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Remember that FREE piano...?
Message Board > Gear Buy & Sell > Remember that FREE piano...?
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Yeah. You know, the one i got from here. I made fun of all you clowns for not taking it when someone said it will end up costing 1000's......

The bill is in. 6087.89$

So. If any of you would like to take a free piano, and "get it fixed up", it will cost you. However, it still beats the hell out of a 10,000$ new price tag.

Cheers - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 6:21pm
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Your constant gloating is really disgusting and your "online store" is a joke.
Please check your superstar attitude and learn how to shoot a photo of the products. Friendly suggestion, that's all. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 9:18pm Edited: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 9:22pm
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Hmmm someone would make up a profile just to slag me. My online store is a joke? It has over 30 instruments for sale, its only small, but i am trying.

My website i put alot of work into, and the piano topic was more or less a "watch out" for a FREE piano.

Now unless you feel that 6000$ is "gloating", than i am sorry Mr. M. It wasn't gloating. Why do you think i am selling all my guitars? Please dont be jealous. Please. I work hard for my money. And i sell all my stuff for a hell of alot less than what i pay for it.

As for my pictures. The first ones were cool. Then my camera broke. SO now i have to use my webcam. Wow. Sue me. Joke. Get off my back for saving every last cent i make to buy instruments. Now go to bed, get some rest, get a real job, then come and buy one my last remaining guitars.

I have a cort, BC Rich, a Vintage Gibson, and a few others. DOnt be hurtin you loser. - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:05am Edited: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:08am
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Hey P,

That music should be optional so I don't *have* to listen to it if I want to browse your ford store there... - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:50am
Skai Domay
Messages Posted:
"I sell all my stuff for a hell of a lot less than I pay for it."

Hmmmmm. Seems to me you've got some basic problems understanding commerce. Let me help. I think the idea is to sell your stuff for more than you payed for it. So, if you bought an item for 100 bucks, and sold it for 120 bucks, the difference is called 'profit'. Now, if you sell ALL your stuff for a hell of a lot less than you payed for it, sounds to me like you'll be out of business soon. Or is this more of a charitable organization? - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 6:47am
I was a Punk before you
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And i sell all my stuff for a hell of alot less than what i pay for it.
Like that Cort Bass you got off mactac for $100 and are trying to flog for $300???
get a real job. - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 9:41am
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I'll give you 150$ for that lefty guitar...hahaha..and I'm pretty sure you can get a Line 6 guitar port new for 100$ on e-bay and pay about 10$ shipping... - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:06am Edited: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:12am
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"Hmmmmm. Seems to me you've got some basic problems understanding commerce."

I dont make money off sales, fools. Stop being jealous. You think i pay the bills with Ford Music? hehe. No, I buy low, repair them, and sell them for a great deal. I have sold about 15 guitars so far, just from my site. Also, I make a hell of a lot more $$$$$ of all my other ventures. Selling my guitars was simply to pay for my Piano fools. Stop being Jealous of my wealth.

"And i sell all my stuff for a hell of alot less than what i pay for it.
Like that Cort Bass you got off mactac for $100 and are trying to flog for $300???"

I didnt get that cort of of Mactac, and i also replaced all pots, and pickups. As well, it got a brand new pro paint job, along with a brand new hardshell case. Really stop being jealous children.

As for the music, I know, it should be optional. SO many things get involved when making a website.

"I'll give you 150$ for that lefty guitar...hahaha..and I'm pretty sure you can get a Line 6 guitar port new for 100$ on e-bay and pay about 10$ shipping"

Well if you buy it from ebay it will cost you 110$, but it from me, it will be 100$. Mine is brand new as well. The lefty guitar has EMG pickups and is in MINT condition. Sorry.

Look at all you children. Is it because i have 35 guitars? Saying i spent 6000$ on a piano was saying i was a fool. I thought i was getting a free piano, little did i know.

Lets hear more rants! I will never go out of business because Ford Music is a HOBBY! Try one guys, it may work at for you. Fukin losers. Really, i am glad i pay taxes, to help you guys with your bills. - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:01pm Edited: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:04pm
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You are such a martyr. I'm so glad that people like you exist in the music community, because where would "us musicians" be without tax payers like yourself helping us out with great deals on used equipment.

Second friendly tip: Don't call the customers "Fukin losers" - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:51pm
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You aren't my customer, loser. And really, just go get a normal job like everyone else, then you can buy your own guitars, then get your own website so that you can sell them, and buy a piano. You are so mad WHAT? Why? Mr. Mcgee?

I guarantee calling a spade a spade on LiveVic, will not hurt my business. The majority of the users on here are broke like me anyway. Like i have said many times, i make NO money with these sales. When i buy ONE beat the shit out of Cort Headless, get a BRAND NEW hardshell for it, put 16 hours of Paint and Restoration (not ONE single scratch on this thing), then i get NEW strings, as well, I polish up, and refurbish the Steinberger Tuning System. I have bought 2 Cort Headless, one has sold, i have another one near finished. So, until any of you get the drive to put some work into musical instruments and pass them on, shut yer fukin trap.

