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child porn
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > child porn
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I was reading in the paper this morning about how they just busted a major pedo... The guy was using myspace and that stuff to find out personal info on young girls (fav band, pets, familly names, birthdates, best freinds) and then using that info to get into their hotmail and msn by usuing th forgot your password function (propts you with a question like whats your fav band, if you answer right it gives you the password). He would then either trick a feind of the girl to flash him on web cam, then blackmail them that they would send the pic to familly and freinds, or read their e mails and use perasonal info to blackmail them. He would then use these threats to get them to do more sexual shit on web cam, one girl with her sister even...
I can't figure this out... How dose this shit happen, do people just wake up one day and decide they wanna fuck a 5 year old? Or dose it build up? WTF?? And what do we do about it, not after, but to stop it in the first place? - Sun, 30 Jul 2006 2:20am
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Some people are fucked, eh?
When I was a kid we had another family that we used to go camping, and fishing with. They had three daughters and one son. When I was 13ish the mother/wife of the family paid our Mom a visit. Turned out that the "father" had been raping the oldest girl for years, the middle girl for a couple years less, and was jsut getting started on the youngest girl. The son walked in on them once and got a good beating.
She wanted to know if anything had ever happened to me or my sister, but it would seem he was only interested in his own family.
When I was 16 and a clerk in a grocery store he came through my till. He didn't recognize me (he hadn't seen me in years, and I think my hair was pink) and he paid with a cheque. First of all I couldn't beleive that he was out of jail so fast but here's the kicker. He was already re-married. There was a Mrs. on the cheque and it wasn't his ex-wifes name. I was so worried that she had a daughter or might make one with him.
How fucks like that get to walk our streets I'll never know.

I know this doesn't even try to answer any of those questions but it was the first thing that came to mind when I read the post and I felt like sharing. - Sun, 30 Jul 2006 2:53am Edited: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 2:56am
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My best guess is it is some kind of flaw in the brain. Whether it is something one is born with, or something that is happens over time is an important question.

Are pedos created? Or born? How do we "fix" them?

I know that the current system of dealing with this problem isn't working. Jailing pedos for two or three or ten years doesn't do shit. The re-offending rate is huge, 9/10 or something. Castrastion doesn't help much, either. It seems to more about power and control than simply "getting off".

I propose that one in four pedos caught are kept from society for the rest of their natural lives, and studied. The rest get destroyed, until we can solve this problem. - Sun, 30 Jul 2006 10:13am
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heres a knife..heres their balls (and or penis).


and lets throw in the hands too. yes.

plus a big tattoo on the side of their face that reads pedofile. - Sun, 30 Jul 2006 11:14am Edited: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 11:15am
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Anyone here who hates child molesters would love NBC's "To Catch a Predator". I don't really know fuck all about comps 'cause I don't own one but I'm sure it's down loadable. What really fuckin' pissed me off a few months back was when they busted the head of a massive internet kiddie porn ring ( I think it might have been in Alberta? ) and after he and his co-perverts traumatised countless kids permanently he only got like 2-3 years in an isolated section of prison where pedophiles can't get beat up or killed. FUCK THAT!! I say throw them to the angry inmates that might return the favour. After his sentancing his sister was broadcasted outside the courthouse completely histarical over his sentance claiming that she was his first victim and that he deserved the chair. I remember when I was little and my dad got out for DUI he had some interesting stories observing punishment on pedophiles. It's sad how prison inmates seem to be the only ones trying to implicate some real discouragement to these twisted jacko types. They can not be cured. - Sun, 30 Jul 2006 7:23pm Edited: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 7:24pm
Nik Olaz
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From everything I've heard, and read, pedophiles do what they do as a result of them being molested as children. Not everyone who is molested as a kid becomes a pedophile, but a huuuge percentage of pedos were molested as kids. - Mon, 31 Jul 2006 1:42pm
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Lifesavers are try to say no to those little things. - Mon, 31 Jul 2006 3:39pm
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none of this stops future generation... some guy is being born right now that will be fucked or exploited, how do we save them? I don't really give a fuck about the guys in jail, I give a fuck about the ones that have not molested yet, there has to be a way to stop them... - Mon, 31 Jul 2006 5:26pm
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Not in our life time. I watched intervention last week and this meth addict was molested when he was a boy. His parents never thought it was weird that a 25 year old took such an interest in their 8 year old son and as a result he was buggered repeatedly. That's the key among other things is stupid trusting partents. Pedophiles pull off what they do because they are good at it and are very careful. If you are not stupid in your parenting you can prevent your own child from such abuse but at the same time some where else countless kids are being defiled. It can't be prevented but if the courts could just incarcerate those little league coaches and boy scout leaders permanently once caught then at least a huge part of the problem would be eliminated. - Mon, 31 Jul 2006 6:47pm
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This thread's a total bummer... here I go:
A big part of the problem is that its such a taboo subject to talk about. Kids pick up on that, and perpetuate all of society's problems, hiding their troubles or dysfunctions away. Have you ever met anyone who's admitted they get off on kiddy-porn? Well, someone does, obviously. But is it ok to admit out loud? If you can't even say it, how are you supposed to work out your problems before they become something more extreme?

