pm
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Yeah the pit was rough but it was a good rough. It's not like people went out of their way to hurt anyone. The only other times I can remember the pit being that tough was the last In Stride show (with miracle mile, step it up, discord, machine gun kelly?, etc), which was probably the best victoria show of 2004. And I seem to remember the AK-47/dissent/ninth hour show last year having a rough pit but that may have been because of the size of the JBCC.

"how long do you think we'll have too wait for the next show this good?"
next year? haha. OR... *insert random upcoming VIHC show by bryan to plug it* - Sat, 23 Jul 2005 11:41pm
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Mean show.. good bands..
Lots of dudes in my house right now.. Ready set.. Im starting the mack.

I'm totally doing this next year, see you all there. - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 3:01am
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hey leslie, I bet you had floorspace - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 5:03am
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hunter where do you sleep my house was open anyone want to skate? alright so bands fucking ruled really makes me want to start a band and get some rap infulces in our sence - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 7:07am
Brian VIHC
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Yeah the show was awesome. Very little trouble, everyone kept their heads cool and the place was jumpin.
For the record though, the best Victoria show of 2004 was Mental, Desperate Measures, Far From Breaking, Blue Monday and Tough As Nails last January.

PS. The next awesome show will obviously be the one on the 15th with Step It Up and RISKY BUSINESS!!!!!! - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 7:22am
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*kiss* - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 7:35am
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did anyone find chad? - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 7:58am
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joey it looks like you really want to sing in a band the way you kept grabbing mics all night and jumping around holding onto them


yes this show was awesome - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 8:35am
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"did anyone find chad?"

do you have a crush on him or something? - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 8:56am
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no just jodi called me and you guys couldn't find him i wish i had a crush on him. - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 9:17am
Brian VIHC
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Yeah Chad was located, I guess he eventually did make it to the correct place and they took him home. Kind of funny though that we thought he was lost in Victoria, aimlessly skating around looking for everyone... - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 9:46am
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remember chris yelling at that guy that he tought was cha, man that dude was drunk - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 9:56am
Brian VIHC
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Yes, anyone who thinks all the bands I put on shows for are straightedge need only look as far as the cartoonishly drunk Chris In Stride, I swear the man had little bubbles popping over his head. - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 9:58am
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He was saying to me he'd drank 22 beers that day. And that was only halfway through the show, he had more after that for sure. This show was frickin' wicked. All the bands played awesome, and I've never personally been to a show with that much crowd participation (But I missed alot of shows). I felt really really bad about windmilling and hitting a guy in the nose... I hope he's okay... The ski mask thing was nevertheless fun. This is why Brian makes our scene. But Leslie did an amazing job putting this show, way to go grrl, haha. - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 11:06am
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chris snoring is what death sounds like, holy shit I had to plug my ears to fall asleep

pictures anyone? - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 11:27am
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I had 20 people at my house... I didnt have any room. - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 12:03pm
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dax your right i want to sing in a band real bad. anyone want to start somthing? - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 1:11pm
Tattoo Zoo
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Pics of TAN from last nights show are posted here:

Thank you. :) - Sun, 24 Jul 2005 4:34pm
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This show was a perfect representation of what is wrong with hardcore.
Hardcore isn't about fasion, it isn't about moshing, and it isn't about hardcore. A bunch of people that are totally not socially conscious, and really couldn't give a shit about whether they make a positive difference in someones life or not, is not the hardcore scene I want to promote.
Everyone reading this probably knows how much I love hardcore. I devote the majority of my free time, and free money to it, but I don't love it because of the dancing or the fact it allows me to vent my anger, or anything even remotely close to that. I love it because it shows people a different perspective on the world, different from what mainstream media feeds them all day. It allows people to look and think differently without feeling like outcasts. And most importantly it opens peoples minds, makes them question things and educates them.
Why were so few locals dancing when all those vancouver kids were out there? I bet most people felt a little intimidated, and a little bit like they weren't cool enough to mosh with those guys out there, and that is exactly the opposite of how people should feel at shows.
Shows like this make me sad that some people are totally missing the point of why hardcore exists in the first place.
I don't really feel like I have properly articulated my point here, and a lot of people are probably going to misunderstand what I have written, but I really just needed to get this off my chest.
Please, feel free to come talk to me about it at the next show if you want. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 5:25am
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"Why were so few locals dancing when all those vancouver kids were out there?"

