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What are the rules for flyer posting in Vic?
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > What are the rules for flyer posting in Vic?
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Matt "Bass" Williams
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So.. I checked with the city by-law office today to get the scoop on what is and what isn't allowed when it comes to posting up your own fliers for a show or what have you.
The answer I got was not surprising and that was, only the metal cylinders around the poles down town are allowed to be used for that purpose. Apparently as I have found out after posting up over 300 fliers for the up coming Funk Vigilante / Ninja Spy show at the Cambie, by hand, that not even a few days later most of them have been removed. So how is any one to advertise their show? Well.. Metro pol obviously has their grip on that one, although you CAN still post your own on those poles but it's utterly pointless unless you go through Metropol themselves, because they will just get covered up in a day or two anyhow. So a warning to any one who is thinking about spending money on printing. These are some of the challenges you might face. What I don;t like about this is that the option to remain independent at least in that regard isn't reeeaally available. Great for Metropol, not so much for us broke asses! :P Any thoughts on this? Advice from any one? - Thu, 28 May 2009 4:32pm
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Get used to metropol. It pays for itself. - Thu, 28 May 2009 5:06pm
Mike S.
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Yep I agree.. even before they were around, the other bands and bar employees would just cover your poster up within 20 minutes anyhow. if you can get just 15 extra people out to a show it should cover costs anyhow, and you would hope posters will get more than 15 people interested.

Otherwise there's some decent bulletin boards in town, theres one in Fernwood in the square, Quadra/Mckenzie centre by the Thrifty's, another up by Christies Carriage Pub, UVIC in the main building (above CFUV ) also you can usually get away with some posters around UVIC on the poles and in Saanich ( although I think some old man will tear them down in some areas of Saanich )

Langford.. - Thu, 28 May 2009 5:35pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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"( although I think some old man will tear them down in some areas of Saanich )"

In the late nineties there was some old dude up and down Quadra, Bay, Hillside, etc., tearing down posters. One time I looked down from my window and saw him confronted by the proprietor of the nearby Carribean cafe, the latter yelling out, at one point, "GET - A - FUCK-ING - LIFE".

Amen. - Thu, 28 May 2009 6:08pm
Mr. Hell
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Saanich has no by-law against postering telephone poles.
It is BC Hydro who have the issue. Give them a call. - Thu, 28 May 2009 9:12pm
TheBlack Pixie
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Hydro takes issue with posting on their poles for some sort of "saftey" issue- I never fully explored the issue. Metropol is a great place- it pays for itself. They save you time- by creating the poster design, putting up the posters and printing. As well as money for printing and it's just one less stress. They also do awesome hand bills. I still do my own photo copying for advertising in places outside of the downtown core and Uvic. The issue with polls just seems to lie with the downtown core. - Thu, 28 May 2009 9:57pm
Mike S.
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"Hydro takes issue with posting on their poles for some sort of "saftey" issue"

Staples and Nails.. fucks with their cork boots and legs, etc - Thu, 28 May 2009 10:09pm
Mr. Hell
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Cork legs?
Perhaps clear packing tape does not piss them off. Give them a call and ask if there is a method that will work for them. I bet no one has ever bothered trying that approach. You could be a trailblazer. - Fri, 29 May 2009 6:41am
Aidan Logins
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Why is this in C&Q? I thought I was going to read some crazy rant about Metropol being evil and having a monopoly, controlling the whole scene, and some weirdos yelling at everyone for taking their poles... this is just information. Bastards. - Fri, 29 May 2009 11:22am
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I think he posted it in here on his own.

Metropol is an affordable resource and completely fair. the poles are fair game and Metropol created a way to effectively use them. if they weren't fair then they wouldn't have customers. they're awesome dudes. I'm worried that I'm going to be using them less since fewer kids are showing up to all ages shows of the genres I like these days. so I can't really afford much print advertising at all anymore. even when I use a lot, it's a little less effective.

