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Message Board > Seeking Shows > Dizzy's
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Anonymous I need a band for an upcoming show at Dizzy's in Nanaimo. Pop/rock/alternative style. Leave a post here and let me know how to get a hold of you. - Wed, 28 May 2003 6:55pm
User Info...
If Dizzy's is all ages, Almost Jackson would like to play.
Check out our website and get in touch. - Wed, 28 May 2003 7:23pm
Mittens Hey, My band, "The Aviators" would love to play at Dizzy's anytime...I've been to a show there and I had a lot of fun...Contact me if you want us to play, I promise you wouldn't be let down. - Wed, 28 May 2003 7:44pm
Anonymous Does your band have a website or mp3's anywhere? - Wed, 28 May 2003 7:47pm
Mittens Hey...We unfortunately don't have any media out, because our band has only been together for 6 months...But we've all been in bands for a few years previously so we have a lot of experience. Our web page is under construction. So, I guess I can't really help you there which sucks. Sorry - Wed, 28 May 2003 8:44pm
Travis Durand
User Info...
hey we're called "Serotone" a new band from Nanaimo/Victoria
we're a rock band kinda pearl jam meets GnR...we do kinda radio rock type stuff all originals and a few covers maybe - Wed, 28 May 2003 10:56pm
Anonymous Dizzy's is a fuckin joke - Thu, 29 May 2003 1:52pm
Twiceborn when's the show? - Thu, 29 May 2003 2:27pm
J CONCH will be rockin Dizzys on Aug 8 and 9. one licensed and one all ages....BE THERE - Thu, 29 May 2003 2:45pm
Anonymous if you play dizzy's make sure you do all the promoting your self (posters etc.) cause that bar doesn't do shit besides a poster or two in their own window. i'm serious, it's like they are retarded or something they just never promote. - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:45am
Anonymous I second that comment... Dizzy's management has their heads up their asses most of the time so be prepared to spend some cash on promotion or there will be none - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 3:48pm
Dave Krotch We are looking to play in Nanaimo soon. check us out on or email us at [email protected] - Mon, 2 Jun 2003 8:37pm
Sweet Grace We made one of the biggest mistakes in the music industry, and didn't write up a contract with Dizzy's, despite warnings about poor business practises by Black Magic Entertainment. King Bong was booked to open for Nazareth tonight and we were notified by email this afternoon that we would not be playing. Then when we called to ask what was up...Bernie(the manager)passed the buck and gave the phone to the sound man. We have played there twice and thought we had a good relationship with Bernie and the bar, but are very disappointed at the way this was handled. We have a 10 member band...and its takes alot of work, shuffling schedules, & taking time off from paying jobs to make a road trip like this happen...and then to have it called off a few hours before sucks. Look for us at the Queens and the Cambie in Nanaimo soon!!!!!!!!!! - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 6:40pm
rock star That is so lame. I will be sure to steer clear of Dizzy's. The Cambie and Queens are way better venues anyways, with built in crowds. Gotta love a full room, something I have heard never happens at Dizzy's. How can that place still be open? - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 7:14pm
Anonymous My dad's band was at The Queens last weekend and was talking to sound sound guy about Dizzy's. I guess Nazereth gave Bernie there Rider and in it it said they want the sound system upgraded. And of coure they want all this different food and $20,000 for the show. The guy said Bernie isn't doing anything for them. They're going to be pissed off. I was supposed to play there this Friday and I guess I asked for too much money (after he asked what I wanted) because he emailed me and said he neeede to find another band. Haven't heard form him since. I've left messages and emails. What I asked for I'm getting at the Queens so I know he can afford it. Fuck him. He's an idiot. - Tue, 3 Jun 2003 8:33pm
Sweet Grace There are enough venues on this island that us musicians shouldn't have to deal with shit like this! It seems like Dizzy's and Black Magic Entertainment are screwing themselves. Lots of bands are learning the hard way....and its important for musicians to share this info and hopefully save someone else from doing business with these guys. Bernie is suppost to be a bar manager, and Clive claims to be a booking agent! How come neither of them had this worked out until the 3pm the day of the show. Needless to say, King Bong has written up a contract that will be used for every booking in the future and Dizzy's is off our list of places to play. Queens and Cambie, here we come! - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 11:32am
Scooper There was an article in the newspaper last week in regards to BME. and Clyde Hill. Apparently Nickelback sued them ( and won ) a few years ago for illegaly possesing the original Nicklebakc masters. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 1:16pm
Anonymous Haha, I knew those guys were full of shit... just a couple of tools pretending they know what they're doing. Cancelling a band hours before the show? I didn't think even Dizzy's was that stupid but it comes as no surprise. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 2:13pm
User Info...
