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The Perish Is BACK !!!
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > The Perish Is BACK !!!
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Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
Just as promised we don't give up. We are now auditioning a great new drummer - Luke Iles. He has agreed to give it a few james before we draw up a contract. So, we'll know for sure if Luke is going to lay down the new tracks by Sunday or Monday.

Some of his influences are: Bonham, Shannon Larkin, Neil Peart, Alex Van Halen.

I've got a good feeling about this.
Hope you all enjoy the show....

it's gonna be a blast this year.

Rock On Victoria ! - Fri, 10 Apr 2009 7:29pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
I can't Help thinking that this will be Bruce one day soon.

just substitute " The Perish " for " Nirvana " when Dave is speaking in this Video.

that's what Bruce is going to be saying ! lol. - Sat, 11 Apr 2009 2:35am
Jeff from The Perish
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Still interested in adding a good rhythm guitarist as well if anyone serious is interested. Hit me up on the website

Rock On ! - Sat, 11 Apr 2009 2:38am
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If you could just shut the fuck up things may go ok for you. Just try jamming and writing tunes. Leave all this Dr. Phil shit out of this and you may find yourself with a few fans. You have only had this guy auditioning for one day and you have his name on the local message boards. Give it a break. It's lame. - Sat, 11 Apr 2009 8:14am
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
ha haaaa !

you're STILL reading and writing about us, so you must be very interested in The Perish. What happens to the perish or what the perish say, seems to be the most important thing in your day.
That's awsome. love it.

and the post is also to show everyone that we intend to move forward and not scamper off with our tails between our legs. And also mention we're still looking for a rhythm guitarist.

glad you find it so entertaining though.

you're still very high up there on our " biggest fans " list.

In fact, I'm going to add a " biggest fans " section to our main webpage, and keep it updated with the top 10 perish fans each week, and what they did to get on the list.
yea.... that sounds fun. - Sat, 11 Apr 2009 9:17pm Edited: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 9:19pm
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wow you guys are on the internet

Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-11, 6:33PM PDT

My warning; STAY AWAY, stay very far away or you will be in debt over 1000's and your name will be dragged through mud.

* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1118302464 - Sat, 11 Apr 2009 9:36pm
You Enjoy Myself
User Info...
I'd be interested to see what exactly is stated in this contract that is yet to be drawn up, and whether or not it is written in magenta crayon. I'm sure your attempt at pseudo-legalese would be entertaining. Please post a copy of said contract. The intertubez are waiting. - Sun, 12 Apr 2009 1:52pm
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Fuck I love the Perish. - Sun, 12 Apr 2009 4:09pm
Mr. Hell
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When we were on stage in front of 800 people at Logan's on Saturday, I asked the crowd if they'd ever heard of The Perish.
Only Ross responded. Everyone else looked lost and confused. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 10:07am
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800 people in logans? doubtful. Unless they left no room for anyone to move...

as for the notariety of 'the perish'... anyone outside of this board and that lives in a city(sooke does not count lol) probably hasn't heard of them. But who knows; the way this thread is turning out it could be this months headline for an EPIC-FAIL - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 12:24pm
T. Depression
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He was obviously joking about the 800 people...that place has a capacity of like 120 that they like to enforce. You could probably fit 400 confortably in there though. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 12:55pm
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JI's sarcasm detector has been left in the "off" position. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 1:54pm
Mr. Hell
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It sucks having to explain jokes, but here goes.
Jeff said they played in front of 600 people at the hall in Sooke, then posted a video of him destroying 'Eruption' with a dubbed in arena crowd.
It was a stab at the delusion.
800 people in Logan's. Yes, that happened. No, it did!
The rest of the story is true, however. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 2:35pm
Jeff From The Perish
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the sooke community hall does fit 600. It was almost full for our show we did. the crowd was not dubbed.
and now as you've been asking for.....

the contract written in crayon.

However to make it more official we had Luke sign in permenant marker.

Rock On Victoria ! - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 3:02pm
Mr. Hell
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Mmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 3:37pm
Rubber Box
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So you expect us all to believe that crowd noise is a few hundred people at sooke hall?

Keep digging that hole. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 3:54pm
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It sounds more like the crowd from Kiss Alive! - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 4:16pm Edited: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 4:17pm
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at the end of the video.. someone yells reapeatedly.. 'eddie, eddie'. but no one is near a mic.?.. makes me think even the guitar playing is dubbed.. drums sound pretty good at the beginning too.. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 4:29pm
Jeff From The Perish
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talk about beating a dead horse!

let me explain that one more time.
there were two cameras. One was in sync with the board and the other wasn't. The sync'd camera died on the last few seconds of that scene so we used the video from the other camera. nothing fancy. that's why you can hear me yelling " eddie eddie eddie " but I'm not near the mic anymore.
and I think everyone here is missing something...

With the 3 other teachers I work with, we have around 250 students in total at the music store I sub-contract with. Not all guitar students, but other instruments too. Almost all of them came to see our show. Some were young and brought their parents. So that's 200 - 300 people right there. Then there's the fact that there is NOTHING to do in sooke after 8:30 p.m.
all stores, including restaurants are closed, except for MacDonalds and A & W.
it's easy to get several hundered people in the sooke area to come to a show. Sooke doesn't get much for entertainment so their all very egar to see live music.

" ANY " victoria band could come to sooke and get 500 + people to come down to the sooke community hall if they tried hard enough and did a 3 month full out advertizing campaign like we did.
It's really no big miricle.

Maybe you should just come to the next show and see how we do. You might just have a good time ! - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 5:08pm
Mr. Hell
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Mmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 6:12pm
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When is the next show? This I definitely wanna see. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 8:23pm
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Doh!!! Cheers, Lucius - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 9:42pm
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You are a fucking lair!

That is totally dubbed cheers and whistles through the hole song, the peep's in the front row(and that is all you see) are just sitting there like nothing is going on and aren't even cheering or responding to you trying to get them going for Edie.