And we've all been creeped out by people, and suspected wierd things, but what are we supposed to do? I remember a little girl in the 'hood who used to come up and insist on sitting on my b/f's brother's lap, and he started refusing to let her get anywhere near him, cuz she was literally coming onto him for attention. He was convinced she must have been experiencing abuse at home from her mom's boyfriends. But did we say or do anything? What was he to say, she was getting too touchy with him?
I've seen wierd behaviour at grocery stores between parents & children too, where I've been convinced something bad was going on (phys or emotional) and felt like authorities should look into it. But how do you say anything - "I got the feeling..."? Saying I'm pretty sensitive and a good judge of character and that guy's a shifty creep isn't gonna hold much water.

On top of all that, parents need tons of support too. I think you have to be pretty brave to raise a kid - lots of parents are just too overwhelmed and chicken to hear/face/deal with the abuse thats happened to their kids because it means they have to grieve and fight and step up to the abuser, and face the ugliness, and the ostracism I'd guess, and some of them just don't have it in them. When their parents don't have the guts to acknowledge it, kids figure they must be the ones who've been in the wrong, and that they have to hide it and feel the shame alone... and the cycle continues. - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 12:05am Edited: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 12:07am
Nik Olaz
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Those aren't the only people molesting. A lot of cases of sexual abuse come from people close to the family (ie: parents "friends"/stepdads/own fathers...sometimes even mothers). There's so much in social funding that can be used to prevent these kinds of things from happening. We just choose to think throwing people in jail will stop it. It won't. There isn't much that we can do now, but awareness and education is the best tool against this disgusting cycle. - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 12:05am
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Nik, what exactly do you mean, there is so much that can be done, like what> I want you to elaborate.
and sati, any suggestions? also how would you react if some one came out and told you they liked child porn, and wanted help? make that question to all of you,... I think I would be scared of the person, I don't know what I would do. Even so how do you help them, your right that this is a taboo subject, so I don't know what I would say, cause aint ever read aboput where they could get help, or coping methods for perverts... - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 8:04pm
Nik Olaz
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Well first off, they need to bring more and more of these cases to light so that people affected by sexual abuse have the chance to speak out. This can be done through social programs to promote active resistance against predators. I'm not talking by violent means. Also, the sex offender registry should be a lot more prevailent. I remember in high school, some police came by with leaflets of a sex offender who had moved into the area. Turns out the guy was hitting on some girl I knew at a separate high school. The community needs to know about these things so they can keep the priority of their childrens safety. I don't think there is a solid way to fully stop molestment (aside from various extremes the government COULD enact) but there is also counseling that is provided for victims AND offenders. There are a lot of people in our society in different coureers who try to help. I'm sure they would be way more elaborate.

