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Whats wrong with independent bands selling cd's??
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Whats wrong with independent bands selling cd's??
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for Jeff... - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 4:03pm
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Considering the style of music you play you should probably get used to being heckled by elitist assholes such as ourselves. Sorry, but that's the way it is. No need to get so worked up over some inane comments on a message board. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 2:24am
Swingin' Joe
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Last time I checked there wasn't, who gives a fuck? Kick out the jams. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 6:07am
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Heckle? I could give three shits about that, heckling isnt to piss off the other person, its so that you can feel better about yourself... no one does it better than me anyway. Example: "The afterbirth which knocked you retarded when it fell out of your mom, has more talent than your whole genre, fucking clown shoes!" MMM now thats good hecklin... Im still waiting for an answer from your buddy though. Not is it wrong... WHY is it wrong? Then maybe bullshit opinion can be backed up with some solid arguments other than "Well, you suck."

Still feeling inane??? - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 10:27am Edited: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 10:35am
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lol. You're never going to find the fame and fortune you so desperately seek in the music business if you don't develop a thicker skin. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 10:54am Edited: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 11:01am
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dude you cant call your band independent if you have a cd in HMV...jesus christ, and you do suck its a very valid argument. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 12:09pm
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Lots of independant bands have CD's in places like HMV. For instance, my old band were 'independant' but had cd's in HMV, A&B etc. We had deals with Galy and distribution deal with Century Media.. but guess who had to pay for everything? The band paid for all the recording costs and duplication and shipping to the labels, then the labels would make the product avail. to their dsitributors who would then deal with orders to the record stores. At the end of the day we paid for everything, except the shipping from label to store.

Main diff being the product is available to more people, and the p[rofit to the band is far less seeing as how there are 4 middlemen in the way raping their share (store, distribution company, label, post office) - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 1:08pm Edited: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 1:09pm
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I think perhaps Jeff is experiencing some confusion over differences between "Independent" and "Homeless / Retarded". - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 1:10pm
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kids who live at home with their parents dont understand economy. And Ive never sought fortune or fame through music, simply fun. We ARE an independent band, as we are not signed to any label, and we own the rights to every song we've recorded and published. Thats what Independent means... But you're too inexperienced and inept to understand that, or the question above, as you still have not answered it. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 5:49pm
Aidan Logins
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"dude you cant call your band independent if you have a cd in HMV" ...unless you are an independant band.

Probably the dumbest thing I've seen on Live Victoria. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 8:03pm
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"Probably the dumbest thing I've seen on Live Victoria"

amidst all the pointless banter and diatribes, the heavy-handed arguments and bullshit statements, that's saying a lot. - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 10:55pm Edited: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 10:55pm
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I think he may he right.. well okay, maybe DAJ is just a little bit dumber. Well.. maybe VERY slightly.

Hell, it's kind of a toss up, really. - Fri, 6 Jun 2008 9:39am
Aidan Logins
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DAJ isn't dumb, just wrong. His ideas are all founded in an incredibly creative and original deep philosophical mind. He's put a lot of thought into what he's doing. Not dumb, just wrong. - Fri, 6 Jun 2008 10:13am
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"His ideas are all founded in an incredibly creative and original deep philosophical mind."

I dunno man.. that may be stretching it just a tad... I'll grant you that he has indeed put a lot of thought into what he's doing.. but when the rubber hits the road, dumb thoughts are still dumb, no matter how well thought out :) - Fri, 6 Jun 2008 11:49am
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I don't think there is anything wrong with any indie band selling their music at a large chain, especially if it's a band that rarely comes to the west-coast.
Reel Big Fish had previously been on Mojo/Jive. Two years ago they got dropped and have been releasing their shit DIY. Those albums are for sale at HMV/AB/etc. Bands such as The Saint Alvia Cartel were very happy to hear my mention that I had seen their records in store. No, I don't think there is anything wrong with an indie band selling their music in a chain, unless that chain is in action with something they don't agree with. Many bands do - or TRY - to take an anti-capitalist stance on the way music is produced and marketed. While it is impossible to create and share music without somehow effecting the market, it is a noble thing to do. While they might not ever achieve as much success as groups who do sell into record stores, they can - in a humble or arrogant way - sleep at night knowing that what they have produced will always stay near and dear to their hearts.