You are sad sort if you thing we don't know you put that shit in there ...fess up, be a man for once and admit it. You lied to try and look good for yourself and your band.

THIS is why you will always be a laughing stalk...That and your alien lust.

Just give it a rest.

And that ONE angle shot cam was in sinc and the Edie chant was also put in over the audio,nice job with the levels though. - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 9:48pm Edited: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 10:02pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
really ?

seems to me you can see people up front putting their hands above their heads clapping.
seriously, I already explained how easy it is to do a show in the sooke area. I really didn't need to add any people with the audio or cams.
Just come to the next show and see for yourself that people are having a good time.
the next show will be soon, but we just started rehearsing with Luke. It's hard to say how quick we can get ready for shows. We'll do our best I can tell you that much.
We've already had some " open jams " just playing whatever comes out, and some really killer stuff came out.
So far so good. We'll post a date for our first show with Luke soon.

Rock on Victoria ! - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 10:44pm
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Geez Jeff you make it hard not to laugh.

I finally had to watch and listen to the video in question. It is my oh so humble opinion that there is no way that that crowd was recorded at the Sooke Community Hall. Regardless of how many people you jammed into that room, the room itself simply does not sound like that. Trust me, I know. And oddly enough, while I could hear the crowd fine, I couldn't hear the PA in the room. Are you telling us that 600 people out screamed the PA?

I actually have to question whether the track was actually recorded there. Who does your sound, and who provided the PA? Chances are I know them, or know of them. It would certainly do your claims good to have some neutral third party corroborate your story.

Jeff, save your outrageous claims for the media if or when they ever become interested in you. Here you are dealing with people who are simply more savvy and more experienced than you. You try and insult our intelligence and you will get knocked down. Shut up, make music.

I gave your track "Not Real" a quick listen while I was there. Kinda on the money, wouldn't you say? - Mon, 13 Apr 2009 11:42pm Edited: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 11:49pm
trevor corey
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SAY IT ISNT SO! - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 12:12am
Mr. Horse
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Hay Parish, Doe's Artie Fufkin still work for Polymer records? - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 12:46am
Jeff From The Perish
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that's not the Perish, that's the Parish !
totally not us.
I can't speak for the parish, but Arty has his own company now.
I did NOT dub the crowd. all I did to the crowd was add reverb for the big room effect. nothing fancy. let it go !
I don't have the computer anymore that had more pics on it, but here's one I found of the crowd at the March 2008 Sooke community hall show. happy ?

our next show will be coming up soon.

cheers. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 1:02am
Mr. Hell
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Mmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 6:31am
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Again Jeff, you insult me by suggesting that I cannot tell the difference between artificial and real reverb.

What is it with you? You dodge any and all questions where a simple answer will prove or disprove you. Again, who provided the PA? Simple enough question. Explain to me exactly how the audio on that gig was recorded. Room mikes, off the board, multi- tracked? You "lost" the photos of the gig? What Mr. Hell said.

Jeff, I was curious to see how your particular brand of promotion was gonna work for you- does it not yet appear to you that it is NOT working?

How are you gonna feel when you're in your forties and fifties and someone brings this shit up?

I'm gonna send copies of this and the other thread (C & Q) to several of my psych. friends and see if they can't come up with a diagnosis. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 8:03am Edited: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 8:05am
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Look at the kids in the pic LOL...

Are they all in a alien zombie trance.

or just I wont say it

they're just kids after all...easily misguided and highly influential.Sounds like someone we know on here in his 30's.

Fuck'N mouth breathers. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 9:57am Edited: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 9:58am
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"How are you gonna feel when you're in your forties and fifties and someone brings this shit up?"

Well said. 7 years ago Jeff was spewing the same garbage and someone asked a similar question.."Jeff, won't you feel like a loser when you are pushing 30 and still have no band and living in Mommys house". His response was similar to all this jibberish. He said he had major Label support and the execs were talking big things. All this stuff has been said and said many times before. Jeff will be 40 in about 7 years and he will still be trying to make it big. Jeff Noyes unfortunately is a relative of a good friend of mine. His family isn't fooled by any of this, they just don't want their son living on the streets or in some scuzzy apartment. He has no money. None. Thats all fact. He smells as well. Doesn't clean himself up very well. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 10:51am
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
sure sure... still spewing that song. I haven't lived with my earth parents in about 14 years now, but if you like proving to everyone you've never even met me, then go right ahead.

For fun Yesser I have written a computer game about you.

It's called the Yesser IQ game !
It's a lot of fun,
try it !
here's a free copy for everyone of " The Yesser IQ Game " by perish productions.

hope you all enjoy ! - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 12:21pm
Rubber Box
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I like this one. My favorite part is the user name you created to post your comments. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 12:33pm
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Sony Music Scout haha - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 1:26pm
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Fuck I love the Perish. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 1:34pm
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Click on "Sony Music Scout"'s profile, takes you to a guy named Jeff who subscribes to only one channel on Youtube.
Guess which band?! - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 4:08pm
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'...Radiohead had a good start on what we do, but they kinda flopped, I think, and we're kind of continuing on from that era...' -Jeff Noyes (Dec 11th, 2002) - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 4:34pm
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'I'm gonna send copies of this and the other thread (C & Q) to several of my psych. friends and see if they can't come up with a diagnosis.'

What he suffers from is Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The more he posts the more obvious it is. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 4:57pm
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What about people like me who just can't turn away from this car crash - what personality disorder do we have? - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 6:42pm
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That's just rubber- necking. Completely natural.

Chopper, I think you nailed it.

From Wikipaedia's entry on narcissistic personality disorder:

DSM IV-TR criteria

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:[1]

has a grandiose sense of self-importance

is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

believes that he or she is "special".

requires excessive admiration

has a sense of entitlement

is interpersonally exploitative

lacks empathy

is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

shows arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes

The good news Jeff is that you could blame it on your parents:

Again from Wikipaedia:

The etiology of this disorder is unknown according to Groopman and Cooper. However, they list the following factors identified by various researchers as possible factors.