that is REALLY crappy to hear SweetGrace......... i know how much effort King Bong was putting into this show. well everything happens for a reason so perhaps there will be bigger and better things in the near future for King Bong. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 3:19pm
SweetGrass Thanks RSBF, I think Sweet Grace covered all the details but it really is disappointing not to have played. The stage is a nice size at Dizzy's but no one wants to be treated with disrespect. Head's up ya'll, get it in writing! Look for our next show at Steamers on June 20th. Solstice weekend is coming!!! - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 4:06pm
Anonymous I just want to say RSBF, you seem really cool. Most of your posts are positive like that. It's nice compared to what I usually see (I'm sure you know what I'm talking about). Just wanted to say that. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 6:58pm
B i think bong bumped his post one too many times in 'shameless self promotion.' Bernie caught the scent of something a little desperate. Monkey got no la banane. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 8:45pm
B That said, cancelling at the last minute is not cool. - Wed, 4 Jun 2003 8:47pm
SweetGrass Hey B... um...BITE ME! - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 1:11am
SweetGrass Okay B, it takes a lot to get this "voice of reason" unreasonable but come on!

1; The thread is called SHAMELESS self promotion.

2; Desparate? No. Excited? Hell Ya! Disappointed? you bet.

3: We have played Dizzy's and had great nights in the past for Bernie including a benefit for one of his staff's family who's house had burned to the ground. It sucks we got knocked off the bill at the last minute.

So me! - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 1:18am
King Dong Ha Ha, looks like the monkey fell off the bridge. And you guys did sound desperate. Admit it. - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 1:52am
King Bong
User Info...
How many people do you you think read this board anyway?
Do you think getting "bumped" affected King Bong's,(that's the name of the whole band not the front man)ability to book ANY bar on the west coast?
Do you think as profesional musicians that we have not been bumped before?
Do you honestly think that Bernie thought that we sounded "desperate" or were up to something so we got bumped?
Both you anon dudes are idiots and once again your opinion, your lame obsevations and stupid assumtions are the product of a immature wek minds with too much time on their hands..don't worry little loser..someday you'll get your fifteen , on the news, a child molestation story, or a successful suciside.
In the mean time you continue to be a source of humor and's actually fun to see what lame comment you'll come up with next..and the thing that galls you the most is that my life is so much better than yours..ha ha ha ha ha!
Gottta go, just got asked to submit two Bong songs for a new comp cd, and I'm so busy booking for September and October I barley have time to enjoy my exciting life!
see ya loser!
Bong - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:05am
Anonymous King Bong sounds like a fucking Rock and Roll band. Why are you so desperate to prove otherwise? - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:21am
King Bong
User Info...
Excuse me ..who ever said we were tryin to prove anything?
We have always said we are a rock n roll band so what the hell does that mean anyway?
We got bumped because the promoter did not do his job and because the bar owner let that happen . There was plenty of time for the promoter to work any problems out, he did not and so shit happened, beleive me opening for Naz would have been great but lets face it's not like it was Neil Diamond or something..They end result is that we will not play Dizzy's again, nor will we work for BME either, and we will always have a contract too. I suggest that everyone else learn from our mistake.
Kola - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:27am
METALHEAD!% Hey Bongers! Most of my friends are complete tools at rolling and so they only smoke from pipes, bongs, and buckets (not that this is bad). I often however feel the need to roll a joint for a car ride, walk to the store, etc. The few friends I have that can roll are on the same level as me or they are too inpatient to help teach others to roll. I also have this problem of being a completely self taught roller and henceforth do not have the ability to teach others to roll well. I was wondering if you knew of a group or organization that could teach me to instruct others in the art of rolling doobs and that I may improve in my speed and technique as well. Cheers. - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:44am
Anonymous I already learned long ago my friend... Dizzy's sucks sweating nut sack and Bernie is one fat, weasel-faced piece of dick cheese. - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:46am
King Bong
User Info...
Me, I won a contest sponsored by Zig Zag in Amsterdam in 89. Iam a master roller, but I only teach by example theses days so I guess you'll have to come out to the bong show or go to Ted Smith's Hempology 101.
Kola - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 12:04pm
Anonymous Do your joints look like a snake that's just eaten a hamster? Do they burn up one side and not the other? Not burn at all? Does the weed fall out before you even get a chance to light it? Don't put up with this social embarrassment a moment longer! Join your local Rolling Support group. Just phone 1-250-380-6261 - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 12:41pm
Anonymous Don't phone that number. It's the RCMP Drug section from the blue pages of the phone book. I looked it up. - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 1:26pm
[email protected] That really is too bad, Dizzy's has by far the best live sound in Nanaimo. Ever since their first soundman ( Brent) left, the place has gone to absolute shit. I've shown up to the venue at roughly 7ish for load in, and the new soundguy had the most overbearing scent of booze on his breath ever. I'm not one to judge, but its his fucking job to make a band sound decent, and that is impossible when you're fucking drunk all day long. Bernie is a lazy fuck who wouldn't put up a poster unless there was a corndog at every kiosk he was postering. But get on there good side, and they'll pretend they love you. Ah yes....spineless fucking music business people. There is a special spot for you all in Hell. - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 1:42pm
Michael T 'and the thing that galls you the most is that my life is so much better than yours..ha ha ha ha ha!'