you always have the option of putting posters into stores and bulletin boards. if your style of music appealed to high school kids, you could put them around schools, but I guess you missed that boat by twelve years or so. there are a lot of stores in victoria that accept posters. otherwise, your best bet is to use internet and media outlets (local magazines and college radio) to advertise your shows. - Fri, 29 May 2009 11:38am Edited: Fri, 29 May 2009 11:40am
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So why should the small guy have to pay out to a company to promote their shows when the 'small guy' is fully capable of putting up posters and creating them on their own?
They may be 'good guys' but that doesn't fly in my opinion. There's lots of "good guys/people" out there; but it doesn't mean that their business is "good people". What I see is people, independant promoters etc..., are being drowned by the postering force known as MetroPol. Where's the good in forcing independant bands into spending even more money on promo's for a show that would barely bring in more people than the bands playing that night?
It just seems funny that nobody has ever said anything, in fear of being an asshole?
I've never used metropol for any graphic art, postering, etc... and have had no problems.
Its like comparing a big box store to a little small business in terms of marketing. - Fri, 29 May 2009 2:03pm
TheBlack Pixie
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I have had PLENTY of difficulties, being an independent promoter, advertising downtown. I did basically give into Metropol because my signs were being torn down or covered up by metropol made advertisements in the downtown core. And as far as putting up posters, when I say I want to see my sign all over town- I actually mean it. I found with metropol, they neglected a lot of "hot spots" for signs at major intersection poles. I basically just use them as a designer for the sign and then do my own photocopying and do my own posting as well (as long as it has the metropol logo, it mysteriously doesn't get torn down).

Yeah...the days of all ages shows and independent promoters are getting tough, but you find ways around it. - Fri, 29 May 2009 3:23pm
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the city provides poles. Metropol happens to use them more than other people. there's nothing wrong with them covering up posters. using Metropol for pole postering just makes sense - they're actively using the poles and putting up new posters. if someone wanted to use the same poles on their own, they'd have to make two trips a day after Metropol. the poles are free for anyone to use and Metropol isn't ripping posters down, just putting new ones up. I don't see how anyone could have beef with that. how could you be mad about them being more energetic and active at advertising than you? - Fri, 29 May 2009 4:18pm Edited: Fri, 29 May 2009 4:23pm
TheBlack Pixie
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What I take issue to his Metropol putting a poster over top of mine, when the show hasen't taken place. I don't care if it is posted over an old advertisement. But Metropol isn't the only one doing that, tons of people do it. I choose to go with Metropol because it just makes it easier- there is only so much room on a pole, plus they are quite resonable.

In no way did I mean to attack Metropol. - Fri, 29 May 2009 4:26pm
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they only cover up the poles. "independent advertisers" still have the option of postering stores themselves, the internet, and all the local media resources. there's only what, like 40 poles or something? it's not like when you claim a spot that you have it until the show is over. I've experienced people covering up my ads on UVic bulletin boards. no big deal.

Metropol didn't form to be some postering conglomorate. they formed to be an easy, affordable, reliable postering resource. they aren't out to prevent other people from advertising! - Fri, 29 May 2009 4:31pm Edited: Fri, 29 May 2009 4:35pm
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"Metropol didn't form to be some postering conglomorate. they formed to be an easy, affordable, reliable postering resource. they aren't out to prevent other people from advertising!"

then why are independant promoters having such a hard time with postering on poles downtown when they are there for EVERYONE and not just Metropol. Tyler, I understand you're friends with whomever works/owns the show there, but you have to understand from my standpoint; it seems as though they are bullying other promoters out of the pole promo's and forcing bands/promoters to go to them in order for their OWN posters not to be covered or ripped down. Moreover; how much more efficient and affordable can they be to an independant promoter who's capable of everything they do, but keep having their shit messed with by the very company that supposed to eb "cheap easy and affordable". That, to me, is a greedy business practice. Whether you think so or not; in the real world... that's how it is. - Fri, 29 May 2009 5:03pm Edited: Fri, 29 May 2009 5:04pm
Mr. Hell
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Metropol and any other entity that get paid to cover up the posters of those who don't get paid have an obvious advantage. I don't personally have a problem with them (although I did hear they were dragging their feet on an upcoming show that I'm involved with), but it does suck when you are out there trying to promote your show with limited time and means only to see your posters covered up 10 times in the span of 2 days.
That's capitalism for ya. - Fri, 29 May 2009 5:14pm
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I'm not really friends with them so much as a happy past customer. I'm sure one of them will hop on here and defend them better than I can. it sounds like you're not listening to what I've said. first of all, we're just talking about the poles. the poles are for everyone. anyone can tape any ad to the poles.

do you want legislation that says someone has to check if your event has happened? you really think you deserve to reserve a spot on a pole because you got there first? that doesn't make any sense. then you're dealing with first-come-first-served and it'd be even more difficult for independent promoters since a couple bigger groups like atomique could afford to mark their territory early on. your posters could just as easily be covered by individuals. I've even seen that happen. we'd probably just see the same 9 posters on every pole, put up by over-zealous promoters with lots of time on their hands, if there were no Metropol. there are exactly 50 poles. only 50. Metropol has a system to provide equal coverage to their customers. any promoter these days know that the poles account for a small percentage of show-goers anyway.