An oversensitive temperament at birth

Overindulgence and overvaluation by parents

Valued by parents as a means to regulate their own self-esteem

Excessive admiration that is never balanced with realistic feedback

Unpredictable or unreliable caregiving from parents
Severe emotional abuse in childhood

Being praised for perceived exceptional looks or talents by adults

Excessive praise for good behaviors or excessive criticism for poor behaviors in childhood

Please Jeff, don't ever procreate. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 7:38pm Edited: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 7:50pm
Mr. Horse
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Well im fucked then. The symptoms notes above completely describe most of the people that i have met in the music industry. Most people that is... - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 8:24pm
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Hay Mr. Horse look in the mirror much..

Hay ...oh ya you are doing it right now aren't you? - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 8:42pm
Mr. Horse
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You can't look in the mirror because your face will brake it. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 8:54pm
trevor corey
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CL, lol, I was going to ask the same question.

.........then, I didn't. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 9:03pm Edited: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 9:09pm
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Mine is unobtainadateiosus and some canifeelatittymyhouseisclosest.

More of an affliction then mental condition. - Tue, 14 Apr 2009 9:15pm Edited: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 9:18pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
ha ha , I like CL's post the most.

some nameless person asked on our website about the game I wrote being mac compatible. >>>
I wrote it in C++ so yes it should work on a mac, but I don't think the calculator part will open correctly. You'll have to add the numbers in your head sorry mac users.
Rock On Victoria !!

()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(()() - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 1:43am Edited: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 1:44am
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He likes CL's post the most?

Certainly Narcissistic. Oblivious to our knowledge of reality. I feel sad for him. He's been saying this way too long now.

He should see his Family Doctor. I bet a proper medication will prevent these outburst of fantasy.

With his video game construction, it's proof as to how irritated he is with me. He seems to want to personally attack anyone who ACTUALLY knows what he is like. While everyone is hounding down his throat with the obvious, he is maintaining that we have never met.

Hmmmmm. How did I know all about your Sony/Samick/Voice-over statements, Jeff?

Jeff first says that I mistook what he said and that I am lying. When someone else comes online and verifies it, he then decides to say we never met. Huh? How does that work?

Jeff. How about you defend your dubbed live tape, Sony Rep Lies, Delinquent lies, Led Zepplin, Sooke 600+ show rather than spend your time construction a video game in feeble attempts to "get" me.? Your personal emails you send me should be CC'd to everyone with explanations of your obvious artisitc frauds. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 7:46am Edited: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 7:54am
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'He should see his Family Doctor. I bet a proper medication will prevent these outburst of fantasy.'

Having a GP do a Psychologists work is never a good thing unfortunately. VMH offers free services though, something Jeff should seriously pursue. And if you can't afford the psych meds, you can ask your GP/Psych for plan g designation, which means free psych meds. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 9:20am
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A GP is the very first step in any medical treatment in BC. The specialist can then be referred. Once the specialist has made a diagnosis, the GP can supervise treatment. If someone doesn't have insurance for this kind of stuff they should take your advice. Either way Jeff is fucked up. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 11:40am
Voice of Reason?
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.. you guys are so sure he needs help. Yet you also realise that this IS the internet and this IS a messageboard. People tend to live larger than life on messageboards; who cares? Yesser, Sumyungai, Chopper(on occasion)... Does it really bother you that Jeff responds the way he does? Yesser; I could care less if you know him, and what does it proove that he lies? Jeff has tarnished his reputation, to me, not by spewing out talk or crap like that but mostly I question his reasoning for coming back for more. That's what I find intreguing, is that you all can be the harshest of dicks here but claim you're all nice guys; but when anyone like Jeff comes along, you guys feel obligated to point out what's wrong with him/her. Why? what does that achieve? Aside from all parties(myself included) looking like an asshole? If you got in my grill like you did with Jeff, in person, I can assure you there would be more than just a laugh. So while you all feel good about yourselves for "bringing jeff down a peg" think about how it would feel if you were actually talkin' big in person... oh wait, most people on message boards talk shit and never back it up! - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 3:08pm
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"...but when anyone like Jeff comes along, you guys feel obligated to point out what's wrong with him/her. Why? what does that achieve?

For the LOLs, remember? We discussed this already, JDL. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 3:32pm
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Jeff is a fucking retard that talks a load of bullshit. You do remember that this IS a message board? Get bent Krieg, aka. Jeff lover. We are only replying to what HE states is true. We know it isn't. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 5:16pm
Mr. Hell
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I think you got your wires crossed, Yessir.
In your rage you confused Krieg for JDL perhaps? - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 5:26pm
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yesser, its not that I care AT ALL about Jeff; I've never heard his band nor seen them nor have I ever even met "jeff" ... its just the situation from the outside makes you and jeff look like idiots.
and yes krieg; i know... for the "lol". But when it really gets, what seems, to be personal attacks; then it gets kinda old. Kinda like beating a dead horse?
I just dont understand why Yesser has such a fiendish hate on for a person that would and could probably never affect you in any way? You also seem like you could have some "issues" with the way you fiendishly respond to "jeff". Unless you really are an alter personality to jeff that we dont know about. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 7:11pm
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So while you all feel good about yourselves for "bringing jeff down a peg" think about how it would feel if you were actually talkin' big in person... oh wait, most people on message boards talk shit and never back it up!

Some folks don't need to resort to violence to get their point across which is why "you never need to back it up". Winning a war of words is much different (and more respected) than physically pounding the hell out of eachother. Cheers, Lucius

PS: Its fun to read these Perish threads. Makes my boring day go by much quicker - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 7:23pm
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Although I love the perish threads, they would be much better without yesser posts. All his rants are the same thing over and over again, and I usually just skip them now. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 10:50pm
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'Some folks don't need to resort to violence to get their point across which is why "you never need to back it up".'

