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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Ontario: Anarchists threaten retaliation after officer sexualy assualted protester |
Lordpatch User Info... | Ontario: Anarchists threaten retaliation after officer sexualy assualted protesterTop cop Rob Davis says protesters went too far with burning in effigyMAGDA KONIECZNAGUELPH (Jun 27, 2006)Police Chief Rob Davis is not backing down from an e-mail comment he made calling a group of protesters 'morons.'And he's concerned by suggestions from a member of that group that people may retaliate against police.Davis made the comment about protesters who were supporting a member of the Guelph Union of Tenants and Supporters (GUTS) who alleges she was sexually assaulted by a police officer in early March.At an April protest, a police officer was burned in effigy in the middle of a downtown street. Yesterday, Davis defended his e-mail comment calling the protesters morons. - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 3:48am Edited: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 3:49am | ||
kyle User Info... | Lordpatch, you are a moron. Straight up, you're a fucking idiot. You have your fist shaking, hand-wringing, communist head so far up your "revolutionary" ass, you've fallen completely in love with the smell of your own shit. You are an enemy of the very state that has given you the (unfortunate) right to be an enemy of it. Just because you can be. One word: FUBAR. If you think this country is so God-damn bad, move to fucking Afghanistan. Or better yet, (for your marxist-leninist ass) China. See what REAL hardship is like, fuckbag. If not, shut up. I noticed you always fail to bring up relevant issues when referring to our EVIL GOVERNMENT, like how terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah, Tamil Tigers, AL QAEDA, (to name a few) not only receive tax exempt status from our government (due to being recognised as fucking CHARITY ORGANISATIONS), but are given funding through abuse of our wonderfully PC welfare system. But I guess that would expose fellow traitors, and that simply will not do. If you want to be a drum banging granola sucker ranting about your perceived injustices at the hands of the Canadian government, go live on the fucking commune on Salt Spring Island (if you aren't already there). In closing; comrade Lenin, er, sorry, LORDPATCH- fuck you. - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 2:19pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | dear lordpatch, if you would like to reach kyle maxwell, his email adress is :[email protected]. _NH - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 3:21pm | ||
Dr.DoomXXX User Info... | Anonymous you funny bastard you crack me up sometimes. But seriously though, don't ya just love how every single last time some one has to put lordpatch in his place he has nothing at all to say in his own defense? It's probobly because he's a goof, an idiot and a shit sucker with no intelligence what so ever to back up his fanatical unmedicated PC insanity. Go fuck yourself lordbicth. - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 7:20pm | ||
Akylore User Info... | LOL The most hilarious thing about this post is that it reached the 'Controversy & Quarantine' section in 3 replies! Well...that is if this thread wasn't started in this section to begin with. Still, makes me wonder if livevictoria must be hiring people to do "monitors" on threads now, :P - Tue, 4 Jul 2006 1:09am Edited: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 1:11am | ||
Mofo User Info... | kyle....I couldn't have said it better if I tried!......Cheers man! Lordpatch....I actually applaud you for attempting to construct your own sentences, all without your mundane repetitive links that lead us to the verbatum paragraphs you originally posted in the first place....YEAH for got a gold star....but, sadly you still fall WAY short on your ass for sounding like a fucking whiner commi bitch. Just like kyle said...go fuckin live somewhere else in the world where there is REAL hardship, not the percieved and often contrived oppression that you constantly whine about living under. 2 FUCK YOU's WAY up buddy....I happen to love this country, however shitty you think it is! What makes it shitty is having to share it with FUCKTARDS like yourself who don't know how good they really have it. I would be HAPPY to arrange a ride to Afganistan for you....I'm serious if you really hate it that much..... - Tue, 4 Jul 2006 8:49pm Edited: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 8:56pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | I think everybody is too busy trying to kill the messenger that they missed the message. What I heard was that a girl was raped by a cop... As much as I don't agree with the anti-Canada shit, I am proud and thankful my daughters have a safe country to grow up in, and since this post has nothing to do with it I think this time it's a pretty fucking legit thing to speak up about. What I wonder is why the fuck does everybody (Mofo, I'm looking right at you...) razz out everytime Lordpatch says something? If you don't like it don't fucking read it. Can't blame someone for trying to educate and stand up for his beliefs, even if you don't agree with them. Somebody's gotta do it. - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 12:14pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | "What I wonder is why the fuck does everybody (Mofo, I'm looking right at you...) razz out everytime Lordpatch says something? If you don't like it don't fucking read it." If you don't like my replies....don't fucking read them! I don't blame him at all, I am simply objecting to the manner in which he posts his beliefs, and then never replies in his own words to substantiate his beliefs...I am well entitled by the very same rights he is to object to his. I am all for him posting and some (very little) of it is insightful, however it just gets repetitive and really annoying to hear people bash everything about this country constantly. - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 3:02pm | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | "I think everybody is too busy trying to kill the messenger that they missed the message. What I heard was that a girl was raped by a cop" Easy now... alledged... Cops aren't raping women. In the above case, a link to a credible news source would be nice when alledging that the police raped a woman. Lordpatch once again takes a very serious concern and fucks it up. Lordpatch is posting anarchist propaganda designed to discredit the government and make us "fear" the police. Same as the right wing guys do, same as the government does, same as corporations... same as, same as, same as.. Thanks for playing Lordpatch... keep on posting :-) - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 3:46pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | Jeremy I've known enough girls that have been sexually assaulted- and enough guys that have gotten away with it- to know 9 times out of 10 she speaks the truth, I'm not saying I know the cop did it, but would it suprise me? Not at all. I don't live under a rock. By the way, I was bottle fed "anarchist propaganda" and I'm thankful for it. Of course, I don't call it that. I choose to call it not being a sheep... - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 7:51pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | "raped" theres a fucking word and a half. dont even try to tell me that the girls werent trying to get out of a traffic ticket or a misdemeanor, by pulling the "oh officer, is there anything *wink* at all i can do". the chick wanted to get fucked so she didnt have to pay for the ticket, then realised she could profit by bringing it public. girls are sluts, treat them accordingly. as for you "Tragedy" i find it tragic how you are always on the offensive, ohh mr big man, you know alot of people who have been raped. anyone else notice the common denominator there? haha, you sick fuck, you probably did it. as for not being a sheep..who are you trying to kid, hands down you are one dirty farm animal, and YOU my friend, should be treated that way...hey why not? your mother liked it. _NH - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 9:14pm | ||
