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Learn to defend yourself against cops, March 15 international day against police brutality
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Learn to defend yourself against cops, March 15 international day against police brutality
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pay what you can

Alex use to train cops in HAND TO HAND COMBAT.

workshops are 4 hrs, 1pm-5pm and 6pm-10pm - Fri, 9 Mar 2007 5:15pm
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alex never was a cop, just to clear that up, he trained cops for a couple years, to learn how to develope this course. - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 1:03pm
J. Peatman
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That sounds pretty silly to me...he "infiltrated" the police force only to develop a form of defense against his own combat tricks...for rowdy punks up to no good. - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 2:16pm
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Thanks for the bump - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 4:27pm
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Now let's all join the black block and smash a brick the a McD's window! Fuck you 8 dollar an hour worker!!!

haha, just kiddin' - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 4:34pm
trevor corey
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I've trained various forms of matial arts for years. Don't kid yourself that some four hour "workshop" will turn you into a lethal hand to hand copkilla.
I'm not trying to discourage people from attending. I'm just saying, a four hour "workshop" will do very little to help you in an actual "situation".
If you want to be tough join a dojo or boxing gym. - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 5:27pm
Special Agent Jackass
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Well, I don't know - I think you need a lot less then four hours to realize that getting a minimum year in prison for assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest and the countless other charges that would be tacked on - only to be whooped and cuffed anyway probably isn't the best route. Additionally I think a crash course in martial arts vs. a gun - I'd throw my money on the gun. I'm not a big fan of cops, and police brutality isn't much fun but this does just seem silly. - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 7:11pm Edited: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 7:13pm
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see if it is silly when you are alone in an alley way gertting the beats. - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 7:49pm
Special Agent Jackass
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yep. still seems silly. - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 8:05pm
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I'm glad my tax dollars go towards the beating of street trash. - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 8:13pm
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"see if it is silly when you are alone in an alley way gertting the beats"

That's not what the poster is advertising.
First line is STOP POLICE BRUTALITY!!! LEARN TO DEFEND YOURSELF so that mean fighting cops. That will result in a baton to the face, a tazer to the nuts, and/or a shot to the chest plus jail time.

It isn't advertising how to defend against muggings and street crime. So unless you're Chuck Norris, the best defense against a shady person in an alley way is to run. Run away really fast because everything you learn in that 4 hours you will forget when something does happen. - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 9:10pm
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I was talking about a cop in the alley beating you not some random shady charactor. - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 9:37pm
Leo Bondage
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this sounds cool, even if you cant use it on cops you could probably kick some jock ass or something. I'm so down! - Sat, 10 Mar 2007 10:56pm
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... - Sun, 11 Mar 2007 11:12am
trevor corey
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The concept of some skrawny vegan hippie with a four hour self defense course taught by a questionable (at best) "instructor" trying to go toe to toe with multiple cops in full riot gear in a back alley makes my skin crawl. This is dangerous rhetoric. Maybe I better attend this little "workshop" just to bring some common sense to the room.
"third degree jujitsu" eh? Maybe I'll bring a couple of 8th dan Okinawan instructors with me, one of whom used to train U.S. navy s.e.a.l.s in Japan for a living. See what they think. - Sun, 11 Mar 2007 2:23pm Edited: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 2:29pm
J. Peatman
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"see if it is silly when you are alone in an alley way gertting the beats"

This one made me roar...

First of all; you live in Victoria. Cops smile and nod as they pass while you smoke a spliff on the lawns of the Legislature. You're not in Sao Paolo, Moscow or LA, for that matter.

Secondly; should the rare occasion arise where two cops think it is justified to corner you in an alley and beat the living daylights out of you, then it means that you just did something incredibly stupid to piss them off that way. Like attack or pointlessly insult a cop. Or take those boring anti-authoritarian views just a step too far. - Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:46pm Edited: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:47pm
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lol - Sun, 11 Mar 2007 11:24pm
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I think while not all police officers are "corrupt", many become cops because they enjoy exerting power over other people. Many of them also stereotype people based on how they look - which is really disgusting considering all the effort society puts into laws promoting equality.

I have been hassled by cops, here in Victoria, just because of the company I keep even. I think Saanich was the worst case for me. I have been in a group of kids my age, all who don't drink or smoke. Our stuff was gone through and we were verbally assaulted, interrupted, basically intentionally intimidated for the sheer fun of it. One of the guys I was with took it personally and got into an argument, resulting in him being cuffed and pressed against the hood of the fucking car, then taken in.

