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Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > musical porn anyone? |
Autumn User Info... | okay I know half of you are gonna be mad cause I don't have any actual musical porn, but does anyone else think this could lead into a wonderful new era for popstars? I mean a lot of them wear next to nothing in thier music videos already, why not go all the way? it would no longer be a scandel it would just be accepted, then skanky little pre-teens would follow suit and it would become widely accepted, even cool, to walk around naked, that way I wouldn't have to go shopping for 6 bloody hours to find jeans that actually fit. :) everyone should just be naked - Wed, 14 Jul 2004 10:21pm | ||
The Judge User Info... | Now I'm gonna have to go to the doctor, have him cut the top of my skull off, hold my brain under a tap and wash away the dirty pictures you put there....naked's good! - Wed, 14 Jul 2004 10:45pm | ||
Dr.DoomXXX User Info... | nakeds not good for old people though. - Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:41pm | ||
Autumn User Info... | yeah but old people would put clothes on to keep warm, besides it would take care of obesity. I just wanna be able to wake up and not worry about finding clothes that don't smell. not to mention the shopping thing... actually I just plain don't like clothes. fuck the old people I wanna be naked!!! - Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:54pm | ||
Fableway User Info... | dont you hate pants? - Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:05am | ||
The Other Nick User Info... | i like porno-grind too. PORN, TO BE WILD! PORN IN A CASKET - Thu, 15 Jul 2004 8:24am | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | you mean like cock and ball torture? P.S. the next step in britney and christina trying to out skank one another IS porn. - Thu, 15 Jul 2004 8:35am | ||
Autumn User Info... | oh it's already porn, I just want them to get it over and admit it so I'll be free to walk around neked without being: raped, molested, hooted at, asked if I give massages, ect. maybe we should all just go to shows naked, it could be fun... kenny's not allowed (jk) - Thu, 15 Jul 2004 10:27am | ||
Sandor User Info... | Man, I don't know about you, but I'm be hooting/raping.molesting every naked chick I saw walking around the streets. It would just be mayhem. Think of the children! - Thu, 15 Jul 2004 11:50am | ||
PrincessP User Info... | You guys might find this funny.. there actualy is a musical porn called swinging in the rain...if you like to laugh at porn it's a knee slapper - Thu, 15 Jul 2004 4:34pm | ||
Autumn User Info... | you got a link princess? that does sound kinda funny:) the whole swinging thing makes me wonder... - Fri, 16 Jul 2004 8:25pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | wow. the shit we talk about. - Sat, 17 Jul 2004 2:03am | ||
PrincessP User Info... | it's a video you can rent it. - Sat, 17 Jul 2004 5:11pm | ||
Pooetry User Info... | I just got a CD called "Musical Pornography" by El Duce and Dr Heathen Scum. Does that count? - Sat, 17 Jul 2004 8:08pm | ||
princessp User Info... | it counts if it has pornstars humping and singing - Sun, 18 Jul 2004 12:57pm | ||
Autumn User Info... | if it's just a CD it doesn't count though, unless it's enhanced. but come to think of it I did hear some lame rap song with some chick orgasming in the background not to long ago so maybe we're getting close. hmm.. what do blind people use as porn?.. maybe it would count as porn *shrugs* but it has to be musical too. - Mon, 19 Jul 2004 11:42pm | ||
Pooetry User Info... | Well, it's called musical porn and the lyrics are somewhat pornful, so it's musical porn in my illiterate books. - Tue, 20 Jul 2004 12:12am | ||
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