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So i said i wouldn't post in Q+C anymore but....
Message Board > Controversy and Quarantine > So i said i wouldn't post in Q+C anymore but....
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Codine Vandal
User Info...
we won the battle of the bands at the Cambie!!!! thought i'd just rub that in to all you haters out there. now who got the last laugh? even if my music is shitty it's better than what you are doing.Later Haters. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:42am
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oh man. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 2:43am
Aidan Logins
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I don't know what your band is (what is it? would like to hear it!) but I just felt compelled to let you know that the battle of the bands at the Cambie is the single lowest measure of how good a band is. My band did it once... First round- the other 3 bands didn't show up. We ended up just jamming and getting people out of the audience to play some of their music (Brett Frankson was there, Caroline Spence and Adam Basterfield...) just to try to keep the show going past 10:00. Anyways, needless to say we made it to round two. Round two... one band didn't show up. The other one really sucked. I mean REALLY. Round three we lost- a ska-dance band brought a huge crowd with them. No one we knew (these were our first shows) wanted to come to the Cambie again to see us play then sit through crap or nothingness. Ska band won- they were actually really good but I can't remember what they were called...

Anyways, my point is- don't judge yourself off the Cambie. Also, don't judge yourself off a battle of the bands. Most good (I should say experienced maybe) bands won't even play in "battle of the bands" style shows (some exceptions) because they are always ridiculous and most of the time it's just a way for promoters to only pay the band that brings the biggest crowd.
Best things to judge yourself by (if you really have to) are crowd response at your live shows and how well your fan base grows over time. If you came on here and said "We have tons of fans and they all cheered really loud and went crazy at our show at the Cambie" then I'd be like "cool, good for you."

What is your band? Mine is Cole Grifter. Check us out at (some songs off our debut album on the Media page). - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 7:53am
TheBlack Pixie
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Headline a show and tell me how many people you draw in...

then brag. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 8:38am
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I just puked in my mouth a little listening to that.

and good job on the win.....I will send you your hero cookie in the mail. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 9:33am
trevor corey
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"Lost Keys" has more hits than your band's myspace ever will.
Larf - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 10:23am
trevor corey
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C&Q - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 10:23am
Codine Vandal
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i'm not saying i measure our success by winning the cambie battle of the bands but it's a start,and all those drinking haterade can shut up.where's your band?what are you doing to further canadian music? our myspace will get more plays's only a matter of time.i have a famous producer mastering our upcoming album so it can't be terrible cuz he isn't charging me very much to do it. like i've said since the beginning,those are raw demos.some of the songs on our myspace have changed so they don't even sound like they do on the recordings now. we are gonna be releasing our "album"in february so hold off on all the negative feedback till you hear our actual songs,not rough demos and ideas.and yes i realized about 10 seconds after i posted i put Q+C isntead of C+Q,but i appreciate you pointing that out trevcor....i might also add we won and it was only our third show. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 12:36pm Edited: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 12:37pm
trevor corey
User Info...
I'm really not a hater.
I'm just yankin yer chain.
Although this is starting to sound like the Parish a bit. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 12:39pm
Codine Vandal
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sorry for the double post but our band is Hartless, Aiden,and we did have a fair number of people show up to each show.each night we played it it was about 150+ people and we were the only band there other than ice climbers to get people dancing and hanging around the stage,the other bands did well but the crowd wasn't responding. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 12:40pm
TheBlack Pixie
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I'll wish you good luck.

Don't take shots at people on this board in regards to there ability to judge music. We are all listeners, muscians, promoters and so on.

So if you go running your mouth on here about how great your band is, expect your arrogance to be hacked down. No one likes an arrogant musician, unless they are talented - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 12:41pm
Codine Vandal
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my point was if you are a listener and objective you wouldn't hate on music, nor would you attack someone's taste in music. Sure you might not like my music but you aren't my target demographic. If you offered constructive criticism i would welcome it but you don't.what you offer is more along the lines of 5 or 6 word sentences, all condescending with no real reason. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 12:55pm
The Gray Pixie
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You need a dancing cheese. That will open all the doors to the Arena shows and future Rock stardom. Until then keep on rockin in the free world.. or at the Cambie. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:01pm
TheBlack Pixie
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"i'd just rub that in to all you haters out there. now who got the last laugh? even if my music is shitty it's better than what you are doing."

- You presented a challenge. How in the world do we offer constructive criticism towards a statement like that?

But if you looked at the messages carefully we told you to not judge your talent/quality of your music on the Cambie. And most of all, don't be arrogant. It's a turn off and thus a turn off for your band - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:01pm
TheBlack Pixie
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WHY IS THERE A GRAY PIXIE?!?!?!?!?!? - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:02pm
The Gray Pixie
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The real question is where is the mauve pixie? - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:05pm
trevor corey
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Neverenough Pixie
I like the white one, - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:06pm
Codine Vandal
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actually it was a trap for all the haters to fall into.only someone hating on music would be offended.if you aren't a hater then why would you care? anyway we are done with the cambie and we are taking time to record right now.we did 3 shows in a month at the same bar.if that's not the meaning of getting stale then i don't know what can only do so much at the same the cambie isn't an ideal stage by any regards.bad sound and bad acoustics. we have a show coming up soon which we got asked to do, and we do have offers from a number of bars around town but we don't wanna oversaturate and kill our audience by playing a bunch of shows in such a short period.we are gonna record this album then start immediately on new material so when we do play another show we'll have even more songs. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:06pm
TheBlack Pixie
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Hey, what about the black one TC? - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:07pm
The Gray Pixie
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Who is your "famous" producer? In all honesty the entire music industry has been oversaturated with generic alt rock such as yours. Don't think you stand out in the crowd at all. Well except for that ridiculous hat. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:10pm
Codine Vandal
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i like my hat but i'm not saying who it is cuz i don't want to name drop.but he has worked with hedley,and did some stuff for kanye's tracks. and i don't think anyone sounds like us,our songs are not generic .anything but.the trews are generic, greenday is generic now.we are not. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:15pm
The Gray Pixie
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He produced a made for tv boy band and a Rapper who does nothing except rip off other peoples shit? Hahaha have fun with that. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:22pm
trevor corey
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I know that you have had your feelings hurt, but I dont think you should be throwing around insults at The Cambie, or The Trews, and Green Day. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:22pm
trevor corey
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The "Black one" gets too jellos - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:23pm
Codine Vandal
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the trews are derivative,plus they were douchebags to some friends of mine when he met them.almost got into a fight.and i used to sleep with the drummers ex's sister,small place nova for greenday,since they went major and started these so called concept albums,they've sold their fans down the river.they used to write catchy unadulterated pop/punk,now they write for the labels for the cambie,i think everyone would agree that the sound there stinks.But back on the topic of Hartless, I write songs i would want to hear. if people like them than fine.if not, oh well.I don't spend time obsessing whether or not i can prove myself as a valid artist to the trolls of live vic. i play because i love music and have a passion for it. if we get signed that'd be great but it'd be equally great to play some awesome shows and make some good friends doing what i love.isn't that why we all do it? - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:38pm
The Gray Pixie
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This guy I knew had a friend back east whos sisters ex bf was friends with the cousin of the girlfriend of the brother of one of the guys that played in the trews. He said they were rad dudes. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:54pm Edited: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:57pm
Codine Vandal
User Info...
they don't take criticism well,my friend michael downy said he thought they sucked when they played alexander keiths birthday a couple years back and the drummer over heard him and tried to pick a fight. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 1:58pm
The Gray Pixie
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You dont seem to take criticism very well either. You post here raving about winning the battle of the bands and someone bashes you and you go off with all the "hater" bullshit. Dont get me wrong, Im not a fan of The Trews, I cant really say I know any of thier songs. I suggest you go watch the video you posted a while back and take a second look at how "cutting edge" your band is. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 2:04pm
trevor corey
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I can just picture C.V. phoning his Mom to tell her his band won.

You say "troll" like it's a bad thing? - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 2:07pm
The Gray Pixie
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Whos on here talking about setting traps for people and then bitching about trolls? As grimtard would say " Isn't that the black calling the kettle pot?" - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 2:14pm
trevor corey
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That was hilarious.
I almost spit out a bit of coffee - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 2:23pm
The Gray Pixie
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And by saying The Trews are derivitive do you mean that their music is derived from other sources? Like they have been influenced by other bands? Wow.. I find that hard to believe. One band taking things from another band? Your band must be so influential and original that no one has ever heard that style of music before. You sir are the next Micheal Fucking Jackson.(In the musical sense, not so much the pedophile, child raping sense....I hope.) - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 2:31pm
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People ....Don't quote me please.If you don't know what the fuck it is I say ...Don't fucking say it.
And it's "That's like the pothead calling the kettle a crackhead".
Get it right!

I do hate this heartless stuff though.

but I give you credit for your hard work.

TC this is totally why the perish where bashed so much on here cuz of the pure arrogance of some of there members on here. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 3:55pm
Mr. Hell
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The most awesome part about this is that you believe all the ridiculous fluff you are saying.
Congrats on conquering the Cambie in Esquimalt. Wow. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 4:43pm
TheBlack Pixie
User Info... SO know who the Gray Pixie is now. - Thu, 3 Dec 2009 11:06pm
Codine Vandal
User Info...
mr. hell, i don't think we are awesome cuz we won the battle of the bands at the cambie. i'd have to be an idiot.however,i don't think we are terrible if we can win after only our third show. All i was trying to accomplish with this post was to say that we aren't shit and if you want proof, there it is.We beat a lot of other bands. Someone must like us. it was in response to people saying that we sucked and i shouldn't quit my day job and shit.

P.S. music is my job. - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 12:34am Edited: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 12:41am
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"Mr. Hell, I don't think we are awesome cuz we won the battle of the bands at the Cambie. I'd have to be an idiot."
lol that's so funny.

"P.S. music is my job"

uh oh..bad career move.

And Black pixie tell us. - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 1:24am Edited: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 1:28am
Codine Vandal
User Info...
alright well we should have some live off the floor tracks done after this weekend as a precursor to the finished album. anyone who wants to pre-order one let me know.15 bucks and you get a limited edition t-shirt that say"I pre-ordered the Hartless demo and all I got was this shitty t-shirt"only 25 to be made and you'll get a special mention in the liner notes,early access to the demo(two weeks before we release it) and guestlist for the cd release. - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 2:54am
TheBlack Pixie
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I think I puked a little reading that - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 7:16am
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You r going to give people a shirt that advertises your band??
All the closet Heartless fans will not bye it as to not out themselves .
Oh and the shirt idea.....totally original (just like your band).
Good luck with that. - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 8:46am
trevor corey
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C.V. sounds like Jeff from the Perish.
Gray Pixie sounds like Yesser, or Nancy(no "e") f'n Grace - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 2:20pm
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1- Cambie = bad.

