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Sunday Morning rants and raves
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > Sunday Morning rants and raves
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First off, let me make this clear, anything said is no slant on Nev, Scott, Sati the mods or anyone involved in the creation or maintenance of this site.

I'm gonna ramble, I do so because I started using this site when it first started so feel entitled to do so!

This site was, is? could be again, easily one of the best laid out, all inclusive and easily navigated sites of it's type in Canada. I know in the past it was a place to easily sell gear, and a whack of local bands got together off this board, as well there was for the most part pretty decent discussion based around music and the scene. And Jay's cock of course too!
Yes there were wars and battles but most at the root were based in peoples passions for their music. Basically it was a great resource and a needed resource for local musicians and such.

Now as I see it, there is no reason the resource is not needed anymore, if anything with the internet having taken over now, it's time that Live Vic could be a super asset to the scene and community in general.

There is so much shit going on in this city but this website has kind of become well the drunk Uncle at a wedding.
I personally would like to see this change, and it easily could. I am not a fan of banning, or gagging, but it's time to clean house. let's take this board back, relaunch it and make it what it could and should be, a valuable resource and promotional website!!!

So yes I am gonna attack Grim, not to be a dick , I said before we share many friends, but Grim, if you were my friend I would help you get your shit together or have no time for you.
I am not a lisenced shrink, but I do know people, I could tear you apart, but why bother. In a nutshell, get some help, really. You are depressed and lonely, you need to talk to a doctor, probably need SSRI's and I think really need some more intensive counselling.
Your Hitler statements although like a 8 year olds' plea for attention are simply not acceptable, not appreciated and as far as I am concerned more then fair reason to permanently remove you from using this board.
I am not singling you out, you did that yourself.
Smarten up peeps, lets make this place worth visitng, make it a resource not a playground....I know I could use a good local scene page for promo, gear trades, networking, setting up shows, finding players..Oh wait a minute..... - Sun, 16 May 2010 10:19am
Mr. Hell
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What made this board great were the people. Those people don't bother posting here any more for a variety of reasons.

Tear it down and start over. - Sun, 16 May 2010 12:23pm
trevor corey
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I love Sunday mornings - Sun, 16 May 2010 12:57pm
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This board is like my dad's truck. It's old, rusty, barely runs, fraught with problems, and pestered by a gremlin named grimlord. - Sun, 16 May 2010 5:17pm
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Agreed, more moderation is definitely required, perhaps even a code of conduct for the board. - Sun, 16 May 2010 5:19pm
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it's true, this place used to be entertaining but now it just gives me a headache. - Sun, 16 May 2010 5:57pm
You Enjoy Myself
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I strongly agree with Laprider. To point some fingers, Grim and Trevor Corey have pretty much destroyed what used to be a decent community. You guys hop into almost every single thread and spout off with some useless comments that don't add anything to the discussion, and certainly don't help anyone (To be fair, maybe 2% of TC's posts are helpful/insightful).

I've been on these boards for the past 5 years, and I've seen them deteriorate over that time. I was so excited when I first moved to Victoria and found a site like this. Like Mr. Hell said, it was the community (people) that made this place great, and if the rest of that community is like me, they don't come around or post as often because they're sick of seeing threads filled with pointless, annoying, useless posts from the same 2 people.

Like others have said, I think there needs to be more moderation and if people aren't adding to a discussion or helping, they should be banned. Get rid of the trash and let the community thrive again. - Sun, 16 May 2010 9:12pm
trevor corey
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I'll gladly post 98% less if you all think it will help this site. - Sun, 16 May 2010 9:45pm
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Yep, it's pretty sad what's happened around here. I keep coming back hoping that it's improved, but yeah, it's gotten pretty low. I've met some really good people here, and in our industry networking is just about the only way to get things done. Until recently, LiveVic was the place to do it.

I certainly wouldn't recommend LiveVictoria to any young, upcoming artists, I think this place would destroy them.

Speaking of destroying people, where's Jeff? - Sun, 16 May 2010 9:50pm
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Laprider said it well said and I completely agree.

This site needs more moderation.

My suggestions for the mods:
-Have a sticky post stating what the forum rules are.
-give enough people mod status to enforce them.
-Posts with offensive content get deleted immediately.
-Off topic posts are moved to the proper section right away.
-IP addresses of people who can’t respect the rules get banned.