do you see my point? there's nothing that could really prevent the situation from taking place. it only makes it better that admission from maybe 8-15 people can cover a gigantic postering spree because of Metropol's affordable rates. I see your point. it's something along the lines of "BUT IT'S NOT FAAAAIR, I WANNA DO IT ON MY OWNNNN AND THEY KEEP COVERING THEM UP". also, are you a promoter or in a band? I'm not trying to be cocky, I'm just curious, since you're just a message board persona to me. - Fri, 29 May 2009 6:29pm Edited: Fri, 29 May 2009 6:32pm
TheBlack Pixie
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I go with Metropol because of the pole wars happening downtown. It seems to me common curtosy would say that if a poster is there- don't cover it, and if you've allready put one up on one pole, you don't need to put 5 more on the very same pole, hogging all the space. I know no one owns the poles, but that isn't an excuse to be an asshole by ripping down or covering signs (not that I am saying Metropol does this) Metropol saves me time of designing signs/handbills for a VERY resonable price- but I still do the majority of posting signs myself because, as I have said, Metropol only does the downtown core. - Fri, 29 May 2009 7:46pm
Mike S.
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having postered 1000s of posters for years before Metropol existed, I can attest.. before they were doing it your posters would be covered up in MINUTES. Literally. Because every band and club had an every man for themselves attitude. Each club had their own guy doing it and of course each band might have 2-5 people doing it, and then the promoters on top of that. So you would end up with literally dozens of people running around downtown covering up each others posters like crazy, especially the clubs covering each others up.

Now with Metropol you actually stand a chance of having you poster being seen by people. Trust me,, its better this way. Yah it costs but its less a waste of money as printing off 200 posters that get covered before 20 people have walked past and looked at it. - Fri, 29 May 2009 7:56pm
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So theres 50 poles that are controlled basically by 1 entity. How is that any more fair than every person for themselves? Are you saying metropol is some sort of poster mafia? lol. Its not that I really care; but its what I see and hear about services like this. It sounds awesome; but really, instead of 10 other promoters covering poles for 10 different venues/events now you have 1 company and 10 people working for that 1 company. Whats the real difference? Oh yeah, I have to PAY that company to do my shit. Its simple cost effectiveness; I have access to all the printing needs I want, I have 2 able feet and legs, why shouldn't I have a fair chance for my posters to be seen without having to pay out a 3rd party to pound the pavement for 50 poles? LIke you said Tyler; its ONLY 50 poles. - Sat, 30 May 2009 9:15am
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based on what Mike just said, there's no way for your poster to remain on top without being covered. you're complaining about something that has no solution. no matter what happens, in any situation, the posters would get covered up because people want the space and there are a LOT of promoters in the city. way more than ten. - Sun, 31 May 2009 1:06am
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mike was probably also thinking of the good old days when EVERYTHING was game for postering. Not just 50 poles; of which are basically controlled by one company. It did get out of hand nearing the end of the 'free for all', so to speak, but since basically anything was fair game; it made it a little more fair for people like me, who like postering etc.. to not have to rely on paying someone else to ensure my event/gig/whatever poster doesn't get ripped down or covered up on the LIMITED amount of space for EVERYONE... not just 1 company. - Sun, 31 May 2009 10:13am
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There's 86 of them. And like I said previously...... - Sun, 31 May 2009 10:57am
Mike S.
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But. JDL.. you would have to walk around the downtown core non stop every day until the gig, repostering constantly in order to stay on the top.. You would burn through way more posters not to mention the time spent doing it. Really,, whats the point of putting up '86' posters when by the time you get to #86 the first 85 (approx) are already covered. its like pissing in the wind. Add to that the cost of printing posters and its like Ross Bay says.

And remember.. the 'majority' dont have access to cheap printing or the time and desire to poster constantly. - Sun, 31 May 2009 11:32am Edited: Sun, 31 May 2009 11:33am
TheBlack Pixie
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And Metropol is aware of the fact that your poster will likely be covered up in the next day or 2 so they RE-POST your event poster over a period it two weeks? I can't remember. It saves me time when I'm doing a show because at least I know downtown is taken care of. - Sun, 31 May 2009 3:12pm
Talk's Cheap
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Hmmm.. - Sun, 31 May 2009 4:49pm
T. Depression
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Most cities have a problem with one or more companies acting as a "poster nazi" and having a monopoly one postering in the core. It's business and you have to deal with it. I can't afford to use Metropol...I think it's quite expensive...and being that they are a monopoly, the price of their services is just likely to go up.