2- The Gray Pixie is just TheBlack Pixie's alter ego. Not Yesser or N.f.G. or any of Gayhem's other boyfriends.

3- The White Pixie was around long before TheBlack Pixie. - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 7:06pm
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I'm not gay....I love

Evangelium = retardism - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 7:18pm Edited: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 7:19pm
TheBlack Pixie
User Info...
I've been on this message board since I was 16. I've had the user name longer. Way back when I was doing shows out of Brentwood Bay in highschool (including Meatlocker Seven, AWT, Self Inflicted and The Hoosegow)

Anyways, I am not going to debate how long I've had the user name any longer. Besides, I don't want to argue with you. Evangelium

Gray pixie my alter ego?
Honey, ask people who know me
I don't even have enough of an ego for one person. - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 9:50pm
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The picture you posted is rather gay, rimlord. Only a gaylord would post that; you gaylord.

BlackPixie is just 19 years old, so that means you've only been posting here for 3 years, and that means you are not the original pixie, and that equates to big time fail.

FFFFFFFfail - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:18pm
TheBlack Pixie
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I've been posting for 7 years. I'm 23. - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:20pm
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This video is more entertaining than any band I've ever seen in a BOB (embarrassed that I've been to Battles)

"P.S. music is my job"

3 shows is your career? Let me guess, those 3 shows were the three rounds of the battle? You should try out Supernova, Emergenza, BoDog and other B.O.Bs that are complete bullshit rippoffs that no one with half a brain or a shred of dignity would enter... My band has been at it for 13 years, and we all still work full-time. What's your secret?

When did you guys move here from the UK? . Oh you're THE Hartless. I see, much more original. Well there's no songs on your myspace, so how the hell am I supposed to "drink Haterade?" Im definitely not paying to hear you if you've only played 3 "shows," and I can't give you a proper judging unless you post some of your music.

post script- Green Day always sucked, and nice hat

Oh as for you pixies... I believe African American Pixie is the proper term. - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:27pm Edited: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:28pm
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I could just watch that kitten for hours! (sorry for the dbl post) - Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:30pm
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Evangelium = predictable

I love poking fun in your ass.

It always gets you going.

and ,it's so delicious how you read me so well. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:34am
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BlackPixie is just 19 years old, so that means you've only been posting here for 3 years, and that means you are not the original pixie, and that equates to big time fail.


TheBlack Pixie:
I've been posting for 7 years. I'm 23

Evangelium = Fail

Hey Evangelium....thump much? - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:40am Edited: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:43am
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"The picture you posted is rather gay, rimlord. Only a gaylord would post that; you gaylord."

Only a paranoid whack with a name like "Evangelium" would find that offensive.

I on the other hand find it to be hilarious ,and the work of a true genius. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:54am
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Ok ok ....enough of that ...back to this shit right here.

Codine Vandal = talent



I would have to say right
And one thing is for sure (if your band read this shit)will make it harder for you, is to go on a public forum and boast how you won some shit B.O.B. thing and say we can all go choke on it......Punk! Your rap sucks... Your Improve sucks...Your band sucks(+ - lead guitar) your vocals sucks....

But you can always work on it and I see you have the ambition.So there is hope for you yet...Well that is if you haven't been doing this for long.Then I would say you are truly fucked. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 3:12am
Codine Vandal
User Info...
it wasn't my third show....i've played lots of shows,around 50 or so.and i've been playing guitar seven was Hartless' third show as a band. and frankly if you've been in a band 13 years and you aren't signed then give up.we've only been a full group 2 1/2 months.i know i'm not that good at lead.don't claim to be.never have and probably never will.i write all the all those shitty demos were recorded by me alone witha drum machine and keyboard and my guitar.we just finished some live off the floor shit.wait for that.should be ready at some point next week.or you can just base your opinion off of shitty demos recorded over a year ago with 1 person doing them.

Post script:i know there is another Hartless but they do mostly thin lizzy covers and they are in the uk makin no money.they don't have the copyright for the name in canada i'm assuming. and yeah we aren't The Hartless, just Hartless. the band name is in tribute to my late father,Dave Hartlen.douche

Post post script:This forum wasn't intended to offend everyone,just the douchebags who sit at home on their computer all day judging other's work when they don't create things themselves. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 4:03am Edited: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 4:08am
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Somehow it all make seance now.... - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 4:10am
Codine Vandal
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what makes sense? - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 6:29am
trevor corey
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Hey Grimtard
I was at a lesbian party full of lesbians, only one butch, last night, while you were on this board flirting with Fvangelium.
We have got to get your priorities "straightened" out buddy. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 10:06am
trevor corey
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props to DJ vanman, for all the comebacks.

I'm not sorry for the double post
kiss my ass
haha - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 10:08am
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I didn't say sense.I said seance. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 10:45am
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Codine, one shred of advice that will go a long way. Dont make another post like this ever again, not only do YOU look immature, it makes your band out that way too. Im quite sure your bandmates wouldn't appreciate being jumbled in the same sentence as "...about as mature as a 1st grade girl".
You guys won a battle of the bands, good for you. Dont come here gloating about it.
We dont need anymore of the "MY BAND IS BETTER THAN YOURS" attitudes here; because quite frankly, you guys have a long way to go(and starting up a thread like this in your hometown is not helping you). And these attitudes("my band is better...") dont help ANY music scene nor do they help your band.
Get your head out of your ass when your getting your songs mastered; that might be a start ;)

Good luck.

"This forum wasn't intended to offend everyone,just the douchebags who sit at home on their computer all day judging other's work when they don't create things themselves."

how do you know that they are all haters who create nothing? Personally, I dont like the music you guys do(but not to say you aren't talented, its just not my bag). Then again, im not here telling you that your music is bad... i just dont like it all that much. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 1:58pm
TheGray Pixie
User Info...
Yessir. haha. I wish I could claim responsibility for casuing so much shit. But no, not me. C.V, did you ever think that people might play in bands just simply because they like to play music? Telling someone to give up if they aren't signed after so many years is kind of foolish don't ya think? Maybe you shoulda stuck with LUST, I'm pretty sure I read on here somewhere that they landed a record/distro deal and are going on a WORLD TOUR!!!. I guess then you'd have to play shitty 80's covers and you may as well be "The Hartless" from the U.K. How many of the people on this board do you actually know in person? I think alot of them play in bands (better than yours at that) just because they're not bragging about winning a BOB at the cambie because 100 of their friends came and posting horrible live footage doesn't mean that they aren't doing anything.

Post script: T.C, you should elaborate on the Lesbian party.. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:08pm
trevor corey
User Info...
I dont think CV ever said his band was "better"
I think he just wanted us to know that they werent complete shiite, and could win a bob - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:14pm
trevor corey
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Gray Pixie, it was so good, even the grimlord coulda scored.
Me, I'm married, so I just soak up the atmosphere. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:15pm
TheGray Pixie
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I'm pretty sure he did.

" even if my music is shitty it's better than what you are doing.Later Haters" - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:18pm
trevor corey
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my bad - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:20pm
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I love this board! So much butthurt in one place woohoo! Cheers, Lucius - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 2:22pm
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Too many pixie's .....
If your not black ....
get back jack.

Ji ....I agree with - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 4:11pm
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Every time I see a thread like this I have to wonder if the other band members are aware of the one guy dragging their name through the mud. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 4:31pm
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I know what you mean doom... I would feel like such shit if anyone in my band did something like this.

and grim... im not a total asshole ;) - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 5:32pm
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And ya ...Does any of your band members come to this site C.V.?
I hope for your sake they don't.

I come on here and talk a LOT of shit,a lot of the time and people who know me in real life know I do this all for fun.And it's those others who see me around and don't know me but know what I look like ,and assume I am the same as I am on this site.I'm not.
Well I hope the same goes for all your comments about your band being better then (my) band or any body's band. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 6:45pm
Codine Vandal
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no i don't think we are better.i think everyone who creates music and gets up on stage has balls.putting yourself out there takes guts.when people who don't do it are busting your balls that's just stupid.that,or promoters who rag on bands.shouldn't you be trying to be successful in your promotion?not ripping on potential clients and sources of income so you can grow your business?i think people on here take a lot of stuff out of context and are just looking for some entertainment value for sure.i don't think we were better than some of the bands we faced for i said it was a popularity contest.we know lots of people.that's all. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 7:13pm
TheGray Pixie
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Please go back and read your first post. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 7:23pm Edited: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 7:24pm
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"i've played lots of shows,around 50 or so"

-if music was your career, that would be two months of work.

Being signed only means you're owned. You don't get paid to sign, you get an ADVANCE to make albums for them in an overpriced studio that they choose (which you have to pay back from record sales). Then some producer, who does pretty much nothing at all to help the album, makes all your profit and gets to tell you what and how to play. The biggest punk band to come out of Victoria is probably Dayglos, and they all have day jobs. So I'm not holding my breath. Personally, I've never been after long term success, other than continuing to have fun with my best friends (FW). I don't think I would ever play with another band, even if we hung up the gloves, the thought of it seems like infidelity at this point. But you're right, I gave up on getting signed a LONG TIME AGO, having our fourth album distributed and on iTUNES next year, and getting to record for free is enough success for me. And, 13 years without killing each other is also success in my book. - Sat, 5 Dec 2009 7:33pm
Mike Bones
User Info...
Ok Cody, this enough. The thing to do now is to stop. I think everyone is hartless wouldn't be down with this. If you want to play shows in victoria, this is a good way to burn bridges especially when everyone knows everyone in Victoria.

coming from a friend this kinda has to end - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 12:00am Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 12:00am
Codine Vandal
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"we won the battle of the bands at the Cambie!!!! thought i'd just rub that in to all you haters out there. now who got the last laugh? even if my music is shitty it's better than what you are doing.Later Haters"

Now someone please show me where i say i'm better than other bands.You people took what i said way out of context.The post was addressed to the "haters".Not once did i claim i was better than bands in victoria,or anywhere else.i gave you my opinion on bands that i thought were derivative.Am i not entitled to an opinion or are you taking free speech away now too?I don't have anything to say about bands in victoria.too close to comments were directed at the people such as black pixie,grimlord and others who just ripped on all my music for no reason other than it was funny to them at the time.We won the battle of the bands.does it matter in the grand scheme of things?i think so.even if it isn't much, it's something.I don't care if you like me or not but don't hate on stuff just because i wrote it.that's the point i was trying to drive home.other people get into to it so we can't blow.that's all i was's the very people i was talking about and too, that blew it way out of context. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 3:42am
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burp! - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 6:25am
TheGray Pixie
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"even if my music is shitty it's better than what you are doing"

Call me crazy but I would take that phrase as "My band is better than yours".

sorry for the double post. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:16am
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There was a girl
who had a man
and they fucked around oh

She had an embryo
she had an embryo
She had an embryo
And "BINGO" was it name oh - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:35am Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:39am
Mr. Hell
User Info...
It's got to be embarrassing when a friend has to come on here and tell you to stop because what you're doing is damaging yours and your band's reputation. Add to that the fact that you are so far up your own ass you can't see it for yourself and everyone is laughing at you like ol' Jeff has possessed you and gone completely mad.
You say your band name is in honor of your father, but I think you are just lamenting the absence of Corey Hart from the industry today.
I must say, I am looking forward to hearing the proper recordings to see if you can back up all this bluster. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 12:38pm
Codine Vandal
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So we have a some live stuff done without vocals.head over to to take a listen,you gotta download the files to listen but understand it's live and there are some fuckups cuz we weren't going for a perfect live performance just seeing how parts sounded together. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 2:47pm
Aidan Logins
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Why would you post stuff of your band, trying to show how good you are, if you know it's not the best you can do? I haven't downloaded those recordings, but saying stuff like "there are some fuckups cuz we weren't going for a perfect live performance" and they're done without vocals makes me not want to bother hearing them.