Just because you dont 'think' that what you say offends someone; that someone might be offended and therefore take it MUCH differently. Which is why you wouldn't run your mouth in public; so why should you feel any different behind a computer? Because your identity is hidden?

pps, it's certainly time passing when reading all these mundane posts from both yesser and jeff... - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 10:52pm
trevor corey
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LOL Tambo, that's what I do to Ji. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 11:14pm
Jeff From The Perish
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alright Tambo !! I knew people would join me in my push to ignore Yesser's posts ! I have been answering yesser again, which was my mistake. I forgot I was ignoring him, so now I'll just have to start again now.
But I will say this before I totally ignore you in this thread too Yesser...
I don't get at all offended by any of your comments. None.
I have been doing this long enough to have grown thick skin when it comes to insults. Yours are so weak they don't even register.
I didn't make the game about you because you pissed me off at all.
I chose YOU because I like to get my laughs out of this message board as well. I could have written the game about anyone, but I chose you because I knew that I would get the best reaction from you.I knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself.... which is what made the whole thing funny for me in the first place.
It's extra funny because you are always trying to insult my intelligence.... so I wrote the game about you !
The game is fun to play and implies that you are a complete morron and at the same time PROVES I'm smart enough to write my own computer programs.
so... yesser... really... no seriously....
the Joke IS on you.
or should I say... the joke IS you.
You're just pissed off that I'm posting links to my new free game all over the net and everyone is laughing at you.
But hey, don't feel bad... it makes fun of George Bush too so you're not alone buddy.

Rock On Victoria !

(+)+(+)+(+)+(+)+(+)+(+)+(+)+(+)+(+)+(+)+(+) - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 11:18pm
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Well ..It's good to see I'm not Yesser's fatal attraction any more.

Jeff have fun with that. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 11:30pm
trevor corey
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.......and Jeff's too. - Wed, 15 Apr 2009 11:32pm
Jeff from The Perish
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The Perish Update:

Luke Iles is working out well. It will be a little while before we have our songs back up to " stage ready " but we're working as fast as we can. We are also writing a few songs right now that are great, and we've done some wild free jams that turned out some really crazy fun stuff. We might post audio/video of that soon on our site and youtube. We may add a couple of these new songs to the album before we submit it to the label.
We are still considering a rhythm guitarist.
Anyone interested ??

- Wed, 15 Apr 2009 11:38pm
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If I ever find out who Yesser is I will choke him out,then put him in embarrassing situations,then send the pictures to his family.

Naaaa... he probably already takes XXX sex pictures with his dog and shares them with his family. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:05am Edited: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:06am
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OK enough about the whole crowd at sooke com. hall debate, I was at the show, front row screaming along to the songs, it is real, no prerecorded tracks or any of that crap, also ROCK ON PERISH

WORD - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 1:58am
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Huuuuuhhhhhhhh - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 2:10am
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Just because you dont 'think' that what you say offends someone; that someone might be offended and therefore take it MUCH differently. Which is why you wouldn't run your mouth in public; so why should you feel any different behind a computer? Because your identity is hidden?

I can understand what you mean about the incognito internet tough guy but:
I'm pretty sure the livevictoria board is fairly small and we could all figure out who is who here. The fact that it is on this message board is moot given this little tidbit. Grim knows Jeff, and I'm sure Jeff could figure out who Yesser is etc.. etc.. The point being is our identities are not hidden (very well).

Having said all that there is something to be said about having the time to formulate and type a well thought out answer as opposed to having to come up with some of this comedic gold in a live face to face conversation.
Cheers, Lucius

PS: This only applies to this small message board, on other boards I've seen some bad cases of the internet tough guy.

PSS: Grim smells like cabbage! - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 9:35am
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I am not an interwebs tough guy.I just hate certain people on here and they know who they are,Jeff I don't hate you I just feel sorry for you a little sometimes but mostly just laugh,not at but in your general direction.

PS. Isn't It the devil's lettuce I smell like. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 10:13am Edited: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 10:15am
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I'm sorry you thought I tought you thought that I thought that you were an internet tough guy, that wasn't my intention lol. Anyways, I'm gonna fight you just for thinking that okay Grim!! Cheers, Lucius - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 10:25am
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"I knew that I would get the best reaction from you.I knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself.... which is what made the whole thing funny for me in the first place."

Huh? Help myself? Did I say I wasn't going to reply to your nonsense anymore? Did I say I was ignoring you? My reaction was to advise you that you should be wasting your time doing other things. I haven't even clicked on the link. Anything made by you is just 1994 html rookie shit. Like your music site. You are such a douche.

Jeff I get my pleasure out of knowing you are a "God that Failed". I get my pleasure from reality, you get yours from fantasy. You understand now? I could stop replying to your nonsense and I would still get pleasure from your obvious failure.

You aren't a failure? Explain. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 11:06am Edited: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 11:07am
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
ha ha #1 perish fan. good one ****. I know that's you dude.
You're the only one that comes to all our shows totally hammered, tries to start mosh pits, and actually knows enough of our song lyrics to scream them in the front row.
Rock on dude.

and, not speaking to anyone in particular here.... but if anyone cares. I wrote the game in C++ . It involves a saficticated random number generator and switches for user input. It's a real computer game not an HTML web page.
just for anybody that's a little slow out there...
hint hint.

and wow, checked the downloads of the game after I posted the link on facebook yesturday. 263 downloads of it already !

what fun !!

Rock On Victoria !!

()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 2:28pm
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FFS trev. its not Ji... its a fucking "L"... lol. Jl Jl Jl. I've let it slide since day 1. But now I cant take it!!!! lol.

Yeah I hear what your sayin Lucius; It certainly IS a small messageboard.