I'm not saying my stories are bad. They're tame compared to a lot of people. My point is that I am really weary of police officers - I don't believe they are the law-enforcing heroes that society portrays them is. I do believe they abuse their power, they do beat up youth in Victoria, and they do judge how harshly to pick on people just based on looks and age and economic status. Don't pick on Conrad for his workshop, especially since it's by donation. Maybe it won't teach you everything about defending yourself against a cop, but it will at least teach you SOMETHING you'll remember. - Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:41am Edited: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:44am
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What is a fair price for this workshop ? I think the last time I went to a workshop like this it was down at the OAP hall, before sensei alex sold out. It must have been like $1 at the door - Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:53am
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wow that was so witty...
anyways thanks tyler, now I also remeber people I know telling the story of when they got pepper sprayed and tazered at a punk show at fernwood a few years ago, I think the worst part was when a cop demanded to look through a kids bag, who did not have any open alcohol or any thing, and when the kid refused the cop reportedly stated "oh we got some one here that knows his rights... CUFF HIM!" Rayne was either sprayed or taxered for holding a black flag... and this is not bny far the worste story I have heard. I know so many people (like Billy Bob, or DAJ) who have been driven to the edge of town and left, while the cops press no charges, and "confinscate" all their belongings. And much more.
Last year we had a conferance CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC where manufacturers of weapons used by pigs, were being displayed, including tazer knives, for throwing...
Also at this conference cops from all arround the country, and the usa came together to host workshops on things like how to use force to control crowds, hosted by the edmonton police force, which is the same unit concidered by many to be responsible for turning the canada day celebrations of 2001 into a riot, by showing up to where there was a drunken crown, in full riot gear, and forcing them down whyte ave towards where the busnesses were...
I had freinds on the ave that night.
Also, when Jello spoke here one point he stated was that in every city you go to you hear the same thing, "the cops here are the worst" the reallity is it is so corrupt every where we go. evemn if there are good people that are cops, the intitution is so fucking corrupt that they are forced into corrupt actions, such as not arresting people enviolved in pedophile ringhs because their also running drugs for cops. There was a great artical in a book put out by DISINFO, called EVERY THING YOU KNOW IS WRONG by a former police cheif, about how police corruption had moved from a point where cops were taking bribes, to where cops are now running the crime. This police cheif had been chief in 4 different cities.

Police corruption is real, police violence is real, and obviousely aint no one gonna help up, so we better lear to help ourselves! - Mon, 12 Mar 2007 11:14am
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I tink we gots to lear to spel furst - Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:28pm
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wow thats origional, never seen any one mock me for spelling before... I don't really care, your not witty, and I aint gonna bother spell checking for live vic posts.
wether you can spell good or not has nothing to do with your intelligence, or abillity to defend yourself against cops. I know I cunt spell. - Mon, 12 Mar 2007 2:44pm
Leo Bondage
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wahtever yeah dude cops fucing suck. I've had 3 decks broken by 'em,been beaten up,stolen money,wrecked my cds,stollen lotrs of beer(well i know im undersage but still!!) anyways yeah cops are such dickheads. Its especially stupid when yer sessionin the skatepark and cops tell you you cant skate there...

plus i kinda wanna learn effective ways to beat jocks up. - Mon, 12 Mar 2007 10:52pm
sonic the hemp hog
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so when are you going to have a course on how to defend yourself against muslims. I hear ALL muslims are bad and we need to defend ourselves against them.

I practice an ancient welsh fighting style called LAP GOTCH. The technic is quite simple. Attack your opponent before they attack you, that means knowing thy enemy and attacking possible ones before they even know it. - Tue, 13 Mar 2007 3:41am
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wayne powerman should play this cause we have a song called "fuck oak bay cops"
everyone needs to know that the oak bay cops are the most fucked cops ever..this kid was walking home from a party and didnt here a cop ask him to stop and they sent a fucking police dog after and his leg is still in a cast...that is some FUCKED UP shit..not too mention mark from wp almost got arrested for pissing in a bush ruled - Tue, 13 Mar 2007 8:03am
Special Agent Jackass
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"so when are you going to have a course on how to defend yourself against muslims. I hear ALL muslims are bad and we need to defend ourselves against them."

I assume it's okay to paint everybody with the same broad brush - that is if the paint is some sort of vegetable based eco-friendly free trade non-animal tested paint. - Tue, 13 Mar 2007 9:47am
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by the way the art on this poster is by a rad queer feminist artist named cristy c. road, who has been putting out a zine for over 10 yrs. - Tue, 13 Mar 2007 11:42am
Mean Mike
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I agree there are some asshole cops in Victoria, and Ive had back alley run ins with tough guy cops twice in Vancouver in the past (not since about 1989 though as I got wiser when I stopped being a stupid teenager.. )

But I dont care if you are a 3rd degree whatever belt, cops dont care either, if they cant get you with the baton they will use the taser and if that doesnt work they will just shoot you.