While I do applaud these groups, in fact, I would rather buy a record knowing that the band actually cares about it than not, it isn't as easy as seeing a picture in black and white. Just because a group sells records in stores, doesn't mean that they have comprimised their values in an effort to sell records. Vice Versa, just because a group has produced music on a smaller scale, doesn't mean that they care about you caring about their music anymore. I've had the misfortune of meeting groups that, while trying to push their music, come off as assholes.

I don't think it's any easy topic to discuss, as many people have strong feelings one way or another, but hey, that's what makes us awesome! Our ability to debate!

Anyone actually read that? - Sat, 7 Jun 2008 4:10pm
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good post... I agree that if a band sets out to INDEPENDANTLY distribute their music; it shouldn't be held against them that they've "sold out to the man". Quite the opposite in my opinion.
Being in a band is like running a business... you need money/revenue to make things happen(ie, recording, touring/travel etc...). Its simple.
And for those that, for some reason, oppose people selling their records in a shop(a la' HMV, A&B, Lyles) how the hell do you expect people to hear you? You cant simply rely on Myspace to get your name out there. - Sat, 7 Jun 2008 4:46pm
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small distrobutions, mail order and kick ass stuff like that. "it's hard to make a profit off punk these days" tee hee.
lame.lame. - Mon, 9 Jun 2008 4:51pm
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Sometimes I think that this sort of attitude is the last refuge of those who already know that nobody but their little circle of "tru-punks" would ever want to buy their music.

Personally, I choose to have more faith in my art than that. - Mon, 9 Jun 2008 9:32pm
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
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Music is stupid. Get real jobs. - Tue, 10 Jun 2008 1:41am
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You do have a point - I would re-phrase it however: Music is not stupid, but relying on music to get you by in life is stupid.

Music is something that the vast majority of musicians do as a hobby or an art. Good musicians are maybe able to make a name for themselves.. get on the radio now and then or whatever. Really good, dedicated musicians maybe take it to the next step and maybe work their way into some sort of career as professional musicians - session players, cover bands, etc, and maybe make a decent living out of it, or at least are able to supplement their day job income. Lucky musicians hit the big time and get to spread their music out over an entire country or maybe the world, and don't have to worry about money ever again (theoretically).

My goal as a musician right now is to become a GOOD Musician.. and maybe, if I try really hard, to work my way up to becoming a REALLY GOOD Musician. If I happen to be LUCKY as well, that would be really sweet, but I'm not quitting my day job anytime soon in hopes of that. - Tue, 10 Jun 2008 9:20am
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All independent means is that you're not on a label - no one is promoting for you and no one is shelling out cash to ensure your CD/Record becomes a final product. The end.

Most likely if you're shit's being sold in HMV and you're "independent" you're not making a dime. In fact, even if you're on a label and your shit's being sold in HMV you're probably not making a dime anyway.

Now sucking ... that's a completely different argument :D - Tue, 10 Jun 2008 2:10pm
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Seconded ;) - Tue, 10 Jun 2008 2:39pm
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Its not enough to pay for all the cocaine and prostitutes thats for sure. - Tue, 10 Jun 2008 4:40pm
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Learned a couple things here...

A) People are still buying CDs other than my parents

B) HMV still sells CDs WOW :> Must be hidden behind the Books,DVDs,Video Games,Shirts ;)

