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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > downtown madness! |
conga User Info... | Has anyone else noticed downtown has gotten way out of hand with bmx meth kids, panhandlers (young suburban kiddie types) and angry fucked up shoping cart crazies! I used to live in regent park in toronto and east van so lm used to this shit but it seems folks in Vic seem to think they are owed something for doing nothing. Dont get me wrong i also was a street kid, but i did not expect anything for it, anyway what brought this on is the fact l was spare changed and spare smoked like 18 times walking from bean around the world to the library, and one chick ragged on me when l said no! in a not to friendly way. Any view points? - Thu, 23 Mar 2006 6:52pm Edited: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 6:55pm | ||
gazebo tree User Info... | Yeah I think allot of people have noticed this also. Its a touchy issue. I know some people that get offended by the people who look at them wrong or ask them for money etc. I am one who understands the issues and I dont judge the people down there. It doesnt bother me that they are down there. As in, I dont see it as a reason to be offended, but more concerned or maybe reaching out a kind hand. The reasons they are down there concern me. Too many people I know go hang down there and waste so much time. But if thats what they wanna do then thats their choice. Who forced them to go stand in front of chapters and potentially be self destructive ? Not me. But something did. - Thu, 23 Mar 2006 7:43pm Edited: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 7:50pm | ||
Wheate User Info... | I don't like poop in alleys. - Thu, 23 Mar 2006 8:01pm Edited: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 8:01pm | ||
conga User Info... | I do give spare change to a few of the older regulars when l can. Its just the numbers of folks in every nook and cranny and the increase level of desperation that has be wondering what the fuck? ps l have worked at streetlink and shelters in Toronto, seaton house know on the street as Satan house. Now im a residential worker for the mentally ill/hard to house. I guess it the younger kids and folks who think punk=homless and its cool on the steets that bother me. - Thu, 23 Mar 2006 8:02pm Edited: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 8:19pm | ||
Curmudgeon Rocker User Info... | Conga: "I guess it's the younger kids and folks who think punk=homless and its cool on the steets that bother me." A-fuckin-men to that, brotha. Sure - it's their choice to do whatever the fuck they want, and sure - some of those surburban kids might actually be fleeing a seriously fucked up situation at home, but to be some downtown poseur is so weak that it's rankled me enough to write a song called "Please, Give Generously, Today, to the 'Febreze-a-Crustie' Fund". - Thu, 23 Mar 2006 8:41pm Edited: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 8:48pm | ||
SickFuk User Info... | What I can't stand is when after working 8 hours and getting off at 7am... 2 out of 3 times when I'm leaving I get stopped downtown by someone begging me for money which I just spent 8 hours of hard labour to earn... I get junkies coming up to me, with money already in their hands, asking me to give them more... screw that... my response is generally "sorry, I work too hard for my money, try it sometime"... The war on drugz should be more like Auchweitz... just gas the fuckers... 'ere - Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:09pm Edited: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:13pm | ||
Tyler User Info... | chapters kids :( - Thu, 23 Mar 2006 11:05pm Edited: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 11:05pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | Who cares - Fri, 24 Mar 2006 1:01am Edited: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 1:01am | ||
Spinvis User Info... | Good post Sickfuk. I get pretty tired of being asked for money... now what will they do when the day comes when we have a cashless society.. .it'll come eventually. All digital... - Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:20am Edited: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:21am | ||
SickFuk User Info... | why thank you... Junkies and lazy ass bitches top my 10 most wanted list... I take my break at work at 3am, and normally we'll pop over to 7/11 and grab a coffee.. Enroute, we usually get asked if we'd like to buy coke/meth/heroin/pot/random drug of the month... Don't get me wrong, I love pot, but as if I'm going to buy it from some cracked out freak at the corner of Yates and Douglas at 3am who smells like he hasn't showered since New Years and uses the fountains at the mall as a urinal... Sorry, just doesn't give me that "trusting" atmosphere... But anyways... I also generally see a few junkies wrapped up in the fetal position, with their body wracked with pain as they go through the convulsions of detox, since they can't find 10 bux to get their next hit yet... Would it really be murder to gas them?.. or Euthenasia... This type of shit is what really makes me Sick... 'ere - Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:33am Edited: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 11:43am | ||
