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Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > Who's not going to see 3 inches of blood cause H.O.A. are a bunch of Racist scum |
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | I just heard the funniest shit tonight, it seems there are some PC crusts in town who won't come because we are supposed to be Nazi's. - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 1:19am Edited: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:43pm | ||
tophet User Info... | does our frontman look like a Nazi?? - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 1:37am | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | Damn - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 1:40am | ||
todeshauptmetallmiliz User Info... | yes we are evil and hate every thing that is not white and above the age of 13! - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 1:45am Edited: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 1:45am | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | Our favourite thing in the world is a jar of 20 year old Mayonaise - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 1:50am | ||
todeshauptmetallmiliz User Info... | This tee shirt is repleat with P.C. crust scumm blood on it! Does it not look good! The fine fellow who wears this shirt murders them for us, while looking fashionable at the same time! - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 2:05am Edited: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 2:08am | ||
Lordpatch User Info... | gather the horde and battle the sonic well on stage tonight. all the best and all that fwuh heile heile heile - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 6:28am Edited: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 6:29am | ||
Ebolavire User Info... | Score! Does the Horde also hate women? That would be super! - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 10:13am | ||
ML7Mike User Info... | bwahahah thats f'n ridiculous, considering that the guiarist of TIOB was in a band with the singer of Horde for what like 10 years? So now that we can rule out the skinhead in the band does that leave the pothead or the drunk? Ok so the drummer must be a nazi. A nazi named Berg? hmmm somethin fishy about that 1.. - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 11:58am | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | We have found a Bass player - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 12:13pm | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | Doesn't H.O.A stand for Haters of All-People-of-Colour? - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 1:07pm | ||
Mr. Hell User Info... | Congrats on the bass player! Best of luck to you. I look forward to hearing your material with that low end. Don't let those racist accusers get you down. They are always looking for someone to unload their sexual frustration onto. - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 3:27pm | ||
todeshauptmetallmiliz User Info... | Well, actually we dont have the bass player quite yet...Allthough it seems quite likely we will have one sooner then later. By the way i love that haters of all colors thing thats brilliant!!!!! - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 3:42pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | I've heard this around...fucking DUMB. - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 4:24pm | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | How come there are ???? marks where the view number was , also why does it say it was started by Mutilashawn...... Is this some sort plot to undermine our Great strives in the further advancement towards technologies in the area of excellent achivements - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 4:25pm | ||
Lordpatch User Info... | no worroie, someone used my account to post "*Compilation of 28 deleted Lordpatch Threads* (compiled by Admin)" in the "cq" thread. maybe it was the admin? no big. so are the h.o.a. the real reason for all the wars on the planet today? - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 6:18pm Edited: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 6:31pm | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | We only endorse combat with medieval weapons or sex toys, because then you really mean it. Sadly not many battles are fought this way. We are however responsible for bad grammar and an abundance of ANGRY masturbation - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 7:47pm Edited: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 7:51pm | ||
todeshauptmetallmiliz User Info... | Sadly there are not alot of those damn anarcho-crusties PC warriors replying to this thread. i wonder why? Is it because perhaps they are all full of shit? If any one would like to call us white supremacists they should step out from behind there computers and confront us in person. Where the fuck did all this come from any how? We dont hate minorities we hate every one equally! Well not every one but definatly babies and people who act lik'em! - Sun, 6 Aug 2006 9:51pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | I am a "crusty PC" peace punk, and I DID NOT call you racists, nor has any one I know... I have never actaully heard you, nor read your lyrics or any thing... I did once, way back, hear something about you ziek heiling at a show, I think, but I heard that was years ago, and not much was said about it... Maybe thats where the rumor came from? It seams there is a lot of rumors of crustys calling people racists lately... - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 12:01am | ||
Lordpatch User Info... | to say one "hear something about" someone doing something is merely hearsay and still a form of spreading gossip to defame someone or a groups character. what's wrong with a sieg heil at a show?, if indeed h.o.a. did this at all -- which i doubt highly that they did.if you mean the salute? "seig heil" is what one says. the salute itself is roman. although, the roman custom would be to have the arm parallel to the ground. however, the meaning behind it has become less frightening -- if frightening at all. it's no differeent than people taking nordic and germanic culture and automatically thinking that any group or individual who uses the allusions in them are members of along dead party from the 30's. the great cultures, histories and myth were created long before the misuse of them in a very brief period of human history. after all if we don't think in these far more historically relevant terms -- using proper perspective -- then what's there to say that the very sight of a star of david or the ice blue tones would invoke just as much anger, fear and resistance as seeing a swastika or someone dawning a klu klux klans man hood? - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 6:42am | ||
