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Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > BATTLE ROYALE!
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Lucky Bar
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That's right... Lucky Bar, Live Victoria, CFUV and Metropol are hosting a BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!! Grand Prize? $1000 CASH!!!

Proceeds go to Live Victoria and CFUV.

Winners will be determined by audience response. The contests will take place everty Tuesday in November, with the winners of each night competing at the Grande Finale.

To sign up, email [email protected]. Make sure you put BATTLE ROYALE in the subject heading. You'll have to submit a demo and bio by October 15th. - Wed, 8 Oct 2003 4:27pm
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that's cool you're not making the winners do a round-robin style...Livewirepalooza here in Van had that format. It's lame, because the bands keep playing for free even though they charge at the door every night. Can you say SCAM?? - Wed, 8 Oct 2003 4:40pm
investigative properties
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yup!not much of a deal unless bands are getting paid to play each night. a 1000$ is pennies of what the bar would have to pay to get numerous bands in for a weekly thing. so unless it is FREE admission, or unless the bands get paid to play. YOU KNOW ITS A SCAM. Lucky??? Answers?? - Wed, 8 Oct 2003 4:43pm
Fred the Dragon
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Here we go again. Fucking hell. Look it... if you don't want to be a part of this 'scam', then don't. Just shut the fuck up about it. EVERY time someone tries to do something like this, jackasses like you piss all over it. No one is scamming the bands participating in this. No band is going in with the idea that they're going to make a lot of money. Remember back in the day when playing music was fun, and getting up in front of a crowd was exciting? It's sad that making money is the motivating factor for some bands in this town. If you feel that you deserve to get paid to play, fair enough, this idea is not for you. But for some bands, this is a great opportunity for exposure, to meet some other bands, to meet some promoters in town, and HAVE FUCKING FUN. Could all you motherfuckers who have never even stepped on a stage please fuck off? - Wed, 8 Oct 2003 4:57pm
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Hmm, sounds like a scam. - Wed, 8 Oct 2003 5:18pm
Livevic Scott
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All the door money past the door prize and the cost of the show (which is the same cost for ANY show at lucky or any other bar for that matter) is being donated to CFUV and which are both groups that support all the bands involved, any money that WE get from this for the site is gonna be put into advertising to get more people to come to the site and to help get a bit more content up here in the database, and we all know CFUV still needs money so they can upgrade to digital as well as the money they just need to keep the station running.

There's no fee being charged to the bands to enter the contest, there's no judges, its RIGHT UP FRONT that this is a who has more friends contest being that the "Winners will be determined by audience response" which will either be some sort of ballot or a decible meter (I haven't talked to the lucky crew as to which will be used) The money lucky will make for doing this is drink sales, which they would make if your band played thier or any other bar anytime anyway.

No one is being tricked into thinking this is something its not. This is a popularity contest and its even being stated that it is. If you think its a rip then don't do it plain and simple. OR create a band SPECIFICLY for this event and call ALL your friends out to see you make a fool of yourself playing a set you've practiced twice and accedently win the cash??? EH EH??? - Wed, 8 Oct 2003 8:21pm
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maybe I wasn't clear...

I was referring to the Livewirepalooza format of the battle as being a scam, not this event. - Thu, 9 Oct 2003 9:04am
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so.. is this a scam? - Thu, 9 Oct 2003 12:07pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Bar wants to make money on a slow night. Bar hosts Battle of the Bands. Bar Makes money off drinks. Bar charge cover to pay for prizes. Bar give door profit to LiveVic/CFUV. There is no secret here. Bands that draw heavily will have no use for this event anyway and unknown bands will have to be ok with someone profiting from their need for exposure. Not my event but I would suggest giving bands 'free admission' tickets to hand out to thier friends rather than forcing them to donate funds to something not of their choice. Although what is the cover? $1? $2? Also submitting demos?? Over the years I have been in bands that have won 3 and placed 3rd in BOTBs and not one of them had a demo to submit. Good luck to the bands that participate - Thu, 9 Oct 2003 12:13pm
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This sounds interesting. Can Solo artists enter or do you have to be a band?