Gman User Info... | Street people are a fact of life in any middle to large sized Canadian city. If you're surprised by them, maybe it's time to head back to Galliano and your little shack. - Fri, 24 Mar 2006 1:23pm Edited: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 1:32pm | ||
Spinvis User Info... | Being surprised by them? Its more of an annoyance and there are more out there nowadays. Thanks for the advice on going to Galliano buddy. - Fri, 24 Mar 2006 2:44pm Edited: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 2:46pm | ||
SickFuk User Info... | "Street people are a fact of life in any middle to large sized Canadian city. If you're surprised by them, maybe it's time to head back to Galliano and your little shack" That is quite true... but just to clarify myself... I grew up right here in Victoria, and I've seen the evolution of my home town over the last couple of decades... And if my choices are to either deal with these people and accept them taking over as the dominant factor of my towns reputation, or running away and hiding in a hole then I'll choose to tell them exactly what I think of them... In Australia they did an experiment with Heroin clinics whereas, junkies could come check themselves in and be given free heroin so they wouldn't be out on the streets stealing and begging from people because they're in so much pain that their sense of morality gets corrupted into a shameless display of pain and suffering... Which is why I consider it Euthanasia to simply slaughter them all... It's not like I'm going to go on some kind of moral crusade against them with an automatic pistol... I simply would love to live in a society where the drugs people choose to do do not control them... I always thought drugs were supposed to be fun, not a way of life This is something I could rant about for pages and pages... but I think I'll shut up again for the moment... We'll see you next time on "Junkie Jeopardy", until next time remember this phrase... "Do drugs rather than have drugs do you... should an inanimate object control you, or should you be in control of this inanimate object"... 'ere - Fri, 24 Mar 2006 8:53pm Edited: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 9:06pm | ||
Gman User Info... | That is quite true... Which is why I consider Euthanasia... but just to clarify my choice to simply slaughter them all... I'm going to go on some kind of moral crusade against them with an automatic pistol... I simply would love to live in a society to control them... I always thought drugs were supposed to control you, or should be in control... The secret hidden message. - Sat, 25 Mar 2006 12:11am Edited: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 12:31am | ||
ML7Mike User Info... | Smoking crystal meth will fast turn you into a pirate! Like the guy who begs at the 7-11. ie: insert pirate voice here* "Arrr matey, can ye spare me some change? Arrrrrr" - Sat, 25 Mar 2006 8:32am Edited: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 8:34am | ||
SickFuk User Info... | Damn it Gman... you figured it out... better hide it better this time... And on tonights episode of 3am Junkie Jeopardy... We get asked to buy crack... We tell a panhandler that we work too hard for our money... and the feature presentation would be the junkie that spread blood all over 7/11 while we were grabbing our coffees... Here we are, 3 guys on our coffee break... it's 3am and we're in Sev pouring ourselves coffee's... So some 30ish yr old chick comes in with scabs on her face, blood all over her hands and body, and screaming in a tone generally designated as "the mentally retarded slur", because most of her words were coming out as moans... She ran behind the counter while the employees are doing everything they can to get her out of the store without actually touching her... Until, luckily, someone had called the cops on her before she even got in the store, and they showed up in about 30 seconds after she'd touched just about everything behind the store counter, leaving blood smears all over everything... They took her away, and we all tried to absorb this entire 2 min long fiasco... When I was talking to the clerk, he was guessing either heroin or crack.. My guess is more along the lines of meth or crack... kinda hard to tell... Tune in tomorrow for our fresh new reality interneTV show 3am Junkie Jeopardy... The show about the most brutal, fucked up shit we see right in our own downtown core.. Who really knows what could happen... 'ere - Sat, 25 Mar 2006 10:57am Edited: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:16am | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | New band....Junkie Death Squad. - Sat, 25 Mar 2006 1:41pm Edited: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 1:42pm | ||