If the current software doesn't allow these things, move to a platform that does. This is how other pubic posting sites work - why not here? - Sun, 16 May 2010 9:57pm
Above the knee
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I would STILL strongly suggest this site to anyone looking to put something together. My band Reaver would not exist if it were not for this site. It is an invaluable to tool to someone like me who just moved to Victoria and did not know ANYBODY but was determined to put a project together. Now when it comes to the board, yeah there is some truly stupid shit on here... - Sun, 16 May 2010 10:20pm
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cool I'm glad bands are still forming off of here.
I still think banter and all that is great, but a focus on music is a little more suited.

T/C, he's cool, he just old stoned and bored like me...if you look at his past he actually is a huge supporter of music and always points out upcoming shows and that.

I still wish Jeff would come back so we could start another Perish thread, so maybe I'm a hypocrite?

It's a great site, sure there are slicker ones I'm sure, but it's rare to find a non genre specific site that has as broad a range of info as you can actually find on here.

now you kids hit yer stix - Sun, 16 May 2010 11:25pm
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Shit man, I thought the whole point was to toughen up the thin-skinned emo kids! :P

Seriously tho, Victoria's music scene has always been kinda frangmented and cliquey, and bands often act like they're in competition with each other. . . . and LiveVic is the school-yard where the fights happen. Sometimes people go a bit far, especially attacking people on a personal level.

It wouldn't have to be that way, if people showed a bit more respect. Some of the shit here is just embarrasing. - Mon, 17 May 2010 10:59am
Mr. Hell
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I love the competition thing. It's completely absurd. I see that these days and have to laugh because the only people who know of this competition are the 11 year old minds that perpetuate it. - Mon, 17 May 2010 2:16pm
Above the knee
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I would imagine that the competition thing extends to many cities beyond our own though... or maybe because it is smaller here it accentuates things? - Mon, 17 May 2010 3:21pm
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nah, I think that the scene in general is 100 times more tolerant of each other...way back it was brutal, real violence happened, you dug your stuff and that was that.
I go to any kind of gig, and always feel welcome there...I think that there's so much crossover in music now people are much more willing to try something out of their comfort zone.

come to my show, it's in the upcoming sex. below, I'd like to think my tunes would have crossover appeal. - Mon, 17 May 2010 3:30pm
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I don't have a problem with moving this to C+Q with all the finger-pointing that's going on.

The site is fine and Nev does a lot of work on it. It's been around for a long time now. The show listings section is the most comprehensive and active in Victoria. The message board is fine and works great. Nev is always open to suggestions as well.

I agree that certain users have a knack for posting a lot and posting wildly inappropriate things.

About some of the comments - there was a sticky post with forum rules in "General", I'm not sure what happened to that. The approach has always been to treat everyone like adults. I don't think we want to treat this like a police task force or anything. Not every forum is managed in the same way. I maintain a board ( ) that some of the super-super-niche spillover in the punk/hardcore scene have gone to.

But, a final word, I'm a guy that Nev knows and trusts to help out. I'm not a voice of authority on Livevictoria or any new plans for it. There is a board called Site / Board Related, maybe you could take a constructive and totally civilized discussion there. - Wed, 19 May 2010 5:37am
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One or two users have ruined this site........ Come on.

I never even knew about this site till Mr.Hell told me there was a bunch of people talking shit about me(never logged on this site before).So I come on here and sure as shit there is.

Livevic made me this way from the first time I ever looked at it.I try and be cool with people and they just attack me from all sides.So I can take it and dish it out,if you can't then.....well sorry about your damn luck.

I used this board to form a band too,it is very helpful to the music community and I thank all that work so hard on keeping this a "speak your mind" web site.

laprider, think I am anything like I am on here in real life.....come on, really.How naive are you.
If you don't like what I have to say,be it negative or stupid.Don't read it then.....But you always do......

