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Don't Forget to Vote
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Don't Forget to Vote
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Voting is good times.

And, if I may, please vote yes to the referendum. - Tue, 17 May 2005 12:28pm
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I voted Green. I voted No on referendum. When i was given 2 ballots, i was told one is for the Election, and one is for the Referendum. I said Referendum???? There were books explaining the referendum, i read it. Was confused. So i voted NO. Sorry about that. At least our 2 referendum votes balance out. - Tue, 17 May 2005 4:23pm
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Oh man. that's too bad because its a really good system. - Tue, 17 May 2005 4:34pm
jay brown
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green and yes on the referendum. Austraila has the right idea I think we should follow their example. - Tue, 17 May 2005 11:53pm
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Everybody voted green. that's why Campbell is back in power. good strategdy guys. my hat is off to you.

fuck ups.

Whaka Whaka Whaka Whaka - Tue, 17 May 2005 11:58pm
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Go back to the cottage you fuckinh hippies.

Every time you see Gordon smile I'll think of you. Thank a fucking lot you unanylitical cunts.

Vote Nader 20004

Whaka Whaka Whaka Whaka Whaka Whaka Whaka Whaka Whaka Whaka Whaka - Wed, 18 May 2005 12:00am
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Oddly enuff, I voted Green cause I hated the other names. - Wed, 18 May 2005 9:07am
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NDP is the only realistic alternative solution . . . - Wed, 18 May 2005 9:26am
Detroit Velvet Smooth
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My home boy Rob Fleming WON! he's in his early thirties, thats so cool. i couldn't stand that sheila orr, she was such an anoying cow. i work two blocks from her office and she never showed up once during pre-election. Rob came by and shot the shit with us.

i made my choice by voting for a person not a party and the the best person got the job. - Wed, 18 May 2005 12:11pm
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I have so given up on voting for the "lesser of the evils". Vote for you who you believe is the best choice otherwise what's the point? Thanks to Glen Clark doing a 180 and arresting anti-logging protesters after supporting them during the election I will never vote NDP again most likely. Same shit, different pile.

Green, yes for proportional representation.


Cheers - Wed, 18 May 2005 12:27pm
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Pubert, presumeably you voted for the STV then? - Wed, 18 May 2005 2:02pm
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Pubert doesn't sound old enough to vote. - Wed, 18 May 2005 3:35pm
The One After Two
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Pubert your logic sucks. If you don't like The Liberal OR the NDP, then don't vote for them. Thats why its YOUR vote, you vote who you want. - Thu, 19 May 2005 6:31pm
jay brown
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It isnt about voting for the N.D.P. just so the liberals wont get back in, it's about voting for the party you actually believe in and the N.D.P. definitely arent the ones for me. If you want to have a two party system move to the states, just look how democratic that is huh........ and calling us hippies cause we voted green is just plain stupid and ignorant I am willing to bet you never actually knew that Joey Shithead, from D.O.A. ran for the green party over in vancouver huh.... punks all over the world support the green party you dumbass, how about you go back and read a few books so you actually know what your talking about before you try to sound like you know anything. - Fri, 20 May 2005 6:58am
Jesse The Malcontent
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Back up a minute there. Ideally we should vote for the party we support and see it as a just and noble act, but that is a bare bones sign of utopian ignorance. The green party inadvertantly put Campbell back on the podium, and as cynical as it may sound it is true. If the green party decided to hold off on this election, gain a bit of strategy and maybe (just maybe) grab themselves a tangible platform that went beyond rhertorical nay-saying towards the two other parties maybe things would have been different. Agreed, a two tier political system does suck and it is all fine and dandy to vote with your hearts, but if it doesn't do fuck all - what is the point? If those who voted green did vote NDP they would have had the majority campbell would be on his ass and I think people of the middle to lower classes would have a few less ulcers. Nobody is perfect, but I think NDP are definitly a little less spiteful towards the working class and the poor then the liberals who are obviously just a bunch of malicious cunts who really want to americanize our social syetem while turning a blind eye to the people who suffer from it.

As far a Joe Keithley running for green - That's great - he's a great guy but really If it was THIS election and he unknowingly had a idle hand at putting campbell back in power by splitting the vote....I wouldn't think it was so "neat". - Fri, 20 May 2005 4:20pm
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NDP and no. but i would have voted green party if i had only know it was like so totally punk to vote for them. - Fri, 20 May 2005 4:34pm
jay brown
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But once again, whats the difference if it's Gordon campbell and the Liberals or the N.D.P. both parties are crooks and liars people are just glorifying the N.D.P. now because Campbell is a dick. Why do you think he got in, because the N.D.P. fucked up so bad they almost didnt exist as a party anymore when the smoke cleared. Who cares if voting green split the vote either party getting in is bad in my books. I will just vote for the green party and sleep well knowing I didnt support any of those crooks. - Fri, 20 May 2005 6:09pm
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Sex party all the way bro !