Sati User Info... | ew. I heard a while ago that they start to smell like "the stench of death" closer to, because their bodies are actively decomposing. That was pretty shocking, but it makes total sense if you think about it. I've never smelled anything, but I do tend to automatically hold my breath or breath shallowly around people with obviously compromised immune systems. I guess its about the risk of airborn lung diseases etc, but I'm mostly just grossed out and focussed on getting away quick. - Sat, 25 Mar 2006 5:23pm Edited: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 5:25pm | ||
Masturbating The War God User Info... | to reply to sickful, nothing that the nazis did or thought up was just or sane or rite, they were sick fucks and anyone who thinks like that is a sick fuck as well... i guess you would have everyone whare I.D. arm bands as... wait now that i think about it why don't we all start living our lives with an AK47 straped to our chest and cap off anyone who we deem unacceptable... i don't think that any of you sick fucks have the awnser... and to respond to spinvis, many people from all walks of life do meth and in a digital time i'm sure they will come up with something, maybe everyone will have a scanable barcode tattooed on our foreheads and we will give them currency through barcode readers on the back of our cellphones... Auchweitz was a nasty time in the history of human conquest and should not be rememberd as a good thing... - Sat, 25 Mar 2006 9:05pm Edited: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 9:24pm | ||
$$$$$$$$$$ User Info... | the last one posted from masturbating the war god was my post, someone else was logedin... i just wanted to remind everyone what happens to people when they are put into a gas chamber in Auchweitz... - Sat, 25 Mar 2006 9:51pm Edited: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 9:56pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | I LOVE the "homeless/street people/drug abusers debate. I do feel bad for these people. They've probably gone through their own version of hell to be where they are today. BUT!!! I also work hard for the piece of crap paycheck I manage to live off of (anyone gotta better job for me?). So I don't part with it too easily. I'd like to see a system in place where we get to forcably lock up junkies and force them to detox and clean up. Ya I know that takes away their "right" to fuck themselves to death, but guess what? Tough shit. If you want to live off us like parasites then we get to have some say in how WE want to deal with these people. I know of one guy who is mentally ill and does bad drugs (he's a messed up bugger) and whenever he ends up in the pych ward for random shit (like swallowing swiss army knives) he gets released without treatment because they can't hold him. They even gave him his knife back. Detain the drug addicts...make them healthy again. If they screw up their second chance they should be sent up north to work on oil rigs, but their paychecks have to go to the center that cleaned them up until their debt is clear. Oh and thanks for the reminder there $$$$$$$$$$$$$, we forgot because we are so obviously uneducated. DUHHHHHHHHHHH......... - Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:41pm Edited: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:56pm | ||
Skull User Info... | Why is it no one can spell Auschwitz properly??? - Sun, 26 Mar 2006 6:25am Edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 6:26am | ||
SickFuk User Info... | Well ya know, Auschwitz really was a low point in human history... killing off people because of religion and Aryanism... but thats not the aspect I was trying to go for... I'm talking about people who are already killing themselves slowly at my expense.. I'd just like to help speed up the process and streamline production... But as for tonights episode of 3am Junkie Jeopardy... it seems the junkies and bums must read this blog, because there was only a couple of them in sight last night... moaning and groaning and begging off the drunks... and let me tell you, I'm not complaining about that one bit... So, since I'm off work for the next 2 days, I'll be doing a little history lesson, and reminding people of things I've seen in the past that truely sicken me... and I shall reveal my ultimate plan on how to fuck the methheads once and for all... mwahaha Till next time folx, smoke a doobie, relax, and be happy with it 'ere - Sun, 26 Mar 2006 8:14am Edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 8:22am | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | I'm so glad I don't actually take this board seriously, or bother reading much of peoples posts. If I did my PC meter would explode. - Sun, 26 Mar 2006 1:10pm Edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 1:11pm | ||