Try your best, put some effort into rehearsing and recording, then show us how good you are and say "this is the best we have and we tried our best and are getting better all the time." That would be worth listening to. No one gets to be a fan of a band by listening to a half-assed recording that hasn't been rehearsed properly and is missing key elements (especially vocals!) and then trying to imagine what it might sound like if they tried harder... you get back what you put into it man. And I know you want it bad so act like it and it can be yours. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 3:28pm
Codine Vandal
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well we are just throwing these up cuz they are miles above anything we had before. not just one person making all the music but a whole group.i think we are gonna overdub vocals onto it at some point but these aren't supposed to be finished products.just some rough demos of our songs.we are working on the multitracked, produced and finished portion of it now.This is probably one of our best performances of all the songs but there are the small things that bug me cuz i listen to it over and over.some of the stuff other people probably wouldn't notice. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 3:47pm
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As musicians,we'll notice too don't you think.Or are you putting it past us to not?

The more you talk...the more you dig a hole for you and your band. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 3:51pm
Codine Vandal
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if you think i'm trying to win fans on here you are wrong.stop acting like you have any idea what i'm thinking.i've explained my comments as clearly as don't like me then why are you still commenting?don't you have better things to do?oh i'm sorry i forgot who i was talking to.I could care less if anyone in this town likes me or my people honestly mean nothing to me.i don't care about your opinions or your shit's the same thing everywhere, you aren't a phenomenon.So to all who don't like me keep on hating but all you are doing is bringing more attention to me and my band.plenty of other people will still be at my shows while you are at home talking shit on an internet forum. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 4:26pm
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Take your friends advice and stop posting on here about your band.Not until like Aidan said, you put your all into it.It's hard to be humble....

I wont download those tracks either.

And Some people on here who you insult,are people who are potential business opportunity for your band.So do you think that is good to do? - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 4:28pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 4:35pm
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Yeah Codine.. quit running your mouth on here.. you might turn off the 12 people who check out this board.. that would really damage your bands reputation in Vic. Could you imagine a world where Fableway and Black Pixie dont come out to your shows?...

Grim.. sorry... but did you just refer to yourself as a musician?.. (I must have missed something.. yesser skin flute solo?)

anywho.. keep up the good work livevic.. you never cease to amaze.

edit:Grim go take a listen to the tracks.. I think you'd dig.. (honest) little bit of CTW for sure. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 4:37pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 4:39pm
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"Grim.. sorry... but did you just refer to yourself as a musician?"

Yes,yes I did.....I have been paid to perform.And I have been playing guitar for over 25 years.I wright a lot of songs.I have tons of materiel.I just don't think it's good enough for people to hear cuz I am my worst critic.And it's for me alone to enjoy and that makes me happy and content. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 4:45pm
Codine Vandal
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I dunno man i wouldn't want fernando after me!!don't wanna fuck with fableway's huge following.Might get crushed by their waves of fans. You and i both know the only reason victoria has a music scene is because of people like blackpixie. without all her wonderful work we'd all be so lost with no way to do anything.Thank you livevic for those wonderful additions to mainstream society.trend setters i must say! i'm gonna go stare cross-eyed into a mirror for while so i can look more like my idol.then maybe people on here will like me. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 4:45pm
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Graham, thanks for clearing that up for me.. i had no idea. I'd be stoked to hear some of your songs one day.. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 4:53pm
Mike S
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yeh I can attest that for all his skin flute playing expertise Grim is a decent metal guitarist and has one hell of a set of vocal pipes, power, death style you name it, the boy can sing and in key.. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:07pm
Codine Vandal
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he he he... skin flute - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:12pm
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That's right Steve and C.V. I am awesome! But I would never say I was better that anyone.
Thanks Mike ....I think...

Skin flute lol
Mike knows all bout my skin flute playing? HHHHHHMMMMM!He can attest to it? - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:13pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:16pm
Codine Vandal
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i never said i was better i said what i'm doing is better.meaning playing shows and doing something rather than just talking shit.i was saying i was actually doing something.that's why i don't understand how people took it as i'm saying i'm better.i think i can right hooky songs.not for everyone sure,but definitely not shit. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:23pm
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God some things never change...

that's it I'm calling all u nutbars.

It's a crossroads style guitar duel/ cuttin heads

Come one come all and see who the true King of Live Vic is...the world is dying to know.

I am now inviting hartless to Join my offer with the Perish to do a show.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:39pm
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Anyone who's posted on this board more than 100 times has been there. There's no prize in winning a useless argument but there's no fucking way any of us will let the other guy have the last word. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:45pm
Codine Vandal
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so true.and yeah,i'm sloppy as fuck live, but so is jimmy page and hendrix.i am lightyears away froma comparison to them but just saying it's not in all how you play, it's the song. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:50pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:52pm
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My songs suck......I get stoke an a new riff for like three seconds,till I find some comparison to something popular.Then it sucks ....That is what I find to be counter productive in my writing ability.So needles to say I don't wright much ,but have accumulated a lot of materiel over the years.
I think the perish have a new web page or something cuz it's not to bad....I was surprised.

Last word lol - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:58pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 5:59pm
Codine Vandal
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i just listened to crown the wolf and yeah we are probably closer to them than any other band in town. but we write in more than one style.we do songs that are similar in style to them but we also have songs that are way mroe punk than rock and way more bluesy than heavy.

Another word:Last. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 6:04pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 6:05pm
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Comparing Crown the Wolf to The Hartless is like comparing filet mignon to a quarter pounder. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 6:38pm
Mike S
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I see The Perish have Save On Foods Arena listed in their upcoming events on the new website.. Date TBA.. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 6:38pm
Codine Vandal
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well we both have a kyuss influence for sure but i'm more influenced by josh homme than kyuss,more queens of the stone age less kyuss,slo burn or unida.

P.S.You can now stream our songs off our website,no download required. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 6:49pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 6:50pm
Nicholas Antoni Marek Gibas
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This thread is why i try to never post on livevic anymore. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 6:58pm
Codine Vandal
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good to know i'm making a difference lol - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 7:01pm
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Wow, Perish and Hartless would be something to see. Jeff can actually play the guitar well but I've never heard CV. A Crossroads duel would be epic! Cheers, Lucius - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 7:05pm
Codine Vandal
User Info...
that perish reference hurts lol...i'd like to think our music is a little better than that. i really don't even know what to say about that band.having never heard them before today i'm kinda bewildered by the reference.i'd say we are our own style but then i'd be wrong cuz everyone on here knows'll at least have better production value than perish when we are finished that's for sure.

On a side note, i don't like to play lead.i got thrown into it.i am a rhythm player. i really hate lead and wouldn't do it if i didn't have to.we have two rhythm guitarists so one of us had to do some leads.just happens to be me.but we also all play a couple instruments in the band so i probably won't be always playing guitar either.the stuff we have been playing now i wrote most of it before they joined.most likely our stuff after this will have a different sound again cuz we don't stay on the same instruments all the time. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 7:08pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 7:14pm
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Musically your nothing alike...however, your posting style is very close to vintage Perish! Cheers, Lucius - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 7:25pm
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Pretty sad that Lucius actually had to explain that. Someone's a little dense... - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 7:56pm
Codine Vandal
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well unlike all the other live vic undesirables i have only lived here 3 years and only posted on here for like a year actively - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 8:14pm
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I would argue that the perish reference, though not unfounded, is quite a stretch.

Jeff (The Perish) = Delusional
Codine (Hartless) = Arrogant

Jeff said that 'The Perish' would be playing the SOFA, where as Codine said 'Hartless' would no longer be playing at the Cambie.

Jeff made ridiculous statements of over achievement and success (overdubbed crowd noise?), where as Codine boasted about real success, however minor and insignificant a BOB is.

As a relative unknown Jeff orchestrated an "Alien Rock Show" at the Royal Theatre that showcased dancing cheese. Codine wears an orange top hat.

just my two centts... - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:00pm
Mr. Hell
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One way to tell if a band have a clue is whether they tune their instruments before recording their songs to put online for people to hear. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:10pm
Codine Vandal
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yeah that video is pretty wise. our singer is still coming into his own. and that was our first excuses just explaining.if you were talking about trapped we were trying to make a harmony and it sounded weird.we heard it,now we are fixing gotta hear something as a whole before you can tell whether something truly works sometimes. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:11pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:29pm
Tall Cans
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I find your music to be derivative. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:30pm
Codine Vandal
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that's fine.let's hear yours? - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:33pm
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"our singer is still coming into his own"

A nice way of saying "please excuse his abhorrent performance"? - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:39pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 9:40pm
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You know what won't make you seem like a hypocrite? Talking shit about other bands. - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 10:38pm
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well..His friends have told him to stop posting.....I have told him to stop....Now if I am telling him to stop ,you know he should .

Oh the train wreck is a coming.

But I think there should be a show with the perish and is a couple of track the perish must have redone cuz they seem heaver and shit...must be there new members(drummer and bass).All and all I think the Perish blow Heartless away..... - Sun, 6 Dec 2009 11:39pm Edited: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 11:40pm
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You nkow...this is almost enough to bring Yesser back...I am sure he /she is dying to come on here and talk some shit...ha ah ha ah come - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 12:02am
Codine Vandal
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i dunno about you but i got nothing else to say.the statement i made said it all.we won a battle of the bands.we are making anyone who does make music cool and rips on us that's anyone who doesn't, shut up.that's the point.peace - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 2:14am
TheBlack Pixie
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That the "us" out of that statement. None of your band members are behaving in this childish, arrogant way. Take responsibility for your own actions and stop being so selfish.

There is such thing as bad publicity not being good and you are creating a perfect example.

For the sake of your band, stop posting on this board and engaging in fights, taunting others and being an overall pain.

