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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Clever shocking and offencive title |
Maxwell User Info... | Am I the only straight guy on Earth who gets really pissed off when little teenage boys use the word gay as an insult? Same goes for jew. And fagget, homo, etc... Who decided it was cool to sound so fucking ignorant all the time? And why exactly is being gay/jewish/whatever so bad? - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 1:13am | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | I can agree. We've all been guilty of this. NO exemptions. It's just a stupid stigma attached to a "buzz" word. Very very stupid. - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 1:30am | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | get used to it. - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 9:17am | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | That sounds so gay!!! :) - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 10:03am | ||
ROSS B AY User Info... | what a jew homo! - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 10:04am | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | Its Lame and people like being ignorant , Its cool like being uneducated! - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 2:32pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Like anything else in life, if you give a reaction to these words they will become more rampant in their negative usage. Best to ignore. - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 7:40pm | ||
Swingin' Joe User Info... | Man, that is so Geighhhhhhhhhh. - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 8:27pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | M-iLF!!! - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 8:46pm Edited: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 8:46pm | ||
Pierce User Info... | I played hockey 15 years no one called me a Hockey player......I suck one cock, im a Faggot. Thats what pisses me off. Ross B Ay? Your thoughts. - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 9:09pm | ||
MURDALIZER User Info... | Man, do I be diggin da old lady pern, it's like, yeah! silver canoes n shit. It's like sho me ya silver cotton candy g-ma, be fo i be goin all crizazy up in dat shit! And tittiez? I be all like, you got gofer titz, ya, when u take off yer bra dey gofer da floor!And freaky shit, dey be all over dat shit, cincinatti bow ties, frothy walrus' hot karls n shit! dey be smokin ya pickle in da whip on da way to da crib n shit! HOOOOOLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! - Sat, 4 Mar 2006 11:36pm | ||
alcoholly User Info... | Shit Pauly, oh no you di'n't.......... B-A-N-A-N-A-S............ You ain't gots ta hate, but when you's up wit da shizzle ya got's ta have the nizzle yo! Prop-a..................... - Sun, 5 Mar 2006 8:09am | ||
I Love Simon User Info... | hahah jew hahah - Sun, 5 Mar 2006 10:06pm | ||
Mofo User Info... | puberty happens...I am a straight caucasian, agnostic kinda guy and alot of words like you've described bother me as well..ignorance is ignorance In some cases its a good mix of insecurity and ignorance... We are in a different political climate than we were 10 years ago, if you sneeze the wrong way someone points a finger and says you were calling them a jew....its fucked up. - Mon, 6 Mar 2006 3:34pm | ||
Mica User Info... | when i say something is gay, i'm saying that that shit is happy. like when i say, "fuck, this is a gay party" it doesn't mean this party is bad like homosexuals; it means that i really don't need all the gaiety and laughter and shit. if i say, "hey, thats a gay skateboard" its probably because the graphic is of a smiling buddha. if i say, "there's no such thing as gay cowboys" i'm just thinking about how hard it must be to be happy chasing cows in the dust all day. - Mon, 6 Mar 2006 4:34pm | ||
I Love Simon User Info... | who care about all that, people say it all the time it happins get used to it, it wont stop its just part of life. - Mon, 6 Mar 2006 6:45pm | ||
XY-SATAN User Info... | What a bunch of anti-pesto metrosexuls ! - Mon, 6 Mar 2006 8:13pm | ||
Swingin' Joe User Info... | ----"there's no such thing as gay cowboys" i'm just thinking about how hard it must be to be happy chasing cows in the dust all day.---- Jesus..Keep it at the mountain. - Mon, 6 Mar 2006 9:56pm | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | silver canoes! hahahaha - Tue, 7 Mar 2006 11:48pm | ||
pubert User Info... | QUIT'CHER FUCKIN' WHININ', YA FUCKIN' FAGS! whacka whacka whacka - Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:15pm | ||
mikey User Info... | Ohhh, that's already been done, Pubes. Too bad. It would have been funny! - Thu, 9 Mar 2006 4:36pm | ||
_Griphin_ User Info... | I feel offended and shocked after seeing the subject of this thread! - Thu, 9 Mar 2006 4:52pm | ||
pubert User Info... | mikey, are you flirting with me? i don't mind swingin' that way but just remember that i ain't a fag. whacka whacka whacka - Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:10pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | "Am I the only straight guy on Earth who gets really pissed off when little teenage boys use the word gay as an insult? Same goes for jew. And fagget, homo, etc... Who decided it was cool to sound so fucking ignorant all the time? And why exactly is being gay/jewish/whatever so bad? " first of all. you get offended when people call you that, because it must sound terrifying when being trapped in a closet, such as you (kyle maxwell). second, kyle maxwell, is a faggot fucking homo douche bag jewish cock sucker. third, did anyone else notice he tried to pass himself off as straight? hahahah anyone who has ever seen this douche bag KNOWS that he loves to take it in the ass. infact i hear rodent ramming is his favourite hobby. one thing is for sure, being gay, ignorant, jewish or even a faggot would all be better then having to be kyle maxwell. - Mon, 26 Jun 2006 5:35pm Edited: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 6:29pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Two guys sittin in a bar First guy says "yo, how yous so smooth on da ladies" Second guy says "watch me play on words with that sweetie over there" Second guy whispers to sweetie"tickle your pussy with a feather" "say what" she rplies "typically nice weather" he responds Second guy tries this move out on another fine lady"scatch your cunt with a stick" "say what" she replies "looks like rain" - Tue, 27 Jun 2006 12:31am | ||