$$$$$$$$$$ User Info... | dumpstermesh, i was not saying that everyone is uneducated i was trying to make a point that the issue of gassing people should not be taken with a grain of salt... duuuuuuuu... you dumb peice of shit. i read sickfuks posting today and i understand what he was trying to say but people like you make me fucking ill. instead of focussing on the people afflicted by this desease you should target the bigger picture. the next time you call someone a dumb fuck you should get your facts in order...don't get me wrong i can see that there is a problem in our city but have any of you lived anywhere else, in any other cities if you have you would know that every city deals with this problem... in toronto the major prolem is boozz, what would be your solution be for them??? - Sun, 26 Mar 2006 2:00pm Edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 2:18pm | ||
$$$$$$$$$$ User Info... | responding to wheate, i don't like poop in the alleys either - Sun, 26 Mar 2006 2:25pm Edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 2:28pm | ||
dumpstermesh User Info... | Did you just call me a dumb piece of shit? Do I make you "fucking ill"? And yes I have lived in two other major cities numbnuts. Go play somewhere else. At least I have mastered capitals and punctuation. - Sun, 26 Mar 2006 2:43pm Edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 2:47pm | ||
evilkleg User Info... | "in toronto the major prolem is boozz" Is boozz one of them there new designer drugs? Do they sell it in Victoria yet? - Sun, 26 Mar 2006 5:22pm Edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 5:26pm | ||
rayne User Info... | Ok, I will post a response to this thread. Yes, I have seen my fair share of the junkie/crackhead/tweaker variety as I work graveyards downtown - 7-Eleven, in fact. I have asked to be moved to another store for this very reason. I don't get paid enough to deal with these people, even with the dollar extra an hour "danger pay". That said, I am now looking for a new job... movie store would be nice, preferably not 24 hours. But what's the solution? I guess killing them is a tempting thought, but that wouldn't be right in all honesty, because when these people sober up they can strangely enough be quite normal and pleasant (some of them, hell they're still human and what human isn't fucked up to some degree). Those people who choose to beg or become dealers or prostitutes obviously aren't living the easy life, so even though they're a pain in my ass I feel a little sorry for them. But since it's a societal problem and I don't know how or care to solve society's problems, I will just remove myself from it and let y'all deal with it. rayne (soon to be former Sevvy employee) - Sun, 26 Mar 2006 6:14pm Edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 6:31pm | ||
$$$$$$$$$$ User Info... | thanx rayne. that's all i was trying to say. i don't like to fight over issues such as this one with people that just don't get it because it becomes something far greater than what it is. so dumpstermesh i'm sorry for calling you a dumb piece of shit. in life to any action there is an automatic negative or positive reaction. your action was negative so in turn my response was negative. this is a simple theory, any comon fool could understand. the issue here is not you and i but a problem that plauges us all in such a cool city,VICTORIA... - Sun, 26 Mar 2006 6:31pm Edited: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 6:50pm | ||
SickFuk User Info... | Well, after a night off of relaxing and smoking lots of pot I now bring you tonights episode of 3am Junkie Jeopardy.... Tonights episode will be a retrospective as to why I specifically hate certain drugs... as in Heroin, Meth and Blow... For the sake of anonymity, I'll not use names for people... The first tale would be from a few years back... maybe 96 97.. something like that... I Has this friend who was pretty much fucked up in the head... couldn't hold a job, even though he wasn't really lazy... in fact for quite a while he was a career criminal... Back then, I had an office which me and a few other people "jointly" sold weed... so I hired him on to help keep the place running, thus giving him a job, a place to live and cool people to hang out with... at the time I didn't know all that much about heavy drugz, so his heroin habit actually eluded me... until one day, I woke up to find out he'd done a full, internal B&E on the office... stealing over $1000 worth of assorted things... a few of them, personal but otherwise worthless things... all this, to buy more poison... And now onto meth... a couple of years back, this good friend of mine was working a sweet city job... getting paid stupid wages to do simple work... but, he was a workaholic and there was never enough hours in the day for him, so someone turned him onto meth to "help pick him up".... 6 months later he was living at Streetlink... shittiest part for him was that his union contract would have allowed him 6 months of stress leave, followed by 2 months sick leave.... and full councelling as well... he's simply not the same man any more... And last, but definately not least... Blow... had one of my all time best friends whom I'd trusted with thousands of dollars in the past... turn from the most honest person I've ever known into someone who ripped me off quite a bit, almost got some east van heavy to hunt me down and then blamed me for all his problems... Now that I've explained each of these... I'm sure some people on here know a person or 2 on this list... out of respect for who they used to be... please don't post their names on here, they've been through enough... Stay tuned for tomorrow nights episode of 3am Junkie Jeopardy, wheer we will be delving into the wonderful world of the Crystal Crack Pool area, and stories of the insanity at Mohawk... Till then... 