This thread is a total trainwreck... We... I really mean Jeff or Yesser, need to start a new one. It takes my comp. forever to scroll down to the last post. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 2:42pm
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Jl just hit end on your keyboard. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 3:49pm
J l <<< lower case 'L"
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will that make the pain, that this thread is, go away? - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 3:51pm
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I think its time for a live vic party etc.. imagine the fun we could watch if we all get wasted! Cheers, Lucius - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 4:00pm
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"Get bent Krieg, aka. Jeff lover."

Yesser, you gay fucktard helmet, I'm ANTI-jeff and ANTI-perish. Read my post, homo, it's "Voice of Reason" that sticks up for him, not me.

Only a gay, Perish loving queer would mistake me for a Jeff lover.

Thinamin!!!! - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 4:15pm
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I am a Perish lover. I love the Perish. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 4:29pm
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lucius, your totally on to somthing there! lol. It would be a total shit fest; but I think it would be fun to put faces to the names(personally I hold no grudges from here to reality; and think it would be a fun event, so to speak).

as for my "sticking up" for jeff... its not so much "jeff" but its more the outside look of Yesser being maniacal about Jeff's posts and how hard he/she tries to defame Jeff; jeff just keeps coming back for more(and please, dont let me stop you guys lol; i've wasted enough time on this thread to be paid full wages for 2 weeks lol) - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 4:48pm
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Haven't you read the thread here on heavy music chat about The Greatest music event in vic's history? - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 5:01pm Edited: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 5:03pm
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yeah; but im actually serious... where as laprider is taking teh piss out of the perish lol(which I can totally respect). But what I think would be neat is if we were able to plan out a show where a bunch of users bands play(granted im assuming that most people here play an instrument) and showcase what we all play and drink our asses off in the process. I understand that alot of people already know each other on this board, especially with the metal crowd, but Im sure 3/4's of you have absolutely no idea who I am and a couple other users. It would be a great way to network and meet new people you would otherwise just read post after post about. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 6:11pm Edited: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 6:12pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
I read the greatest event in live vic history.
Most warped idea I've heard since Alien Rock Theatre.
Count The Perish in.
We'll do it cheap as hell. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 7:58pm
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
however instead of a wrestling match.... I was thinking we should have a dunk-tank. Then we could ALL get have fun by paying $1 for three balls to thow at the target in order to dunk Yesser. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 8:03pm Edited: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 8:19pm
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"It involves a saficticated ........
just for anybody that's a little slow out there...
hint hint."

Saficticated for the slow ones? Sophisticated .....You god damn gimp. You really can't get a foot ahead can you? Over and over your threats to ignore me come up short by you replying with this garbage.

"Count the Perish in"

You are a washed up 30-something who has decided to try and live fantasy - land through a tiny website. Keep it up Jeff, in another 7 years we will have this exact conversation. Maybe by then you will have a band, as of right now you have nothing.

Jeff again and again, your failure is my pleasure. Your talk is all it is, talk...your walk is everything it is, a waste.

Unlike you I can stick to my word. And my word is...I'm done with you. I will no longer reply to your Narcissistic posts. Ignore you? Hardly. But by me no replying, it gives you the chance to finally answer some question Laprider had about your 600 Sooke show. - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 10:47pm
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In NO way was my offer a joke, I have offered before to pay the Perish to play.....all we need is Bruce and it's a go...and Yeseer too! - Thu, 16 Apr 2009 11:22pm
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man i had forgoten how much fun this could be on here, ya know that? lol. as the lead singer of a local band myself I must say that unlike most of you guys on here, at least Jeff is going for his dream, all the rest of you are doing is slagging Jeff for the fact that he is trying. Good luck Jeff, next sooke show we want to open up - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 12:47am
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oh and BTW i played the yesser game and won !!!! hehehehe - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 1:18am
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
what ? I win ? Yesser is never going to say anything ever again ?
why do I doubt this ?
or perhaps.... he's realized that the more he says, the more people burn him. I'm a musician and a pretty technical guy... but I'm not the greatest speller. I think people have already picked up on that fact there Yesser. Calling me on a spelling mistake, trying to somehow use that to make you look less stupid... isn't working.
Becase I mis-spalled one or too werds is not enouff to bring me down too yor leval.
Trying to claim you haven't tried the game is quite funny.
We all know you were one of the first.
I think maybe yesser has realized the entire board has turned against him, thinks he's an idiot, and plans to have some fun at a real live event that would require him to step up and say this crap to me in person.
Which he would never have the balls to do obviously,
so he's saying " I'm never going to reply again " so he can dissapear and pretend he never got invited. Therefore able to remain behind his computer screen name with no contact info.... where he feels like a real man.

ignore that __________ !! - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 1:29am Edited: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 1:33am
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RE: "he's just scared of getting dunked by one of us in the dunk-tank infront of his boyfriend"

come on Jeff would any self respecting guy really go out with yesser? :P omfg roft lol - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 1:38am
Jeff from The Perish
User Info...
and now I totally know who you are after you called me a god damn gimp !!!

sucker. you called me that on facebook. and now I know it's you for sure !! ha haaaaaa haaa haa
this is awsome!
I know who you are now yesser. I know where you live. I know your mom. ha haaaaaa

I remember seeing her get out of the car about 7 years ago to protect her little boy after school when two bigger boys were going to beat your ass. It was fun to watch.

now I know why you're so obsessed with me living with my mommy there Max, because YOU DO live with yours !!
still on McMillan Dr. on the Indian reserve there aren't ya Max Lieph ?? - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 1:45am
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Ahhh...the plot thickens!! Cheers, Lucius - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 8:14am
trevor corey
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.....whoah..... - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 11:08am
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This has taken a turn for the gross. - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 12:36pm
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this thread has hit a new low. - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 12:43pm
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I really love the Perish. Who's with me? - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 2:13pm
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this is the 3rd time jeff has said that he knew exactly who yesser is so far he is 0-3 . He also said earlier in this thread that yesser and him have never met. what will it be? there also was a time when jeff said yesser was some drunk guy at a show he had to kick out. jeff is getting pulled every which way. - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 2:58pm Edited: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 3:00pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
well I'm just going to keep guessing until I get it right. I know he lives in sooke. And how many people use the word gimp ?? I could be wrong.... but it's funny he hasn't posted since. : ) - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 3:32pm
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jeff yesser said he wasn't replying anymore. before you said you knew who it was. - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 3:43pm Edited: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 4:01pm
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How many people use the term "Get the Gimp?!"
I bet yesser does.