Suffuckation User Info... | When I was waiting in line for the last ML7 show I saw some stupid bitch outside with her nose in the air going off about how she wasn't going inside until H.O.A. was finished because she was convinced they were nazis. How did so many people in this city get so fucking stupid? - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 4:28pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | well I have heard, rumor I believe, that all father is a verry right wing band, maybe it is cause of the shared members that H.O.A. gets called nazis? just a thoughy... - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 9:18pm | ||
Nik Olaz User Info... | Hahaha right-wing? I saw Justin wearing an Assuck shirt for christsakes when we opened for them. If thats right wing then i'm Rush Limbaugh with a His Hero is Gone LP downstairs. - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 9:31pm | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Ok, I don't think the claim that PC crusts are all a bunch of dumb fucks who unfairly think HOA are racists has any more grounds than the statement that HOA are a racist. Is there anything more than heresay and gossip that people are boycotting the show? I'm not saying there aren't PC crusts boycotting the show, just that I haven't seen any more evidence of that than I have that HOA are racists. Which is precisely none. - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 9:47pm | ||
Andrew User Info... | maybe...just maybe...the salute is just mocking the nazis. and mocking people that are that intense on their beliefs. i duno. doesnt the guy from greenday do salutes at shows . lol WHAT AN ANTI-SEMITE! lol. its funny how all this anti-semite stuff hits the air 2 weeks after isreal started bombing their neighbors. - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 9:52pm | ||
Ty Stranglehold User Info... | Jello Biafra has been seig heiling on stage for decades. I'm pretty sure he's not a nazi though. - Mon, 7 Aug 2006 10:59pm | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | The pure heart of Heavy Metal is to Rebel against imposed authority and any variance of Facism. Metal is our Religion and it is extended to (All) those who seek its Majesty and Unholy Shroud. H.O.A stands for this above anything else. Nor do we have any problem with the anarcho crust scene as a whole. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 12:29am | ||
Lordpatch User Info... | there you go D_T_F someone just used my account to post the hitler stuff. so don't get too worried about the multishawn mess up. someone is just fuckin with the accounts. i guess it's so that i change my name and identity an that it disrupts the work done. people are trying to stop folk from thinking. they are also attacking local artist and bands who are antifacists and still loyal to the local scene and spreading a lot of lies about them. we've seen this with h.o.a., allfather and many others acts here. fwuh it's juvinile stuff that cowards use that got reena virk killed and many other people we have all known here to get beaten or killed by nasty people passing rumours around to get other people to do their dirty work. there are the attacks on the local anti-facists where the facists are trying to spread rumours that the anti-facsits are all so called nazis. meanwhile, the scene gets infultrated with the real barren rachel heads who are to push their neocon agenda onto our scene and turn everyone against each other. you dont' have to hug a jew or negro to prove that you ain't a facists. because both are not the symbols of antifacism. especially those who claim thier own state and kill with joyous genocide. just remember what the cowards and gossips really want, as the author perihan magden said; "...they want the lynch mob to humiliate you, they want to show you can't speak your mind, write your mind.It's a war of nerves." nobody beileves it so dont' entertain it. and those who want to believe it -- then fuck em. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 5:44am Edited: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 6:45am | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | Don't believe anything that you hear!! Talk to the people in question .. then if said rumour is legit, form an opinion. Opinion based on rumour is absolute bullshit!! - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:29am | ||
Spinvis User Info... | Who cares, this topic is a waste of time. Why would most of "PC Crusts" be into Horde of Anachron anyhow? As the band put it themselves, they hate everyone equally - oh well this is even more promotion for HOA, since its stirring a bit of a ruckus on the board. You could do just about anything or say anything and the PC Crusies would start to cry. An example "Girls should be more careful in the moshpit since there are alot of big guys in there sometimes" and then everyone gets upset like it was a sexist remark. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:35am | ||
Spinvis User Info... | . - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:38am | ||
Lordpatch User Info... | speaking of jello biafra, he was the one who said that, and i paraphrase, real anarchist don't walk around telling people they are anarchist because it would get them coshed. real anarchist dawn suites and ties and fuck up the system from within or even they maybe the guy on the sight who people think is a nimrod no think but is politcally engaged in bringing down oppressive systems. some even mow the lawn on weekends and look like "bob". all others are just posers - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 3:06pm Edited: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 3:07pm | ||
