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How racism has invaded Canada
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > How racism has invaded Canada
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...try the following sentence from the Globe and Mail’s front page on Tuesday, supposedly an eyewitness account of the police arrest operation: “Parked directly outside his ... office was a large, gray, cube-shaped truck and, on the ground nearby, he recognized one of the two brown-skinned young men who had taken possession of the next door rented unit...” Come again? Brown-skinned? What in God’s name is this outrageous piece of racism doing on the front page of a major Canadian daily? ...

How racism has invaded Canada

by Robert Fisk - Sun, 11 Jun 2006 9:44pm Edited: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 9:50pm
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lol this sounds like an episode of south park waiting to happen. - Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:04am
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I don't get how a description of someones skin makes them a "racist". If your skin is brown and I call it so, that sure doesn't mean I drive a pick-up truck with a rebel flag hanging in the back window, cranking my Billy Ray Cyrus, as I am on my way to the next big Clan meeting.
Don't be so fucking sensitive, when I was in Japan last year and I was told that I wasn't allowed in certain nightclubs because "you can't come in here round-eye" did I kick and scream, did I go tell it on the mountain that Japan is racist and every newspaper in existence should know about it?
Fuck NO. Some people nowadays are just looking to play the race card, or the sexual harrasment card, or the sexual oreintation card because its an automatic pair of fucking aces! - Mon, 12 Jun 2006 6:56am
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There are more layers to this story than your seeing Mofo.
Iam not saying lets all be PC Freaks about it , but when dealing with stories about terrorism etc. We should be asking ourselves how relevent is it to state the skin colour of a suspect. It helps spread paranoia, esp in those predisposed to fear, example anyone who actually gets worked up while watching the news only to never question its broadcast content. If we are to believe skin colour has anything to do with terrorism then we are truely lost. Yes there are Muslim extremeists, but what of the white doctor killing Pro-lifers, Oklahoma bombing, Ira, kkk, etc.

Cowards are multi racial. - Mon, 12 Jun 2006 9:55am
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I never stated anywhere that terrorists only wear one colour of skin did I? I agree 100% with you that hate and violence comes in different colours.
When a police officer is investigating a crime and has a suspect to describe, it is protocol to give a physical description of that suspect, part of that includes a description of the colour of the skin. It has NOTHING to do with racial profiling or the likes, it is merely a tool used so that the SUSPECT may be identified, not his entire RACE.
If I were in the same situation and I was giving a statement as to the description of the suspects I saw how else should one go about doing so without being called a racist? - Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:12am
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Information passed between police etc, yes description of a suspect is needed, but when we are discussing "suspects" in public medium, and using racial descriptors is it needed? Especially considering the suspects have already been aprehended. - Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:42am Edited: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:45am
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It just seems rediculous that so many people are just so quick to scream out racisim. The term is seriously abused and used as nothing more than leverage in many cases, its as I said a pair of Aces and its a known fact that the second you say it, changes everything.
While I agree with both you and Lordpatch that racisim is unacceptable and does indeed exist, it is not on the epidemic scale that Lordpatch has suggested.

Again, if you are giving a description of someone REGARDLESS of race you WOULD tell whoever you are reporting it to that they were of whatever colour as it is PERTINENT information. That is NOT racisim...get a grip.
Supposing you witnessed a crime and the suspects involved were white, or asian or fucking albino for that matter....are you going to sit there and tell me that you would NOT include a physical description of the colour of their skin because its racist? Even if the suspects were already apphrehended and you were describing it to even a newspaper you would include that....

