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Anyone else having a week from hell?
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Anyone else having a week from hell?
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Lets Just Stop.
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I sure am. Just getting slammed over and over and over. Keep thinking, ok I'm back from that one, and then POW there's another one. I think maybe its resulting from others having the same thing happen to them. I don't even do the Xmas crap.
Right now I just wanna lie down and stay down til January. - Wed, 21 Dec 2005 3:43pm Edited: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 3:46pm
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uhhhh....are you a porno star? - Wed, 21 Dec 2005 4:26pm
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Am I EVER!!!!!!! ( not a porn star but having the shittiest week of my life!!) - Wed, 21 Dec 2005 6:35pm
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It hasn't been from hell, but I'm sure this week is from the twilight zone or some related area. My lights were all out (except for the master bedroom) for the weekend - came back just as mysteriously as they disappeared.
One of my neighbours stole cardboard and paper from under leaves in my backyard.
Ya. I'm still waiting for number three. - Thu, 22 Dec 2005 12:19am
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For once, I'm having a good week. The twilight zone stuff is planetary aspects of Mercury clashing with Uranus. It's causing all kinds of weird shit to happen. Like power failures and computers crashing. YEAH I KNOW I'm a fucking hippie, shaddup. Or I'll put some a that juju on you... - Thu, 22 Dec 2005 8:37am
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Last Wed/Thursday was when all my shit hit the fan. Doing some work after-hours @ hartland landfill, the power went out, the generator didn't work correctly, seriously froze my nuts off. Power comes back at 2:00am, continue on with work.

Ended up being a 27 hour straight shift. Luckily I had a few days off to sleep.

I think the full-moon had something to do with it. - Thu, 22 Dec 2005 8:41am
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one more sleep and the weeks over thank f'ing god!! - Fri, 23 Dec 2005 12:31am
jay fatso
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im still working through the worst 22 years of my life... - Fri, 23 Dec 2005 2:16am
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i am,
laid off yesterday,
me and the girlfreind are fighting,
barly any money
its not good - Tue, 3 Jan 2006 8:37pm
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very bad - Tue, 3 Jan 2006 8:41pm
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Why yes, 1 year after leaving the hospital I came down with Bronchitus. :( - Tue, 3 Jan 2006 8:49pm
Isolation Ride
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You should talk to a couple good buddies of mine named Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.They,ll listen to everything you have to say all night long (unlike the ex) and even put you to bed (floor,neighbours front yard,jail)or whatever comes first.Take two sixty pounders and call me in the morning.The Doc has spoken. - Wed, 11 Jan 2006 1:16pm
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Solid advice, Doctor. Heed the words. Over and oot. - Wed, 11 Jan 2006 1:31pm
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I try not to have too many hell weeks, I'm just happy I'm alive actually. - Wed, 11 Jan 2006 6:13pm
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so a friend called me today from out of the blue sounding all quiet & serious and saying she'd been admitted to a hospital over the holidays. i just listened and got all prepared for her to tell me she'd been diagnosed with terminal something. :(
Turns out she wasn't! She was just calling from work and the hospital stint was just some on again off again stomach thing. woohoo! my friends live!

anyway, ben n' jerry's cherry garcia... follow this path to true spiritual enlightenment... yummmm
or my favorite new soda, henry weinhardt's black cherry cream... mmmmmmmm, drooool - Wed, 11 Jan 2006 8:59pm Edited: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 9:02pm
Nik Olaz
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What is this Livevictoria or Livejournal?! - Wed, 11 Jan 2006 9:58pm
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I REALLY HATE MY CO-WORKERS!!! They have such pathetic non-lives that the only enjoyment out of life they have is trying to get other people fired. Did they ever stop to think that maybe they should stop messing with other people's livlihoods and get a frickin life. Really fuckin great shop stewards!! Kiss my ass losers! - Mon, 16 Jan 2006 1:17pm
jay fatso
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hmmmm. - Mon, 16 Jan 2006 1:58pm
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So...wanna hear about number 3?

My relationship of 2.5 years ended rather suddenly. I found out shortly after the break up that my hunch was right, there was another woman. Probably more. Notice that I'm not using names? If you know me and him then there's a good chance that you already knew about this because after the first confirmation I was told that it was "word around the party", a.k.a. common knowledge, and no one wanted to tell me. Why would anyone want to tell someone that?
A big thank you to the honest people who did the hard job of listening to me bitch about it after telling me.

I've had sooo many people tell me over the course of this that they did'nt know how I could trust him, because of his history of cheating.
I'm such an idiot. And yes, they told me so.

Should I just sleep with all of his friends as revenge? Or start smashing?