kyle User Info... | So Tragedy, apparently you're not a sheep. Just like all the other anarchists right? Give me a fucking break. Of course a leech like you would think the cop was guilty. You're right. You don't live under a rock. You live under a fucking mountain sized boulder. A Canadian cop raping someone? Holy shit! Do you watch the CBC? Look at the cluster fuck that goes down every time a Canadian soldier fires a shot in self defence. If a cop in Ontario raped someone it would be a fucking national crisis. It actually makes me physically sick, the number of whiny socialists in this city complaining about the evil Canadian establishment, and corporate this, corporate that. Whether you LIKE it or not, or ACCEPT it or not, the police exist to protect good, hardworking people from societal fuckups. What a concept. God I love this shit. Oops, sorry, how un-PC of me. Non denominational deity, I love this shit. - Wed, 5 Jul 2006 11:03pm Edited: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 11:03pm | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Obviously you've never had a friend beaten up by a cop for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Are there cops that want nothing more than to keep the community safe and happy and all that? Absolutely. I'm sure most of them do, and most are boyscouts. But there are a select few (and in some departments those select few are in charge) that will abuse their power for either personal gain or to further an agenda. They are the exception. But we shouldn't say it doesn't happen. To keep the cops honest (which is good for everyone, especaiilly honest cops), we have to point out and publicize any cop-on-citizen bullshit. And "alleged" cop-on-citizen bullshit has to be openly and impartially investigated. Otherwise people lose faith in the police. And bad things come when people lose faith in the cops. Edited to add: Mofo, I can understand your frustration. I don't like having to get lordpatch's back when he says things that have value and should be heard (and that's most of the time). He should be getting his own back more often. It hink most of his positions are very defensible, and he's doing himself (and his ideas) a disservice by not defending them. People will reject an idea outright the first time they hear it, but if somebody honestly and passionately defends it, they tend to at least give it some thought. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 1:39am Edited: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 1:43am | ||
kyle User Info... | By the way, Anonymous- you're STILL an asshole. As much as I get bent out of shape over the PC anti-Canada bullshit that runs rampant on these forums, that last post was one of the most GENUINELY sexist things I have ever read. Give your head a shake bud. Hear anything rattling around in there? Nope, didn't think so. I am sick and tired of reading dopey fucking anarchist rantings in the vein of Tragedy and Lordpatch's, but based on your last post alone Anonymous, you should be publicly fucking caned. "Girls are sluts, treat them accordingly?" What the fuck is that? How can you look at your mother with a straight face with that redneck shit going through your sick fucking head? I hope your future cellmate gives you a whole new appreciation of the word "fist." Out. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 2:08am Edited: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 2:31am | ||
Swingin' Joe User Info... | Lord Patch's posts are moronic, plain and simple. But I give the asshole some credit, because he's probably reading this thread with a big shit eating grin on his face.Congratulations Lord Patch, you're still a douche. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 6:22am Edited: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 6:22am | ||
Tragedy User Info... | Wow. As for my "dopey fucking anarchist rantings"...? I've been posting on this board for about 4 years now and the amount of times I've jumped into a thread about politics I could count on one hand. Like I said, I'm not anti Canada, and I'm not an anarchist either. I was just taught at a very early age to read between the lines. I never said the cop was guilty, I said it wouldn't suprise me. Our government controlled media cut and paste and produce a nice cozy package of half truths everyday and suckers like you will gladly eat it up like candy. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 10:52am | ||
kyle User Info... | Tragedy, I'm going to bring up a point someone else on one of these forums brought up a while ago. What makes your "alernate news sources" so credible? Just the fact that they're anti-government or "non-corporate?" Give me a break. Where do they get THEIR stories from? Any news source with an agenda (and they ALL have agendas) will give their version of the "news" according to how it will benefit them the most. As far as the mainstream vs. underground news thing goes, mainstream news doesn't have the goal of overthrowing or discrediting specific underground sources. They're already on the top of the heap. You can't say the same about most underground anything. So who's more credible? I think you see where I'm going with this. And these "underground" organisations are still making a fat wad of cash off people looking specifically for anything "non-corporate." So who's eating what up like candy? I do A LOT of reading outside of what I hear on the everyday mainstream news. Right wing, left wing, whateverthefuck. Know your enemy. I'm not going to discredit something just because some use the same VERY tired banter of "corporate" just to further THEIR agenda. By the way Tragedy, I may not agree with what you have to say, but my last post WAS intended to be in your defence. That was almost a nice rebuttal though. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 2:25pm Edited: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 2:46pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | that was a point I had made in another post and I am glad that someone else agrees. Reliable information is only reliable in the eyes of the beholder or provider of it. Horses mouth or horses ass....ALL media sources (including Lordpatchs and Tragedy's) are subject to bias and error. Just because you tend to disagree with a particular point of view (aka you have an agenda) that does not make your information source more only makes it more prone to unreliability, and makes you a half-witted lemming for believing it just because it goes against the grain. I am all for questioning but to question just for the sake of questioning is deserving of only one title...LEMMING! - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 3:05pm Edited: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 3:19pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | Jesus. I never once said I had any alternate media sources. Don't put words in my mouth. I'm just saying I take it with a grain of salt. ALL of it. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 4:27pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | And Kyle...would it have been a better rebuttal if I'd given 2 shits about what some anonymus dork had to say and lost my temper? Thanks for defending me but I don't need it, I can choose my battles and fight them myself. On that note I have the flu. I'm cranky. I'm goin to bed. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 5:23pm | ||