Man Up = yesser - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 4:22pm
trevor corey
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. - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 5:15pm
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"man up" lol... how about "grow up"? - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 5:52pm
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Get the gimp? Who used that term? And I don't need an alter ego to say that Jeff has so far called out 3 names as to who he thinks I am. All this after he repetatively claimed to ignore me. I can't ignore him; like a car crash.

I love how Jeff randomly selects people and bashes them on this board with insults which should be directed towards me. It's a definative reflection of his manic and narcissistic tendancies. By this time next year we will have seen 10 names from this board.

I can't wait to see who he thinks I am next. It feels good to not be in an online convo with him anymore, that felt dirty for a bit. - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 7:28pm
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Hold on hold on hold on.

Am I just getting this..

Who puts their alter egos on here more then Yesser and Jeff hhhmmm.

Could this be...nnaaahhh couldn't be.
All this time too.
Jeff and yesser are the same person? - Fri, 17 Apr 2009 10:40pm
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This thread should be made into a soap opera. I'd watch that shit, I'm unemployed. - Sat, 18 Apr 2009 2:25am Edited: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 2:25am
trevor corey
User Info...
"""This thread should be made into a soap opera"""

.....YEAH, YEAH, with Vipers, and sexy Cylons. - Sun, 19 Apr 2009 10:45am
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As soon as Jeff was asked to provide facts he stopped posting. It's easy to post over and over about how great one thinks they are but as soon as someone like Laprider asks,...."Who was your sound man for the sooke show that recorded those 600 fans" Jeff bails and turtles.

And to Reverend...The Perish do not exist, just in case you didn't know. - Sun, 19 Apr 2009 12:06pm Edited: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 12:06pm
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They don't exist? But.........I love the Perish!!! - Sun, 19 Apr 2009 12:26pm
User Info...
I'm in, my offer stands.
Jeff please contact me asap I leave for tour in a few days, quick 3 week one but will be leaving again soon when I get home for most of the summer.

Legit, I will even give you a contract Jeff, I'm sitting here advancing shows, so I have one right on my computer anyway! - Sun, 19 Apr 2009 1:12pm
Jeff From The Perish
User Info...
sorry. I have 300 things on the go, I just haven't had time to check in. no way Grimlord am I yesser. But man-up did pop-up right around when yesser wasn't answering for a day or so... so I think you're onto something there when you said yesser = man-up.
We accept the gig proposal, we'll work out the details later.
and the guy who recorded the sooke show was me.
I had our PA routed from a Roland VS-2480.
Jeff Piche and Bruce Graham Junior worked the cams.
We had a local vender provide all the food and drink.
I didn't run away, I had to go to work. geeeeeeeze.
relax yesser. or Alex, or Max or which ever little high school boy from sooke you are.
oh yea, you can't. you're a hyper freak. my bad.
The show sounds like fun.
If I dissapear it's because I have to work, and rehearse, and study, and wonder in the woods to gather data.

- Sun, 19 Apr 2009 6:10pm
Mr. Hell
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And how do the squared circle contestants get their lucrative contracts? - Sun, 19 Apr 2009 7:02pm
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Cool, Jeff email me, I get them on my phone worldwide, we will work out the details!!!
I leave soon, and am busy on tour so, sooner is better!

Yesser? to be reasonable and NOT promote violence...would you be willing to wrestle Grimlord in inflatable Sumo suits, and a good ref?

Bruce, knock knock....???OH BRuce, I see you looking!!!

Two smokes gets you a kiss from TC a kiss in the balls if you like that.

Sati you're coming to this, you're the last lady around this place!

I am 100% serious about doing this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Sun, 19 Apr 2009 7:19pm
Luke Iles
User Info...
The Perish will succeed!! - Sun, 19 Apr 2009 8:14pm
Mr. Hell
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Oh man.
Another one. - Sun, 19 Apr 2009 9:49pm
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If the perish is going to play at the same time as the matches go on then I will definitely be in the mood to kill..

The sumo suit thing sound better then crisco that's for sure.I've been working out and it's pretty much there,just a few more beer and I will have the rock solid gut of a 9 month pregnant lady. - Sun, 19 Apr 2009 11:42pm
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this shit is so fucked. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:43am
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This thread is sublime.

I would like to contribute some dirt: the photo of the crowd you used was not taken on level ground, thus not at the Sooke Community Hall, and not in 2008. This was likely a google image search.

Article a.
This 30 degree downaward view of the crowd members shows their faces in 2/3 front view, progressing backwards at an incline of 40 degrees, as illustrated above with the tops
of the heads as markers. The photo suggests a depth of field of 12-14 ft. (along the illustrated line) with crowd members standing on a 8-12 % grade, rather than a flat surface. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 5:30pm
User Info...
Article b.
Observe that the crowd members are standing upright, though waistlines can be viewed both at the front of the crowd (#5.) all the way to the back (#1.). This clearly shows that they are standing on an elevation. The waist of #2 lines up with the ribs of #4, although they are only 2 body widths apart. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 5:31pm
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Article c.
Note that this girl’s knee lines up with this girl’s waist. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 5:31pm
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And the clincher...

Again, sublime. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 5:32pm
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WoW Yesser you spent a lot of time on researching this I bet.
You are just as obsessed with Jeff as he is with his band.You have no life.What a looser. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 6:20pm
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WoW Grimlord, you are more of a fucking idiot than I thought. Fucktwat.