As for what I would do regarding someone who liked child porn? I'd report them to the police (I know you wouldn't agree Conrad ;) ) but it's a crime. Period. To expose people with that kind of material helps in the larger scale, because it often opens up "rings" of people associated with the solicitation/creation of child porn. This would potentially save children out there from being sickeningly degraded. - Tue, 1 Aug 2006 11:57pm
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Ya know what I really hate? When people use their own negative experiences as an excuse to hurt others. And I don't say that out of ignorance, I've stopped a few vicious circles in their tracks myself. For one, I never hit my kids. I don't need to. And I've done my best to raise them to be open and unafraid to come to me with anything. That's SO important. I have 2 beautiful daughters. If anyone ever EVER laid a nasty hand on either one of them I would be tied to a chair so I don't do something stupid and wind up in jail, and my friends would take care of it, that's been set in stone since the oldest was a baby. No fucking mercy. People who abuse children should suffer, bottom line, eye for an eye. Kill em all. Somebody will probably have a problem with my saying so, this is live vic after all...I know it's not the most pc way to deal with it, but that's because it comes straight from the heart of a mom. - Wed, 2 Aug 2006 8:50am
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People like to make excuses for bad behavior. My old boss thought it was ok that her fiance was a complete homophobe because he was raised that way.
I'm sorry but once you become an adult (unless there is some chemical imbalance in the brain) you should be smart enough to dissect your own childhood trama and learn from it.
I don't have kids yet, but I'll be damned if I'll ever do the same things wrong that my folks did.
And I agree with you, Tragedy, if anyone ever lays a hand on any of my future children or any of my friends kids for that matter it's all bets off; that body will wash up somewhere.

How do we save the kids being abused right now? With good old fashioned hippy love. If we continue to tippy toe around these subjects then it will always be too taboo to talk about.
There should be crisis lines and group therapy (for lack of better term) dedicated solely to victims of child sexual abuse. If these were easily accessible then children going through abuse might not feel like they are so alone and that other people might actually know what they are going through.

Just my thoughts...time to smoke one now. - Wed, 2 Aug 2006 3:02pm
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isn't there already a crisis line?
also nik, you bring up some really interesting points. Your arguments make a lot of sense...
I do however think that pedofilia m,ust be a chemical imballance, probably caused by trauma from childhood.
and still none of these replys gets to the whole, how do we stop the people that have not yet abused a child, but will if they don't get caught, or helped, or what ever it is. - Wed, 2 Aug 2006 6:27pm
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"I remember in high school, some police came by with leaflets of a sex offender who had moved into the area. Turns out the guy was hitting on some girl I knew at a separate high school."

Fuck I remember that ... crazy times - Wed, 2 Aug 2006 7:49pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Having been on the receiving end of a pedophile I have a special kind of hatred for those who abuse children. No mercy indeed.
NNB: There really is no answer to your question. It is impossible to stop a pedo that hasn't offended unless they are showing very clear, tell-tale signs that something is up. I believe that it comes from one of two sources. First, you have the chemical or mental imbalance. Something is just not firing right inside. Without serious studys and money we're never going to find the answer to that one.
The second type is the one that has been molested and contiunes the evil cycle as they thing it is the "normal" way to be. This is far more prevalent than you would think. I am currently witnessing it and dealing with it in my extended family and it makes me sick how people would rather ignore than deal with it.
Your (our) children need to be educated from an extremely young age. The age of innocence is long over. The kids need to know what's up before some creep takes something from them that they can never get back.

short answer: education and research are our only hope to even being to battle this. - Wed, 2 Aug 2006 8:16pm
jonny B. swell
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I know alot of you have explained reasons why people would become pedophiles, but i still find it so hard to believe that someone could actually enjoy doing that to a child.
I think castration via a rusty cheese grater would be a good starter for offenders. Or maybe just chain them up downtown with a sign saying "feel free to fuck me in the ass, cause i deserve to see what its like"
I hope all of you would be in line with something big and pointy to put in 'em
-out - Wed, 2 Aug 2006 8:34pm
Common Sense
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Jailing pedophiles is the most retarded thing ever. Pedophiles like fucking children, that is what gets them off, just like fucking women gets me off. Now if it was illegal for me to fuck women and I got arrested for it and locked away, when I got out would I no longer be attracted to women? You could lock me up for 50 years, and I'll still like pussy, nothing will ever change that, and nothing will ever change a pedophile. So the only 2 effective options are either locking them away until death, or some kind of chemical castration. Jail time won't change their sexual preference. - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 8:52am
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I doubt anyone ever expected jail time to change their perversions, it's strtictly punishment for what they have done. When I was in pre-school, kindergarden, grade one etc. there was always people explaining to the kids exactly what a pedophile is, what they typically might say to scare the kids into silence and how the kids should take care of that kind of a situation. Has all that stopped? if so some one fucked up big time. If a pedophile gets released from prison ( bad idea ) I say take a red hot brander and burn the word pedophile into tne fuckers forehead. Who cares what kind of isoltion or stress they go through after that. Fuck 'em. - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 11:10am
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Edited post... WTF? - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 6:46pm
Swingin' Joe
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Maddox always knows the answer. - Thu, 3 Aug 2006 8:03pm
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your right, jailing them will not fix them, I doubt fixing them will fix them either... but putting them in a jail or asylum for life stops at least one from reofending. I vote for the asylum, where we can studdy them, and figure more out. I also think that we can help them if we get them before they are too far gone, but I don't know how to find them.
as for the schools, how about this, if the cops are not bringing puics around to schools, we do, or ar least get a petition going to get their pictures posted in the school, whith a warning, beware, if you see any of these people call the hotline, type message.I am sure it aint to hard to get their pictures, make a bulletin board.
As well have a once a month group sesion where kids starting at grade one come to geather in class and talk about this shit.
Next we need to educate adaults and parrents on how to see the signs.

