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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Panhandlers
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I enjoy going downtown. This is MY hometown. So some when "Shrub" (I've been called this myself) asked me for some change and I looked him right in the face and asked "Why should I give you anything ???"
He shrugged and couldn't give me an answer.
Simple your to god darn lazy and have no pride to actually apply yourself and become a productive part of society. I work Hard for my money and so do a lot of people here.
Why should we pay the way for someone who simply wants an free ride.
I encourage everybody who does work hard to tell panhandlers "NO WAY" to their face.
You wanna give some money away give it to the "Cops For Cancer" team that's pedalling their Asses off across this beautiful Island we call home. - Tue, 4 Oct 2005 1:00am
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Indeed. I always reply to 'Hey got a spare smoke?' with 'Since when did they start packaging spare smokes? Did I miss the little hammer that you break the glass on for this 'spare smoke'?'

Support your own habits/lifestyles. Wastes of fucking air... - Tue, 4 Oct 2005 8:56pm
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those kinds of people should check out maybe they're hiring somemore shiteaters...
whacka whacka whacka - Tue, 4 Oct 2005 9:28pm
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Change comes from within. - Tue, 4 Oct 2005 9:46pm
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yeah good call

demoralize the homeless and support the police . . brilliant. - Tue, 4 Oct 2005 10:35pm
Nik Olaz
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Man I like how you've spent time actually figuring out homeless people. Yeah, what's wrong with them?! They should show up to places with their skills and qualifications written on a piece of cardboard. Maybe they can cut out nice ties with the razors they find in the dumpster. Oooh or how about we just start charging them to live on the street. That way they're sure to get a job! I'll call a spade a spade here, and it's ignorance. Go get a sociology degree, spend some actual time with homeless people (and not acting like a dick), do some studies and read a few books. Maybe that would open your eyes a little bit as to the reality of these peoples lives. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 1:01am
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Sorry Nik. Some people end up there due to no choice of their own, but the majority don't. I know some of the streeters downtown and they aren't there because of life's shit. They're there due to choices they made, and we're not talking good choices. Why the fuck is it societies job to mend their mistakes? It's almost becoming fashionable to be homeless for some folks. Making excuses for why society needs to make their lives better is rubbish.
There are more than a few homeless folks that have worked their asses off to get off the streets and now lead 'normal' lives. It's not hard if you actually get off your ass and actually use some of the services afforded to low income and homeless folks. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 1:54am
Nik Olaz
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I assumed society was a thing of altruism? I'm sure your assumptions are correct, as you know "some" of the streeters downtown and thus have a basic understanding of them everywhere. "More than a few" homless folks have worked their way out? That is good. As life teaches us not everything is black and white. Different situations lead to homelessness. It's not just "Oh I can't be bothered". Chalk it up to your imagination, and i'd hope you'd be able to think why people have or as you say "choose to" live on the streets. I find a cold, harshness in that approach. I'm sorry if i'm too much of an idealist here, but homelessness CAN be eliminated without treating them as if they were criminals or cysts. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 3:56am
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The dude I was refering to was there by choice. Give me a free ride. I don't think so. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 4:59am
What he said
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When i was growing up the "homeless guy" was always pushing his belongings in a shopping cart and even though he needed a bath always minded his own business. Now it seems these "homeless" are young , mainly males sporting mohawks, with big dogs and taylor made smokes sporting Dayglow Abortion merchandise carrying fancy tents and sleeping bags and going from free food line to free food line. Did you know St. Vincents gives them a 40 dollar clothing voucher to buy those ties? The way i see it they don`t want to work for the man. It`s hard to feel sorry for these people when i`ve always had a job even if it was a shit job so i could pay the rent and all they do is cry about they`re rights while leaving a shit load of garbage in they`re "homeless" camp. Turn the fire hose on them i say. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 6:00am
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I thought this post wa s ajoke at first because why the hell would anyone spend time bitching about how they hate homeless people. If you sat down and talked to even one of them for a few minutes you would walk away with a different opinion-entirely. They don't always want money or cigarettes or food. Sometimes they just want people to give them the time of day. I've had quite a few homeless people simply ask me to smile at them. And that was it. A lot of these people grew up in abusive enviorments and had to leave. You say they should get a job. You need a place of residence to get a job.You need clean clothes. It isn't so easy. As Nik said, become educated about it, and adopt a degree of humanity before you decide their all worthless. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 6:24am
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This post is about Panhandlers. People who make a living holding out their hand, not homeless people. I know the difference as I have family members who have been and are still homeless. I have a heart for the true down on your luck people but not for the lazy assed shmucks who couldn't be bothered to actually work. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 8:39am
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I'm a-living in a box... - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 8:47am
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I agree there is a distinction between homeless and panhandling, the problem is its kind of hard to tell who is who by just looking at them.Whenever there is a problem most attack the symptom rather than the root, imagine if doctors were that lazy. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 11:37am
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Doctors are that lazy. Especially those affiliated with psychiatry. Which also plays into homeless for some. Psychiatrsts do nothing but treat a symptom and not the root, and the majority of the time it's a game of hit and miss. 'If this drug doesn't work, we'll just try you on this one'. Do you know that the most affective 'control' for severe depression is STILL electroshock therapy? Do you know that lobotomy's are making a comeback for a lot of frontal lobe disorders? Most GP's aren't that different either. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 11:42am
The One After Two
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holy shit do I want to pull my hair out.

