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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > *Coming To Grips With AmeriKKKa’s Insanity* |
Lordpatch User Info... | “The most insane people on the earth today are used as the models for sanity. The sanity of the racist Europan itself is not questioned. The insanity of European normality is not questioned. The possibility that what we call normal is itself insane is not questioned; that the organization of this society, the nature of its human relations, the structure of its economic systems, the values that motivate it, are the result of the madness of a people..." -- Dr. Amos N Wilson "Keep in mind, Adolph Hitler didn’t do anything to the Slavs, Gypsies, the handicapped, homosexuals, political dissidents or the Ashkenazim in Nazi Germany that whites in the US hadn’t done to Native Americans, Africans, Chinese immigrants, Mexicans or the Japanese Americans. The same type people who backed George W Bu$h backed Hitler and created the conditions that led to their rise in power ! They are insane, they are psychopaths. We need to accept this fact and conduct ourselves accordingly." -- Junious Ricardo Stanton - Fri, 16 Jun 2006 9:40am Edited: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 9:42am | ||
castro's dad User Info... | Wow... if you're looking to minimize Hitler's genocide, then this is the greatest post ever. Maybe Lordpatch and Ernzt Zundel can get together sometime and compare notes... - Fri, 16 Jun 2006 8:29pm Edited: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 8:30pm | ||
Adolph Lordpatch User Info... | While I agree that the treatment doled out to First Nations,African Americans, Roma ("Gypsies"), Asian and Mexican-Americans is repugnent, to equate it to the Holocaust is nothing but an insult to one's intelligence. I used to have some respect for Lordpatch's ideals, but that's gone to the shithouse with this bullshit. - Fri, 16 Jun 2006 8:52pm Edited: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 8:54pm | ||
Shaggy User Info... | Why the OP hasn't been banned yet is beyond me... - Fri, 16 Jun 2006 9:14pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | The treatment of native americans and canadians was certainly deplorable and there should be no mistaking that. What Hitler and his group of SS thugs did was systematic though. There was a full out agenda to exterminate the race. Natives were pushed or killed off what land white man saw as his in a bid to further what he considered "civilization" It was no where NEAR as systematic on any scale. How many concentration camps with ovens did the white man build for natives? Again this is not an attempt to diminish what has happened in the past, I am merely establishing that in no way should the two be compared as simaliar. - Sat, 17 Jun 2006 4:18pm | ||
Truth By Trial User Info... | Ok first off, "castro's dad" is a straight up idiot. Now that thats off my chest let's move on. The nazi's genocidal intentions and the treatment of the people native to this continent (by both the government and church) is most definately in the same vein. Do some research about residential schools (the last closed in 1984 in mission, tofino's closed in 1983) before you say there are no "concentration camps with ovens" build for the natives. The only difference is scale. Also keep in mind that this cultural (as well as physical) genocide was going on, before, durning and after world war 2. It was been going on for hundreds of years and is still happening today. Lets look at our coast for a second shall we? From an original 200,000 in 1770, a century later Indigenous peoples numbers had dropped to approx. 40,000. I think thats just as outrageous as human ovens, if the colonists had the technology to kill all the natives in a short period of time, i'm sure a majority would have been in favour of doing so, but that would have been less profitable to them. Their system of cultural assimilation, murder and biological warfare was working for them . It was also slow and drawn out enough to avoid a major rebellion that they could not handle. Mofo, it is not limited the past as the nazi's crimes were, it is still going on around us, only the face has changed. The goals of both the nazi's and white north american colonists were and are the same, to destroy a culture they saw as a danger to their own ambitions. It's a waste of time to argue which is worse, my point is that one is still happening, though most of us are blind towards the effect it has on the few remaining natives, it is up to us to fight back, raise awareness and stop this horrible treatment of this lands TRUE owners. A great deal of their culture has been lost forever, i for one don't want to see the last bits die, as well as stand by and let this mistreatment continue. - Sat, 17 Jun 2006 8:49pm Edited: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 8:54pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | Here we go again, you say something and someone has to take it and mix and mold it so that it fits their agenda. To say that a "Genocide is still going on" IS ABSURD! There is no debate here whether or not white man has killed natives here,...none! You are quite the mathematician to be able to sit there and say that the death of 160,000 is on the "same vein" as 6 MILLION. I implore you to find me some references that show me where the white man set up ovens, where he assembled all of the natives and used them for labour in a sadistic manner. Where was that? Where did white man do scientific research or eugenics to determine the inferiority of the race? Where was is that white man tortured them in ways so sick I don't even want to type it. Where was it that white man stated clearly that he had found a "final solution".? Where did white man assemble thousands at a time and stuff them into trains in swelltering heat? Where did whiteman come up with the idea to tatoo all natives? Where and when did all of this happen? I have studied history for a long time and I sure don't remember flipping through any pages about this. WE all