Finely a platform we all can agree with and I can use the platform for doing my lady doggy style . - Fri, 20 May 2005 6:42pm
The One After Two
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Jesse you're not getting the principle of an open democracy. Your ideal would have us play by their rules. What you are saying is, if I want to run then I have to conform to NDP or Liberal standards. That sucks.

Next, the Liberals have done more for the poor and middle class than you may think. Everytime you sell an ad on BrandX, that money came from a Liberal Tax cut. When the economy sucks, people don't spend money on ads in little regional websites. Under the NDP, Mom and Pop were worrying about paying the taxes on Fast Ferries to not sail their product over to the mainland for sale and not bringing tourists to our beautiful city.

Why the hate on for Liberals? Gordo is no worse than any clown the NDP put up front during the 90's or the Socred had during the 80's? He won't be the last clown running this Province either.

Vote Sex Party 2009! - Fri, 20 May 2005 9:07pm
Jesse The Malcontent
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The One After Two - Clearly Gordo is worse. as a member of the working class and as a father I have seen the difference. If you wish to oversimplify things - go ahead.
As far as the "liberal tax cuts" helping people, these are for the most part people that would rather not give you or I the time of day. I know and understand what you're saying but do believe it is somewhat naive. I'm not a righty or a lefty - but I know bad ass class dividers, union breakers and liars when I see em.

If you would like to learn more about these people please visit your local library - or Vote green.

"Everytime you sell an ad on BrandX, that money came from a Liberal Tax cut" - thank god for the trickle down economist theory, oh wait - that's crap. - Fri, 20 May 2005 11:18pm
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hahaha. true. it is crap. the liberals cannot take credit for our economy -- what have they done for the economy? a shit ass tax cut? doubtful. clearly the economic recovery is due to a bouyant commodities market and historically low interest rates. these are not things under provincial jurisdiction.

that being said, the NDP were pretty inept too. not as malicious as the liberals (and i'm not talking the cuts to entitlements or union busting, i'm talking giving away our province's assets wholesale to liberal-friendly businesses), but inept all the same.

we need a good centrist party in bc. - Fri, 20 May 2005 11:53pm
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"The green party inadvertantly put Campbell back on the podium"

Ah, yes...I must have missed the part of the ballot that said (a vote for Green = vote for Liberal). The Greens didn't take away any more votes from the NDP than it did from the Liberals. And you might as well include those other "3rd parties" such as the Democratic Reform BC, Marijuana party, and independents for "stealing" votes away from the NDP. Who knows, if people actually started looking past the two main parties and voting based on who they'd like to see lead a province, rather than who they'd like to see kicked out, the Green party (and others?) could actually play a role in BC politics.

Go Sex Party!!! - Sat, 21 May 2005 7:05am
jay brown
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The Sex Party... I may have just found my new calling in life. - Sat, 21 May 2005 7:56am
The One After Two
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Jesse, I'll agree, that having a child will make the difference when it comes to Liberal or NDP. I don't have kids and I am done college, for me I need a party that wants to keep business rolling. I plan on having children and (most) my family works in the public sector so in the end I voted Carol James.

The NDP still have a way to go and Carol moving the party towards the centre is the greatest thing in the world for this province. My personal concerns are that the Liberals will sell off too much and we can't get it back. The way things turned out this election was about as good as we can hope for. Just hope the Liberals don't fuck the ferries too much.

Trickle down can and does work with business tax cuts. Not nessarily tax cuts, but tax insentives. Scott benifits on LiveVic from advertising, Brand X benifits from advertising. Lucky benifits from a city teeming with young employed people. Maybe if we paid more tax for university students, then they'd have more to drink away at Lucky :-)

Vote Sex Party 2009! - Sun, 22 May 2005 2:10pm
Jesse The Malcontent
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I agree the "trickle down effect" does have merrit, but it must be mediated to work for those below as well as above.
The trickle down effect is a soft term for hard reality. The government's role as far as keeping an economy balanced is through incentives, subsidies and mediation. A good example of this is the $6.00 "training wage" - which is a sly way of cheap labour. Consider the fact that Mcdonalds adopts the 6.00 wage deal and gets a whole lot of labour without having to face the minimum wage standards, and considering McDonlads isn't a Canadian company, or a BC based company they get the full advantage. It if was a locally based restaraunt, and it would help both the owners strive competitivly and a maybe the odd chance that it would help some kid get his first paycheck, great. but it's not. There is no backbone to this policy, no mediation, and basically no criteria as to who can be eligable and who can't. This just one example of what the Liberal party has done. - Mon, 23 May 2005 12:19pm
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"trickle down economics" is a simplistic doctrine that ignores the tendency in capitalism for wealth to become concentrated.

