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Hezbollah calls for ‘united front against imperialism’
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Hezbollah leader calls for ‘united front against imperialism’
Published Aug 23, 2006 11:05 PM

It is rare that readers inside the imperialist countries, especially in the U.S., get the opportunity to read and hear the voices of people’s resistance due to the blatant censorship of the big business media. Therefore, Workers World is reprinting excerpts from an Aug. 14 interview with Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah that appeared in its entirety on the Turkish Party of Labor website, Roza Cigdem Erdogan and Mutlu Sahin, reporters with the Turkish daily, Evrensel, conducted the interview in Beirut.

Turkish Daily: Israel had claimed its aim was to destroy Hezbollah in the first days of the occupation of Lebanon. How ever, it came across a resistance it did not expect and now it has been falling short of this aim. Through violent clashes, the occupying army continues to suffer heavy loses. But this is not covered sufficiently by the media.

Hasan Nasrallah: They are writing that they are bombing the Hezbollah positions and are deceiving the peoples. As you have witnessed personally, this is a big lie! They are martyring the innocent civilians. But, we are routing the Zionists wherever we come across them. We are acting cautiously, and are not firing rockets on civilians. By claiming that we are firing rockets on urban settlements, they are seeking to deceive the peoples of the world. But we are firing rockets under control on to locations we identified before. They are deliberately driving the Israeli Arabs to the border. They are presenting them as a target to us, but we are not playing into provocation and mischief. Our target is not the civilians; it is the Zionist military forces. Our fighters are routing extensively the Zionist forces in the land operation. But they should also know that we have still not used our important weapons. The Zionists, knowing that they cannot daunt us with death, are attempting to destroy our infrastructure, our roads, bridges, our women and children. This is how they are trying to intimidate us. But, it is all futile, we will not surrender! Apart from the freedom of our motherland, we will not accept any other solution. We will resist and we will fight. Imperialism and its Zionist contractors in the region should know that we are waiting for the Zionists on every hill, every valley, every street and every inch of our country. Our resistance necessitates victory. We have no other way. This war will end with the victory of the oppressed of the world and of the Muslims.

Is it possible for Lebanon to face once again the threat of a civil war?

Not only in Lebanon, but also in the region as a whole, the Zionist regime is seeking polarization with the tension between ethnic groups, sects and beliefs. Their strategy of attacking our country also confirms this. But, the Hezbollah has spoiled this game. The oppressed peoples of our country and of the Middle East have come to the defense of Hezbollah and have provided their support. The socialists and Christians are included in this.

What is the current state of your relations with the socialist movement?

The socialist movement, which has been away from international struggle now for a considerable time, at last began to become a moral support for us once again. The most concrete example of this has been Hugo Chávez, the president of Venezuela. What most of the Muslim states could not do has been done by Chávez by the withdrawal of their ambassador to Israel. He furthermore com municated to us his support for our resistance. This has been an immense source of morale for us. We can observe a similar reaction within the Turkish Revolutionary Movement. We had socialist brothers from Turkey who went to Palestine in the 1960s to fight against Israel. And one of them still remains in my memory and my heart—Deniz Gezmis [founder of the People’s Liberation Army of Turkey—WW] ...!

It is possible to see the posters of Che, Chávez, Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah side by side in the streets of Beirut. Are these the signs of a new polarization?

We salute the leaders and the peoples of Latin America. They have resisted heroically against the American bandits and have been a source of morale for us. They are guiding the way for the oppressed peoples. Go and wander around our streets...! You will witness how our people have embraced Chávez and Ernesto Che Gue vara. Nearly in every house, you will come across posters of Che or Chávez. What we are saying to our socialist friends who want to fight together with us for fraternity and freedom, do not come at all if you are going to say religion is an opiate. We do not agree with this analysis. Here is the biggest proof of this in our streets with the pictures of Chávez, Che, Sadr and Hamaney waving along together. These leaders are saluting our people in unison. So long as we respect your beliefs, and you respect ours, there is no imperialist power we cannot defeat!

Western governments are intensifying their pressure on Damascus and Tehran for which they are proposing a change of regime. Some sources are of the view that the attack on Lebanon will be directed on Syria. Is a regional war possible?