There should be no need to come on here and boast about a BOB win. The band and its music should be able to speak for itself, please let it do so. Play the guitar and for your bands sake, keep your lips zipped - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 9:08am
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They actually sound pretty good now. I listened to Devil's Lettuce and She's an Animal and Love and a Shotgun. All three were good fun rockin' tunes... The new members (Devon and Luke) are both cool dudes. I was in a band with Luke for a while and he kills drums. Hardest hitter I've ever seen (but precise)- he rocks crazy hard. Jeff is a pretty decent guitar player (he was my first teacher, when I was 10). The Perish is MILES AHEAD of Hartless musically. And Jeff hasn't been saying weird stuff on Live Victoria lately... I would actually go see them play a show now, would be fun if they sound live anything like they do on their recordings. - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 10:30am
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musically miles ahead.. huh seems a bit of a stretch saying on 3pwrchrd band is miles ahead of another..

off to listen to some colegrifter.

edit: Cool Aidan.. kissing frogs started off kinda reminding me of snowpatrol/interpol or one of those bands but kinda morphed a little... Lullabyes definately got that 'default/theory of a nickelback' sound... keep up the good work. - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 11:01am Edited: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 11:13am
trevor corey
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I tried, but, The Parish just doesn't do it for me. - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 11:38am
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Heartless web page is down.....Are they that embarrassed of C.V.?

Sorry bad....It's still there .....ahh - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 11:53am Edited: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 11:54am
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I've always dug Jeffs voice, not a fan of his guitar playing but he can play. I'll have to give a listen to the "impoved" version of the songs. Cheers, Lucius - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 12:03pm
Aidan Logins
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Well obviously the Perish is a 3-chord old school rock band, but that's exactly what they're trying to be. When I said "musically" I didn't mean in technicality or originality- they're not Cecil Taylor, Archie Shepp, or any of those genius guys. But they're accomplishing their musical goal (not their crazy take-over-the-universe goal) pretty well. I don't know if Codine Vandal is trying to sound the way it's coming out, but I doubt it. - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 12:31pm
Codine Vandal
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you are half right aiden.the recordings we had up were less than stellar for sure,but every band goes through that sort of gotta work out the songs,tighten em up and get 'em groovin'.when we put out our demo album it's gonna sound night and day and that's gonna directly translate into our live show.just remember we've only been a band for 2 1/2 accomplish what we've done already is pretty good for any band,let alone one that's been together for such a short time. we are always writing new material and trying to stay ahead of the curve so keep listening cuz we are ever changing.the only songs that weren't written before the others joined are trapped and turn you out.,the latter i didn't post because it's one i'm saving for the final project. - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 2:57pm
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You can polish a turd all you like but in the end it's still a turd. - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 3:10pm Edited: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 3:10pm
Codine Vandal
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lol....that's what we called our engineer...the turd polisher! - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 3:38pm
Mike S
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its true.. the guys on mythbusters polished some lion shit into nice shiney balls o poo - Mon, 7 Dec 2009 7:17pm
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I'm sure you paid close attention to that episode eh Mike ?
C.V......does that mean you took them down? .I was thinking of checking it out.Explain please. - Tue, 8 Dec 2009 12:00am
trevor corey
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Now thats what I call "talent" - Tue, 8 Dec 2009 12:08pm
Mike S
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Grim.. I had to figure out someway to make everything you do in life look better for you.. - Tue, 8 Dec 2009 12:27pm Edited: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 12:27pm
TheGray Pixie
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Can't wait to hear the finished product. I'm sure its gonna make you millions. - Tue, 8 Dec 2009 10:56pm
Codine Vandal
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well we got 10 sold so far that's a start. as for the live stuff i took it off till we put some vocals over it.shine it up and mix it more. buy a preorder and i'll make sure you get the first copy. - Tue, 8 Dec 2009 11:54pm Edited: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 11:57pm
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This thread is about as straight as Liberace and Elton John having a glitter fight on the moon. - Thu, 10 Dec 2009 9:32am
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That comment is about as queer as a sheet wearing cross burner at a pig calling contest. - Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:56pm
Codine Vandal
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i like trains - Fri, 11 Dec 2009 4:14am
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Trains are as gay as richard simmons in a tutu holding hands with an axe perfume wearing rapper at a justin timberlake concert. - Fri, 11 Dec 2009 2:33pm
Codine Vandal
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some pent up homophobes in this forum for sure - Fri, 11 Dec 2009 4:58pm
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I'm not homophobic ...I just don't like

And it takes a dingle berry picking roster lover to know one.

Cuz that's as gay as Rupaul and Dame Edna putting on a "How to please your man" seminar for prison inmates in Germany. - Fri, 11 Dec 2009 5:39pm
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Throwing around the homophobe accusation is about as faggy as a rainbow at an AIDS clinic. - Tue, 15 Dec 2009 4:01pm
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Ottoman is as gay as a double headed dildo machine damaging his deriair.I guess that's why he calls himself otto man. - Tue, 15 Dec 2009 5:34pm Edited: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 5:35pm
TheBlack Pixie
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I'm guessing grim failed history class.... - Tue, 15 Dec 2009 6:01pm
Codine Vandal
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i'm guessing he failed a few classes.... - Tue, 15 Dec 2009 8:20pm
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One has to actually attend school to fail one's classes. - Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:02pm
Codine Vandal
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so back on topic. Buy our it. we would buy yours. - Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:06pm
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Shut up yesser....!
Yes I know about the ottoman empire...It was a culture of people who invented those things you put your feet up on. - Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:42pm Edited: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:43pm
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An your stuff is shit.....I don't want it. - Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:43pm
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Codine Vandal started 7 posts on here about me (when I call M/J a fag child raping goof)and never posted a retort to what I had to say about him.This is the most spineless geek out there to date.Calling me out and then running like a little bitch.Codine Vandal you have ruined your reputation on here and in the real world too.Man at lest I have a life outside this place.If you where in front of me I would cut out your eyes and your balls and put your balls in your eye sockets and your eyes in your ball sack. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 11:47am Edited: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 11:47am
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Holy Shit. For giggles I surfed the board today and low and behold Graeme Mckenzie still thinks I am on here toying with him.

Graeme its been 5 years now? Daily ranting on this board, explaining to everyone that you have a life. This proves you don't. Years have gone by, and yet nothing.

Codine Vandal, whoever you are. You are a loser too. Way to join GM. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 1:58pm
TheBlack Pixie
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Oh for christ sakes! Graeme is going to have a shit fit when he sees Yesser on here.

Let the shit fest begin....I'm staying OUT of this one - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 2:23pm
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haha.. we need some excitement around here.. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 2:46pm
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When ...FUCKFACE did I ever recently say that Yesser was on here toying with me.Fagtard fuck off .Once again you are wrong like you always are.I think I have proven that to all on here that you are an idiot fuckheadface who cheats on his wife by having sex with little boys.I could put you in such a world of hurt don't go there.I have got everything you wish you had,you look at me with contempt and jealousy.Face it you could never be me or be as good as me .
But like all the little bitches that post against me here yesser will not post again cuz he is a lowlife douche bag.And it hasn't been 5 years you fucking loser..You have no comprehension of time do you. One of my first ever posts on here was Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:54am and I have never posted on here before that.Well maybe once or twice,I never got into this site until yesser was talking shit about me ,someone he didn't even know who he was talking about.Thats when I got on here and started talking shit about him.Cuz I know who I am dealing with.
Give me a chance to make you look like a fool again cuz you are in it up to your eyebrows. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 2:56pm Edited: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 3:07pm
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*chews popcorn* - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 3:08pm
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So really...You have yesser to thank for creating me as I am on here.If it wasn't for him I would just be another poster who doesn't get involved.But he had to open his big fat mouth.Look what you fucking done.You can't get your meat hooks off of this place.(what reference to what band)
**Just a little bit of thinking and you would get the answer.**
Am I the bad I am the one who yesser thought would just roll over and die.Well you can't kill me I will never stop until you are dead on here.I don't care what it takes..I will see you burn forever in hell...the hell I make for you.I haven't even begun to start to make it bad for you .Post one more time on here about me ,then you will see what happens. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 3:20pm
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*sips Sprite* - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 3:22pm
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hey goff hows about you hold your breath till yesser answers. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 3:36pm
trevor corey
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please stop crying and asking the fridge where your life went. it doesn't know. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 3:38pm
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Nether does your couch. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 3:42pm
trevor corey
User Info... couch has more money than the Grimlord. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 4:22pm
trevor corey
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FOURTWENTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 4:23pm
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Shut up yesser....!
Yes I know about the ottoman empire...It was a culture of people who invented those things you put your feet up on. - Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:42pm Edited: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:43pm"

That's where you say Yesser. mmmmmk? Very sad. I haven't been posting here in ages, 9 months. Yet you Graeme Mckenzie still daily makes reference to me. For the love of God get outside and do something with yourself. Your constant self praise has amounted to nothing. You are a loser. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 6:13pm
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"One of my first ever posts on here was Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:54am and I have never posted on here before that."

HAHAHA. He is such a loser. He takes this live Victoria very seriously. A couple years back he thought he was anonymous, then he answers one of my ads on CL for sex. haha. Poor kid got so embarrassed. Then I did him a favour and said it may not be him, but it was. He wanted my cock.

Graeme. I don't want your rented apartment. I don't want your non-existant band and girlfriend. I don't want anything your ugly ass has. But by the response you have given us, I need not say anymore than,,,,,,,sad. Sad. Sad.

Poor Graeme Mckenzie. Yesser has come back, and it's destroyed him.

Now let us watch him respond with the exact same thing again. Poor kid has a grade 9 education. - - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 6:16pm Edited: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 6:17pm
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okay ...okay... look ..I am not going to be brought down to your level there bud.....If you have just posted about me talking about you from like a month ago. you are fucking obsessed with me and wont what you will never have FAGOT.I don't go there and never have ...If you really did know about me you would know that I would kill before I go there.So bring it on bitch.

It's so funny ....I just post some shit about someone ells and this scumbag come a running ....WoW ...I do a good job on here as a troll eh....? Don't answer that.
You are just a piece of pudy in my hands .

It's good to have an argument with an old friend.


Michel Jackson is an child raping fagot!!!

Or should I say WAS!!!! - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 8:41pm Edited: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 8:48pm
TheBlack Pixie
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Someone take Grim away from the computer. This smells like its going to get ugly.

Grimlord, ignore him. It's not worth it. never was and never will be - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 8:57pm
trevor corey
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Oh no, it's definatley worth it.
GET HIM GRIM!!!!!!! - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 8:59pm
TheArgumentative Pixie
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Agreed. Never stop the madness. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 9:37pm
Mr. Hell
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Just suck each others penises and be done with it. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 9:39pm
trevor corey
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. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 10:18pm
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. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 10:20pm
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You fucking ....peace of ........humanitarian worthlessnesseseryioty .I get better with beers.Mr. hell ...I'll punch you in the face....

Yesser could not handle my penis ,It would tear him up and he would like it.But I would never go so low as to be among the common bum shoving criminal in jail.Witch we know he is.And C/V is a goof too for trying all of this. - Wed, 13 Jan 2010 11:47pm
trevor corey
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Yep, beer is way more important than rent - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 10:29am
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Got that sorted ......and that's why I had a few.