Oh ya, so like this week totally sucks!!! I just moved into this house and got rid of the boxes. Now I'm collecting them again.
I hate boxes. - Wed, 18 Jan 2006 8:38pm
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The best revenge, IMO, would be to act like you don't care. He probably thinks he is quite the player and naturally expects you to be devasted. So don't be. He is a liar and a cheat and isn't worth your tears, anger or time. Be happy! You have your very own life again! - Wed, 18 Jan 2006 9:08pm
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You're right. Smash everything. I'm sooo over the tears portion of the program.
I do look forward to life after this, but this just sucks all my goodness right out. - Wed, 18 Jan 2006 9:31pm
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I am sorry to hear about that dumpstermesh. That totally sucks! Can't say that I knew he was like that at all. - Sun, 22 Jan 2006 4:13pm
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You know how you have those dreams where you want or need to punch someone but it all happens in slow motion and it doesn't actually happen? It's like your underwater or something? Everynight since I found out about this I've been beating the crap out of people in fast forward in my dreams. I don't even know if it's him or her I'm beating.
I know that not everybody knew. Enough people did though to make it embarassing.
So Jess, you still up for some drinky-poos some time? We'll show those men what's what!! - Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:46pm
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Yeah.. some men can certainly suck pretty bad in the relationship department. Bar-stars in particular.. I highly recommend chicks however! Just not bar-star chicks. - Mon, 23 Jan 2006 3:41pm
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My guitar has been in better shape, I keep hitting the ground with it, and the paint is starting to chip away, so I threw it in the closet. It's probably out of tune (or something internal is wrong with it), it's not worth learning since I'll never play in front of people. I almost took the guitar, practice amp and Digitech RP-80 pedal back to L&M, no, not to sell, but to give to them. - Mon, 23 Jan 2006 4:15pm
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Hey dumpster email me we will set up a drinkin date for sure !!!!! - Mon, 23 Jan 2006 6:19pm
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Sorry to hear about that dumpstermesh...obviously this guy was not an ambassador for men, because despite common perception we are not all cheating lying jerks.
I have been in a relationship for almost 7 years of which I have never even considered cheating.
All this info is pretty useless to you, yes, however I just don't like to see women lose all faith in men.
If you abuse anything, alcohol, drugs, women they will always abuse you back, and way worse.
As for your dream, I'm no shrink and they are somewhat involuntary (dreams) so don't worry about it. Just don't let the anger manifest itself in your everydaylife. Every minute you are pissed off about this dude is a minute of happiness in your life that he has effectively stolen from you. Anyways, if you'll excuse me I have a halo to go polish, take care and good luck.... - Tue, 24 Jan 2006 11:26am
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I hear yesterday (January 23rd) was the most depressing day all year, no wonder why I had an outburst yesterday. BTW: I feel like shit today. - Tue, 24 Jan 2006 12:35pm
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Yeah I heard that on the radio too. I guess some professor of somethingorotherology has come to the conclusion that (based upon statistics) that yesterday was the most depressing day of the year....the only thing sad that happend yesterday is Stephen Harper becoming PM, so in that respect yes I agree! - Tue, 24 Jan 2006 7:49pm
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hmmmm, Week from hell, eh....

Started off the week with Justin and Ken deciding to leave S.I.C.K. .... which means we now have to seek replacements for guitar and bass....

The other guy who does the same job as me got fired... so I'm scheduled for 131 hours this week, plus a couple more in o/t most likely... considering a week consists of 168 hours... work 131 of them is a little steep

There's my week from hell

'ere - Tue, 24 Jan 2006 8:19pm
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Ok, here's a good one, I just dropped 2000 dollars on a brand new out of box Toshiba M60 laptop. It comes loaded with a Nvidia GeForce 6600 Go with 128MB of dedicated RAM (thats a pretty good video card).
Maybe I am just retarted but this thing will not run any new games whatsoever. And here's the thing, all games I am trying to play ask for a minimum of a GeForce 2 series, mine is a GeForce 6, that MORE that 3x exceeds what is required to play the game.
My computer is loaded as well so its not the CPU.
I have called Toshiba 3x and no one there seems to know what to do...and that seems to be thier answer....we don't know why it should work but it doesn't but, thanks for buying our product and thanks for calling.
I have tried to call NVIDIA tech support and it does not exist for consumers who buy the chipset in a made up computer. In other words you have to buy the graphics card and chipset separately,....then and only then do you qualify for support.
Fuck am I pissed. I am not even a huge gamer but this is pretty much a 2000 dollar door stop if I can't play games on it. Has anyone out ther had this prob, assuming there is anyone who has bought an M60 with the same graphics card...I am betting not but i just needed to vent... - Sat, 28 Jan 2006 8:57am
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Sounds like a driver issue, try re-installing the drivers (GeForce) and see if that helps. I think the worse problem I had was installing a DVD burner with XP running, and the stupid burner wouldn't work, and Discovery Computers in Hillside Mall was a lot of help (bunch of morons). Kinda shitty that after it happens Discovery isn't in Hillside Mall anymore. *grin* - Sat, 28 Jan 2006 12:46pm
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Hey man, thanks for the advice but, I have tried that one. I have uninstalled and reinstalled drivers from the Toshiba site (because the NVidia site doesn't have drivers for it, if you can believe that) and nothing works. I have tried lowering resolution, etc.
I even found a thread where some guy had just bought the exact same laptop and has the exact same prob.
I am so taking this piece of crap back - Sun, 29 Jan 2006 10:02am
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Arrrrgggh. I spent the whole week before xmas sick as hell and now its back with a vengence!! I HATE COLD AND FLU SEASON!!!! - Tue, 31 Jan 2006 4:23pm
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.... to add to my week from hell, which seems to be longer than 7 days.....