desperate monkey is turning into weird monkey. - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 1:54pm
lookanotherloserpost sounds like his life is better than yours too Michael T! - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 3:52pm
lookanotherloserpost And how is the monkey desperate anyway..please explain that to us?
sounds like you're the desperate one..why so envious of this band? - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 3:53pm
Troutbreath It's because we get to hang with the SweetGrass Girls - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 5:19pm
Siggy F Funny that Michael T picked out that exact line..must have really gotten to him...Bingo! I think you sunk his battleship Kola...ha ha very interesting! - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 6:02pm
Dr Sydney Freedman, phys. All of King Bongs comments about child molestation and watching porn really make me wonder about him... - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 7:10pm
Troutbreath I worry that he's spending too much time with the monkeys. He's always trying to pick things out of my hair. - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 8:51pm
Bong tippety top, monkey, ha ha ha! - Thu, 5 Jun 2003 8:53pm
Gestalt huh? I thought King Bong was the name of the whole band?
Is there an actual King Bong?
That guy who keeps posting under dif anons is on crack!
Give you head a shake dude - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 11:10am
Hey Michael T or Sydney F or whatever ....
Don't you hate the fact that you have no control?
That you're week and scared most of the time?
Have trouble forming lasting friendships?
Feel uncomfortable in social situations?
Consider TV and the Internet to be "friends"?
Never had a sexual encounter where you did not feel inadequate because you could not preform?
Mistake the world of make believe with the real world?
Thought so.... - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 11:13am
Concerned citizen Stop trying to impress Bernie, k.b. This fantasyland of monkeys, laughing at your own jokes and pretending to be famous psychologists has got to stop.

You're scaring your bandmates as well. - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:41pm
???????????? How can the band King Bong scare it's band mates? I thought the whole band was named King Bong?..I'm confused..but not as much as that other guy..."trying to impress Bernie", I've seen this Bernie and the only thing that would impress him is a back wax and some plastic surgery....
You're right Kola this guy is a loser.... - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:52pm I think that loser guy is reffering to the bands front man...whatever his name is.... - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:55pm
poketheloser Sounds like you pissed this little loser right off Kola..better watch out, they may try to write something mean about you! - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:58pm
Anonymous King Bong is an invisible 60 foot tall Gorilla that lives in the hearts and minds of people every where there is a need. He brings peace to the old and infirm and joy to the kids. To anonymous posters he brings the realization that they need to get a life. - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 1:08pm
Anonymous ummm......I'm going outside now to get a life! - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 1:10pm
King Bong
User Info...
Finally! - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 1:46pm
Anonymous lay off the crack there, big guy. - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 5:40pm
Anonymous I think the singer of King Bong needs to go on a diet. That's what happens when you let monkeys smoke too much weed and eat out of garbage cans. - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 5:58pm
Anonymous Too muchcrack makes things appear bigger than they really are. - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 7:17pm
Anonymous THEN YOU SHOULD STOP SMOKING IT THEN, YA CHIMP. - Fri, 6 Jun 2003 7:40pm
Mary Jane How did a post about a cancelled gig break down to name-calling and putting down the appearance of band members. I would suggest Nev create a Fuck You board section for all the kiddies with the 1-inch penises that put down everyone, but I realize now they would just post anywhere - like they do now. Stick to the subject you Jagoff... - Sat, 7 Jun 2003 12:56pm
Anonymous yeah dammit, lets get back to slagging Dizzys! - Sat, 7 Jun 2003 1:24pm
SweetGrass A little re-direction to gey back to the point. Get your show arrangements in writing, and stop your bickering!
Man this is a cranky posting! - Sun, 8 Jun 2003 3:32am
Anonymous Haha, now you're bickering about our bickering... - Sun, 8 Jun 2003 12:34pm
Troutbreath Welcome to my world. Soon to be a television series, "At Home with the Bickersons" - Sun, 8 Jun 2003 1:38pm
SweetGrass I'm not bickering. You are! - Sun, 8 Jun 2003 1:42pm
Troubreath No I'm not - Sun, 8 Jun 2003 1:43pm
SweetGrass Yes you are! - Sun, 8 Jun 2003 1:45pm
King Bong
User Info...
Bickering..wah? sorry I was out on my boat all weekend yawn!
Right , Monday morning...back to work!
No, you're a fucking loser.....Ya crackhead wanna B....