Some people are crazy and should be in government homes... that is fair enough and our community's shame for not providing the housing... however,

I never give anyone money downtown. Nik and Mutilashaun and Nat are young and they still think the machine is out to get them... but for the rest of us that work and maybe have lived a little, you'll learn pretty quick that if you give an inch, they take a mile.

Walk by the same dude everyday and give him some money. Guess what, he'll be there everyday and shit, I'd be surprised if he even remembers you.

I have been attacked and verbally abused and I've delt with ODs and crime... so sorry, but I see the "other" side of this issue.

Lastly, this is a tourist city... we need clean streets where people feel safe so we can count on repeat customers. Not only are some of these people annoying... they now fall into the realm a very real disturbance for our jobs. The city/province should look after these people not b/c I give a shit about them, but b/c I give a shit about me.

Thats education and reality. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 11:56am
Johnny Grass
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They are mostly there because they were once hedonistic partiers who couldn't get enough drugs. They are there because of choices they made, not because of "bad luck". Everybody's got a sad story, but most people don't use that as an excuse to have absolutely no resonsibily for themselves.

Everyone says oh, they are mentally ill, it's too bad. The majority made themselves fucking mentally ill from smoking rock and shooting smack. I'd bet most of them are on welfare and they blow it all on booze, dope and fast food. The ones that aren't on welfare are just too fucking lazy or stupid to sign up. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 12:34pm
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gimme a dollar. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 12:47pm
Nik Olaz
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My point has been missed entirely. This is why I try my best not to argue on the internet. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 1:58pm
what he said
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Everyone has they`re own sad stories...too true, yes alot of homeless people are mentally ill, but i sometimes think they would rather be on the street than cooped up, people are down on there luck, of course they are, I was there once wearing thread bare clothes living from gig to gig, did lot`s of drugs in my youth, but you chose your own path, you reap what you sow and must lie in the bed you make. I`ve been in the music biz over 25 years and been a "public sector " worker almost 18, I`ve seen so much welfare fraud and abuse of the system i just shake my head, where as a 3rd generation welfarer looks at it as a way of life and boo-hoo poor me, it`s very hard to be sympathetic to pan-handlers and poser homeless people, I hear Maui doesn`t allow any of it, zero tolerance. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 2:13pm
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As if a cigarette and a bit of change is going to make you destitude. C'MON!!