I don't know what else, but I am sure therer has to be a way to get people to come forward, to seek help, they know they are messed up, maybe if some one was to come for help, they would be watched and undergo theapy, but not jailed, but if they don't come forward and they get caught, they spend the rest of their life in jail. - Fri, 4 Aug 2006 9:15pm
jay brown
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Pedophiles are everywhere, every family has one, every block has one. It just depends if they are acting on it or not. The laws will not stop them and rehabilitation will not work. We all know the only answer is to kill them but nobody wants to go to jail for twenty years for murder. Our children will never be safe as long as we let these monsters walk our streets and live in our neighborhoods. I dont want my tax dollars going to keeping these pigs alive for a really long time in jail, just so they can get out and do it again. I want them dead, every last one of them, I dont want my daughter to ever know that kind of grief. - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 10:07am
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first off, that will not reduce the ammount of pedifiles offending the first time, death sentece or life in prison, they are gonna do it any ways.
second off any death sentace m,akes it too easy for the government to off some one on phony charges, it has happened before, and there are many recent examples of people that were too outspoken that are now in jail for some thing that most rational people can see the person was not possibly able to do, like mumia.
third, it costs more to execute a prisoner, than to keep them aliven the rest of their life in jail.

still no one has suggested any thing that would help stop them from offending the first time.

as well today I was talking to some one about this, they pointed out that in our history pedofilia has always been there, and through much of it was accepted or even promoted, whether it be selling children, I even remeber reading in the bible about that, or whether it be aincient greece where boys of ten or twelve years old would take a mentor, a man that would teach them about life, and sex, and they would do sexual favors for. I remeber reading about women marrying men in aincient egypt, when the girls were only 12, I remeber reading about a lot of this shit, arranged marriges for teens, and all kinds of shit. - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 11:28pm
Ty Stranglehold
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you can get most rounds of ammunition for less than a quarter a peice. I'd say that's a lot cheaper than keeping them alive for the rest of their lives.

I really don't condone the death penalty for anything other than pedophilia. If you diddle a kid, you need to die. Hell, I'd throw in the extra round so they could be shot in the groin first before finishing them off.

I suppose a more "humane" way of dealing with them (though they far from deserve it) would be true, hard time prision. I'm not talking that three full course meals and TV in your cell shit. I'm talking getting up at 4 am every day and shipped out to do hard menial labor that no one else wants or should have to do. Work them for 12 or 13 hours a day and back to their empty cell until morning. Oh, and life means LIFE. No parole. You fucked a kid, you're done buddy. Shitty gruel for breaky, lunch and dinner FOREVER. I figure many would off themselves early anyways, saving us a lot of money in the end. - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 9:18am
Swingin' Joe
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"If you diddle a kid, you need to die."
Haha couldn't of said it any better. Let's just hope the warden would let them keep their shoelaces and belts. - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 11:31am
flippinqueen *at*
Messages Posted:

Lead vocals for BeerC/DC - anybody asks for Hell's Bells or Back in Black........YER OUT!!

just make sure they are among the "general population" - they won't last long - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 11:40am
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sorry, this is where I can not agree, it becomes too easy for governments to kill people or silence any one they want with false accusations...
pedos should be put in a asylum,. under massive supervision, and studdied. we need to understand them to ever stop them.
anyways, that sound worse to me than jail or death, a life in a straightjacket... - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 9:23pm
The Other Nick
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A Forehead tattoo "I AM A PEDOPHILE"
Hypnotism making thoughts of sex unbareable
A Lengthy Jail sentance
And upon their, release posters put up warning the city/town


Next flaw in humanity please - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 12:39am
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welcome to clockwork orange. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 12:50pm
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Twinkies. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 12:50pm
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Criminals of all infractions have rights in Canada, no matter how much we find child molestation repugnant. You have to either accept that, or strive hard to change it, there's no other way. (Vigilante is ok, but you better believe pretty strongly in it, and you will eventually be relying on the same freedoms)

In a society such as ours, the restriction of rights for criminals can sometimes correspond to restrictions in rights for the free.