Kola - Mon, 9 Jun 2003 11:53am
METALHEAD!% Hey King Bong, I was just wondering what kind of trophy/prize you recieved for your contest in amsterdam. Did they give you a giant zig zag or something? - Mon, 9 Jun 2003 7:41pm
King Bong
User Info...
No dude, no trophy ..I got this cheezy little certificate with the zig zag logo and the name of the cafe written in...I lost the dam thing in Italy about a month later after drinking this shit called Straga with some locals in Rome.
I kinda remember what it looks like,( the certificate of awsome achievement!)..I think there may even be a pic somewhere..if i can find it I"ll post it..anyway fun times.....
Kola - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 11:21am
METALHEAD!% Straga? Sounds like something that would knock people on their asses. Cool, at least you got a certificate, and it least you lost it in Italy and not at a bar in vic or something. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 12:23pm
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Wow...hey there, King Bong, you're not alone. Our last show at Dizzy's had 4 bands scheduled, they didn't start 'till 10:30 and even though we were pressured for time Dizzy's requested an encore from one of the earlier bands (obviously to increase alcohol sales since a lot of people came to see them.) One of the other bands got shafted for a short set and we didn't get to play 'till 1:30 (and the bar had to close at 2:00) We had approx 20 loyal fans stay the whole time and start a pit for us though, again we raise our chalices to you all.
To top it all off, we could've headlined a show in Victoria that night, so we will never play Dizzy's again, period. On a brighter note, we are playing in Victoria on July 19th at Logan's pub, and wow, this actually might be true after three failed, in all seriousness, we feel we owe it to Victoria after all the confusion, so count us in. - Tue, 10 Jun 2003 9:12pm
King Bong
User Info...
rep is everything in this biz man & Dizzy's rep is toast..good luck at Logans on the 19th ..KB is at Steamers on the come on down
Kola - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 10:57am
Anonymous You think that Adrian is going to miss ML7's cd release? Think again. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 1:29pm
King Bong
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Dude I don't care one way or the's not a competition..just bein friendly like. - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 3:29pm
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nuh-nuh-nuh....we're playing on JULY 19TH, not June...
Another tech-death outfit for June 20th though I see?! Hmmmm.... - Wed, 11 Jun 2003 8:17pm
Anonymous it's a fight... - Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:06am
SweetGrass It's not a fight just a small skirmish! This could break some strings. - Thu, 12 Jun 2003 3:09pm
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my band played at dizzy's this evening. the fucking sound was so goddamn terrible i think that we should have killed that sorry piece of shit soundguy. amazing p.a. but it's useless without someone fucking running it properly. hey sound guy, fuck you and fuck dizzy's fucking fucks. and for fucking cutting us off after only 5 songs you can suck and eat a whole bloody bag full of shit. they are about as usefull as a bag of smashed assholes. peace and love, dave - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 4:28am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
Each of the times we played at Dizzy's, we found the promotion tactics to be ineffective. The turnouts have been lacklustre...I mean the show we played at The Cambie up there was as good a turnout as any Dizzy's show we've played, and they don't even have a big stage or a P.A.
Anyhow, the place had been hyped by countless people we know as having THE best sound on the island. While the amazing P.A. has potential, unfortunately they have crack babies and mentally challenged people running it.
Plus they rarely seem to pay the bands...which isn't a huge deal. But a few bucks for gas would be nice. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 1:31pm
SOS Jesse Bag of smashed assholes... that's fucking hilarious. You know, Brent was such a killer soundguy, he really seemed to care and he was very serious about his work. Ever since he left Dizzy's, its been a ridiculous joke. Luckily, every band out there in the local scene seems to recognize the utter incompetence that Dizzy's is guilty of so I don't think they're going to last. - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 2:42pm
Anonymous Yeah the Dizzy's sound guy USED to rule. Whatever happened to him? - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 3:36pm
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I dont know what happened to him... But I am definitely done doing that bar any favors - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 4:32pm
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Hey. I'm sure my band will be interested in playing so check out for our mp3 and write me back at [email protected] - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 7:51pm
SOS Jesse What? Have you not read everything people have been posting on this thread? I think its pretty obvious that whoever started this subject is no longer 'checking in' because everyone's been doing nothing but slagging them... get it together dude... - Sun, 15 Jun 2003 9:45pm
Anonymous Oh My God, David? Have you no pride, or did you just not bother to look at the rest of the thread. I'll be sure too miss any Element7 show now, just because. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 7:12pm
Anonymous That was a bad move, David. Please apologize before King Bong gets the munchies and decides you would make a fine spit roast. - Mon, 16 Jun 2003 9:40pm
Bong No , No, hey David everybody gotta learn for themselves..just watch your ass dude cause It's gonna get boned...
Kola - Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:42am
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