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giant punk show! bands wanted
Message Board > Seeking Shows > giant punk show! bands wanted
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im tyler i play in wayne powerman
in late august or early spetember were are going to be putting on a big as show(maybe a punk rock fest) and we are looking for hella bands to play..all types are welcome(skate,hardcore,thrash,etc)..make posts or email me at [email protected]

remeber..we want sweet bands..not bands that suck ass...ROCK ON...skate boarders welcome for sick skate pits(byos.bring your own skate)...maybe will even have a sick bbq..fuck yeah - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:03am
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just to let you know the Victoria anarchist book fair will be in early december, the vancouver island hardcore fest (brian VIHC) will be august 25, and the distort fest is august 24 and 25.
The bookfair will have at least one punk show, maybe more attatched to it. It is not got a confirmed date as of yet, but I am thinking one of the first weekends in september.
also there is a folk and acrustic punk show in september on the 9th. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:31am
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soo want to help us set up this sick show and get gnarly bands to play?.oh and do you recomend any venue to use noise not bombs..something somewhat big but not huge..thanks alot..and wheres this distort fest? is it in vic?....oh yeah bands please leave messages we still want bands - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:38am
rip skinny
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im in a celtic industrial disney core band and we play songs inspired by rape, we're called red alert. we would be reely good for yer show. im also into experimenting with guys too...ya know...if yer into that...maybe we could work sumthing out...maybe you could number is 598-9196...if any young boys out there wanna hook up...i like unicorns and pictures and poetry of long walks on the beach... - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 6:51pm
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lol mbl is down - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:23pm
Dave Slaughter
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hey delinquent solution will play, gimme an email. - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 7:19pm
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Manifest Dynasty!

We used to be Trickster. Yep. - Sat, 15 Jul 2006 3:33pm
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hey yo

GFY would love to play this extravaganza, and we do not suck ass or balls! You can get a hold of us at or you could always leave another message on this post
Peace GFY - Sun, 16 Jul 2006 8:35pm
Harold of the Rocks
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suspeneded animation is deffinetly down, we emailed you - Sun, 16 Jul 2006 11:41pm
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you should get Blink 182 - i mean GFY to play - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 2:39pm Edited: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 2:39pm
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Stiltskins will play! New site check it out! or - Thu, 20 Jul 2006 5:02pm Edited: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 5:03pm
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Hey tyler its cordell...
rotten fiends are down, as you know.
I was talking to mark about this soem months ago, wicked idea.
hope we (RF) can join in for some good ol' fashion fun! - Sat, 19 Aug 2006 12:15pm
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Ok, first the book fair I mentioned is september 8-10, an has folk, punk, metal hip hop, spoken word and all so you may wanna avoid those dates...
As for distort, it is in Vancouver I think it is actually 24 and 25 of aug, not sure... 30 bands total, don't bother with those dates, all the punks and metal heads in vic, will be in van...

As for setting this show up, I can offer help, or advice, if I set it up you may not like some of my decisions, but I can help...

As For Venues, how many bands do you want, locals only, or out of town, and week day or week end, how many people do plan on turning out?

If you want under 100 people, then sunset room is ideal... Real cheap venue in a good area, great accoustics, and the woman that runs it is really cool, she is actually the mother of one of the guys from Laying Waste.
Rents for $30 an hour, and you only pay for show time, not set up or tear down... Damage Deposite is $100

The Victoria Event Center is probably the best big venue in town, but dose not come cheap... Starts at $275 a night for a tuesday, and a saturday rents for $900 a night. Danage is $200 i think, and you have to pay for a securrity guard ($10 an hour)... On the other hand, it comes with a PA system, and mics, has great accoustics, a small stage, 3 bathrooms, a coat check, tons of room, and is right down town... You can also have them run a bar for you (all ages and licensed) but it costs you an extra $100. It has a fire capacity of 250. Although, if you are doing a benefit show with all profits being donated, then it becomes way cheaper.

Big Fernwood is ok, terrible accoustics though... But I been told that if you set up sound barriers propperly it can sound ok... Place holds 200 people, is in a good location, and a resonable price, $200 plus same DD. The sound barriers come with it. Also shows in Fern have to be done by 11pm.

Little fern is small, fire capacity of 60 people. Not a bad price though, but they won't let you have more than 5 bands for sure, Shows also have to be done by 11, the accoustics are great, but I have heard the neibors can be a problem... Although little fern shows are concidered ledgendary.