The centers of imperialist power want to make collaborators of our region as a whole. They expect us to kneel before them. Syria, Iran and we are opposing this. The provocation concerning the former Leba nese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and the efforts to secure the withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon and going even further, their wish to attack callously on to Tehran and Damascus are all due to this reason. Syria, with Iran and Hezbollah will certainly resist this. The imperialists of the west are seeking to make a second Kosovo out of Lebanon and our region. They are seeking to create a clash between sects. But we have spoiled this trick. In our streets, the whole of Lebanon, with its Christians, Sunnis and Shias, are flying the flags of Hezbollah. Again, the unipolar world has already been left back in history. There is us, there is Iran, there is Syria, there is Vene zuela, Cuba and North Korea. There are the resisting peoples of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan! As long as there is imperialism and occupations, these people will continue resisting. They can forget about peace. If they want peace, they should now respect the freedom of peoples and should eliminate the collaborating gangs. God willing, the victory will be ours. They are not going to be able to turn our country and region into a Kosovo. Now our people are aware of everything and will not play into imperialist tricks. We will absolutely not permit them to attack Iran or Syria. We are going to fight for our freedom to the last drop of our blood. Let no one doubt this. They are claiming that Iran has nuclear wea pons at its disposal. On the contrary, most of the nuclear weapons are in the hands of the collaborating gang of Israel and the U.S. Furthermore, nuclear wea pons are nothing but excuses put forward in order to create collaborating regimes in the region.

There are claims that Hezbollah is being directed by Tehran.

This is a great lie. We are an independent Lebanese organization. We do not take orders from anyone. But this does not mean that we are not going to form alli ances. Let me reiterate, we are on a side. We are on the side of Iran and Syria. They are our brothers. We are going to oppose any attack directed at Tehran and Dama scus to the last drop of our blood just as we do in Lebanon. We uphold global resistance against global imperial terrorism. Peace cannot be unilateral. So long as there is imperialism in the world, a permanent peace is impossible. This war will not come to an end as long as there are occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.

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Source URL: - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 8:53pm Edited: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 3:02pm
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Venezuela withdraws Israel ambassador

"The Israeli elite repeatedly criticise Hitler's actions against the Jews, and indeed Hitler's actions must be criticised, not just against the Jews but against the world. It's also fascism what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people ... terrorism and fascism." - Sun, 27 Aug 2006 3:02pm
trevor corey
User Info... - Sun, 27 Aug 2006 4:54pm
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peace bruh, sis & tovarish,

there was controversy about the "Hezbollah leader calls for ‘united
front against imperialism’" interview

orginally published here:

after the workers world released the piece (the workers world later
withdrew the article) b.u.t. the message is so similar to the hez posse
and nasrallah's objectives the confusion was understandable.

"Hezbullah is a social, political, educational, medical and military
organization based primarily among the Shi’a of has set up
over 50 hospitals; it has set up over 100 schools (secular schools
primarily) and many libraries; it has participated in the governing of
Lebanon in the parliament and in the life of the country; it has driven
the Israelis out of southern Lebanon and kept them out—to this day, it
is the force that stands guard against another Israeli invasion of
Lebanon." -- sam hamod -- "Understanding Hezbullah of Lebanon for What
it Really Is"

i send this correction out because, althtough it does not take from the
objectives of the hezbullah crew and posse's fight against imperialism
and the zionist regeme = racism, nor deminishes the support the
resistance has recieved from around the world, including from hugo
chavez (who dismissed the iraeli consulate see: "Venezuela withdraws
Israel ambassador")

"The Israeli elite repeatedly criticise Hitler's actions against the
Jews, and indeed Hitler's actions must be criticised, not just against
the Jews but against the world. It's also fascism what Israel is doing
to the Palestinian people ... terrorism and fascism."

nor does it take away from the brave stand that toronto liberal mp borys
wrzesnewskyj took by visiting lebanon after the zionist regemes murder
of over a thousand lebonanese citzens (which encluded an entire canadian
family) returned to make make the statement;

"Over 1,200 dead and counting. Over 40,000 apartments and houses
flattened. A country's infrastructure dismembered. You look around
here," said Wrzesnewskyj (Etobicoke Centre). "I believe what's happened
is absolutely criminal." -- "Direct talks with Hezbollah urged MPs tour
Lebanon areas Bomb damage called `criminal'"

it is important, still being in solidarity with a righteous crew of the
hez -- that this correction is submitted -- i/we (as nation of bruhs and
sis/comrads in struggle) would not want to use black ops/zionists
tactricks of achieving an end by "way of deception".

