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Message Board > Seeking Shows > PUNK SHOWS. |
beautifuked User Info... | why the hell is it so hard to find a good punk show? lately all the stupid shows are hardcore, fuck hardcore music there needs to be more punk shows. - Wed, 25 Aug 2004 11:54pm | ||
Brian VIHC User Info... | The Ripcordz just played two weeks ago and last weekend there was a show that got busted and moved to the Burnside Basement. Maybe you haven't been paying enough attention. This might help too: - Thu, 26 Aug 2004 7:49pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | ashlee, punk is only good when it's called "grindcore" - Fri, 27 Aug 2004 12:47pm | ||
x Buddy x User Info... | The reason there has been so many hardcore shows is because people like Brian realized if that if he wants there to be hardcore shows that he should do something about it . If you want there to be more punk shows than do something about it ! - Fri, 27 Aug 2004 10:14pm | ||
beautifuked User Info... | yeah me and my friend are going to organize a show. fuck hardcore. - Fri, 27 Aug 2004 11:04pm | ||
brad User Info... | its funny, a while back i went to a hardcore show in james bay and saw some wicked bands, the next night there was a punk show at the little fernwood, i gotta say the punk bands didn't even come close to ones id seen the previous night. i know its personal preference blah blah...but at least hardcore tends to span more than the same three flippin chords...and the playing ability of the the average hardcore band is usually alot greater as well...punks dead...get over it. - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 11:05am | ||
jordan User Info... | Punk's not dead... - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 4:02pm | ||
Brian VIHC User Info... | beautifuked, I'm curious as to what your definition of "punk" is. Do you mean only late 70's style bands? Because just about any band post 81 is a hardcore punk band, the good ones anyways. Black Flag, Bad Brains, DOA...they're all technically hardcore. Hardcore IS punk, it's more about the music and the DIY ethic than it is about fashion. Just because people don't wear foot high mohawks or shoot smack at the Chelsea Hotel doesn't make them any less "punk". - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 6:00pm | ||
beautifuked User Info... | what the fuck i never said anything about the style of punk so don't stop shooting things at me you retard. my defination of punk is the attitude you idiot, it's been along time since i've meet a REAL punk not the fucking fags with a wardrobe with no attitude what so ever. that IS how punk started? don't get me wrong but hardcore music is really boring, all it is is screaming and people wearing all black and stupid pushy straight-edge kids dissing you if your smoking a cigarette, you know that obsece is killing as many people as cancer kills people who smoke. it's not like i go around telling people to stop being fat so people should just shut the fuck up. FUCK HARDCORE MUSIC. - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 9:00pm | ||
beautifuked User Info... | punk isn't dead, it's just rare to find good punk music. plus they do play more than 3 cords, atleast they have a vocal range not just stupid screaming music and more than one color of fashion. - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 9:03pm | ||
Livevic Scott User Info... | someones got a bee in their bonnet, I do believe Joey is doing OiTober again on the 15th of October, up the punx indeed! - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 11:15pm | ||
beautifuked User Info... | well atleast there are some good shows coming up actually. - Sat, 28 Aug 2004 11:32pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | one thing i think is really lame about people who don't listen to any extreme music is the whole description of the bands just "screaming". honestly, over 80% of singers in music sound the same and/or suck at it. i'd rather hear someone scream/growl/screech with all their being than hear them try to be vocal gods. also you have to take a look at the music being played, the vocals fit what's going on within the song. if you heard a band like let's say hatebreed (i dont like them but whatev), if you had Jamey Jasta crooning, the music would lose it's (apparent) intensity. the vocals are screaming because they are just there for effect. most people base their opinons on music based upon how the vocals/lyrics go. so in other words, music highlights the vocals. most extreme music does vice versa, the vocals highlight the music. - Sun, 29 Aug 2004 3:15am | ||
Demen Ted User Info... | bondage pants and painted leather over jeans and a black t-shirt anyday. Wait... - Sun, 29 Aug 2004 10:32am | ||
