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Tough As Nails, Kincaide, Friday Night Murder, Hooded Rats
Message Board > Show Reviews > Tough As Nails, Kincaide, Friday Night Murder, Hooded Rats
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Hooded Rats opened up the night with a touch of Ramones style. I really liked this band, especially their "love ballad" at the end. The only thing wrong with this band is stage presence: THERE WAS NONE. The guitarist stood in one place the entire set with nothing the crowd can go off on.

Next up, after a very long waiting period, was Friday Night Murder which had a heavy sound and considering it was their second time playing, they were tight. But what the fuck is with the "slam dancing". I would've love to see a mosh for that set instead of a bunch of flailing idiots running around in a circle.

Kincaide: HOLY FUCK. First time seeing these guys, not the type of style I'd normally be into, but fuck, they were pretty fuckin' cool. Nice vocals and lyrics, drummer was slayin' and the keyboards were rad. Gotta say that this was my favorite band of the night.

Left before Tough as Nails played. All in all it was good night, would've liked to see more people there. I'll post pictures later - Sat, 16 Apr 2005 10:16pm
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All the bands were okay.
It was an okay show.
next time more people should come, support your fucking scene. - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 12:27am
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Hooded rats: I liked em, look forward to seeing them more!
friday night murder: I enjoyed myself more this time than there last show
Kincaide: went to thriftys for a drink during there set
Tough as nails: I fucking loves these guys... sooo fucking fun! - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 12:43am
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We had a great time playing this show. Thanks to Brian, the other bands and everyone who came out.

Hooded Rats- I had to go home and burn demo's cause I have a bad memory, I'll catch them next time.

Friday Night Murder- Some kickass riffs. Sounded really full and solid. Kinda a mix of hardcore with some good rock and roll.

Tough as Nails- Awesome. First time I've seen them. Totally tight, tons of great breakdowns. Good stage presence. My hat goes off to Dax for playing two high energy sets behind the drum kit in one night.

Good show all around. I thought the turnout was pretty solid, there could have been more, but there were enough people to provide good energy the whole night. - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 1:21am
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Hooded Rats - I was impressed by the guitarist. The band itself was goodish, not normally the thing I'm into but still pleasant and fun to listen to. I agree about the mention about lack of stage presense but I was enjoying the guitar work. I think I have the same guitar as him - Ibanez RG 170? I also had the same shoes as him but that is beside the point. Why do I always comment about what a band member is wearing? I have to stop this habit.

Friday Night Murder - someone called them "warm up mosh", haha. I don't think that's completely fair. They played a good set and were fun. I enjoyed them more this time than last time.

Kincaide - This was my 7th time seeing them. I left with hunter to buy chocolate soy milk, then sat outside and drank it. I used to be willing to go to a show if Kincaide was headlining, now I think my interest is fading a little with hearing them so much.

Tough As Nails - Ruled of course. I have some videos of Van Isle Crew... SOME videos because troy had my camera for most of this show and I should teach him some things.. I think he accidently stopped recording. Anyway it was lots of energy, lots of fun, breakdowns and pileons, good hardcore, good times.

I also have pics of the show. I always make an empty promise to post the link with them and then I only do it half the time. My camera is a bitch in terms of my computer recognizing it, so the pics may or may not be there/here sometime soon. Some guy wanted me to send them to him. Hybrid Productions - Matt Clement. Alright.

Today was a good day. Thanks to Brian for putting the show on. - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 2:08am
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hooded rats liked them alot kidda remined me of The Facton good set guys cant wait to see more

friday night murder good set got people moving and junk better then last time you played for sure it will be fun to see you guys soon

Kincaide tyler and hunter tryed to ditch me though out their set but i just couldn't stand the music so i put up it and ran a bit when i came back i wasn't digging it but cool you guys got a new line up

though as nail wow you guys blew my socks off loved it all every last drop

Thanks Brian for the killer show - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 9:34am
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Hooded Rats - Was decent. Old school punk, I wasn't really that into it. Lack of stage presence but I understand that as the guitar riffs were pretty tricky, the bassist was singing and the drummer... Well, was behind the kit.