Thursday, August 31, 2006
The matter has been settled. Today, Hizbullah issued an official
statement in which it categorically denied the "Turkish" interview with
Nasrallah that was posted on Counterpunch. The official statement is
printed below. The Anatolian News agency has issued a similar report in
English of the denial (thanks to Assaad and Gabriele).
نفى مسؤول العلاقات الاعلامية في حزب الله الدكتور حسين رحال، ردا على سؤال
صحافي عن اللقاء الذي نسبته صحيفة "إفرنسل" التركية الى الامين العام ل حزب
الله السيد حسن نصرالله ونشر في تاريخ 12/8/2006، "حصول هذا اللقاء او اي
لقاء آخر مع صحافيين اتراك او صحف غير لبنانية خلال شهر آب الحالي".
واوضح الدكتور رحال انه "حيال نشر مقابلات مختلفة وغير صحيحة، فإن الحزب
يحتفظ لنفسه بكامل الحقوق القانونية تجاه الجهات التي قامت بهذا العمل
المسيء الى الصحافة والامانة والموضوعية".
المصدر:وكالات ـ "الوطنية". بتاريخ 31/08/2006 الساعة 17:06

however, fam, this is authentic;

"Now, as for my words for the resistance fighters, for my dear and
beloved brothers: upon them rest the hopes of every Lebanese, every
Palestinian, every Arab, every Muslim, every free and decent person in
this world, every oppressed, tortured victim of injustice, every lover
of steadfastness, courage, dignity, values, and nobility — the
characteristics they embody by their presence on the field of battle and
in their fight with this enemy, the fight of valiant heroes. I say to
them: today, after God the Highest, you are the hope of our Nation. You
are the symbol of our nobility. Our honor is in your hands...." --
General Secretary of Hizballah, Hassan Nasrallah


The racial discrimination towards the blacks is still persisting in
every aspect. Moreover, there is a racial discrimination towards the Red
Indians who are the original inhabitants of the country. ...I tell you
frankly that if it wasn't for the determined willingness, ... and fight
of the Palestinian people, the Americans and their civilization would
have decided to solve that problem of...Palestinians just like they did
with the Indians. This is the picture that lies in the mind of the
American." --Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah



Whoever said Conscious Hip Hop artists can�t get down or that Hip Hop
from the NY (East Coast) is dead simply has not tapped into the
burgeoning cultural inspired rap scene that has everyone from dead prez
to Immortal Technique making noise. Alongside them are artists like
Hasan Salaam, Hicoup and Akir just to name a few. We sat down with them
the other day when they swung through Oakland for the Strength in Words

I gotta be honest it was nice building with these cats. In fact we
barely spoke about their projects, which include Hasan�s �Lost Paradise�
album, Hicoup’s Ghetto Factory Supreme� mixtape and Akir�s debut LP
�Legacy�. Instead we talked in depth about the Middle East including the
conflict in Lebanon. This was critically important especially when you
take into account that Hasan has a song on his album called "Hezbollah".
-- Davey D -- "Breakdown FM: Always Strength in Words-An Interview w/
Hasan Salaam, Akir and Hiccup"


"In the Middle East, after a month of Israeli bombing, the people of
Lebanon are digging themselves out from the rubble and struggling to
return to their homes. In the United States, a full year after Hurricane
Katrina, the people of New Orleans are still fighting to do the same
thing: return home. It might seem odd to compare the two. After all,
Lebanon is recovering from war, and New Orleans from a natural disaster
and broken levees. But this is only the superficial story. A look at the
New Orleans relief effort and its aftermath shows that poor people’s
right to return home has become just as much a battle there as it is in
Lebanon. In the United States, the New Orleans relief effort was
spearheaded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington’s
disaster relief arm. In Lebanon it is being organized by Hezbollah, the
grassroots Lebanese resistance movement that George W. Bush calls
“terrorist.” -- joyce chediac -- "Lebanon rebuilds, New Orleans waits"


khoda hafez - Mon, 4 Sep 2006 12:03pm
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...Allahu Akbar!!!..... - Mon, 4 Sep 2006 6:53pm
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