Just take a look at what happened to Tony Oliveira's brother in law a few weeks ago.. now he spends his time in a vase. - Wed, 14 Mar 2007 11:20am
trevor corey
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Well said Mike.
I am a second dan in traditional karate. As such I know and am known by most other black belts in Victoria. I'm doing research about Alex. So far nothing. I think this Alex is probably a joke, a very bad joke.
When Grace's school went franchise anyone could buy themselves or rank themselves jujitsu "blackbelt". The Victoria Jujitsu Academy has never heard of Alex, Stan Pederec has never heard of Alex, and a number of second and third dan people who don't want their names used have never heard of Alex. Edmonton is not that far away. We compete in Vancouver all the time with dojos from Alberta.
I'd like to see NNB provide some proof as to Alex's credentials and his right to call himself a third "degree" (it's called DAN btw). - Wed, 14 Mar 2007 3:03pm
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sure, you want credentails, he is in town tonight, why nmot show up tomorow and ask him yourself, we will be at the sunset room all day pretty much from just before 1pm on till just after 10pm. I have known alex for a long time, I seen the video of him getting his 3rd dan, if you wanna ask who his sensei is then I am sure he would give you a name, probably even the guys phone number.
As well alex has been teaching this course for a number of years. He has presented at anarchist book fairs and all kinds of stuff. But then again your purpose was not to actually find out if he really was who I say he was, but to smear stuff I am promoting right? Good job, and thanks for the BUMP, see you tomorow...? - Wed, 14 Mar 2007 5:01pm
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Obviously you guys don't dig deep enough to find reliable information on people. Here is a photo of Sensei Alex practicing what he preaches.Sensei Alex is in the top right - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 12:48am Edited: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 12:49am
Messages Posted:
Thats funny, but seriously I guess if NNB has seen the video it must be true. I'm sure the guy must have training, but he is on his own as far as representing or being respected by any refuteable martial arts organizations.
You say he infiltrated the police force, I think he has infiltrated the anarchist movement. Nothing he shows anybody in four hours is going to teach them anything except how to encourage and give a cop the excuse to kill them.
I have been strongly advised to stay well away from this "seminar". As far as smearing what you promote, fuck ya, if you are going to promote violence I will stand against you every time. If you promote rocknroll and vegan potlucks I'll shake your hand and say thanks.

EDIT: I would very much like his Kyoshi's "phone number". - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 3:13am Edited: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 3:18am
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maybe this workshop doesn't mean "learn to defend yourself by provoking more violence" and actually means learn the techniques police may use, so you know what's coming. or learn more about police procedure so you can use diplomacy and understanding to avoid the conflict. who knows? my point is that you are all leaping to conclusions that haven't been stated. for all you know, this guy could be telling people exactly what you're saying; don't lip off to cops or something. or, maybe he's got killer karate kicks that would make the hardcore community jealous. I don't know and neither do you. This thing is by donation though.

Who cares about how respected a travelling guy is, in "the world of martial arts"? That's the exact kind of thing that goes on in every discipline, from writing to music. Would you not attend a by-donation music workshop just because the musician hasn't been on a major label or something?

I'm not saying I'm supporting or am going to attend this workshop. I'm just saying back off and let it happen. It's not necessarily the cop-killing rowdy punk hootenany you're making it out to be. Maybe the guy teaches how to follow lawful procedure during a police brutality moment, to enable the victim to reach a level of understanding. Or maybe it's how to stop pissing cops off. You don't know!! So stop the internet drama. - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 5:04am
Leo Bondage
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well im a rad queer feminist artist...and i say tyler jsut about said the funniest thing there "maybe he's got killer karate kicks that would make the hardcore community jealous."

but yeah i have to work i cant come and i hope people learn some mortal kombat moves to show off haha - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 8:08am
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I am not surprised your not attending Trever Corey, in fact I would have been shocked had you shown up and put yer money where yer mouth is, even if you took advantage of the by donation and shown up and kept your money in your pocket.

and for the record, most of this workshop is based on things like understanding police techniques, and passive resistance stratagies that work.

either way thanks for all the bumps. - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 12:17pm
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lol yea nice post tyler - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 4:50pm
trevor corey
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" Who cares about how respected a traveling guy is, in "the world of martial arts"? "

Without credentials this guy has nothing to offer me. I'd just be going to cause trouble, and that's just rude. Don't worry yourself about my finances, I'd pay $500 if DAJ was there teaching ninjitsu. Without credentials any fitness instructor could roll into town, teach a tae-bo class and call it self defense.

"and for the record, most of this workshop is based on things like understanding police techniques, and passive resistance strategies that work."