Let me say this...If I wanted, I could be out there all day putting up my posters. They only poster twice a day...I could just walk around behind them and put up my posters. I could also walk around behind them, ripping down every single one of the posters they put up...I bet if I did that, they'd make a point of not covering up my posters... - Sun, 31 May 2009 4:55pm
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'they'd make a point of not covering up my posters'

And you'd be completely wrong. - Sun, 31 May 2009 5:29pm
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T., you can't possibly believe that, dude...... - Sun, 31 May 2009 5:34pm
T. Depression
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They run a business...people pay them to make sure their event is advertised. If I follow them around ripping down every single one of their posters, for a week straight...their clients are going to start getting a little pissed. I did this in Calgary for 5 days straight before the company there stopped covering up my posters with the 50 different posters they were putting up...

You just have to have more time on your hands than they do... - Sun, 31 May 2009 5:58pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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wow - plucky! - Sun, 31 May 2009 6:28pm
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Aaaah yes! I dig the dedication, man! You just pointed out what I believe to be the only hole in the plan, though. Keep it up, though.....On a side note one night right after they put those metal things up I lit one on fire. Cleared the entire thing in under a minute. That's another way to go too..... - Sun, 31 May 2009 7:56pm
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Hey, come out to vancouver, where the guys who do Live Nation's postering rip down mass posters, and then put up the EXACT same posters for the EXACT same shows they ripped down. You can imagine the logic.

What are "those metal things"?
2010's gonna be a mess. - Sun, 31 May 2009 8:09pm Edited: Sun, 31 May 2009 8:10pm
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Here there's aluminum cylinders about 2-3 feet tall around the eye-level section of those blue lamp posts downtown for posters. So people don't wrap each poster in a whole roll of packing tape on it or staple them to telephone poles, which is illegal here now. - Sun, 31 May 2009 8:16pm
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how civilized. - Sun, 31 May 2009 8:20pm
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Indeed. What a world apart, eh?! - Sun, 31 May 2009 8:25pm
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As it should be.
We love Victoria. All our grammas and grampas live out there! - Sun, 31 May 2009 8:34pm
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Yes, it certainly is a nice, quiet uneventful town. I believe that the Live Nation people get paid per poster that they put up, hence the ripping them down to stick them up again thing..... - Sun, 31 May 2009 8:50pm
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Yeah, but you guys eat the dead so it all works out.
I think its cuz LN hires all different guys to do their stuff, so pulling down someone else's work is the justification. The rest hurts my head.
Before I made long skinny posters they could tuck into places where nothing else fit. They stayed up a surprisingly long time. But we're not a show. And people liked us. :) - Sun, 31 May 2009 9:20pm
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You all seem to also be missing my point.
50, 86, however many poles there are; they are used by 1 company as a tool to make them money. The simple buying power of a company will always outlast/run that of a single entity. When we were allowed to poster EVERYWHERE it kept companies like metropol at bay. Basically is was a free game for everyone. Sure your shit might get covered but you'd be able to poster in a hellovalot more places than just certain poles and businesses. Look at every city in the world and how you can basically get a grasp on what the night life is like through all the promotions etc... Come to vic and you'd be hardpressed to find anything unless you walk right by one of the retarded metal cylinders.
Metropol has a HUGE grasp on the promo dept. that most people cant see or aren't willing to readily accept that they've effectively pulled the fleece over your eyes in terms of independant promotions.
I have nothing against the owners or employees(*everyone has to make a buck); but I also have my opinions about them and their business practice, which no matter how good of guys/gals these people are; they're still a monopolizing company. - Mon, 1 Jun 2009 8:49am
Mike S.
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Fair enough but it wasnt metropol that implemented the bylaws on where one may poster, it was the city.. and yes they would call and in some cases fine promoters that hit up non authorized poles. Usually I think a warning followed by the promoter going around and removing the posters was enough..

In other cases they would fine the club where the event was happening and they in turn would pass it down to the band. I also remember showing up to the Icehouse and someone had stripped nearly every poster we had put up 'illegaly' in Saanich and Victoria and dumped them in a pile by the door.