beautifuked User Info... | blah blah blah. - Sun, 29 Aug 2004 3:40pm | ||
Demen Ted User Info... | Well, if you ever need a punk band to play some tunes, I gots one. We need to put an end to all this silly straight edge stuff :P - Sun, 29 Aug 2004 5:49pm | ||
beautifuked User Info... | YES, FUCK STRAIGHT EDGE KIDS!! I LIKE MY SEX AND CIGARETTES! - Sun, 29 Aug 2004 10:16pm | ||
Brian VIHC User Info... | Silly kids, trying to create scene rivalries where there are none. - Sun, 29 Aug 2004 11:22pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | . - Mon, 30 Aug 2004 12:01am | ||
Livevic Scott User Info... | < whine > there's no good shows happening, this town sucks.... oh wait there are good shows I'm just too busy bitching about how much more punk rock I am then all you loosers to show up to the show... You should bring *insert random band not many people know but costs alot of money here* but you should only charge $5 becuase anymore isn't punk rock < /whine > ok i'm done my rant =) Hey Brian ... maybe if we make up some fake scene rivalries we can all get better turnouts with everyone thinking they have to compeat for their favourite sub genre of punk rock. You Joey and I could make off like bandets ...... BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - Mon, 30 Aug 2004 8:28am | ||
brad User Info... | you know...the last hardcore show i went to in James Bay last thurs...The Answer...a self proclaimed straight edge band from seattle played. i think after their first song..the singer busts out..."we are a straight edge band, this is our way of life" (or something along these lines)...then goes on to say "but we are not trying to preach to you how you should live, make your own decisions for yourself." ...well of course not these exact words...but you get my drift..i thought it was totally cool for him to state that. so while i personally don't follow a straight edge lifestyle, i respect those who do, and the people i've met that are straight edge do the same. Hatred is ignorance and any form. - Wed, 8 Sep 2004 10:38pm | ||
x Buddy x User Info... | I must say Ashlee I RARELY EVER see you at any show , punk or not ! I am fucking sick of thats shit about straightedge kids bitching at kids for smoking cause it's fucking bullshit !! That seriously never happens , I haven't been ONE SINGLE SHOW where I have , or heard one of my straightedge friends say a single thing to anyone smoking. Yes some straightedge kids are assholes and try to preach their views to everyone else , thats not all of us. Some punks are fucking Nazi pieces of shit would you like it if atoumatically associated them with you ?? The fact of the matter is Straightedge kids take more shit from non-straightedge kids. And lastly , I don't stand why you have so much aingst towards hardcore , you don't habe to come to hardcore show and you don't have to listen to hardcore. It's not the hardcore scenes fault that there isn't enough punk shows. - Thu, 9 Sep 2004 1:59am | ||
Fableway User Info... | hey, brian's right. hardcore is just a word. like punk means "prison bitch", in england. wether or not any scene is dead is a moot point if the music is still being played and enjoyed. thats all that really matters, doesn't it? truly, in this town there are defined scenes, but i'd hardly say there's any conflict beyond opinions of what the best kind of music is. Fuck, i love hardcore, as well as punk. Fuck even throw in some hardcore punk in the mix that'd be nice too.... my point is no matter what label anyone gives any band, (hard grindcore, soft industrometal, tech-punk, progpunk, hardcore), the fact remains, that that band is actually doing something, and your pissant bitchass is just sitting there whining about how you dont like it. get over it. this is gonna be a sweet punk show by the way, - Fri, 10 Sep 2004 3:05am | ||
beautifuked User Info... | oh man i missed so many posts. i havnt been to any shows lately because they have all sucked and dood, why were you shopping in the girl section? - Sat, 11 Sep 2004 4:13am | ||
beautifuked User Info... | shut the fuck up man, im not bitching about how punk i am. i never fucking said i was punk, jesus. - Sat, 11 Sep 2004 4:15am | ||
x Buddy x User Info... | I was shopping the girls section cause I felt like shopping in the girls section and I will continue to shop in the girls section. And if you have such a problum with me then why did you give me that fake ass smile and hello ?? - Sat, 11 Sep 2004 5:47pm | ||
misfit User Info... | Punk isn't dead, It just really sucks now. - Sun, 12 Sep 2004 6:08pm | ||