Ukrainian Culural Center is anouther option, $400 for the entire day there, or $50 an hour, I think damage is $100, and the fire capacity is arround 275 people. No problems with sound or neibors, good accoustics (from what I been told) but it is not down town or near fernwood... It is on douglas, but a buss ride from down town. A major buss rout goes right thre though.

Philiopeno Center is small, but amazing location, right down town, and not too expensive. I think the fire capacity was 60 people (means you can sell 90) and rents for $150 a night.

There is also a possibillty that you could rent the Jerk House... All Ages licensed venue, great location, but you will have to wait about an hour or so just to talk to the owner (becky) about renting it, and the neibor Giro, that owns the strip bar might fuck you over there like he did to me... He got the cops to call the jerk house and make beck shut it down at midnight (it was 11:40 when they called and mito and meat still had not even set up to play yet). As well like the sterotype, becky is never on time, and if your show is sopose to start setting up at 7pm, you may find that there is still people eating in there... The venue has NO DAMAGE DEPOSITE though and is fairly cheap, expect $100-150 for the night... p.s.-don't even bother to try and use their PA... Also if you decide to go this rout, please do not tell him I am connected, cause they are freinds, and if any thing goes wrong with your shows, I don't want it tom make it so I can not rent the space, or so food not bombs can no longer borrow their kitchen...

Thre is also the james bay center, the white egal hall, and I have seen a show flier for the Boys and Girls club too...

As for a pa system, if you ask hardcore brian, as long as the show is all ages, he may be willing to lend his pa. BUT that is providing he is not working, and that he is not filming either, plus you need a guy to run it. His PA is not the best, but it is good enough for vox at a punk show.

If you have to rent a pa, long and mcquade rents for about $35 for a cheapy, but they will tell you $65-90 over the phone. As well Nev (livevic) has a pa, and rents for some thing like $150 I think, but comes with a sound guy, lights and cables... I recomend long and mcquade for your budget...
Also don't forget about mics, stands, cords, patch cords, power bars, extention cords, duct tape, a drum carpet, and so on... I think you will need 3 mics with stands... Also don't forget a hand stamp, ink, a cash box, and a float, cause every one will show up with $20 bills, so you need change.

Your best to get 2 people at a time to run door, that way they keep an eye on each other (I have seen door guys steal before in edmonton) and they have company... As well you need 4 total door people if you can, cauyse people get real sick of sitting for too long.

I also recomend getting as many vollunteers as possible to work securrity... Make sure they just look normal (bouncers incite violence) and that if a fight stars or some thing they will talk the guys down, not punch them down...

Also bring a getto blaster and cds, for between the bands, keeps people into it so they don't leave...

If you ask real nice, Wolf may be willing to bring his punk distro to set up, he has amazing shit, and it is cheap, people always like merch. Trust me it adds a fuck lot. He will not bring it though if any of the bands have racist or sexist or homophobic lyrics... Or ;probably not if you have HOA, AK47, or any Jacks bands play.

Give 15-20 between bands, plus don't expect your show to start on time... If you tell your bands to be there an hour and a half before the show starts, you may be ready on time (same with PA and all) as well the time on the poster should be 15-30 minutes before you actually plan to start... Some thing will goe wrong, be prepared for it. to get you crowd earlier, offer a buck or two off to the first 15-25 people, or say your show starts at 7pm, offer a buck or two off to any on there by 7:15...

Remember too it is nice to be able to check all the equipment and get a sound check for the first bands before any one is actually there...

I recomend that you put No Booze on the posters, you will have a smaller turn out, but less problems... If not, then expect to have drinking at your show, and hacve extra vollunteers to keep people from drinking where the cops can see them... Also if you are going to allow alcohol outside your show, put no bottles on the poster, cans don't shatter when they hit the ground.

I strongly recomend putting these words on the poster


Also poster like fuck, the earlier the better, at least 2 weeks is needed... Posters on live vic cost $25 I think, if you are gonna pay for posters, do that, don't give metropol more money, they are wastefull and make it hard for independant poster guys... Although many of their workers are super cool. Also when postering downtown, hit every single buisness... And only put posters on polls directly over the middle of a poster, they will be less likely to cover them if you do that... Also do not cover independat postering, cause those guys usually will not cover your posters... and do not cover other punk and metal shows either... Please do cover any montys stripper posters... Or other sexist crap. Also I recomend you steal as much of your printing as you can.