'ere - Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:40am Edited: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:57am | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | "now what will they do when the day comes when we have a cashless society.. .it'll come eventually. All digital." These begging down-n-outs will get debit machines with which you can deposit money into their PayPal account, but it'll have to be over $5 or there will be a surcharge. Fuck them! I almost stepped on 4 dirty needles at work today and came close to stepping in a pile of junkie shit complete with used bum tickets. Not to mention all the fucking garbage and clothes left in bushes. Get a job or live in the woods and trap your food. - Mon, 27 Mar 2006 1:04pm Edited: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 1:06pm | ||
Gman User Info... | Well, it's certainly a good thing that alcoholism is so socially accepted despite it being about one billion hundred million times the real problem that hard drugs are... Alcohol (aka OPP): 1. Bad mating choices B: Broken stuff .- Falling off, out of, or onto moving vehicles Cocaine (aka Western Courage): _* Supermodels }" Generally poor ideas about music and fashion .& Bathroom decor Heroin (aka Hangman's Bluff): oO Pointy shit EVERYWHERE ;- No time for friends anymore >< Oops, I'm dead Meth (aka Brick Shithouse aka NOFUKINWAY!): +- Can't stop doing things no matter what -+ Can't do anything no matter what v^ Trailer insurance expensive Pot (aka Lenses): 420 manthatissocoolwecouldtotallyfuckingdothatitwouldcool 430 ... huh? - Mon, 27 Mar 2006 4:25pm Edited: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 5:01pm | ||
$$$$$$$$$$ User Info... | what about drinking and driving? alcohol is is a big fuckin drug, as much of a drug as any... - Mon, 27 Mar 2006 6:41pm Edited: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 6:45pm | ||
SickFuk User Info... | As for the alcoholism thing... I agree that done to excess, of course it's gonna fuck you right up... I'm happy keeping mine to a normal level with the occossional binge myself.... But on tonights episode of 3am Junkie Jeopardy... we delve into the world of Crystal Crack Pool... With me as special guest for this show is Shane, the drummer for S.I.C.K.... The first story we have tonight on 3am Junkie Jeopardy would be a sad story to say the least... In the last posting I made mention of a good friend of ours who fucked his life over with Meth... One night, not too long ago he came waltzing into Mohawk buying everything available with a high sugar content... before he was a very healthy guy and didn't eat that kind of crap... He came in to Mohawk one night.. wearing a hoodie trying to disguise himself... looking like nothing more than a shell of the man who he used to be... after this, never saw him again.. afraid of what I'll see... Our next feature story would be the tale of "Guess what I stuck this here with"... Some junkie had used the bathroom at Mohawk, which has since been closed to the public, and left the employees there a little note... Upon closer examination, they realized that the note they found stuck to the bathroom wall saying "Guess what I stuck this here with" was actually stuck to the wall with human shit... Lucky for Shane, we wasn't the one who had to clean this shit up... lovely, eh? On a side note would be the number of times they ended up closing down the bathroom for repairs due to an excess of needles plugging up the toilet.. And our last feature story of the night would be "Thanks man"... Some junkie chick comes in and uses the bathroom.. nothing out of the ordinary for the time... but this one in particular was very memorable.... When she emerged from the bathroom, the hypodermic was still sticking out of her, she seemed to have forgotten to remove it... also the fact that she had stuck it directly into her jugular vein was rather noteable... as she was leaving, in a dreamy, fucked up Junkie voice she said "Thanks man" and walked out the door... This concludes tonights episode of 3am Junkie Jeopardy.. The show that shows you what your drugs are doing to you... Stay tuned for another episode coming tonight and we'll see what drugs Flee gets offered tonight... and in a future episode we'll delve even further into the depths of Crystal Crack Pool... Til next time 'ere - Tue, 28 Mar 2006 7:35pm Edited: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 7:53pm | ||