PS: I need a piano bench now. Anyone have one for sale? Not free please, i would rather pay. - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 1:34pm Edited: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 1:51pm
I was a Punk before you
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I MAY be a "f**kin loser" BUT I've never done this:
Fuckin Ritez!!!!!!!!!!!Its what i did when I was to embarrassed to admit i had a gambling problem. I had told the missus after losing 500$ rent money, that someone pick - pocketed me and took our money. AFter losing the rent money, on the way home, i emptied my wallet, and threw randomly, pieces of id and what-not throughout my walk home. She didnt believe me. Next day, the RCMP dropped by my house with my drivers liscense that was turned into them. HEHE. Then she believed me, and gave me sympathy sex for not trusting me
I wont call a shovel a spade but I'll call a curbster a curbster.
Indian Larry said:
"dont Lie....theres less to remember"
good luck with your hobby. - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 2:56pm
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wow, there sure has been a lot of drama on the Buy & sell lately. I love it. cheers Lucius - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 4:13pm
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I love it. And they keep buying guitars from me. Also, they even go through the trouble of finding something i said on another post. Really, again Mr. Mcgee, stop it. Please.

"I MAY be a "f**kin loser" BUT I've never done this:
Fuckin Ritez!!!!!!!!!!!Its what i did when I was to embarrassed to admit i had a gambling problem. I had told the missus after losing 500$ rent money"

What? You never had 500$ before?..I still laugh at you dipshits for thinking i am gloating because i got the cheapest piano i possibly could .....FREE, just turned out, alot of work goes into a piano, especially if it is painted green. Haha. So, give it up. When i post on here, or try to sell shit, i do it ethically. I am not "gloating". Just informing, that a FREE piano is not FREE. Moving was 800$ of total cost. Tuning was a bitch. Maintenance, a bench,,,,,. 6000$ is not alot of money at all when buying a piano. - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 4:23pm Edited: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 5:26pm
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Pierce you are cool. Don't let dramatic people get you down. - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 1:48am
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Ok, i love you and i am glad that you are helping everyone out, but:

maybe keep the "sounds" on your website in tune with the song that automatically plays. they are roughly a tone up but are out of tune and it is just pissing me off.

sorry, it is bugging me alright.

mike - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 2:01am
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I hate the music too. But i am so busy with everything else that my used music store has taken a side line. Tyler thanks for the props. I know who the dramatic people are. I cant believe how much i get slagged from telling people to "watch out" for free pianos.

I got the free piano, took it to a guy and said, fix it up. 6000$ later. I dont see how thats gloating, but since i know the guy who has been slagging me, i can undrstand. He has the monthly income of a wet fart in a wind storm.

Cheers - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 9:03am
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Hey I am pretty sure I asked this question before but who is play guitar on that tune anyways? cheers Lucius - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 9:22am
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Yah Pierce, I was part of the old "FREE piano" thread myself. I was in the market for a cheap or even a free upright piano myself.

Hate to say it but I ended up getting a $200 upright piano (with a bench). I did some research, found out how to restore piano strings for free. Then I had it tuned up professionally. And I rented a fucking U-Haul and moved the piano for $30. Piano movers??? What did you get? A free massive Grand Piano?

Anyways, in the end my piano doesnt sound like a Steinway Grand Piano, but im thrilled. And to be honest there's no need buying a fantasitc piano unless you have the skills to back it up. Unless you're a very talented pianist, you'll sound the same on anything you play (as long as its in tune). Its like my buddy who bought an American Strat new from L&M. He's no where near good enough to need that guitar, I can make my 2nd hand Chinese lefty strat sound better.

So to everyone out there, in MY opinion, DONT be scared off by Pierces $6000+ "Free" piano. Keep looking and you'll easily find a good deal that wont break you budget.

PS: Shit there's a lot of drama on here. - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 1:45pm Edited: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 1:46pm
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Yeah, i remember when we were talking. I should have done what you did. Problem with mine was, it was painted GREEN. I had to sand it all down completely. Piece by piece. Then replaced some veneer, and had the strings sent out for conditioning. As well, i wanted to make sure it kept its "antique" certificate so i had to use the BIG $ guys to refurbish it. Sounds great, plays great,now i am broke.

I think when someone certainpeople see 6,000$ they think i am gloating. When in actual fact i was kinda saying "fool is me". Hence the "Remember that free piano........

Some people who are less fortunate feel the need to come down on anyone who works hard to get something they want. I wanted a piano, worked hard, and got it. CHeers - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 2:09pm
jordan F.
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User Info... wow, there sure has been a lot of drama on the Buy & sell lately. I love it. cheers Lucius"

man its the new reality soap opera....."the tough life of"

later - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 6:03pm
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On Live Victoria, there may be 30% who are legitimate, hard-working (by day) musicians. The others, i am afraid, start drama.

I am surprised they can even afford the internet time. - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 6:42pm
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Here's the thing, I will not be one of your customers because of the way you present yourself on this forum. Not because I am a "Fukin loser" or because I don't have "a normal job like everyone else, then (I) can buy (my) own guitars", but just because your attitude is bad and I don't particularily like the guitars or other musical equipment you put on your site.