Have a fucking heart folks. Judge by yourself who deserves it and who doesn't. Common courtesy goes a long way, just because someone is on the street or is not "pulling their weight" doesn't mean you should scorn them and treat them like an animal. If I was in that situation and someone gave an inch I'd take 2 miles and I'm sure so would most of you. Desperation is an ugly thing, LET'S NOT ADD TO IT!!!!!! - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 5:48pm
The One After Two
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fair enough Mutilashawn... you are right... if we are in the posistion to help, sometimes you need to be the better person and do the right thing.

It is also unfair to say "hey CRACKHEAD stop doing drugs," when WE as a society have decided we'd rather not fund detox or family planning or foster care. - Wed, 5 Oct 2005 7:13pm
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Depending on the person who's asking for change, sometimes I'll buy them a burger/coffee or something... then other times...

I'll totally go off on this rant that I went to post-secondary to better myself so I could get a good job, a house, a car... everything... and you know where it's got me? tens of thousands of dollars in debt due to student loans. So in actuality, I should be asking them for money... they obviously have more of it than I do.

It usually shuts them up. - Thu, 6 Oct 2005 12:53am
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Wow, some good tangents going on here....

I did not get from this post that he was demoralizing homeless people and supporting the police. What I got was a clear picture of the dude with the sign that says...."Got money for weed?"....(Is he really down on his luck and just trying to get by?), the other picture was the kid with the 24 eyelet Doc Martins (what, couple hundred bucks) and a freakin bus pass asking me for money or spare smokes (what are SPARE smokes anyway?)....they certainly don't need my money.
Throwing words out there like "ignorant" is dangerous, as I could in this situation perceive N.O. as ignorant because he seemed to have missed Robnoxious' point, read what he wanted to read and had an emotional reaction....but then N.O. claims his point was missed entirely and that is why he tries not to argue on the internet (well now I'm really confused ..cause seems to me, N.O. argues on this page quite a bit and has a comment for almost everything posted on this site... maybe I'm missing his point entirely...again!?)
It's a real dichotomy....there are people there that really are having a hard time with life and then there's the others....I guess once you have someone spit on you or verbally attack you after you say..."Sorry I don't have any change right now" (I can say both happened to me), you can figure out which is which...
So the chick with the multitude of dogs, that tries to intimidate people working/walking through downtown..growling at them and then asking for money..nice!!!...Is she down on her luck too?
Everyone has a story and everyone....I mean everyone has had shitty things happen to's how we deal with it....I had fucked childhood but I'm not asking for SPARE anything.....
We each have a choice and if the person that started this post doesn't want to support panhandlers he doesn't have to and he doesn't need to be guilted out people's misinterpretation of his post. I don't give much money, but I buy them food (pet food too!) but not to everyone that asks...and that is my choice!

Ok, my turn to get raked over the coals - Thu, 6 Oct 2005 12:33pm
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Whether people have a legitimate excuse or are on the street because of drugs makes no difference if they are harassing people. Many of them are nice people and try not to be pushy but there are enough of them that make it a problem. There are a lot of younger people that are considered homeless now too and I'm sure a lot of them choose to be this way. Having a tough homelife doesn't mean you need to give up on everything and live on the street. I know it's not that easy but if you don't want to give up your addictions no one can help you. Once you end up in a situation like that it's going to be very very hard to get out of it unless you have some support but even that does gaurantee anything. - Thu, 6 Oct 2005 12:48pm
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In the Times/Colonist today is an article on the Tent city at St Anns. An Outreach worker points out. "These people have tents and tarps and bikes. They're not homeless, they're on a camp out and they're giving the real homeless a bad name"
Gotta love the guy who was arrested "The church comes by and brings us food". Still lookin for someone else to do stuff for you.

ps - I really enjoy hustling my ass out of bed at 2:45 am to get to work for 4:00 am - Thu, 6 Oct 2005 4:30pm
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There's a book on tent city. Some guy, who was not homeless, decided to live there for a year to see if he could make it and, eventually, write the book he did. It reads much like a journal, dated entries and is sort of interesting-albeit the stuff sociology books are made of. He ended up becoming a drug addict and alcoholic. - Fri, 7 Oct 2005 6:16am
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I remember the days when Victorias 'townies' actually made money ( selling weed/acid etc of course ) but hey they werent begging.