But now it's back to the grind...of pounding the pavement. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 10:53am
trevor corey
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moving in with Goff at the Heartbreak Hotel? - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:11am
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"Yesser could not handle my penis ,It would tear him up and he would like it"

Like I said. Graeme Mckenzie contacted me on CL when I had an ad on there last year. I am gay, sue me. Anyways the long story short, I declined him, he got kind of creepy about it, I looked into who he was because he was getting very violent with me saying things like he has on here, so I "outed" him in hopes of stopping his threats, to let him know that I knew who he was.

Thats it. He thinks that he is a troll, but trolls are anonymous. Everyone knows who graeme Mckenzie is. He is a less than successful rocker wannabe. He publicly pleads for sex and even seeks out gay sex when drunk. Fact. It's happened to me. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 12:52pm
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This is too funny.

you are like the energizer bunny ,just keep going and going......

Hey goff you can breath now. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 1:13pm
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I keep going and going? I've dropped in on this site maybe 2 times in 9 months. You haven't stopped, averaging 40 posts a day. Graeme I guarantee you are schizonphrenic. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 1:15pm
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Where are you getting this facts and numbers from??

Dance your little dance there faggy boy..

No one cares.......

We've established what kind of human you are.

The thing is ...people like me ...You not so much.

Now if you'll excuse me,I have to go practice with my non-existing band. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 1:35pm Edited: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 1:39pm
trevor corey
User Info...
So i guess your mom went into the kitchen and asked you why you were making mac and cheese at 4 in the morning and apparently you yelled at her to "get the fuck back bitch you don't know my life" - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 1:55pm
Mr. Hell
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Have a juice box and relax. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 2:52pm
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"We've established what kind of human you are.

The thing is ...people like me ...You not so much."

You haven't established anything Graeme Mckenzie. You do not know anything about me. Graeme Mckenzie, people like you, sure. Just like everyone likes the community handicap.

And you think you are a troll? Who are you trolling? Looks like you are trolling yourself. Your lack of education and intelect shall never allow you to understand it though. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 4:24pm
TheGray Pixie
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Ok. We get it... you two are both attention starved internet fuckwads. Please for the sake of everyone else on this board SHUT THE FUCK UP. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 5:45pm
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wtf... stop? are you kidding me? first its codene vs. grim ... now yesser out of left field comes in with a chair to the back of the head!!

the only thing that could get better than this would be another epic Perish thread.
(and its not like this thread was made to discuss a civil topic) - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 6:10pm
trevor corey
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. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 7:53pm
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"wtf... stop? are you kidding me? first its codene vs. grim ... now yesser out of left field comes in with a chair to the back of the head!!"

This pretty much sums up Graeme Mckenzies life. Picking fights on the internet and getting plummelled.

The saddest part of this all...... who were in Grade 8 the last time I was on liv vic setting Grim straight, have since exceeded Graemes education level. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 8:33pm
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Hey...I'm not fighting with anyone....?

If it where a real fight ..I would pull your heart out and eat it in front of your Babbie's.Mike Tyson stile....

But is what it is ..and talk is cheep....And fun...
Meayyyhhh...This is getting soooo old....nothing ever changes....Same old same old.....Yesser you are a diapointment have a big brain ,us it.Give us something new.Oh wait have nothing new ..right..

All I have to say is......

Pants on the ground ,pants on the ground.
Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground. - Thu, 14 Jan 2010 10:11pm Edited: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 10:15pm
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"you have a big brain ,us it."

What? - Fri, 15 Jan 2010 12:56pm
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"Pants on the ground ,pants on the ground.
Looking like a fool with your pants on the ground"

...lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground, pants on the ground, pants on the ground!!!
(we need a back beat now)

i believe it would've been more fitting if grim said "pants 'round your ankles, pants 'round your ankles, grabbins the soap with my pants around my ankles"
(sorry yesser, i couldn't resist) - Sat, 16 Jan 2010 10:41am Edited: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 10:42am
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This is IMO the best remix of the general Larry Platt's song out there yet. - Sat, 16 Jan 2010 11:20am
Mike S
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I vote YESSER reveals their identity.

Cod Van, Grim, Perish Jeff, David Johnson, Mr Hell, the various Pixies, Trev-Co etc etc etc. all known people with no fear of being identified as they interact on the forum.

But Yesser continues to hide their identity - could be anyone really - maybe not even the same person -

Whats the matter Yesser? Why all the clandestine creeping? Something to hide? Guilty conscience? Embarassed?

Seriously - dont be such a douche, level the playing field. - Sat, 16 Jan 2010 12:22pm
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I don't think this will ever happen.Fuck, I could be yesser.

one of life's mystery's we will never know.

Plus It would ruin all the interesting shit for people to read.
I don't care what this guys says anymore ...we know what he will say and we know what he reacts to.It the same shit over and over again.
After reading this he most likely felt like a tool and will not be posting here again.

His brain is not equipped with the right stuff to even come close to getting to me.I react to get him going and it works every time.I am getting board of it thou,Can only beat a dead fagot so much.

It would be cool if B.P and yesser where to get in on it together.Then I mite have something to put my intellect to use for. - Sat, 16 Jan 2010 2:00pm Edited: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 2:22pm
TheBlack Pixie
User Info...
My god, how did I spawn so many Pixies??

*waits for the pathetic arguement that she is not the original Pixie on here, in which she will discredit again* - Sat, 16 Jan 2010 5:02pm
TheStrappingYoung Pixie
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The only thing you spawn are lies, TheBlack Pixie. - Sat, 16 Jan 2010 6:36pm Edited: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 6:37pm
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Wait till yesser hears the new shit we just did.....

Hope he likes it.And I hope the rest of you like it as well.
I will post it as soon as it's available. Provoke The Gods WILL have some new songs for you to listen to, or throw out the window .I don't care.The choice is entirely up to you.

Anticipation is the key.

?? why did it take me so long to edit this post..???

Cus Eye is stupid. - Sat, 16 Jan 2010 9:43pm Edited: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 1:53am
trevor corey
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I was watching porn last night and I found a video of goff fucking a goat. - Mon, 18 Jan 2010 8:56pm
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New songs up...Unmixed and unmastered.

I will never drink a 24 and then record again......well maybe one more time .Raw as fuck here you go... - Tue, 19 Jan 2010 2:57pm
trevor corey
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If I were the villiage Cheif, I would give you a woman, AND some cows.

................i dont remember writing that about Goff. It's not true, btw. - Tue, 19 Jan 2010 6:59pm
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High on weed and pill again? - Wed, 20 Jan 2010 9:56pm
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I wont to see a pixie fight!

I want to see a pixie fight!

I wunt to see a pixie fight! - Fri, 22 Jan 2010 2:52pm
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Holly shit for a guy who clearly doesnt give a shit of others opinions....ya right....he sure do like to promote his band just doesnt....make....sense. - Sun, 24 Jan 2010 9:11pm
Miike S
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"I will never drink a 24 and then record again......"

Your dedication astounds me. - Mon, 25 Jan 2010 9:41am
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That's what happens when someone points to beer and say fill your boots.In the future I will record some of the stuff I wrote and post it up on my own site.My shit has more hooks then a tackle box.Codine Vandal my shit blows you out of the water. - Mon, 25 Jan 2010 11:10am
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"My shit has more hooks then a tackle box."

Yeah Grim, and you're music is pretty catchy too. :P

Let us know when you have the re-recorded vocal stuff up, I'd really be into hearing it. Some of the growl parts in the stuff I heard sounded closer to talking, I'm assuming this is a byproduct of recording late at night and drunk. All in all a good showing.

~ I'll have a vodka and...a little more vodka please.
Doc - Mon, 25 Jan 2010 9:11pm
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"My shit has more hooks then a tackle box."

Yeah Grim, and you're music is pretty catchy too. :P

Hahahaha LOL!!

That is fuckn funny as shit.
shit can mean a whole lot to some people.
BUT judging from that ..I should have one hell of a banged up asshole and call myself Grim-ass.

I an sure there will be a big difference from the stuff me an the guys have up and the stuff that is yet to come. Wait till it's all mixed and shit...
plus I plan on putting up some of my very own music.This is something I do I hold the music I wright close to me and it is very personal.But at the same time it's fun and up ...I am going to open myself up to more of everyone's criticizem .oh And I don't know anyone besides the drunk out side the liker store the talks like that. - Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:10am Edited: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:25am
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Holy SHITE. Things never cease to amaze me. Graeme? Why have you gotten so FAT? We just crossed paths and must I say FAT FAT FAT! haha. Your Vox suck ass too. It's unfortunate because the guys in the PTG are a great group with some talent. Then add chance. - Sat, 30 Jan 2010 9:11pm
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In fact ...I have lost weight.
you are fucked ...we did not recently crossed paths....

The guys in my band are 2 people and I created the name.
I hope to keep the name if the guys wont to fold.I don't!
And the guys in PROVOKE THE GODS will always be rocking like there is no tomorrow.So fuck you!

It's good to see "I make you do the things you do on here" .
Is still all the rage . NOT
You suck and we are all tired of you shit.Just dry up and blow away.
That will be the legacy you leave.....A fuckface.
Hold on ..I know...You should start a porn site called faces of fuck ....
that's not bad...I'll give that one to ya.

I could come up with this stuff all day.

Since I have been alone for the past month....And all there has been in proximity of me in that time there is no one that I could say is a goof, shit riding,chocolate sponge eating,felching,fecal freak like you.

Just stay away from the threads I am on ...We all don't give a fuck about you and never did .So just keep away from me...............!Ah - Sat, 30 Jan 2010 10:29pm
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"Since I have been alone for the past month....And all there has been in proximity of me in that time there is no one that I could say is a goof, shit riding,chocolate sponge eating,felching,fecal freak like you.

Just stay away from the threads I am on ...We all don't give a fuck about you and never did .So just keep away from me...............!"

I have officially owned you and your fat self. - Sat, 30 Jan 2010 10:39pm
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Ha Ha Ha Ha !! you fall into it every time..This is your true fault,as you give me so much pleasure in making you dance the dance I make for you....What a fool. Ha ha ha ha ha.....
I was going to put a HE He in there at the end of my last post ...but thought it too divulging.
Please spear us all from your feeble attempts at making me look bad ...we all know you dislike me ..and I don't dislike you ,I just need you to make some waves and I can make you look like an idiot .
It never gets bad...but it does get old....seriously ,you should think of someone else to try and fuck with.You have worn this thing out.

And for the record ...I think I owned you when you admitted to being wrong in you mistaking me for someone else thing.You are gay...I am not..I made fun of you...You got mad....I posted you ad on liveVic for gay sex got mad.....I constantly make you look like a get mad...
Psychosis...of a true sociopath that is the one we call Yesser.