I have travelled the world and seen how good we have it here and how bad it really can be, I have seen EXTREME POVERTY which pales in comparison to the percieved poverty here. I have seen and witnessed REAL RACISIM not the contrived sometimes overly quick on the trigger version here.
I am not saying that RACISIM does not exist, nor am I in anyway advocating it. I have friends of asian descent, African, and yes even Middle Eastern descent....and if someone called any of them a racist slur I would be outraged! - Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:42pm Edited: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:44pm
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meh, terrorism has always been around. Its just an excuse to invade the middle east. Get everyone scared so they feel it is right to go murder all the towel heads over seas (In their words. CHILL before some1 freaks out on me lol) - Mon, 12 Jun 2006 5:19pm
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you've got your panties in a knot about "brown-skinned"?? that is as benign a term as "blonde" or "brown-eyed".

there is absolutely no racist connotation to "brown-skinned" -- it is merely a physical description.

if refering to the colour of a person's skin becomes a taboo, god help us.... - Tue, 13 Jun 2006 1:39pm
Mr. Hell
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This over-sensitivity to supposedly racist remarks has been building for years on this board. Soon, the PC brigade will be calling white people who don't watch Cosby Show re-runs racist.
Oh wait...I've already heard that one.
Seriously, find something better to do with your time than "defending" people who more than likely think you're a twit because you have no idea what kind of actual racism they have to endure daily. - Tue, 13 Jun 2006 4:19pm
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Terrorists trying to attack our country = no big deal.

Using an accurate term to desribe them = shit hits fan.

Well lesson learned, if I see terrorists running with bombs yelling "Allah is the greatest!" I'll remember to refer to them as Iranian-iraqy-afgani-pakistani-saudi-american-canadians when I report them 'cause I sure would hate to upset lordpatch. (Is reporting terrorism allowed? Or is it too offensive to their religon?) - Tue, 13 Jun 2006 6:10pm
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it kinda reminds me of that drinking game (forget what it is off hand) where someone makes a rule of not saying someones name etc.
So you have to say "person over there' or "that human".
It's just retarded (sorry, challenged) that people get all worked up over stupid shit. If someone had said sandn*&%@3 (I HATE the word myself) than it sure as hell would be a good case for racism...otherwise fuck it. Hopefully that ends the turmoil on this post, no hard feelings to anyone. - Tue, 13 Jun 2006 6:14pm
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I do believe the name of the drinking game with cards meaning different actions and rules was called "Fuck You " . - Wed, 14 Jun 2006 6:30pm
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mmmm that sandwich sure looks tasty lets just call it a" Fuck you too you un-original bastard" sandwich....mmmm a little mayo on that bad boy and your set.
Because you seem to love food so much maybe we should just start another thread called "offensive sandwiches brought to you by XY Satan" - Wed, 14 Jun 2006 7:27pm
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it'll be such a hit....just makes ya wanna do a jig - Wed, 14 Jun 2006 7:29pm
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meh, i don't think someone describing me as being brown is racist but rather a keen observation. Now if they said I had black hair then god help them, I'll throw down in a minute it is DARK DARK DARK DARK DARK brown!

I do find my self checking my words when descibing fat people though. This one time I was calling a video store and trying to describe the overly big boned women who I had interacted with,
"um she has brown hair, hazel eyes, and um er, well it wasn't the little one, in fact when she placed the video on the shelf and turned around it was my birthday again!"

sorry, i wont type for the next 10 mins. Cheers Lucius - Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:32am
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Haha ! The name of the game IS really called "fuck you"!

.... yea freakin bug case ! - Thu, 15 Jun 2006 5:25pm
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oops.......(cue record scratch) ....fuck is my face red...sorry dude, but I still like your sandwich....and I think that offensive sandwich thing could actually get way outta hand.... - Thu, 15 Jun 2006 7:35pm
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Wow, Lordpatch still isn't getting in here.

You there?? - Thu, 15 Jun 2006 9:00pm
Ward Ensemble
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Mofo, you can't say jig, it's racist. Mr. Hell, they are not called 'white people', they are now pigmentally challenged people.

Sheesh, soon we're not even going to be able to pick on fags, dykes, retards or midgets either. thanx for ruining all the fun. Humans are all so stupid.... can I say that?

...the fact is, that as long as people get their back up about all these slurs, people will use them to get a reaction. No reaction = no fun....get it? - Sat, 17 Jun 2006 11:27pm
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I remember watching midget wrestling when i was a kid, now they`re known as little people. Little people wrestling? Just not the same. - Sun, 18 Jun 2006 10:43am
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