....why didn't you say that in the first place. You came across very agro to me. If this workshop teaches people some body awareness and encourages them to explore further into martial arts, great. If it encourages challenging police, then have fun getting your teeth knocked out. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

....and why the fuck do you think we need to know the sexual orientation of the artist? I could care less if she is gay, straight or sideways. - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 5:18pm
Special Agent Jackass
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"....and why the fuck do you think we need to know the sexual orientation of the artist? I could care less if she is gay, straight or sideways"

I didn't get why that was mentioned either. Seems pretty un-PC to me. Shouldn't the merit be in the art itself? - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 5:32pm
Sonic the hemp hog
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I went down. It was Tae Bo for dummies so I left - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 7:08pm
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tazer knives! - Thu, 15 Mar 2007 7:43pm
J. Peatman
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"I didn't get why that was mentioned either. Seems pretty un-PC to me. Shouldn't the merit be in the art itself?"

But I'm sure you know that art always takes the back seat to politics in PC punk/crust? - Fri, 16 Mar 2007 10:30am
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""see if it is silly when you are alone in an alley way gertting the beats"

This one made me roar...

First of all; you live in Victoria. Cops smile and nod as they pass while you smoke a spliff on the lawns of the Legislature. You're not in Sao Paolo, Moscow or LA, for that matter.

Secondly; should the rare occasion arise where two cops think it is justified to corner you in an alley and beat the living daylights out of you, then it means that you just did something incredibly stupid to piss them off that way. Like attack or pointlessly insult a cop. Or take those boring anti-authoritarian views just a step too far. "

Exactally, ive Never had any problemes with cops, then again, ive always shown them respect, even if ive disagreed, which i have often, but id disagree respectfully, if you lip them off, then dont be surprised when they get pissed. Its just common sense.

And putting on a coarse to beat up cops is the worst idea ive hear in... shit i cant even remember, its a really terrible idea, i hope your going to pay anyones bail that is actually stupid enough to take your advise and try and defend themselves. Hopefully they'll have some ground to sue you on.

Hey why dont we all go down and trash the police station, itll be fun!! - Fri, 16 Mar 2007 5:03pm
Mr. Hell
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Not to mention if you are loitering around someone's residence or business, or making a mess in a doorway, or acting like an unwashed heatbag meth hooker, or annoying people by begging for nickels, chances are you'll be smacked around by somebody at some point and who better to do this than a cop? I'm glad they are around to handle these situations so the rest of us don't have to, therefore avoiding facing lame assault charges that we may not deserve.
Like most people on here, I have never had any problems with cops assaulting me because I am smart enough to be respectful. I did get hassled a fair amount in my 20's, but it never went past a few questions and an apology from them for being mistaken.
I am hoping this seminar begats more beatings so I am not so bored at work through the summer. - Fri, 16 Mar 2007 9:40pm Edited: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 9:46pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian
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Ahhhh the cycle of life - when you're young the police seem like they've got nothing to do but hassle you. When you get a little older, you wish you were one of them so you could deal directly with the scum that broke into your car the other day, track down that dead beat loser that B+E'd your house, or lay the boots to that young hood that makes walking in certain parts of town a scary proposition.... ;) - Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:11pm
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when was it I soposedly mentioned sexual preference? don't remeber that, infact i don't even know his...

And again, there was not anything about attacking cops here, it was about defense, techniques like going limp propperly were shown, as well as techniques used by cops against protesters or in arrests. how to not get hurt, and legal ramifications of actions were explained so people could potentailly be better off if a cop was trying to physically remove or control them.

as for alexs credentails, heres his phone number, you can call him yourself, he should be home by monday...

(780) 432-4528

INFACT 2 cops showed up, talked to alex for about 20, minutes, got some reading material, asked him a few more questions, and left fairly satisfied with the conversation. - Sat, 17 Mar 2007 10:42am
J. Peatman
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"when was it I soposedly mentioned sexual preference? don't remeber that, infact i don't even know his..."

about half way down this topic when you wrote:

"by the way the art on this poster is by a rad queer feminist artist named cristy c. road, who has been putting out a zine for over 10 yrs." - Sat, 17 Mar 2007 11:06am
trevor corey
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I fricken knew the place would be full of cops! That is the last kind of attention I want. - Sat, 17 Mar 2007 3:23pm Edited: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 3:28pm
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Am I the only girl here who thinks the above pic is SOOO cute? I could watch it for hours and wonder why they are still just pecking at each other - get it on already!! - Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:02am
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Yeah, I think the pic's adorable, the way th guy doesn't miss a beat and hits him right back with one. And the guy behind them going "aaw" too.

(YAY, my anti-robot letters were "YARS"! I'm gonna say that all day long now) - Sun, 18 Mar 2007 1:18pm
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I've just gotta say re these topics on here, that I find *some* (not all or most) of these types of crusties far more suspicious and prejudiced against people who don't look like or live like them than a lot of other groups. It kinda blows my mind because *some* of them are so self-righteous about their collective stance against societal injustices & "those assholes" who perpetuate them. But where do they think the roots of societal injustices stem? Its us against them shit that begins on a personal level. Just doesn't make sense to me.