Brumy User Info... | that didnt make any sence at all - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:08am | ||
Anonymous User Info... | dear Brumy, "tickle your pussy with a feather" and " typically nice weather" sound the same. "scratch your cunt with a stick" and "looks like rain" do not. you are right, however, that it is irrelevant to the post... unless he is further stressing the fact that kyle maxwell has, and therefore is a pussy. _NH - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 1:01pm Edited: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 1:06pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Are you Kyles ex-girlfriend? I meant to say , first guy tries this move out....aww you get the drift. And yes your ex does sound rather like a pussy, not that there is anything wrong with that. - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 3:55pm Edited: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 3:59pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | i am definatly not kyles ex-girlfriend. there are several problems with that 1) that would make him straight. 2) that would mean he was at some point in his life straight. _NH - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 4:00pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Are you upset about Kyles sexual orientation because you have a secret passionate desire for his sweet pussy? - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 4:33pm Edited: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 4:35pm | ||
kyle maxwell User Info... | Who the fuck is this anonymous asshole? At least when I make fun of someone on the fucking internet I leave my name. Someone needs to smack that fucking cum stain in the face with a sock full of horse shit. I wouldn't be upset at all if a video of this guy (whoever it is) getting his head cut off by some fucking terrorist turned up on the CBC. Have a nice day. - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:53pm Edited: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:56pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | and the lady of the hour arrives!!!! i noticed in your profile, "i will not sell out", i'm pretty sure you cant sell out when your not in a band. but i guess your saying that because you're clearly wanting to be kurt cobain... NH - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:58pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | "Are you upset about Kyles sexual orientation because you have a secret passionate desire for his sweet pussy?" although i'm sure kyle maxwell's pussy is sweet, i dont have any desire for it. NH - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:01pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | i'd also like to point out that kyle in NO WAY made any attempt at correcting any of the things i said. Further proving that they are true...lets look at this - hes gay - he has a pussy - he is a pussy - wants to be kurt cobain - " faggot fucking homo douche bag jewish cock sucker" - Like Rodent Ramming thats all for now, check back later for stunning and shocking updates. _NH - Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:07pm Edited: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:21pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | This is getting rich. Totally sounds like my ex after every time she caught me cheating. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:13am | ||
kyle maxwell User Info... | I'm actually curious who this guy is... You brought up the Kurt Cobain thing so I must have pissed you off a couple of years ago. I went through a Nirvana phase like most people at the start of highschool and I haven't been in to them for a couple years now. I'm guessing this is one of the Vendors. If I'm wrong, my apologies. I don't know why you feel the need to make these petty personal attacks, because I really don't know you that well, if at all. And even though I had an outburst there, I realised that internet pissing contests are really fucking dumb. If I knew who you were, and you were in front of me mouthing that shit off, I would stomp your fucking guts out. That's obviously not the case, so I can't. Since I know you're not going to, I'm not going to ask you to get over yourself and act grown up, so get your laughs in and have fun being a lame ass. I would really like to know who you are by the way. And I'm not gay or jewish or whateverthefuck, I've been in a couple of bands, and I'm a big fan of sarcasm. Any other names you want to throw at me? - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:57am | ||
kyle maxwell User Info... | If NH are your initials, I don't know why the fuck you've got such a stick up your ass. I don't know anyone with those initials. And that's definitely no one in the Vendors so I'm all out of ideas. I'd like to know what your whole deal is. Did I call you a name back in high school or something? Are you living vicariously through the internet? Come on man, grow a pair and fuck off. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 1:40am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Don't think it's a guy. btw what's so wrong with being a jewish homosexual?seriously ex-girlfriend would be my guess. Carry on. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 1:44am Edited: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 1:45am | ||