todeshauptmetallmiliz User Info... | So...? Who's coming to the show on friday?! I promise i won't siegheil or raise my hand abouve my waist! Ha,ha,ha,ha....! This is all becoming so great, it gives me something to read every day. Thanks every one. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 3:51pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | ok, usually I agree with jello, but... you can not corrupt the system from with in it will corrupt you, instead of working to destroy it, you end up working for it. fuck the system, I will do my humanly best to creat my own, or at least do my part. and I will not go arround calling people nazis unless they are. as well, as for the zeik heil, context matters, for example, the effigy played one of my shows, and they zeik heiled well singing the lyrics "I Like shopping at walmart, I like eating at McDonnalds, I'm a patriot!" but to just plain zeik heil, well thats not cool to me, nor is wearing swastikas, you may as well be wearing a shirt thats sais kill all the sand niggers and squas... fuck, who cares what the symbols meant, it is not what they mean these days... it is not whay they tell people these days. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 5:25pm | ||
Lordpatch User Info... | METAL ON DUDE!!!!!! - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 5:30pm | ||
todeshauptmetallmiliz User Info... | Hey food not Food not bombs...Stop spelling Seig heil wrong.I think the dead kenadies were cool! Im rollling down the stairs to drunk to fuck! What a message!!! Boy that jello he's so smart! And you should probably do some rearch into what the swastika means and where it comes from. It's unfortunate that it was corrupted in such a manner, as were all of the norse symbols that are in use today by hate groups, i wish people would research things before they use them or speak out against them. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 5:36pm | ||
KnifeGhost User Info... | Frankly it doesn't matter a damn what the history is behind the swastika -- in Europe and North America it's still solidly linked to the Nazi party. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 5:51pm | ||
jeff User Info... | "Hey food not Food not bombs...Stop spelling Seig heil wrong.I think the dead kenadies were cool! Im rollling down the stairs to drunk to fuck! What a message!!! Boy that jello he's so smart! And you should probably do some rearch into what the swastika means and where it comes from. It's unfortunate that it was corrupted in such a manner, as were all of the norse symbols that are in use today by hate groups, i wish people would research things before they use them or speak out against them" Holy fuck your a dumbass, maybe you should research some DK lyrics, they some of my favorite punk lyrics, and ive heard good things about jello and his spoken word albums and now a days the swastika is a nazi symbol and thats all it is to people so shut the fuck up BUT MOST OF ALL im sick and tired of people saying foolish things like "food not Food not bombs" and other shit torwards things that Comrade has said, he does more for more positive things for vics music scene then most people will ever do. so stop treating him like a total fucking douche bag and give some respect to someone that works ther ass off for nothing in return. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 6:07pm | ||
Doc User Info... | "and now a days the swastika is a nazi symbol and thats all it is to people so shut the fuck up" Actually it is still a very revered religious symbol to adherents of Hinuism and Jainism around the world today and only fear mongers and hate peddlers still associate it with Germany and the National Socialist Party. This might surprise you, but outside of our little americanized sphere, there are many things that don't hold the meaning that you think they do. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 6:46pm | ||
Spinvis User Info... | Yeah true, but if I was to show up at a PC CRUSTIE show sporting my swastika shirt I'm sure it would cause a ruckus and not the view "well its also the revered religious symbol to adherents of Hinuism and Jainism". - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 10:01pm | ||
MikeyCade User Info... | i think the (well, one of them) point is that you SHOULD be able to wear the original symbol without people causing trouble. It's really not cool to just see a symbol and jump to conclusions/assumptions and attack a person or judge them. - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 10:14pm | ||
Ebolavire User Info... | "Hey food not Food not bombs...Stop spelling Seig heil wrong.I think the dead kenadies were cool! Im rollling down the stairs to drunk to fuck! What a message!!! Boy that jello he's so smart!" HA HA HA HA HA! Yer SO freakin' drunk! (spelling) How big is that sweet flask you carry? As if we're not all gonna have a beer or five on Friday. I'm SO looking forward to the show! It's gonna be a super-AWESOME! ...and what happened to the pictures being posted on this thread? That was half the reason I was reading it! - Tue, 8 Aug 2006 10:47pm Edited: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 11:14pm | ||
todeshauptmetallmiliz User Info... | Jeff! I know who you are and next time i see you im going to carve a swastika in your forehead! SIEG UND HIEL! - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 12:14am | ||
todeshauptmetallmiliz User Info... | Oh and further more!!! - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 12:17am Edited: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 12:18am | ||
Spinvis User Info... | haha what is this - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 9:44am | ||
Mutilashawn User Info... | hahaha reminds me of the Superman comics from the WWII era where Superman is fighting Hitler. I agree; come to this fucking show!! It's going to be extreme to the 'n'th degree. Actually it's a front for the huge white power rally that's going on. We've already come to terms that HOA is establishing the 4th Reich, Mitochondrion is Norse for "GeE WhIz RaCism RuLes!!!!", and 3 Inches of Blood was originally called '3 Inches of Minority/Gay/Jew Blood on My White Klansman Robe'. So the cat's outta the bag - it's a hate free for all up in this mutha fucka. - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 2:47pm | ||