If you want my help with any thing else feel free to ask... But I will only help you if the show is all ages, and none of the bands are racist, sexist or homophobic... I don't have to like them, but I will not work with certain types of bands. - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 5:07am
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yo brother thanks..its not the same show idea but we have a show for the 18th of september at the victoria events center..its my band(Wayne powerman) and MInd between the lines(if your who i think you are,the noise not bombs guys,i think they played a show for you) and yeah..if you know any sweet ass bands that are up for playing and can you give them my email or the email of anyone in Mind between the lines..thanks for the info..

EVERYONE THIS SHOW IS TAKING PLACE ON THE 18TH OF SEPTEMBER(MONDAY) WE ONLY HOAVE 3 BANDS WE NEED 5 OR 6 MORE..ANY MUSIC WELCOME...well actually..not like..generic shitty thats about it.. - Sun, 20 Aug 2006 2:59pm
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this is coppied and pasted off anouther thread, but it is some thing I wrote for them.
you should ask DIY, they have a good draw and when their sober they are pretty good, also Blood Nasty will usually play shows... Why not also ask Onedrop? If you are up for hardcore too No Holding Back is a great local band, And Tough As Nails is one of the tightest bands I have ever seen...
Jessy from the effigy is arround the island too, if you want a folk punk guy, and Acting Ensign are really great to work with, You should definately concider them as an option. Ratapult also has not played in a long time, they may be willing?? Citadel might also be out of hiatus with new material, And Mitochondrion is the best straight up metal band in town...
As well the McGillicuddys are excellent to work with, a lot of fun, have a huge draw, and love doing all ages shows.
And if you flutter your eyelids at them, there may be a small (I enphasize the word small) chance of convincing the Switchblade valentines.

Oh yeah and the Batnix are looking for a show in late september I think, their great, plus maybe you could even get grey to work the sound for you, he is an excellent sound guy.

If you need any more help, ask and I will see what I am able to offer at that time...
Make sure to promote it good though, or you may still loose money.

If you want bands from vancouver I could possibly give some suggestions there too... My first suggestion for van, would be Life Against Death, they are amazing... As well there is Mass grave, of course, and Limb From Limb, Meat Of Mankind, and Margret Thrasher, are all good... Rebel spell can not play right now, and Leper will already be doing the bookfair (sep 10) and Halloween hell. Maybe The Buisness associates? There is also the Likely lads, their lyrics are not the best, but they are a funny band... Good guys, I just don't like their lyrics.
The Hippiecritz from Kolona would be great too if they can play...
There is also the Joey Only Outlaw Band as well, it is a full band.
Why not also get a Noise Band to play, greifer is looking for an all ages show, that would be interesting, they are power electronics.
If you can cover the cost of bringing Tisdale from saskatoon, Mechanical Separation might play...
Also seatle has some great bands like Inhaste, or Skarp, or Meisce (a celtic punk band with members of inhaste, meisce means drunk in gaylic)

Most these bands have myspace accounts too, and many aere listed under the band section on live victoria, so you can get their e mails that way, or the vancouver version.

Portland bands and other BC bands may be possible too, and check the vancouver music site, there may be a show arround thatn time with some bands on tour frokm montreal or the usa.
if you are bringing out of town bands, expect to pay them at least $90-$150 depending on the size of their vehical.

So those are my suggestions for you.

and yeah xXxComradexXx is Noise Not Bombs, and MBL did recently play a show for us, and for Dead City Rockers (wolf from iskra).

If you have a political show too, Max Sloan may be able to read poetry, he is really fucking good. - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 2:15am
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oh and I forgot Blood Nasty too - Mon, 21 Aug 2006 2:16am
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Mom syas theres not enough money for college! - Sat, 26 Aug 2006 11:17pm
Matt Broitman
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Hey tyler it's me matt, I'm more than willing to do a bit of stand-up for this. E-mail me backi if you're interested. - Sun, 27 Aug 2006 12:13am
The Grand Poo-Bah
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I may be retarded but this thread is regarding the same show in the punk/metal concert thread on the 18th? Just checking to make sure we're still playing, this is from Suspended Animation by the way. - Sun, 27 Aug 2006 2:50am
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Sup tyty. If your down Catastrophica can play. and I THINK the deadbeats MAY be able to SQUEEZE you in to their BUSY schedule. maybe..
maybe... - Thu, 7 Sep 2006 7:54pm
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yet to see the deadbeatZ - Wed, 13 Sep 2006 4:35pm
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I'm looking for description about XRUMER software.
Can you help me? Or give me a link to the official site of this autosubmitter. - Fri, 24 Nov 2006 3:29pm
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