Check this out before you waste money printing coasters - Wed, 18 Jun 2008 1:00am
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There's something nostalgic about having a collection of albums rather than a scrap heap of shared files. The solid material makes the listener feel like its a BODY of work, which takes effort, labor, art. I personally think the ipod generation is people too scared to talk to eachother. PLUG IT IN, PLUG IT IN. If you don't have white cords into your face, how can you shut everyone out? The sad truth is, music listening is quiclky becoming integral into every daily activity, rather than a stand-alone activity. Personally the anticipation of a cd loading, or the fizz pop before the first note on vinyl, bring me back to the days before MTV stopped playing music. No one carries around cd players anymore I know, so the cd is usually listened to en masse, playing the songs that the artist intended people to hear, rather than a few select pieces off someone's fav playlist. I agree somewhat that cd's do get scrapped and often become coasters, but I think the world should worry about plastic garbage bags (which don't biodegrade) rather than some remastered YES albums from the early 90's. Wow, thats a rant. Does anyone feel me on the nostalgia thing? Its hard to feel proud of a single song who's sound has degraded to the point of near-synth, playing WAYYYY off balance for the rest of the mix (different albums usually don't balance perfectly). Its like having caviar with fries. They both ruin eachother. - Fri, 20 Jun 2008 9:22am
trevor corey
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I like buying cds from merch tables at shows. I am very proud of my collection. - Sun, 22 Jun 2008 2:27pm
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People still rock discmans! I laugh every time I see one, because I thought I was the last person to get an ipod. I love my ipod. When you own close to 2000 cds it's a good thing to start collecting mp3s.

Unfortunately for my room I still buy cds. - Wed, 25 Jun 2008 10:27pm
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There will always be people like JEFF who want to be musicians like us. Anything Jeff has anything to do with sucks ass. They will never have a cd in ANY store, even if it is at their own mommies convenience store. Jeff and his friends are jealous! - Sat, 28 Jun 2008 11:25pm Edited: Sat, 28 Jun 2008 11:26pm
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
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Musicians are dorks. No one wants to be like you. - Mon, 30 Jun 2008 3:45am
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Hey Arend...should I start heckling also?

"kids who live at home with their parents dont understand economy."

DONT YOU LIVE WITH YOUR PARENTS??!! Over by Camosun College/ Landsdowne?

Again, your mouth and lack of intelligent debate will only hurt the REAL talent in this band, by your livevic this thread is already turning negative attention to FABLEWAY...but whatev...
See ya on the isl, cunt. - Fri, 4 Jul 2008 10:04pm
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So much for adult conversation, I guess. - Sat, 5 Jul 2008 2:39am
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no Kim I DONT live with my parents. My mom lives in Terrace, my dad lives in Vernon. Ive been paying rent at this address since I moved here in 2006. More shit you talk about me before you know what the fuck is what. - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 9:20am Edited: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 9:23am
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havent lived at home since 2001... age 18, but I guess Kim wouldn't know that because she'd rather talk shit about someone than get to know them. Have fun trying to drag people down to your level Kim! - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 9:47am
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It was your band mates that told me that as we picked you up there, guess they like to joke around, as we know they all do....
You just have your panties in a bunch, because once again, I had pointed out your negative crap was spreading lame attention for FABLEWAY...
BUT THANKS FOR THE DISGUSTING THREATENING LETTER IN MY FACEBOOK, I do have email info, to the left, to the left...

See ya tonight, dollface. - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 10:25am
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Ive never threatened you, it was definitely hateful, but not threatening.

"I dont live with my parents you stupid shit talking whore! Keep my fucking name out of your mouth, because you don't know shit about me. Ive been living on my own since i was 17, I happen to live in a decent part of town, its called luck, like being in a fucking awesome band, or having a girlfriend who isnt 170 pounds. Nibbler's not playing so you might as well not come to Red Jacket"

hateful but not threatening. It was private too, until you had to mention it here. Definitely not as threatening as say, dropping hell's angels names at me and telling me that "Im fucked" in an attempt to scare me??? (Aforementioned biker will not be named out of respect for affiliations. I can't judge someone else just for knowing you or enjoying a motorcycle club) However, if someone cares about you enough to beat me up (or worse) then I must have misjudged you. You're a great person, and you were just misinformed, you weren't just looking for one more reason to try and make me feel bad, or afraid for my safety.