Incarcerated people fight much more strongly for their rights than the free citizen. They have the time and the ultimate incentive to do so.

I think everyone who's posted here so far agrees that something must exist in the law which denies serious psychopaths from re-entering society. That means changes in law which are in no way impossible, but do require serious and unrelenting pressure on the government of the day. Regrettably, such a fight would probably topple this one, or worse yet win it a majority. Make no mistake though, if the conservatives are all they advertise, its a topic they would love to tackle as a majority! (Disclaimer: This in no way represents an endorsement of the 'Reform' party by Lonemonk)

I do not personally agree with capital punishment, but I can agree with means to keep people who cannot demonstrate peaceful co-existence with children or other people from EVER re-entering society.

I haven't actually thought much about the guiena-pig/Study idea mentioned, but that sounds pretty good. If ever we can find the plethora of reasons why people are this way, maybe we could stand a chance of preventing it. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:47pm
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california tryed a 3 strikes system, but I think they had it wrong, rather than on the third strike casterating, the 3rd strike should mean life in an istitute. we can not let it become a one chance thig cause it becomes too easy to get rid of people you don't like with fake evidnce... I also worrie that they say that this is about power, so that says to me that if people are doing this cause they feel they have no power in their own lives, that the more laws we write, the more pedos and rapists will exist, the more cops, the more pedos and rapists, and so on, and thats the path we are on. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 12:48am
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Here's a plan for a study. Hook up a brain monitor (e.e.g/catscan or whatever they use these days). Give them some kiddy porn to look at. Localize which part of the brain is active. Cut the damn gray matter out!

It may sound inhumane and highly experimental but they're highly inhumane to begin with. Plus science is cool. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 9:16am
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well even though I would rather science test on pedos than animals, I still can't quite agree, but the brain scan thing may work, I think more a theropy plan should be created, perhaps one day if a person came forward admitting to liking child porn and asking for help, we could be at the point of being able to just put them under survalence and through theropy and then they may be able to be helped, and never offend in the first place. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 1:32pm
The TR-808
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i boycott myspace in the fear of some pedo sneaking into my bedroom at night and mistaking me for a little boy and stuffing me in the analog input. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 9:05pm
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wow I am looking back on this thread after the bad religion one and I realized some thing...

It is alright to fuck children.

as long as you are in a punk band - Wed, 20 Sep 2006 2:03pm
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Damn right!

KIDDING - Wed, 20 Sep 2006 3:53pm
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Jeff you are a minor - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 1:09am
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First thing first: I don't support pedophilia and I think grown men having sex with children should be castrated.

However has anyone ever noticed the explosion of teen porn? I highly doubt that only pervvy old men with trench coats are the only ones checking out Barely Legal. There was an allegation the members of Richmond forefighters were caught with teens a few decades ago. What people don't realize is that 18 years of age for adulthood is just a arbitrary number that some politicans came up with (note: that minors now can be charged as an adult criminal).

A hundred years ago, teenagers didn't exit. Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin only 50 years ago. Even today many cultures around the world view puberty as a rite of passage to adulthood. Teens are a western concept which started in the 50's and then had spread throughout the developed world. Biologically men see young girls as ideal candidate to pass on their genetic material so just on pure visual context, men will leer at a younger looking girl than an older women (Brittney Spears, at the start of her career, or Rosie O'Donnell - who do you think the majority of guys gawk at). - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 2:00am
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good points. But I am not talking about a 25 year old sleeping with a 17 year old, I am more talking about 45 year olds fucking 13-15 year olds....there is a few big differences here.
1) maturity levels
2) this is not about dating it is about using the person for a fuck toy.
3) There is also a major power play issue here, bands like Bunch Of Fucking Goofs, Dayglo, or even Jerry Lee Lewis are ledgends, they have power to them cause we are taught to look up to them, to respect them, to be in aw of them, and knowing these people makes us cool... Whether it should be that way or not, thats reality. There are specail laws in place in our society that restric people like police officers, securrity guards, doctors, psyciatrists and teachers from having what may normally be concidered legal sex with a younger person, these laws attempt to address this issue of power over others. yet even there they fail to effect people in socail power roles such as stars and celebrities. - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 5:10pm
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- - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 5:34pm
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quote: "and knowing these people makes us cool.."