See you post in one month.Till then ...NO SOUP FOR YOU!!! - Sat, 30 Jan 2010 11:07pm Edited: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 11:46pm
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Spear him if you want. Don't spear me. - Sat, 30 Jan 2010 11:47pm
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one for the gimlordims file.

I just keep em comeing.

What the fuck ells can I do to exsonerate myself from this spelling predickument .I gees I just have to get there atention and use my brian too make me self herd an field like I did something wright. - Sat, 30 Jan 2010 11:56pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Grim wants Yesser's spear.

I saw a Grimlord at the bar last night.
Unfortunatly it was another male.
He was entertaining his friends by stroking his nipples.
It had a human female though. They made out like teenagers. - Sun, 31 Jan 2010 11:30am
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T/C sometime you talk of a female Grimlord...But there are non out there...If there was I would be all over that shit.Cuz a female Grimlord would respond to me advances and pick up lines.I just got an idea for a new subject.Worst pick up lines ever.Of coarse you all know what my worst one is ," so I guess anal rape is out of the question." - Fri, 5 Feb 2010 11:44pm
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. - Sun, 7 Feb 2010 5:01pm
trevor corey
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Needs more cowbell - Sun, 7 Feb 2010 5:10pm
Grimace .
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Wow, I had quiet a daye. Woak up realizsing how much of a waste of skin miself and my life have becom. I almost could not stand the thot of another day in thes dungeon with only the internet and the thought of TC's nuts slapping againts my chin to keep me going. I mis the kar trips down to Clover Poynt where he'd make me wear a wig and pretend I was his wife while I sucked him off... - Sun, 7 Feb 2010 9:49pm Edited: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 10:09pm
Mike Bones
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Wow....where's grimlord? I thought I would of seen some sort of response to this..... - Mon, 8 Feb 2010 12:35am
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C/V is that you???

Talkin smack again....well at lest this time it ant about his shitty band.It is better(way to polish up that turd) ..but it still sucks.

I am going to put together some of my stuff and throw it up on here in the future.I bet I could wright a song with only three major chord changes that would blow this out of the water and still it would be just as generic as this is but will acutely be good.

Well you'll all have to wait for it ...cuz I have other shit on the go. - Mon, 8 Feb 2010 11:44am Edited: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 11:45am
get a grip...
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LOL - Mon, 8 Feb 2010 4:38pm
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New mix of the song "Provoke the gods" on our myspace.Check it out...tell me what you think...there is still some room for us to tweek it ,so input is good.I think it is still a little loud over all and can be pulled back a bit.
I used no vocal effects just my voice and a bit of reverb

Cool pic eh it's bye a artist named Frank Frazetta and is called Against The Gods. - Mon, 8 Feb 2010 5:11pm Edited: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 5:14pm
get a grip...
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You can also find it in next month's edition of "Art from the side of a van belonging to some washed up hesher from the 70's" - Mon, 8 Feb 2010 5:19pm Edited: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 5:31pm
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You have no all

People with small brains I don't even consider human,monkey boy.You wouldn't know art if he was smacking you in the ass with Mona Lisa.

You look and sound like a total idiot.......But you live with your Mom and steal all the things you can get your hands on from her and sell it for meth.
You have nothing to contribute as a musicale on here, don't you have some off's to fuck. - Mon, 8 Feb 2010 5:51pm
get a grip...
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musicale??? - Mon, 8 Feb 2010 10:38pm
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Provoke the gods?!? ftw?!?, more like provoke the grim! - Tue, 9 Feb 2010 6:30am
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You all are just mad that you never came up with the best metal name for a band of all time.
I did..... - Tue, 9 Feb 2010 8:32am
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You sound more and more like c/v and Jeff everyday...

.. also, dont think id criticize people for their generic sounding songs.. its not like the shit you're doing is so groundbreaking.

mix sounds good. if I was into this stuff Id probably appreciate it more but it all sounds the same to me. - Tue, 9 Feb 2010 5:13pm Edited: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 5:14pm
Mr. Hell
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Your vocals are much better on this version. - Tue, 9 Feb 2010 7:49pm
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There is a new mix of the song Wolfpack on our myspace. - Wed, 10 Feb 2010 7:20pm
trevor corey
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I just have to say, not to shabby actually.

Now just do some shows, and the Grim will get some blows. - Wed, 10 Feb 2010 7:46pm
Mr. Hell
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If he just smiles and nods, that could happen. - Wed, 10 Feb 2010 9:23pm
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ho hummmmmm....
My bands is way better then the heartless.....
I am the shit.

Michel Jackson has nothing on me....

My band will be signed and opening up for ten thousand set venues all over Canada and the states.Opening for bands like,Slayer,and Megadeth.....and Led Zeppelin.

I am from the future so I know what's going to happen with my music.I will become your new God.The masses will worship and fear me.And there will be one thousand years of metal.Death to all butt metal.Posers will perish. - Sun, 14 Feb 2010 2:06pm
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sorry... you are both full blown retarded - Wed, 17 Feb 2010 11:15pm
trevor corey
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oh should never go FULL retard - Thu, 18 Feb 2010 1:07pm
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Yeah...I try an stay at like 62% retard......
Then people don't ask you to help them with there pathetic lives.They just try an ask me how they can help me....This always gives me a laugh and delights.I am bad ...but good at one thing..I don't wont to brag ...but when it comes to sex....I hold my own.
I am so evil......
So evil ,I hold the worlds very life in my hands.....with one wink I could obliterate you all......for if I die,all of you will cease to exist. - Sun, 21 Feb 2010 9:00pm Edited: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 10:27pm
trevor corey
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"wont" - Sun, 21 Feb 2010 10:46pm
trevor corey
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"but when it comes to sex....I hold my own."

haha, that one took me a second, fucking hilarious - Sun, 21 Feb 2010 10:47pm
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Hey Trev, if your olde ladie is out give me a call and we'll talk more about yor idear to com over to mi plase so you can shove hockey puks up my ass... - Sun, 28 Feb 2010 4:55pm
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Yesser is back and up to some old tricks.

Man I don't spell that bad .

And it's not hockey pucks it's sticks.....get it right. - Sun, 28 Feb 2010 5:18pm
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WOW, this stuff just keeps getting better and better. - Tue, 2 Mar 2010 8:22pm
trevor corey
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It's not Yesser or C.v.
It's Round em Up
Dont you all remember Trevcore pwning his pimply bummy years ago? - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 3:03pm Edited: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 3:03pm
get a grip...
User Info...
THe LiveVictoria dictionary definition of "Trevor Corey"

- a short fellow who is overweight, balding, and is of failing health. A washed up dick toker of local bands, who, much to the chagrin of his "wife", spends way too much time on LiveVic conversing with other like minded lowlifes. Also known for suffering from delusions that attending a half-assed wrinky dink martial arts school will make him taller or his dick bigger. - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 4:59pm
Jeo Cool
User Info...
Half-assed wrinky dink martial arts school......Shows you how much you know.And that would be nothing.
Plus it's real cool to make fun of someone who might not be around for much longer(I hope he lives forever).Shows what kind of human you are.Total scum bag shit eating all wish you could have the love and respect of your friends and family like trevcore does. We love you man.One of the coolies people you will ever meat.

Just like a little week minded fuck that you are ,you believe all what people say on here.Now who is the one looking stupid? Get a grip... that's who. - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 5:20pm Edited: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 5:21pm
get a grip...
User Info...
Coming from someone who cant even spell "Joe" properly.

Just make sure when the time comes to get your whole head in front of the shotgun, you don't want to fuck up your suicide like you've fucked up everything else in your septic tank of a life... - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 5:30pm Edited: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 5:31pm
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Flame on! Fuckface...You got nothing.

I am god are pound scum.....

You have got no at Mom's and crashing your car drunk....yeah nice one.It's people like you that give humanity a bad I hope you don't go back to searching for child porn like you did last year ,cus if you do I hope you get caught and thrown in jail.In the general population so you can get whats coming to you. - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 5:57pm Edited: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 5:58pm
get a grip...
User Info...
I forgot to add to make sure the shotgun is loaded, my boy... - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 6:54pm Edited: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 6:55pm
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If I had a shotgun I would kill you with it.But before I do I would slowly cut you and put salt in your wounds.I would love to make you suffer.And If I ever find out who you are....expect that. - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 7:01pm Edited: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 7:02pm
get a grip...
User Info...
You wouldn't be able to read the instructions. Anyway, I'd strangle you with that gay faggot 70's hesher lid of yours. - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 7:20pm Edited: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 7:21pm
trevor corey
User Info...
Just to clarify
"Ger a Grip" and "Round em Up" are the same chick - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 8:01pm
get a grip...
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Well if I'm a chick I guess that makes your wife a lesbian... - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 8:24pm
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Jeo, I are pound scum too, please? - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 8:37pm
trevor corey
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"Chick", "Cross-dresser", "Transgender", whatever it is you people call yourselves. - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 8:49pm
get a grip...
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Well we've all heard about how you like to dress rimlord up before he buries his face in your nuts. Maybe he'll donate some of his ball hair so you can put something on that bald assed head of yours. - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 10:02pm
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Hey man, you wanna score some weed? Of course you do. You're trying to be a douchebag. Instead of curing cancer or rescuing puppies you've decided to become a master of the art of douchebaggery. Now, you should know, the path you have chosen isn't an easy one...just kidding. All you really need to do is lay on your couch, mooch off of your Mommy, and watch reruns of Pimp My Ride for more than 90 minutes straight. But do you want to do the job half-assed? Of course you do. Damn, you're quick. Fine, go watch TV. Hopefully the rap star host will hit you in the head with a tire iron or something.

What? You're still here? You've seen that episode seven times already, you say. Big surprise. Anyway, if you want to go above and beyond normal levels of douche, simply follow these easy to follow instructions that follow. Following that, you may well be on your way to securing yourself a hideous washed-up pop star girlfriend yourself.

Step One: Attire

A new wardrobe is essential. 'New' does not mean 'new clothes', it means 'clothes you might not own right now'. Clothing from thrift stores or stolen from the homeless is ideal. Avoid sleeves whenever possible. Also acceptable would be a collared shirt, usually, with the collar obviously as popped as it will get. Wearing multiple collared shirts, with multiple popped collars simultaneously will get you instantly recognized as well on your way to brass-plated douchebagdom.

Undergarments being plainly visible is a requirement. You will need a baseball cap, but if you currently own one you will most likely need to go get a brand new one, as the visor must have zero total curvature. You're going to want to look into getting a few garish tattoos; focus on Asian characters that mean things like "courage" because the tattoo artist is likely to hate you and give you the character for "hermaphrodite" without you ever figuring it out.