kyle User Info... | No, it would have been a better rebuttal if you used all those words to actually SAY something. If you don't actually have a point to make, don't bother posting. And that's not just directed at Tragedy. - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 6:26pm | ||
Mace User Info... | I hate, 8/9 out of 10 of everyone of them manzer pigs I meet or see, and then there's always the seemingly nice cop that is out there, 1 or 2 out of ten isn't great but then, I have to ask myself? This doesn't make me 'anti-canadian' does it... What I see here (since I rarely post here- meanwhile this topic thread has really piqued my interest of 'unabashed cop hating majority)That if the police every rub you the wrong way there are socialogical refined sources to deal with them or they who can be held responsible... First, that buddy up top posts some re-written history, then buddy, steps out and clocks anarchist buddy in the face for re-writing history, (even though it's possible other buddy's 'awarenss' and witness to- of media mind-washing techniques) other buddy, picks up 'awareness buddy' and mindwashes him with body-numbing mind-tingling-washing stlye bodyslam, in which 'awarenss buddy', trys to rest for the evening, but other buddy kept picking on him/her? And that I stood back watching in a sordid beguilement at it all... I seen it all, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it! :? - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 9:53pm Edited: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 9:56pm | ||
kyle User Info... | What the fuck?! They really gotta stop giving internet privileges at Eric Marten... - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 10:11pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Specail day pass priviledges ftm... ;) Need more cream for my coffee, sugar for my cream... {type, type} - Thu, 6 Jul 2006 10:13pm Edited: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 10:17pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | I must've said SOMETHING, Kyle, cuz it sure got you're panties in a knot. I know your type. You just like the soapbox for the soapbox's sake. It doesn't matter what I say, or what Lordpatch says, you're gonna argue with it cuz you like to argue. Makes ya feel smart, and tuff like "Anonymous". And if you happen to find yourself with nothing to say, you (a)twist things around, (b)put words in my mouth, or (c)hurl insults in an attempt to attack the character of someone you don't know shit about. In the wise words of Iggy Pop, "Blah, blah blah". - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 11:04am | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | " I'm not saying I know the cop did it, but would it suprise me? Not at all." Tragedy, the difference between our points of views is that it WOULD surprise me if I read a cop raped a woman. If he was in unifrom, working for US, then I would be ultra pissed and would be very upset. A cop raping a woman is not something to be taken lightly. On duty or off. In the above post... I just don't believe there are enough facts. I read the news everyday and I have never come across a story relating to this. I think Kyle said it when he said it would a very big story, national news. Now, cops do shit headed things (they are people, and people fuck up). There was a story the other day of a cop in Florida that got fired for beatinghis girlfriend. It was a HUGE story and the police quickly fired him and made a very public apology - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 12:59pm | ||
Mi*coll* User Info... | I love how everyone always takes sides when someone comes forward with a rape allegation. depending on their politics, people decide that either she must have been raped or she must be lying. what gives? --mike ps. anarchists are retarded. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 1:57pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | Something most youth don't take into account is the shit cops deal with and see on a daily basis. I used to think most cops were pricks and then I ended up living with and becoming really close friends with a couple of them. I would tend to say that no matter what your field of work there is ALWAYS a bad apple in the bunch.... with cops it is no different. That is not to excuse any behaviour (alledged or otherwise)like this. I am sure it has happened in the past that a cop has raped a girl, just as I am sure that an anarchist (for lack of a better example) has....whats the difference? One holds authority and abuses it, the other despises authority and creates his own. So why is it that when a cop is "alledged" to have commited a crime many people jump on the "guilty because he's a cop band wagon" or the "it would'nt surprise me if bandwagon"? Thats called stereotyping....its ignorance...its much the same offence that people like Lordpatch and Tragedy proclaim to be incapable of. Its on the same vein (does that ring any bells) as racisim. ps it is agreed that anarchists are retarted...and ride the short bus - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 2:39pm Edited: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 3:25pm | ||
kyle User Info... | I'm going to adress a couple things here. Tragedy, I am definitely not a fan of attention for attention's sake. I've known about live victoria for about 4 years now, and with the exception of an admittedly dumb post that I started a while back, I have never really felt the need to voice my opinion on these forums. There are a few reasons behind that. For starters, I expect that as someone who identifies with the political right, most opinions I have on most subjects will be pretty poorly received in this city, and especially in the music scene. Generally I don't give a shit, as I will GLADLY defend any opinion I state unless I am blatantly wrong (and I can admit when I am), but I also have to assess whether anything I say will be WORTH defending. In this case I believe very much that it is. Which leads me to another big reason; I'm not an attention whore. After the notoriety I'm sure these posts are getting- due to Lordpatch being an insufferable fuckup- I would almost rather go back to being an anonymous viewer of this site. Almost. You're right Tragedy, I DO get a kick out of arguing, especially when I get to go head to head with anarchist/socialist/communist fucks, which are all loathesome breeds of whiners I particularly despise. But having to answer to hand-wringers who don't REALLY know what they're "rebelling" against, and for the most part have no greater REAL understanding of the system other than "corporate=bad," annoys and is now boring the fuck out of me. Someone needs to slap Lordpatch in the face with a sock full of shit. And if I don't have anything to say, I don't say anything. I genuinely enjoy the insult hurling in this instance. It's fun. I think most people would agree. 'Nuff said about that. Mi*coll*- I find rape disgusting. It is completely unacceptable. That has nothing to do with my political beliefs. Anyone who takes advantage of a woman in such a cruel and despicable way should be executed on the spot. End of problem. That being said, I still don't believe any cop raped anyone (at least recently) in this country, since it WOULD be a huge national ordeal. I DO believe in this instance it is just some anarchist bitch trying to stir the shit pot and fuck with the system any way she can. I agree with the cop, anarchists are morons. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 3:23pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | Extra extra, read all about it. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 3:49pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | is this obviously biased and anarchist ranting link supposed to prove something (other than that fact that you are just as brainwashed as Lordpatch)? Extra haven't proven allegation doesn't make it so. All I see is one side of the story...and I am sorry but 90 percent of the time when a cop hits you its because you fucking shot off your mouth.....not a smart thing to do unless of course you are wanting to get hit and post the results on your down with the police webpage.... MORON! - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 3:56pm | ||