Friday Night Murder - I enjoyed these guys alot more this time than last time. Probably because I moshed this time. I was desperate for any breakdowns so took what I could get. I'd see them again.

Kincaide - I really really like these guys. I'm glad Steve did most of the original lyrics to We Can't Run, I was stoked on that. Probably my 2nd favorite local band RIGHT behind Tough As Nails...

Tough As Nails - I love these guys and gal. The new lineup is solid and seems to be working great. Van Isle Crew as usual kicked ass. My only problem was the drunk people shoving us while we were dancing... It's always annoying, but usually unavoidable.

All in all, a really good show, I had a fun time. Kudos to Brian for everything he does for the scene.
P.S. Tyler, post pictures. Do it. - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 9:35am
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Thanx Brian for another awesome show!

Anyone get pictures from last night? - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 12:36pm
Brian VIHC
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Yeah thanks all for making it another great show. No real problems (only four kids tried to sneak in and they were terrible at it) and I for once got to pay all the local bands.
Cheeky, I think what you're talking about ("flailing idiots running around in a circle") is a circle pit, which is an old school punk thing that's been around for 20+ years. The smashing into each other moshing is "slam-dancing", and then what kids do today isn't as far as I know really even that, since I think you need to be jumping up and down for it to be proper slam-dancing. I prefer the circle pit because really anyone can do it and unlike every other kind of punk "dancing" it doesn't involve beating the shit out of each other. But hey, it's a big hall, there's room for everyone out there.

Oh PS. Death Before Dishonor and Blacklisted will tear all your faces off in June. Maybe the hxc mosher kids wil have some rhythm by then...:) - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 12:50pm
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brian your soo positive about everything - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 1:00pm
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I'll never have rhythm! Never I say! Haha, I'm probably a horrible dancer, but I don't care, it's fun. - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 1:02pm
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dont need rythym.. just jump!!! - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 1:25pm
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Holy fuck, I love playing shows like last night, sersly. Every show we play you guys all go off even better than last time, it makes me stoked to play songs that are 2+ years old. Sersly guys, sersly.
The line up was awesome, The distro sold a bunch of stuff, and the crowd went off.
The only crappy thing was that sunflowerseed guy. I mean don't get me wrong, I love eating sunflower seeds, but I do not love sliding all overthem during our set. Sersly. - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 3:47pm
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The big room at JBCC is MUCH better than the small room for shows. - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 5:31pm
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The small room is nicer for crowd pleasers. People can't get out of the way if there's nowhere to go :). The big room is nicer though so that there's room for some brahmin moshing and dancing. - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 6:01pm
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i think it was a kick ass show and it would be no matter where you played it i do ennjo the bigg one tho gives room for spinkicks and just bring the mosh in genaral - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 8:44pm
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I love the small room a lot better. - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 11:35pm
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ps johnny edgecore brings the mosh - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 11:37pm
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the hoodrats - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 11:39pm
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friday night murder - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 11:41pm
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kincaide - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 11:42pm
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tough as nails - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 11:43pm
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we're cool - Sun, 17 Apr 2005 11:44pm
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no your not :) - Mon, 18 Apr 2005 1:16am
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tyler post them all or post the think to your site please? - Mon, 18 Apr 2005 3:32pm
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your a turd tristan... I hope you die in a grease fire! - Mon, 18 Apr 2005 3:53pm
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:( - Mon, 18 Apr 2005 4:01pm
lauren a
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hoping people die isn't very xedgex - Mon, 18 Apr 2005 10:36pm
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definetely not posi anyway... but I agree with hunter
maybe we will go xtwo man armyx on tristan's ass

