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VDRP: Looking for...
Message Board > Music Chitchat - Heavy > VDRP: Looking for...
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While I was reading the inlay to "Two Dogs Fuckin'" I noticed the following bands, anyone have demos from: Shutdown, Pigment Vehicle, Section 46?!? - Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:09pm
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Oh, does anyone have Spikey Norman "The Green Album" on cassette I could grab from them? I'm still waiting for a belt for the turntable otherwise I could copy it from vinyl. Same with my "Render Useless" 7 inch. I'm also looking for any Coiler as well the bands listed above (I have 3 songs from Coiler and 1 song from Spikey Norman off the Newlywed/Nearlydead compilation). Oh and if anyone has it, I'm still looking for Nirvana at the Forge. Thanks once again!!! - Mon, 5 Sep 2005 6:07pm
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Yes, I do know I'm the only person posting in here...

Question: Does ANYONE have any Armoros?!? I have Crown of Thorns, but it's really horrible sounding. Yeah I'd love to get ahold of that demo, THANKS!!! BTW: It sounds like someone recorded the band on a really crummy tapedeck, go figure. Armoros ROCK!!!! - Tue, 6 Sep 2005 8:37pm
Eazy A
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Im pretty sure I have a Section 46 demo stashed away somewhere. Also the shutdown demo with police woman on it. I also have a recording of Armoros's debut assault but I think Mike would skin me alive if i put that back in circulation. heheh. - Wed, 7 Sep 2005 5:17pm
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The drummer from Pigment Vehicle now works at Sidney Musicworks teaching piano and drums. I think he has some copies of some of their stuff... - Wed, 7 Sep 2005 5:44pm
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Good point Eazy, though I'm just looking for the 1 song "Michelle Remembers", I actually ran into the person who wrote that over @ the 5th street a few years ago, how bizarre. In circulation?!? Well I get it, at least. :) I don't have a lot of people asking for the demos, if that explains why I'm looking for it. I still don't get why Armoros don't re-release there stuff if there's a demand for it. I'll have to talk to the drummer from Pigment Vehicle. - Wed, 7 Sep 2005 6:50pm
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Here's an update (I think), I recently got Clean to work on transferring analog to digital, so I'm experimenting with it ATM. Sigh, why don't they have filters for the PC which do this?!?

Working on: Atrosity-Out From the Pink Into the Brown, Shutdown - 4 Song Resersal Tape Oct 90 (this needs a lot of work), Jho Nek Bhone-The Pelican At Yer Door (I found this at Lyle's Place, wish I had known about there tape section). Nuff said, back to work... - Wed, 14 Sep 2005 7:21pm
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For those curious, here's the list, and no, I'm not selling anything... BTW: You can still buy the Sex With compilations, Micky Christ and Mudslinger CDs, so like buy them already!!!

!VDRP - Six Years Strong and Falling!!!

Note: All CDs you can still buy have been deleted from the list, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTISTS!!!
AK47-Free Palestine
Alcoholic White Trash-Punk Rock Jihad (Advance Unmastered)
Armchair Cynics-Coffee Shop Confessions
Atrosity-Out From the Pink Into the Brown (Tape Rip)
Betty Ford-Chicken Legs Revenge
Betty Ford-Polluted
Big Brown Jobbie-The Only Record
Birth of Sickness-Demo 2000 (Tape Rip)
Birth of Sickness-Live at The Cave (Tape Rip)
Black Kronstadt-Crimes of Capital Crimes of the State (EP)
Bronze-Bronze EP
Burnside Brawlers-Live at Soundgarden (2002-11-02) (Improved VBR)
Capital Rock City (PODCast from The Zone FM/Jeremy Baker)
Cloak-Demo (4 tracks)
Contempt-Unreleased Demo (Tape Rip)
Demonation-Demonation (Tape Rip)
Dirtnap-Shut Down Inside
DreadNaut-Deliverance (Demo) (Tape Re-Master)
DrunkTank-7 Fuckin Songs (Tape Rip)
DrunkTank-Drunk As All Fuck (Tape Rip)
Enchanted Fairies-Enchanted Fairies
Explosive Rage Disorder-Explosive Rage Disorder
Explosive Rage Disorder-Explosive Rage Disorder 2
Fine Tooth Combine-Big Big Sour
Gallows End-Spirit Mocking Flesh (Unmastered)
Gravel-Gravel (Tape Rip)
Greenlaw Avenue-4 Track (Web) Promo
Gross Misconduct-Gross Misconduct
Grump-Eight Elbows Demo
Grump-Kings Make (Unreleased) Demo
HotHotHeat-Live at KROQ Weenie Roast 05-21-2005
House of Commons-Guilty As Hell Demo 87
House of Commons-Live at Luv Affair 84
House of Commons-Patriot (12 Inch) (Tape Rip)
Hudson Mack-Every Day
Immaculate Infection-Immaculate Infection
Iskra-Iskra EP
Keg Killers-Living Like Assholes EP
Kilotron-Knock the Box
Left of Center-Hard Times Demo 1993 (Tape Rip)
Left of Center-Speedbag (Tape Rip)
LID VCT-100 Pints of Lager EP
LID VCT-5 Track Promo
LID VCT-Beer Mug On EP
Lootbag-10th Kid (Tape Rip)
Machine Gun Kelly-Fantasize About Nihilism EP
Meatlocker Seven-Corrode
Meatlocker Seven-Depression Earth EP
Meatwagon-Left With Nothing
Micky Christ-Kneel and Bob EP (Tape Rip)
Micky Christ-Micky Christ Superstar
Micky Christ-Micky Dead (Tape Rip)
Micky Christ-Pull My Finger
Micky Christ-Stop the War
Micky Christ-User Friendly
Mile Zero-Mile Zero EP (Tape Rip)
Mission of Christ-Silence in Grave and Demo 89
Moneyshot-Cowboys and Angels
Mudslinger-Because She Can
Mudslinger-Flush It Away
Peoples War-No War But the Peoples War
Punish-State of Grace
Red Tide-Demo 83 (The Trials of Gee) (Tape Rip)
Render Useless-Render Useless (Vinyl Rip)
Self Inflicted-Truth In Eulogy EP
Severance-Demo 90 (We Built the End) (Tape Rip)
Severance-Demo 92 (Tape Rip)
Shutdown-4 Song Rehersal Tape Oct 90

