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However Crazy You May Want To Think I Am
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > However Crazy You May Want To Think I Am
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However crazy you may want to think I am, the 'Crown' is still an unrepentant baby-raping monster. - Tue, 27 May 2008 9:34pm Edited: Tue, 27 May 2008 9:48pm
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And you're still a scab on the ass of society. - Tue, 27 May 2008 11:31pm
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Who eats poop and fucks goats. - Wed, 28 May 2008 6:48am
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Please explain how the 'Crown' is "baby-raping". - Wed, 28 May 2008 12:19pm
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it raped a bunch of babies to terrorize the native populace into submission- then imprisons or institutionalizes any who would disagree with their claim to the land. - Wed, 28 May 2008 2:37pm
trevor corey
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Is that how you were conceived?
We have our own constitution now. Any "baby raping" was done by the English Crown. Take it up with the Queen.
Sometimes I find your choice of language quite disturbing. How is your new baby? - Wed, 28 May 2008 2:46pm
J. Peatman
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Yeah, better give it up for adoption before the 'Crown' rapes it! - Wed, 28 May 2008 5:18pm
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Nah, do it yourself before someone else gets the chance. - Wed, 28 May 2008 5:20pm
Mr. Hell
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Sounds like The Crown is raping you in your court battle you while you cry like a baby about being exposed as a certified kook.
Sore-loo-zer. - Wed, 28 May 2008 10:21pm
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Colonization and/or territorial coups are a fact of history across the globe. The people occupying such land which is being invaded always got the shit end of the stick. That is not exclusive to Canada or Canadian aboriginals. At least the "crown" a.k.a. the Federal Government is now attempting to make some kind of retribution which is way more than any other country of the world has ever done where original occupants were displaced. We can't change history and no point in crying over it either. - Wed, 28 May 2008 10:44pm
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ya, what she said - Thu, 29 May 2008 12:03am Edited: Thu, 29 May 2008 12:03am
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the federal gov't is not the 'Crown'. The 'Crown' is the crown of england and it has executive authority on every ruling and law in Canada. They are also the ones who determine whether or not something is criminal enough to go to court.

Officially Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy.

have pity on every member of the 'Commonwealth'.

The 'Crown' really does not own the land and everyone who got their land from the 'Crown', no matter how many hands it has passed through, does not.

So maybe instead of living our lives thinking that psychopathic behaviour is necessary for survival we can enjoy a natural life unafraid of death. - Thu, 29 May 2008 9:38am
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DAJ, you have stated in your public journal that you want the Crown to transfer title (i.e. ownership of) the grounds of St. Ann's Academy over to you. Will you please reconcile this with your statement here? - Thu, 29 May 2008 10:02am
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So, what should I do if I want to own land then? Sit on my porch with a shotgun? - Thu, 29 May 2008 12:03pm
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The 'crown' of England has not had "executive authority on every ruling and law in Canada" since the Canada Act of 1982. At that time, that authority was taken away from the Priviy Counil of the Judiciary Comittee and the Monarch respectively, and placed in the hands of the Supreme Court of Canada and the Governor General respectively. The only result of Canada's being a consitutional monarchy, is that our head of state is a monarch. You should brush up on your history boy. Oh yeah, and while your at it TAKE A SHOWER FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!

~Crushing the little homeless guy under the heel of my boot since 1978.
Doc - Thu, 29 May 2008 4:38pm
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"So maybe instead of living our lives thinking that psychopathic behaviour is necessary for survival we can enjoy a natural life unafraid of death"

you are so paranoid that eveyone's out to get ya... we just want you to a)leave... b)shower... c)leave. Because you dont get what you want; we're all psychotic thinking lambs of the crown... yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn... now fuck off.

ps, doc has a point... brush up on your history before you make your pseudo-clever little quips(lord knows theres at least a connection to the net where ever your posting this babble, so at very least... search it out on wiki lol... cuz the only one lookin' like an idiot is YOU; mr.DaJ. - Thu, 29 May 2008 5:08pm
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Hypocrites much, you bunch of dirty, long-haired, stinky metal-heads?

PS: That stuff growing around the toilet is living in your shit and piss. It's not healthy. Clean it up. - Fri, 30 May 2008 2:18am
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You're lucky you had to type that rather than say it. I doubt it would be easy to speak with daj's pee pee leaving a DNA sample in your throat. - Fri, 30 May 2008 10:25am Edited: Fri, 30 May 2008 11:52am
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If you're going to post your masturbation fantasies, at least make your prose a little raunchier than 'pee pee', holmes!