I like to consider myself as someone who moves around. But it really is more than about moving around. This is definetely not always true but sometimes I see Victoria as having some sort of self-concious gloom over the general crowd while watching bands. The Victoria Horseshoe.

Some people in the scene are critical about a number of things... how people act, dress, dance, whatever. Something I believe in, I'm not sure if this is what Jay is saying but it's my thought process, it shouldn't matter. LISTEN to the ideals they promote in the music. Hardcore shows should be an escape from the bullshit of everyday life, not another facet for self-conciousness and elitism to manifest itself.

Listen, enjoy, and get immersed. Don't care what some cross-armed kid at the side will think about what you're doing. I'm not trying to sound like a hypocrit, I'm sure I have a lot of ways to grow. But the Vancouver kids definetely should have showed many people the energy that can happen, something everyone who cares about this deserves to experience.

This show really sort of demonstrated what could happen. I thought it was an amazing show and I hope things go this well for future Vic shows. I don't know anyone who was disappointed.

By the way guys, all those pictures I took should be up later tonight. I'm hauling a new computer home today so I am a little bit preoccupied but I won't forget or anything. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 6:46am
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That actually wan't what I meant at all, what I meant was that most of those kids from vancouver were promoting all the crap I hate about hardcore, the fasion, the jock mentality, and the ignorance, and it hurts me to see our scene embracing it like it's a positive thing.
My friend Mark from Vancouver mentioned this weekend that he thinks I was actually pretty instrumental in bringing the kickboxing mosh to Vancouver too. Sometimes I dress and mosh and do a lot of things that perpetuate the Jock hardcore stereotype without realizing how other people wil interpret it. I'm totally down with people wearing jerseys and moshing, but just don't start wearing nikes and ignoring the opression in the world.
In the book "American Hardcore" by steve Blush he has an interview with Al Barille where Al tells a story about when he and Ian Mackaye are watching a bunch of super lame shit go down at a show and Al Looks at Ian and makes a comment on how lame it is, and Ian replies "You created it"
Now I know exactly how Al felt.
I'm really stoked on what we have here, and I would really like to see us continue to build a totally positive fun open minded scene. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 7:33am
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I was disappointed. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 7:43am
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I don't want everyone to get down on the scene, or the show, because it was still a lot of fun, I just wanted to mention and get all that off my chest. It's been bugging me all weekend, and I feel a lot better now. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 8:03am
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Jay, I think I kinda get what you're talking about, and I've been thinking about it a bit too for awhile... Now I don't want to sound like I'm jumping on a bandwagon, but I get what you mean, hardcore is just becoming what it wasn't meant to be, another place where we're judged, on our dancing skills, on our clothes, even occasionally (though not often mind you) if we're straight edge. I may look like an idiot too, and this isn't what you mean either Jay, but I'll talk to you at the next show, because I think I have some of the same feelings as you do... - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 8:27am
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that was well said jay

i've been thinking the same things since the show

even though i was out on the floor quite a bit during the show i still felt out of place a show in my own town...

none the less

all the bands were super awesome - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 8:31am
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who cares if theres more vancouver dudes, just fills the gym with more energy, I love it - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 9:10am
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Where people are from is irrellevant, how they think and what they believe in is. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 9:12am
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good way to put it jay but the sence is getting bigger and with more poeple coming you are gonna get fashion kids and people that judge its human nature. but i tottaly agree with you - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 9:47am
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Looked like there were about 6 prairie town high school basketball teams at the show. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 1:33pm
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So I'm not allowed to go to shows cuz I don't mosh? - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 3:39pm
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It was a good show.
Good to see diversity in victoria. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 4:42pm
Andrew Vernon
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I love the fact that the jerseys were a huge joke. I also love the fact that this show was awesome and everyone there save for a daryl or two was amazing...thank you leslie for putting on such an awesome show!!! And thank you Jodi for the couch space! - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 5:35pm
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just cause there was a jersey theme i would not confuse that with fashion.
It was an AMAZING show, and i had tons of fun.

xjayx. "Hardcore isn't about fasion, it isn't about moshing, and it isn't about hardcore"
i agree that hardcore isnt about the clothes you wear or the way you move. but hardcore is most certainly about hardcore.

i dont agree with you that the show was a bust because there were a lot of people dancing...