oh and if anyone is interested there is some recent stuff of mine on my web site: - Thu, 9 Oct 2003 4:52pm
Livevic Scott
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Email Liam about solo artists, from what he told me I would think there wouldn't be any problem with solo artists entering at all. - Thu, 9 Oct 2003 7:11pm
Lucky Bar
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I wonder if some people just lie awake at night wondering how people are trying to fuck them over. Get the hell over it. Here is a news flash for everybody. Bars sell booze. If they don't sell enough booze they disappear. It is as simple as that. My job is to make money for Lucky Bar so that the people who own the bar continue to want to run it. If a business doesn't make money, why operate it? Here is what we plan on happening for the Battle of the Bands. We want to sell a lot of beer. As much as possible. Plus, we want to see some bands play. Maybe see some new bands, people that are stoked to play in a professional venue in front of an audience. Maybe some bands that have already played here. There are many I would like to see. Sixteen bands will get to play. One of them will win $1000. If you don't have a demo, come see us, we are reasonable people. We are going to charge $5 at the door each night. The sound man is going to get paid out of that money. The rest is going towards the prize and after that is paid out the rest will go to CFUV and Live Victoria. The winners will be based on crowd response because it seems like the most reasonable way to judge. It is simple, the loudest crowd wins. The more people here, the more beer sold, the more money raised, the more fun had by all. Everyone is happy. Except for you dicks that think this is some excuse to rip people off and I suspect that you guys aren't very happy to begin with. Ben. - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 12:34am
Lucky Bar
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Hi. This is a message from Liam.
Did you read the poster? It says:
"Hey You.
Got a Band?
Think you're the Next Big Thing?
Think you've got the Right Stuff?
Think you can fake it?
Think you have enough friends?
Grand Prize: $1000 Cash.
Proceeds go yo CFUV, Live Victoria."
Hmmm... Seems pretty straightforward.
I planned this event to:
a) Sell beer. That's my job.
b) Give someone $1000. You ever do that?
c) Support CFUV and Live Vic because they support you and me and everyone else. Support them with cash that they need.
That's why. Where's the scam?
d) Find more local bands to book. Check out and tell me we don't give local bands paying gigs.
PS - Tuesdays are not a slow night at Lucky. We would have sold beer anyway, and nobody would have made $1000. - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 1:01am
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alright already, I said I wasn't referring to this event as being a scam. Christ. - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 6:25am
Wreaker of Havoc
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oh and I forgot to say that crowd response being the judge is the best idea in the fuckin world. Im so sick of 'judges' Bring all your loud thirsty friends and have a good time for gawd sakes! - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 7:29am
Japanese Air Force
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Hopefully we'll see all emerging bands and artists enter this.

I get so tired of seeing the major local working bands all in a lame "competition" to see who's "best".

Good for you guys for giving some new bands a chance to show their stuff... it's getting harder and harder to find new bands for opening gigs these days.

~JAF - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 10:26am
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jackass posts: It's lame, because the bands keep playing for free even though they charge at the door every night. Can you say SCAM??

Can you say exposure, and a chance to win an easy grand? I think it's a cool idea. The bands don't HAVE to play, mind you. - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 10:33am
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Sounds good to me man. Why the shit not? A chance at a grand and be heard, not too fucking bad. I know these cats, and they help us out quite a bit. All of 'em do. Nothing wrong with this. Ya you fucking heard me potsy.... - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 10:39am
Livevic Scott
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Hey Zaner, I don't think anyone misinterpreted your post there were a couple others that were being replyed to. - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 12:39pm
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I oppose these events on a philosophical basis; if there is a "winner" then there are 15 "losers". I have seen bands bitter over losing these stupid cash grabs; they foster resentment and an unhealthy competition between bands when these people should be working together towards a common goal. The "winners" inevitably get swollen heads and then get the big letdown when the fact sinks in that it's just a shitty little battle of the bands in what could only be described as an industry backwater. I've never seen one of these things where the best band actually won; usually the band that can drag the most friends down to the bar (and who buy the most beer thereby getting the most drunk and making the most noise) is the winner. This is NOT what making music is all about, at least not in my universe. I am already a winner in my own mind because I play music I love with nobody telling me what to do or how to do it. Oh well, at least there's no bogus "$X worth of free recording time" which is, in almost every case, no prize at all. Hope you all have fun; I'll be working on something more important. - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 5:12pm
tard bowl cut
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yess yuu wil bee wurking on yor bigg ego and then yu wil drouned in mi pee poul - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 5:39pm
Dick Splint
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I usually appreciate what you have to say, but your comment on this thread is in my opinion, rather weak. There is no denying that this is a business inspired event put on by the folks at Lucky. However, there is no reason that it should be held up as an exclusive example of what spawns bitterness or resentment between bands. Egos are polished and tarnished every day and in every venue of this business and no performer(s), novice or professional, are immune to it. It is the nature of the business.