GreenDaze25 User Info... | lol..i play sports..but i play guitar and sing in a rock/punk band ...but then,...some1 comes up to me and says that all the punk i listen to is pop.....and ther all sellouts! guess i listen to pop.. and im a stupid jock to add ;) lol. i dont wear spikes either..fuck..whats wrong WITH ME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i missed that trend..i guess im too young greenday to nirvana to sex pistols..its all fuckign music lol. I bet when the band im in goes out to play, were gunna get laughed at for not putting stickers all over our instruments and wearing jeans with plain t fuck im gunna go buy some nikes and wear them..;) lol. wait..i have some.... - Sun, 12 Sep 2004 6:47pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | are you really 14 or do you just type that way? - Mon, 13 Sep 2004 12:26am | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | hardcore at least has heart and soul . . . punk has lame teenage attitudes and virtually no musical talent. I'm not really a fan of either music styles but at least the hardcore people I have encountered are much nicer and welcoming. and beautifuked, didn't you just say it wasn't about fashion . . so why are you ragging on someone for the clothes they wear. - Mon, 13 Sep 2004 12:14pm | ||
Fableway User Info... | classifications.....labels......generalisations.......stereotypes...... are you talking only about local bands? cuz there are a lot of shitty punk bands around here and lots of good hardcore bands. but that's just the trend right now, in six years it might not be that way at all. - Mon, 13 Sep 2004 4:09pm | ||
beautifuked User Info... | dood im not ragging on anyone on what they wear?! i dont know what john is going off about i just said "hay man i saw you, in the girls section in bluenotes" and he just went off, its not like i have a problem with it? i know alot of guys who wear girls pants, they fit better so what the fuck..seriously john calm the FUCK DOWN. - Tue, 14 Sep 2004 2:41am | ||
Brand X Media User Info... | Punks? hmmm, well I don't really dig the standard uniform - mohawk, spikes, etc. Anybody who spends more time on their hair than my grandma has to get their prioritys straignt. - Tue, 14 Sep 2004 9:59am | ||
Fableway User Info... | "i know a lot of guys who wear girl pants" where do you meet these guys, in public washrooms? - Tue, 14 Sep 2004 12:46pm | ||
Im Hardcore ;) User Info... | are so punk.....omg.......where can I buy some of your awesome clothes???? I hear hot topic is a good place to start.....and you smoke!!! you are automatically tough if you smoke!!! omg.....i need to start smoking now.....where do you buy your smokes from? the gas station? nice....that sounds punk too.....yup....beautifuked is a real punk ;) - Tue, 14 Sep 2004 3:19pm | ||
Kris North User Info... | Dood I'm the biggest punk get this. I smoke cigarettes in one hand talk on my celly in the other and ride my bike all at the same time...with no helmet on...while singing (insert an underground punk song noones ever heard of here) - Tue, 14 Sep 2004 5:44pm | ||
x Buddy x User Info... | I was never mad , I was wondering what your point was , you must think that it is a big deal if you keep bringing it up. And when the other guy said you were making fun of people's clothes he was refering to the part in your perivous post about where you said "all it is is screaming and people wearing all black". Seriously I don't think you have a clue about punk , go take a look at what you have under music on your myspace profile , wow you have heard of the dead kennedy's your so "underground". I say this cause other than them and the cramps your music selection is shit !! - Tue, 14 Sep 2004 7:58pm | ||
beautifuked User Info... | whatever man. who cares if i smoke? this is all so gay. ALL THIS WAS FOR WAS FOR MORE PUNK SHOWS. and john by the way you listen to shitty music, you only have 2 good bands. plus i listen to way more music than i listed on my myspace. ohh sorry i dont put all the music i like on in its jut the bands i listen to most. plus i could careless of what a fucking fag that i dont even like thinks of my music taste. this is my last post so fuck off you wankers. - Wed, 15 Sep 2004 2:53am | ||
Im Hardcore ;) User Info... | -yes.......we won......punk loses as usual.........I guess punk kids are used to losing now so it's alright....good charlotte brings the mosh ;) - Wed, 15 Sep 2004 3:04am | ||
Demen Ted User Info... | Punk and hardcore both suck. Everyone knows rap's the only way to go. Aright stop, collaborate and listen, Ice is back with a brand new invention, something, grabs ahold of me tightly, flowin like a harpoon daily or nightly... Wurd to ya mutha... Shit, this mofo's fuckin soaped, the fucks my pizzle, yo, Is need be bustin some chrizzle... Wow, I really do talk like that in real life... :( - Wed, 15 Sep 2004 8:00am | ||