Qualms aside, keep on doing what you are doing. I'll do the same. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 1:59pm
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A guy who makes a profile JUST to slag me is quite flattering. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 4:38pm
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I'm pretty sure when he said "fukin losers", it was just a casual remark at people who are nitpicking his hobby site. And who are you to say he has a bad attitude when you came into this thread to anonymously be a jerk to him?

the song seems to be in b and the little buttons play a c. the dreaded minor 9th clash. some musicians can pull it off though, depending on the context, no big deal. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 6:17pm Edited: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 6:21pm
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(Long response, eaten by livevic, didn't happen.. call it karma)

in short:

To Tyler: Pierce, in my opinion, reflects a martyr attitude and posts things like this, which do not better the music community (but do pet an ego and make a public display)
While my posts may have come off in "too direct" wording or maybe even an "anonymous flaming know-it-all" gesture, I think it's my right to have an opinion (even outspoken) and Mr. Ford has a right to disagree and run his internet store as he sees fit.

To Pierce: I didn't create a profile to flatter you. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 9:55pm Edited: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 9:56pm
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"To Pierce: I didn't create a profile to flatter you."

No? Well you did it because you are too cowardly to speak through your own mouth. Since you claim my :constant gloating is disgusting", that would imply that you have other nick-names. I am positive i know who you are anyways. Everytime i post anything, there is ALWAYS one person who slags with a first time nick. And yes, it is flattering. Because i know who you are. But truly Mr. Mcgee, try other things with your energy. You may find yourself being able to find happiness. Mine is in buying guitars, fixing them up, making them nice again, and selling them. I also play in a band, and a full time job, with a wife who attends school full-time. Because i have wide circle of musical friends, who work with me, i am able to provide a very EASY service when wanting used guitars. You dont have it, neither the friends, nor the ability to do your part. Just because you live at home with your mommy doesnt mean you own the house. Get it? Now seriously. Go on with your Oprah taping, and leave us musicians alone. Unless you would like to tell us all who you are? Or would you rather me do that? Mr Mcgee? I havent heard you once deny it.

All i said was ...... watch out for free pianos, they arent free in the end. Get a grip. Stop flattering me, between owning you and being an ex cynic, my head is about to explode.

PS: I have one Hell of a Cort complete with liscensed Steinberg tuning system. I did a wikkid job on it. Anyone wishing to buy one, this is HANDS DOWN the best shape (unless there is brand new), in Victoria. - Sun, 2 Jul 2006 10:37pm
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Mr. McGee? I'm denying it now.

This isn't at all what I wished to happen,
and you are clearly offended by what I said
on this internet musician's forum. So I will
say again, good luck on your music service to
your close circle of musician friends. - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 12:34am
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What? - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 11:03am
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Really. This WHAT? guy has something wrong upstairs. I am not offended at all. I am flattered.

"This isn't at all what I wished to happen"

Yes it was you fukin twit. You made up an anonymous name to purely try and slag my hobby. I fart in your general direction. I dont have a superstar attitude, never have. I know who you are, and this happens to every thread i start. Please. Wednesday is almost here, hang in there. Also, its pretty well impossible for someone like me to get offended online, unless of course you spill the beans that i am gay. - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 1:05pm Edited: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 1:09pm
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Pierce you don't know me. I've been to some Sonic Doom shows, and unless (somehow) you recognized me from there I'd say that you don't have much of an idea of who I am if you call me Mr. McGee. You are continuing to make poor judgement in your remarks, and I assure you that I am not mentally unwell.

I don't see why you would find the fact anyone was gay to be "offensive". It's those things that make me cringe when I hear you on here. - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 2:34pm
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"I've been to some Sonic Doom shows"

Thanks for the support. Keep the good energy going! And yes i do know you. Its not hard to figure out! - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 4:24pm Edited: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 4:24pm
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RELEASE ROGER! - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 12:51am Edited: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 1:00am
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Question marks all around, I don't think you've ever met me. - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 2:10pm
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What? - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 2:49pm
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I call a DUEL! - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 3:27pm
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The caption should read:

WELEASE WOGER! - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 4:45pm
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dude u guys have argued about the same thing for a long time. Its like the two of you have such big egos that that u cant let the other one have the last word. Not trying to start anything its just an honest, objectoive observation. - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 5:47pm
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"The caption should read:


WHAT? is the one i am asking to release Roger! or Roderick.

"Question marks all around, I don't think you've ever met me"

Yes i do know you. We have met many times. So, next time, think before you jump on someones thread. I treat alot of musicians well in town. Until you do the same.....Send out your dead! - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 7:22pm
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I thought this forum was a gear buy and sell... - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 10:05pm
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Not a buy and gloat? Me too. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 12:29pm Edited: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 12:30pm
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What? - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 1:19pm
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Hey WHAT?.....

Just because I work to pay taxes so that you can have your welfare cheque, doesn't mean i am gloating. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 1:35pm
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I just got that sweet 6 String off of Neil. No taxes, so it never really helped you out but it still fuckin KILLS! - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 11:10pm Edited: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 11:11pm
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