everyone was there to have fun.

and besides silly mosh politics the show was amazing. everyone from vancouver spent the night making new friends. i spent about 40 minutes talking to steven and his friends all about the dancing styles they were seeing cause they were confused by it. i wasnt telling them it was what they had to do, or that it was better, just broadening their perspective of how other people do things.

we also talked tons about drugs and alcohol and our different opinions since i am straight edge and they werent. and we shared with eachother so that i could learn about their perspective and they to mine.

it was a fun time. We (vancouver kids) were just trying to bring you guys a taste of the mainland. similar to how at a potluck people share thier flavors while tasting everyone elses.

its all how you look at it.

in no way am i saying your wrong in your statement, just that i dont agree with your opinion this time. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 5:42pm
Brian VIHC
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Here are things I really dug about the other night:

-there were no real fights, no one had to be kicked out
-tons of new kids getting excited about what's going on
-seeing a group of five young kids all wearing their new Revenge shirts (Revenge is rad!)
-skateboarding in the circle pit
-Chad yelling "fuck hardcore on muchmusic and fuck hardcore on mainstream radio! That's not what this is about!"
-Chad's hair
-seeing lots of old faces and lots of new faces
-the fact that Leslie is putting on shows now which takes some pressure off me
-for once people stuck around to help clean up
-talking more with Austin from Phoenix and him being super-stoked that there is a hardcore scene here at all
-the fact that there's no way we could have pulled anything like this off two years ago when I started doing shows
-Gerry referring to the Trial reunion as "the feel-good event of 2005"
-the highest pile-ons I've ever seen for TAN - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 5:55pm
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"Here are things I really dug about the other night:

-there were no real fights, no one had to be kicked out
-tons of new kids getting excited about what's going on
-seeing a group of five young kids all wearing their new Revenge shirts (Revenge is rad!)
-skateboarding in the circle pit
-Chad yelling "fuck hardcore on muchmusic and fuck hardcore on mainstream radio! That's not what this is about!"
-Chad's hair
-seeing lots of old faces and lots of new faces
-the fact that Leslie is putting on shows now which takes some pressure off me
-for once people stuck around to help clean up
-talking more with Austin from Phoenix and him being super-stoked that there is a hardcore scene here at all
-the fact that there's no way we could have pulled anything like this off two years ago when I started doing shows
-Gerry referring to the Trial reunion as "the feel-good event of 2005"
-the highest pile-ons I've ever seen for TAN - Mon, 25 Jul 8:55pm "

i agree with all of this! - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 6:06pm
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supper rad show made lots of new freands fromt the mainland - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 6:31pm
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I agree with you kc

and when 75% of the van guys have jerseys its safe to say that it was a joke - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 7:22pm
Uncle Puff Puff
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Im bummed I missed it, sounds like a great time.

and buddy you didnt bring shit to vancouver so dont feel to bad. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 8:31pm
xchrisgx *at*
Messages Posted:
Hey all, Im really glad that everyone had a good time.
There were no fights, no bullshit it was an awesome show. I had like a 30 min conversation with some dude about oldschool goth music, it was pretty funny because nearing the end of the talk he told me based on the way i was dressed he didnt think in a million years I would know was I was talking about in said subject. It just goes to show people not everyone is as they seem. Ok I admit At first glance I might seem like I am perpetuating the whole "jock" mentality of " whats wrong in hardcore" i wear jerseys and matching adidas. But I guess people dont know me very well.But thats cool, come say hi next time Im in your town. Im really a nice guy. I also was really stoked on the two young girls tearing it up in the pit, they couldn't have been more than 15-16. It was awesome. So think what you want about Vancouver, The kids here, hardcore in genral take what you can from it and make it your own. I owe my whole life and everything I stand for to it. I know this is a little long winded and there's not much a point to it so I'll end it now. Thanks so much to everyone who put on the show, cleaned up, let someone they didnt' know stay at their house, picked up a bill that wasn't theirs. I met some new friends and cought up with some old ones. You guys are great and Im stoked to come back if you'll have us. give some love to step it up when they come they are amazing.
-COQUITLAM CHRIS DFR- - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 8:33pm
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Oh and jay. I really didn't know you felt that way. Kinda bums me out man. Hit me up Via email or MSN if you want we can talk about stuff and stuff. You've always been awesome to me and would never want to disrespect or to make waves.
sorry if anything I might have done upset you or caused you to think ill of me.
Love and Respect ( thats what the world is all about)
oh and congrats again on the great news. - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 8:54pm
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"come say hi next time Im in your town. Im really a nice guy." just dont let him look at your myspace page before he meets you - Mon, 25 Jul 2005 10:50pm
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who the fuck is chad!?!?!?! - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 1:30am
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Another delay, sorry guys. I'm trying to get the pics done as quick as possible but I got a new computer today and still am in the process of transferring files. It'll be another day for the pics. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 3:27am
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O.K. so it seems I'm a fuck. No excuses, I shouldn't have said what I said. but hey, it opened up some discussion right?
Thanks Chris and ACG KC for not jumping down my throat and proving me wrong. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 5:21am
Nik Olaz
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oh one little outsider observation i made, theres already a band called Revenge featuring the ex-vocalist/bassist from Angel Corpse and Order From Chaos and J. Read from Conqueror. They're Canadian too...just letting you guys know that someone might already own the copyright to the name, nothing against the hardcore band. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 5:31am
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THANK YOU NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 7:02am
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all you van boys should come out for Riskey Bussnuse,Hero, Step It up,Friday Night Murder and War By Other Means. aug.15 be their - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 7:03am
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hey nick, they already know