Also: Clean your fucking toilet. - Fri, 30 May 2008 11:16pm
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who calls someone "holmes"?
and btw, im the farthest from a longhaired stinkey dirty metalhead... so before you go making assumptions like your bumbud Daj, do a little research :)

ps, you stink. - Sat, 31 May 2008 9:12am
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Holmes. He prolly got that from MChammer or new kids. Really hearse, that's that saddest come back I've read on this board in at least 2 years. Good thing I didn't just tell you that you were stupid. All you would have had to say is "I'm not, you are!". - Sat, 31 May 2008 9:47am
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Turn off the Pantera and pick up a book and you might recognize the reference to Sherlock Holmes used in a contemporary 'hip' way, creating a pleasantly conflicting jab at your intelligence.

Which you missed, heartily proving my point.

Also, I've got some extra Vim lying around to help with that stanky ring in your bathroom.


GOOD ONE! - Sat, 31 May 2008 1:14pm
trevor corey
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Hearse, lol. The correct use of your attempted "pleasantly conflicting jab" would have been, NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Dumb ass. - Sat, 31 May 2008 1:49pm
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Yeah, if you strive for unoriginality, you'd think that was cool. Otherwise, no. - Sat, 31 May 2008 2:37pm
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"turn off the pantera and pick up a book"

you're such an idiot. Theres nothing more to be said. Your assumptions are your downfall; once again, do your research and find out that not everyone here is a)a metalhead b)enjoys pantera{but everyone should} c)uses the word "holmes" as if they came from the 'hood(which is by far the weakest shit i've heard since DaJ). - Sat, 31 May 2008 3:17pm
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
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Colonization and/or territorial coups are a fact of history across the globe. The people occupying such land which is being invaded always got the shit end of the stick. That is not exclusive to Canada or Canadian aboriginals. At least the "crown" a.k.a. the Federal Government is now attempting to make some kind of retribution which is way more than any other country of the world has ever done where original occupants were displaced. We can't change history and no point in crying over it either.

Funniest post on livevic award for 2008. Hilarious. You sound just like someone who has no idea whats going on. - Sat, 31 May 2008 8:52pm
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I thought what Danielle wrote was a parody of DAJ's writing style. The sentences are just as brain-vexing to read with their random subject displacement and run-on nature. - Sun, 1 Jun 2008 1:55am Edited: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 1:55am
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Really hearse, you're about as popular as a turd in punch bowl right now. Just poke your tail up your fruit hoop and run away. No need to make yourself more of a joke than you are. - Sun, 1 Jun 2008 10:27am
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"your downfall"


"popular as a turd"

The one floating around in your disgustingly dirty toilet? - Sun, 1 Jun 2008 10:27am Edited: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 10:41am
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o hearse... quit while your well behind. Your little toilet bowl humor is about as original/stale as you calling someone "holmes"... way to go wigg's.

btw, its not your internet downfall, its just YOUR downfall all together; making assumptions about people you dont even know... calling people hypocrites when you probably didn't even spend more than 10sec's reading what everyone had to say. Im assuming your yearning for a smack in the face(the one your parents neglected you); perhaps from all the witty quips you bring forth you really dont have friends... cuz friends wouldn't let friends call people "holmes".

now fuck off. - Sun, 1 Jun 2008 11:28am
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AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Looks like someones panties are right tight in a knot. Suicide is not a shameful answer. Just don't bother removing your butt plug first. They say sudden death can void ones bowels. - Sun, 1 Jun 2008 11:29am
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"making assumptions about people you dont even know"

Uh huh. From another thread:

"So, with that said; Im sure I speak for the majority... FUCK OFF; I HATE YOU.


"your yearning for a smack in the face"

Ooooh, Internet Tough Guy alert!

"your butt plug"

Still with the fantasies, eh?


Every time DAJ posts here there's an outpouring of immature bullshit from folks with (apparently) nothing better to do than post lame stereotypical put-downs. Whether I think DAJ is misguided or has a messiah complex has nothing to do with the fact that the majority of responses are from bigoted hypocrites.