Worked almost 24/7 from Sat 9am until Fri 6pm... then decided to take the night off... so what happens?... my car starts smoking because I blew my radiator... teach me to take a night off work...

'ere - Tue, 31 Jan 2006 4:47pm
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i'm sick. i've been sick since sunday. i was supposed to be better by now so i could go out tonight like normal people but i'm worse. i can't do anything. i'm sad. i'm out of asperin.
:( - Fri, 24 Feb 2006 9:12pm Edited: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 9:16pm
brainzzz brainzzz
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should i bother justifying my self, no I'll just wish dumpestermesh the best of luck I hope she finds someone that wants to get married and have kids but once again it ain't me babe no no no it ain't me babe, it ain't me your lookin for babe..( no hard feelings) - Mon, 3 Apr 2006 10:22am Edited: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 10:29am
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So I guess that your internet hasn't been cut off yet eh? - Mon, 3 Apr 2006 3:22pm Edited: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 9:53pm
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I'm going to end this thread on a positive note.

Shortly after my last post I FINALLY became happy with being single. I accepted the fact that not all men are going to want what I want and I was ok with that.
Then I bumped into an old roomate that I haven't seen in years. I told him that I planned on being a single Mom one day cuz I was so sick of getting lied to. Then he asked me on a date in the next sentence.
The story ends with us living happily ever afer because he does want everything that I do and we're beside ourselves in love.
It happens not only when you're not looking but when you stop caring about whether or not it does.

This is by far my cheesiest post yet. - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 6:33pm Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 6:42pm
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Oh... my... god...
That's the same scenario that I had.
It's totally true. - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:07pm Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:08pm
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Oh and I was sick for FIVE WEEKS!!!
That licked ass. Evil flu... EVIL!! - Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:08pm Edited: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:09pm
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... because posting intimate details of your personal life on the internet is *always* a good idea.

I was bummed when you removed the original reply to brainz.

It was truly literary. - Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:10pm Edited: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:11pm
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How can I still be mad? If it wasn't for the way he treated me and how long I was dragged throught the mud I never would've bumped into said new man when I did.
I am having a few trust issues because of my new jade on life but I think I'll be cured of them.
It's so nice to be with someone who actually wants to spend time with me.
I don't know whether or not Gman really enjoyed my orginal little rant or if he's just getting off on my raw feelings being laid out for all to view. Nor do I care.
If there is one thing I'd like to be known for it's my honesty.

I'd still like to know how one does justify cheating.... - Mon, 24 Apr 2006 3:35pm Edited: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 3:43pm
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I'm just posting so dumpstermesh can't change her post, HA!
Anyway, I've been viewing your stuff in this thread in absolute awe. way to go.

And a big YAY for honesty! People love online soap operas cuz most people don't have the guts to lay it all out on the table.
I've never known anyone who cheats to be anything less than weak and spineless. Even if they try to act all heartless & cruel and in control, its an act. desperate & chickenshit. But thats ok, we've all felt that. And as long as we admit our failures and hopefully grow some balls from the experience.
Takes way more guts for the other party to move on and trust again though... - Mon, 24 Apr 2006 4:16pm Edited: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 4:21pm
Buster Cherry
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We are all human. Any ladies who want to get back at their boyfriends by having some NSA sex, just look me up, I'd be happy to help. - Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:19pm Edited: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:25pm
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Shouldn't that be "weeks from hell"?!? And NSA sex?!? Frankly, I gave up on the relationship thing years ago, I just can't find any female willing to deal with my wierdness. - Tue, 25 Apr 2006 12:42am Edited: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 12:44am
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Boys are STUPID! - Tue, 25 Apr 2006 5:44pm Edited: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 5:44pm
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oh yeah?? Well girls are DIMB! I mean DUMB! Neener neener neener!

hehehehe I'm so clever - Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:37pm Edited: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:38pm
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D'uh... I feel so un-smart right now!!! - Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:21pm Edited: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:21pm
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Boys and girls who play games suck ass. When I was a kid and a boy would pull my hair, spit ball me, or wanna play wrestle with me I would usually punch them in the face or throw them off stuff. Believe it or not I was once a bit of a bully and not the sweet little gal I am now. Never been much for games though.
Yes, I'm feeling very superior right now. - Thu, 27 Apr 2006 3:32pm
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