Suffuckation User Info... | The government invests a lot of time, money and effort into sending spies into local buisineses to ensure no one is selling liquore or tobbaco to minors or addmiting anyone into bars with out several pieces of I.D. If they used that time, money and effort to bust meth dealers and rehabilitate addicts instead I think that would make a lot more sense. Fuck, I've never been harassed of offended by anyone under the age of 19 smoking a cigarette. I wish polititions would pull their heads out of their asses and get their priorities straight for a change. - Tue, 28 Mar 2006 10:55pm Edited: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 11:03pm | ||
J User Info... | solution # 1... get rid of east van... wipe it off the map, bomb it... just do something solution #2... its called saltspring island... send'em there solution #3... dont let ferries go to saltspring after the fact Outcome #1... we're all fucking merry and ready to smoke a joint peacfully Outcome #2... hippies, crack meth coke- heads, de-generates of the sort... locked on and island and get voted off, then having to swim the channel and those that survive get another chance at life. nuff said - Sat, 1 Apr 2006 2:21pm Edited: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 2:24pm | ||
Ward Ensemble User Info... | "anarchy, chaos rules the street, it's a Ragnarok party town!" - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:28pm Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:28pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | conga writes: Has anyone else noticed downtown has gotten way out of hand with bmx meth kids, panhandlers (young suburban kiddie types) and angry fucked up shoping cart crazies! You know, that's a good idea for a movie. - Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:46am Edited: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:47am | ||
SublimeKid User Info... | Native Bands, besides using traditional Canadian law sentencing, have used a sentencing circle within the band which has many different methods to deal with these offences. One I liked was similar to sending them all to Saltspring. They give drug and alchohol offenders food and water to survive and camping gear and leave them on an island for a few months, and you check up on them and bring them rations but they are stuck there until the drugs are out of their system or the wilderness claims them.. Also, people creating hard drugs should get the death penalty. Indonesia enforces that and has the lowest drug offence in the world, 3.4 per 100,000 people.... Just let us keep the GREEN STUFF! =D - Tue, 18 Apr 2006 8:03pm Edited: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 8:26pm | ||
Andy McBeer User Info... | If I get stopped by somebody asking for spare change and I have one to spare, I'll give them a condom. - Wed, 19 Apr 2006 5:42pm Edited: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 5:43pm | ||
Gman User Info... | :Also, people creating hard drugs should get the death penalty.: Indonesia? That's a fucking dictatorship. You're a fascist. - Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:08pm Edited: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:09pm | || User Info... | I don't think anyone should get the death penalty if "Killing is wrong"... Downtown.. hmm.. Well, last time I was down there, there was this girl outside the Bay Center and I guess I looked at her wrong or something.. it was just cuz she was staring at me so DUH I'm gonna look at you like "what the hell!" and then she started to freak out at me... all bitch/cat fight style... I was afraid she'd bite me... It was funny though, cuz she was all gangsta about it. Oh yeah then I went to catch the loser cruiser (aka: bus) home and some homeless woman, very small and shakey (could say "crazy" but nah it was the drugs) came up to me and asked me for money... but I could barely understand her, and her hands were covered in deep, deep cuts and stuff... I couldn't give her money though because I had none, I hardly buy anything c'ept cd's... but I just felt so bad for her because these people are left here alone... like no one cares about them... Same with people starving in countries like Africa... it's like the fucking world doesn't give a shit! Like come on idiots we're human! All the money spent on war, could've solved world hunger.. Civilization, you fucking failure! - Sun, 7 May 2006 1:12pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | I can't believe I just read this whole thread. My sollution-always carry a few pennies, Usually leaves em stunned and confused, should they love you for giving them something, or hate you for giving them useless fucking pennies? I gotta get a life, or friends. Maybe I'll just go out and score some meth with a heroin chaser. 420 all the way! - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 1:25am | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | pennies add up. If you don;t need, drop them in their cup. I know a couple panhandlers and they are good people, bad circumstances. - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 1:00pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Hey Jeremy. How come The Smalls never got radio play? - Fri, 7 Jul 2006 2:09pm | ||