I gotta agree with age factor.. I have next to no sympathy for some young bastard bumming my spare nickles. If I can make money anyone can. Fuck em. I also moved out of my parents house at 15 and never looked back. I too have had to wonder where my next meal was coming from on more than one occasion and mommy said "go work like we all did."

The way I see it is if you want to hang on the street, thats fine, a young person can really learn an alternate lesson in life this way, but thats no reason to beg for money. ever. period.

Furthermore, whats the point of bumming change off a guy who looks like me? Did my old boots and death metal shirt disguise give me away as the wealthy tourist I really am?

There's no shortage of labor jobs right now in BC, I humped lumber through mudholes for years during the leanest times in BC, and I swear, ask my friends, Im the laziest bastard I know. If I could do that shit work for $12 hr so can anyone.

Im sure a few of the street people have genuine problems in life, mental and or health. But most of them are young and capable of any type of work available. - Fri, 7 Oct 2005 9:25am
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Ive bought burgers for homeless guy before, the old fucker with the big wolf looking dog. I think he gave the whole thing to the dog though, which is fine too. - Fri, 7 Oct 2005 9:38am
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Ok,, now finally.. Define "Tough homelife" - Fri, 7 Oct 2005 9:41am
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This post obviously got quiet a few peoples backs up. I personally have to agree with the "adults" in this situation. I was raised dirt fucking poor and for the most part I still am, but I'll be damned if I have ever let myself get to the point where I had to live on the street. I have worked shit jobs like most of the population, shit that I found degrading and blow me and my education but I did it to keep a roof over my head, even if I couldn't always feed myself. It's a choice a person makes.... no matter how much bad shit comes into your life.... you choose to be a victim or you choose to survive. And yes that sounds black and white..... but being a survivor has all sorts of grey areas... it just means that no matter what you don't give up, whereas being a victim is just that. Giving up. - Fri, 7 Oct 2005 1:13pm
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You don't have to give them a dime nor do you do you have to throw insults their way or expect them to live up to your ideals or standards. Ultimately, your bitternes will have more of an affect on yourself than it will on them. - Fri, 7 Oct 2005 2:31pm
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I said gimme a fuckin dollar! - Fri, 7 Oct 2005 4:35pm
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Go work on Govmnt st Zac! - Fri, 7 Oct 2005 9:58pm
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Ya um he aleady does.........
$20 a trick - Sat, 8 Oct 2005 9:14am
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Taking a sympathetic view towards all homeless/panhandlers is sensitive but a little off key. In my time I have been threatened by beggers for cigs, been told told that I "have to" fork over money because the street I was walking down was "their home", and on one night three bums chased me down, attacked me 'til I was knocked out and then they followed it up with kicking my 5 foot tall (female) friend in the face and ripping off her skate board. It's not easy to feel sympathy for people who behave this way. Most people I see panning are just putting up a front to hide the fact that they're pushing meth, PCP and heroine. Too many of them cruise the streets looking for people who are carrying beer that can be ripped off. Almost all the panners I see are ripped on some sort of uppers and although I don't hate all bums I do hate all junkies. They make life miserable for everyone around them espesially poor bastards who have to work downtown convenience stores just to get by. I'll admit that the abuse on their part has deminished over the last 8 years and I've even met a few who have been nice to me so I don't disrtespect every hobo I encounter. But I would not advise giving them money because it's usually bound for drugs. - Mon, 10 Oct 2005 6:32pm
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Furthermore, whats the point of bumming change off a guy who looks like me? Did my old boots and death metal shirt disguise give me away as the wealthy tourist I really am?