I've never threatened violence on anyone in my life!!! I've never started a fight or hit someone first, that doesn't mean Im not going to stand up for myself. I never wanted our private bullshit to be splayed out here for everyone to see, but Im not going to be seen as a hypocrite or someone who threatens a woman without having my piece said. In all honesty, Im sorry it's gone even this far. But I would still appreciate it if you kept my name out of your mouth, because no part of me belongs there, even if you're starving. - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 11:44am Edited: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 11:46am
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A Hell's Angel will beat up a skinny little musician because someone asks them to?

Thats it! ALL you skinny little musicians are dead meat!!

Take that to your non-independant record selling store!

PS: were Fableway the band partying at the fire on the other side of the island, with the chachie no shirt wearing bottle smashers? If so, I hope you guys cleaned up all the glass you smashed on the beach..

if not.. carry on! - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 12:42pm
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no that was not us. Sometimes our guitar player takes his shirt off Randy-style, but we cleaned up the entire area we were in along with much of the other stuff. Actually, Im pretty sure JJ went down the next day and helped those rowdies put that fire out. Also, Id like to mention that members of Fableway (Jesse and Fernando) were out on Chatham Isle the night before setting up the audio equipment with Dean and Gary. Also, the mics for the show we're provided by yours truly, and the drums we're provided by Jesse (Who also took the helm on a couple boat trips). We have nothing but respect for Gary, Dean, Rhys, Jaks and that whole crew, and for the awesome Chatham Isle shows we've been lucky enough to be invited to. We were glad to help out this year, and I'd hate to see people thinking we weren't respectful about it, or that we didn't play a role in helping the show take place.

(sorry for posting about Chatham Kim) - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 12:56pm
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Cool man, there were a bunch of bands and I wasnt sure who was who, just remembered the glass smashing going on from the group camped at the other side who were people I didnt realy recognize but had been playing.. hey we all take our shirts off sometimes.. doesnt mean we are all chachie retards though! - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 1:02pm
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indeed. Actually Im kinda glad you dont remember us, we played kind of a lousy set that night (soooo many beers) come check us out tonight at the Red Jacket mini-tour kickoff!

Cheers! - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 1:09pm
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Well, it WAS private, and not much point to just run back here, if it isn't going to stay that way...but that's your style.
Of course I like to scare little skinny musicians (not my wordsd :) that CALL ME A SHIT TALKING WHORE...but also thought in a manner of speaking, as I told you, we already had plans together to come, and see F play tonight, with GOOD intentions, until this shit show today. I can't help his hobbies, and figured mine as well mention it also as it is KINDA HARD TO NOT NOTICE...if he is wearing his colors, and wouldn't want you to egotistically think he is solely there for your head, after todays letter...

AND AS FOR CHATTAM...YOU DID NOT CLEAN UP YOUR CAMP SITES, AS I PERSONALLY DID. You put your tents where mine have been the last 2 years, as Dani was told where to go, or where I was last year, but purposely put mine on the other side of the hill, behind the music when I got there early. IM NOT SURE WHO BROKE THE BOTTLES, but you guys and Dani and Em, were there all night, hardly left the site, so I dont know how you didnt stop someone if it wasnt your crew...AND WHEN I STAYED THE EXTRA DAY AND NIGHT, to clean, and put out the huge fire on the side of the island the next day also, THE NEXT DAY I cruized up to where you guys were, and altho in bags, the garbage remained. AS DID THE GLASS...
Like Ryse joked, next year, anyone who wants a ride off, has to bring it to the beach and to the launch with them... :)

Have a good show. :) - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 6:59pm
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And posting about Chattam in such a manner is fine, good sir. I won't smack your hand this time.

WITH YOUR BAND (AND YOUR BAND ONLY) PLAYING CHATTAM, with other bands, tba....was worth commenting on.

But with a little nudge, you erased it 5 mins later....AND THEN INSULTED ME THERE AS WELL, because I corrected the spelling of RYSE'S NAME , as it IS his party, birthday, and brainchild....BUT THEN YOU SAID, SORRY I DONT SUCK ENOUGH COCK TO KNOW HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME on and so forth.
But it's all me buddy.
X - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 7:12pm
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and you were never a bitch to me before that... ever. - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 7:23pm
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You know, when you first came to my house, AND DISSED ALL THE LOCAL BANDS, (and not in a constructive way) ESPECIALLY L.I.D., picking apart Terry...etc.....EVEN THE DAYGLOS....whom you claim to be friends with all and friends of friends now...