know that white history is only the version that is allowed to make it to print, however there are still many reliable sources for historical info....and yours my friend is not one of them if is to insinuate that all of the above happened..... You cannot make fancy metaphors with history. Its sad that it comes down to debating which is worse, they are equal. One death at the hands of hate and evil is bad enough. We don't need to sit here and split hairs over which is worse. However to compare the two as the SAME is ABSURD. What white man did was truly EVIL question, no one is saying otherwise. The Native culture is in decline, yes, but you cannot sit there and put the ENTIRE BLAME on whiteman...what a fucking cheap excuse. I don't sit there and say my Irish heritage is on the declline and I wont' sit here and let it happen.... The English almost destroyed the Irish in the Famine....hundreds of years ago and for me to sit here today and say that my culture is suffering may to some small extent be true. But what can I do about it? Nothing, am I owed compensation because some of my family! If you want to compare apples to oranges than we will, there I just did your going to tell me that what happened to the Irish is different that what happned to the natives right? Well you seemed to find it fair to compare the native and jews so I guess we are even. - Sun, 18 Jun 2006 10:53am Edited: Sun, 18 Jun 2006 11:13am | ||
Truth By Trial User Info... | Seriously i don't have the time to do this, you seem overly hostile about this issue anyways. Research Residentual Schools, accounts of natives are the only trust worthy source for this issue, it should clear up the questions you raised. The goals of both the nazi's and white north american colonists were and are the same, to destroy a culture they saw as a danger to their own ambitions. Thats what i mean by same vein. Cultural genocide is still happening. - Mon, 19 Jun 2006 9:18pm | ||
Adolph Lordpatch User Info... | Wow Truth..., the peetering out of your "argument" kinda reminds me of the sound that a bike tire makes when it's being let out of air..., - Mon, 19 Jun 2006 11:27pm Edited: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 11:29pm | ||
Truth By Trial User Info... | What a blow to my self esteem, i'm a dumb loser on both the internet and in real life, damn. Your name is really creative though, i like it. One question though, why do you guys hate "indians" so much? - Wed, 21 Jun 2006 5:50pm | ||
Adolph Lordpatch User Info... | Hmmm, I remember refering to them as First Nations, but if putting words in my mouth help your enemic argument hobble on, then have at 'er. Attempting to maximize one gonocide by minimizing another only reveals an argument that is morally bankrupt. Only an anti-semite or holocaust revisionist would ever utter such rubbish. Next time your at Zundel's house, snap a picture of yourself with him and I'll post it here for laughs.... - Wed, 21 Jun 2006 7:06pm Edited: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 7:07pm | ||
Ottoman User Info... | TBT seems to be an indisputible goof. How can so many people still play this bleeding heart bit after "poor natives" have been given a free ride through life; no work, no taxes, free mini-vans and every time they pop out a kid their income increases. I can't even keep track of how many times I've seen a drunk native early on a wednesday giving shit to some poor retail worker with this "you took my -hic- land" banter while the person they're bitching at is working hard at a low wage job getting taxed to death to pay this person to get drunk and bitch at them. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE! Canada is the only country capable of this kind of stupidity, it just wouldn't fly anywhere else. On T.V. we see a white man litter while a native sheds a teer. In real life I see a mini-van fly by at twice the speed limit as a take out bag of KFC gets hurled out the window. Go ahead and feel sorry for those who have it better than any one else if you choose but don't go forcing that shit on the intelligent. - Wed, 21 Jun 2006 8:31pm Edited: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 8:33pm | ||
mikey User Info... | Otto, you sure are a fucking retard. Did your dad tell you that BS while he was alternating between beating the shit out of you and cornholing you? Is your selective vision supporting that BS. Is your impotent rage that arises from simutaneously hating your dad and getting aroused when you think of him being misdirected at the one class in society you can feel superior to? The so-called native condition is a direct result of generations of white oppression. This is the reality, no matter how many ingnorant rednecks claim otherwise. There is a direct comparison between the Nazi's treatment of the Jews and our past government's treatment of natives. Different methods, different agendas, but cultural genocide was the aim in both cases. - Wed, 21 Jun 2006 9:17pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | I can agree to SOME extent that yes, white man did have an agenda to rid themselves of the native culture and race. History doesn't lie. However, I cannot begin to relate with the argument that there still exists an agenda in Ottawa (or with the 'whiteman" as a whole) of genocide against the native culture. Not for a second..... That is just outright CRAP! I strongly believe in promoting Native culture, it really is a beautiful culture in its rawest form. However, many cultures that have been "oppressed" in much the same manner have brought themselves back, proud and strong. I am not suggesting that the native culture is weak, because they truly are warriors, but, at some point the culture as a whole has to stop playing the victim card, wipe the shit from their shoes and carry on. I mean NO disrespect, and in fact wish nothing but the best for the native culture, I hope it flourishes to what it once was...just becuase I bear the colour "white" that doesn't make me a devil. - Fri, 23 Jun 2006 12:21pm Edited: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 12:32pm | ||