The Other Nick User Info... | The Jews wern't junkies. - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 9:24pm | ||
Mace User Info... | This thread sucks - Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:50pm | ||
BBJones User Info... | Solution: or - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 3:36pm Edited: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 3:43pm | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | "Hey Jeremy. How come The Smalls never got radio play?" I don't know... not mass appeal enough I guess. email a track to the Zone's music director, James Sutton and request it. newer is better and maybe he'll feature it. [email protected] - Tue, 11 Jul 2006 4:33pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Isn't it kinda too late. I mean I'd still love to hear VCR or Payload on the radio, but if the stations wouldn't play them when they were sellin 40,000+ albums indie, why would you play them now that they've broken up? I just don't understand why crap rules? Corb Lunds girlfriend just sent me a DVD of the five videos the SMALLS did, I will post them later. Al (Mum)Ford was a SMALLS fan, still most Zone DJays never even heard of the SMALLS. - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 1:34am | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | I have heard them and heard of them... just not a fan. as for why crap rules... well that is personal choice. I would argue that crap never rules. If a band has the top selling album in Victoria, it is because people actually enjoy it. I have favourites that don't get played on the Zone. I am cool with that... keeps it "my" music. well I do sneak Mission of Burma on from time to time.... shhhh don't tell anyone. - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 7:15pm Edited: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 7:16pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Thats cool. I guess I just get frustrated when I see quality groups go without media support. I understand matter of opininion, and I hate to call anything crap. Mass pop must count for something, I just think that some music never gets the chance to be mass pop in Canada because playlists are set (correct me if I'm wrong) by old guys in Toronto. I also take great pride in "my music", but I feel for the struggling artists, who decides who gets to be rich? Why can't I request new Dayglo Abortions on the zone? Why don't we hear Barley Wik on the Q? Nivanna Bleach only sold 7,000 copies before their big signing, I mean I know it was Nirvanna but still at the time no one cared. They attracted a crowd of about 70 people when they played the Forge. Al used to slide things in once and awhile too. I just think it's too bad it has to be like that. But hey, thats what university radio is for. Thanks for the response. - Wed, 12 Jul 2006 9:55pm Edited: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 9:55pm | ||
Jeremy Baker User Info... | we should probably start a different thread for these questions... this is downtown madness AHHHHHH!~ The Zone's playlist is created here in Victoria by James Sutton and Sara P with help from Dave Sawchuk... they have a committee and play all the songs that are being considered for addition. They listen and talk about what would be the best fit that particular week. A lot of radio stations have playlists dictated from their corporate head office, Toronto or Vancouver or where ever... But the Zone and Q are programmed here. If you ever hear a band and go WOW, they should be ultra rock stars... email James, [email protected] ... he listens and considers everything remotely "modern rock." as for the no Dayglo's on the Zone.... uhhhh, I am familiar with their music and it probably would not be a good fit after U2 or The Killers :-) Rock the CFUV when they got a punker show... I am sure they'd be happy to get a phone in request (when I was a college radio rocker, I loved getting even ONE call! It is so lonely there at like 4AM). I used to call this one guy who had a show on Tuesday nights, played all sorts of great indie rock and he'd take requests. - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 2:54pm | ||
thestefano User Info... | I suppose i'm a bit insensitive, but generally my response when asked if i have any spare change is, "Not the kind of change you need." - Fri, 14 Jul 2006 11:03am | ||
Endeløs User Info... | ........................................................... - Fri, 14 Jul 2006 1:48pm | ||
Swingin' Joe User Info... | Hmmmmm, as I was walking around downtown this evening, I noticed the former lead singer of Morning Call busking/crooning on his acoustic guitar.It was truly a sad sight,looked like something right out of Behind The Music.Needless to say, no change out of my pocket went into his guitar case. - Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:15pm | ||
Peter Gardner User Info... | I saw him on Friday too! Part of me laughed because they were so stuck up when I played a show with them. - Sat, 15 Jul 2006 10:48pm | ||
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