I don't see any negatives attached to this event, as it gives anyone who wants (and is prepared) to play a chance while potentially inreasing sales for a local business that supports the local music scene.

And, as if your slag wasn't enough, you had to light the wick of the firecracker you've thrown under someone's ass with your flaming wand comprised of "more important" stuff.

What gives man? If you're a diehard socialist then forget about supporting the business. But at least encourage the people who are going to try this to have a good time. - Fri, 10 Oct 2003 7:24pm
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Guess you didn't read the last line of my post. Like I said go ahead and have fun, just don't be pissed if your band plays the set of their lives and loses to a lame band that just happened to bring more rowdy girlfriends than you. Battles of the bands are, in my considerable experience in the music business, the single biggest cause of discord between bands; even seasoned veterans have whined to me about losing to some shitty band that had "friends in the judges" or who "packed the place with all their friends" or somesuch. I have always strongly believed that bands should work together, not compete for some chimeral prize that really means nothing. As for the ripoff angle, let's see, since the soundman gets paid out of the door (a practice that I have always disagreed with)the difference between this event and a regular Tuesday gig at Lucky is that there is a limit to the money that goes to the bands (or, I should say, the band that wins it all). To break even on this event Lucky will have to pull in 65 paying customers a night, a pretty easy thing to do since it seems to be the hippest club in the epicentre of town. Since the soundman doesn't cost them anything anything over the 65 goes to the club when normally it would go to the band. The bottom line: Lucky sell a lot of beer at a hefty markup, makes a small profit on the door if they can get more than 65 customers in and 15 of 16 bands get fuck all other than an opportunity to play in what is probably the worst venue in town acoustically. I for one have better things to do. And so do you. - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 12:57pm
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That's always the one thing I could never understand with that bar, why charge so much for a crummy sleeve of Lighthouse IPA? They should drop the prices by at least a buck for that type of product (apparently they go through an average of 7 kegs per week). - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 1:24pm
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I have always disliked Lucky Bar, the setup doesnt work for me and the beer is expensive. I have gone to the place when i wanted to see a band i like but thats it. - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 7:18pm
Lucky Bar
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But apparently you have nothing better to do than sit in front of your computer and shoot your mouth off. Fair enough, thats your right. But at least get the facts straight. Lucky is not taking any money from the door on these shows. After the prize is paid out, the rest will go to CFUV and Live Victoria. Hey Zippgun, do you have a problem with supporting independent radio? Or maybe this doesn't fit into your narrow idea of what a local music scene should be all about. You talk about working together yet bring nothing positive to the discussion. With all your years of musical experience maybe you have some suggestions on how to make this a better event. But don't just sit there and hack on my bar, you just sound negative and bitter. Ben. - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 11:30pm
the govenator
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holy shit, talk about all the hate... all lucky wants to do is put on a band comp. and everyone from here to antigua wants a piece of slag me down pie. If you don't like it don't go... otherwise shut the fuck up and stop being little bitches about every topic on this board.. bitch bitch bitch, that's all that's ever on here - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 10:11am
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In Lucky/Ben's defence, when we played there, we were paid accordingly and Ben treated us very well. No bullshit, completely professional (he even let us smoke weed in the garage out back haha). I/we have been fucked MANY times playing shows, yet our experience at Lucky went exactly the way it should have. As for B.O.T.B. type events, the jury is still out for me. Bands get lots of exposure playing in these type of events becasue they play with other bands from other genres whom they normally wouldn't play shows with. You play infront of other people's crowds. Yup, perhaps you might not get paid some nights. But come on, if you already live in victoria is it that big a deal? Sure I can see if you're from out of town, and need travel expenses then you might need some cash. The way I look at it, substitute the fact that you aren't getting paid, for the fact that you're playing infront of lots of people who wouldn't see your band otherwise. The only problem I have with these events is the adjudication. I find it hard to justify judging one band as "better" then another. It all comes down to exposure I wreckon. But seriously, it's only music (which is supposed to be FUN), so don't take it so fucking seriously! - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 10:26am
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Oh I'm sorry was I hacking your bar? Just stating my opinion Ben don't get all pissy. - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 10:52am
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My humblest apologies to Lucky; I didn't realize that any excess dough from the door would go to CFUV or LiveVic. I like the fact that LiveVic exists and would do whatever I could to help support it; as for CFUV I have had almost nothing to do with them since the "Full Dynamic Range" CD debacle of a long time ago. That combined with the fact that every cd or lp I've given them has dissapeared almost instantly makes them a low priority for me. Anyhow I hope this thing flies and the best band actually wins. Sorry if I sound like a negative prick but these events are just not for me. - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 11:19am
Lucky Bar
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Thank you for all the responses, both positive and negative. I appreciate that people are at times suspicious of bars motives and practices. Please remember this. I have two primary concerns at Lucky. One is to make sure this bar succeeds so that it is here for a long time and I continue to be employed. The other is to provide a quality venue for live music in this city. I personally love live music, it is one of the few things i give a shit about. Ten years from now, I want people to be talking about shows they saw here, like I talk about shows I saw at Harpos. I hope people can appreciate that any time business and art are mixed together, there is bound to be conflict. I have to try to find a happy medium. It is not always easy and sometimes not everyone is happy, but thats what makes it interesting. Thats what this battle of the bands is trying to do. Make money(business) and check out bands(art). I am looking forward to it.
I am looking for some feedback about the format of the event. From the response so far, I think we are just going to randomly pick 16 bands to participate. We will do four bands each night with one winner and then have a final night. Each night at before the doors open we will draw straws to decide the order of the bands. I am wondering what people think is most fair. Judge each band after they finish or do all four at the end of the night. We will be using a decibel meter to measure crowd response. Thank you for any input. Ben. - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 1:17pm
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end of the night. absolutely. i t hink it would be much better to make a decision after you've takin in every band's performance. yep - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 2:19pm
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I dunno if it would be fair to base an act on crowd response, as was stated in this thread, you just get a buncha friends down there and your assured a win. Perhaps you should have judges instead. - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 11:03pm
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Thats what the idea of this thing is about, LiveVicScott said that a ways back. He said and I quote:

