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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > The Impossibility of Loitering |
David Arthur Johnston User Info... | The Impossibility of Loitering - So... the fascists are now embracing the idea of 'no loitering' as a tool to move along 'undesirables'. In the name of cleaning the streets the city is promoting an across-the-board malevolent prejudice against outside people, whether they be involved in 'crime' or not. It seems backpacks now glean the same attention that shopping carts do- apparently, capitalist forces are cracking down on anyone who doesn't want to sell the whole of themselves. Loitering suggests purposelessness. Who is anyone to say that someone else doesn't have a purpose? Suggesting that loitering is real only reveals a delusion of people who really have no authority- if this means the entirety of the 'crown' and the Canadian Gov't, then it is better to know sooner than later. Security guards and cops practice intimidation techniques because they only have mastery of violence and know how to control it. If their victims knew the truth they would understand that the cops just think they are doing their jobs and are really not as angry as they pretend to be... then we wouldn't be caught in the trap of anger and would better be able to face this delusional fascism that is making this city reek. HELPFUL TIP- everytime I see a cop or a pretty girl I remind myself of patience, thereby hardening one's spirit to an invulnerable position. The problem is not the outside people, the problem is that people think they are allowed to be devilish to secure their financial positions. The question the people of Victoria have to ask themselves is 'What is freedom?' Then maybe we can start dealing with real issues. I thought the ruling on the 'Right to Sleep' in September was going to be the big stand off, though it might end up being the occupation of the library courtyard until they remove all the 'no loitering' signs... we'll see where people's inspiration takes them... Peace. David Arthur Johnston Victoria, BC, Canada [email protected] Home page- Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)- Crazy Monkies and the Battle for Planet Earth- - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 8:37am | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Everyone who is pissed about the "outside people" would probably be a lot less pissed off if most (not all) of these people didn't leave a big, disgusting mess behind them after loitering, sleeping or camping in the public areas. Yes, they are public areas and everyone has a right to be there. Also, everyone has a right to enjoy these areas without having to smell a big pile of human shit or step on syringes. Maybe the first step you and your people should take is to show some responsibility and clean up the frequented areas and police within yourselves to assure there are no bad apples ruining it for the rest of you. After you've shown some responsibility, maybe the "powers that be" and the general public will take you more seriously instead of wanting to ship you off to Sidney Spit on a burning barge. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 10:49am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | "What is freedom?" you ask, freedom is lots and lots of cash. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 2:33pm | ||
Tom Adlersparre User Info... | Yep. TC has indeed hit it spot on. - Fri, 6 Apr 2007 11:36pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Thanks TA! .....I think Daj could use a little t and a. - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 12:13am | ||
begbie User Info... | Get a job then you wouldn't have to loiter. - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 1:16am | ||
Mace User Info... | This thread makes me all uptight and angry like 'Dumpstermesh'. - Sat, 7 Apr 2007 9:12pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Mace has fleas - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 3:14am | ||
round em up User Info... | The burning barge comment made me think of a solution to this bullshit. Tow an empty barge into the inner harbour. THen make a big banner that says "Get everything you need here, without having to work", and hang the banner from the barge side. Post some signs at the main entrance that say stuff like "bonus given for complaining that we live in a facsist society", or "milk everything from society here without contributing anything".The barge would then fill quickly with malcontents. Then one day, the barge sails away into the sunset, without anyone really knowing or caring where it went.... - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 8:04pm Edited: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 8:05pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Do not forget to set the barge ablaze before it sails off into the sunset. - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 4:11pm | ||
jackass User Info... | crazy nut-bar said: "HELPFUL TIP- everytime I see a cop or a pretty girl I remind myself of patience, thereby hardening one's spirit to an invulnerable position." I say: this strike anybody else as *more* odd than the rest of the oddness he posted? Pretty girls harden your *cough* spirit? - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 4:53pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Three cheers for hardwood - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 5:06pm | ||
round em up User Info... | Quote "Dont forget to set the barge ablaze...." We could hide all the fire extiguishers in the showers. Then they'd never find them.... - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 5:57pm Edited: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 6:00pm | ||
Endeløs User Info... | @ Mr. Hell's comment- lol - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 9:35pm | ||
Spinvis User Info... | Agreed with Mr.Hell. I agree with no loitering rule as well. - Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:11pm | ||