You were shitting all over everyone and everything, and I flipped as bros, AND FROM THAT MOMENT - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 9:10pm
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I am proud to have been a bitch to you, since second and day one...
You are a weasle.

His last email was...
"Like I said, cops. "

ARENDS FOOT SHALL BE THE 7TH....bawhahahahaha - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 9:14pm
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I call last word!
LAST WORD LAST WORD LAST WORD :) - Wed, 6 Aug 2008 9:20pm
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again making up words for me. Ive been listening to Dayglos since before i joined fableway in 98, soooo. I don't even know who Terry is or was... so I dont know how I "picked him apart" as you say. LID, they are awesome, Im sure we'll be playing again with them, and I was making fun of their name, like I do to everyone (which Im sure no one ever does to us, and Im sure they dont give a fuck either) Please stop making shit up to make me look bad.
Yes, I said some nasty shit about you, to you, directly. All of it, either in person or over email, in private. Not on this public site bullshit. Another thing, the facebook posts, between Clancy and I we facebooked about a 1000 people for that Red Jacket Show, and say 30 showed up? Dont blow shit out of proportion when you don't understand it. As far as the TBA thing, I dind't know who was playing, I thought Dayglos were until the day of the show, should I have put that on there???? Dayglos ARE PLAYING CHATHAM!!! Would that have helped??? Or maybe you just dont recognize that most of the people on our Facebook page wouldnt know who Smoked Out Brains or Nibbler is except you! And if you think they (our fans and friends, most of which live in Terrace, and would have no chance of making the show, and I knew that) aren't welcome because of that, then I don't want to play it next year, or loan out any gear for it. You tried to ruin it for me this year and failed, but I guess you've already gotter done for next year huh? Ill just be another high, drunk punker, like you, or maybe I just wont go at all, because you represent the street-punk community's voice and she hath spoken. But again this was all explained in person, when you were high and drunk as fuck and probably cant remember, and was never needed to be posted here, but alas, Im so terrible as a person because Im honest with people. Or maybe you just don't care and you'd rather, like I said, "talk shit about someone rather than get to know them." No but you can have the last, mis-informed word, making us look like childish hipocrytic assholes and then come to our shows and pretend to support us and be our friend... cool. Im really glad you enjoyed the show wednesday night. Its cool that you threaten violence and death on a public forum, but it's not ok for me to tell you what will happen if I feel threatened. What a great fan/friend to have. Did anyone say: "Restraining Order?" Im not emailing you anymore. If you cant respect privacy, Im not going to bother with you. - Fri, 8 Aug 2008 10:05am
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"because you represent the street-punk community's voice and she hath spoken"
WOW, what an honor I did not know I held, but although you are trying to use it as an insulting statement, I find it cute...

"making us look like childish hipocrytic assholes and then come to our shows and pretend to support us and be our friend... cool"
As I said, we ALREADY had plans to come to the show, my friend already meeting some people there, AND I WAS COMING TO SUPPORT until I READ THIS hours before...we talked on Chattam, but then you read the statement AFTER THE FACT ...and started all this again, by calling me a shit talking whore...ahhh...who am I kidding :)
But I can still go to see people I like, like everybody but you, and Mosh Man...

"I don't even know who Terry is or was... so I dont know how I "picked him apart" as you say. LID, they are awesome"
Im not even gonna point out how silly this is...if you think they are so awsome...