"""No one is being tricked into thinking this is something its not. This is a popularity contest and its even being stated that it is. If you think its a rip then don't do it plain and simple"""

The one problem with this is; can you get all your friends to bring all the friends they have who bring all their friends each time you play???(provided you even make it to the next round) Should be interesting. - Mon, 13 Oct 2003 12:48am
Lucky Bar
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Wow. This is a message from Liam, the other guy at Lucky. First let me say that this has been one of the more intelligent debates I have seen on this or any other message board. Just about everybody had something to add to the conversation - very few just came on to spout something negative and spur pointless conflict, which is sometimes the norm. I also apprecieate the fact that almost everyone seems to have genuinely considered one another's points of view, and even adjusted their own if they gained insight from someone else's comments.

What's missing from the whole discourse, however, is the basic idea that underlies every aspect of the event: Fun. Playing music is fun. Hearing music is fun. Screaming and yelling for your friends is fun. Drinking beer is fun. And, for Ben and I, hosting events and slinging beer is fun.

Nobody made any false claims when we announced the contest. We said from the beginning that the band who gets the most people the rowdiest will win. Why? Because a) There probably isn't any real way to judge a 'best' band, and b) that seemed like the funnest way to do it.

We don't think the winner of this contest will be considered the 'Best' band in Victoria by anyone - including themselves. They will probably just consider themselves lucky. We are not offering tiaras and banners that say 'Best Band 2003'. We are not offering the adolation of every other band in town. We're offering cash. Maybe in retrospect we should have broken the prize down so that all the finalists walked away with some dough. Maybe we'll do that next time.

For the other bands - the ones who don't win - we're offering a stage, a crowd, a fun event, some exposure, an opportunity to help out Live Vic and CFUV, a reason to drink beer, and for many, an introduction. Why would any band who performed well at this thing and had a good time doing it not be considered for future paying gigs at Lucky?

As for the comments about Lucky in general, thanks for the feedback. We are always looking for ways to do what we do even better than the way we do it now, and your candid remarks offer us objective input that we can use.

-L. - Mon, 13 Oct 2003 12:27pm
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Re: Lucky Bar - Hey Zippgun, do you have a problem with supporting independent radio?

I've been out of town otherwise I would have stepped in sooner gents. Lucky Bar would be quite surprised to view the original license application for CFUV as ZippGunn/Scott's name would be on it. He was pivotal in spearheading the campaign to create that station. So yes, one could say he supports independent radio.

As for the initial debate, submission of demos suggests there is some subjective vetting of applicants anyway so it truly isn't a free for all. Competition in art (in the form of contests) can be quite crass. Taste is so subjective, some mob's approval is no indication of merit just look at the last U.S. election (this is just my personal view). It would be nice to see the $1000 paid to all the bands. Why not have New Band Showcase every Tuesday and pay that $1000 over a month to two new bands a week and/or donate some proceeds to any given charity?