Goes to show there are more on this site than myself who have a bit of passion for leveling that creep Jeff.

Jeff teaches music at a local spot. He constantly constantly constantly lies to the clients there just like he does here.

He says he did the sound for his OWN show. HAHAHA. HAHAHA.

Fuck sakes Grim. Fuck off and go fill out your EI forms, dognuts. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 6:41pm
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I really don't think that's Yesser's work... - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 6:42pm
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leveling (verb); In process of bringing back to earth - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 7:05pm Edited: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 7:15pm
Mr. Hell
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Who ever that is, you've completely discredited Jeff's lie.
We all knew it was BS, but you really confirmed it.
Well done! - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 7:55pm
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You people don't know that yesser and anonymous are in fact the same person,(Ihave personal emails from yesser and anonymous and the IP's are the same) I have gone through this before with this wingnut,and they are one and the same.And for yesser to deny this is an attempt at futility.You sorry sack of human disappointment.

And I did get laid off ...
but they are still paying me full salary and benefits till I go back to work in July.It's like a free holiday so go fuck yourself.

Good work on the Perish pic though.

YOU FAG!!!! - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:00pm Edited: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:23pm
User Info...
That made my day. Real Zapruder slo-mo type of shit. I'm with Ross. Long live this Perish garbage. Pure gold.

It doesn't make sense that Yesser would post his best laid out argument anonymously, keeping his regular name free for senseless banter though, imho. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:32pm
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Well it's true


And to yesser

I know more about you now

If you wind up dead they will definitely come looking for me - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:43pm Edited: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:50pm
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Grimlord you don't have a clue. Not one. You recieved emails from both of us? How so? Please post this said email. Go ahead.

Go back to your low level of personal hygiene and your pathetic excuse of being a musician.

Same Ip? HAHAHA. You are one hell of a dipshit. Are you sure you even know how to read numbers correctly? YOu keep saying you know my IP. You have been saying it for over a year. You know more about me? Name something? I know EVERYTHING about you. I know your adress. Where you work. Your fist and last name. Phone Number. I know what you look like. Where you hang out. I know who you live with. I know which guys you jam with. I know what you drink.

Go ahead. Name one thing. You dumb piece of shit. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:25pm Edited: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:27pm
User Info...
You are soooooooo lost.

Yes it is the same Ip

we went though this before and you were warned.
don't put yourself in that same awkward position.

Oh and on you knowing where I am ..,.Shout .. Go for it ..Trell me where you think I live ,work, hang out>Go for it tell me ..Oh Oh no tell live Vic. where you think I am and work and hang out.Tell Us Please. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:33pm Edited: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:37pm
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WoW you think you know my IP. Oh NO!

You are showing your grade 8 education with flying colors. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:40pm Edited: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:49pm
User Info...
So sad
you are a troll on this site
and on Creg's list and on many other torent sites as well. you seek to disillusion people and to discedit people who are real and you are not! You will always hide and never ever show who you are for In real life you are more of a fuck up the most of us.sure yo have your family to back you up when times are tuff, but that still doesn't escape the fact that you are a fucking big wast of air and space.Now go suck your daddy off Wile your mom fucks you in the ass with a strap-on, you toilet liking ass clown. - Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:56pm
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I thought you knew who I was?

Here is a few things I know about you.

Graeme Mckenzie
[email protected]
DOB: Nov 7th 1970 - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:00am
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"sure yo have your family to back you up when times are tuff, but that still doesn't escape the fact that you are a fucking big wast of air and space"

Where did that come from ? HAHA - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:01am
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"you toilet liking ass clown. "

I like toilets? Grade 10 dude. You should place that as a goal. - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:01am
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Oh nooooo

anyone can come up with that I put it on here before.You dumb fuck!
Tell me something that is resent,then I will take note. Ypu are sooo lost and confused

I dont use speell sheck to chech you ass
you are the biggest peace of shit on this site in fact I think I will start a pol.who is the most hated person on livVic. - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:03am Edited: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:09am
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Okay, okay, we're getting sidetracked, create your own bitch out thread, this has nothing to do with the perish. - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:31am
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I think you 2 were told to give it a fucking rest, months ago. Take it to email girls... - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 1:29am
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Like I said. A cycle. I forgot to mention step #7 of the other post.

7. Grimlord starts a thread (poll) trying to find people who hate me. - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 8:34am
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That image analysis was very well presented. Definitely not Yesser.

And I agree, no one comes here for Yesser/grimlord banter. We've got Noel Coward for that kind of thing! Without Jeff's participation this is a car crash with no bodies. - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 9:26am
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They kind of remind me of those old cartoons where the cat and dog are fighting and then it pans to a different room and they show up again lol. Cheers, Lucius - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 9:30am
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There's a really old Warner Brothers cartoon called "Porky Goes To Wackyland" that features a creature that is the front end of a dog attached to the front end of a cat, facing opposite directions (i.e. the cat's head is where the dog's ass would be and vice versa.) They attack each other until they turn into a blur, then stop from exhaustion for a few seconds, until they notice each other and start up all over again. - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:31pm
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Another gorgeous thread quarantined, all because yesser & grimlord can't stop violently bickering. I'm eager to have Jeff come back and explain why the photo is real, or how he just uploaded the wrong one, or how that was a different time they played... outdoors... in 2006.

And for what it's worth, I'm not Yesser. ...I'm Grimlord!!!! - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 5:11pm Edited: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 5:14pm
User Info...
Some very impressive photographic forensics by Guy Anonymous. Definitely not one of the regular trolls.

BTW: Trevcore is really CL. (Shhh... don't tell.) - Tue, 21 Apr 2009 5:44pm Edited: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 5:45pm
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I've been lurking on these boards for months now because this and wikipedia are pretty much the only non blocked sites at my work. I think I've come to the conclusion that Yesser is really Grimlord. Just a thought. One mind at war with itself, kinda like this. - Wed, 22 Apr 2009 9:51am
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Ok I have a bot set up to upload corriagrapt bitch fights on here ,so I can watch the game and I don't look like I'm doing it.