kyle User Info... | Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... What can I say, there's a sucker born every minute. If THAT is impartial reporting, then I must be a fascist asshole. Fuck anarchists. I should keep myself from saying anything other than that, since the profanities I have brewing in my head are sure to burn at least a couple retinas. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 3:57pm | ||
kyle User Info... | By the way Mofo, whoever you are, I like your style. Way to have your shit together man. Keep up the posts- it's nice to have a like-minded individual on these forums. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 4:00pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | Actually, asshole, I was just letting you know what the fuck you're talking about. There's more info in that link than there is at the top of this page. Do with it what you will, I could care less. I'm not out to change your way of thinking. Quit trying to change everybody else's. Your own ignorance won't even let you consider it could be true. You probably didn't even bother reading it. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 4:11pm Edited: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 4:24pm | ||
kyle User Info... | You're right, I didn't bother reading it. I always laugh that much at the sight of internet links. Get off your pedestal you dumb bitch. You don't know the meaning of REAL ignorance. You're too busy pointing the finger at the man thinking up new ways to point out how oppressed you are. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 4:47pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | I'm not oppressed at all, actually, once again with the putting words in my mouth, cuz it's all you've got... - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 5:01pm | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | easy Kyle... no need call people names. Just click the link and read the story or don't. I appreciate Tragedy tracking down the article and I read it. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 6:53pm | ||
kyle User Info... | My last reply was dripping in sarcasm, and my use of the term "dumb bitch" was a direct response to Tragedy referring to me as asshole. Cause and effect. I read the link, and I still think it's just anarchist propaganda, which by default means it's fucking dopey. I see no merit in any of that shit. This thread is getting to the point of rediculous, and I'm just about done with it. I'll wait and see if I feel like carrying this on anymore after the next couple of replies. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 10:05pm | ||
Mace User Info... | The Republic of Darko... Whoever, said they couldn't find any related material to any cops in Canada, raping or sexually abusing people is [imo] obviously lying to themself[ves] and you should take a closer examination of what you think doesn't exist because, naturally of course it does.. And I just wanna' say without naming names here, that buddy at first glance would fist you in more ways than one-if he could, and just for the sake of doing it... btw.. Anarchists/anarchy is kinda' old skool behavior that never really amounted to anything functional in this day and age, but some seem to spend too much time with the geezerz applying for their A.N.A.F./Legion cards down-at-the-old folks home, pulling tabs than, making a difference in their own backyards. So, just as long as you guys still keep your heads burried in the sand, you can say how great and wonderful Canada is when it comes to a certain previous 'ruling party' that were raping you, while you were sleeping. So go sell you 'Pro-canadian antics' to some other non-suspecting, goofs. or simply.. stfuplznthx! - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 10:56pm Edited: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 10:58pm | ||
kyle User Info... | "So, just as long as you guys still keep your heads burried in the sand, you can say how great and wonderful Canada is when it comes to a certain previous 'ruling party' that were raping you." I know all about the Liberals raping this country. For 13 fucking years!!! I vote Conservative. "So go sell you 'Pro-canadian antics' to some other non-suspecting, goofs. or simply..stfuplznthx!" Imagine that! A Canadian actually being pround of his country. As unimaginable as that is you communist fuck, there are some of us out there who actually show a little thing called patriotism once in a while. An abstract concept, I know, but try it sometime. And if you don't like it, then you can follow the advice I gave to Lordpatch and fuck off to Afghanistan. I'll gladly give you a nice send off of "eat shit and kill yourself you whiny fuck." - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 1:28pm | ||
Mace User Info... | big words.. hmmm? You mighta' miss-read, me, but if it is any consolation to your CONSERVATIVE PARTY CRUICADE, it don't matter that you voted for them, because you see the grand narrative here about democracy and the human rights issues attached to police brutality, that once again it doesn't matter that you voted CONSERVATIVE, only that your impervious nature to open up and be nice, is an issue only one's mother could desire. What no milk bar included? THat's too bad... She prolly voted Liberal. I thought I was angry, but unlike you. People, like you, for your BOLD straight-forth-wit, half/witted semantics. Will you sing 'Oh Canada' for us? Hehez. - Sat, 8 Jul 2006 2:02pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | does anyone else think that kyle maxwell has been raped? maybe its when he went to prison for sodomy. bottom line is, my post was a joke, just like kyles life. i wanted to stir things up. and i certainly got a rise out of kyle (which i've heard is impossible without pills) hahaha get it? he has erectile difficulties hahahahahahaah. ohhh shit..funny stuff. _NH - Sun, 9 Jul 2006 2:16pm Edited: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 3:25pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | For the sake of stirring the pot, I'm going to add that I wasn't referring to Kyle as the asshole, but I am now, (ASSHOLE ASSHOLE ASSHOLE! KYLE IS AN ASSHOLE!) and it's justified, because all he was doing was elaborating on Mofo's rant anyways, but Mofo's got the balls to be the real asshole, rather than just riding the coat tails of someone else's posts. FYI The reason I posted that particular link was because the girl that was ALLEGEDLY (for you pc dicks) sexually assaulted was a member of that group. So yeah, it's biased, but if you look hard enough you can find a whole lot more on the topic. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:12am | ||