I'm glad Lucky Bar's last post was spinning positively. That's the best method of response to any criticism.

P.S. I can see LiveVic getting some financial support as legitimate but I'm curious about CFUV needing the same. I believe the University alots them some moneys if not the Student Union. And don't they do fund drives? Not judging, just curious. - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 1:56pm
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OK this is to Lucky...

Do you guys plan to supply every band, regardless of how they did, the complementary beer tickets?!? What I don't think a lot of people realize is how good a deal beer wise the bands get. :) Anyhow... - Fri, 17 Oct 2003 12:55am
Lucky Bar
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We signed up Victoria Island Breweries to help out with that. As per usual, Lucky will provide adequate hospitality of the bands. - Fri, 17 Oct 2003 1:01pm
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If I remember correctly I was the third signiature on the petition to get a radio license for UVic and I was, very briefly, the first "music director" (I had to quit because back then you had to be a student at UVic to hold that position). I lost interest in CFUV largely because of the attitute of some of the people up there (f'rinstance we could have had the call letters CHAG, i.e. Sea Hag but a bunch of whiny feminists put the nix on that) and the ridiculous disaster that was the Full Dynamic Range CD, the story of which you simply haven't got time for here. The situation has gotten better over the years but just when things are working well the whole staff turns over and we're back to square one. I still go and guest on "Hillbilly Heaven" once in a while, though. I like the idea of independant radio but the CRTC makes it way too hard for little people like me to run their own radio station without breaking a lot of serious laws that could cost me everything. So radio isn't much of a priority for me. - Fri, 17 Oct 2003 1:02pm
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hey luckybar!!

quit kiddin yourself!!

luckybar may be into the music scene but only cause it gets them into the money scene!!

your not gonna try and tell me that if you weren't making any money from this BOTB's scam that you would still do it???

let me guess!! to give these poor desparate musicians a chance to play and get exposure??

you may be able to B.S. a lot of people into thinking that your doing them a big favour but after reading a lot of the posts in this thread,fortunatley, you obviously haven't fooled everybody!!

I can see it now!!

hey everybody!! come and paint my house!!! think of all the exposure you'll get!! think of all the wonderful fellow painters you'll meet!! think of all the fun you'll have!! and best of all?? I'll give the best painter a hundred bucks!!(if it's someone I know of course)

now doesn't that sound like a wonderful opportunity???


give me a ??cking break!! - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 9:47am
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Its a fundraiser. It was stated a dozen times in this thread that lucky Bar does not recieve money from the door. I don't think it could have been said simpler. But hey since the music industry is the exact same as painting houses and people only form bands so that they can become rich rock stars..... If I was as 'intelligent' as you, I would hide behind anonominity too. - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 10:32am
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dude, get real, unless you got a rich papa (or you're still living at home) everyone has to do something to get into the "money scene", otherwise you aint payin the rent.

its cool that these guys have decided to build something that they love to do for a living and alot of people are happy that we have a place like lucky in town

people are going to have fun at this event and they arent making people join. face it..every band has to play some show where the main goal is to get on stage in front of people before they get decent paying shows nd build a crowd - this is a great event for those bands... - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 10:34am
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CHAG .. Man, that is way cooler than CFUV.. "you are listening to Sea Hag radio.. " has an awesome ring to it :D

As far as this competition goes.. Anonymous guy, take a look at the list of bands participating. At least half of them have been gigging around town for some time. They are big boys and girls, and nobody forces them to sign up! And so what if they DONT get paid??? Fuck man, Ive been gigging in the same band for 8 years or so and we have played for free so many times over those years, probably more free shows than paid shows. Its part of the lifestyle really. I wouldnt get donw on the bar for this.. and they clearly stated that somemoney goes to a good cause, most notably the message board which is provided to you for FREE so you can bitch about that which you feel entitled. Do you think this website runs for free?

Ok there's my early morning rant of the year.. doobie time. ( shit its 1pm :P ) - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 11:34am
Ty Stranglehold
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Lucky Bar is great, and anyone who has played there before know that Ben & Liam treat the musicians more than fairly. I know that we've played to full and empty rooms there and were still treated and paid the same way. I think that this is an opportunity for them to try and give a helping hand to other facets of the local music scene(namely LiveVic and CFUV)and the bands themselves.