Yesser doesn't watch hockey cuz he posts on here when the game is on so.. - Wed, 22 Apr 2009 11:32am Edited: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 11:35am
User Info...
Grimlord doesn't work anymore because he posts during working hours.

Stop being a fucking grade 3 wannabee Grimlord. You can't match wits with me, I wont fight an unarmed man.

Grimlord, quick, whats 3 - 5 x 4= ? - Wed, 22 Apr 2009 1:16pm
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-17 is pretty cold!! Cheers, Lucius - Thu, 23 Apr 2009 9:46am
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Wrong - Thu, 23 Apr 2009 4:15pm
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What do you think it is? -8?

It is -17 you dumbnut.

Really Grimlord. You are hopeless. - Thu, 23 Apr 2009 6:35pm Edited: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 6:35pm
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Did you say it was a temperature no so Lucius implied this so It's not Celsius or Fahrenheit he was wrong.All though his calculation is right. - Thu, 23 Apr 2009 7:48pm
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ok, these have got to be the dorkiest posts you two have made yet - Thu, 23 Apr 2009 7:53pm
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Hahh I know haaahhhhhhhnnnn - Thu, 23 Apr 2009 7:54pm
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Where is the fuck do you see Celsius or Farenheit? Huh?

Grimlord you are definately the dumbest fucking failure anywhere.

Do like you did on the other post. Quit.

Idiot. - Thu, 23 Apr 2009 8:51pm Edited: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 8:52pm
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Lets see how many time yesser can call me an idiot .
It's a message board I can say anything and it will get you to respond like a lunatic. - Thu, 23 Apr 2009 9:31pm Edited: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 9:33pm
User Info...
No lunatic responses from me. But here is one from you.....

"you are a troll on this site
and on Creg's list and on many other torent sites as well. you seek to disillusion people and to discedit people who are real and you are not! You will always hide and never ever show who you are for In real life you are more of a fuck up the most of us.sure yo have your family to back you up when times are tuff, but that still doesn't escape the fact that you are a fucking big wast of air and space.Now go suck your daddy off Wile your mom fucks you in the ass with a strap-on, you toilet liking ass clown" - Fri, 24 Apr 2009 9:02am
User Info...
And another LUNATIC response from Grimlord. I could go on and on....

"Words can't describe what you are or who you are cuz you hide like a little bitch and that's what you most likely are a bitch ,mom's boy all fucked up on pills.If you ever come out and I find you ,you know what will happen you fuck.I am not responsible for what happens to yesser if I see him face to face.Some one is going to jail(me) and someone is going to the morgue(yesser).But we all know that yesser will not show or give any info for contact so he is just a big cum felching fag"

WHy don't you post a lunatic response from me? - Fri, 24 Apr 2009 9:04am
User Info...
Holy shit guys!.... all I wanna do is get the perish to do a real gig, for the sake of entertainment.!

Both you "guys" Yesser and Grimlord...nothing at all against either of you personally, as I don't know either of you.

Give it a fuckin rest, you both sound like little bitches.

Either suck each others dicks or stop the bullshit. Who gives a fuck who is smarter, your posts generally show you both to be a little over sensitive and somewhat immature!

Me thinks if the both of you spent half the energy you expend on here into some sort of musical endeavour, you might find you find some inner peace!!

not hacking....but really...have you guys re read any of your posts?

Have a nice weekend, smoke some good good and remember

"can't we all get along" - Fri, 24 Apr 2009 1:25pm
User Info...
"Give it a fuckin rest, you both sound like little bitches."
"Have a nice weekend, smoke some good good and remember
"can't we all get along""

Shutup, hippie. I happen to quite enjoy watching these 2 engage in their ongoing flame-wars.

Yesser, Grimlord, please carry on. - Fri, 24 Apr 2009 4:00pm Edited: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 4:01pm
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Can't find any
And I am not that good with people without it.
I get loud.
Sorry man,I still wont this to happen bit this yesser guy is not going to show .But I would love to see this happen. - Fri, 24 Apr 2009 7:13pm
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As someone previously pointed out, there has been nary a peep out of perish management since lapriders offer was made.

Curious no? - Sat, 25 Apr 2009 10:26am Edited: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 10:28am
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The Perish can't respond to the offer. THERE IS NO PERISH. - Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:35am
trevor corey
User Info...
Grimlord musta found some. - Sat, 25 Apr 2009 3:43pm
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cool response to me yet!

Make it happen after Aug 10th, we do Lolopalooza that day then fly home from tour.

I gotta be there.! - Sat, 25 Apr 2009 4:21pm
Mike S.
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but before Aug 21st, I gotta go play a fest in Alberta! - Sun, 26 Apr 2009 3:54pm
Mr. Hell
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I don't care when it happens.
I am going to sneak in without paying, video the whole thing and sell it for huge profits to morons. - Sun, 26 Apr 2009 4:14pm
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I'll take 2 copies!!! - Sun, 26 Apr 2009 5:14pm
Mike S.
User Info...
Well.. if we can get this done before I hit the fest, I can take some bootleg live Perish videos and put them in our merch display, maybe make some extra money selling those, obviously we can sell waaaay more of them than of our own poopy merch. - Sun, 26 Apr 2009 7:11pm
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i will 100% be there with my video camera. - Sun, 26 Apr 2009 9:17pm
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I'm going to this Perish show. for sure. - Mon, 27 Apr 2009 10:09am
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Who the fuck is the Perish! Never heard of em... But from what i have been reading I am not missing much. - Mon, 27 Apr 2009 10:45am
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The Perish Votes Green - Tue, 12 May 2009 8:47pm
User Info...
` - Tue, 12 May 2009 10:04pm
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