Ordinary punks seem a lot less judgemental and closed-minded to me in their everyday behavior and in that way make more effective strides in what I think is the right direction for social change. Quit TRYING to make everyone your enemy, and by that I mean quit expecting/provoking them into be your enemy. - Sun, 18 Mar 2007 1:47pm Edited: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 1:51pm
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STFU Sati, don't you have some 'Security Seminar' somewheres you'll be blowing more than half the enlistee's in 'Securi-School' some lame shit like that? Go give somebody else the evil eye; and leave me the hell alone.
Ratfink* I see you lurking around corners at the Cobalt 'huffing and puffing' when you see me there. - Mon, 19 Mar 2007 1:29pm
trevor corey
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Mace, you say "blowing" like it's a bad thing. - Mon, 19 Mar 2007 3:05pm Edited: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 3:18pm
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gotta agree a 4 hour workshop may help you with the bare boned basics...but if you are really STUPID enough to resist arrest from a cop in the first place, then the four hour workshop that they are gonna put down on your ass is sure as fuck not gonna save you after they get you back to the statiom now is it there Einstien?
Call it the theory of relativity, 4 hour workshop= 4 hour beatdown...brilliant

I agree with stefan there, I've never had a cop just beat me down for NO reason...I had a problem once with them and thats only because they thought they fucked up (just like every other person on this earth is prone to do at times)

That little demonstration is so FUCKED, when they staged it in Vancouver the protestors did nothing but look like the assholes that they are, they threw bottles at the cops, spit at them and did everything in their power to provoke a response (wait sorry that would be brutality wouldn't it). Fuckin losers - Tue, 20 Mar 2007 2:35pm Edited: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 2:42pm
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There was this excellent article in the Calgary Herald today about a Cst. Taufiq Shah, who is under suspension (without pay) by his own Police Department for trying to expose, Calgary Police Chief John Beaton- as the sleeze he really is; (IMO) including a publication ban coordinated by the Chief- within the hearing related- and the Constable 'behind locked doors', that both the CBC and the Calgary Herald have their Attornies there; trying to have the ban lifted. - Tue, 20 Mar 2007 9:57pm
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See how I shut all you motherfuckers up real fast...?

Gangstalking is where it's at these days, and if you do, you'll get a bullit in the head, 'I Promise'. - Fri, 23 Mar 2007 10:51am
User Info... - Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:10am
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Mace, not sure exactly what you are getting at here, are you making a compairison of the police to gangstalking?

Nobody denies that cops can and have been apt to do things inappropriate, theres simply no question of that.

What exactly are you implying here? Oh and I especially love your 'bullit in the head' qoute,....spoken like a true soldier....somebody's listened to too much Rage,
ever considered moving to LA?
I'm guessing (key word, I don't know you from shit) guessing, that you've listened to so much "down with the system, and fuck authority" that you think you live in it...
But who the fuck am I right?
Just trying to get to know you dude.... - Fri, 23 Mar 2007 1:15pm Edited: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 1:20pm
trevor corey
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This is the first I've ever heard of "ganstalking". My first thoughts were of that female astronaut who was recently charged with attempted murder in a love triangle. I also know what it feels like as I had some runins with the J.W.s back in the nineties. I won't bore you with the details but suffice it to say, they were everywhere. - Fri, 23 Mar 2007 3:24pm
ricky jak
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..... war - Sat, 24 Mar 2007 11:06am
Mr. Hell
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That lady astronaut drove for miles and miles to get to "the other woman" and wore a diaper in the car so she wouldn't have to stop for peepee and poopoo breaks. Apparently, she did fill the diaper as only a psychopath could and would. - Sat, 24 Mar 2007 3:36pm
trevor corey
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.......or is that what they want you to believe? - Sat, 24 Mar 2007 4:31pm
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..... War- Hez. ;)No, fuckface, 'R.A.T.M.' never liked that band, I recently was convicted again on assault x2 charges, luckily this time, there was no 'house arrest' (I think you could hear the 'Liberals' from back east howling 'Murder'... The next day after they realized the Judge let me off with a $50 fine and a 12 month suspended sentence) Anyhow, that's not the point, I think the point here is that since the thread has turned into a 'mixed bag' of 'Astronaut feed', that Mace the Space Cadet- has decided to put in his 2 cents. And has been nervous about returning home without having to think of making the drive out to the Sooke River Rd. Bridge)

I think this gangstalking thing is a very sensitive subject, that could get me into a lot of trouble if I were to go off and act the way I normally would do, if say, I'd been drinking and talking about work for example...

Anyhoo's I think this shit has been carried over for a few years, I think some heavy shit went down in the city and someone got too close to someone they shouldn't have, and guess!!


Like I said before, there was this person who was stalking me, I think he's associated with some local Christian Organization in Victoria, I think there were a few more around to fuck with me, but they were pretty much too stupid to have any effect on me.