ps I spent most of the evening getting my shit together for a photo album site

then I discovered I went way over the size limit.. hmm.
oh well, maybe it'll just be for a couple albums at a time.. or maybe I should learn to only post actual SHOW pics and not pics of people between/before shows - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 12:47am
Nik Olaz
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i heard at this show people ate each others poopoo - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 1:44am
AC Slater
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Just yer sister sunshine......And boy does she EVER love to PERTY!!!!!!!WOOOOOOO - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 2:46am
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cant wait for death before dishonor!! - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 5:13pm
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Tyler? i thought we loved eachother!!! wtf - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 6:14pm
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where are the picures tyler? - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 7:31pm
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Hey Joey, here is a pic of you (from a long time ago) - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 7:43pm
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haha... take that tristan! no one can stop 2 man army - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 8:28pm
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thanks fer the feedback. cant wait to play another brian.
will try to move next time.

im rick james, bitch!.

rat bastard - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 8:28pm
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whos this kate gal and how come she has a pic of me weird it is a while back when i had hair i think - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 8:35pm
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okay!! x.hunter.x - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 9:44pm
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photos from the show are at:

Soon, all my show photos will have album sites like that.
And I'll probably make a main page that links to every album site and shows a sample picture

Tristan: we do love each other! - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 9:45pm
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where the pics of the pit? - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 11:16pm
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there weren't any pics during the pileons.. those are all the ones troy took with my camera

he made a couple movie clips during vanislecrew... they're here: (9.11MB) (8.89MB) - Tue, 19 Apr 2005 11:30pm
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tristan needs to burgle a terd - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 10:03am
jay brown
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look Goluza was huffing glue right before the show..... - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 4:32pm
jay brown
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what a rockstar..... - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 4:32pm
jay brown
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teeheehee, wanna here a secret? - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 4:33pm
jay brown
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rocking the joint as usual...... is it just me or did jerry maybe put on a few pounds when he grew his hair out?..... Must be getting old..... I didnt think vegans could gain weight. - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 4:34pm
jay brown
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I think we can blame the weight on this girl right here..... - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 4:36pm
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tony is the biggest huffer I know... literally, the guys huge!! - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 5:51pm
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the jay brown lay off jay is 3 times raded then you and if he was 250 pouds and never moved during the set he would still be. even if he was a apple he would be twice the apple you would be - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 6:30pm
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I'm sorry, what? - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 9:08pm
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I'm with Jodi... What're you trying to say Joey? - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 9:37pm
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i am saying i dont like that jay brown guy he thinks whure racist beacuse we play skrew diver covers and from the sounds of it he making fun of jay - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 11:02pm
jay brown
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bwahahahahahh actually I am friends with jay I'm not making fun of him at all, and you are racist if you play Skrewdriver covers and if you dont like me saying that say it to my face and I will kick your teeth right down your throat you racist piece of shit. For future reference you can be damn sure I will say it to you if I ever run into you. You dont like me because I have a problem with you playing Skrewdriver covers?... Fuck you nazi. I dont like you because your a racist idiot, chew on that fucker. - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 11:31pm
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well screw driver are a white power band, sounds fairly racist to me joey - Wed, 20 Apr 2005 11:53pm
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off topic of the show but they are white power and just beacuse some punks and skins play boots and braces dose not mean we are all nazis and i just really really dont like that jay brown fellow - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 7:47am
AC Slater
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Im afraid Im with Jay on this one 100%. Just because you play a screwdriver song gives the appearance that youre ignorant little retards for even giving those cretins more play than they should ever get. You ARE either racist, socially clueless or both. Now I dont know you personally so Im hoping you have just made a poor choice through lack of judgement rather than being racist but I cant help but wonder why would you even think of BUYING and therefore SUPPORTING a band that's sole purpose is to spread nazi propoganda? As for Brown, you really need to get to know him for years before you can truly hate him.......I mean HATE HIM I lets move along. Yar harrrr - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 8:16am
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he probsably downloaded the album... no money made on that - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 4:22pm
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i would never buy them ablum i enjo downloading i never buy albums - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 5:17pm
jay brown
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Ah here we go let's split hairs, I'm not supporting racism because I didn't spend money on their albums. You fucking idiot, I am so sick of you goofs bringing that shit back into the scene, how about everytime you play skrewdriver I kick you in the face then we will both get to do something that makes us happy, fuck you nazi. - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 6:54pm
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fuck you i will play what ever i want when ever i want as a matter of fact i am listening to boots and braces right now and i dont feel like killing people what do you think about that its about the people not the music the band skrewdriver is great but the people in it are crazy do you understand or do i need to dumb it down a bit more? - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 7:38pm
AC Slater
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Ignorance is bliss. As long as racism in any form is tolerated it will continue to spread. FYI a band like screwdriver is NOT about the music. They are using music to spread their propaganda to uneducated insecure fuckups. If you weren't racist then Screwdriver lyrics would turn your stomach. Personally I never figured that using music to spread the word of such idiocy would ever work.....looks like Im wrong. Hitler would be proud.... - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 7:42pm
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I would just like to state that I do not listen to or support screw driver and i'm just defending joey because last time I talked to him he wasnt a nazi - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 9:54pm
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fuck you guys you look way to fare into things o wait and beacuse i shave my head and where fred perrys and a nazi to right?