I have nothing against anyone on this site(with a few exceptions)and have always enjoyed the reads on here.Sometimes it looks like it could use a little up lift in the action department so...I post some really controversial stuff to get the excitement going again.And If you read it right,you would know that I am never serious about what I say on here,in this section and in the general . Some people these days are just way too anal.Like how A.D.H.D is now contributed to pesticide use on our fruits and vege's.Who the fuck made up this adhd anyways,when I was a kid it was called imagination.And if peronts where allowed to discipline there kids like we used to,these kids would pay attention out of fear,yup fear was a good deterrent and it worked for thousands of years.Now Kids with no father figure in there lives are not giving them the right discipline.So there is no consequence to there actions,so they don't give a shit what happens."I don't need to pay attention in school cuz nothing will happen to me if I don't." That is A.D.H.D.....yes I am saying it's the parents fault.

WOW I whent off there a little bite......So
Having my own opinion is root for me getting help.I just think you don't have the guts to say what you like and single me out cuz I can......and yes you did single me out.I have always respected what you have to say laprider,but this time I am starting to think you are like those I pick on ,you believe everything I say.

And like T/C said if it would help I could only post something once a month or so......Like I have done for the last few months....did it help not at all.In fact I bet ya less people frequent this site if they see I haven't posted in a while.
Okay that sounded a little narcissistic.
I would never hack on a legitimate band that can back up what they say with there big mouths.

Yup this hole site is going down cuz of me and T/C.....Give your heads a shake..... - Wed, 19 May 2010 10:38am Edited: Wed, 19 May 2010 10:47am
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I agree that some of the things that Gromlord posts on here can be a bit on the inappropriate side at times, but on the other hand there isn't anything too outrageous. In addition, he has the good manners to confine such postings to C&Q and General threads, so it's not like he is messing up peoples threads looking for shows, band mates, gear etc., so no harm no foul right? I've also noticed that there aren't many other postings in either of these sections unless Grimand TC are the ones posting them. I don't always like what Grim has to say, but I don't get all bent out of shape about it, like the man said, if you don't like it, don't read it.

~Keeping the world safe from democracy.

P.S. I totally agree with all that shit what Grim said about ADHD being the fault of the parents and society's adoption of pansy, hippie, don't disciline your kids parenting techniques. - Wed, 19 May 2010 4:33pm
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Holy fuck'n shit......Doc. agrees with me......(looks out window to see if pigs are flying)....And on more then one point I made... (picks up phone and calls hell to see if frozen) I..I think that's a first for me.....and it's quite refreshing.

So I guess I went a little overboard with the whole Hitler thing......?

And I have a sad cuz Dio is dead. - Wed, 19 May 2010 5:20pm Edited: Wed, 19 May 2010 5:23pm
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Obviously Grimlord, your time is up. You won't be banned, but things will be different. I told Nev I'd warned you a couple of times (didn't he once as well?) and you seemed to get the hint for a while, but we should have made it more formal and contacted you directly.

And to everyone else, the reason why we let this slide for so long is because as was mentioned, not as many of you have really been contributing too much of anything on here. People post in music-related topics and they're not responded to or they're shot down with some sarcastic comment - not all the time, but even once is enough to taint things. You know making the board work is a give and take kind of deal. If people don't feel a pulse or some kind of indication that they might be welcome and encouraged here, they certainly won't bother responding to your posts, or coming back again for that matter.

We actually need people on here who'll help "welcome" newcomers - anyone up for it? I know we haven't formalized these types of things.. perhaps we've all been too cool for that. :)

Plus when talk about the board comes up, the majority of the remarks are negative, so that doesn't exactly make US anxious to make the board a priority over the rest of the sites. This is the first time in a long time that it sounded like any of you... cared. sniff.
I know you guys would rather here from Nev on this, but I just wanted to put in my 2 cents. I'm here working on the sites all the time by the way, nice to meet you. - Wed, 19 May 2010 6:11pm Edited: Wed, 19 May 2010 6:15pm
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So......are you slapping me on the wrist .If you all think I'm getting out of control...just email me......pluss there has been way worse users then me on here, tormenting people's privet lives ,and you all where told of it and nothing was done about the situation,except give one of his victims a warning.I don't know what was done on the other end of it,but it persisted for many months after.It's all good now thou.Had to change a lot of my contact info online and in real life. - Wed, 19 May 2010 7:28pm Edited: Wed, 19 May 2010 7:28pm
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Are you referring to Yesser outing you as a closet homosexual? - Fri, 21 May 2010 3:09pm
The Professor
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Wow, this is actually a pretty good thread. Fairly reasonable and thought out, especially compared to many I've seen over the years.