Lol, Come on Mike, we all know you hide a Cadi Escalade in your back yard and wear the bling under those HM Tees.:-)

Meh, if I have the extra cash I don't mind handing a few bucks out here and there. I've been there and sometimes just smile (as Nat pointed out) is enough to make their day.

Aside Story:

When I was living in Vancouver I was downtown with my wife and we stopped at Burger King. Anyways, I noticed this little Native dude prolly around my age scoping out these Chinese Tourists. I thought he was going to doing something to them so I was really keeping my eye on him.
When the tourists got upt to leave the Native dude immediately got up as did I (heroic I know I know save the applause). He proceeded to run over to their table and grab their trays to eat the left overs.
My heart just dropped as it could have easily been me scrounging for those left over fries. Anyways, bought him lunch and talked to him for about an hour.

I don't do it because it makes me feel better about myself, I do it because I can. Cheers Lucius - Tue, 11 Oct 2005 8:12am
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Few people do things for other people when they stand to gain nothing. I gave this panner 75 cents the other day but he was holding the door open for people. It probably went to drugs. - Tue, 11 Oct 2005 10:16pm
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I think it's pretty sad to rag on them. My sister takes in kids from group homes through the big brothers and sisters club. The girl that's staying with them is lucky because she got off the street but she's still addicted to meth which would suck. I only smoke the green stuff once in awhile so I wouldn't know anything about heavy addiction besides playing guitar and touching myself.

The girl's mom killed herself when she was fairly young and her dad used to beat her and was/is a recovering alcholic/heroin user. Her dad was the main reason she ran away from home. He went into detox. She got addicted to Meth while on the streets and returned home when he was released. She was doing drugs and drinking around the house so he sent her to big brothers and sisters because he didn't want any temptation around him.

Now the guy who started this post I can see you are mad but, come on, you don't really seem to care about "your" city as much as you say.

If you hate the panners that much give them your little bit of shrapnel. Encourage everyone to. They will probably use it for drugs. If they are the lazy ones that can work then they will be that much closer to being dead and you won't have to deal with the big inconvenience they're causing you. I think if they actually are homeless and are stuck in that rut trying to survive 25 cents isn't that big of a deal. Maybe from their panhandling they will stay alive long enough to get their shit in order and turn it around.

You should be mad at the government, the lazy people, and mainly I'd say the dealers. Maybe write them all a stern letter ...though most of them probably don't give a shit about these people either.

The halfway house for recovering meth addicts in Victoria only has six beds and they're all full....ya the government is a good start.. - Wed, 12 Oct 2005 2:12am
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Yes these people are in desperate need of your change to continue their "Cause Of The Week" defecation of public green spaces.
I'd love to see Parks Canada move in and charge them all the standard per person/per week camping fee - RETROACTIVE

This post isn't a rag on anyone, but an encouragement to tell everyone to say no to ablebodied young people "you can't have any of my hardearned money. Go earn your own and stop harrassing people". - Wed, 12 Oct 2005 12:05pm
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"They will probably use it for drugs. If they are the lazy ones that can work then they will be that much closer to being dead and you won't have to deal with the big inconvenience they're causing you. I think if they actually are homeless and are stuck in that rut trying to survive 25 cents isn't that big of a deal."

BEST. LOGIC. EVER. (and no I'm not being sarcastic) - Wed, 12 Oct 2005 12:17pm
T Racy
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Says Shaggy - Support your own habits/lifestyles. Wastes of fucking air... - Tue, 4 Oct 8:56pm

Or in your case Brian, live off Nocturna who will support your habits like eating, housing, smoking (just dope, I think you finally gave up the tobacco - good on ya!) so you don't have to work, support either of your children financially, or in fact ever leave the house if you're too afraid.