It's obvious you enjoy dishing it out, so it's hard to understand your problem with getting a response in kind. - Sun, 1 Jun 2008 4:55pm
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maybe because we're sick of his maniacal rantings that NONE of us believe in. Post after post about crap crap crap. The slap comment wasn't "internet tough talk"; it was a meare observation about you, your parents and the disciplinary actions they denied you. It might have actually saved you the embarassment of posting here thinking your doing Daj justice by calling people "holmes" and going on about this "toilet ring". Its not even funny; so you & your little buddy Daj should find a place where you and he wont be hurt by the onslaught of dissagreeance here.

ps, hypocrites or bigots; i still dont want smelly fucking pieces of human waste filling our parks and living off our tax dollars; creating a human waste park... sounds like fun doesn't it? - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 9:37am Edited: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 9:39am
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What is with hearses poo/toilet obsession?! I can't help but get the feeling that he's crying a river every time he replies to post that tells him what a goof he is. - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 9:59am Edited: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 10:01am
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Embarrassment? Please. This is fucking LiveVictoria. - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 12:17pm
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if its just "fucking live victoria"; why do you feel so compelled to tell us that we're hyprocrite bigots for telling Daj how it is and how we feel?
If you didn't stoop to our level(which is apparently well below yours, in your opinion) we wouldn't even be at this point on the original post. So who really is the child in this sense? - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 1:57pm
round em up
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Purse and DAJ have more in common than you'd think.

Both are sandal wearing neo-hippies with body odor that could melt lungs and weld the seams of a ship.

And while one passes his time trying bigger and better legal loopholes to allow shit and piss to foul our parks and public places, the other lives with a billygoat on a farm on an unnammed gulf island growing weed and making furniture from tire rims. - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 3:13pm
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the only problem i have is that he/she's waited this long to start up on us? The very same people who haven't changed their opinions since the beginning of this fantasy Daj has in his mind. If this person(hearse, purse, or whatever) felt so compelled to come out and put the hate on us; then why the wait? I've been calling Daj out on his filth since DAY 1.
And one question that I've been wondering about is how we can be hypocrites and bigots for not wanting bums to live in our public parks? Im certainly not dirty nor do I live a dirty life; in fact Im quite the opposite regardless of what anyone thinks of the "regulars" on here(which they all assume is the metal crowd... wrong again). And dont get me wrong; Im not saying that all metalheads are dirty longhaired bigots/hypocrites... but some people who appreciate the metal seem to fit the stereotype better than others lol. - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 4:53pm
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"put the hate on us"

Obviously DAJ posting here gets under your craw. Why you can't get over this and ignore his posts is a mystery but apparently you feel like some kind of hero for doing it. Whatever - it's your blood pressure, not mine.

But dammit if you can take the kind of shit you dish out, eh? When the same vitriol is served up, you cry like a stuck pig. That's what makes you a hypocrite.

I don't have to agree with DAJ to understand that he has every right to pursue his beliefs. Obviously he's got some strong ethics and whatever I may think of how he expresses them, I wouldn't take away his rights to do so. It's called living in a free and diverse society and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

As far as this board goes, frankly the only section on LiveVictoria I take seriously at all is the Buy & Sell. In the many years I've been around here it's been the most useful section by far. YMMV.


"lives with a billygoat on a farm"

An animal you'd be more familiar with would be a one-trick pony. Am I right? AM I RIGHT? - Mon, 2 Jun 2008 10:32pm
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You are your only supporter. - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 12:29am
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Well, I guess that's one more than you. - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 8:00am
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So how is attacking us making you a better person? Your doing the same shit and getting the same shit dished to you back. Deal with it; if you only take one section on this board to heart, then why bother posting? You seem to think your some sort of messageboard messiah; when your just as hypocritical and bigoted as us.
Great that you dont believe in Daj, but allow for his words to be spoken. I, on the otherhand, am sick of hearing his fucking dribble and really would love him to take his shit claims elsewhere where someone actually cares about what he has to say. YOU on the otherhand, seem to strive on the fact that your better than us in some convoluted way and have to point it out like a 5 years old telling on someone in a class room. NO BODY LIKES TATTLE TAILS... and nobody like you!.
You dont even need to bother posting anything after this; simply because its OVER. Theres nothing more you can say or "repost" about anyone else that woudl change the way we think or post about certain things that annoy us.
Deal with it you hippy and move on.
Or take your ideals elsewhere with Daj and have a big ol'fashioned soap box party. Fucking moron. - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 2:43pm
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I never said I wasn't a hypocrite, cockface.

Best get that blood pressure checked as I'd guess you're pretty close to an aneurysm. - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 7:54pm
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cockface... real original.
try harder next time, bud. - Wed, 4 Jun 2008 9:28pm
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Boo! That's no way to end a marathon.

2/10 - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 7:57am
trevor corey
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S U G A R T I T S ! - Thu, 5 Jun 2008 2:27pm
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