and jay, there is nothing wrong with speaking your mind about your perception of modern hardcore so you shouldnt feel bad about what you said - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 8:40am
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i'd like to point out that the bassist of new order had a side project called revenge that released two albums in the early 90's.

if we were a black metal band that was competing with them then we'd consider a name change. as it stands now, i don't care anymore. when was the last show they played? - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 11:35am
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jay, if you are part of the problem then why are you whining about it? don't dress in the same fashion, don't mosh, don't further the stereotype. it just seems odd that you'd be so critical of it in one post but then in the next state that you are part of it.

also, maybe by interacting with some of us, you'd realize that we aren't as ignorant as you're implying and we do give a shit about things other than who has the most crucial basketball jersey. these kids are so passionate and sincere and you just made a sweeping generalization of all of them.

if hardcore was just about being serious and worrying about all of life's problems all the time, i'd say fuck that and walk away. there's gotta be some fun and this is part of that fun. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 12:01pm
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"who the fuck is chad!?!?!?!"

only the sweetest dude ever. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 12:25pm
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Fenton, It's really expensive to come over here for a show.
I probably won't be here for step it up show. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 1:34pm
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First off, Tambo, my name is Sean. I play guitar in Revenge, and I'm the guy you hit in the face. It was no big deal. It was very minor and I wasn't mad about it. I understand it was a hardcore show and you were just trying to have fun. I was doing the same, you just happened to accidentally hit me, and I bled a little. Don't lose any more sleep over it. Besides, a month ago at Carry On, during Blue Monday's set on the first night, I was going side to side during that epic part in Scars May Fade, having a good time and not bothering anyone, when I got windmilled in the face and proceeded to bleed for a good four or five hours and it didn't stop until Carry On finished playing. So, already, after that, this was a cake walk (hah!). Anyway, don't worry about it little man. All I really wanted to communicate was that it was a Youth Of Today cover being played by In Stride. It's not my place to be telling you who to be, but in that situation you should just be getting loose and having a good time, not doing your best to fight off the Invisible Chuck Norris Army... save that for A Crow's Glory, they'll like you for it! That's why they put those parts in their songs.


I can understand why you would feel that way. However, you feeling this way is you missing the very point. There's a number of reasons why this is. I guess I'll break it down, somewhat.

Jerseys: Like 'em or hate 'em, in this situation, the jerseys were being worn as a novelty, in comedic fashion. It had nothing to do with perpetuating a certain image/stereotype in hardcore. Save for a few of us Vancouver kids, everyone who didn't have a jersey went out and bought one. At a party like this one, it infact is quite practical to wear a jersey, I would say. I can't say I was one of those kids who was wearing one, or anyone else in my band for that matter, but, it's safe to say I care about the kids that were wearing them, whether I think they have the "right" attitude about hardcore or not.

Personally, hardcore to me is many things. Growing up in one of the Vancouver suburban cities, and not having many friends, naturally being an outcast, punk rock was one of the best places for me to turn to.