The no postering on poles by law has been around as far as I can remember, long before metropol came around - Mon, 1 Jun 2009 10:26am
Mike S.
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And they arent a monopolizing company.. anyone is free to start up a postering company.. nobody has so far as I know. JDL, maybe thats an idea, I think you mentioned you have the resources and time, why not become their competition, charge lower rates and create some competition. At first it would be a war but if you are diligent enough eventually they would likely compromise and you could each have half a cylinder..

Im of the camp that doesnt mind paying someone to do my dirty work.. I personally hate mass postering. had enough of that before metropol was around.. was fun for the first few years then it just becomes a pain in the ass especially when one sees their hardwork covered up so fast.

if 15-20 extra people come to the show then paying for postering is more or less paid for, but if the posters get covered instantly then maybe there's a risk 20 less people will come because they never saw a poster. - Mon, 1 Jun 2009 10:33am
Mike S.
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The Law: According to bylaw, you can't paint, paste, stick or glue anything on any street furniture, including poles, but you can poster on any of the 200 official poster cylinders. "We spend $600,000 every year removing posters," says Tom Hammel, streets administration engineer for Vancouver.


The law: For the past 14 years, Earl Ridley has been known as Calgary's poster guy, responsible for stapling concert and theatre listings to information boxes and poster stands. City bylaw prohibits him from postering telephone poles, some lampposts and transit shelters.


The law: Postering is allowed on grey streetlight poles around the city, but not on decorative ones. There are also purpose-built standing cylinders and postering walls in popular foot-traffic areas, such as Whyte Avenue and Jasper Avenue. Transparent tape is acceptable, but glue is a big no.


The law: The City of Ottawa has placed collars on utility poles in the downtown core restricting postering. One poster per pole is allowed and it can be no bigger than 28 centimetres by 43.5 centimetres. City workers clear the poles on the first and 15th of every month


The Law: Currently, anyone can place a poster of any size no higher than six feet up a utility pole. If a new city-wide bylaw is passed, by next year commercial posters would be banned except in designated places, while community group notices would also be restricted in size and location. - Mon, 1 Jun 2009 11:00am Edited: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 11:02am
TheBlack Pixie
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We need more designated poster walls. When I was living in Edmonton, there were tons of designated poster walls that the city took care of - Mon, 1 Jun 2009 11:34am
Mr. Hell
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Anyone call Hydro yet and ask them what they would allow?
I would, but it seems postering isn't worthwhile any more. - Mon, 1 Jun 2009 1:12pm
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Mike, about 15 years ago(maybe a little more... time seems to pass me by pretty fucking fast these days lol) EVERYTHING was game from telephone poles(of which were always wood, at the time) and anything that tape could adhere to. Sure your shit would get covered up but you had so many more options.
In respect to other cities and their postering laws... walk around vancouver and you tell me that you dont see walls(wooden granted) slathered with posters or any other means of public promotion(aside from going into a business), ie postering walls, poles etc...
Look at any country outside of north america and its laden with things to do on the night. With victoria, you get none of that and more. I think partly due to the age demographic being really young and REALLY old but not much imbetween. So you have old ass codgers complaining about bullshit and then bylaws get passed to fuck over virtually ANYthing resembling "late night" activity in the downtown core. But then we have the mayor or any public official saying they want to increase the foot traffic around town to stimulate the economy. Count how many pubs, rest., clubs there are within the city limits; and then tell me that effectively taking business away from those locations will be any help to the local economy. ANYHOW, getting back to postering... I can see how a promo company like Metropol DOES have benefits but with such limited space in this town; it DOES seem like a very monopolizing company because they basically control the public poles defacto; which is in my eyes unfair. Call it what you want; but its no different from any monopolizing enterprise. IF this were a company who did this as a free enterprise; then it would be different(but unfortunately we all need to live). - Mon, 1 Jun 2009 4:48pm
Mike S.
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I think of a monopoly being more like Bc Hydro or the like.. a company that in effect has no competition because they control everything and nobody else can get in.. metropol doesnt control anything. they just have the manpower and foot in the door with the clubs/promoters etc, so they get the work and set the prices they want.

