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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Lebanon's Hizbullah the Leninist type of party |
Lordpatch User Info... | ...the Movement of the Deprived and Amal, both founded by Imam Musa al-Sadr, Hizbullah is led by a collective leadership rather than by one charismatic personality. Also, Hizbullah's organisational structure in some ways resembles the Leninist type of party structure, as argued by some writers; however, the emphasis on the role of the Ulama in the society is a fundamental feature of Shi'ite Islam and is a central feature of Hizbullah's structure. - Sun, 23 Jul 2006 7:57pm | ||
Gman User Info... | Yeah, it's too bad Mohammed didn't leave a will naming his successor. - Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:26am | ||
Mofo User Info... | It also resembles Nazi's. Any flag which has a rifle held defiantly in the air sure doesn't put the FUN in fundamentalism does it? - Mon, 24 Jul 2006 7:36am | ||
build more prisons User Info... | Quote from Jan Egeland, UN humanitarian chief, in regards to hezbollah's deliberate tactics of building bunkers, storing weopons and placing combatants in civilian areas. "Consistantly, from the Hezbollah heartland, my message was that Hezbollah must stop this cowardly blending... among women and children. I heard Hezbollah is proud that they lost very few fighters and that it was civilians bearing the brunt of this. I don't think anyone should be proud of having many more children and women dead than armed fighters." I'm sure all the bleeding hearts would say that the person quoted above is biased, if not for the fact that the same individual condemned Israel's attack as "disproportionate" and "a violation of international humanitarian law. Interested to see how what excuses Lordpatch uses to justify Hezbollah's practice of deliberately placing military infrastructure in civilian areas, while at the same time condeming Israel when they choose to eliminate such infrastructure....but since he's such a cut and paste pussy, I highly doubt we'll hear it. - Mon, 24 Jul 2006 4:31pm Edited: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 4:33pm | ||
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