When I was 13 I started skateboarding and discovered bands like AFI, Propagandhi, and NOFX. Bands like Propagandhi and Bad Religion changed my life and my perspective in countless ways, and still challenge me to continue doing so to this day. Because of my affinity for aggressive music with a social conscience, my distaste for generally everything happening in the world surrounding me, and because I always dressed and acted funny compared to the other kids, I had no desire to destroy myself and waste away my years with any of what sedates an entire planet (money, posessions, drugs, alcohol, and security) I was left virtually all on my own.

Gradually as time passed friends who were somewhere on the same plane came and went, but there's a few who are left to this day, and for the most part I still love them despite any of the shit we've been through. When I was 16 years old, I had started going to hardcore shows on occassion, and I got involved with a very special band that will forever have a place in my heart because of all the experiences that have changed me forever.

Hardly any of the people I know now know who we were, but we played a lot of shows, and at the time, we built a scene literally for the kids, by the kids that was rooted in social conscience. For me, all of this was a stepping stone into what would follow. At the time I had many of the regular pre-conceived notions about straightedge hardcore and youth crew, and mostly only concerned myself with anarcho and crust shows where I figured there was a political and intellectual presence.

I went to hardcore shows for about two years before anyone ever even talked to me, and I know that without certain people (Chad and Andy from In Stride, and Go It Alone, all for various reasons) I wouldn't be involved in the hardcore scene today. It wasn't until I started playing in a band again that people really began to talk to me, but, if I put away my cynicism for a second, I realize it's not because of any sort of paranoid bullshit about who's real and who's not, but more about how I am socially (inept, for the record), and how other people can be in return). I know not everyone feels the same way about hardcore as me, and maybe I should "take a stand" and confront them about certain things, promote discussion, and generally make a collective effort to be better people, but, is it really my place to tell them who they should be? I have to do what's right, but that also includes treating people with respect and allowing them to have their own ideals, even if it conflicts a bit with my own. But, you have to keep in mind, we're all here, are we all really that different and too far gone that we can't work through it? Somewhere along the lines I stopped judging people on what they were into and whether or not I agreed with it, and whether or not they were decent people... because that's ultimately what matters; what's inside.

As it stands now, I'm 18 (soon to be 19, although I'd like to stay this way forever) years old, and have met countless people who I care dearly for because of my involvement in punk, and the impression that all of them have left on me. I still feel the same way about the world in a lot of regards as I did when I was in high school, only I'd say it's matured, evolved, and grown just as I have. As I said before, when I was younger, I took everything for face value without getting involved and understanding it before I got involved and learned that there was more to it than that. Hardcore may have a very mixed history, but I do believe that hardcore -IS- about making a difference in this world. Straightedge -IS- about rebellion, and can still be a vehicle for positive social change (and I'm talking about more than just getting kids out of a shitty lifestyle of addiction slavery, which is still for the record a good thing, regardless). I still believe that we have the power to change the world, regardless of how naive it may be. I'm as lost as ever, and this community we have is one of my only ways of dealing with the trials and tribulations of a society built on lies and suffering. The people I see and know are one of the only things that keep me sane in a times of anguish. This place we have is also a place to communicate, to live, explore, and grow.

Maybe this post and rant is just too long-winded, illogically assembled, and full of tired cliches, but I mean it. Some of it has already been said by some of my own friends, and I'll leave their words as they are. Maybe I'm also missing something, but in my battered state as the result struggling with modern culture assimilation and destruction, I'm a bit tired, so, I may have missed something, but at least I tried.

Things are definitely different on the island from what I can tell, but in Vancouver, the DIY punk scene and the hardcore scene are fairly unified, and it's one of the best things I've seen. This is a community full of beautiful people with wonderful stories to tell, and a great deal to offer, and I won't simply let it be passed off as a bunch of dead-end angst filled kids and jocks.

The future is ours. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 2:58pm
Brian VIHC
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Chad is the vocalist for In Stride. He was the guy who appears to have stolen the hair from Bodhi in Point Break. He has great stage presence and Schwarzeneggerian jowls. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 3:30pm
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haha yes!!! chad totally is! bohdi

- this is hunter - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 3:43pm
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Wait, hold on a second, I made my own user, and it posted under my friend j-rad? What the hell?

This makes no sense. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 5:54pm
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Alright. So, I just posted a long rant, and for some insane reason that even someone like me who knows a lot about computers can't understand... it posted under my friend J-Rad's user.