But if they wanna' come around again, I've already made personal plans for buddy who was following me around patrolling me before 'the trial'.. Just more shit I needed to deal with in between wondering if I was going to jail or not..

Well, I'm not, but I'm still concerned they're (the cops or whatever fundamentalist Christian Church's) are going to be around to fuck me out of the city of Victoria- including that name-changing Mayor 'Alan Lowe'. - Sun, 25 Mar 2007 1:18am
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'They put a human bug in my office'
How the RCMP enlists informants should raise some eyebrows, says Victoria lawyer
Richard Watts, Times Colonist
Published: Saturday, March 24, 2007
Parliament needs to take a close look at how the RCMP enlists informants as well as the Witness Protection Program, people involved with the Richard Young case said yesterday.

"It should raise some eyebrows," Victoria lawyer Tom Bulmer said in an interview.

He was speaking following news a Victoria man, Richard Young, a dubious RCMP informant, had been handed a new identity, money, and inserted into a new community, where he was convicted of killing someone.

But the Canadian Witness Protection Program Act makes it illegal to publicize anything about Young's new identity, the location of the offence or its nature.

Bulmer said that amounts to blanket protection for the RCMP, who placed a dangerous person into an innocent community.

"There has to be a balance to protect that other community as well," said Bulmer. Police routinely hound newly released offenders whose sentences are up with public warnings, he said.

Bulmer was the Victoria lawyer representing Barry Liu, the subject of a police investigation and surveillance. Liu was the man Richard Young offered to spy on for the RCMP, beginning in 2000.

Young's double-agent role -- helping Liu while informing to the RCMP -- allowed him to infiltrate Bulmer's office, a move the lawyer called a gross violation of solicitor-client privilege, a confidence protected by law.

Bulmer said the only thing that could have been worse was if Mounties planted an electronic bug in his office and listened to conversations.

Instead "they put a human bug in my office," he said.

Mounties were unwilling or unable to see Young for the liar he really was, said Bulmer.

In early 2001, Young told Mounties that Liu was planning to assassinate a Victoria provincial court judge, a defence lawyer, a Crown attorney, an RCMP constable and a fifth unnamed person. Mounties obtained authorization to tap Liu's phone. Months went by and nothing happened.

But then a young Asian man was seen writing down licence plate numbers in the parking lot of RCMP headquarters on Nanaimo Street. Another was seen tailing an RCMP van. Mounties moved in and arrested Liu on drug charges.

Bulmer said he became suspicious and did something the Mountie investigators didn't: He checked out Young's story. Bulmer went to a known hangout of Asian young people and asked some questions.

He found young men who had been paid by Young with cigarettes and gas to write down licence numbers in the RCMP parking lot and tail vehicles. These young people even testified about it in court.

In 2002, a judge threw out all evidence gathered during the wiretaps. Liu was acquitted of all charges.

Jeff Green, a Victoria lawyer who was one of the alleged potential victims in a murder conspiracy, said he never really took the threat seriously.

On the other hand, Green said he's serious about wanting to learn Richard Young's new identity and information about the killing that happened while Young was in the Witness Protection Program. "If that means we are going to be having secret trials in Canada now then I think the act needs to be revisited by Parliament," said Green, referring to the fact that the witness protection program prevents details about the killing from being made public.

'They put a human bug in my office'
How the RCMP enlists informants should raise some eyebrows, says Victoria lawyer
Richard Watts, Times Colonist
Published: Saturday, March 24, 2007
A member of the Victoria RCMP drug squad declined to comment about the Richard Young case.

Staff Sgt. Hugh Clarke, who is in charge of the Vancouver Island drug section for the RCMP, said paid informants are a regular part of police investigations.

"In general terms -- do we use paid informants? Yes,'' said Clarke. "Do we pay them to commit crimes? No."

But he said it's rare for RCMP to take in an informant, pay him and eventually put him in a witness protection program in a new location. "It's an expensive proposition."

Peter Firestone was the Victoria lawyer who represented Bulmer and Liu in an unsuccessful bid to have the whole case against Liu thrown out because Mounties had violated solicitor-client privilege. "The RCMP knows in this case the ends do not justify the means," said Firestone.
© Times Colonist (Victoria) 2007

__________________________________________________ - Sun, 25 Mar 2007 1:25am
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Though, the above story seemed completely a different side of the coin when the Vancouver Sun printed it..

Here's some more recent stuff from Vancouver, I think this 'Firefighter vs. VPD' on St. Paddy's day was really 'gay looking', in the way that these guys basically all work together, it looked more to me like vegan-lesbian scrum 'face-off' at a University Rugby Game.

I don't necessarily believe all of what 'televised' or in the 'papers'.