denver User Info... | haha nice so everyone agrees, I agree Mikey and TBT. I also agree Mofo there is nothing that extreme going on in Ottawa. However, some Conservatives still want to assimilate First Nations into cities etc shit like that, stuff that won't work, and is basically still prejudiced and racist, and will continue to destroy First Nation's culture. They can't stay on welfare forever, but many wouldn't want to if they knew any other reality. In my opinion, right now we have an obligation. We are a rich country, and so much of that can be attributed to First Nations. Residential schools were pretty systematic, but I don't think they were motivated by as extreme emotions as Hitler's actions were. The intent is as important as what is actually done imo, Canada's intent was pretty sick. - Fri, 23 Jun 2006 12:34pm | ||
Suffuckation User Info... | I like how Mikey associates child abuse with facing the facts. When I used to live in Duncan I witnessed native children getting smacked around by there native parents 'til the pigs showed up. Are they going to grow up to disrespect natives because of it? Not likely. I wish I could agree with Denvers thought that they "can't stay on welfare forever" but as it stands now any native or even a white person with more than %10 native blood can not be denied welfare. I truly do feel bad for the natives who suffered under oppression years ago but not for the ones who take advantage of an unfair situation now. I've never done anything to oppress anyone and shouldn't have to pay for someone elses mistakes. The racist government favourtism they recieve at my expense is PC ignorance at it's wosrt. Regardless of your race or gender to all who live off the system and contribute nothing, FUCK YOU!!! - Fri, 23 Jun 2006 1:38pm | ||
mikey User Info... | Suffuckation - I was generalising and attacking in the same way as Otto did, an eye for an eye. "I truly do feel bad for the natives who suffered under oppression years ago but not for the ones who take advantage of an unfair situation now. I've never done anything to oppress anyone and shouldn't have to pay for someone elses mistakes." You do understand how generations pass on abuse, right? "My daddy beat me so I'll beat my kids", Is not a mentality but a reality. Many, many of the native families in our society are extremely fucked up. Drugs, violence, etc. But can we blame them? NO. No more than we can blame the slave culture of America. Our ancestors created this mess, now it is our and our children's shit to clean up. To every stupid "Natives have it good" motherfucker: Pull your head out of your ass and learn yourself some history. - Fri, 23 Jun 2006 4:48pm | ||
Suffuckation User Info... | So generations pass on abuse? Sounds like a generalization to me. Seems like you'd expect us all to believe every last native has things really shitty, another generalization. I am however open to the concept that maybe your previous generation passed on stupidity. If you hit your children because it's what your parents did to you that doesn't justify shit. Everyone has a choice and if you make such choices blaming it on your own upbringing or a whole race or poverty is dumb. It almost sounds like you're implying all natives abuse their kids. That's not the case at all and if you made friends with the people you're trying to defend you might be aware of this, but you prefer stupidity. Your views are driven by sensitivity, not reality. - Fri, 23 Jun 2006 5:40pm | ||
Andrew User Info... | Only an anti-semite or holocaust revisionist would ever utter such rubbish. Lol man ur like those people in the cold war that would accuse each other of being communists. Read between the lines people. TBT said it was in the same vein. he didnt say it was the same, but it came from the same "who fucking cares, they are lesser than us. savages." attitude. i love how people on this board gang up on people who say somethign that may SOUND a bit against the grain..a bit against the popular belief. I'm sure that if the treatment of the natives went on overseas somewhere, a lot more people would be talking about it, not downplaying it. But, since it is in THEIR country, they dont want to accept it. Can you say...nationalism? :O - Sat, 24 Jun 2006 10:47am Edited: Sat, 24 Jun 2006 10:51am | ||
Andrew User Info... | btw i liked mofos take on it. wipe the shit off their faces and be strong. fuck yea - Sat, 24 Jun 2006 10:53am | ||
Dr.DoomXXX User Info... | WOW. It's sad how whimsically people want to fire off accusations of being an anti-semite hitler nazi. If you perceive someones views as being anti-native how does that make them an anti-semite? Maybe just calling the guy a racist wouldn't have had enough hitler assosiation for your liking. - Tue, 27 Jun 2006 8:35pm | ||
the barber User Info... | Time for a haircut bro , you look like a hairy lady... - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 8:35pm | ||
ammut User Info... | better watch out the barber, those comments might be considered 'insensitive' or discriminating to his heritage.....oh wait a second, he's white so that makes it ok right? ;) Way to show how hipocritical victoria is though. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:39am Edited: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:41am | ||
Ottoman User Info... | It's just all part of living under a PC regime. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 2:00pm | ||
Crapper User Info... | you guys should all go and shut up or join the peace core, stupid hippies, take a bath already - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 11:27am Edited: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 11:27am | ||
Suffuckation User Info... | Hippies are stupid. They actually believe every last white person should make every effort to pick up and leave Canada and they still respond to terrorists trying to blow us all up with this "who are we to judge their culture" bull shit. - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 5:35pm | ||
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