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Three pedals
Message Board > Gear Buy & Sell > Three pedals
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1. sansamp classic preamp/distortion. The best distortion i've ever used. Blows the pod out of the water when recording, and is fanstastic live. I paid 350$ two months ago and will sell it for 325$(perfect condition)

2.Boss ce-2 chorus. I tweeked it so it can sound like a rotary speaker if you want. It is also 100% analog.(very warm) 70$

3.mxr phase 90. A great vintage phaser Paid 150$ selling it for 100$

I'm selling them because I'm broke. These prices were all compared to the average on ebay. - Sun, 9 Feb 2003 2:40pm
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I'll give you 30 bucks for the chorous - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 11:48am
Anonymous tech21 better than a pod ? then how come every fucking studio has a pod, and hardly any of them have tech21 pre amps, and its been out longer, like ten years longer - Tue, 11 Feb 2003 6:25pm
5050line6 Pods are useful if you want a relative close modelling of the sounds they claim to be reflecting. But really, almost every studio has ADAT as well--and that don't make ADAT better than anything, including my answering machine. Besides slagging someone's post in this section is unethical and jeuvinile. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 12:34pm
Theodore It's not a slag if the guy just doesn't know what he's talking about. The tech21 pedals are analog, therefore they sound warmer fatter and fuller than anything digital could ever do. The pods however are far more versatile for effects and cabinet sounds etc... but once again it's better to use the real thing. - Wed, 12 Feb 2003 3:22pm
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