Then it posted again when I tried to make sure it wasn't in his...

I actually infact am Sean, and J-Rad is Jared. I play guitar, and he plays bass. Those are the facts. So long as everyone is clear...

This was just too odd and I don't want people to get confused. Thanks. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 5:55pm
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i don't think you can say that hardcore is this or that. hardcore punk rock means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and a lot has changed about it since its birth. there are a lot of hardcore ideas and beliefs that manifest through the energy and mentality of the music. sometimes these are positive, like straight edge and veganism, social and political awareness and the diy mentality. sometimes the mentality gets twisted around and used for selfish and negative purposes: to promote hatred, elitist attitudes, intolerance, and violence(none of which i saw at the show.) music and clothes are a reflection of a persons style, and we should use those style as inspiration, rather than to distance and condemn. and about moshing, i think a lot of people are intimidated to dance because they feel insecure and outcast being the only person going crazy and flailing around while everyone watches you with crossed arms. but when a group of people start dancing, it makes it seem easier and more natural and comfortable to start moving around and getting silly. misunderstandings happen, but i think that if we all agree that we were there to talk, eat,dance, listen, laugh, and have a good time, then there really isn't any problem, except for the failure of other people to meet your own expectations of how you think they should think or do or act, which i believe is both conceited and naive. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 6:35pm
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this is still for the kids, by the kids, about the fucking kids. - Tue, 26 Jul 2005 8:00pm
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the one show thread I thought wouldnt have a bunch of drama involved - Wed, 27 Jul 2005 2:39pm
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see above(the love the music part doesn't apply to moshcore though) - Wed, 27 Jul 2005 5:16pm
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too bad your perception of "mosh core" is probably completley wrong - Wed, 27 Jul 2005 7:21pm
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yeah...too bad. - Wed, 27 Jul 2005 7:45pm
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i really wish you had all been there to hear what chad from stay gold had to say about this kind of thing..

i want to say i apreciate what jay said- hes a smart dude.. but i dont even think i can because i havent even been around long enough. when i first got into hardcore a few years ago, before i even knew victoria had it going on, i thought it was about something way more awsome than what i am seeing now. its dissapointing me hearing peopel say that this guy or that guy sold out because of a band he said he didnt like.


jay dont regret what you said, or take it back- everyone knows your relationship with hardcore, i dont think there isent a person in vic that knows you that can say they dont look up to you in some way, your entitled to your opinions and who are we to argue with you?

the drama on this baord is amazing. dont nag on somebody for stating a peice of their mind, it didnt harm any of you in any way. it certainly didnt bother me one bit. - Thu, 28 Jul 2005 10:42pm
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as for my show review, this was a fucking hoot, there mos def has to be one next year.the bands chosen rocked that room so tuff, and the turn out was awsome. i had alot of fun and it was good to see unfamiliar faces among very familiar ones. i like to think that van isle is reminicent of a tight knit family. i love all of the people i have met and its good to get together and share a common interest like this.
good job leslie. - Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:36pm
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alright dudes. I know this took a while but pics are up. if it means anything, there's five pages of pics. and I did this show first out of my backlog of 3 shows to update with. sorry it was so slow, getting a new computer meant transferring all my files (including text files, pictures, image software, album software, etc etc etc). It was a hassle but is over with now. Also keep an eye out for my 1000-word show review and several pics in absolute underground. is the site with the pics - Fri, 29 Jul 2005 8:13am
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skateboards! in stride - Fri, 29 Jul 2005 8:16am
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someone tell me how this kid in revenge jumped so high - Fri, 29 Jul 2005 8:16am
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pile on - Fri, 29 Jul 2005 8:17am
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CIRCLE PIT! - Fri, 29 Jul 2005 8:18am
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tough as nails - Fri, 29 Jul 2005 8:18am
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pig belly mosh - Fri, 29 Jul 2005 8:18am
Brian VIHC
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This show was a giant gay porno fantasy sprung to life. (That's not a bad thing)
anyways another show coming up next Saturday, venue TBA, will likely be a house show so as not to conflict with the crusty show the same night (which I really wanted to go to...) - Fri, 29 Jul 2005 1:37pm
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early show!!!!! then you can go to that brian - Sat, 30 Jul 2005 2:46pm
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