Accessories can be crucial. Wear a pair of sunglasses at all times, even when inside, while sleeping, and at night. Especially at night. Pick up some cheap jewelry, such as a few thick rope-looking chains. These chains can be made of plastic, rubber, macaroni or actual rope spray-painted silver or gold. A nice touch is to have a large chunk of plastic fashioned into a word dangling from one or more of these chains. Popular words for this form of self-expression include 'gangsta' and 'playa' (It is unclear why the Spanish word for beach is used in this capacity). If you cannot afford such a chunk of plastic, simply steal the hood ornament off your neighbor's Benz.

Step Two: Hygiene

Now that you look the part, it's time to activate those other senses. To become a full-fledged douchebag, you really shouldn't shower more than once a week. In fact, it is common douchebag practice to not even own things like soap and towels, but to mooch them off of your roommate (bonus points for jacking off into the towels). Shaving is severely frowned upon, yet a full beard reduces douchebagginess. Try to go for for that three-day growth look. Ideal appearance is that of the hungover dude who just woke up. If you're too broke to afford beer right now, simply looking like you've been drinking is easy enough. Just have some eyedrops ready (any kind really, they're all 100% safe) to make your eyes appear bloodshot.

Your hair should not look nice in any sense of the word. You should actually strive for a longish, greasy, matted together clump of dark hair. There is some leeway here, since no matter what your hair looks like when you wake up, you can easily do something to it to piss off anyone who looks at you all day long. Examples would include the arrogant little flip off of the front, which can be accomplished with a curling iron (preferable a "borrowed" one), or hair covering at least one eye. Criticism of others' hygiene (when it is clearly superior to your own) is encouraged.

Step Three: Employment

Under no circumstances should you have a well-paid job, or should you work hard at a low-paying job. You should really try for something like 'slack off all day at McDonald's while stealing food and making out with the manager's 17-year-old sister.' When people ask you why you're not getting any work done, reply with something like 'I'm on break', especially if you don't get breaks. If you land a shitty job in an office or otherwise quiet setting where people need to concentrate be sure to make lots of noise and cause distractions often. Good techniques include chewing gum with your mouth open and constantly hitting on the receptionist. Steal anything that's not firmly secured to a wall or the floor. If it's too heavy to steal (golf cart, etc.), simply break it.

Always blame any misconduct on a co-worker, mainly that guy who definitely won't rat you out because he thinks you're his buddy. Take lunch breaks that get longer by ten minutes every day until someone notices. Find a nice quiet place to get some sleep in the middle of the day, such as a storage room that you only put a couch in 'until things work out'. If you're a pizza delivery guy for a place that promises free pizza if not delivered in 30 minutes, deliver each order in exactly 29 minutes 59 seconds,999 miliseconds. When working somewhere with lines (sub shop, DMV) slow the line down by asking and repeating unnecessary questions. If you've held a job for more than four months without getting fired, consider taking drastic measures, such as picking a fight with a much weaker co-worker. When you do finally lose your job, there's absolutely no rush to find another one for at least a few weeks.

Step Four: Attitude

Basically, you should think you're better than everyone else, especially those you may have gone to High School with and who now lead successful lives. Those people are gay. You, on the other hand, are absolutely coasting through life. Why shouldn't you think you're better than these people? You must constantly have a stupid-ass grin on your face; however, this does not translate into always being happy. You should practice being in the mindset where you suffer delusions that every woman that lays eyes on you wants to sleep with you. This allows for easier contact with said women. When they fend off your advances, call them sluts and move on to the next group.

Hitting on women when they are clearly with their boyfriends is a must. When the boyfriend gets defensive, act like you were just complimenting the lady on her earrings instead of telling her to lose the zero and meet you in the alley behind the bar in five minutes. After he punches you in the throat, go out to the alley just in case, because girls love a douchebag. When addressing males, the term 'bro' should be the only word in your vocabulary. Manipulations of this (brodukes, broseph) are encouraged. When responding to a query in the affirmative, use the term 'yeadude' until people don't even bother asking you questions unless they're sure the answer is no.

Step Five: Pulling It All Together

You're almost there! Here's a few tips concerning putting the finishing touches on your persona: Listen to The Dave Matthews Band. A lot. Borrow money from your friends and family with no intention of ever paying it back. Smoke weed all hours of the day and night, especially if you live with mommy and she doesn't smoke, and especially if she doesn't approve. Talk on your cellphone in public, extremely loudly. Laugh excessively and use foul language while doing this. When it comes time for a college decision, attend Boston College; you'll fit right in. Treat your friends' girlfriends as if they just threw a vat of sulfuruc acid onto your puppy. Better yet, treat them like they just threw away a month's supply of your weed. At all possible opportunities, break out your acoustic guitar, because everyone really would like you to play it.
Congratulations! If you followed even 5% of the above instructions, you are now a total douchebag! Now when you wake up tomorrow at three in the afternoon and roll off of the couch the answer to the question 'am I a douchebag yet?' will be a resounding 'yeadude!' You should celebrate by buying beer for those teenagers who always hang out in front of the liquor store. Follow this up by spending a full day at the local mall without making a single purchase. Now you've got the hang of it! You should know that it's all downhill from here, and that means both that A) your life as a full-fledged douchebag will be considerably easier than your life previous to becoming a douchebag, and B) fifteen years from now you will be able to pinpoint the moment you read this as the exact point your life began its tailspin into oblivion, culminating with an arrest for charges of drunkenly exposing yourself to a Denny's waitress. - Wed, 3 Mar 2010 11:56pm Edited: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 12:13am
get a grip...
User Info...
Wow, pretty much sums up your life right then and there, doesn't it lol.

Only someone with few friends, no girlfriend and no life would have enough time on thier hands to write a Live Vic essay.

Nice cut and paste job BTW. I can tell because the spelling was too good for a certified retard like yourself.Maybe next time you have your head stuffed up TC's ass you can find your spelling book up there where you left it. - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 10:29am
TheGray Pixie
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get a grip, you seem to be rather well versed in the ins and outs (pun intended) of T.C and Grimlords sexual relationship. Makes one wonder if you've maybe been involved? Given the boot and now come on here for some good ol internet bashing as payback? Is that a little bit of brown on that finger of yours? - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 11:22am
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I think this is great.. Poor Grim.. loosing his one sanctuary from the pain of his life. - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 12:28pm
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Cut and paste.....NOT.

It took me a long time to compile that(10 mins)

Get a grip have you not learned a thing ?

believe what you see....believe what you hear...

And he just wishes we where guy and it eats him up inside to think that the Trevman and grimlord don't swing that way.

Oh yeah ...Duff man is thrusting his pelvis in your general direction.

I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.I've seen people like you, but I had to pay admission.As an outsider, what do you think of the human race? - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 3:02pm
get a grip...
User Info...
lol yeah I bet you wish you were a guy too. Maybe if your mom didn't dress you up in a tutu and wig when you were young you wouldn't be so confused about your sexual identity, and you wouldn't be trolling the internet looking for gay sex when you're drunk...

Shit dude, enroll in a spelling course! In the worst case scenerio at least you'd get out of that infested shithole you call a pad and off this site for a few hours at least!

Then maybe you'll be able to read the instructions on how to tie a proper knot when you finally gather the courage to hang yourself and end your meaningless life. - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 3:29pm Edited: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 3:41pm
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I only trolled for gay sex once! I was just drunk and curious! - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 3:44pm
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so you've only been drunk and curious once.. bullshit.

I can see that closet door creeping open from here..... - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 4:00pm
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You people should really read the user info of people before you think it's someone ells.

Get a Grip you seem like a fairly intelligent person.And you have a way with what you dream up sometimes.I bet you went to school for a very long time..? You probably have a good job and a nice family,all the things that make for a well rounded normal life.
But on the inside you are a closet hate what you have become.Your dreams of grandeur gone with the dreams of being a gay pornstar.

It's sad really,how your intelligence is spent on slagging people and making up new email accounts, just to make multiple user names on websites to get at people you are threatened intellectually and emotionally bye.

You my friend are in serious shape and it ant a good one .

Help is out there if you need it...and you need it....bad - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 4:57pm
trevor corey
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Grimlord calls his penis "MEGATRON" - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 5:27pm
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Ah shit, when i ferget to take my meds my identuty shifts from being a lonely internet addicted washed up hesher with a lid at least 30 years out of date, to being a clone of Dr Phil, albeit a Dr Phil with the spelling skills of a shaved ape... - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 6:15pm Edited: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 6:19pm
User Info...
So said it.I hit the nail on the head.

an What's a "hesher"....never herd that one till a couple of your persona's threw it around.Must be a word they use in the extreme gay community.You know the ones who where leather and perches Crisco by the vat.
anyway the more you post the more you prove your intelligence is lost on a message board, posting about people you will never have the guts to see or meat in person.
Go check the stove because you are burning your soup. - Thu, 4 Mar 2010 11:40pm
trevor corey
User Info...
that last post had a couple of classic Grimlordisms.
No one can impersonate that - Fri, 5 Mar 2010 10:56am
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Is hesher some sort of secret gay codeword or something?? - Fri, 5 Mar 2010 1:09pm
trevor corey
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This got boring fast.

It's because RoundemUp/GetAgripe is a pussy. - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 1:17pm
trevor corey
User Info...
. - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 1:35pm
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Must be a new word....Proving Get a grip is 12 years old 13 tops. - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 2:35pm
get a grip...
User Info...
Actually it's been around for about 15 years or so but you'd have to leave your rented apartment once in a while to know that and get some help dealing with your chronic case of "hesher shut in syndrome" lol

Nothing is more fun than reading you two gaylords
go back and forth on this site, especially rimlords pathetic pleading with the admins of this site while in a state of panic that his life on livevic is coming to an end, and reading TC's posts as he looks for "friends" on the net as he drinks his pathetic life away towards an early grave, while being one step away from being committed to the EMI. Only a true half wit would drink himself into oblivion when suffering from type 1 DB. You must really hate living and not give a shit about those who care for you to pull that nonsense off.

Being a washed up, thinning haired overweight hesher and a balding sickly sawed-off stump of a fool who dick tokes local band members while attending a half baked phoney "martial arts" school is the perfect example of how two gaylord misfits can find comfort in each others misery and bumholes...

If you guys are done cornholing you should work on doing something other than living on this site lol. It's nice out! Go outside! And Grim, get a haircut and brush your fucking teeth for christ sakes! - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 3:27pm Edited: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 3:40pm
trevor corey
User Info...
I wish I could drink.

I miss it sometimes. - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 4:15pm
trevor corey
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.....PUSSY! - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 4:19pm
get a grip...
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Well I'm glad to hear you gave your head a shake and pulled your head out of your ass, for your wife's sake if anything at all... - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 4:20pm
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Get a grip mention assholes a lot and seem to like talking about gay sex too.Are you gay??? - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 5:16pm
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Be careful.. i think he's drunk and curious right now Get a Grip... - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 5:25pm
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Fail.... - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 5:33pm
trevor corey
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we should all drop acid, and float out into the ocean pretending we are orcas - Sat, 6 Mar 2010 7:13pm
get a grip...
User Info...
No Rimlord, I'm not gay. And you shouldn't really be using this site in your search for gay sex. I'm truely sorry you're so confused...