Now for my bit of negativity:
When was the last time that CFUV actually supported the local music scene? I'm talking equal representation rather than whatever the staff thinks is hip. Not in recent memory I would say. - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 1:55pm
created to kill
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victoria has a great metal scene right now , and i think its about time CFUV gave more coverage to metal bands . it seems like everywhere there is an outlet for music local or otherwise, the metal scene is lucky to get an hour a week,(unless your in europe) and most of the time its what the station DEFINES as would think if these stations were serious about promoting metal they would hire someone who actually knows what it is, and beef up the alotted airtime. instead of filling pockets of dead time with CRAP they could be rotating some good heavy tunes.

i think that if anyone from CFUV is at the battle of the bands they should take note as to how many "heavy" local acts are there.and give our local metal scene more coverage. after all if you want people to listen,you have to play what people want to hear. why do you think no one listens to metallica anymore?hahahah - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 3:42pm
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I still listen to Metallica.

Come on everybody now: "Gimme fuel gimme fire, give me that which I desire-aaaaahhhhhhhh." - Mon, 20 Oct 2003 2:21pm
ted zeppelin
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my cats bref smels like cat food - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 9:39pm
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Get off your high horse. I think I can see the real reason things ended between you and Uvic Radio, it's because life DOES have winners and losers and I think I know which word best describes you. Bottom line, bars need money, bands need exposure (with the chance of getting money) and Zippgunn needs to find a hobby and leave us the hell alone. - Sun, 26 Oct 2003 7:38am
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Well I must submit that the apparently psychic Dr. Load (as appropriate a handle as there is on this board anywhere)is full of it. The real reason I gave up on CFUV was that when they put together the FDR CD (which was to "celebrated 10 years of alternative radio in Victoria")I was informed that I could not participate in the project either as a performer or as an engineer because they had signed an exclusive contract with another (looonng gone) studio and the selection comittee was a tightly knit little clique that played favorites amongst the bands (including one band that wasn't even from Victoria, but DID include one of the studio owners, and the station rep whose idea the whole thing was, who was subsequently fired under mysterious circumstances). When one band expressed their displeasure at the quality of their recordings (they were promised 24 tracks but the studio in fact had only 16... for a 9 piece band!) they were told that the tapes belonged to the station, the studio and a record label that the studio had started up (which violated the station's license mandate). The band was told to fuck off; they had no control over the recording. The whole thing was a bloody mess and soured me on "alternative" radio for good. And since I'm such a loser perhaps you could regale us with your accomplishments. I'm sure they are far more numerous and profound than mine. - Sun, 26 Oct 2003 11:40am
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Oh man, about battle of the bands:

Why the bitching about money???

When you get paid a good amount in this city, 9/10 times it barely covers the bands booze after the show.

Battle of the bands is great for people in a few ways:

1. When do you ever see donations made to help support the music scene here?? - Never.

2.I'm willing to bet alot of those bands playing at BotB are new and are jumping at the chance to do a live show because they just want a little exposure and for alot of bands exposure is far more important than money, and hey, bands are not here to make a buck, bands are there to spend countless dollars of their hard earned cash on playing the music they love and hey if a bar wants to pay them, well ye-hawww getting drunk is free that night.
No band in victoria could pay the bills with even say a 200 dollar payout, and thats a pretty good payout as far as victoria is concerned and im sure no band playing at BotB is even the slightest bit put off because theyre not getting a "cool" 30 dollars per member that night.
The bands just wanna play and know full well its a fundraiser.

3. Holding a fund raiser for local music doesn't make you greedy or a bad person, sure lucky is gonna make some bank that night on beer, but hey, it's their bar, their booze and if people wanna buy it, thats now their drink money...
I don't see how not giving up some of that makes them bad people because after all, they COULD charge the bands for playing there with a peice of the door or quite simply, book some shitter band all the locals will flok to and make far more cash than battle of the bands.


Get off lucky's back.
All their doing is helping local bands and music. - Sun, 26 Oct 2003 12:02pm
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Thursday Night Jam at The Loft
Cancelled - no jam. Drummer's head wouldn't fit through the ...
229 Gorge Road East Victoria BC
Closed / Inactive
First Metropolitan United Fellowship Hall
Large hall in the First Metropolitan Church Building.
Open / Operational
Club Alhambra
Photo credit Niels Petersen Located in the Bedford Regency ...
Closed / Inactive
Maple Leaf School of Russian Ballet
Ballet Academy
Open / Operational

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