kyle maxwell User Info... | Never had a girlfriend with those initials. That would have been my first guess too. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 2:00am | ||
Anonymous User Info... | lets be honest kyle, i think i've seen coke heads weigh more than you. what are you? 95 pounds? on a heavy day? you couldnt "stomp the guts" out of anyone. Straight up, you are a bitch. _NH - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 7:38am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Your not gonna take that lying down are you Kyle? - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 1:33pm | ||
Ottoman User Info... | Of course he is, face down in a pillow how he likes it...................but who are we to judge? - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 1:58pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Face down, ass up, cmon, yeah! I'll take you to the candy shop. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 2:37pm Edited: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 3:14pm | ||
kyle maxwell User Info... | I really think it's time you told us all who you are. On that note, I'm calling you out asshole. Pick a time and a place, and I will gladly fight you. 95 pounds? Hahahaha... You are a coward, and a fucking phony. It doesn't take a whole lot of balls to give away your identity on the INTERNET, and you can't even take that apparently giant leap. And I'm still curious why you've got this enormous hate on for me. You don't sound that clever, and since I don't even know who you are, you must be pissed off from a LONG time ago. Maybe you should see a therapist? Talk about your girly feelings or some shit with someone who is paid to pretend they care. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 4:54pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | We can use my dojo. I'll referee, weapons, no weapons? You decide. Tickets -$20 - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 4:59pm | ||
Dr.DoomXXX User Info... | I am not afraid to reveal my identity. My name is Victor Von Doom. You killed my father, PREPAIR TO DIE!!!!! - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 5:05pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | kyle maxwell is little bitch. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 5:14pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | check it out - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 5:18pm Edited: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 5:18pm | ||
kyle maxwell User Info... | OKAY... I have offered up a solution to this STUPID back and forth bullshit. Anonymous has declined my offer, thus exposing himself to be the REAL pussy and a fucking phony. This will be the last reply I make, as I have decided this silly twat isn't worth any more of my time. I hope this retarded fuck has a nice life, whoever the fuck he is. - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 5:21pm | ||
Kyle Price User Info... | first i thought that this was mildly amusing. but now its just really really creepy. why do you hate kyle that much? and why do you spend so much time mocking him, like the slander on live victoria and making a myspace account JUST to insult him!? you are rediculous. you clearly have some creepy obsession with kyle maxwell. what did kyle do to you? how did this all start...this is what i would like to know. just my two cents... - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 5:22pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | awww look at that, i'm a "twat". very clever kyle maxwell i must admit. how long did it take you to think of that one. and look, now i have to kyles to make fun of. Kyle Price....what a fucking stupid name. i'm pretty sure you also dated kyle maxwell, you are both fucking douche bags. and i hope you die, _NH - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 5:25pm | ||
Andrew User Info... | He's just some random who comes on an anon name and trashes everyone...the topic WAS pretty gay though. lol. if u give the words power, they will do damage and hurt people. If they have no power, they wont. :) So stop getting so bent over this "kyle maxwell", most ppl who are pricks are just trying to make up for "shortcomings" lol. ;) - Thu, 29 Jun 2006 8:24pm | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Now that Kyle has bowed out, it's time to hand out the awards. FUNNIEST POST-Mica, runner up-Pubert TAKIN IT TO SERIOUSLY-KYLE PRICE MOST DIFFICULT TO LOOK AT-MURDALIZER MOST INTELLECTUALLY CHALENGED AND RESORTS TO THREATS OF VIOLENCE-Kyle Maxwell MOST EVIL and ANGRY ABOUT THEIR HERPES OUTBREAK-ANONYMOUS - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 1:14am Edited: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 1:16am | ||
trevor corey User Info... | Nirvana kicks ass, yeah yeah, hehehehehe. I need some tp for my bunghole! - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 1:47am | ||
Andrew User Info... | pikata? - Fri, 30 Jun 2006 5:50pm | ||
Suffuckation User Info... | If you start a stupid thread people are going to react accordingly. Plain and fucking simple. I noticed since starting this cliche thread he has decided to hide his e-mail. - Sat, 1 Jul 2006 4:06pm | ||
Anonymous User Info... | if anyone needs to email kyle maxwell his email is : [email protected] - Mon, 3 Jul 2006 12:06am | ||
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