Lordpatch User Info... | is the first black and red vinyl 45 still available when 3 inches of blood were still called '3 Inches of Minority/Gay/Jew Blood on My White Klansman Robe'? i had it but it got jacked by some dude from black kronstadt. - Wed, 9 Aug 2006 6:21pm | ||
Gabri~hell User Info... | Spinvis, I have that picture framed in my bedroom! It was a poster put out during WW II to support fuel rationing. Car pool or else you're a Nazi, in other words. Yes, RLY. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 12:03am | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | todeshauptmetallmiliz if you wanna critisize my spelling you should not spell research wrong in the same post. next, you are a moron. food not bombs is a INTERNATIONAL anarchist collective dating back over 20 years, will over 200 individual collectives accross the world. Food Not Bombs feeds people with often the only healthy food on the streets. Noise Not Bombs is my production company designed to make the punk/metal scene in victoria more anarchist. It has 2 members and about 10 vollunteers, 1 chapter accross the world, and was actually not even named after FNB but rather named after a song by a d-beat band from cali that puts on shows with Behind Enemy Lines a lot (frmerly aus-rotten), the d beat band is called alternate system, and has a song called noise not bombs, and their t-shirts say it too. Noise not bombs puts on shows... The guys under the tree on sundays are Food not Bombs, they are feeding people, and have almost nothing to do with Nois Not Bombs, except that me and Jim are both also members of Food Not Bombs. As well we give a buck off at the door with food donations for fnb some times cause we wanna support local grass roots groups that do the shit the government wont do... so here is the simple break down NOISE Not Bombs=noise/music/gigs FOOD Not Bombs=Food/feeding/cooking simple enough? also I doubt that any adherents of Hinuism and Jainism would run arround wearing swastikas now days... And I doubt there is many white members esspecailly here... I am sure the members would expect to get questions if they did wear one. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 7:58am | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | Food not brains , you really think that adherents of Jainism don't proudly wear their religions symbol that has been around for 2500 years because the Nazi's used it. Right.... people all over the world have decided not to fight for their culture that was once bastardized by a facist goverment.They believe like you that it wouldn't be becoming. I sure hope Anarchists aren't that weak. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:49am | ||
Spinvis User Info... | "my production company designed to make the punk/metal scene in victoria more anarchist." No thanks. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:53am | ||
Suffuckation User Info... | Well how 'bout more communist? Instead of drinking beer at the shows maybe we can all dip our straws into a great big bowl of guspaco? - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 1:04pm | ||
NOISE NOT BOMBS User Info... | quote-------------------------------------------------- "my production company designed to make the punk/metal scene in victoria more anarchist." No thanks. ------------------------------------------------------- thats ok, it aint for you then... people can take part if they wish, either way I am putting on a lot of the punk/metal shows that have been happening here, and a lot of people seam thankfull, cause before no one was. like it or not, others do, and I don't care, i will keep doing what I do and you can put on your own shows if yopu don't like mine. ----------------------------------------------------- quote------------------------------------------------ you really think that adherents of Jainism don't proudly wear their religions symbol that has been around for 2500 years because the Nazi's used it. Right.... ----------------------------------------------------- I have only once sean some one wearing a swastika that was not openly a wp fuck... I have met people that wear swatikas, but they also wear ss, 777, 23, and so on, and quite openly preach wp. so what ever you think is fine, I will believe it when I see it... as I sai only once have I sean it as an non racist religouse symbol, and it was worn by a black guy. and it's mr noise not brains to you... - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 1:25pm | ||
Ebolavire User Info... | There are lots of people in the city who wear swatika's as a symbol of religeon. The symbol isn't always immediately obvious. You can buy beads at a lot of craft shops that have the symbol on them. Just because YOU don't see it often does not negate it's existence. - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 1:52pm | ||
Mordock.the.Benzite User Info... | "my production company designed to make the punk/metal scene in victoria more anarchist." "No thanks." x100000000000 "either way I am putting on a lot of the punk/metal shows that have been happening here" oh...are those the ones with hoardes of drunk underage kids flailing outside pissing everywhere and breaking shit? ANARCHY, MAN!!!????!!??????? congrats? - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 1:52pm | ||
todeshauptmetallmiliz User Info... | Hey fools not bums (food not bombs), or maybe it should be the other way around? I dont think you should be throwing insults around at people you never know when someone is going to throw back, maybe not an insult though!! And you still suck at spelling! - Thu, 10 Aug 2006 8:26pm | ||
Ebolavire User Info... | Food not bums!?! That's some ugly food for thought. heh heh heh - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 12:27am Edited: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 12:29am | ||
Suffuckation User Info... | After seeing that picture I think I'll not eat for a week. (Is that poo under the lettuce?) - Fri, 11 Aug 2006 4:06pm | ||
Destroy_The_Flesh User Info... | Iam with you I hope its not poo - Sat, 12 Aug 2006 8:39am | ||
Lordpatch User Info... | Aryan Anarchist Skins! - Sat, 12 Aug 2006 10:11am Edited: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 10:12am | ||
Mace User Info... | - Sat, 12 Aug 2006 6:13pm | ||
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