I actually heard rumor that another postering company was going to start up in Victoria. Which would possibly mean lower costs and a choice of who to go to. - Mon, 1 Jun 2009 6:12pm
Curmudgeon Rocker
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"I personally hate mass postering. had enough of that before metropol was around.. was fun for the first few years then it just becomes a pain in the ass especially when one sees their hardwork covered up so fast."

manoman you can say that again - at first it's like a mission, where you're spreading the gospel to the ignorant hoardes, but then......yeah......after ten years of those shenanigans, it's like......EW. - Mon, 1 Jun 2009 6:53pm
TheBlack Pixie
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So lets put this thing to a test. Me=independent promoter, vs. Metropole - Is the advertisement on poles in Vic fair game to everyone or has Metropole annexed all the vic poles? I poster about every 3 days around town for the last 3 weeks, but quickly find my posters disappering because they are covered/ripped oiff by Metropole posters. So am I getting a fair ammount of advertising? How many people have seen the poster for Reaver, Self-Inflicted and Class of 1984?? - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 10:53pm
trevor corey
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It's not rocket surgery. - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:01pm
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brain science - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:04pm
trevor corey
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you could try doing a meat draw.
People like meat. - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:12pm
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put Obituary tix in every 100th piece of meat - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:14pm
trevor corey
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Maybe just give up the poles to Metropole, and focus on coffee shops, head shops, bike shops, skate shops, record shops, etc. Old Nick's puts up posters.

Find the path of least resistance young grassmoker. - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:24pm
trevor corey
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......or just hire Metropole. - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:25pm
TheBlack Pixie
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"...focus on coffee shops, head shops, bike shops, skate shops, record shops, etc. Old Nick's puts up posters"

Done and Done - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:28pm
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91.3 the zone will announce the show on the radio the day of. just go to their site and type that fuckin shit in there. most likely get more people there from that than 100 posters - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:33pm
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Baby Baby
When we first met, I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover and my best friend
All wrapped into one with a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden you went and left
I didn't know how to follow
It's like a shock that spun me around
And now my heart's dead
I feel so empty and hollow

And I'll never give myself to another the way I gave it to ya (to ya)
Don't even recognize the ways you hurt me, do ya (do ya)?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you are the one to blame
And now I feel like - ooh!

You're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what i get for wishful thinking
Should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
'Cause now I'm using like I bleed

It's like I checked in to rehab
And baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked in to rehab
And baby, you're my disease
I've gotta check in to rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I've gotta check in to rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease

Damn, ain't it crazy when you're loveswept
You'd do anything for the one you love
Cause anytime that you needed me, I'd be there
Its like you were my favorite drug
The only problem was that you was using me
In a different way than I was using you
But now that I know that it's not meant to be
You gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of you

And I'll never give myself to another the way I gave it to ya (to ya)
Don't even recognize the ways you hurt me, do ya?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you are the one to blame
Cause now I feel like - ooh!

You're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what i get for wishful thinking
Should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
'Cause now I'm using like I bleed

It's like I checked in to rehab
And baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked in to rehab
And baby, you're my disease
I've gotta check in to rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I've gotta check in to rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease

Oh - Oh
Now ladies gimme that..
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh-Oh
Oh Oh Ouh Oh
Now gimme that
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh-Oh
Oh Oh Oh Oh
Now ladies gimme that..
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh-Oh
Oh Oh Oh Oh
Now gimme that
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh-Oh
Oh Oh Oh Oh


You're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more
I guess that's what i get for wishful thinking
Should've never let you enter my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
'Cause now I'm using like I bleed

It's like I checked in to rehab
And baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked in to rehab
And baby, you're my disease
I've gotta check in to rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease
I've gotta check in to rehab
'Cause baby you're my disease - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:36pm
trevor corey
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That woman has got it going on - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:42pm
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check this shit out. Poor fuckin kid. and in advance fuckyou grimlord - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:45pm
trevor corey
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I like it. Brings me back to simpler times. - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:51pm
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did you go to Hoosegow last night? - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:57pm
trevor corey
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Im in the midst of a trauma. - Sat, 11 Jul 2009 11:59pm
trevor corey
User Info..., no. I couldn't operate a motor vehicle by the time it was to go. - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:01am
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shitty. hopefully nothing to serious - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:02am
trevor corey
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Life is grand. - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:03am
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? - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:04am
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hijacked?? - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:06am
trevor corey
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more like.......... - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:07am
trevor corey
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d - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:07am
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Is that Fara ..She liked the anal you know.... - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:10am
trevor corey
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......but no, thats not her. - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:12am
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me and the wife on vacation - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:12am
trevor corey
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Isn't Doc the one around here that likes the anal? - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:12am
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HAAAAA HAAAAAA HAAAAAAA - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:15am
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Yes, I like the dirt box lovin'. Made a great cap to my wedding night last night. ;)

~Screw all you hippies and the horse you rode in on.
Doc - Sun, 12 Jul 2009 1:52pm
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