Acorn Hell-Horse Jacket
Allfather-Flight Into Exile (Promo Track)
Armoros-Crown of Thorns
Black Vein Prophesy-Hind Guts
Blues X Five-Pain in My Heart
Budokan-All We Know is Rock and Roll
Dirt Fella-Room To Breathe
Faces of Black-Thorn In My Side
Freefall-The Climb
Ike-Monsoon Afternoon
Kincaide-Falling From Ivory Trees
King Bong-Call To Revolution (Live)
Micky Christ-Counting Daze
Red Tide-Incubator Slide (Maximum Rock and Roll)
Red Tide-Marys Black Analogy Chop (Barricaded Suspects)
Red Tide-Masks
Red Tide-R E D
Self Inflicted-Bludgeoned (Live at Logans)
Skid Missel-Bomb Drop
Soy-The Song Title
Staaf Only-The Warriors of Modern Death
The Dishrags-Bullshit
The Dishrags-I Dont Love You
The Dishrags-Love is Shit
The Dishrags-Past is Past
Tim-A Better Hand
Tough as Nails-VanIsle Crew
Smoked Out Brainzzz-All In the Matter of a Good Time
Soy-Demo Tape 96 (Tape Rip)
Soy-Tales From Tofugraphic Oceans (7 inch) (Vinyl Rip)
Speakeasy-Stranglehold (Tape Rip)
Surburban Menace-Outta My Way (Demo 83) (Tape Rip)
The Beaumonts-The Beaumonts
The Bloody Hells-The Bloody Hells (Unmastered)
The Clusterfux-The Clusterfux (Tape Rip)
The Clusterfux-The Clusterfux II (Tape Rip)
The Dirty-The Dirty EP
The EXLs-The EXLs (Recorded 11-66) (320 kbps)
The Fine Options-Outer Space
The Hoosegow-The Last Buffet
The NEOs-End All Discrimination
The NEOs-Hassibah Gets the Martian Brain Squeeze
The Pricks-2001
The Rampant-4 Track Sampler
The Remanez-The Remanez (3 Track Sampler)
The Resistance-Irresistable and Raw Deal
The Shivs-Blind Drunk (Advance Unmastered)
The Shivs-Blind Drunk
The Sweathogz-High Test Punk
The Sweathogz-Rock and Roll em Up
The Vinaigrettes-Gross Negligee
The Vinaigrettes-Wing Night (Tape Rip)
ThinKing-Run Over and Still Smiling
Tim-Green Lego (Tape Rip)
Universal Surf-Universal Surf
Various-Full Dynamic Range
Various-Garden City Dubs (Boomtown Records)
Various-Giddy Up Victoria Compilation Vol 1
Various-Medium Raw Compilation (BYOV) (Tape Rip)
Various-Newlywed Nearlydead
Various-Old Time Punk Rock (01-08-06 Rats Nest)
Various-Sex With Everything A Victoria Compilation
Various-Sex With Nothing Punk-Rock Compilation