J. Peatman User Info... | "Do not forget to set the barge ablaze before it sails off into the sunset." Hehe, with burning arrows just as it moves away from the dock..."The Vikings" style! Victoria is thanks to its climate and mellow atmosphere the ultimate city to loiter in. The ridiculous number of lazy homeless bums, dead-end druggies and other useless folk is one thing, but what usually pisses me off is having to make a wide arc around a large group of pointless teenagers on Douglas. That very anti-establishment and anti-parental regime looking bunch of useless wankers hanging out in front of the Bay Center, McDonalds (how ironic) and the Mac's on the corner of Yates. Sometimes accompanied by "NEED CA$H FOR WEED" signs. There used to be a leper colony off of the peninsula, right? Why not reinstate it as the "Loiter Colony" and send the barge there. Every time the population gets replenished, a crop duster will pass overhead and blanket the island with a mix of magnesium oxide and anthrax. - Tue, 10 Apr 2007 6:30pm Edited: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 6:31pm | ||
jackass User Info... | or just use napalm, that'll do the job nicely. - Wed, 11 Apr 2007 9:29am | ||
Mace User Info... | I think David, can make a very strong 'psychoanalytical point' here and there, as it would be.. - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 1:57am | ||
J. Peatman User Info... | Has anyone else noticed Victoria's hottest loitering spot? Half a dozen or more scummy kids hanging out by Johnny Zee's on Blanshard every day taking up most of the sidewalk. Some have their hats on the pavement, waiting for a hand out. Some crusty litte brat wearing eyeliner spat on the ground three feet in front of me as I approached. Didn't give me a single look. - Wed, 16 May 2007 3:54pm Edited: Wed, 16 May 2007 3:55pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | If they hit you, a nice gob back would qualify as a handout in the form of a shower. - Wed, 16 May 2007 4:35pm | ||
J User Info... | "...The problem is not the outside people, the problem is that people think they are allowed to be devilish to secure their financial positions..." you fucking absured idiot. Im sorry for being so untactful about my comment to you, but where the fuck do you get off saying my business is your land? People work hard and earn their simple things in life that make us happy, and you have the audacity to say that we are devilish to secure our financial positions? my question to you is, Have you ever earned anything in your life other than a badge for bitching and moaning? get your fucking dirty head out of your ass. If i ever see the likes of you outside my shop, you can be assured that i will, forcefully if i have to, move your society leeching ass outta there; and not to protect my financial assests anymore, but simply out of spite for leeching fucks like you. again, i apologize for my lude comments. (but im sure if theres any business owners out there, they can certainly agree with me) - Wed, 16 May 2007 11:20pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | It amazes me how a special ed case like Daj can get under everyone's skin. - Thu, 17 May 2007 1:00am | ||
DAJ User Info... | Knights of God are marked by their love of truth. Truth is pride is bullshit and capitalism is killing everything and fate is real so no one is responsible for anything--- patience be with you in knowing that society gets along perfectly well trusting in respect and not by enforced control by people who think they own anything. PS: you don't own shit peace - Fri, 18 May 2007 4:20pm | ||
XY-DEMONSEED User Info... | "PS: you don't own shit" That's so true, it's kind of rented…… like beer! Oh and, BS: You own your body and mind, and the relationships around you. Taking ownage of something, also means taking responsibility . So before you can throw out the idea of owning , you must understand the idea of giving of ones self. So it’s a double edged sword when you say "people don't own shit", and is only espoused by persons who own or do nothing in their lives, and have no plans for the future. Well, except for blaming. Even the most lazy person owns shit, so you are either pathological or fake. - Fri, 18 May 2007 6:38pm | ||
round em up User Info... | probably both.... - Fri, 18 May 2007 11:34pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | ....or just too baked... Daj made his last post at 4:20. Coincidence? - Fri, 18 May 2007 11:45pm | ||
DAJ User Info... | Patience be with us. You are everything--- it is about practicality, efficiency and respect. Capitalism does not respect freedom; it is a poison from God that forces us to become smarter. Patience is the force that carries our sanity through tribulation. peace - Sat, 19 May 2007 11:41am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | ......blah, blah, blah. Keep it in your pants. - Sat, 19 May 2007 9:31pm Edited: Sat, 19 May 2007 9:32pm | ||
Ward Ensemble User Info... | save a logger...spike a hippie. - Wed, 27 Jun 2007 5:38pm | ||
J User Info... | "...Capitalism does not respect freedom; it is a poison from God that forces us to become smarter..." speak for yourself... while you may think that its poison; if it weren't for capitalism, none of us would have the desire to be better than we are or the person next to you. I personally have more aspirations than to give up everything I work for; for a society that's made from your point of view. Whats mine is MINE and not YOURS; no matter what you think or say. Like I said "NO LOITERING" - Thu, 28 Jun 2007 2:53pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | ...actually.......for me, the desire to better myself came from the desire to attract sweet beav....... - Thu, 28 Jun 2007 3:18pm | ||
J User Info... | hahah awesome trevor, simply awesome - Thu, 28 Jun 2007 4:32pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | sweet sweet beaver indeed!!! here here to capitalism and all its fringe benefits!!!! - Thu, 28 Jun 2007 6:23pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | I had to pay my secretary twenty bucks to pose for that gif. - Thu, 28 Jun 2007 7:15pm Edited: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 7:16pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | LOL!! I just read this thread for the first time. I was avioding the DAJ threads for a while but I thought I'd check it out. Thanks Mace. You're a real laugh riot man. Yup, uptight and angry....that's me. Oh ya DAJ you're still a fuckin loser that needs to get a grip on reality, but don't take it to hard. I'm uptight and angry. :) - Fri, 29 Jun 2007 2:06am | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Hey trevor what have I told you about posting our "overtime" online? That's the last time I wear pink for you!! - Fri, 29 Jun 2007 2:07am | ||
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