I realize that certainly juvenile behavior on this board is not limited to Grimlord, or T/C. I also realize that it does stimulate plenty of activity. While I commend the intent of trying to stir things up to keep the board active, it's not the kind of activity that serves the purposes we built this site for.

I think our moderaters do a great job of following the standards we've set out, which has basically been that if it isn't harrasing a user trying to start a band, or sell gear, let it stay. However, I think it's time to revise that policy somewhat.

Posts that don't have a purpose beyond getting a rise out of others don't fit the mandate of this site and I don't think they reflect well on the people that use it. As such, we will be instructing our mods to remove posts that are needlessly negative or offensive and have nothing to do with music, or our community.

Grimlord's Hitler thread was a classic example of the kind of thread that we don't need on here. There was nothing positive, or even really amusing, that was going to come out of that. It wasn't relevant to anything that had happened I have deleted it. In the future that's the kind of thread that should just be removed before someone comes along and justifies it with a response. - Fri, 21 May 2010 10:50pm
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Tushay........I felt bad for posting it anyway.Sorry for all the controversy,but it seems you found somethings to work on on here.I will try and handle my self with a little more cooth in the future. - Sat, 22 May 2010 8:46am
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. - Sun, 23 May 2010 8:43pm
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Now I could understand people wanting to get rid of me...but T/C.

Don't let all these anal cunts mess with your head T/C.
I know you feel like never posting on here cuz someone single us out.But then "they" win...Yup Laprider you have become a "they".But if you where one of "them", there might be hope for you. - Sun, 23 May 2010 11:52pm
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Grim, it speaks worlds about your mindset if you think there is a "them" against "you" attitute on this site.
You could try for positive attention rather than just trolling. How about using some of your electronics knowledge and answering some questions instead of posting just for the sake of attention whoring?
Cheers, Lucius - Mon, 24 May 2010 7:37am
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The grimlord has got no learnings for people.I is toopid remember . - Mon, 24 May 2010 9:05am
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yah grim.. keep your whoring to craigslist...

in regards to the recent debate over proper posting ettiquette .. etc..

I think you should just get rid of the q&c section all together.. make it the trash can.

all it does is promote q&c.. people post with the intent of getting the thread moved to q&c..

take quick peak at the most frequent posters in the q&c section and I think you'll be able to identify those users who arent contributing positively to this service.

have a good day. - Mon, 24 May 2010 9:29am
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WWhaaaaahhh! wwhaaaaaaahhh!

Does didums need a bah bah..... - Mon, 24 May 2010 10:07am
Mike S
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I miss El Fuckfaceo - Mon, 24 May 2010 11:08am
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Anyone going to watch the Hab's loose today?

My predictions where way off.

No cup for Canada. - Mon, 24 May 2010 11:19am
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Seriously though.. what does this board need with a Q&C section.. besides a place for McVandal/Grimlard/the PIxies and TC to post in? - Mon, 24 May 2010 12:48pm
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Now you're just being gay.

you post here too asshole.

Now why don't you go stick your keyboard up your ass and fuck off.Ya bunch of hypocrites. - Mon, 24 May 2010 12:57pm Edited: Mon, 24 May 2010 12:59pm
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I think everyone takes this section/board a little too personally... if you cant see that, and take EVERYTHING literally, then you must be a real pain in the arse in person.
This includes EVERYONE here(myself included on occasion, when i decide to post). Not just Grim./TC/Chopper/Pixies etc... (your in that batch too steve).

And as for all these psyc. evaluations people give out... get real people. you honestly think that most people act the way they type/write on the internet?
Its easy to say "hey, fuck face... your band sux, and your a piece of shit"... but in reality, that same person doesn't have the balls to say it face to face in fear of the consequences. So just let them go at it, give them a section to stay in and bicker... and leave it at that.

Id be happy to welcome in any newcomer to this board, and I actively promote it to newer bands/musicians who are looking for other like minded musicians or bands... This IS a great resource if used properly, but sadly like the rest of the internet, its nearly impossible. - Mon, 24 May 2010 3:48pm
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Yeah I do post in here.. But I dont actively try and get my post Q/C'd or start threads in here. I'll add my two cents to the discussion and call Grim a 'tard.