Fableway User Info... | punk will never win at anything, that's why its punk, no one wants it to be viewed as better than anything else, its just there, being enjoyed, get over it. our scenes come from the same place, dc. bands like minor threat. it was a geographical thing that changed the tunes, east and west. west coast being more laidback because cali is packed with colleges, and east coast all polit, because they're closer to the capitol. So now the music sounds totally different than it used to, and some people see it fit to try and create static betwixt the two types of music, when we should be banding together to stand united against what we all feel is wrong. punk or hardcore, it doesnt matter, we all feel the urge to rise up and fight what has been thrust upon us, and we're wasting time talking about what type of music is the best. we used to all believe in this..... - Wed, 15 Sep 2004 1:02pm | ||
beautifuked User Info... | no way man im not giving up on what i believe in. i still believe that punk is better than hardcore. its just stupid to have to type it on some stupid website to some people i dont know or care about. so fuck hardcore. - Wed, 15 Sep 2004 1:55pm | ||
darcy User Info... | i always thought hardcore was a type of punk. there are plenty of styles. and hardcore is just one. so i think if you want to have something that you like. go ahead and do it. i think i good 'ol fashion punk show would be an awesome idea. - Wed, 15 Sep 2004 2:39pm | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | wow, I guess it's punk to make fun of people's sexual orientations too. Oi Oi Homophobia Oi. - Wed, 15 Sep 2004 6:18pm | ||
x Buddy x User Info... | Your so stupid , fine you don't like hardcore no ones cares , you can like it whatever you want . What I don't understand is why you somehow think that hardcore is some kind of anti-punk trying ruin the things you like. You are intilttled to like or dislike whatever you want , but why do you have so passionately hate hardcore just because it's different than what you do like ?? It doesn't make anysense. Seriously , if you don't like a certain type of music just don't listen to it , why do you have make such a bug deal about . Your acting like there's some secret hardcore agenda to wipe out all other forms of music . Get a fucking life and use that effort you spend on bitching to do something productive.As much as you think it is or just want it to be Punk and hardcore and against each other because essentially they are the same thing just in a slightly different form. - Wed, 15 Sep 2004 8:23pm | ||
Demen Ted User Info... | Hehehe. Someone REALLY needs to smoke a joint. Except the straight-edge kids... They need to... Aw shit, how do you guys deal with stress??? Meditate? Unscrew lightbulbs? Thats what I used to do. My mom thought I was fucking mental. But unscrewing lightbulbs is sucha great stress reliever! unless you sqeeze them and they explode in your hand... ouch, not fun, I'll tell you that. - Sun, 19 Sep 2004 6:43pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | Wow, why didn't I stumble apon this earlier. Beautifucked, you sure talk a lot, but you offer no insightful points, you just ramble, then dodge around questions that are posed to you. I think LiveScott had a great idea, why don't you organize a show yourself? Or better yet, play lots of video games to pass the time!!! - Mon, 20 Sep 2004 7:06pm | ||
Kris North User Info... | well i kinda like indy - Tue, 21 Sep 2004 6:40pm | ||
Demen Ted User Info... | Yeah, well I don't. Your opinion is BAD... Set up a show. Set up a show. - Tue, 21 Sep 2004 10:01pm | ||
beautifuked User Info... | yah man..indie is pretty good. i wasn't trying to get into a whole big debate about it? but all i said was there needs to be more shows other than hardcore because lately, well there hasn't. plus my opinions change every 20 seconds. - Wed, 22 Sep 2004 10:59pm | ||
Kris North User Info... | I can relate with that. I like hardcore to an extent I dont want to see it burn in the fiery pits of hell but there is alot of hardcore shows and one does eventually grow a little tired of them. I myself no longer see a point in creating a "new" hardcore band for reasons other than fun. BUT fun is an awfully good reason to make a band. - Thu, 23 Sep 2004 8:02am | ||
x Buddy x User Info... | Hey Kris , how do you manage to get tired of something you ever been to before ? - Fri, 24 Sep 2004 2:34am | ||
Demen Ted User Info... | Kris is a slurpee stealing bastard. And all the hardcore shows week after week it seems could make it boring after a while. Havent been to a xHCx show in a while... sucks not living downtown anymore. I love talking. And being disruptive. - Fri, 24 Sep 2004 8:10am | ||
Kris North User Info... | dude i want you to know man. next time you want a slurpy its on me. - Fri, 24 Sep 2004 5:59pm | ||
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