Mofo User Info... | Tragedy....thanks for the compliment really you have blown my ego way out of proportion! My head is going to explode up in the clouds. If calling me an asshole is in someway supposed to insult me or further support your cause, well kudos to you, take your fuckin curtsie now or forever hold your peace! Oh yeah, I did read the majority of what was contained in the link you provided and yes, I am able to be objective. I will admit without question that there certainly are instances of police brutality in Canada, I have been pushed around by a cop once myself...but that isn't brutality is it? However someone who lives in a differnent social circumstance could sure as hell call it exactly that; and what a finished product you get! A poor suburban person beat down for NO REASON, the police just came into my hood and beat me down for being down . We all KNOW that it has and does happen, (and certainly not on the scale that the sources you provided would have you believe) but to assume that everytime an allegation of such arrises the accused is guilty is the very same discriminatory behaviour as a cop stopping anyone of colour. What I am saying is that there are two sides to the coin here. No one is debating whether or not police have ever acted inapproriately. There also exists an element in society that preys on the premise that all police action is uncalled for and thus "brutality". There couldn't be a more loose term! The mandate of policing is (as cheesy as it sounds) is to protect citizens, property and in general the safety and well being of the country. It is not an easy job and every job is not without mistakes...human pshycology won't allow otherwise. Allagory does not equal truth based on previous acts from the same demographic....once again you missed my point....that is called stereotyping. Something that both sides of the law are guilty of quite obviously. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:07pm Edited: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:09pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | speaking of riding coat tails....hows the view of Lordpatch's ass? - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 1:12pm Edited: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 1:15pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | Funny you're asking me that, since if it wasn't for Lordpatch you'd have nothing to say and you prove that by following up every one of his threads with a post of your own. If I want I can click on a thread he's started, or not. But if I do, without fail, there you are ranting and raving riiight there underneath... so who's riding his coat tails exactly? He gives you a podium. Without him, you've got nuthin' to bitch about. By the way, I agree with your last post. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 3:40pm | ||
Mace User Info... | 'Logistically, I don't agree, with 90% of what you wrote just there. So, you got beat up... Underhandedly, you probably deserved it and irresponsibly did nothing retrospect to filing a complaint, and if you did file a complaint? do you deserve my appreciation or anyones' special attention. The answer is no. you, FEARMONGERING CONFORMIST Tragedy, call this man a troll for me plznthx.;) - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 4:44pm | ||
kyle User Info... | Conformist! Conformist! There we go throwing that damn "C" word around. Have you ever seen that episode of Southpark with all those loser fucking goth kids who all wear black and talk about how painful and pointless life is, and stand around calling everyone else conformists? Well that's Tragedy and Mace, in the bag. Mofo, call this man a fucking hippy for me "plznthx." - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 5:41pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | Can you read or are you just retarded? *ahem*...Troll. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 6:33pm | ||
Mace User Info... | yes, plz call me a 'hippy'. 'Facists.' - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 6:47pm | ||
kyle User Info... | What the fuck is a "facist?" Learn how to spell dickweed. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 6:49pm | ||
Mace User Info... | noU^^^ - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 6:50pm | ||
kyle User Info... | If we're going to split hairs here, Hitler was a NAZI. That's slang for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or in english- National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party. FASCISM was an Italian political movement, and pre-dates Nazism by a good decade or two. Do you have any neato Southpark animations of Benito Mussolini? That would be super. Dumbass... Carry on. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 7:03pm | ||
kyle User Info... | Oh, and Tragedy- are you a lesbian? You seem to be all sorts of angry... - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 7:06pm | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | That's funny... Most of the Lesbians I know are abnormally well-adjusted. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 7:26pm | ||
Tragedy User Info... | I wish I was a lesbian somedays... I'm actually just bored. And I feel delerious and miserable today cuz I still have the flu. And my baby is teething. Anyhoo... - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 7:29pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Ya know, my girlfriend says the samething sometimes.. Damn womenz, making ya' delve down to the dungeon all-the-time..!? Aside from Tragedy's flu.... You seem to be an experienced pro when it comes to preaching the above Kyle... That I get this feeling that Lord Patches is actually Kyle's archtypal/alter ego 'username' covertly vying to discredit- the conservative party, and aiming to poach as many western canadian hockey players for the Leafs Org. and votes for the return of the Liberal Party. (What's with the Ontario Police? Lord Patches- fuckin' coward! THis is BC! Why don't you go live in Ontario on the frontline for sentimentality's sake) Rest assured that Kyle is attempting to create a strawman and steal future Conservative Votes- A simple task refered to by 'the shadow that lurks with in the hearts of evil men' as 'process filing' all of which has Kyle aimlessly posted of rascist banterings and loose information relating nothing here except SGT.PINKO's "ANONYMOUS'S" derogatory commentary above. You've got nothing on me SGT PINKO. I like lesbians and I like gay people in general.. You see how deep you're digging here, you and your fucken' proclaimed 'True Blue', you ain't nothing but a fading 'fuchia' and a far right wing loogan at best. You're halfway there Kyle, just finish the job and then bury yourself entirely, that way you can hide your sorry-ass from the publics' view; while you still have your head buried where it is. The Conservative Party doesn't need your false breed of dissillusionments, it must've been real difficult for you on election day- when they made you go to another polling station. That you had to cross town, just so you wouldn't have kited that vote of yours. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 9:51pm Edited: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 9:54pm | ||