If every thread that was in the q/c forum was gone.. I think newcomers would be a little more interested in sticking around. - Mon, 24 May 2010 4:12pm
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You really shouldn't be out walking around without your helmet on.Like what goes on in this section really effects the music community in Victoria.If anything I hope it would inspire them in some way.Plus if it dose"effect them",then these people should give up music altogether. - Mon, 24 May 2010 9:59pm Edited: Mon, 24 May 2010 9:59pm
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Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
—Martin Luther King, Jr. - Tue, 25 May 2010 4:23am
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Sure what goes on here really has no effect on the music community.. agreed.. but you're stupid post about hitler in the general chit chat section could really turn someone who potentially could have a positivity effect(unlike you, as stated by pretty much everyone, even your friends) on this site off.

I just dont see where the q/c forum fits in the plan and direction of this site...

I am sorry if my opinion makes you believe that they may remove the q/c forum thereby leaving you with nowhere to waste your life. - Tue, 25 May 2010 10:19am Edited: Tue, 25 May 2010 10:20am
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I personally think that if mod's keep up on moving or deleting any undesirable or unbecoming threads then it'll be fine...
Grim will be Grim.... go to any messageboard and you'll find a troll or 10.

and as for you mr.laprider, you can be just as guilty of not being very sincere to a band... take the perish for example... Im sure EVERYONE that's been in a band has wanted to open for led zepplin(or whoever your heroes are); did I take them seriously? HELL NO... would I go see a Perish show, nope. But you kept on them being extremely sarcastic and not very friendly. I know you offered your money up for a show, but even I could see the facetious intent. In some ways I applaude the perish for not really caring what others have to say. Yet all you could also focus on was the "delusional" or "psychotic" behavior... tell me, are you a studied and educated psychiatrist?
However, mr.laprider; I am sure you have helped the music scene here more than enough and can probably*(hopefully objectively, any message board shouldn't be taken personally) see my point. - Tue, 25 May 2010 10:37am
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...but why do we need a forum for 'undesirable/unbecoming/grim' threads?

this is a music related message board.. or was..... - Tue, 25 May 2010 11:21am
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Wow, for the most part I would have to say this is the most intelligence I've seen on here for a while.

I want to clarify my stance on a couple of things and when hopefully I can walk away from this discussion having maybe started something that will have a rock down a hill type effect.

To be sure, I thought I was pretty clear no slag or slant on anyone with this site ie Nev, Scott Sati the mods et al.
Like I said this IS one of the best laid out most comprehensive site of it's kind I have come accross.
I'd just like to see more MUSIC less BS

JI you are 100% correct, guilty as charged, however in my defense, I believe my "diagnoses" in Grim and Jeff's cases was pretty spot on.
Grim I am not trying to demean you, pick on come on here and post that Hitler crap, what did you seek attention in an inappropriate manner end of story, doesn't mean I think you are the worst person /loser on the face of the earth...some people tell me you are actually a sensitive caring guy, I have no problem seeing that in you.
I left out T/C because I know he supports this scene immensely, knows where to draw the line and I know from personal experience he is a stand up guy, end of story.

Jeff, I was at the original Perish show at the theater...shitty actually the worst "concert" I have ever scene, BUT one of The MOST entertaining nights of theater for me ever...and I work in theater so have seen a lot!
He was dillusional end of story, I know and have been production manager on many arena shows, he woulda never coulda booked save on..FACT!
The real motive behind my still standing offer to finance a Perish show...OK truth Greed, I knew I would have turned a profit on it, end of story, sorry this is the business I am in.

I know many still use this great site but just stay off the board, again call me a hypocrite because I miss looking at Jay Browns cock, wish Dustinrentsnorterjak would post again, miss the killer deals I used to get in the gear section and miss some of the great debates gear talks boywars that took place here.

If the music came first, all the BS would be a lot easier to take with a grain of salt.

does anyone win an internet agurement no
Can you take anything on the net seriously no
will every board have trolls yes

this board will be what WE make it, in how we use it.