Yeah, put my life down now winner. Talk about how I must be at work while I write this or how either of my vehicles might get wrecked, or how the house I own and built with my own money and work might have glass windows broken by stones. Cheers hon. - Wed, 12 Oct 2005 3:58pm
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I will put down your life you loser. I don't drink and drive, nor do I sleep with other peoples spouses. Can you say the same you skank?

As for the rest of your little tirade, education is a wonderful thing. You know nothing about our lives. Speak of what you know, which isn't much.

She's not getting older, she's getting bitter. - Wed, 12 Oct 2005 4:32pm
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I knew that was coming. - Wed, 12 Oct 2005 5:01pm
Rubber Box
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JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! - Thu, 13 Oct 2005 10:55am
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I have a roof over my head, so I'll plead ignorance as to not having a clue what your talking about in regards to panhandlers. :) BTW: Poor dog!!! - Thu, 13 Oct 2005 3:56pm
T Racy
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Can you say the same you skank?

Brian, I can say whatever I want: just as you do. Since you raise the point, I do like sex and I'm not married so cheating isn't possible. But I do stick to the truth unlike many. Since your mental illness prevents you from leaving the house you don't have much opportunity to . . well, do anything at all, eh? Hard to knock somebody who does nothing. Yet it's being done by you on this thread? So I did the same back at you.

Well, the martyr lifestyle suits Shauna so it's nice of you to fill another person's needs as well as you do. And you are an expert on prescription drugs and how mental health experts don't help some people. I admit that. You know what you live. - Thu, 13 Oct 2005 4:18pm
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I knew that was coming too. - Thu, 13 Oct 2005 5:13pm
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You really enjoy hearing yourself speak/type don't you? Like I said, you know nothing about our lives. It's obvious you're not getting any attention in RL, I wonder why that would be? Troll someone else, I'm not going to feed you.

/dismiss skank - Thu, 13 Oct 2005 6:51pm
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i just read this entire post and i want my 10 minutes back.. fuck.. who cares.. homeless people ask for money.. what you want to do is your choice.. me personally.. sometimes i give money.. lately.. not so much.. i'm a starving musician who just spent a month living off $5.00 a day and living in a 81 GMC Van with 4 other guys who wore the same pants for 3 weeks in a row.. who's homeless now.. me!! you stupid fucks!! - Sat, 15 Oct 2005 3:52am
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Just some random thoughts on these pan-handlers
If you give a pan-handler a spare cigerette but it`s menthol, can he give it back? If a pan-handlers favourite expression is "kill the rich" and he wins the lottery, does he kill himself? If a homeless couple were screwing in a public park can you tell them to get a room? Just wondering, oh ya gimme a dollar,(my favourite comment out of the whole bunch Ross Bay) - Sat, 15 Oct 2005 9:32am
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is it just me, or do pan handlers taste a lot like chicken? - Sat, 15 Oct 2005 11:48am
User Info... homeless people get knock knock jokes?? - Sat, 15 Oct 2005 12:26pm
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Why can't they just sell drugs like the rest of us ? geesh. - Sat, 15 Oct 2005 4:25pm
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i like stealing their booze, and giving them the empty bottle back when i'm done. it's funny.
whacka whacka whacka!!! - Sat, 15 Oct 2005 4:52pm
T Racy
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RL? What the? Yeah I like to listen to myself type, in fact it's my job! I can even type the whole words. We know you don't feed anyone Shagster - that kind of was my point. And it's easy to know a lot about a guy who posts his simple life on the internet. Plus six years of having listened to your wife whine about finances and your part in the lack of them aid the knowledge. Couldn't stand it anymore eventually. It would appear you've been thrifty and not taking your Adavan lately? Saving it up for the attempt to make it to Van this week?