kyle User Info... | You're about to get what I would normally save for Lordpatch you Communist fucking pussy. Maybe if you lay off the drugs a couple minutes, you might just MAYBE be able to compose a legible sentence. I don't care if you think typing insults and big words at random as they pop into your dopey fucking skull is a mark of your genius or what, but you- buddy- you are a FUCKING IDIOT. Feel free to jump into the conversation whenever you want, but if you can't start to make some kind of sense fuckstick, then you deserve nothing more than a speedy summary execution. Actually, you know what, don't jump in. PLEASE. I wish I could say this to your face. I would love to smack the shit eating grin I'm sure you're wearing thinking you must be some fucking genius, right off of your face. You sicken me. With one exception, I have avoided talking personal politics and discussing my voting preferences. I don't give a shit if you don't like who I vote for, and the fact that you keep bringing that up has me scratching my head going, "what the fuck point is this loser trying to make?" I'm not preaching my beliefs to anyone. But I will gladly denounce anything that comes out of your mouth. On that note- as for Lordpatch being my alter ego? Give your fucking head a shake dipshit. I have far too much personal and national pride to even pretend for one second to be an anarchist. You fucking dummy. I can't say that with enough emphasis. How an fuckup like you got a girlfriend is beyond me. It is people like you that make me feel so much better everyday with the knowledge that by the end of the summer, I won't even live in Victoria. I've been thinking for a while that it's stupid assholes like you who call anyone who isn't on the Radical Left a "fascist," and then you went and proved me right. Except that you couldn't even deliver a half-witted insult properly; your severe lack of any grammatical prowess hampered that too. If you want to insult me, do it properly or SHUT THE FUCK UP. Holy shit! What the fuck are you doing in Canada anyways?! Seriously?! Are you some bitter leftover of the Comintern who got stuck here, plotting the day you can overthrow our evil fascist government and restore Mother Russia to her former glory? I really don't fucking get this province. Why the fuck are you so weird? It's like you're embarassed to live here. Marxist-Leninist fucks like you should be shot. I'm going to leave it at that, as I am now frothing at the mouth, and am in serious danger of throwing the computer screen out the bloody window. On that note, I am now calling it quits for good on this thread . The stupidity alarm in my head is screaming so loud I can't get to sleep after I finish reading this bullshit. Out. - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:53am Edited: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:59am | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Kyle, you're an angry man. Why are you letting any of this get to you? - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 1:58am | ||
MikeyCade User Info... | How I love anger, and the livevictoria messageboards, so full of wit and grace. - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 2:12am | ||
kyle User Info... | I know I'm making a hypocrite out of myself, but what the hell. I just want to say that so far I've written everything in this thread with a huge grin on my face. I genuinely enjoy this shit, and being a smartass in general. And while I do think the world would be better off without stupid people like Mace and Lordpatch, I can turn the angry switch on and off like a lightbulb. I don't actually get worked up in any way other than the laughing that follows reading what I, and then other people, have written. I love having an excuse to tear into people like this. It's great stress relief. - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 2:20am | ||
Mofo User Info... | Tragedy, I hope you are feeling better today. Anyways, back to our heated debate,...I do not respond to every single one of Lordpatch's posts, not even close, only the ones that I like to bitch/rant about, whatever you wanna call it. Kyle, dude some of the things you say are pretty extreme... "Marxist-Leninist fucks like you should be shot" I'm glad you agree me that yes they are way off but, in order to get your point accross effectively you should (imo) try and keep the insults to a minimal. It sounds more mature and, people are more likely to be receptive to what your point of view is if you are not calling them a dumb bitch, or suggesting that they should be shot. Stress relief or not, its just not an intellegent way of debating, by default when I read someone calling names (we are all guilty of it), (exept Lordpatch cause he doesn't have the parts to respond to his own posts) it just sounds ignorant...but then again whoever said that this post was for intellegent debate, if that were the case it would be a pretty blank board. I know, I should probably practice what I preach, I have thrown some sticks and stones myself, but I've never suggested that someone should be shot for having an opinion. - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 10:51am Edited: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 10:54am | ||
Mace User Info... | Kyle: Man of many faces, and mystery. Simply we can rule out that you two share the same identity, however, meanwhile you're still eatin' the shit you serve... Lord Patch from what I can see here at LV, is the King of One post 'Hit and Run' threads. Mofo, is an obvious ass-kisser .. and likes living with Cops as roommates... wtf? And... I'm not really interested anymore in this thread, because, there isn't much significance in arguing with someone who's views life in general on- a 'playground level.' Kyle=Dumbcop - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:15am | ||
kyle User Info... | If anyone actually takes half that shit I say seriously, you need to take a step back and realise that this is an INTERNET forum. The great thing about it is anyone can say whatever the fuck they want, and there are (or should be) no repercussions. This hardly qualifies as "intelligent" debate, though if I wanted to sound intellectual it would be all too easy. Let's not forget too that this IS the "Controversy and Quarantine" section too eh? I'm not going to apologise for anything I've said, because truth be told I get a friggin kick out of it. It's hilarious. And for those of you out there reading this shit that know me in the real world, you know exactly what I'm talking about. That being said, I'm ACTUALLY done with this thread; I think we've done as much debating (intelligent or not) as we're ever going to. Adios. - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 3:54pm | ||
Gman User Info... | HEADBUTT FOR THE WIN! - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 6:25pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | Mace...(I mean shit for brains), you obviously have either one of the two, (Kyle I take my last post back dude) A) You suffer from an inferiority complex combined with narcissistic rage, delusions of grandeur, and in general you are an anti-social fuck who probably couldn't count his balls twice and get the same result both times. OR B.) Refer to A, although somedays when you wake up and see what a real LOSER you are in the mirror... your inward rage suddenly turns outward and you hurl insults on useless webpages (such as this) in an innane attempt to make yourself seem more intellectual and holier than thou. You proclaim to be beyond the "playground" level (yet you can't even construct a logical english sentence, nevermind spell the word sentence) but the only playground is really the vast expanse of your vacant skull, its a magical kind of place where anything is possible...hell you have even convinced yourself that you are of some intellect! - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 8:31pm Edited: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 8:55pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Hey retard, (Kyle) you're a hypocrite and introverted whiny fucken b#*%*, 90% of what you've is contradictory 'to everything', you've had no effect, by your derogatory and insecure commentary here, that would boarder along the lines of libel, you're lucky it's me your talkin' to here and someone with at least the 'common decency' to keep it within perspective to the topic, although, I haven't touched base with my own personal on-going legal battles. That I've been advised by my Attornies who say that I have to remain strictly confidential while the legal preceding are in order. (I will not hold you hostage) (Forget it you fucker