Think about it though, killer musician , moves to town, ready to network, pops on this livevic he's heard about and the first thing he sees is some ramble about Hitlers good you think they would go further.

thank you...I am no better or worse then anyone... thank you, goodnite! - Tue, 25 May 2010 12:56pm
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If they took me seriously..? Maybe not,but who in the hell would.Dirty hippie anal fux.That's who.......I am sick of the you can't say/do this cuz it will offend someone of a certen type.Fuck rock/hard rock/metal )is all about rebelling and saying whats on your mind.I think rock/hard rock/metal would never be so popular or a way of life for so many people, if we all just give in to the pussy ass's. The Hitler thing I admitted right away that it was not a good idea.And I had a disclaimer.The fact is, it was in poor taste,my bad.But there are only so many things that will generate such upheaval.And lets face it...It couldn't get anymore defaming for me on here. - Tue, 25 May 2010 1:18pm
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Graeme, Dr. Wes and I have decided we are taking you under our wings. WE will teach you to smoke Like a man, Like good Dads we will also be taking you to see a Madame of the night,
after some intensive "therapy" "sessions" will have you drinking hipster coffee riding around on a bike with no gears or brakes singing Burt Bacharach songs to the streets of Vic in No time...we both hold High hopes for the future! - Tue, 25 May 2010 1:44pm
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Gold thread is gold! - Tue, 25 May 2010 1:49pm
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Ha ha ha ...sounds good, ha ha ha hhhhaayyy wait a minute! - Tue, 25 May 2010 4:23pm
Mike S
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. - Tue, 25 May 2010 5:00pm
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Come on ....that's not the real perish. Is that you mikeS

If that was the real perish ...they would have send there alien minions to collect my body for some rock and roll research.But sadly ..the perish are not coming for anyone at the moment. - Tue, 25 May 2010 6:32pm Edited: Tue, 25 May 2010 6:33pm
Hang The DJ
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I feel bad now for starting "Lost keys" haha... I stopped going on Livevic because it did lose whatever it had before.. It used to be more active.. I blame facebook.... and maybe booze, but booze is my friend... - Wed, 26 May 2010 7:33pm
TheBlack Pixie
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First of all.

I would really like to see the C&Q section torn down. I only visit it to see when people are dragging my name through the mud. Like in this thread, yes I have had my share of bullshit posts on here, but I came to this site seven years ago for show promotion, reviews and up and coming bands. I wish people would pore the energy into what they post in C&Q into posting show reviews, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and helpful promotion and ideas about how to improve the music scene.

Once again, I would like to state that I am not included the "Pixies" category you have blasted in this thread. They spawned from my display name, which unfortunately happens to be the name I go under for promotion purposes.

Also I want to defend Trever Core. He is a valued supporter of the music scene and does not deserve to be accused for what is wrong with LiveVic. We have all posted bullshit on here, but not all of us are as dedicated as TC to the vic music scene.

Cheers - Tue, 1 Jun 2010 11:55am
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"Also I want to defend Trever Core. He is a valued supporter of the music scene and does not deserve to be accused for what is wrong with LiveVic. We have all posted bullshit on here, but not all of us are as dedicated as TC to the vic music scene."

I support our music scene just as much as the next person, by going to shows buying merch etc... how does that affect what goes on here? It doesn't.
There IS a need for this section, as you can see from the other sections*(which have cleaned up and are relevant to music... or something non-offensive)... I think the mods need to keep on doing what they do, everything will be fine.
If they dont wanna keep on moving posts around, then automate it.
We've certainly all posted our fair share of BS, and I've used this board since 2001 through the various band(s) I've been in. But I also acknowledge that its hard to run a site(pro-bono) and keep everyone happy. If this section goes, then I garantee this messageboard will follow suit... trolls are everywhere. - Tue, 1 Jun 2010 1:24pm
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I support too.I got to shows when I can.I have been into playing and gigging since I was a young lad.But mostly I have gone to shows(over the years, 1000+ local bands shows).Punk ,Rock,Metal,Industrial you name it.To bad I can't remember much of them do to drinking way to much.