THe way I've heard about all the fights on Granville St. as of recent, the Mayor Sam Sullivan trying to curb all of the violence- by sending out the Police in full droves- really in retrospect you only have to look so far as the City Police themselves: starting most of the fights there...

Whenever I'm there on Granville a Saturday, there's never any fights.. - Sun, 25 Mar 2007 8:01pm
User Info... - Sun, 25 Mar 2007 8:03pm
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awesome quote:

"wether you can spell good or not has nothing to do with your intelligence" - Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:41pm
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The guy with the bad spelling is an undercover police/ so-called, 'Promoter'.

He is, and it is a popular thing amongst the H.S./all-ager punk crowd to be affiliated with the pigs.

I question the nature of people who have access to- tasers, batons, the likeness for preperatory defence..

(Other than someone who is a 'police officer' or 'informant'..)
NNB, who can drop Jello's name as much as he wants, still manages to come across as an 'undercover police informant'.

Fuck him! - Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:44pm
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police brutality... nice job, to serve and protect.
anyways, its a shitty job, they gotta deal with scab pickin disease infested, icky ucky yucky fuckers, so if they gotta blow off some steam now and then, fine by me, besides most of the time its some lippy shithead prick who is causing to much chaoes, worrying the elderly, being a nussance, whos just asking for it anyhow... so dont fuck with them, and they wont fuck with you. SO... next time you see a cop, or a bunch of cops being brutal, and beating on some fuckin idiot, chear em on, better yet, buy em a box of timbits, and coffee...let em know, thanx for doing such a shitty job! - Sun, 8 Apr 2007 8:44pm
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Exactly, and don't forget the 'Parking Pigs' either.. It's fun too ruffle their feathers by telling them how good they are at doing their job- without swearing at them; the next day you're 99% guaranteed they'll quit their 'parking patrol' job .. And when you show up to fight that parking ticket, they'll have 'retired'.

"Wow, you're pretty good at that, how, 'bout you write me another one, genious, hey! there's a yellow curb, you see that, you're a genious, brav-O!" - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 2:14pm
trevor corey
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Could you write me a couple of play-off tickets? - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 3:40pm
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Heya, Trev-o, I can score some tix... 'spensive tho..

U need tix? (Try ebay for starts.. but I gotta a couple lines on tix if you need 'em from the pro's? Lemme' know.)

I'm going to find out when 'Flames tix' go on sale.. (for the bleeds 'standing room'..) I'll take 'em! - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 6:53pm
trevor corey
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Thanks M&M. Money is no object, time on the other hand......
As far as fLAMES tix are concerned, I appreciate good comedy shows too! Just for Laughs at the Save-On was good. - Mon, 9 Apr 2007 7:06pm
the JAK
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"SMOKES C'MON?"...What's that all about Trevor Corey?....any trailerpark fan worth his wieght in salt knows it's "Two smokes let's go" - Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:47pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Trevor and Corey fucked up - Tue, 10 Apr 2007 3:12pm Edited: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 3:21pm
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FUcken' Flames tix are non-transferable through the Flames web site they go onsale the same day of the first home game, on the 17th. That leaves me with little or no time be there to pick them up at 'will call'..

(Trevor and Corey)
You looking for tomorrow's or Friday's game? - Tue, 10 Apr 2007 5:55pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Actually I was thinking of taking a little "me" time and going over for friday's game. - Tue, 10 Apr 2007 8:08pm
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Aaah, yeah, coO! anyhow, the ticket prices are looking within range I'd tried n' bid for them on EBAY first then, I've seen some going for a 'resonable' price, but then again those are Upper Bowl and are only- single seats..

How many are you looking for? Lower/higher bowl (you prolly need the Lower ones.. I can make a phone call for you.. - Wed, 11 Apr 2007 1:36pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Thanks Mace. You can be very amiable when you are taking your meds as prescribed. I've already made arrangements for a lower bowl seat.
Go Canucks Go! - Wed, 11 Apr 2007 2:53pm
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How not to get your ass kicked by the cops. - Wed, 11 Apr 2007 9:58pm
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I don't take no medications, that's hysterical Trevor, because I thought most of what I was writing there was 'gibberish' and surprising you understood most of it, anyhow, I've been on the road since I last wrote and this is actually the first time- that I've had time; in getting back to ya'. I'm guessing you found tickets by now!?

Dallas are a nobody team... Flames on the other, hand..?