Meatlocker Seven-Systemic.wmv
Wizeguyz-Wizeguyz - Tue, 20 Sep 2005 2:18pm
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hey Phil... reminds me to get you a copy of Decay... that was one of my projects about 10 years ago and I still have the reocrdings we did

'ere - Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:55pm
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Burnside Brawlers? Who the fuck? - Wed, 21 Sep 2005 5:08pm
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Yeah, SickFuk, you mentioned that to me the last time I was over there, I'd be curious to hear it. I got that Burnside Brawlers set on one of the burnt CDs I recieved (I might of borrowed it from Dustin actually.) I peaked/normalized the levels and you can actually hear the crowd. Shit man, that's awesome. And to think when I sorta ran into the lead singer over at Logan's before I knew anyone, the guy used to freak me out. Shitty to hear what happened to him. Live at Soundgarden is cool, pity I never got to see that band live.

...A.A. - Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:56pm
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Oops, a few updates...

Render Useless-Render Useless (Vinyl Rip)
Violent Shade of Green-Kinetic
Violent Shade of Green-Perfectly Flawed EP - Fri, 23 Sep 2005 5:46pm
Jaron Evil
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I got a bunch of that old local stuff:

Pigment Vehicle - Perfect Cop Moustache (CD)
Pigment Vehicle - Independent Women Are So Damn Good (CD)
Pigment Vehicle - Murder Is Only Foreplay If Your Hot For Revenge (CD)
Laffing Stock / Goat Boy split - Good Stuff Maynard...Nope! (Tape)
Lootbag - 10th Kid (Tape)
Fine Tooth Combine - Big Big Sour (CD)
Fine Tooth Combine - Foil (CD)
Lashing Ether - Decompositions (CD)
Dizzy - Perspectives (CD)
Peruke - Please...Mess With Texas (CD)
Repulverizer - s/t (CD-R)
Joint Chiefs - High & Mighty (CD)
Goatsblood - Drull (CD)
Smoked Out Brainzzz - All In The Matter Of A Good Time (CD)
Funerary Call - Beckoning At The Black (CD-R)
3 Inches Of Blood - Battery Under A Winter Sun (CD)

If this helps in any way, let me know.
I had some old DIRTNAP and O.T.T.G. tapes but i lost them when I moved.

-Local music rules - Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:01pm
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miTochondrion . . sheesh - Sat, 24 Sep 2005 2:51pm
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Hey I bought that Mitochondrion CD. :)

Hey Jaron, I should get ahold of you pretty quick. Heh, see you got the Dizzy CD, but where did you get the Repulveriser CD from? I think I grabbed it from a gig from 411 Burnside, pity to hear the place is no more actually. - Sat, 24 Sep 2005 5:04pm
Jaron Evil
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Believe it or not, I actually got hold of a new copy of the Repulverizer CD at Lyles Place for 5 bucks. They got a small local section next to the rap. Also if your looking for Fine Tooth Combine's first CD "Foil", I know they have a copy of it in their punk/alternative section. And Ditch Records has a new copy of Pigment Vehicle's "Idependent Women Are So Damn Good" last time I checked. But for sure, get ahold of me if you need to.

- - Sat, 24 Sep 2005 5:21pm
Ty Stranglehold
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Hey Griph, I've got a copy of the Render Useless "retrospecive" CD. I think that it has everything on it. If not, Paul plays in the Captains Of Industry.

I'll set you up with a Jizzwailers CD too.