Keep looking though. With the interests you've listed I'm sure there's a fine young gay man out there for you somewhere, but I'm pretty sure that even he would expect his mate to leave the house once in a while and, subsequently, have a life...

And anybody with an even rudimentary knowledge of psychology knows that most blatantly homophobic tortured souls such as yourself are in fact homosexual or, at he very least, suffer from confusion regarding thier sexual identity....

How long has it been since you've had a girlfriend???

When was the last time you got laid??? (by a girl lol)

When was the last time you were even seen with a girl???

Hmmmmm...... - Mon, 8 Mar 2010 11:46pm Edited: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 11:58pm
get a grip...
User Info...
On second thought, I'm sure most gay men would probably rather be boiled in oil than be seen with you (A trait, by no mere coincidence, shared by women as well).

Except for ole' Trevcore, that is.... - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:01am Edited: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:14am
get a grip...
User Info...
Where is ole' Grimlord the Gaylord, anyway?

If I've chased him off this site than i'll say mission accomplished and let you all get back to discussing music lol.

Although someone might wannna check on him to make sure he's not swinging from the rafters somewhere as a consequence from not being on livevic for 48 hours and, subsequently, having nothing to fill his vacuume cleaner of a life with... - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 12:25am
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Well at lest my wife didn't leave me cuz I am a fuck up.

Drug dealer who give date rape drugs to kids......

And can not play the guitar if his life depended on it.

Go back to sucking off your dog. On second thought don't...that's animal cruelty.

You know nothing about anyone on here that you haven't read already.Witch paints you as someone who reads all the posts on here.In fact you are on here more then anyone else.
Get a Life really should.

every post you say something about being gay...Now if that's not a closet fag ,struggling with his own identity I don't know what is.Maybe that's why your wife left you?

I make fun of people on here 85% of the time.And the other 25% I am just me.People think I an just a stupid drop out thet can't spell,who does nothing but talk shit.I go that extra mile to make myself look bad.I put more in then anyone else.My I.Q is off the charts...It's easier to be a dummy then a genius,people don't ask you things. - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 10:50am
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yeah its off the charts.. dropped right out the bottom!.... fuckin retard! - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 1:03pm
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A "retard" is a sub-human put on this earth for the entertainment of actual people, due to their handicap being incredibly funny. A term of endearment for the mentally handicapped or stupid. It is commonly believed that retards are created by fucktarded, mouth breather sperm. Though plausible, this is the cause of furries, not retards. However, a proven, common cause of retardation is your mother getting stuck in the stink, forgetting to wipe off the tard-infested shit off your father's dick, then getting stuck in the pink thus conceiving your retarded ass (for great justice). Check science. There are some new developments that indicate that some forms of autism may be linked to early television viewing. A common tell-tale sign of being a retard is trying to use the plugs from Hot Topic to pleasure yourself, suffering from dandruff, being gay, or being a weeaboo. Alternative theories suggest that retardation is also caused by punching pregnant women in the stomach, or when a man uses a condom, as some Durex factories carry headlice, stringrays and AIDS.

Finding retards is very simple. All you have to do is find someone who is saying retarded shit, and then you respond with "O rly?". The typical retards response will be huh?, "yes orly", or "what's orly?" Female retards will confuse O rly? for Orally and will either be offended or proceed with the perceived command, a win/win.

Another method of retard detection, as is employed by General Bethlehem, can be used for a more accurate confirmation of retards in a close quarters encounter with an actual retard.

1) Get a good visual confirmation of the mongoloid, from a reasonable distance.

2) Approach the mongoloid slowly, preferably from the side. Do not take your eyes off the mongoloid.

3) With your index finger, press on the soft skin tissue that is located just under the eye of the mongoloid.

4) ????


"People" with Down syndrome also look a certain way. Here are some people with Down syndrome and you can see how they look. They hold their mouths open with their tongue slopping over their lower lips, and usually only know Simple English. They also have tongues with cracks in them and ears that God made when he was drunk.

Spotting a retard at a dance party can be pretty easy. [1]

You can also spot retards on ED if they don't sign their own posts.

just like the Mongoloid,Special Ed, Mental insufficiency, Downsie's that are all around on here. - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 2:19pm
get a grip...
User Info...
That sure was nice of you to post that clip of your mom singing, Gaylord!

Just goes to show you that even a retarded family like yours can do more than just hang around the apartment doing nothing but go on the internet and jerk off... - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 3:26pm Edited: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 3:34pm
User Info...
Everything you say is just a reflection of your own inferior and insanely mundane life. Just because your life sucks and you really are close to killing yourself.Doesn't give you power over people on a website.In fact the more you become increasingly obsessed with such things as other peoples sexuality, grimmer , and living habits.The more you seem to be unstable and most likely to get gang raped in jail,while awaiting trial for sodomizing your dog.

keep it up ...or maybe that's your problem.....would explain a lot. - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 5:15pm Edited: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 5:17pm
trevor corey
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grammar? - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 6:05pm
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No I mean grimmer...That's someone who tries to dig up dirt on you from there imagination. - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 6:51pm
trevor corey
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their? - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 6:59pm
Codine Vandal
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well i've had a good laugh. guess you guys should have waited to pass judgement on my"i know how to start a conversation post". I would have to say this is clear evidence that like me or not i get the conversations started.fucking tools - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 11:03pm
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Your achievement in this arena is like winning the gold ribbon in a hurdles race in which everyone is a quadriplegic but you. In other words, not much of one. - Tue, 9 Mar 2010 11:47pm
get a grip...
User Info...
Wow, a family of retards, both of whom think they can sing lol. Although that clip of your mom far surpasses any of that half baked rehash hesher shit you've tortured people with... - Wed, 10 Mar 2010 12:04am
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Get a grip...I am on your trail bud.......And I know you too.What a time I see you you will find out what I think.

Hope you have a good place to hide. - Wed, 10 Mar 2010 11:06am
get a grip...
User Info...
Bring it on Chubby Hesher, I'm waitng.....

I'd love to put you out of your misery, since you apparently lack the competence and "IQ" level to pull it off yourself, my boy.... - Wed, 10 Mar 2010 6:52pm Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 6:59pm
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Bring it on "Chubby" Hesher, I'm waiting.

Obviously hasn't seen me in a while.

You will not see it coming......I am that fast.

Anyway..... I think I will wait and make you sweet out your stupid ass before the last thing you see is.......

Cuz finding you would be easy......

Just so you know ,I know .....

Don't go any further with this shit.
Drop it now and all is forgiven and you can go back to your life.....any more ,and your life will become more difficult then it already is.

Do yourself a favor...make like a tree, and get out a here.

that goes for you too C/V......the "man can I start a thread" guy.fucktard If it wasn't for me nun of you would ever come to this board.The site yes.But here...I am legend. - Wed, 10 Mar 2010 7:36pm
get a grip...
User Info...
You're getting desperate aren't ya, it's fun watching you fall apart!

If you like I can call the EMI and let them know you'll be arriving soon, fat boy. I'll tell them to keep an eye out for a washed up delusional overweight hesher who's being chased by two paper bags....

LOL!!! - Wed, 10 Mar 2010 7:52pm Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 8:09pm
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Look ...if you had any seance of logic or powers of deduction.Then you would know I have gone through the wringer in these economic times and am now getting back on my feet.So I have lost a lot of weight.I am no longer fat.I do not drink.and work out three times a week.

So once again you are way off my friend.

And you should know me by now....I will say anything on here to make em come read.And they just keep comein.If I was gone from this board ,it would dry up real fast.lets test this theory.One month from now I will come back and see what this thread or any others I have participated in, is doing.And I bet they will come back to life.

One month....have fun trying to get me to respond, you wont.But I'll be back in one month. - Wed, 10 Mar 2010 8:21pm
Mr. Hell
User Info...
"You will not see it coming......I am that fast."

Did you and Quin get combined into one person in some weird experiment? - Wed, 10 Mar 2010 8:25pm
get a grip...
User Info...
Well, it turns out ole' Gaylord could't even last 7 minutes. I almost feel bad for the old chap, to be honest...
One month? I was hoping forever! But hey, it's better than nothing

Mission accomplished folks, my work here is done, at least for the time being. You can all thank me later lol. In one month if the need arises again, or if gaylord returns sooner and gets up to his same old stupidity,I will return once again, to beat a pathetic loser and his gaggle of internet geeks posse at their own game.

It's been a blast y'all! And don't worry, I know deep down you'll all miss me... - Wed, 10 Mar 2010 10:21pm Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 10:47pm
get a grip...
get a grip...
Messages Posted:

Humiliator of Grimlord the Gaylord

This photo's for you TC, you fucking pansied pussy...

Hey Gay Pixie, you're dad called to say fuck you...

Eat fuck losers

7 minutes. Quite sad really, I almost feel sorry for the poor chap... - Wed, 10 Mar 2010 10:49pm Edited: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 11:26pm
User Info...
okay ..I lied ... I am not going anywhere .

your job is done. Get a fucking life loser .

I will see you soon .Don't fall asleep....

I know who you are.....and where you are.

Say your good byes now. this will be your last chance too.

But no one will miss you.the only thing missing will be your head from your body. - Thu, 11 Mar 2010 12:22am Edited: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 12:23am
User Info...
wow Grim.. you're pathetic.

watching you getting owned by Get a Grip is awesome...

way to loose some weight.. you're still a total looser.

I wonder if the guys in your band think its cool the way you act on here.. I hear they think you're pretty stupid and all that.

ciao tard - Thu, 11 Mar 2010 1:13pm
User Info...
I am tight with the guys in my band....Good shits all of em.

There is nothing remotely factual about myself on this board.Except for the fact that I am in a band and post my music on myspace and link you all from here.
I like to fuck with people and if that includes my making a fool out of myself then so be it.It give people something to read on this otherwise boring site.Controversy is still publicity like it or not, you all still come back for more. And the more you call me out, the more I feel effective in publicizing my foolish antics.So thank you all for that.Keep it up. - Thu, 11 Mar 2010 1:49pm
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sounds like a quote from c/v

man you're dumb - Thu, 11 Mar 2010 1:58pm
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Dumb like a fox.......And it keeps you coming back doesn't it. - Thu, 11 Mar 2010 2:25pm
trevor corey
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The Grimlord scared the black out of Michael Jackson. - Thu, 11 Mar 2010 3:54pm
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True. But you're not alone. You keep me coming back about as much as GaG/Jeff/Daj?/etc and the gear section. You're in good company.

I really only hate the character you've created on here. I dont know you.

Dont know DAJ or anyone on here really.. save a few. And they're all pretty cool so, who knows. - Thu, 11 Mar 2010 4:30pm
Codine Vandal
User Info...
hey i know those guys...shameless plug playing tonight at evo - Thu, 11 Mar 2010 9:10pm
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