I just think that most users rants are directed at me in particular.I say stupid things and make hurtful statements.If that makes me a troll then so be it.You are entitled to your own opinion as am I.Persona as the grimlord practicably took form on this very site,and has been the laugh of everyone on here.I couldn't use the name in the seeking musicians section or any other, cuz no one would ever take me, as a musician seriously.My fault entirely.
But that's not at all what I am really about as a person.I love the local music seen and have big ideas for how to keep the community alive and co-productive.For I truly believe that together ,we can do anything. Except open for Led Zeppelin at the Save on. I think that sites like this are an awesome source for musicians and provide a detrimental service to the musical society.And I would like to say thanks to all of you who work on this site,and if it wasn't for you ,lots of bands, including the one I'm in would find it a lot harder to connect.Keep up the good work and thank you.

I think we all should say thank you.Maybe we could all get together and put on a liveVic appreciation concert or something ? Not a new idea but....What you think? - Tue, 1 Jun 2010 2:13pm Edited: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 2:31pm
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I think you still wouldn't get leid, and I also think Mr Hell is old. - Tue, 1 Jun 2010 7:09pm
Messages Posted:

I love it when a plan comes together....

Give me music or give me death.

I could get laid anytime I wont....

".....Yeah,your had doesn't count ....." I know what you will say before you say it - Tue, 1 Jun 2010 7:14pm
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Well played, young grassmoker - Tue, 1 Jun 2010 8:12pm
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Free Craiglist blowies count, but you can't even get that figured out. - Tue, 1 Jun 2010 10:26pm
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This is there point exactly......see how a perfectly good thread deteriorates with just a few post bye the grimlord and TrevCor. - Wed, 2 Jun 2010 5:58pm
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. - Wed, 2 Jun 2010 10:33pm
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I am very much in agreement with the "More Music, Less Bullshit" sentiment, and the suggestion to get rid of Q&C. There is some funny stuff in there sometimes, but more often than not its really just a lot of horrible crap.

Even when I started using the site a few years ago there were lots of shows being talked about, or people putting on shows and looking for bands and what not. 2 of my last 3 bands were formed on here.

Its pretty sad that DAJ's ridiculous rants get all kinds of replies, yet the new bands putting their stuff up to get some feedback go completely unnoticed, and hardly anyone reviews the smaller shows in town anymore.

It would be nice to see this place really become the home of Victoria's music scene the way it should be. On my bass player's forum there are all kinds of people going "Hey where should I look for a band / good used gear, etc" and I say "don't you have a local music scene website like we do?" .. but they don't. We're privileged, but we're neglecting what we've got.

I still recommend this site to people, and I would love to have a part in welcoming people and trying to make something happen here again like I know it can. - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 1:13am
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This web site had people is hacking me down even before I when on it.Pearce was calling me a washed up nobody,and thet I suck at singing.....He never even heard me.Anyways...........I still come here.Music is always going to have assholes and goofs associated with it.And If someone new comes on here, and see a flame war or someone getting the gears for there sound.And then they get scared and leave.You will have a hard time in the music bizz, for it can eat you up and spit you out with that mind set. - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 10:02am
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True, there WILL always be assholes and goofs in music .. it would just be nice if the goofiness and assholery was actually related to furthering the music and not just random crap. - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 10:29am
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"And If someone new comes on here, and see a flame war or someone getting the gears for there sound.And then they get scared and leave.You will have a hard time in the music bizz, for it can eat you up and spit you out with that mind set."

Are you serious? The music bizz? Come on man, most of us here dont really know what its like in at the big show... and even at the big show level, im sure it still hurts when someone you dont know says your terrible at what you do. You weren't exactly happy when someone said you were a hack-no talent singer... how'd you think you would last in "the music bizz"?

I agree with you, Saint, but I think the site needs the C&Q to relegate the BS... otherwise it'll float into the regular forums... Im sure it would help*(getting rid of C&Q) to keep the offensive posts down; but you'll still have the flame wars, and as of late I see most of the flaming in C&Q which is nice.
I think what's needed is a fresh eyes on marketing the site... I know the webmaster(s) here work pro-bono; how about some of us do some work in return, as a thank you to the creator(s), for making the site better?
I would be happy to carry/drop off hand pamphlets or cards to places or people letting them know, or maybe putting on a series of "" shows?(all benefits go to paying for the hosting of this site? or maybe further development?)... - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 11:14am
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........furthermore, sources show that most flute players have never shoved their flute into any part of their bodies, despite the line about it in American Pie. - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 12:05pm
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When I say "music bizz" I mean local level stuff.Cuz most people here are just starting out or are just doing it for the fun fact of doing it,with hopes of some kind of monetary gain.The thing is you get well known before you really make any money at it,thanks the the internet,you could have thousands of fans before you even release an album.