But always remember, "that you don't. k?"

Another question NMB?

Why on such a serious scale, and serious topic- did you have to drop the "'F' bomb" then?

this makes it all that much more difficult, for me, in assimilating or taking to heart, whatever it was about you in your skincrawlingly awful attempt at trying to establish- 'your point in case.' (i.e.-"fucking"[WTF?!])

By dropping band names that have little or nothing to do with 'your topic'?

quote: "bands like Bunch Of Fucking Goofs, Dayglo, or even Jerry Lee Lewis are ledgends, they have power to them cause we are taught to look up to them, to respect them, to be in aw of them,"

All I am understanding here, is how much of a conformist you come off a saying as sounding... or I'm trying to understand your aggrievation, in that some 45 year old had once stolen your 16 year old lover?

Bud, that's life, get over it, get onto something new...

Hey, where there's hair?

Play Ball!

That say, what if your version of 'le victim', were to have been 16 and wanted to sleep with a 45 year old and it was consensual?

What if a 36 year old, sleeps with a 21 yr. old?

Is this wrong...? - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 8:11pm Edited: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 8:13pm
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"they have power to them cause we are taught to look up to them, to respect them, to be in aw of them, and knowing these people makes us cool..." must've been raised differently then most of us. All of my friend's parents and my parents told us to stop listening to rap or punk or metal because it was a bad influence because of the way they look or the way the music sounded. "That's not music! Now shut off that noise!"

Stars and celebrities don't have that special person of power law because they don't have daily or weekly personal contacts unlike teachers or doctors. If a celebrity can possess that much influence on one person then that person is nuts. That would be like saying the Columbine High killers were directly influenced by the developers of Doom or a kid commits suicide because of an Iron Maiden song or someone decides to blow things up about reading a book.

Young teen girls have always gone for musicians (Jerry Lee, Elvis, Rolling Stones, R Kelly) and if memory serves, back in high school, all the rocker chicks would always lament about not being selected to party back stage with the band members. All men notices an attractive young female especially ones that are more developed (I blame the hormones in the food we eat) and if any men say they don't, they are either gay or a liar. It's just that some men act on it when given the chance, some don't, and some pay for it (don't see why Japanese men would buy used panties from a vending machine or watch tentacle rape sex anime). - Thu, 21 Sep 2006 10:03pm
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If a sober 16 yr old wants to have sex with an older man, who is not in a power position, and she fully understands it is nothing more than sex, thats fine, but... That aint what we are talking about here, so why change the subject with hypatheticals that you know are not what is at issue?

and yeah, the young girls have always gone for the rockers, but, I am saying we should not continue to support this crap, not that it never happened...

And my mom may have told me metal and punk were bad, but it wasn't my mom I was listening too, it was suicidal tendancies... The people we look up to, do have power over us, because we give it to them. They may not have wanted or asked for it, but they do have it, and with that they should have responsibillity, to know what their actions and words do, and if they are imoral people we should quit supporting them. - Fri, 22 Sep 2006 3:42pm
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Who the fuck is "we" anyhow...?

Just another "goof" speaking for himself?
weeeeeeee!!??!? WTF?!?!LOL!!!11@!1ELVENONE! - Sat, 23 Sep 2006 1:41pm
The Wolf
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SPAMMERS and CHILD MOLESTERS should be shipped to an island where they can share their meds etc Wonder how the post above me got in - Tue, 31 Oct 2006 1:20pm
The Wolf
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This will make your day!!