thanks hunter - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 10:43pm
AC Slater
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I actually never called you a Nazi. I said that you are an ignorant retard for not only listening to Nazi propoganda fueled music, but you spread its words covering that idiocy AND you actually have the lack of common sence to try to defend Screwdriver and call them a 'great band' while justifying the play of that hateful shit saying its harmless.....If you are not part of the solution my friend, you are part of the problem.

Friday Night Murder bitches! - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11:10pm
jay brown
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Well I have heard so many of the skinheads in town say that they arent racist..... Just how do you think that reflects on supposedly not racist skinheads when the bands they are in are playing Skrewdriver covers. As the heads of all the aryan movements in the states have said time and time again, the music is the easiest way to spread the message to the youth. So you sit at home listening to Skrewdriver and shaving your head and think that were wrong for saying we think your racist. Step back and try to use that pea in between your ears for something other than singing along with Ian Stuart. What exactly do you think people are going to think when they see a skinhead singing skrewdriver songs? What type of people do you think would be attracted to your band? Do you think it would be sharp's or any other type of non racist skinhead for that matter. Or would it be nazi, white power skinheads that all want to sing along and have a great old time hating everyone not like them. On that note, this goes out to everyone singing along in the front row when you play that shit, what kind of message do you want to send huh? Do you have any friends that are black or indian or gay or asian, or any other minority? How do you think it would affect them to know you were having a great old time singing along to the most famous white power band in the world? You are just the perfect tool for the aryan movement, an idiot with a mouth and an amplifier that doesnt have the brains to know better. - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11:36pm
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messageboards are crazy.i mean, aren't they just the randomnly juxtaposed declarations,opinions,and threats of extremely bored individuals? Like the dude from self-inflicted said,"messageboard arguments are like the special olympics; even if you win, you're still a retard".I don't know of anybody in the scene who's a racist,but I knew a non-racist friend of a friend who did a lot of drugs and listened to skrewdriver just because he liked the sound of the band; he's just to stupid to realize that his being indifferent to evil things is evil in itself. Also, I would like to remind people that Tony Galuza does not do drugs, and that the photo merely reveals Tony in his buddhism/hardcore induced trancendental state. - Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11:41pm
jay brown
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Tony totally huffs glue behind every show he goes to he had just managed to put the glue bag down right before I snapped that picture. As for the comments about no racists in the scene, give these little fuckers time soon enough they wont just be singing along they will be handing out literature and going to rallies.... it just takes time. - Fri, 22 Apr 2005 12:38am
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calm down guys.. the show rocked, racism sucks, end of story - Fri, 22 Apr 2005 10:38pm
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I second what Tyler had to say. shut the fuck up already. - Fri, 22 Apr 2005 11:40pm
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jay we need to talk not on this fourm - Sat, 23 Apr 2005 12:24am
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I have a way to settle this
EVERYONE: stop calling joey a nazi
JOEY: dont play screw driver covers - Sun, 24 Apr 2005 8:28pm
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jay i have to talk to you please? - Sun, 24 Apr 2005 10:29pm
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hahah what nazi's... this is fun for me - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 3:26am
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shut up tristan, your useless - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 4:04pm
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Wow Tony looks totally different when he's been inhaling glue. I still don't know why people do that anymore knowing that it does a ton of damage to ya. It must be a punk thing. - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 4:19pm
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sniffing glue is so punk rock - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 6:17pm
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erika votes... to officiate the status of this thread as most ridiculously out-of-hand exchange between members of livevictoria.... ever. the end.