Ah, you know I'm just jealous, don't you Brian? It's all envy. I really do wish I didn't have to work and pay bills and had someone else to cater to all my needs for me. If only my life was more like yours; things would be so much easier. And I'll never dismiss you Brian; you're too much fun and provide too much laughter.

On a more serious note, it just may be I and a lot of others soon become panhandlers too since this general strike talk seems to be turning into reality. Self-employment (as it could be called) seems a bit more reliable than government employment these last four years. - Sun, 16 Oct 2005 11:53am
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whacka whacka whacka - Sun, 16 Oct 2005 4:48pm
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this thread was the amusement highlight of my night thus far. the two folks ragging on eachother with personal problems are quite the little soap. the homeless guy in the 81 gmc was hilarious.... the folks in the room beside me were asking what was so funny.

personally i enjoy asking those who are obviously panhandling (hat/box/cheezy sign with change about) for some spare change before they get the chance. makes them think again with a dumbfounded look. this is usually on the days when i feel like being a vindictive prick.

on the days when a thought of kindness combined with a feeling of empathy leads my way i'll say how i don't have any then proceed to talk to the person like a human being. it always makes a person take a moment to themselves to contemplate life as well as their contribution to it when asked what their passion is. when i have a little more free time to spare (remember time is money)i enjoy asking them questions of morality....

so when your friends have drug addictions and they're losing everything in their lives to this cycle of destruction do you call the 'police' from a payphone to inform them 'cops' of the party that's filled with all things that contribute to the systemic issues that degrade the quality of life for the innocent children (those bomb'd in the pursuit of oil control) who fall prey to the things most egocentrics in denile of reality crush under their thumbs while in the pursuit of another piece of terra destroying vanity cloth that replaces the last perfectly fine article of clothing that's too passe to wear.... cause really the 'public enforcement officers' are here to make the community a healthier place.... 'they' have our best interest at mind.... right?

of course these ideas are strung out slowly through a series of small questions leading from one answer to another.

the answers vary.... infact it's fun to then start asking any random stranger the same questions to see who really has the betterment of humanity at heart.

.one last note.
when practising/writing my music in a public location it's quite strange how many people provide a look of disgust/sadness/belittlement at the fact that i'm there. the comments some folks make are sickening.
"get a fucking life!"
rarely do people take the time to enjoy what i have to offer. people who hear me play think i'm really good.... so it's not that i'm hurting eardrums or anything. I'm there to make music for the public enjoyment of art as well as the improvement of my talent. the fact is i have no place for anyone to give me money/change. i refuse it when offer'd. why are people so quick to assume that my life is horrible for the fact that i'm enjoying playing in the great outdoors in the presence of the passing public eye? when i wear my pants that are all ripped the looks are even worse (god forbid i'm wearing clothes until they actually reach the end of their practical usage).

it is wonderful when someone stops for a conversation or passes with a smile. i must say though that the greatest is when you can see you've actually truly enrich'd someone's day. - Mon, 17 Oct 2005 10:43pm
Nik Olaz
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I'm not reading all that. - Tue, 18 Oct 2005 3:11am
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you said "Systemic" ( insert Beeevis/Butthead laughter here ) - Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:57am
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Mike, just gimme a goddamned dollar for fuck sakes. Jeeeeesussss.... - Wed, 19 Oct 2005 7:27am
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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just give them money or they will just smash the window of your car for the 50 cents you left in the ashtray. like someone else said, give them money so they can buy drugs and OD.