U iz just jealous, BITCH!;) - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 1:36am Edited: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 1:40am
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I don’t think we will see a huge number of instances of police brutality in the future. The police procedures and policies most recently implemented at the federal, provincial and municipal levels are tightening the rope on acceptable conduct. The criteria for judging what is called “reasonable force” is becoming constrictive for policing. When young Constable Johnny Dickwacker is admitted into the department he quickly learns that he is bound by these policies and procedures and if he takes one baby step out of these boundaries he will be shit on. Shit on by his superiors and shit on by crown counsel. He will be suspended and IF he is rehired after they discover upon investigation that the perpetrator was coming at him with a chainsaw and a pack of 17 rottweilers, he will be doin doughnut and coffee runs for the better part of his is career. Also he could be sued civilally and if you sue a cop you have to sue the whole department AND the municiplity. So needles to say Constable Dickwacker would not be all that popular down in the steam room...... - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 4:01am
trevor corey
User Info...
CLUB SEAT BABIES! Cheap, only $1500 buckeroos!
Calgary suckez!
City cops are on acid half teh timz! - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 8:33am Edited: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 8:39am
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Going to Game 5, the 19th...Sports action lounge baby!
Dallas sucks,
Calgary swallows - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:23am Edited: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:29am
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Canucks try to swallow and gag. - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 8:43pm
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If it wasn't for Luongo, the Canucks wouldn't be in the playoffs. - Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:09pm
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thats why hes the highest paid goalie in the nhl - Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:30am
MaI don’t think we will see a huge number of instances of police brutality in the future. The police procedures and policies most recently implemented at the federal, provincial and municipal levels are tightening the rope on acceptable conduct. The cri
User Info...
"I don’t think we will see a huge number of instances of police brutality in the future. The police procedures and policies most recently implemented at the federal, provincial and municipal levels are tightening the rope on acceptable conduct. The criteria for judging what is called “reasonable force” is becoming constrictive for policing. When young Constable Johnny Dickwacker is admitted into the department he quickly learns that he is bound by these policies and procedures and if he takes one baby step out of these boundaries he will be shit on. Shit on by his superiors and shit on by crown counsel. He will be suspended and IF he is rehired after they discover upon investigation that the perpetrator was coming at him with a chainsaw and a pack of 17 rottweilers, he will be doin doughnut and coffee runs for the better part of his is career. Also he could be sued civilally and if you sue a cop you have to sue the whole department AND the municiplity. So needles to say Constable Dickwacker would not be all that popular down in the steam room......"

What does this have to do with hockey?

Luongo, seems to spend too much time on his knees.. Not that anybody cares, but he looks like he belongs on a 'cricket field,' rather than 'on' an- 'ice rink'

Trevor Corery= 'BONE SMOKER'

Hez. - Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:47pm Edited: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 11:53pm
trevor corey
User Info...
MACE= In Your Dreamez
Danielle, sounds like you speak from experience?
Griphen, HA! Like you know anything about hockey!
tabbacoan, I like you, but Khabibulin gets paid more. - Sun, 15 Apr 2007 12:33am Edited: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 12:55am
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$1500 tix?

yOU R TRULEY~ A CHIN-BALL WIZARD!! - Sun, 15 Apr 2007 11:43am
trevor corey
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MacEwan's bathroom. ^ - Sun, 15 Apr 2007 3:20pm
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Mace: What does hockey have to do with defending yourself against police brutality?
Tevor Corey: I don't just make up shit if that's what you mean. Never been a cop but know lots of them, used to work for crown and have been on the inside of litigation proceedings involving civil charges against police for excessive force. So I know that the more a person fights back the more force cops are authorized to use. - Sun, 15 Apr 2007 10:01pm
trevor corey
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Danielle- I was refering to the "Canucks try to swallow and gag." comment. I forgot this thread was about cops. - Sun, 15 Apr 2007 10:31pm
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Yeah, me too Danielle, sorry... Fletch the Pigs Man, they are the Man, and the man always has a way with keeping the little people down... So, Danielle, as someone who works for the Crown, and I'm not saying that you guys are the real criminals here, in the way that not one single case has been won in defence of someone whose been beaten down by the worthless pigs..

Including me, lost my apartment kicked out, (arrested twice over the same incident fuckin! PIGS!!) not even able to take this to an arbitration hearing through the land lord and tenancy act...

Donnie Darko is an excellent movie, you'd have to agree, than to see a cop almost lose her life on Devil's Night..

You know who I'm talkin' about here..? - Mon, 16 Apr 2007 1:18pm
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Hey nice bathtub, there Mr. Bubblezxyxyz - Mon, 16 Apr 2007 1:19pm
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~ - Mon, 16 Apr 2007 1:23pm
trevor corey
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Childhood picture of Mace. - Mon, 16 Apr 2007 3:02pm
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Trevor Corey re: try to suck and gag......hahahah good comeback.
Mace: The reason you think that no cases have been won against cops, is because those types of actions basically NEVER go to trial so they are never recorded in the registry and become public information. They settle before they get to that point. There are lots of cops that are idiots and lots that aren't. Just like any other group. Personally, I stay clear of them but having seen how the "other side" operates gives me an insight that has been rather handy at various times. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer..... - Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:38am
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