The image below is Anthony Stockelman, the ruthless monster responsible for Katie's sexual assault and murder. The photo was taken after his conviction, and after a relative of Katie's managed to leave a permanent reminder of what Stockelman has done- upon his forehead. It seems that the two were serving time in the same jail when a situation allowing them to come into contact with each other occurred. - Tue, 31 Oct 2006 1:22pm
Hang the DJ
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I'm bored so I'm gonna write nothing - Thu, 9 Nov 2006 8:46pm
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No Comment is a comment, Bring back the rope. - Sat, 2 Dec 2006 8:13am
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Willem , I miss you. What up nigga? - Wed, 20 Dec 2006 3:59pm
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As a mother of a now 17 year old - I spent a lot of energy making sure he was not molested in his lifetime. Some of the time that meant I was overally protective and paranoid but better safe that sorry. I have always said that if anyone ever did mess with my kid it's a pretty simple solution. They would be dead. End of story. Put ME in jail...not him for 2 years and then let him out again. You CAN'T fix it. And now that I am a Customs Officer and have seen child porn first hand and found a guy that was coming up here to have sex with a 13 year old - it only reinforces my beliefs. I am not saying kill them - I am just saying that would be my response in regards to my child. I am all for putting them in general population in jail - they shouldn't have extra rights because they like to have sex with children.

I also think that things like the internet that make child porn so accessible has created a whole new breed of pedophiles that wouldn't normally seek it out. But because these chat rooms and porn is so available it caused a whole new segment of society to start acting out fantasies and such. I am all for free speach and everything - but there has to be some social responsibility and using the whole "I was molested when I was a kid" line doens't hold much weight for me.

Anyways...that's my blah blah blah on that - Sat, 23 Dec 2006 12:28pm
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They say, single mothers are the more succeptable to child molesters- of their children- than married women.

I witnessed just recently, a trial that dealt with a former, 'now cured' child molester, who had spent two years in jail for committing sex-related violations against children in Ontario, during the trial the accused was alleged, and then plead guilty to sex-crimes relating a single-mothers, son who at the age of 13 was 'diddled' by the decrepid old bugger in the late '90's.

It was said, that the woman had an abundance of trust in this man she had taken into her house, to play and act the role of a 'father figure', but instead, used alcohol, drugs, porn and money to lure her son into 'playing his game'. While the mother was at work. And all the meanwhile in separate incidences the 'T.V.' was on..

What a creepy bugger... (Anyhow.)

But still, from his previous conviction (of 2 years) and being out of jail and out of trouble, since 2002, that he received a small fine of $500, to cover the costs of some of the psychological appointments the now adult was faced with after being molested.

The Judge, seemed to be faced with a difficult task herself, in seeing that this man had, paid 'a suitable fine' for his actions.

All the meanwhile, I was thinking, how much this person, had committed this act on someone who was that much younger and naive- the judge would let someone like this go, even if he had already served time 'in between' for something he'd been convicted of; and brought through court system in Ontario, after the fact he'd already committed this on this one other person prior to- when he was in his early teens- here in Victoria.