that's not my style!) There is much to cover, here, in terms of a police controlled reality that many, such as your self, for example are to self-centered to realize that there is a fine line drawn here, between the internet and legal debate. You seem to hold an interest in more suited aspect to something other than an over-dose of self injested steroid abuse... That, seeing through the rest of what you post, as others have refered to you in other postings that you've taken an 'all'n'out' internet police beating yourself that I won't go back to other posting related to yourself, 'Kyle Maxwell', that will prevent me from stooping to the 'playground' level. And kickin' your fucken' ass in person... (I kid, I kid) There are since, you guys have managed to hold onto this thread thus far, and it the rationality within both of your guys' (MOFO) last postings I'll keep in regards to your serious and professional sides. So don't give in yet Kyle, all of us will keep it in this province, not Ontario- and if the boundries exceed the limits, the beneficial aspects to the general public can adhere and understand on a serious, scale that other can learn from or benefit from. The real question here, beyond the surface of my schizms for trying to cut you down, and make others laugh, in a blue-collar way isn't exactly who I am as a person and showing a more serious side, to you, my question, (and I have a few more- pending due process and my 'Lawyers advice' for privacy and boundries of privacy of others current involvement with me, looking past this for the moment) and not to over-step our rivarlies against one-another, and mostly, that's what the police do in society is pit people against eachother, like I just said, looking past all that stuff... Getting past what said on all ends of the line here.... My eliasions, type-o's and a mixed breed of blue-collar/meets white collar jargon. We can keep it on the formal scale here and nix the name calling. And start over. (Mofo, btw you made me laugh.. I can relate to an extent, but I can honestly say that, I'd move elsewhere, if I ever live next to another wanna' be cop or any association of friendship combined if you live a fast paced lifestyle.... Avoid these situations at all costs, there are jealous people in this world, and all anyone needs is one of these jealous neighbours, about your girlfriend they can run to police and juxtaposize anything they want about you in a police report.) Aside from that...(speaking from my own personal experience) Paper-pushers and the Police Complain Commisioners Officer, the Interal Affairs Officers who look into other Officers conduct and the entire Police Process of how a Police Report is submitted through the court systyem, easily for, me, I rebound in this city from one-court case to another, like a game of ping-pong, that I may as well go to law-school, and pick up a degree in this field, anyhow, I digress... But the point I'm making, you can say that it sucks to be me.. (Kyle) But that I'm contending well against the powers that be, in respect to most of what I feel is their 'bullshit' guidelines I've managed to make through, many of the courts legal binding obligations.. THe Paper-pushing affect may-as-well having me work the front counters of any legal office front counter in the city here (they know me that well here).. Oh, and Legal Aid treats me well, blah, blah, within the structured system of resolve, Continuing the question, here.... My specific question relating police conduct and you may even add your personal content to how you mightfeel I'v had this question. You get the wrong guy, and now something bad happens the fallout of magnetism, of the Instition in general, the negative after-effect of would be litigious about what I'm saying here, (Kyle I won't sue you) in terms of the playing the paper-pusher game, who've lied to police, (say they lie to police- no, once again it's not you Kyle...) and set somebody up for the long trip down Jury lane that the process to police complaints filing, this starting of a legal entity that invades your privacy and evicts you from your home. That destiny changes it's course. People get hurt, are at stake, and people lives and personal reputations are in jeopardy (Lucky for you Kyle, I've seen you show your 'softside') gotta' go... hopefully will get a better point across tomorrow, and a new thread, be coO! l8rz. -MACE - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 1:50pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Mace, call me an ass-kisser but, I appreciate and respect that you took my last post with somewhat of a grain of salt. I was probably a little bit out of line but your obvious hatred of cops and the system in general kinda scares me and probably scares you a little more. I don't know how you got the association of me being a "wanna be cop" from anywhere. I have no intention of ever becoming one, just because I have a few as friends doesn't make me one of em. They are not always the enemy. Oh well.. I am D-O-N-E with this thread, props to Lordpatch for his usual starting shit and never ending it. Boom-balla - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 8:56pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | Hey guys, i'm from the internet and I take everything seriously!!! - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 9:15pm | ||
Mace User Info... | but your obvious hatred of cops and the system in general kinda scares me " plz. btw- nic3 werk on the haX0r, job, mr. crack3r... - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 6:12pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Ya' better check your timing there MOFO/KYLE... 'A tragically ironic twist...' - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 8:20pm Edited: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 8:20pm | ||
kyle User Info... | God damn I just can't stay away. Mace, you are a truly superior breed of idiot. I don't really need to say anything more than that- your writing speaks for itself. I can't believe I've lowered myself to arguing with an obvious retard, so I'll let you have this one. By the way- there IS an actual point to this reply. That is, what the hell did that link have anything to do with what we've discussed here on this thread? I'm at a loss... Can you elaborate in a CLEAR and concise manner? If not, I guess I'll just take my curiosity with me to the grave. I'm sure I'll manage somehow. God damn you, you dopey fuck... - Fri, 14 Jul 2006 1:15am | ||
Mofo User Info... | What is your point here? What does this link have to do with ANYTHING we were talking about? - Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:45am | ||
Mace User Info... | Sucka's, you lose... tick, tick, tick, tick, kerplunk. - Sun, 16 Jul 2006 3:25pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | Nice link... - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 10:57am Edited: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 10:57am | ||
Mace User Info... | Indeed! ;) - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 5:06pm | ||