when i moved here 15 years ago all i had was the shit in my car, under a hundred dollars and no where to live. it took me three weeks to get a shitty job and the same time to find somewhere to live. since i've had a roof over my head and now i make more in a day than all those panning fucks can collect in a month. shit i probably pull in more in day than most of the people on liv vic do in a day. i did it my self, sure i bent many of rules along the way, but i couldn't see any other way. waiting for the 'man' to come to my rescue wasn't an option. - Wed, 19 Oct 2005 2:21pm
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I always hated Abuse of Power, and now i have all the more reason to..... - Wed, 19 Oct 2005 3:17pm
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Wow, good for you, your entitled to hate anyone you wish. I still love you. I still love the people on the street.
Neither of you can have my change.
"If I give some to you, then I have to give some to everybody" - Wed, 19 Oct 2005 6:16pm
Mr. Hell
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If any of these panhandlers need work, I hear 24 Doors Of Trouble might be reforming and they will need a road crew { any interested derelicts can apply at }
I usually get asked for spare change while I'm in a bad mood {which is almost always}, so I usually reply that I only have very fucking large bills, or that I would but I am late for work where I clean up after the homeless {with their soggy sleeping bags and clothes and syringes and torn up papers} so I can earn money to get more spare change to hand out.
Seriously...fuck off. - Wed, 19 Oct 2005 6:52pm
Balding homo
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Wow... Shaggy sure got ass raped in this thread... - Wed, 19 Oct 2005 11:32pm
Mr. Hell
User Info... have my favorite name on this board right now!
Balding homo is pure genius! Good on ya! - Thu, 20 Oct 2005 12:22pm
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Fuck Zac give ME a twoonie. I'm cuter. - Thu, 20 Oct 2005 12:38pm
Pine Tree Savage
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I gotta take a shit, again. - Thu, 20 Oct 2005 2:14pm
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Local squeegie kids are copying the punk rockers in Montreal!!! - Thu, 20 Oct 2005 7:23pm
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Those 24 doors of trouble, are nothing but trouble .....

.......I've had to shoo them away from the clam dip numerous times .

Hey man clams don't grow on trees yea know ! - Thu, 20 Oct 2005 9:00pm
Johnny Grass
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Those "campers" have really made an eyesore out of that park eh? Fucking dirty slobs. Ya know they should go out in the bush and do that. Of course they'd be too lazy to hunt and forage for food. Then there is the lack of dope and liquor stores out in the great outdoors. Not to mention bleeding hearts to leech off of. Mother nature has no heart.

The government really should get them out of town away from the tourists. I wouldn't want to go on vacation to be hounded by panhandlers and junkies. The ones that really piss me off are the young able bodied ones. The ones that seem to be there for the experience or the be cool. I guess that's easier than going to school or working for them. They make a bad name for the whackos and junkies that can't function in society. Yeah the normal people camping out can all go fuck off. - Thu, 27 Oct 2005 7:56pm
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I hear they've re-camped in the park. If they kick them out, then they'll just re-group somewhere else.

And according to the Chek-6 news they just arrested campers by the Land Title office (I think) - Sat, 29 Oct 2005 10:24am
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One time I bought a large bag of dog food for a guy and his dog at xmas... and one time I can think of spazzing on a guy, I guess it depends on the situation and the vibe of the person. Sometimes you pick up a hitchhiker and sometimes you don't.

Its hard to have patience for a panhandler when you're in a situation of busting your ass going to work, going to school and seeing if you can scam the bus for the 40 cents you have ... but why bother kicking someone when they're down? Its easy to say "get a job", but how is that person realistically gonna get hired? you don't know the history. The flipside of that is i've often thought..."this person has burned their bridges"...

easier said than done though...I guess it just depends on the moment.

I just look at it this way, guilt isn;t fair and if I don't have it...I keep walking.

blah blah blah Aaaah Vino. - Wed, 2 Nov 2005 12:04am
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soooooo.......are you gonna give me a fucking dollar or what? - Wed, 2 Nov 2005 7:39am
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I too gave a pan handler a big bag of dog food, but they complained it turned their dogs shit orange!!... - Wed, 2 Nov 2005 11:17pm
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I'll give ya a wooden nickel Ross!!! - Thu, 3 Nov 2005 10:59am
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I think a lot of them are responsible for the shit they try to blame on their dogs. - Sun, 6 Nov 2005 6:54pm
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