NOT GOOD ENOUGH! - Sat, 23 Dec 2006 6:10pm Edited: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 6:17pm
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In some parts of the the United States they give all sex offenders that are out on parole a shot once a week called depoprovera which makes them impotent. Most of you gals out there know that it is mainly used in Canada as a birth control you get every 3 months or used for alot of cancer patients. If they are finding it effective there why the fuck aren't we doing it hear. I'm all for the slice and dice but the bottom line is we are apperently to fuckin nice Then I say give them a drug that makes them have permenent shrink dink. Although I know if anything like that ever happened to my girl it would be slice and dice and leave him for dead!!! - Sat, 13 Jan 2007 12:58am Edited: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 1:04am
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well first off they are not finding it effective, mainly the idea is used as a threat, and most people committing seriouse crimes don't think they will be caught in the first place... rates of molestation have not decreased with the use of casteration (chemical or physical), so obviousely it dose not work... we need solutions that do work.
Capital punishment don't work either, both cause it dose not decrease the rates of sexual assault, and cause we can not trust a corrupt system enough to give them the right to kill people... When we do we find the innocent being killed for unrealated shit (socail actavists for example) while the guilty still often get off (excuse the pun) especailly if they are wealthy or in positions of power (cops, judges, politicains)
The idea of saying pedos don't deserve extra rights so we should put them in gen pop, has a flaw... the right to life is a gauranteed constitutional right, any prisioner whos life is in danger has the right to be put in protection regardeless of the crime...
The jail system simply dose not work, I also fear if we were to put pedos in jails together with other inmates we may see a familliar pattern occure after a while... In many cases people that got to jail for one crime come out with the skills to commit way more crimes... This is what Peter Kropotkin called crime schools... Again jail dose not work, the reason is jails do not reform, or prevent crime, they foster it, and are designed to punish crime... We need to switch focus to some form of prevention... Better education programs for children about sex and abuse at younger ages would probably help, communication courses with parrents and children would help, as well as parents taking a course to recognize behavior of a pedophile or of children exposed to pedos, so that if their kids are getting molested they can see it sooner and stop the process. Most kids (I think it was 90%) know their attacker, most of the time this goes on for a while, and the parrent(s) tend to not recognize the signs (tommy dose not want to be alone with uncle allan) or even choose to not see those signs even often disbelieving the child if they are told, here is the real problem.
Also if some one was to realize that there was some thing wrong with themselves, that they were arroused by children or had thought about sex with children, there is nothing for them to do. If they go talk to some one they are lible to end up in jail... if they see a shink even... so where can they go for help? No where, instead they are more likely to become more reclusive, or to seek out help on the internet, where from what I have read there is sopose to be groups of pedophile advocates that beleive some crap about what they are doing is right and even good, cause they are teaching children about sex, and soposedly they think this shit is natural. Infact I have a sneeking sospition that many cops that track down child porn and pedos are actually people that like child porn themselves and are trying to cope with that by doing their part to try and stop pornographers while still getting to look at CP. Whith no where to turn to for help, pedos are more likely to either turn to each other, or to self loathing, starting to become abusive to themselves, which in turn may cause them to indulge further in the destructive behavior as we have seen with drug addictions and eating disorders... In otherwords, because they look at CP, they may think they are sick, and abuse so they may become more depressed and look at more child porn.and get worse, maybe eventailly making the move from observer to predator. They may also try to distance themselves from others, feeling like a monster, this reclusive behavior can lead to them feeling alienated, and then they turn back to the cp even more, more time alone now cause they have lesser attachment to society, as well as their socail interactions being decreased will cause a decrease in compassion and feeling for others... making them more dangerouse.
I don't know the answers, but stats show stiffer (excuse the pun) penalties don't work as rates of sexual assault don't decrease where penalties are worse, as we can also see in many other types of crime. sterilization/casteration don't seam to work either, and either dose the death penalty... Infact in many cases crime rates go up in places with the death penalty...
jailing all together seams to be a failed system, as do the courts and police.... shit I wouldn't be surprised if half the cp out there is put up by child porn cops. More and more these pigs keep coming out about being pedos themselves, and that just the ones that talk about it...
the only things I can see that may work are better education for kids, and parrents, as well as perhapse chil porn addiction hotlines, or some thing like that where people that are becoming arroused by children can seek help with out going to jail... have real therapists in contact with them, maybe that might be a start? - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 10:27am
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Here's one that those worthless 'commie' sleezebags 'Mofo' and 'Kyle' ('No pun intended' -If there was some form of proof to go back in time when LORDPATCH was creating online terror @ Li>e>ic) both these assholes would've definitely blushed @

Kyle and Mofo..

(What pig dousche bagz those guys were.) - Fri, 19 Jan 2007 9:13pm Edited: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 9:15pm
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Wow. You're either in the running for "International Most Talented Internet Troll 2007" and looking good for a place in the top three or you're batshit crazy.

Either way, incredible. Truly incredible. - Sat, 20 Jan 2007 5:10pm Edited: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 5:24pm
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'Incredulous', k'nacker don't you know what the fuck you're saying schmaltzer? 'Troll', that's nice, laheim, thankx for reading my material, now kindly, tell us why you were 'pat-trolling' my writing- then dragging it back here, and receiving 'no-response' to this post..?

What's even more 'incredulous', ~mr. incredible putz?(Quit schmaltzing around here if you can't get a single outside reply to one of my posts or even better yet, you schmuck- leave a direct post to the link you're reading, (you fucken' schlmiel) 'face to face', otherwise? you'll be no more of a meshugah manzer than your stippleling licks-spittle bullspit,here trying to Host du bie mir an avleh! Oi veh! - Tue, 23 Jan 2007 8:04pm
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Are you calling me out?

God, that makes me feel 17 again. Thanks. - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 4:03pm
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Calling you out?

No, more like you calling me out, "Are you calling me out?" Mazel Toff!

You got a lotta' chutzpah Gman. Too bad you're only packin' a petselah though, faigelah. - Wed, 24 Jan 2007 4:16pm
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Whatever, zany guy! - Thu, 25 Jan 2007 3:21pm
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