As for Pricks' stuff, you're missing stuff. I've got

The Cassette (Was is called I Love Beer? I can't remember)
Cocksuckers & Motherfuckers (The only vinyl test pressing... Thanks Will!) - Sat, 24 Sep 2005 8:20pm
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Hey Ty, Paul got ahold of me last week and mention he's got a ton of demos for me, cept he's busy with life's little problem(s), namely children, but eventually he'll get ahold of me. Render Useless released a retrospective? Wow, that Self Titled 7" I have of the band rocks. Yeah, I should get together with you, and do the lunch thing pretty quick. I'll have to check Ditch next time I have money. Yeah I got The Pricks-2001 from Dustin, but my copy of that demo is in horrible shape, it would be nice to find a better copy of that. I'm still stunned that The Pricks never really did get their names out there and the band split up a few years ago, they sounded like they showed promise, but then again, so did Mission of Christ ;) - Sat, 24 Sep 2005 8:50pm
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nah I was just busting your balls, "mito" instead of "mido" - Sat, 24 Sep 2005 9:12pm
Ty Stranglehold
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I've also got a TIM demo tape (entotled "play") and the Special Olympics' tape too. - Sun, 25 Sep 2005 4:24pm
Ty Stranglehold
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I alos noticed that you don't have the "Group Therapy Explosion" compilation. That is a MUST HAVE! - Sun, 25 Sep 2005 4:27pm
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That was the one I was looking for (same with Random Thought compilation(s), even Lyle can't remember if he has these). Get ahold of me Ty and I'll hook up with you in regards to getting these demos/comps from you, I totally appreciate that. - Sun, 25 Sep 2005 4:57pm
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phil...i keep mentioning that i need to get some shit from you. and i know i have some stuff that you don't have listed...also just as a note ..the Contempt stuff was actually released in limited numbers, i only have the cover left from the first cassette, but of course have the other stuff that Thane re-released a few years back. I want to get the Atrosity, and M.O.C stuff you the top of my head i have the following that you don't list
-Pigment vehicle "let the squids fly freely"
-Fracas "Quiet please"
-Mexican power Authority "more discipline"
-Ninth Hour (from nanaimo but played vic a lot back in the early 90's) we had three releases total
-Shutdown "no more fuckin privacy" as well as the 7"(which fuckin rules), the "IN there" demo, "tales of bliss and numb",
-Sensory Crossover (originally from Port Alberni, but moved to vic)
-Beige froth (this is awesome shit...University girls song is wicked)
thats all i can think of now, im hung over and not in vic at the moment, i'll try to remember to drop you a line when im back next week. i think i have more, i'll look when im home, maybe we can trade some shit. cheers - Sun, 25 Sep 2005 8:07pm
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aCk... thanks for reminding me again Brad. I'll burn those demos for you whenever, let me know where ya wanna meet (5th Street seems to be a good place). Yeah, Dustin lent me Shutdown's 4 Song Rehersal Tape (Six Faced Lie/The Mechanic/What You Are/Untitled) and that demo ROCKED!!!, but the tape is showing signs of age so 3 of the tracks sound useable (the first track has major tape crunch). Well yeah, let me know what your looking for in E-Mail and I can either burn it to audio or data in MP3 format. I've heard good things about Ninth Hour, but who was Beige Froth?

Wait a sec, which Clusterfux you have? I thought I had both demos they released. - Sun, 25 Sep 2005 8:41pm
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i only know for certain that Greko was the singer, i'll ask scotty henderson next monday when i'm at practice about who else was in that band. man...i haven't listened to that tape for years, got it on the mind now! cheers - Mon, 26 Sep 2005 6:43pm
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Which demo?!? - Tue, 27 Sep 2005 1:21pm
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Render Useless ROCK!!!!!!! On other notes, I just had someone lend me a buncha demos (cassette and CD) to add to the collection. What I did find:

AK47-Now You'll Know as well as 2 Hudson Mack/Goat Boy split CDs (SWEET!!! More Hudson Mack!!!)
Section 46/Shutdown split tape, apparently this is one of the better demos.
Some Render Useless 7" albums, wow, they put out a lot of music, and it rocks (from what I've heard) so far
The Lootbag demo I was missing (I had Tenth Kid)
Much more I fergot to mention, this was a good demo score. So I'll be busy over the next week making stuff sound decent. I'm still looking for any Red Tide demos I'm missing and a better copy of Medium Raw if possible, as well as any demos I've mentioned in this thread (still looking for a decent copy of Armoros, that shit would rock!!!). Thanks to all contributors!!!
/phil - Fri, 21 Oct 2005 11:53pm
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Hey man. I am sure i can get you a copy of Armoros shit, as well as the original Sonic Doom demo (5 songs). - Sat, 22 Oct 2005 9:06am
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Works for me, send me some E-Mail when you know what's happening. Thx! - Sat, 22 Oct 2005 5:07pm
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I may have some old Armoros recordings including Remember Michelle. I know I have a copy of them live and drunk at Club Soda Vancouver. And yes they were quite drunk..haha.
Also I've got Deranged-Place of Torment demo as well as Conviction-Spinless demo if you're interested. - Mon, 7 Nov 2005 10:45am
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Always!!! Send me some E-Mail and let me know wassup!!! Thanks! - Mon, 7 Nov 2005 11:57am
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Does anyone have a decent copy of Medium Raw, or has access to Red Tide demos with "My Son is a Kuahara", "NATO Actionaut" or "First Strike" on them?!? I really need to re-do the Medium Raw compilation I have. Appreciate that!

...A PURPLE JEEP!!! - Sun, 13 Nov 2005 12:42pm
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WOO! My thanx to Jym Wilson for lending me another batch of demos, FINALLY I found a copy of Shovlhead-Proud as a Moose, but here's something funny that was in the batch of tapes (as the graphic shows), AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh... old Jason Brown demos!!! :) I haven't listened to this yet, but it should be half decent. - Sat, 26 Nov 2005 11:27pm
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BTW: This is just plain wrong!!! :) - Sat, 26 Nov 2005 11:32pm
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