ps, my two cents. if you were a vegan, and you hated mcdonalds, you woudlnt walk around wearing a mcdonalds shirt and say 'its cause i like how it feels.'
screwdriver? come on - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 7:30pm
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well I heard there milkshakes are vegan so watch out suckaaaa!! - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 7:39pm
Lythic Matt
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Erika, denied, it's only two weeks old. When the show's like six weeks old with 200 posts it can win. - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 7:52pm
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true enought i guess i just didn't realise what they are singing about i did some reading and its sick i am sorry for anyone that got the wrong impression i retrack what i said - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 8:01pm
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"you didn't know what they were singing about"? you've got to be fucking kidding. - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 8:34pm
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i did i just didn't realise it like i didn't realise to the degree it was soo tarble i thought they whure being sarcastic you have to rember i have only hurd 2 songs by them i am just sticking up for the people that played the cover - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 8:53pm
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Erika, did you ever read the thread where twiceborn said in the first post how did "we do"? Not all the bands... I think that one was even more ridiculous. - Thu, 28 Apr 2005 8:54pm
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no i never saw that one, but if the behvaior of a certain memeber of twiceborn is any mark by which to judge the band, then i condemn it to hell automatically.

'i love to please women.. i love eating pussy' eekgads.

Lythic Matt - im not sure i follow? d'you mean its not pathetic enough becuse its still recent/releveant? - Fri, 29 Apr 2005 7:17pm
Lythic Matt
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yes - Fri, 29 Apr 2005 10:35pm
x Buddy x
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wow , Joey fenton is Officailly the stupidest person alive. - Sat, 30 Apr 2005 7:48am
holdyourground *at*
Messages Posted:

"hardcore, good friends, good times"

bump... cant let this die yet!!!! - Sun, 1 May 2005 7:10pm
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PHEnTON IS LYke DUmb LYKe WHOAOos KNeww!? - Sun, 1 May 2005 8:45pm
AC Slater
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What if D-O-G spelled 'CAT'? - Sun, 1 May 2005 11:19pm
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hey you guys leave the retarded boy alone. It's not his fault he has to wear a helmet... a leash... and shits his pants. Who else thinks ralph from the simpsons is smarter than fenton? - Sun, 1 May 2005 11:25pm
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i think a little piece of me died just now (insert a post from hunter telling me to die 5.. 4.. 3... 2..) - Mon, 2 May 2005 4:19am
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*Last Man Standing*

Better get up and off your ass
Cause life will surely pass you by
Make your own shit happen now
Before suddenly its too fuckin late

Sit around bitching and complaining
About how crappy your shitass life is
Better realize soon that
Good things don’t come to those who wait

No freebies in this life
You had better get it while you can
Who said life is fair, mark my words
Ill be the last man standing


GONNA GET MINE - Mon, 2 May 2005 12:45pm
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hey tristan.... your gettin the idea!

beleive it or not but I've gained a bit of respect for you - Mon, 2 May 2005 3:42pm
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your all turds. - Mon, 2 May 2005 11:29pm
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