"Or maybe you just don't care and you'd rather, like I said, "talk shit about someone rather than get to know them."
I KNOW ENOUGH Jesse and Fernando a place to live in pimpsville when I couldve rented to anyone...HAVE LIVED WITH, IN 2 RESIDENCES, your band, (not all of the band) and have had you ALL around...whether visiting or jamming, or going to jam, ETC FUCKING ETC...SO DONT CRYT WOLF TO LIVEVIC like I dont know you and I am a judgemental uneduacted cunt. I AM STILL PAYING FOR 800$ LAWSUIT FOR THE DAMAGE TO THE FLOOR UNDER THE STAIRS FOR THE BAND GEAR coming and going, sliding on the floor, in and fucking out...WHICH I NEVER EVEN BROUGHT UP TO THEM AFTER THE FACT....but can gladly do so or slide the court papers their way to pay :)
And before you even go there, I was glad to have to leave the house once the downstairs tenants stiffed me for their rent, and made me responsible for 3500$ to pay ours + which I obviously left the house with no choice. (Not before moving J and F's shit to his girlfriends in the unfortunate turn of events, the least I could do, yet they bitched, yet continued friendship WITH THEM...
EVERYONE HAS THEIR ISSUES...but dont make out like I DONT KNOW YOU FABLE GAY BOY... - Tue, 26 Aug 2008 10:53pm
trevor corey
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oh, you guys. - Wed, 27 Aug 2008 1:54am
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I know, I even shook my head after...for retorting again...
But I have this must have last word complex...

Hi TC... - Wed, 27 Aug 2008 8:42pm
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(Speaking of LID)

L.I.D. TONIGHT!!! Plus Blackie and the Triumphs, and possibly MR PLOW...

Come get me drunk and high, and take me home, cause Im a shit talking whore!!!
No really, please... - Wed, 27 Aug 2008 8:45pm
the jak
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dude you cant call your band independent if you have a cd in HMV...jesus christ, and you do suck its a very valid argument. - Thu, 5 Jun 12:09pm

im not sure what this is all about but i just wanted to say that i have spent the last ten years in a band that pays for its own recordings and pressing,we book our own tours ,pay for our own flights and when it comes to making a decision the 3 of us sit down and talk it over...we dont have a manager or anything like that,hell we even print our own t-shirts....most of our cd/lp sales come from tours....however....are cd's are at hmv. ....i think we still qualify as an indie band but hey...what do i know? - Tue, 25 Nov 2008 2:39am Edited: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 2:39am
the jak
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i thought that i was also posting about indie bands selling the cd's at hmv....after reading my post did you conclude that i was speaking of somthing other than bands selling cd's? lost - Tue, 25 Nov 2008 6:32pm Edited: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 6:32pm
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'Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics, no matter who wins you're all still retarded.'

And using special needs people as a joke shows you're a complete fuckwad. Your post is a fine example of the degradation of basic human empathy for those with challenges you will never experience in life. - Tue, 25 Nov 2008 8:12pm Edited: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 8:22pm
trevor corey
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""""And using special needs people as a joke shows you're a complete fuckwad. Your post is a fine example of the degradation of basic human empathy for those with challenges you will never experience in life."""""

.....but Chomper, isn't that kind of how you treat Bounce? - Wed, 26 Nov 2008 12:03am
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What the fuck are you on about now Trev? Is Bounce special needs? - Wed, 26 Nov 2008 7:29am
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lol, some may think so..but no i'm not...lmao... - Wed, 26 Nov 2008 4:52pm
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Are you tell us that you don't need to go to a special manufacturer to get bra's ,Like a parachute company?
lol - Fri, 28 Nov 2008 3:27pm
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Coming from the guy whose crotch is always blowing out the zipper of his pants! (Inside joke) I would have to say that your special needs, do they make condoms that big??…lol…damn dude I just sent your chances of getting laid sky-high…lol…your welcome!!!! - Fri, 28 Nov 2008 3:45pm
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Man I can't wait until Bounce gets to be 50 or so when her tits will look like socks with tennis balls in them. - Fri, 28 Nov 2008 4:31pm
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Never going to happen I will have surgery long before - Fri, 28 Nov 2008 4:34pm
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Empty hot dog casings,the linked kind.

Just kidding - Sun, 30 Nov 2008 1:20pm Edited: Sun, 30 Nov 2008 1:25pm
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