And did I not just suggest that we all get together and put on a benefit show for liveVic......?

It's a good idea......and it would show that we still care about the music and this site ,instead of all the crap.
Come on people ...lets do it. I will help in anyway possible.
Is anyone else interested? - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 12:31pm
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We could have a Cool-Aid stand - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 1:37pm
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I think I can speak for Year of the Rat when I say that we would definitely be into this. - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 4:30pm
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Turk and the Rat!

I saw Steve B. on tv.
It was cool - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 6:28pm
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Just make q/c the garbage.. mods move stuff here all the time.. instead it should just go in the garbage..

a live vic show would be rad! - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 8:00pm
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So far the line up is

Year of the Rat
some sort of Grimlord solo
and a Kool-Aid stand
I'll rent a cheese costume and dance if we can get the Perish to play.

SAVE LIVE VIC!!!! - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 9:28pm
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Maybe we could get Acorn Hell to play if there was a dancing hotdog? - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 10:25pm
Hang The DJ
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HOt FB chat

help me!!!!

how soÉ

theyre all a bunch of weenies

I might

just let the liquor do the typing - Thu, 3 Jun 2010 11:34pm
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WTF! - Fri, 4 Jun 2010 12:49am
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I'm sure I can think of a few other (good) bands who would almost definitely be down for this, should it actually materialize. - Fri, 4 Jun 2010 4:17pm
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Also, I highly recommend THIS band --

or at least the drummer :) - Fri, 4 Jun 2010 4:19pm
Aidan Logins
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I found my band, Cole Grifter, on here a couple of years ago.
And I have made many connections with people on Live Victoria that have resulted in gigs, recording, and all sorts of music related stuff- even starting a community artist-run record label (Cornerstone Collective Records). And my other band that was formed off this site is with a person that I met at the label I found through this site... It's been very helpful for me over the years, though now I don't make many posts because it seemed like I went from making a lot of music related posts to making a lot of bullshit related posts along with everyone else. Which got boring. I still check it all the time to see if there's any opportunities in the music sections. Not many these days, but it's worth it just for one when it comes up occaisionally. And, though I don't say much anymore, I do read most of the C&Q for a laugh.

What I'm saying is that I would be totally into playing at and helping put on Live Victoria support show. Or a few.

So now we need a venue. - Fri, 4 Jun 2010 5:40pm
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The idea of this coming to a reality is like the hand of the mighty rock-ah roll-ah split down and carved off the husk of the grim one.....

I love this idea.......

Come on ...the more the better.
What you say....????

@ saint......that has got to be, the best, assed wedding band drummer ever 10+. - Fri, 4 Jun 2010 11:21pm Edited: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 11:32pm
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Year of the Rat would totally open for that drummer -- not the rest of his band .. just him. Let's make it happen :)

In all seriousness, though .. let's make this happen. I work with Scott, and I can say he's one of the nicest guys around.. it would be pretty rad to do something like this for him and everyone else who works on this site, not to mention the music scene in general.

Cole Grifter would be another awesome band to get involved .. and if we can get someone involved to represent the metal community that would be great. I think a show like this should be full of variety representative of everyone that uses the site. - Sat, 5 Jun 2010 12:25pm
Aidan Logins
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To make the show more representative of the Live Victoria online community, the bands should be 70% metal, 10% indie-pop-rock-alt-whatever, and 19% metal that denies being metal, but instead insists you call it by some obscure genre name. 1% left out for other genres. - Sat, 5 Jun 2010 1:13pm
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I doesn't necessarily need to proportional ;) - Sat, 5 Jun 2010 9:12pm
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Well, proportionally speaking it would be more like 60% people standing around wishing they knew how to play or sing, then work your percentages from there. Just my 2 any change?? Cheers, Lucius - Mon, 7 Jun 2010 1:08pm
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