Sati User Info... | Hey Macen, I see you're making friends. Do me a favor though and try not to get too worked up on here, i.e stfuplzthnx, haha! (hey watch me geek!) Anyway, I mean it, chill before you rile people up. And I don't have time to read through all your shit, so don't ever make me have to do it! No one's using your account. Mofo just changed his name to yours for one post. I think it was obvious to everyone though, and all anyone needs to do is click on user info to see who's really posting. If you still want to change your password, you can do that on your own. Take a look in the same place where you edited your messageboard profile and let me know if you have any trouble. - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 6:30pm Edited: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 6:31pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Listen, Sati, I realize the perfunction from disaster here, just that Mofo, if you haven't met me face to face, I'd really reccommend you not using my name, unless permitted by me, that intectual properties subside in personal on-going business affairs, that none, of you posers in your worst of worst nightmares, come true is concerned, please do not FUCK WITH MY NAME. You are guarranteed to fuck UP the rest of this country by doing such as you did...! It's just the side of the fence that I'm on, that you ought to consider taking 'your time' while fucking with mine... BLSCKOUT! IN EFFECT!! - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:29pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | Are you guys for fucking real? What is with this the Oliver stone shit now? I supposedly used your name for a post? Where and when? If I were to impersonate anyone on this thread it sure as fuck wouldn't be you Mace, you fuckin half can't even spell intellectual let alone fucking have the brains to sound it. "I'd really reccommend you not using my name, unless permitted by me, that intectual properties subside".........yet another stunning example of your IQ - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:40pm Edited: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:55pm | ||
Mace User Info... | I think the ban hammer was dropped on Kyle, not you. - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:47pm Edited: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:53pm | ||
kyle User Info... | You wish, shit for brains (Mace). Nothing you ever write makes any fucking sense. Do you talk with your eyes closed? I think you're someone who is so convinced you're an intellectual (a "useful idiot" - there's a term I'm sure you're familiar with) you try to confuse people with sentences that don't go anywhere and big words that don't fit what you're trying to say. That way when no one gets it, (and I'm mostly sure they don't) you can go, "SEE! I knew you simpletons wouldn't get it! I AM as smart as my mom says I am!" You stupid asshole. What colour is the sky in your world? - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:54pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | This is F-U-C-K-E-D .....UP shit. Mace, I really don't know about you dude. Sati, stir that shit some more.....and when your done lick the spoon like you do your moms ass....I don't know it sounded good at the time...haha haha Well good fucking night everyone...I love you all...fuckers! - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:57pm Edited: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 9:59pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Bring it Kyle bitch! I'll meet both of you fuckin' degenerates anytime you like. Name the place and I'll be happy to meet you there. - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:14pm | ||
kristian User Info... | this is what happens when you believe everything you read. stupid people say stuff about eachothers moms on the internet. - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:26pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Stay outta' this has nuthin' to do with U..!! *24hr warning natches!* - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:31pm | ||
Mace User Info... | yer mama lives here Kyle! - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:36pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | rumour has it that kyle fucks his mom. or his mom fucks him...i forget. its hard to tell, cause shes a girl, and hes CLEARLY a little bitch. so what is it kyle? do you fuck your mom? or. does she fuck you? _NH - Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:45pm | ||
Sati User Info... | Oh man, what just happened here? I don't have time to go through this stuff again, but Mofo, if I made a mistake, I apologize. I just skimmed before and it seemed as if that was what had gone on. It didn't look like any big deal anyway, I thought you maybe did it as a joke or something. Whatever the case, my apologies. Macen, this is all pretty rude. Maybe you'll consider not posting here anymore if you're going to let things get out of hand like this. If you have something to say to me, use e-mail. - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:06am | ||
Mofo User Info... | apology accepted dude, and I apologize back. This post has gotten way outta hand. Mace you have some fucking hostility issues dude, among other things. You really are an idiot. - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 7:52am Edited: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 8:15am | ||
Mace User Info... | and .... No, idiot, I'd have to disagree, 100% and say both of you losers have hostility problems, we can make Sati go back and read word for word what was said, so as to not making any mistakes with her skimming over. I wasn't the one who started with the name calling, but hey if you guys want it this way... FUCK YAH!!! I'M ALL FUCKEN' 4 IT, GOOFS!! I did nothing here, to offend by directly posting derogatory insults you both are ruining society with your Canadian Extremist Nazi slogans and run on sentences, you both can't write if a gun was pointed straight at your heads while doing so, you guys are coward, felines. SO FUCK YOU IN YOUR FUCKEN HEAD CUNT! - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:30am | ||
Mofo User Info... | Yes Mace, I am a nazi. Hail Harper! no sorry I am a Canadian Extremist Nazi.....with slogans (of which I can't name one of what the fuck this waste of skin is talking about) Fuck you very much mace...have a nice day in loserdom. - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:34pm | ||
Mace User Info... | I recall, "Hi My name is Mofo, and I'm a fuckwit, I used to live with police officers.." phfft! whatever, oh and here's another one...(it's really brings out your truly zealous Nazi/Canadian/Extremist side of..) "I happen to love this country, however shitty you think it is! What makes it shitty is having to share it with FUCKTARDS like yourself who don't know how good they really have it. I would be HAPPY to arrange a ride to Afganistan for you....I'm serious if you really hate it that much....." Simply, Kyle and Mofo, with your asshole attitudes - between the both of you, you've both managed to accumulate the lives of 5 Canadian Service Men, 2 Saskatchewan R.C.M.P. officers. [since this thread started] Although, I'm not saying you pulled the trigger and shot these cops yourselves. {I might be a little superstitious...} But it may as well have been you, seeing how, by the shit you idiots spew from you bigotted mouths constantly, only goes to show everyone how much you FUCKWIT'S; really hate Canada. 4- Canadian Search and Rescue Sevicemen with the (Canadian Coast Guard)1 from Ontario who served in 'Afghanistan'. - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:13pm Edited: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:25pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | WORST THREAD EVER... - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:09pm | ||
Mace User Info... | Second. cuz, the next thread I'm going to start is going to be even worse than this one... - Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:37pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Can you guys seriously arrange free trips to Afghanistan? I hear they have this harvest festival were you strip naked and run through the "hemp" fields collecting resin all over your body! Oh, and Kyle, you should try smoking pot. All these threats of violence really bum me out . - Wed, 19 Jul 2006 9:21pm | ||
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