The thinking is that by reducing the restrictions on capital, we can "raise all ships". Evidence is primarily found in cross-national surveys -- countries with comparatively freer markets are richer. Thus free markets are assumed to increase national wealth, indirectly helping the poor.

However, by reducing the restrictions on capital, the rich are able to leverage their wealth to accumulate more wealth. This is one of the so-called externalities of capitalism: monopoly.

These are two opposing forces to take note of when considering restrictions on capital.

Personally, I think that we should follow the Scandinavian model. There, they have fairly low rates of business taxation, but high rates of personal taxation. This incentivises investment -- boosting the economy -- while allowing for substantial social programs. Also, in Scandinavian countries, they have social programs that benefit all citizens instead of just the poor. This reduces opposition to taxation. - Mon, 23 May 2005 3:15pm
The One After Two
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good call Micoll... Sweden does have some problems with productivity but they are fairly minor and can be worked with.

A friend of mine spent a backpacking trip thru that part of the world and loved it! Friendly, clean, rugged...

I like the idea of taxing the things that are harmfull and giving credit for the things that improve your life. You should get a tax credit for your bus pass, bike purchase, gym membership, cooking class and organic food and add tax to your big mac, chevy truck, pint of Molson and sweatshop t-shirt.

Europe also alows two-tiered health care, which is scary for us to contemplate but maybe it will be time to open that pandora's box soon...

Jeese, Brand X is looking sweet, I liked DJ Hang's article and the CD reviews. - Mon, 23 May 2005 4:58pm
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I agree with the two posts above, and will add that one idea for an incentive to increase voter turnout is to give a tax credit for voting. - Mon, 23 May 2005 5:16pm
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I disagree. I believe it's my democratic right to express myself politically by choosing to vote or not.

There should be no incentive or punishment for voting or not voting. - Tue, 24 May 2005 10:45am
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I also agree with that point, Gman, but when slightly more than the majority of eligible voters is exercising that right, then something must be changed. True, no one should be punished for not voting, but we live in a world of incentive nowadays. People have the attitude of "what's in it for me?" 45% of citizens just demonstrated that they see no reason to participate in the democratic electoral system, so let's give them a reason.

Plus, when I hear someone complaining about the current government and it turns out they didn't vote, I can wave a bigger, fatter wallet in their face and buy myself a Gibson instead of an Epi :P - Tue, 24 May 2005 11:32am
The One After Two
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Being forced to vote won't solve the problem of not having anyone to vote for. Gman is right... but there should be a box that you can tick that says "Objection." - Tue, 24 May 2005 2:23pm
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'Incentive' does not equal 'being forced to vote'.

Sure, put 'Objection' as an option, but that won't get the other 45% of people off the couch and vote. - Tue, 24 May 2005 10:14pm
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Most of the people I spoke to that didn't vote didn't because they felt that they didn't know enough about the election to even have an opinion. Some people didn't even know what the referendum was about. I, as well as many people I know, don't have cable or pay much attention to the outside world. I voted, but was saddened to learn that so many like minded individuals didn't.

The day after the election I had to ask a customer at work who won the election. When I heard I said, "Who the hell voted them back in?" Well apparently he did. Fukkin hicks. - Tue, 24 May 2005 11:25pm
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How's this for an incentive to vote?


Bah... Anyways, dudes, don't get so upset about the NDP not winning.... Fucking seriously, they did better than Carole James predicted, better than I predicted... And if they won the election, they would have been unprepared to govern.... I don't mean that like the party is unfit to govern, but in that the current slate of NDP MLAs has very little experience in government, and they had no plan to form government.... They would have been caught with their pants down, and they'd fuck up enough that the Liberal crowd could make enough noise about it to nearly destroy the party..... Which wouldn't be too hard, considering all the major daily newspapers in BC are de facto Liberal Party newsletters....

I'm not upset about the vote splitting... Seriously, I'm not going to give anybody attitude for who they chose to vote for.... I will, however, give people attitude for voting against electoral reform when they don't understand it.... Fuck you for uncritically confirming the status quo....

Although, I gotta say.... If I knew Rob Fleming was going to win so handily (even though I'm proud to have voted for him), I might have voted for the Work Less Party.... - Wed, 25 May 2005 8:57pm
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you guys are all a bunch of dumb fucks.

i could go into philozophising and politacizing but as it happens i'm too fuckin drunk. so let's just say: you're all a bunch of retards.

i'm right, yer wrong.

whaka whaka whaka! - Thu, 26 May 2005 8:18pm
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i'M gonig to win the next election, just wait, because you fuckin retard punks are gonna do all my cheap labor fer me. like putting up all my signs and wiping me ass after i take gross beer shits.

here's my campaign slogan: WHAKA WHAKA WHAKA, FUCKHOLES! - Thu, 26 May 2005 8:22pm
Jesse The Malcontent
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best political slogan EVER... - Thu, 26 May 2005 10:26pm
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